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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 49 No. 39 Fleherton Ontario, March 12, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprieto MAXWELL , . -, . - 4j.~. (Last Week's Items) Mrs. Wilbrt Poole, who has been taking electrical treatments in Orangeville has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton spent thfc week end with friends in Dun- dalk, Mrs. George Long and Miss Afmie Priestly accompanied them hojme and will spend a few days with relatives here. Mrs. E. J. Ard's sale of stock, implements and household goods on Monday was, in spite of the disagre- eable weather, a decided success. Mr. Jacob Lougheed of the fourth line Osprey has purchased the farm and will take possession immediately Mrs. Ard is moving to the village, we welcome her to our midst. "The Guild of St. Mary's Anglican church heid their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Seeley, Wed. Feb. 19th During the after- noon a presentation was made to Mr^,. Ed Seeley as a token of ap- preciation for her services as or- ganist of the church. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Mclnnis, a son. Congratulations to all. Mr. and Mr?. G. A. Black of Swinton Park were recent visitors at A. L. Hinck's. A number from here attended the sale of stock at Mr. Gordon McDon- ald's Thursday last. Mr. Neil McLean is out these days with his sawing outfit cutting wood. Mr. Archie Stewart had the mis- fortune to have his little finger cut off wth the saw on Friday at Mr. Alex Stewart's wood 'bee. We are glad to report Gladys and Ainu-da Hincks Misses better Ed. Seeley March 19th. SOUTH LINE V The thaw has caught a bad and the sleighing is as good has been all winter. after being sick with tonsilits. DIED On Saturday March 8th, the nfant son of Ofr. and Mrs. John McMeekin. Mrs. Alex Carson went to Toronto on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Stewart called on some of the sick last week. Mr. Thos. Nichol had the misfor- tune to fall and run a nail in his hand. Mr John Wilson has rented Mr. Jim Weir's farm and will move there soon. He has been on the late Mr. Archie Freguson's farm. This community was shocked to learn of the death of Miss Minnie Stothart, who peacefully passed 1 P. R. Oliver and Miss Emma spent, the week end with their par- ents. Mr. A. Burnett treated his iVi-nds and neighors to a dance on Wed- nesday when an enjoyable time was away in her sleep in very good health, without a struggle with her hands laid across her breast, quite tranquilly. She was well known and highly respected and will be much , missed. She was an earnest wor- ker in the W. M. S. and a faithful attendant at church services. Mrs. cold I Mr. Ram sdall( Mima) of New Yo-k ar- rived Saturday before the funeral. Mrs. Donaldson (Rachel) of Florida was unable to come and Miss Mar- garet, nurse at San Fransisco and a brother Alex in Washington were not present. The funeral was held on Monday and was well attended. Rev. F. Sullivan her pastor condue- spent. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watson, t .....,.- and Mrs. Andrew Watson and Mrs. | ted the service and preached a splen- Bert Watson of Swamp College vl- ) ^ id sermon from the words "I have sited their sister, Mrs. Ed. Dingwall , fS' * * He was v. f _ t ''""' , f . SISted bv Rev - Mr. Stewart pastor of . !th e Presbyterian church. .Mrs. Chas. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner visited McKinnon, Mrs. Buckham and Miss the first of *he week with Mr. and Annie Shortreed of Toronto; Misses Mrs. Mills. Rebecca and Donalda ' Nichol, iMr. and Mrs. L. Irving spent one teachers at Mclntyre and Badjeros day the first of the wesk at W. ! S*"*^ t ! le *""" Mr - A1 * Dingwall's ! Smlth - uncle ot * he family and his ' '.? T ... . _, wife of Guelph came up on Friday Mr. Jas. Aldcorn of Corbetton was Their son. John B.S.A of the Biol- a recent visitor with W. Aldcorn, ogioal Dept. O.A.S. motored up on and Robert Parslow, Priceville. j Sunday by way of Brampton. The Mrs. L. Irving spent an afternoon , pallbearers were; Thos Nichol, recently at E. Dingwall's. , Peter Muir - Dan Campbell. Jno. . . . . Mr. John Burnef. held a success- ^ V i n8: ! to . ne ' Malcolm 'Molnnis, Jno. ful auction sale last week. ones in their hour of sorrow. PRICEVILLE ;iM<Kechnie, H. R. McLean. Robt. I Shortreed. Many floral offerings The community was shocked to cover ed the casket Wm. Geo Wat hear of the sudden death of Miss son was the underta ker. Much Minnie Stothart of Priceville sympathy is expressed for the Sympathy is sent to the bereaved sisters, brothers, friends and re- latives in thei'- sad bereavement. Mrs. Ri'*it. Parslow is spending a few days in Torooto. Mr. and Mrs. WVn. Hay of Swinton BORN On Wednesday March 5. 5. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin. a son. Born Or Friday Feb. 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Alcox, a daughter. to a friend. Born To Mr. and Mrs. He-b letter. PrV vi s i^ t>>< first of the at A. L. Hinck's. week Subscribe to The Advance and send It will be a welcome T o e ROCK MILLS BORN On Friday February 28, 1930 at Oxibow. Sask.. to Mr. and Mrs. Hueh D. Pedlar, the srift of a son. Hughie is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Pedlar here. Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous vi- sited recently with their son, Mr. Bert Porte-jus and family of Max- well. Mr. 'and Mrs Wm. T. Pedlar, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Jim and Laura, Miss Etta Radley. Mrs. C. Newell and Mr. Levi Betts spent a pleasant evening with the Mel- drum families, Pori Law, on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Howard. Owen Sound and Mr. Eddie Howard wife and babe of Collingwood. motored here on Sunday and visited the former's daughter. Mrs. Robt. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monaghan and daughter, Florence o-T' Fever- sham, visited recently with the former's brother, Mr. Cecil Monaghan and family. Mrs. Win. Alcox and Mrs. Clarence Alcox, Toronto Line north, spent Friday with the former's daughter Mrs. Wes. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and three children of Kimberley vi- sited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar. 'Mrs. Sam Croft received word recently of the very serious con- dition of her brother, Mr. Ed. Hoi- ley of Toronto. We hope to hear of a chaige for the better very soon. i Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Smith and bab~ visited with her brother. Mr. Wellie Alcox and wife of Price- ville. Mrs. T. J. Fisher of Flesherton. and Mi-, and Mrs. Albert Black- burn and daughter Mabel of 4th. line, were visitors with Mrs. Robt. Croft and daughter A-ecently. Mr. and Mrs. Art Porteous and family. Maxwell visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Port- eons. Miss Delia English spent the week end with Mrs. C. Monaghan. Last Week's Items Plenty of snow for good ing, cars are also running. sleigh- Quite a number around here have been ill, some have the flu and others are suffering from other ail- ments, but we are pleased to report they are all improving nicely. Five teams commenced Monday to draw heading from the mill here several teams are still hauling lum- ber also. The Baptist Ladies' Aid held their February meeting on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark. Mrs. C. Newell visited one day re- cently with her aunt Mrs. J. Har- srrave, who has been ailing for about a month, but is improving. Miss Klsie Sewcll of Toronto is visiting at present with her father and sisters here. Mrs. S. Doupe of Saugeen visitec her brother Mr. Wm. Hawkins i family. REPORT OF SENIOR ROOM (IF PRICEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Save far Old Age Small regular sums saved over a period of years will make your old age comfortable and free from care. Open a Savings Account today. "BAHMORONIO BRANCHES FEVERSHAM: H. C. Francis, Manager MARKDALE: A. E. Hunt. Manager The BANK for SAVINGS 913 Jr. 4 Anna McLean 1)5. Elwy Mclnnis 74. Sr. 4 .Johnnie McVicar 8!l. Don aid Aldcorn 80, Wallace McDer mid 80. Cathcrir" McVicar ~" Kathleen Burnett 7.1. Campron Me Lean 64. J. D. Teeter 61. Donnk McArthur 45. 5th class 'Monica Lambert 98 Marv Mather 85. Marsraret Micho 80, Margaret McArthur 77. Wilfret Frook 77. Neil Aldcorn 64, Arthui Sullivan 58. The following report is the re- sult of 'he average percentages ob- tained 'from (Examinations, Tests, and General Class Proficiency. Will the parents of the pupil concerned please take notice that, as teacher, I, the undersigned, will not assume any 4-esHinsibilitv for the success of anv oupil at the final Examinations in June, who has not or who does not attend regular! v from Jar. 6th 1930. to the end of the school year in June 1930. The reasons for regular attendance are too obvious and self-evident to re- quire any explanation.. A pupil who is absent a day from school not only loses thnt day but is set back for practically a week in his studies, particularly so when he or she n absent a day v.-hen topics are taujrht to the nupil who attends irv-~ is not only at a. nerio ,.,., , ,^ r himself in resrard H '<'-. su<ft<vi t,- cts as a drsw-br-'- .v-.< , jr..* the rest nf the <'.* i. ,..-.".,. students kin<]lv .,---.' ,,.:.i. , / teacher in the --- - ,. ...,.. , . . your part hi -".