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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, -MARCH 12, 1930 THE FLESHER'iON ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery Specials This Week RINSO, 3 packages for 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Ibs. for 25c MATCHES, 3 boxes for 25c Just a real good Bulk Tea per Ib 49c Try our fresh ground Coffee and be convinced 70c Men's Wear Special in Men's Hats The new styles to start off $2.95 W. G. KENNEDY Pbonc 37 We deliver in town. Letter By Air Mail Reeve JHcTavish last week re- ceived from Mr. J. A. Boyd of North Battlcford, a former Flesh- erton Reeve, the following letter by air mail. The letter was posted nt North Battleford Monday. March 3, at o p.m., arrived at Winnipeg March 1, 10 a.m., and was delivered here March C at noon. North Battleford. Sask. J. A. Boyd sends crreetintrs to the Reeve, Alderman and citizens of Flesherton with pleasant remem- brances of the past social and busi- ness relations. Via. first air mail leaving here March 3rd, 1930 at 3 p.m. Sincerely J. A. BOYD THE | FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColKngwood street, Fleaherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) \V. H. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor KEEPING UP A GOOD WORK In these days when employment j in none too plentiful, it is interes- ting to note tha', in Toronto alone the Salvation Army report that, during last year, they found employ- ment for 700 unfortunate men and women on their being liberated, after j;ervir.(j sentences for various ; misdemeanour:]. The Army ijem- Ix'is have from its start in Canada i-u-operaU'd most cheerfully with the au'.horities in aidiiK les.s hardened wrong doers, on their on 1 ticket of leave or otherwise, to get] a new start in life, and their labour, though not i.!'.vav-i sucie..-,! ul, ii.n * i fvilou.s re.;u!ts. Bu'. a short time has tlapsn; since Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, then Minister of Jus'ice discovered thi- lalt W. P. Ar.'liib.-ild d'.-ing si>lerniid work :i, i'll i gate :-eciv'..,ry cf tho urniy in T.r.into, iir:d linding liim *<> enlhuauutic in hi:-, uoik i,f help- ing the el:. -h:ir;:i-ii pri ..ijier.s I i be- k'in :i new life of hone: I :, TV!; . iii tl:r community, prevailed upon him to enter Govertnm ;: Servi-e as l :ii'o!e oft'i. er. It ., is a ni.-.-t fit- ting tippointmetii :i;i Arc'.ihald, member of a nuted family in Nova Scot in, had forsaken a x >od position i;i commerce to dcu.'e hi life to this special scrvi.c f ( ,r tli down but not out. needy ones. Yl-i ; f;rthful office,' died in the service, having v.itnc ;e<) its phenomena! suet-ess, through the enlistment, not only of lii.s old ;i < "i-iates in the Salvation Army, but of veiy many cmplnypfs of labor, '-> whom he imparted his ; M. ::: p.;:d for the un- fortuna'ea v.lin. in the overwhelming majority c': cases, needed but :i helping ba: <! n I'd cheering to prove thnt thev were capable of piving hon< t service under kind and < i.-idrrate 'reatment. The pood work is still in progress every siip- poiler of law. order and ill directed sympathy must be glad to know. I N C R F. A S K O F I N K A M T V insanity continues to increase in the Province, there beng now under de- tention in the various hospitals orer !