hap middkaqef WHAT do "after forty" mean te you? Art vou less capable than you used to be? Nervous? Easily tired? Run down? Try the effect of two or three boxe* p_f Dr. VC il- Itams' Pink Pills, the tonic that lias made hundreds of middle - aged women fel ten years younger ! It will nourish and invig- orafe the blood, so often thinned and devitalized by advancing years, tone it up to better service, make you feel strong again, eager for life ! Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your drug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PINK PILLS "A HOUSEHOLD NAMI IN 34 COUNTRiCS" A Gentle Hint i An employer -p.-i:t a gr- .it deal of i money to entiin? t.' ;ii hi< e-nployees . iM vo.-k iindor the very best con- ditions, and he consequently exi it output of work. One day he called a meeting of the . nie-i and told them exactly how much, h" hn I spr>n' on thf improvements to the w-orks, and hoped t-y were , all satisrteU. "Kurther." he staled. "I want to see every man cheerfully performing his duty, and therefore I invite you to place any further sugz.'stions in ;i box provided for thU purpose in the' foreman's ottlce." A week later thp box was presented to the emploer, who opened l f and ! took out a slip of paper on w'.Mc'.i was written, "n.Ki'i. wear rubber soles." Whatsoever stress some may lay upon it, a deathbed repentance is but' a weak and slender plank to put our all upon. O.. \\. Holmes. -FARM HELP- BRITISH BOYS AND SINGLE MEN Weekly Parties During Early Spring. APPLY NOW The Secretary. The Salvation Army Immigration: SOS Dun.las Street. Woodstock. Ont. ISO Jar\is Street. Torpnto. Ont. 114 Peckwlth St.. Smithi Falls. Or.t. 1225 University t.. Montreal, Quc. HEfll IN QUICKEST TIME KNOWN "Sores on leg.ulcMs, for months. Doctor* 'd "Sores on eg.ucMs, o . tuiledto heal. Theo'Sootht-S.lv^htaled them infewdYS." Jules Simr J. "Soothi- SalT." heU sores, ulcers, boiU. burns, scaldj. eczema, like magic. All druigis" Australia's Young Fanners Adelaide, S. Aust -Tills Slate leads ( the Commonwealth in the close, sj'a-] teniaiic olficlal att'.ntion It pays to | the development if rural education. As S'Hit'i Australia is dependent al-i must wholly on the resources f lin-. land, the cducatinn department Coli-j rentra:es upon a skilled nurturing of .in agricultural fot'iit amoir-j the srhol- :ir.-. First of all, tln-n' an; th<> asd-l rulturnl high schools, u'liich ;iiv ,-- ' tal)l:.- - "'l in import a ii I. rfmvsnr.i tivr- ilistri' i -. Vei. remarkably iviouxh it i.s only I during recent yt-n.-s iluit any distinct' movement has i.iken place in Aus-j tnlia t.) m:i!;i> agriculture a subject in -'-fOMdary sclionls. Although Vic- ; toria did take a definite ?tpp in thi.-> direction some years ago, says .1 d>- pnrtmtrnu: report, interest soon wan- ' p'l, and HZrii.-uitural high si-hunU -x- ' i<r. tiieri' practically only in name, i During i lit- la : t'm-" y',-:ir-'. however, I Smith Australia has mado a ilt'c:.!>-d aitvanrt'. In ihf. primary schools in- 1 struct Ion is Riven in (1) elomeii'.-n ;. ' rixncnriii-i> and horticiilMre; iJi home projects. Gardens for Demonstration The lirst consists of srr.dii'-t of an expei imenial nature. providing th.> child with the opportunity to "1 by doing." In t':e lo.ycr grades tlnf.-M' . vii-riuients take the f.>rm of nature' studies, wuii-ii include suij>'cM tot prove that plants drink water, breathe in cariion dioxide, need sunliirli'. .111 I so n. Under liortici.!turt> i.s otn- l>i-:i.-eil fhiefly tlie practice of prim- ' ing. K.vp. r::i!riit:i! plou are also -- taljlMit>il. by means of which tho < iM is enabled to put into ]>r:i some of the \\iiPi-inr.Mr-' v.orjit'd -n- iloni--:. and. in g'!iiral. !ia-e <> tiom upon fart -i diffused in tiic-f (iardons are provided for the growing; of crops, which are pstablish- 1'ii. and worki-d by the diildivn alone. The object of houi child a hobby w'.'