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Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 1930 1 Paying On lhe Installment Plan Pt:-chasing commodities by paying "a dollar down and a dollar a week" has grown into great popularity. Of- ten the object purchased is worn out before it is paid for, and the pur- chaser continues to pay. Buy your- self a fortune on the installment plan by placing - ogular installments of yaur earnings in a Bank of Cora- merca savings account. The money is always available for use if re- quired and there is no depreciation, but accruing interest as time goes on. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (a i si '' :'> is . i . i j ' ii..*v ' i THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J| Mrs. N. Sayers Passes Was 90 Years Old To Keep Alive The Old Home Spirit C.P.R. TIME TABLE iff P'i ni ** Mrs. alias Phillips Train* leave Flesherton Station foliar.: Going South Going North The death of Ellza clark - Wldow 8 68 a m 11 62 a m ^ tne ^ ate Silas Phillips occured 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. carl . v Thursday morning, Feb. 13th 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. at he-' home 160 Hess St. Hamilton. The mai'a close t Plesherton as The deceased, who was in her 81st follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. ytar v.-aj born at Bolton. moving , . euth at 8.30 for momim* tmin with hpr narnnts f.n Flrahorton. I On Jan. 18, 1840, ninety yeas ago, there was born in England a little girl named Ann Long. When about live years of age, she came with her parent} and resided in Ontario. Sixty seven years ago she r.iarrlol .Mr. Nelson Sayers, who pre<:ov.-i;u.;.<j her 28 years ago. They resided on , the 14th Con. for over 40 years. By the blessed union 'here were born two daughters and one son namely Mary Ann(MVs. John Tyson) Martha (Sirs. Wm. Butcher), and James. Mrs. Butcher died in Oct. 1917. There also survives 12 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren and 3 great- great-grandchildren. The late Mrs. Sayers who resided with bar daughter, Mrs. Tyson at Maple Grove on 14th Con. had been rn failing health for tho oast four years, having spent ^he past six months or so in bed. She was a good neighbor and friend. She patiently bore her illness and passed peace- fully away to the vast Beyond on Feb. 11 the 67th anniversary of her marriage. Thc pastor, Rev. Silas McCausan of Heathcote officiated at the house Toronto, Feb. 2i Editor Advance: * Dear Sir.. The Executive Committee { o. Flesherton Cld Beys and Girls $ Assn. held a meeting at my office *:' on Wednesday evening, Feb. I'.tth, * i' the purpose of deciding whether ; ? tj v. hid up all our activities or $ I make arrangements to put the organ- j ization on a permanent basis. (> It was decided that in view of the ' -|. j fact that there is considerable sen- , $ timcnt in favor of forming a pnr- I manent Association, that we engage : 1 a hall and a group of first class e:i- ? tertainers and hold a combined busi- j ' ness and social evening on March i * 12th, for the purpose of ascertaining 1 { thc feelings of the ex-Fleshertonians j X in this vicinity. Should there sufficient response, the gatherir : v.-ill be asked to elect the officers of Mie now organization and when this has been done, the entertainmcn: would be started, and I ani "given to understand tha entertainers who have been approached are of a high grade and put on a fine program. I am going to ask a favor of you. and that is that you give us as muen publicity as you can. as \ve realize ROYALTIES Dominion Royalty Corporation Ltd. Now is the time to invest in \vhat has been proven to be one of the soundest propositions ever offered to the public as an investment, namely : Producing Oil Royalties. Preferred shares of this corporation will yield you 12' , annually, and dividend cheques will be sent to shareholders for \' , monhtly. We are proud to remind you that the Royalties which I have sold in the past, were among 1 the very few securities that the recent slump in the stock markets did not affect at all. only to increae the confidence of clients holding: our issues of Oil Royalties. - 1 ! This confidence is emphasi/.ed by the fact that ALL our clients are satisfied with their invest- ments with us in Royalties and practically all are increasing their holdings from time to tim-j. For full information see Dr. E. C. Murray Ph.,r.j 20 FU'.SIIERTON For morning train with her parents to Fksherton, and grave. Mrs. Geo. Lawlor sang that practically all of the enthusiasts in a comforting manner the beaut! ' arp -ubscribers to the "There'll be no shadows. mith mail closes previous evening. at 9.00 p.m. the v.hilc :::iil a young pir!. where she iivc-d practically all her life until : : absu^ three years ago. A brief funeral service which was i.rivate, was conducted at the home on Saturday afternoon, Feb. loth at 2.'jQ. Rev. C. A. Williams of Cen- llr. Ken Halbert, who is travelling tennry United chuuh, Hamilton of- for Brattv Bros, of Fergus, was in ficiatfd, after v/hLh