>,700 patients. Last year the gov- ernment directed the return from the hospitals of 151 patients, to be main- tained by the municipalities in private or local institutions. There wore also released, as cured, 424, and 741 died. I', ia difficult to ascertain tlio cai. ;es leading to the impairment of tho mental faculties, but experts toll ua that the hectic life of many modern men and women is a leading contributory. Very many of the vc.iith of tho land are constantly on the run. They do not know where they are going but they arc frantic to ^et there before some one else. EDITORIAL NOTES. It is casv to see that there is to be a gene-al election in Canada soon. Mnr.y of the M.P.'s arc showing un- "'i-iakeable temper in the discus- sions. Th" return'.,) soldier; nro likely to '<: :" fit 1'V tho new legislation to '" l.toutrht. down in the present ses- sion at Ot'nwu. Not before time. IN MEMORIAM WARD In loving memory of n drar hifband and father, II .-././.an I Ward, wh > departed this life March i'th. 1!!"7. C,<'il i; good, He gives u:; strength To hear our heavy cross, lie is the only one who knows How I: it tor is our loss \\'e mi::,s him at a thousand turns Al'iug lifes weary way Fur life is not fit- Mime to us Since he was called away. It is nat the time that tears aro shed That toil.; the heart is torn But the passionate tours in alter years. And remembrance silently borne. !-'adly missed by his loving wife rind daughters. From a report made to the Onta- io T-efrislature recently, it appears that A Serious Operation Mr. .Tack Karstodt underwent a rrriiiii; operation in the Toronto Gen- eral hospital on Wednesday morning <\" this week nnd is fining as well as :'iin he expected ths Wednesday- after- noon. His fath:r. M:-. F. C. Karstedt i \.-iih hi i-ii :it present. NOTICE Will nil 'hone who have dairy and ..'or;' :u counts owing please settle l iff on 1 March 24th n"d oblige. We also wish to have nil bottles s"t mil oromptly flft^r M ft F-peman IMirv. ROYALTIES Djjf.nion Royalty Corporation Now is the time t<> invest in whal lias him ]>n>\fii tu IK- onr of the soundest propositions ever ollVred to the- pnl)lic as an investment, namely: Producing Oil Royalties. Preferred shares of lliis corporation will yield you 12'., annually., and dividend cheques will he bent to shareholders for 1', nionhtly. We are proud to remind yon that the Royalties \vhich I have sold in the past, were among (he very fe\v securities that the recent slump in the stock markets did not affect at all. only to increae the confidence of clients holding our issues of Oil Royalties. This confidence is emphasi/cd by the fact that ALL our clients are satisfied with their invest- ments with us in Royalties and practically all are increasing their holdings from time to time. For full information see Dr. E. C. Murray 20 FI.KSIIKRTON FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL FORM 1 GEOGRAPHY Hon. Doris Ban- non 75. Pass Kathleen Pedlar 71 Dorothy Wolstencroft 68, John Mc- Millan 07, Fred Fawcett 60. Jessie Ostrander 55, Ita Pedlar 55, Laverne Pipe, 52, Stanley Hunt 51, Mervyn Johnson 51, Phyllis Graham 50 Fail Hazel McKillop 40. Martha Ostrander 46, Bessie Cairns 44, Alma McLean 44, Burton Sled 44 Gordon Patterson 42, Joe Gibson 40 Isabel McMillan 39, Cecil Chard 38, Edward Patton 36, Vera Mi/Master 24, Everett Talbot 23. FORM 2 LATIN Hun. Ellen Parker 01 Elmore Fisher 84, Jean Hincks 80, Murray Stuart 80, Mervyn Little 77, Macil Snell 7G, Daisy McFadden 75. Pass Annie Akins 72, Stella Mar- shall 71. Dorothy Ottewell 68, George Allen C. r , Ruby White 60, Audrey Warling 58, Rowena Magee 05, Dorothy Snell 51, Monica Rae 50. Fail Jim Bannon 42, Dorothy Jamieson 41 Earl Ottewell 38, Ver- dun McMaster 35, Jeannette Mc- I/ecd 35, Frank Eagles 10, Gordon Stuart 0. ANCIENT HISTORY HON Marjrartt Sinclair 87, Evelyn Tur- ner 86, loin Graham 83, Herb Akins 78, Donakla Sloan 77, Alice Keiley 70. Pass Chrstena Magee 72, Bert Morton 71, Jack McKcchnic 08, Dora Stewart 65, John Wilson 04, Ernest Gorrell 63, Annie Akins 55, Fail Monica Rae -14, Gordon Stuart 43. FORM 2 PHYSIOGRAPHY Hon. El- niore Fisher !M, Mervyn Little 91, Stella Marshall 80. Ellen Parker 51, Kuby White 8-J, Macil Snell 78, Jim Uannon 77, Dorothy Ottewell 7i!, Pass