.ich pay-i when well followed. Tho scho'ar is I'-v.-iup i de- , sire, and must give an accurre a - couut of work done .expends inrtir-, ri-il. atul f.nie sju-nt. Then, the on- iral hisli school 's to ~ive t':e child a bet er insight into the iimre aihameil siinly of agrieul- 1 tl.e different branches of the T :i'se for hi :!i sell ")ls o ' a main divi.siom: (1) Study of the soil; (21 study of ti'.o crop; (3) horticulture. All pluses of oil analysis and working are e\- I, ^I'rminatiou of Keed.imU t-ii-:;- vatii>n of d'.:ief crops, such as wheat. -. hi ''Tiie. pastures .common weeds and rainfall. The child is also taiiiht the funda:ii"iiMls of plan 1 In i methods pruning: and budding fruit tn.'s. Demonstration plot* are PS- d in which various crop rota- tions .11-.' i. -.'(!. and graces gro-.vn. Ill some places there is a small vine- yard or orchard. Elementary car- pen'ry and bhicksMiithing are * on. Growth of Home Projects There are now more tr.un 200 home project clubs in South Australia un- der 'he direction of Arthur G. Ed- Hunt, inspector of agriculture in I Education Department. The idea WU -Mrtcd in I'.'lM by th.- Director of Education (William T. MoCoy) to '. introduce scholar*, who wan'i-1 in- struction in their various hobbies, to men who had the knowledge and w.-iv willing to reach the l.viniers. lie i saw that girls were fond of growing (lowers, and that boys seemed to like j hobbies connected with animals. Not. long ago a boy in a dairy district south of Adelaide secured a cow and, ' from a small bei;inni!u r . built up a good milk route. The project work-, er chooses his, or her, own line of: investigation, and tl'-e Education De- partment helps to secure good advice and guidance. T. !;> was a boy recently, a home project worker, who won a sheep- j judging prize against a number of competitors, most of them older than ' he. This boy was 13, and when the: jndue asked him 1'ow long he had been learning about sheep, he replied, "About seven months." Then there \\a-i t'l lad of 14 who beat all comers at tlic Royal Agricultural Show in! Adelaide. lie came from a country school and exhibited such ability in explaining the points of merino sheep; that competent stockmen said they' looked forward conlideiitly to the time when he would be a judge at NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Sharks Earn Food Classified Advertising FOR & -.IE WINS GOLD MEDAL John Johnson, chief siiporiinr-ndei'.t n .in.'i ; ,,f Canadtan Paciiic. Steam- ships whose ,)ap?r "The Propulsion of j Ships by .Modern Steam Machinery"! has been awarded the sold medal for! i:>2!) by the Council of tho l:isriiut:on ' of Naval Architf-e---. __________ j the big shows. In this competition' youns \\Vston nift you;' > up to 21 y.-ars of a^'e. iucluilini? a stii'ii-m at the -i.'Vernment acrli uiiural collcjie. ' who had in !) sa:i-;ie.| \\-ith s-e^ond a ward. There wt-ve many buys n:i,l youths who were m -mbers. or ex-members, of hon:e p.-'ij.->(t clubs, \\;i.) entered for various judging cm:t- ->ts at the u'l-i at string festival of the Royal A^ricn: So -iety. !...-- crowds d around t.-em wiiile they were ai u:ider the ev - of the These competitions were '.feii In 1923 when home proj ct >'..-' members were j?iv"ii an oppor- uiiiiy ',) J'ulse a dairy r.iw. The boys -i'M-Ai-il such renia: liable prom- - '! 'h:it occasion 'bat t::e educa- tior.nl vnl-.ie of t!:e innovi'ion was n-i-e^nlz'-d. and the show o!!i'-!a!s de- cide.l. there and then, to enlarge the -I'opi' i,f Tlii- competition.-i They a.i- ded sheep, w."il. pon'.'iy. s'a-ep for i Itton, be- f cafle and draft ho' - 1' was f.-!- that, oppiv: inity should !)> ttivn for t.