the remains Local and Personal town the first of the week. vrera taken to the Mortuary Chape! - Blachford and Mr. Ted McDor.aU of Pickering - *'^.iora ana Wray, Main St. spent the week end with hi* mother ta? / am! P bcsd ln a ult untii jspnns, when interment will be matse I in the family plct rear Maxwell. Onl. Subscribe to The Advance and sena &M 1)?aves to mourn her , oss> two to a friend. It will be a welcome SOT , S . wilfred D _. wlth whoni ghe ' e " ei- ' j made her home and Victor E. of Rev. J. J. Black of Barrie was the Dauphin, Manitoba, who also attended guest of his friend, Rev. W. J. Scott thc fune"al, besides a large circle of ;he first tV thc week relatives. The yjung ladies class &r St. John's \ United church held a successful cake sale in McTavish's service station on Saturday. F. W. Duncan is conducting a "To, The Auxiliary of the Womar/s Please You" sale for thc next two Missionary Society met in the United weeks. Many bargains are offered church en Thursday of last week at his store. I with Mrs. Murray in the chair. Mrs. Mr. Lawson Whitehead has pur- T ' S!ed - Mrs - McFWen * Mrs. chased the old Hill homestead on the Mitchell * avc Scripture read.ngs and west backline and will move thereon Mrs ' W ' Boyd read in the spring. Mr. L. McC:acken has moved his blacksmith shop his old stand at H. Wilson's, and is etc". Interment took place in t;:a family plot in Providence cemetery. Thc flowers placsd upon the casket were beautiful, expressing love for the deceased and s.vmpathy for the be- reaved. Tha pallbearers were Messrs while '.ve are mailing notices to whose adilressi-s we have, it is quue possible- that a good deal of interest may be enmndcred before we are in a position to notify the people whose names appear on our list. We have only a small left in our hand-; after California auto drivers who had a closa '.all at 1 a railway crossing, ad- mitted he tfas a fool not to Advance, and stopped. have He's extraordinarily lucky au '.o be able to voice so j_%'cat a truth. Qnc thing is pvetty sure, that it lhe Canadian 'Vheat, Pool collapse* there will not ui- a Dominion elec- tion this yi-ar. There would be if the Conservatives could call the tune, but they will scarcely get things to suit them that much. balance defraying a!l Thornton Sayers, Harry and Stanley ! the ex P nse s incurred during "Old Butcher, Garfield and Stanley Tyson j ^ me ^" e k " ant! it will be necessary (5 grandsons) and Mr. Walter Wil- , : ' some cf <" to dig down aga:n sen, who is married to her gi-a.-.u for sufficit!n t :unds to foot the e:, daughter, IiJiss Beatrice Sayers. WR extend our profound sympathy t!it> relatives and friends in their o sad bereavement. Gcd knew that she was suffering And the hill* were hard to climb So He c!o.ied her weary eyelids And whispe-.-sd "Pence be thine." United Church W.M.SJ Bi S ran g eC9lebralion M "; W. Boyd read the devotional lcaflet To you and to your children d to all that are afar off. "Mrs. A. ]Down and Mrs McCallunl gave a that one opposite sweet , y rendcred duet with ' BlackbuTn at , hc ^ Qnd Mrg 15. Plans were made for preparing the garments. Mrs. Scott was depu- next door to Duncan's hardware. , Mow gave a ^.^ on Influence . The Kimberley United church The president .Mrs . W . J .Scott , took Ladies' Aid purpose holding their the chair and conductcd lhe business bazaar on February 28th afternoon ' pa;t . Fees were paid and co ii e ction ar.d evening. Hot supper will be :x?cc ived. Mrs. J. Wright, Supply served 25 and 15 cents. | See . rcad a letter from Mr3 . LonA The 1930 models of Fords and Presbyterial Supply Sec., naming *o .Chevrolets are now on display and the the Auxiliary thc articles they were spring buying campaign will soon be expected to prepare for the bale, this in progress. Have your old car look- i s to be sent to Owen Sound by May ing its best. Judge W. H. Wright was holding court in Owen Sound this week, the ted to arrange with societies of the first time he has ben back in an other churches with -eference to tTie offiical capacity since his elevation as Day of Prayer which i to be held on | .Judge. I Mar. 7. The meeting closed with a Mrs. W. C. Hanley, who has spent ' h y mn and the benediction. The a:- most of the winter with her daughter. | tcndance was 25 - "iiw Mrs. Walter Akitt in town, left this j ' ' ~**^? week for Port Huron, here she will ! IT PAYS A MA|N* WELL reside for some months. The local chapter of the Eastern When having an auction sale It Star held a euzhre party in Arm- 1 W 8 a man well in addition to strong's hall on Thursday evening having the usual sale bills printed last, when a fair crowd was present. 