Neilheri Mnt-kenzie 70, Jean Hincks C'., Bob Phillips 67, Muriel Knox CO, Murray Stuart 66, Jeannette McLecxl 65, Earl Ottewell O;*, Daisy tMcFadden OL>. Dorothy Snell 02, Audrey Warling 02, George Allen 00. Iva Wickens 58, Almeda Ilirvks 56, Hill Pa'.ton 65. Dorothy Jamieson 54, Emeison Mt-Killop 51, Margaret Ferris 50, Verdun Me- Master 50,. Fail Jean Beard 47, Edward Fcr-b 47, Rowenn Magee 44. UI'PEU SCHOOL FRENCH- I'a-s Florence Allen 0-1, I5eth Hinck.M 0:i, Donald:: Sloan 62, Jack Jamieson 5'J, Harold Thom- pson . r !rt, Helen Heard 57, Kola Faw- cett 5:i, tola Graham 5L-. Muriel Cameron 52, Murga'-et Sinclair 61. Fail Leslie Ferris 44. I'l'PKU SCHOOL MODERN HISTORY- -11 on. Alice Heard 78, Pass Mar Rare*. Sine-lair il", Donalda Sloan 61, Harold Thom- pson CO, Florence Allen 5!>,. FOR'M I! GEOMETRY -^ Hon. Jackson Stewart !)0, Dora Stewart 83, Jim Haw 80. Evelyn Turner 7!). Pass Marie Fenwick 7'i. Harold Turner OH, Audrey Brown 04, Herbert Akins 00, Chlfotena Macec 55. Fail Sadie C'lisun 47. ,li)hn Wilson 44, Patrifia Mnrt;nn 32. Lola Hlai-khurti ".'>, I'-er. Miivl ; n 30. Havold Hest or, T^.,.,1., K,.i] oy o ;!i .j. lck i Kivhnie l.'l. AITTION SALES John Spencer, Osprey township has f-olil his 150 acre farm to Mr. Frank MolHngiheRd ami will hold an niu-tion salu on Wtd. March 10th on thf property lot. 20, Con. 0. Ospn-y, 1 ' i milei east of Feversham. Scr pouters. W. Kaittinjr, Auctioneer. An auction sale of household eT- fects, etc., will be held by Miss Tcna Henderson at her residence in town on Saturday March 15th. W. Kait- tinjt, Auctioneer. An extensive credit auction sale of farm stock, implemsnts, etc. will be held on lot 20, con 9, Osprey on Wednesday, March 1'Jth, the pro- perty of Mr.- John Spencer, who is giving- up farming. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. A credit auction sale of farm stock implements and dairy outfit, In- cluding a number of good dairy cows, mill. ml,, will bo held in Flesh- erton on Tuesday, IMan-h 25, the property <i M>-. H. Freeman, who is eriving un the dairy business. See largo bills. W. KiMttinsr, auctioneer. Tlobt. .T. Alister will hold an auc- tion nale on lot 15 con., 8, Osprey, half mile south of Feversham on V; idav March 21. See bills. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. Health Service - of the - CAiNADJAN MED. ASSOC. | *** The Artemesia organization of Tmp'ees and Ratepayers mot at the Park House on Saturday last. Th? turnout of ratasnayeni and tini'stops was small and it was thought ad- Disable to rios'nonr th nipotimr unf.'l Saturday of this week, when ifc is hoped a mare representative gath- erinc: will be present. WHY BE VACCINATED? No one denies that smallpox is a disease to which the adjective "loath- some"' may be fairly applied. It is a :'.,. which not only destroys a number oV those whom it attacks, but which also permanently ccars and disfigures, to a greater or loss extent, those who survive the attacks. Before vaccination was introduced, smallpox was a disease of childhood; it v.-as then as common as measles is to-day. There were very few per- sona at 'hat time who were not pock- maiked, and about one death in ten wcj tiue to smallpox. inco the year 17&8, when vaccin- ation was given to the v/orld by Jen- 1 ner, a great change has been gradu- ually efected. In those centres where vaccination- has been consistently car- ' ried out, smallpox has practically i disappeared; in other places where it has not ben thoroughly used, out- j breaks occur from time to time. These ' outbreaks, as in ths case of ttie ; other communicable diseases, vary greatly in severity Sometimes the 1 cases are mild and few deaths take place; at other time? the cases are severe and a number of deaths oc- cur. Recent successful vaccination is the only known method