^.e younser members of the home projet clubs to take part, in addition to those -A ho had left school. So, ;iie contests were divid- ed 1:1:0 junior a::d senior and classes. but it was provided that, if a junior considered he had a chance to com- pete in a hifflier section, he might do so. Juniors are beating seniors after year. Two prizes offered at the Sep'i-niljei' Royal s'.uc.v i' n- dairy cat- tle judgins went to m- :i.' Murray Rridi" calf club which is a;:n- ins a: building up pitri'-breJ dairy herd--. The Government dairy in- structor in that district ha.-s been giv- ing the boys s;i,>,-i.il instruction. In the poultry judginv; com; 1 - the b"ys bad i e;i,, birds, r It the tir*t three, and placing them iti tile ri-"l;f order. The winner, .\iarr ::i Hosi-i-n. not only s.-!- ecteil the b. 5 . but also placrd them exa.'^y as the judge ha: Chri-ii.m S : nee For Either the Newborn Ha he or the Growing Child There i.s no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets always do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in u.-ini? them. I'.isa (-riling tho Tablets, Mrs. John Armour. R.H. 1, South Moiia-han. Out., says: -"We have three nne, healthy children, to whom when a medicine is needed, we uave given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the be.st medicine you can ke:-p ' niiy home where there are young childn.il." Rally's o-.vii Tablets are a mild but thorough Inxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a !> >x from The Dr. Williams' .M-dicine. Co, Brockville. Out. The "Sum" of Life .Man's life is like a sum, That each is st to do; The factors lie oa every side. "Our-eives" are factors, too. But when the sum is done, And slatrs are laid aside; The truest test will be How oft the factor "self" apt) ared t'pon the credit side. Dentist (to yo'unyster who has broken a toot hi: "How did you do it?" - ou "It happ'-ned when I was changing gears on a bullsey." Scientists Seek Evidence of Reasoning Power in Activity Sydney, N.S.W. Wlieiiicr Hsli gov- ern their hv.-s ly ivasnu or only by instinct is btlii? d-liat'-d ijy exnertfi who are .-{wlying the lialiiis of ihe killer sharks of Twofold Hay, in south- ern Xi'w Son'ii \Vales. The killer sharks driv.- wluiles iir.j the bay v.:it-r.- tin.' \viiaii-r-; harpoon and capture them, afterward reward- ing the kill' r siiarks with e'.ioire nior- of food, !-Ui-h .i.s liver. Sonii- 1 whales thi-;i-h about the bay for days before they are killed, but thfi sharks nuv- r ceasi guarding the mouth ot the bay so that ihe whale-! cannot osi-ape. App:i:vntly lue sharks have learned -ha; if they stick to their j<)hs th-y w;:i !), pro- He Didn't Count "I should have thotis.'i:.'' said the husband, v.-ry tr'/.nipiiy. "that this be- ic:; my birth'la-.- you iti-'ht have ,-on- sidered my wishes and had my fav- orite lemon pudd'in-; for dinner ." "I'm sorry, dear." ivpi'ed his wife, "but your birthday falls ou the same! day a.s the charwoman's." "What eve:- ha^ :har i,> do with it?" he asked. "Well, dear, you know she prefers tapioca," canie the answer. YOUR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LLSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER A ii H.\rV CHICKS W> ITii- . H::I .A. L last ye.ir In four ataloffue. A H. Switzf-r ijr.iiuon, Oil-. FARM FOB SALE. 1)O '' !:!:y N " u '->^'r!-: i4t/ Bosanquet Tuwnsiiip. I.. Couniy. -; .'nm Purest rmulK. ffiiOil llou.se lllil li|-!i. i; .-.i rvs . :: ;vn:-."i -.:!. n .-.'haul. Jie:iry Turner, Forest. Ont. S.\N;TAHV ucni:;;': 101 - \Vl itu fur ca:.. -: st.i:ii|i. V"Mlu:i l< u uiiraloris, t'"\' u i( J -, Moncrea}, ';. M.-UiliV KI-.L! \i:l,K M.\T".:" 1.V1- i).u>-r inuilocl tro. ma ii'lian ; d .\.iuic .M.m . . .V. NERVES ALL SHOT W O'-V !7rui '-' tis"didit.sysMrjU/re<I Giocras. Thousands write cer- C C I vo-.snris, heart flutter, dizrini s, " coustictaiion.indiestioaDdorer-' PI N F n *''t. Sound sip-p once. Get ' * Fiut--tiies"'lioi&(Uu(('.stiod>y. Minjrd's 50 Year Record of Success. And our final objection to a th: is that there would be one ; more bill and one more book. O Hold .and let none shake the eon-j viction that one real factor in I f- Is truth Dok. Oil fi ISiMONDS] Hock- saw , blades j A TENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" nnj full Information Sent Fre* on R*?