-- (h ' H do few days with her aunt, Mrs. Wil- fred Magec. Mrs. Wilson visited a week in Kiir.'berley with her sons, Gordon and John and families. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and children from Stone's Line visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee on Sunday. Mrs. McCannel of the 3rd line is visiting with her sister, Mrs. John Parsons. Mr. J. Parsons is having an auction sale of farm stock, etc. this Tuesday. We hope it is a success. Mr. and iMrs. Parsons and Ron- ald intend to take up their abode in the "Large residence" in the near future, while their son Ted and wife will live on the farm. We welcome them to the village. Wa are sorry to report Master Cecil Magee ill the past few days but hope he will soon be well again. We are pleased that Miss Lucy McDonald continues to improve and that Mr. W. E. Morgan is feeling somewhat improved in health this last week or so. BATES BURIAL CO DISTINCTIVE FUXERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PAI " 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton J. W. BATES. R. MADDOCKi KIMBERLEY Mr. Harry Sherry and Mfr. Saul Fawcctt have been making the most i<. the bit of snow by supplying the villagers with wood. Mr. Elmer Ellis as packed a fine supply of good ice taken from the Duncan lake. A number of our citizens attended the sale of stock at the home of the late M'r. Adam Hislop. Messrs. Allen and Thompson : Norman Burritt and Frank Graham are home for a few weeks, as the hydro line to Palmerston, on which they were working, was completed. An error in last week's items when it should have read that Mr. Stuart Ellis was head of his sectiom in the Collingwood Collegiate for the term, in place of the month of January. Miss Opal Weber entertained the Blue Bird class on Thursday evening, it being the third social event. A merry time was spent playing crokin- ole and a geography match. Mrs. Stotesbury was the prize winner of the evening- At the close a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Otto Baker and Miss Betty visited with Mrs. Ferguson. Miss Opal Weber returned with them to Vandeleur for a week's visit. Mr. S. S. Burritt visited six schools last week, finding the attendance in most schools good, some W/c. IMr. and M;s. G. Hutchinson visited with their son Hadderu at Flesherton, We retrrr'- to report Mr. Wm. Faw- cett quite ill. inc Ladies' Aid bazaar was a suc- jess and they appreciate very much the help given them, also the patron- a-rc of the community. They will clear about $80. Mr. ami Mrs. Les McMullen and Miss Shirley, also Mr. Harold Ellis, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis on Sunday. We were pleased to see letter from M'-. Hcravu; Hurlburt of Peace River. \n old Kimberley friend. He would 'i"d thf Beavc>- valley in tlic same old p.'?'.'", but with many of the friends Tor. We are triad h> is in such nrosperyu^ ccuntry and wish him every siicces there. PRGTQft STATION Last Week's Items Reeve Coi'bett spent part of last week in Toronto. Mr. John Carson recently pur- chased Mr. Frank Middaugh's pro- perty at Proton Station and is making preparations to move into '.he house very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Bray and children have moved from Mr. Neil McCan- nel's t'a:m I 1 * miles south and will liyc in part of Mrs. Blakeley's house in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee have moved onto Mr. Neil McCannell's 'arm recently vacated by Mr. Bray. Trfr. Steuway of Emmanuel Col- lege, Toronto was a very interesting preacher in the United church here on Sunday evening. Mis'; Emily Acheson, who under- went an operation for appendicitis early in January has returned to her duties on the Flcsherton High School staff. j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins of Flesherton were visitors last Fri- day at the home of Mr. R. G. Acheson. Mr. I. Stainsby of Toronto spent a few days with his family here. Mrs. Baguicy and two daughters visited friends in Alton recently, j Mrs. I. B. White visited Tit, mother in Markdale recently. Mrs. Johnson spent the week :~-\ in Holland Centre. Mrs. Archibald spent the week end in Ceylon. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mr*. Gorrl in Wilson of Kimberley spent the first of the week wi'h Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcet.t. Mr. S. II. Smart and Misu Lilli we'-e visitors w'th friends at Duncan Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice were week end visitor v.ith Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smart. Mrs. I. Fawcctt has eturned home nfter spending the winter with friends. Mr. Tfadil^n Hutehinson nnd littlo son r>f Plcsherton spent a day with Mr. E. Thompson. Some fr^r" hf-f attended the sale ' stock at .'!