by which amallpox can be prevented. Not to be vaccinated is to gamble with a disease to which anyone is apt to be exposed. There are those who say that they will defer having it done until there is an epidemic, but juch persons have no assurance that they will not be among the first victims of the epidemic and that they will not, therefore, have any time in which to procure the protection which vaccination offers. These same pesons arc also rather seltfish, because they are relying up- on their neighbors, being vaccinated,^ thus indirectly protecting them from, the chance of exposuie to the disease. \ We repea'. that recent successful vaccination is the only known method j for tho prevention of smallpox. 1 . Smallpox tan be conquered througli ' vaccination. The new Case Tractors Offer you many new advantages which will enable you to do your work bet- ter, faster and at less cost. One of the two popular sizes will exactly fill your power needs. The larger size, the Model "L," weighs but little more than three draft horses. Yet it pulls a " 3 to 4 bottom 14 inch plow, depending on the soil, runs a 28x46 thresher with all attachments or handles any other load requiring a similar amount of power. The smaller size, the Model "C," weighs only a little more than two draft horses. It handles such loads as a 2 or 3 bottom 14 inch plow, depending on soil conditions, or a 22x36 thresher with all attachments. Unusual power for their size and weight places these tractors in a class by themselves, ar in advance of ord- inary machines. There is less weight to be carried over the fields, more power is available for useful work. G. F. Brackenbury Phone 41 r 14 FLESHERTON Subscribe to Tht 1 Advanc-.- I'uy your flour ami feed-; i from I he Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. PEVER8RAM Family Bread Flour Made From No. I Western Wheat Pastry Flour MnHe From Choice Ontario Wheat Rolled Red \Vhe:iT, Grits.' Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds, always on hand. i ! y Milling Co., Ltd. FEVERSHAM Auct on Saie OF HOt SKHOLI) KFFEtTS MISS TENA HENDERSON will hold an auction sale SAT., MARCH 15, 1930 when the iV.Howng will be otfered: Iron UcdstMid, painted yellow; Drossei, painted yellow; Wiishstami liainted yellow; 2 Oak Bedsteads; 2 Mattresses;; Ann Chair; 'J Bed Spi-itU's; White Iron Tot, sliding Sides; 2 Incubators; 2 Ouk Dressers; Parlor Couch; :' Small 1'atlor Tables; 3 Rocking Chairs; Buffet; 2 Dining Room Tables; (extension): 2 Pining "Room Chairs; Kitchen Table; Mir- ?or; 4 Kit .'ben Chai~s; Kitchen Couch; Wash Boiler; !! Small Tables; Coal or Wood Range; Small Iron Cook Stove; Plain White 4-piece Toilet Set; 2 Wash Tubs; Roasting Pan; Washing Machine: Aluminum Potato Pot nnd Pail; 1-hurner Coie- mnn Gasoline Stove; S-burne.- Florence Automatic Coal Oil Stove: Dining Ronrn Clock; Quantity of t.ini-leum: O"-v'itv of Floor OM doth: Ouanfitv "f D -v Wood; Fruit. Sealois: Pnils; Frving Pan; also numnroun other articles. TERMS C-^h. Wm. KAITTING, Auctioneer. SALE AT 2:00 P.M. \Ve will give you a price on this roof put on, delivered on the jop or F.O.B. warehouse. Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills COMPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FLOORING, OUTSIDE TRIM, INS1HE TRIM Gyproc, Brick, Shingles, Lath, Eta H. A. McCauley, Prop. Sugared Schumacher Feed for Hogs or Cattle $2.20 per Cwt. Full (V Top Scratch Kocd. ' Full ()' IVp Laying Mash. Grocery Prices Crape Kruit 3 for 25c. White Sugar per bag $6.00 Cooking lleans 3 Ibs. 25c Quaker Flour, gingham bags $4.40 Sardines 4 cans 25c. DeLuxe Jelly Powders 5 for 25c. Co-Ooerative Flour $4.40 O'Canada Flour $4.35 Artemesia & Osprey Co-Operative Co., Ltd. Phone 70 - FLESHERTON ' W - ...

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