(]UOSf. THE -IA2JSAV CO.. Bant. W. 273 link St.. Ottawa On". So SKINNY Ashamed in Bathinq Suit Gamed I5lbs - -E-.iIili Lanningbam .vn:,-s. Thou- undi gain 5 to 15 l'o. in ) weeks with aew tronized Yst. Skin clri i like magic. Nerves, constitution vanish overnight. Get Irooized _Yeast tabieia from druggist today. Whatever the metal cutting job a Simonds Hack-Saw will Joit better and faster. For power use, specify Simonds"all-harU'' blades For hand use, Simonds Hard- Edge blades. Refer your sawing and cutting problems to our nearest branch. SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD* MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER . ST* JOHN. N.Bt 0-29 For Troublf s due to Acta INOIOtSTIOM AC ID STOMACH When Pain Come Britain and the United States .1. I.. Carvin in the L MI. Ion obser- ver tlnd.i: Britain and Am--riia a" titidini; the way to tho only True Se- curity, while n-ducini; th. ir mat rial uuaratit-'i s. Hy not only the force of moral sentiment, but by the absolute compulsion ot facts, they are making war impossible between them. Irapo*-! sible politically, because for dif reasons, affe.'tiiig the Dominions, war between this country and America would mean tho certain dissolution ot that British Empire- which the fleet exists to preserve. Impossible finan- cially, because in such a case, con- 1 sidering what are now the relations, between London aiul New York, the crash of credit avoided in \ 1911, would occur; and the conse- quences would be irr'.'p.i'-ahle. Impos- sible commercially, because the dis- locatiou of shipping and trade at once, both as to food and raw materi.i!, a >h.'r;a.:.> ..if .supplies and famine pric. s. Kriiain. we reiter- ate, will remain neutral as !o;is ;is America remai:is nctitral. Xo c will occur between them about Sea I-aw or anything else. Pact ami parity ter arc nuiki-i;; a mighty change ill the i>: Bet : it! con-iitii'iis world. f*neafness y^^JL/ HAD NOISES S2"" t RiT ( CO119Kd IN HOSTWIO ... J^^ EAR OIX< 11 25 *ll OriK'Itt Of icngliii loKti on rtllflt A. O. LEONARD, Inc. \v, Nrw Vork Clly ASTHMA D9KT SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INDIGESTION Do yen suffer after meals with a bclchinp. from scmr and acid stomach ? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills after meal and neutralize the gases. Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach, liver and bowels will be cleansed ot poison, painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't tlelay. .\?k y"ir druggist for a 25c pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills. i . It snioKe va;>ur < B. Originated in : iOO . v , > Ullil.i. spccluli-c ill ens.--* A. 10 ;'-.: --s tatttl ' '.. S remedy at ilMiKctst?: 3i .-.MUS. ri-j cent* i . " .Si mi for raEE TBIAI. ace of O ~:naaai n Di- tribntori, Lruians, Ltd , Dept. CC1. 286 3t Pan! S:. Weit Mon real. Can. MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND ]) j"ll i Irl I- SREEN I/ rUlU 1 1 tl S ASTHM Don't Be Bald! l"-=i' Minard's. A f'c(<y:ii;t(>.l liair grower (or fifty yc-.irs. Apply to scalp steadily four times a week. Putting It Neatly They were .alii.in; raiher cnlldeii- tially in ;he c!ub. "Rut s-.r.vly." said \ViN"r. ''you and your wife aye as one?" "Of course. I know we si'-o-iUl foe," said V.'atson, the henpecked husband, "but we am not. As a matter of fact we are ten.' 1 "Ten!' 1 replied Wilson. "How do you make that out?" "Well," said the other, dropping his i voice a little, "she's the one a:i:l I'm ' e noiish!." What many people call indigestion very often means oxsess acid lu tho sto.nach. The stomach nerves have been