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Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1930 THE FLE6HEK10N ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery Order your new Spring and Summer Suit or Topcoat now from the House of Hobberlin Shipment will be made at whatever date you desire, Get the benefit of our large assortment of smart pat- terns being in stock, and assuring you of delivery of ^ the pattern you select. Crder now and avoid disappointment. O'CANADA FLOUR $4.25 per bag W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 \Ye deliver in town. x-xx~x~:-xK-x-x~x~x--X"X- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Kleshcrton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per y^&r when paid in advan-o $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THrRSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor PORTLAW SCHOOL Feversham C. 0. F. Court Fever.sham No. Mi C. O. K 1 held their installation of officer:! for the of 1!30 on Friday ev- ening Kcb L'X'.h which resulted as follow*: J. I'. r. i: . Iln>. Win. II. Bcwcll; r R., Br. .',: . A. I)avidM>n; \". f. K. Bro. II. (i. Ku ',.: Ric. Set-.. Bn.. .1. W. R.'.i.ii: '.-.: Km. Sec. Bro. .1. T. MrKcchnic; Tr'as., Kli Robinson; Chap.. Bro. \Vm. L. Kaitting; Sr. \V. Bro. T. A Hist ef; .1. W. !!:>. Vic tori McK- r: !; : r. H. Bn. Hurry Bewell; Jr. B.. Bi . \Vni. Ilollingshead; Con- iluct >r. 15 Iiiiugald Stephens. I'racti.-aily all ineiiihers "f UIP Cnui- v in attendance and the In- teres'. shown wm veiy gratifying and a KUO .sful year is predicted. J. W. ROBINSON, R.c. Sec. 4th Grace Phillips, Clara Boyce, Grace Hopps and Dorothy Budget ow, i iur.l, Mary Sheardown, Wilbert Fisher, Dulbert FUher, Cliffuril Taylor, Bert Hopps. 3: d. Bohbic Meldium, Florence B:iyi -. ,I;>hn Blakey. Herb Blakey. 2i'.d Grade Jamieson, Roy chap- r/ian, Vern McMullen. Jr. 1 Mariorie Pedlar. Bernlce I' Ita Sadie 'McKce. Mabel Blakey, j >iyrtle Crof, Ila.'ry Badjjerovv, Louisa Boyce and Elila Pedlar efiua'.. Pr. Harold Phillip*, George Boyce, Riil-y Yats(not ranked) No. on roll 27. Av. att. 23.8 M. Johnson, teacher. FLLSHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th -E. Brown B. Bellamy, 1,1. Jk-1-Vlden, P. Gibson, A. Turney, H. Bibby, G. Boyd, J. Wolstencrott, R. Plcste -, R. Dargavull, G. Akitt, W. Littlejohns, II. Croft, C. Thistk-- tliv.-iulp, A. Pallistcr, D. 'McRae, B. Welton, J. Ker'.on. Kr. "> II. Murray, V. Fisher, L; i Stuart, D .Smfth, T. Dixon, E. Bi'--| r.e'.t, R. Akitt. Jr. 3-D. Scott, G. Mai shall, R. Wolstencroft, (i. Gibson, E. Croft. II. Love, M. Duncan, D. Whitehead. J. Alexander, F. Paton, N. Thistie- thwaitc, E. M?Rae, W. Graham, M. Miller, C. Plester. Sr. 2 Verna Gorrell, Roberta Lravell, Burton Bellamy, Doris I Wr.ilins, Jack Welton. Ethel Dar-| pavcl, Ben Ltavcll, Fred, Bet'.y McDonald, Geo. Loucks (abs) Audrey McCiacken(abs.) Jr. 2 Fred Gibson, Bob Stuart. Athol McKillop. Norman Loucks(abs) Sr. 1 Donald Scott. Doris Pedlar En-.crson Plcster, Tom Banks, Bilik Henry. Jr. 1 Stewart McRae, (Eveiyn Leavell, Gwen Gnrrcll, Dorothy Welton, Jack Loucks. Sr. Pr. Joe Banks. Oly McDon- ald, Clifford Littlejohns, Donald Graham, Ben Bellamy, Betty Tester (abs) Wesley McCrackcn (abs.) Teeter (abs) Wesley Mc(.'racken ubs Jr. Pr. Earl Plester, Dorothy Patton, Harold Graham. .. S. No. !) ARTEMESIA Sr. -1 -'Stanley Maper. "Percy . Smith. *ni!li< Haney, Willie- Fen- ' wick. Jr. ,|_ "Lillian Maw, Edith Fen- wick. Fein MaRte and *\Vcs. Jamiv- : ?on (equal) Sr. 15 Gerald Magoe. Jr. :', -'Itv.i >I:i':i'c, "T.cnnie Ilan Sr. '! ' D.