>. Wallace Skippens on Thursday. Mr. W. Pointen otf Toronto oc- cupied the United church pulpit on Sunday night and after a very im- pressive sermon rendered a lovely cornet solo, which was much enjoyed by the congregation. Reeve Corbett was in the county town last week on council business. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vause and family spent Sunday with the for-, mer's parents here. Mr. R. G. Acheson attended the funeral of a friend in Toronto. Some from this villaire have been enioyinir the concerts in Dundalk. Mr. Clark Wyville of Toronto is visiting his parents here. "FEED WHEAT . \Ve \\ill have a car at Cey- lon within a few days, which we are selling- at $1.50 per c\vt. or $29.00 per ton off car. Telephone 38 r 3 and we will hold quantity required A. C. MUIR, Ceylon WODEHOUSE Spring-like weather, the snow is slowly disappearing. Miss Florence Gordon of Temple Hill was a visitor part of this week and over Sunday at the home of Mr. Ed. Wilcox. Mr. Robert Brown received the sad news on Monday of the death at Goodwood of his niece, little Alice Brown, she was about nine years old and vvaa a sufferer from Brights disease since last summer. Much sympathy is extended to the parents two brothers and one sister, who are left to mourn her loss. Mr. Richard Bentham of Flesh- erton was a visitor on Friday with his nieces Mesdames Gordon and Wiilard WiUy. The crockinole party put on Fri- ciay evening by Ivan Morrison and Alvin Thompson was an enjoyable affair. There was a larger crow than usual and a genuine night's fun. Miss Vina Wiley and Mr. Gor- don Wilcox were winners in the con- test. A tasty lunch was served. Mr. Harry Cherry has moved his family to the house ocross the road owned by Sam Wiley. Little Gor- don who has been seriously ill with the cold is recovering. A few of the young people at- tended a dance at the. home of Mr. Charlie Merrifield of Beaverdale on Thursday night. Mr. D. L. Binns of Harkaway is in this neighborhood making his rounds as assessor of Euphrasia. Messrs Wiilard and Frank Wiley were at Meaford on Tuesday on business. Mrs. Rorke is on an extended visit with her brother, John Law- son and family. Harkaway. Dr. Thompson of Markdale was at the public school on Monday ex- amining the children as to health conditions. He was pleased with them generally and left advice as to how to keep healthy pupils anil regards preventatives in such a place. The pupils here have been taking the iodine tablets since fall term commenced, already good re- sults showing. THAT :.Rny EVERYTHING FOR THE CAAUEN ANT R CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS \VVRENNSEC9uMmo 1ORONTO *LSO AT MONT mi AU\ VANCOUVER VICTORIA CORNERS new >s. A "*'v >hen. Last Week's Items The neighbors met at UIP home of tlr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee on Thurs- f'-.y and spent an enjoyable evening. At its close thy presented >fr. LCJ with a beautiful chair as a re- mcnbrnnce of their sojourn among us. Mrs. Cragg and Edith who have spent the last three months at the farmer's uncle, Mr. Jas. Best, re- turned to their home at Greenback Jast Monday. Item from this week's Globe: Married at Lethbridge on Thursday Feb. 20th by the Rev. W. Little, B.A. Clemina Armstrong, youngest dau- ghter of the late Frederick Arm- strong, Toronto to William Cameron " tnp week eml. ' Strain, r--" - PivWYir -->! Mii Mrs. Elva Robinson and son, Don- Kimher'v visited with' lltl visited at Milton Bannon's for "' '.rd Mrs. Ernie Proctor a few thr week end. dav " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barber spent Miss Mclrosc Campbell spent &^e week end at Maxwell. QUILTING HELPS Batts, comforter size 6 x 7 Batt*. small size _' for Flannelette 36 in. wide 5 yards for r.ingiiams and Black Print 30 in. wide, per yd 36 in. wide Chintz ....' Dark Sateen, rcg. 50c. for A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes every evening' at 6 p.m.. except c". Wednesday and Saturday. on Gf a es r _^ !{ - Principal. EUGENIA Our Special Tea ............................................ oer IT). 59c. Orange Pekoe Tea, reg. 90c. per Ib ......................... 80c. 2 Cans of Corn ......................................................... _ 25c. 'I'apioca ...................................................................... 25c. Silverbrand Lard per Ib ........................................... 22c. Tomatoes ........................................................ 2 cans 25c. Campbell's Tomato Soup .............................. Z tins 25c. Fresh an Salted fish on hand Chop, per hundred weight ...................................... $1.25 H. FREEMAN Phone 60\v FLESHERTON

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