over-sUiiuiIateil, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. And the best alkali known to medical science It Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained the standard with physi- cians in the 50 years since Us inven- tion. OMO spoonful of this harmless, laste |u alkali in water will neutralize in- j slant ly many times as much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Uo get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Tliilipls' , Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Rach bottle contains full direc- ( lions any drugstore. Carp arc about the best fitted ', among the tinny tribes to withstand the cold. .V temperalre of 20 degrees below zero does not disturb them and j even If frozen in ice they can still carry on, and when thawed will feel no 111 effects. Financial returns from Wall don't include any money back. Ark ansas Gazette. Use Minaret's in the Stable. An Ailing CHILD Are you prepared to render first aid and quick comfort Ur6 moment your youngster has an upset of any sort? Could you do the right 'thing immediately though "the emergency came With- out warning perhaps tonight? Castoria is a mother's standby at such times. There is nothing like it in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. For a sudden attack of colic, or the gentle relief of constipation; to allay a feverish condition, or to soothe a fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa- ration is always ready to ease an ailing youngster. It is just as CASTDRUI harmless .is the recipe on the wrapper reads. If you see Chas. H. Fletcher's signature, it is genuine Castoria. It is harmless to the smallest infant; doctors will tell you so. You can tell from the recipe on the wrapper how mild it is, and how good for little systems. But continue with Castoria until a child is grown. C(r.- :hr <ci'p ind hl.t of .iindniff ind duit mrnOtattaa : !:jrinccindcft^eacT. Sena ioi tnil ou:t;t ioip ind Ointmc.-.t fo "Cuticura." Box 2616. tloamO, CICMJ- '-^'-----^-^ 'uCWCH$ariCOU>S\ f 'BUCKLEYS' J /fell liftc at ^ ^nyP-Q /A^^ ] flash A SINGLE [SiP PocvE^lr MIXTURE DADDY CAN EAT ANYTHING lie fic:ir!v Ii \ , d n rich til bit. Thr spirit -< .^ iri liiuf, hul \ erhe ivthing rich ^ - iv, " i or 'i.ul. he will i;nv Tlic > .v." iv-.ul the - 'i^i in b:s un-:i \v, !,!->: - - - r iier nf : 'Ml .-. ,(. :-.r.ri mv In- i - % lv itt nan f h ii:m t.. . I S ' he can rat and enjoy ivi.a'-.vr is put ui fr bun." IIS, crrois ..r . . -r,. lack ot" .-\crci-c. iin.l MI mi. are Ijo-.ind to iiave iiijiirnnii cfiVcN ::\ ti.c ' iiu' r'm providing iiue I'ri'i :i : l.ikcn. in uM be ynur safe- L'uarii. H.-.ii s c!caiisin<j tint l t inipii;:; ^ureiv alii. tbi'j possess a vital power of giving life and \ iiabty to the CM, mile-* nr.i'm ri i f ' ;!! . nf wiiu-'i every Ui.lv i.i , ill!:' -I. us Hi" e FREE TRIAL OFFER 11 you ; i ] tr\ t urw ;- n*- \\ . .. : ,i ^r-*t- man" -p- ::il "MAM"' jitrk.tu* wtm ti IHMKO m (nr v(nrM*l(. - ':,t ..t v ulA.N 1' ' :.jr. . ' 'tiir -ccMla: & tti-r witti . - . n< * ,. -u :!IP trial N-.trli- '^nt. put It to icn, :i "i.' f ii? :rt-^' <-wii\"tnrfl that Km evfn-rhins !ak' -t back. ' - - 'i U' : ' 1111 vonr "5>i'. un: - ' YOU !ia - ' IK -..:: r \ : "ur .,'1 tu :airrr " M i;iu:;n-i;;r' .; nv K. 'In:!' ' . . I/-!., M.i-b-fi-M-r. Kii(t. Importers: Miuiiiivu i_: . , . rcuto. Daughter Ls Stronger Now "My daughter Catherine is rift ecu years old. She was very .ir, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed t'vo or three days at a time. Ore cf your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her u bottle of Vegetable Coin- pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and everv way. 1 told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with good results." Mrs. Clar- ence Jenkinson, Box 14, Thorn- loe, Ontario. Lydia E, Pjirktiaiir's Vegetable Compound Mt4..0o...4jiM'. M ISSUE N* 1030