-I i Tho ;e marked *, p-o-.ent every day. N";:ni!ii'r on nil 12 Average attennnnce 1 1.' 1 . Helen .'I. M-Millnn. tcachor. S. S. No. 17 ARTEMESIA llh Mu-ray Fisher 86, Leo. Pat- ton 74, Jack English 74*, Nathalie Patton 70*, Stewart Foster 56, Julia Croft'. Sr. 3 Leslie Seeley 70. Ruth Rus- sel! C3. Leila Clark 58. Jr. Lnla Russell 70, Iv.i En- glish 7"i, Jnck ..\Tonajjlmn 74, Robert Clark 08, Lawrence Phillips 56. Marguerite Croft 56*. Mabel Shier 55, Lloyd Pnitridfro Hi. 2nd Ilene Russell 89, Roy Fisher 85, Mary Clark 8. r >, Elsmour Shier 81, Ruby Monagrhan 7!, Fred Par- tridge 65. Lo'-oen English 58. Sr. 1 Russell Phillips !H, Frc<: Belts 84, Glen 7fi. Jr. 1 Bessie Russell !,'!, Edna Partridge 81, Edna Croft 76. Sr. Pr. Chester Shiei' 76, Gordon Shier 75, Cecil Shier 66. Jr. Pr. Arthur Belts 95. Ted Croft 88. Phyllis Partridge 80*, Harry Fisher 78. The numbers are percentages. Those marked * missed one or more exams. Number on roll ,'iS. Average attendance 33.25 Mrs .Francis J. Seeley, teacher. FLESHERTOX HIGH SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL ENGLISH LITERATURE Hon. Marion Bibby 78. lola Graham 77. Pass Donalda Sloan 73, Alice Heard 72. Harold Turner 67. Ben .Me: 'on <j4 ( Muriel Cameron CO, lark Jamieson 51). Jim MeFadden 58, O.litena Ma-ree 57. Harold Thom- r.''.-,n 57. Fail Rc-ta Fawcett 47, H.nic Der.ifd 42. Lesley Ferris 41. FORM 2 /riTI TtfETIC Hon. n. Fi her G3 K. McKillop 96. Pr.3',- mir/i Pari 73, Jean Hincks 73. E. f .- tcwcil 70, Dorothy Snel! 66, V. >,. P'tton C6, Dorothy Jamieson 62, Ruby White 62, Stella Marshall 59, Rovvena Magce 59, M. Stuart 5', A-idrey Vv'arling 57, E. Ferris 50, Vi.-rdon M< 'Master 55, Neilbcrt Jiac ker.::i H 5-1. Macil Sncll 53, Margaret Forvis 51'.te McLeod 51, J. Bnrnon 50. B. Phillins 46. Daisy MeFadden 40. (i Allen 20. FORM 1 LATIN Doiis Bannon 93. Jean Beard 88. Ka'hlecn Pedlar 86, Dor- othy Wolstencroft 80. Vera Mc- naster 75. Pass Martha Ostrendcr 7:5, Phyllis Graham 68. Cecil Cham '57, Burton Sled M. Frank Eagles 04 lAsie O trandcv 64, Ita Pedlar CO, LaVerne Piper 60. Bessie Cairns 58, Mma MucLean 57, Mervyn Johnson r iG, Joe Gibson 50. Fail John Mc- Mii:.:n 47. Stanley Hunt 44, Iv a Wickcns 10, Ed. Patton 35. Everett Tallot 35. FORM 3 LITERATURE Hon. - -Marie =Vnwick 95, Patricia Morgan 94, ft an MacCormack 90, Herbert Akns '0, Jackson .Stewart 86. Sadie Ca.-- on 85, Gordon Stuart 85. Evelyn r urner 81, John Wilson 83. Ann, U.ins 83. Lola Blackburn 82. Jim Haw 81. Audrey Brown 80. Blan-I-.p 'lenne 80. Jack MacKechnic 79. Alije Heile.v 7. r v Hattie McRae 72. Emery ^isher 71, Ernest Gorrell 71. Fred "Joi-ell 70, Dora Stewart 65. Mon >a Rae 65. Ruby Kcrton 64. Myrtle Moore 46. Donald Reiley 34. ... We will give you a price on this roof put on, delivered on the jop or F.O.B. warehouse. - fij Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills | COMPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES | Now that th? I."pis!aturc is un- le way the "slashin.T attachs" have tturncd. If they would turn some >{ 'hat sort of ticatmcnt to taxation ^U would well. FLOORING. OUTSIDE TRIM, INSIDE TRIM Gyproc. Brick, Shingles, Lath, Et; H. A. McC*u!ey, Prop. X-X"X~X-XX"X"X-X<'<'<~> Markdale Womsn Receive Beqjests PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) I)i ,p j.-injr r-f a net estate of $1,'!5,- Th< Wi.i; anV A- (...ition of Mount ;,,;-,. ti, c w ill of John Ar'.hur Murdock, Zii.n fhurch held a hot meat flipper ] ut ,, president '.f the Vancouver Mot- ami er.ti riainment on Tuesday ev- ors j^j w ), ( |i r ,i a t Vancouvi- o.-. of la;;i vie!:. Af.or a much j., nuary \:\, has been filed for pro- supper, when an abundan:? .,, T ' f) h | s n , tlier, Mrs. Jane Mnr- of good e::t were provided, the pas- ,|, ;c ,] nirc ,| 82, of Mnrkdalo. b<> nr- tor, Kev. .M-. liumford i ,ok the chair ,, lu . at |,,,,i $2.000 nnd S100 a month for and int t.duv-ed the characters com- i if( , A sifter, Mis.; Kate Murdocl;, al.--i posing the Maxv/rll drai.iatic rlub, , f .\l :ir kdale, receives ?TiO n month who rein!' -ed tiicir play" The I'.mler ,-,.,. j; f p. , ' unt ii n1J ,rriapre. in whu-ii Pigeon" which was very interesting, evcnt s)ie wol ,i,i |.o paid Sl.oon. Tlv- nnd well ri'. .n. A nice rum w:n j.|i!.-il t i th" furvls 'if '.lie- society. Mrs. Chailes Priddlc of T;>ri)is:,> i* visitin;- w'lh her grandparent . Mr. and Mrs Francis Shier. Mr. K. R. Upland made his calls! I:,-.' \M'ek at th- homes of this din-, -pv^ population of Mc-aford showed Met, In hli cp Ity na n *8or. t patnrnl gain of fivo during tha yeai M. m. J. V.'. Mrine;- and W. )' ',11,0,. There v.-ere .Jit birth; ai:ain:;: in t,<wn. There were 25 Some ofi*ho ii\:in ia^eR ,. v j,i,, V- .M,^. Mary Km-Hne Murd.ic;.. Vr.ncoiivei . rc-eive -i I'.fe i'H "-est :n ^e entire er '*!, 'lil-ied 1> certain ann ,.-.] 0|l oihe.- b-".u.--(s nre IVT.IO .., :J ,._ Mido;-k's < hilih-cn. l.ittl,- taincd the loss of ai.. s horflC. marrages, In 1 h<- ;\.-lv?nr t iwn--h;p and ! ji towa people m:i-- ROYALTIES Dominion Royalty Corporation Ltd, \u\v is the tinif to invcat in \vh;it lias lu-cn jtnivcii to hi- cue d' lln- soundest propOSiHoilS fver (ili'cri-d ID tin- iinhlir as an iim-stineiil, naiiK'ly: Producing Oil Royalties. I'rriYiTc-d shares >t" this rorporal ion \\ill yi'ld you 12' ( annually., and dividend cheques \\ill l>e sent to shareholders for 1', moiihtly. \\'e are proud to remind you that the Royalties which I have sold in the past, were amon^ tin- very fru securities that the remit slump in the stock markets did not aft'ecl at all, only to increae the (Mill idcnce of clients holding our issues of Oil Royalties. Tin's confidence is cmphasi/cd hv the fact that AJ,I, our clients are satisfied with their invest- ments with us in R*\allies and practically all are increasing their holdings from time to time. 1'or full information see Dr. E. C. Murray - I'hone 20 l-'LI'.SIil-.RToX BORN VII.SON In Klesherton on Wednes- day, March !Hh, 1MO, to Mr. and Mrs. las. Wilson, a daughter. DIED WILSON In Flesherton on Wed- icsday, March 5, I'.t.'ilt. infant daiifrh- cr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Sugared Schumacher Feed for Hogs or Cattle $2.20 per Cwt. I -nil O' IVp Scratch 1-Vc-d. Full ( )' IV']) Laying Mash. Grocery Prices ('.rape Kruit - 3 tor^25c. White Sujjar per bajj S6.00 Cooking Ueans 3 ibs. 25c (Juakcr I'lour. jjiiitfham bajrs S4.40 Sardines 4 cans 25c. Dcl.uxc Jelly Powders 5 for 25c. Co-Ooerative Flour ^4.40 (TCanada Flour S4.35 Artemesia & Osprey Co-Operative Co,, Ltd. Phone 70 - FLESHERTON MARKDALE March 7, 8, 10, 11 Martin Erwin Players to Present "The Patsy" ?t Canadian Festival Kri:.\K KHOM "THK PATSV One of thn wittiest, most entertaining come-.Hos produced ID a dccadn Is Harry Connera" popular comedy "The I'utsy," which will In? priifliuited at the conilni; Canadian Chautuimiia Ktmtlval horn by the Martin Erwin Players. Martin Krwln has won recognition throughout Canada an fin actor-manager of the highest typn. The clean, cxcollcntly produced play companies which go forth fiindor MB nam have all boon assembled and coached ardor his personal direction In hlu otudtna la Winnipeg and uphold the high standard of quality which the Canadian Chautnuqua aasurea Its patrons. "Tho Patsy" la a delicious com.'dy telling tho story of Patsy Harrington, an adoniblo youn^ la;ly who flnds herself tho Cinderella of tho HarriUKio:! fumlly. P-itay ilei'iilos to bo her own fairy god- mother, :i:id wlna I lie n"-i>fot of her family, and tln> lovo of her VrliK-o. (Jlii'.rmlnt; aa well, by a mothod all hrr own. S;>arkllns dialogue-, niivi-l rltnatloiiii und :i|'!> -allii:; romance marl; this unusual and charmlns pl&y. The Festival Program 1st DAY MARCH 7th KYKX1XG "The Patsy" Sparkling comedy of youth, romance and an .ugly duckling Martin Krwin players. Admission $1.00. 2nd DAY MARCH 8th AFTKKNOOX - - Concert Peerless Instrumental- ists and Vocalists. Petrie Quintette. Lecture "The I, and of the Kangaroo," by a very charming young \ustralian, \\lio tells vividly of her native land, Constance Neville-Johns. Admission 75c. FVF.XlXli (irand Concert Petrie Quintette and C'onstance Xeville-Jt^hns. Admission 25c. " 3rd DAY MARCH 10th AFTERNOON ^ Popular Concert Distinguished Artist Trio. Cutler-Austin Artists. Admission 75c KVF.XINVi Concert by the Cutler-Austin Artists. Lecture "Inside Light of Present-Day China," by Notable Chinese diplomat and statesman Dr. Tehyi Hsieh.. Admission 75c. 4th DAY MARCH llth FA'KXING - "dive and Take." Hilarious comedy of modern business, by the Martin Krwin plavers Almission $1.00. ' SEASON TICKETS Adults (tax included) $2.00 Children $1.00 Afternoon programs 3.30 p.m. K.vening programs 8.00 p.m. This is the chance to hear the noted singers, the Lectures by men of world- wide distinction, the high- grade musical companies, clean, up-to-the-minute plays and other great attractions which are present- ed on Chautauqua and Festival programs. -*+***v*****W

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