1 ' ' iavc n ' s whole list published in Mrs. Alex McEachnie was the winner Tne Advance, for those who have for of the prize for the women and any reas n not had time to stop and read the particulars on the bill, will see i. 1 . read it carefully, and The biggest event in the Orange Order this year is the centenary of the establishment c I' the fraternity in Ontario which will be commemo- rated by the Grand Orange Ledge of British America in Us annual ses- sion at Brockville, beginning on Juno 4. Lodge No. 1 was inhabited in the pretty little city on the St. Lawrence 100 years ago. From thai small beginning the association has ~vcwn until it has affected ever;; :ommunity in Canada and the neigh- boring republic. Then on July 12 at a great Orange celebration there will be dedicated the Gowan Mem- orial Temple in memory of the first Grand Master, Ogle Robert Gowan. . but do not believe there will be any difficulty in securing the additional funds required. It i* our intention to make this meeting ?nd entertainment absolutely free in order to induce as many as pos- sible to atten.!. and it is hoped that the gocd old io.k -.vhu supported us sj loyally last summer will put their shoulders to the wheel again, and help Uo tj snake a success of the movement. With best wisher, to you and yours, I remain. Sincerely yours, BURTON E. FIELD OOIN'G TO CANADA BY CHURCHILL ROUTE General Motors of Canada will ship a Regina-built Chevrolet u England on the Rogina Board c{ Trade special train from Regina ,) Churchill this summer, according to i statement made by H. A. Brown, vice-president and general manager. The Chevrolet will be boxed in a manner similar to the cars shipped to the Orient, so that it may be billed as ordinary freight. The train on which it will be shipped ihe new temple is finely situated In | wm be the fi , st M . VMamgK to Churchill. *,.; ,' - . ~rfMM_ -: -- ,, tn j s Cecil Alexander for the men. The W. C. T. U. are holding a Temperance Rally March 3rd, 8 p.m. wa y be in the United church, with a program of music and recitations. All wel- come. Silver collection. Mrs. Thos. Ben'ham, Cor. Secy. The wheat pool is undergoing the fire test at the present time, with the price of wheat at such a low level. It is hoped for thc welfare of the country that their marketing system will stand before the heavy pressure being brought to bear ami that their existence will be justified. Mr. Milton E. Ard of Calgary was a caller on Monday. Mr. Ard is an accountant and is down here wind- ing up his father's affairs for his mother. Mr. E. J. Ard died at his home near Maxwell a few weeks ago. ' Morton 71 During the past week Miss A. C.,' Stewart 6 1 ?. Macphail had her tonsils removed! Orabntn 60. thereby be induced to attend the sale as a bidder. A good bidder is worth fishing for and spending :- few dollars more to land. Everyor knows that one good bidder may add many dollars to thc value nf an auction sale. Don't lose any chances the centre of Brockville. A portrait of the first Grand Master will also be unveiled at the dedication of the building. There will doubtless be a great gathering of Orange leaders at each of these celebrations and Grey county can be de-ended on to send its ouotc. The road to Brockviile is one of the best highways in the Dominion. . . f --."' VT-V. train Goods Not Ordered Now- Beautiful new Ford cars on display at our showrooms 'The Canadian Car" A ^owel, 16 by 26 inches, was left in an Edmonton woman's body after an operation. It might be just as well these days to ask the surgeon if he knows whore he left his hat. H. DOWN & SONS Phone 36 j Flesherton sale list published in FORM 3 LATIN Evelvn Turner 84. Marie Fenwick 82, .Tim TFaw 82. B'ancii? ', Alien 75. Pass "4. Jean MacCormaclc 73. Marion Bibby 71. Audrey i,. e ne Martin 68. Reta Fawcctt fi3, Leslie Ferris 55.' Hor., loin Considerable annoyance b often caused by the practice of certatn firms which send goodj by mail to persons who have not ordered them. Sometimes the goods are accompan- ied by stamps for theK- return :n case the recipient does not desire to keen and pay for them. But the re-wrapping and return of these r>aeVages is unnecessary, according T rv, ""ional Better Business I ' "'. vV '\ has obtained legal opinions rn 'he subject. "So long as unordered goods are not used by the ecipient, he need never return nor pa for them," says the Bureau. All that can be expected is that tlie recipient hold the goods ready to *oe returned in case a representative of the sender rails for them. And it thov are not called for within a re- asonable time, the recipient may have a claim fo-- storage. WhiTe no one would ordinarily keep goods for which payment has not been made, the paying for unordered merchandise, or even \t<< return to the sender, simply encourages 17i practice of trying ro force goods un- New Floor Coverings Special Prices for March Congoleum Rugs Floor Oil Rugs and v.-as unable to attend the opening ( RlqpkHi--n 51. Jackson Stewart fil of Parliament at Ottawa on Tuesday. ' Hii' HaW P McRap a?. j qirlci Mc- She has been confined to her homo Fadden 42, Emery Fisher 19. at Ceylon, but left on Monday after-! . ..!__ noon for Ottawa. Lately Miss Me-' T>.v;iw* l,i,v> bon-> ^-itifie^l tb'- Phai! has not enjoyed the best cvi 1 must pay up their arrears to the health and the strenuous work at Dominion povernmpnt. It's que- the Capital will not aid her to re- tionable if they wHI get much of a cover to any extent. kwk orft of that '* -> LnV on th e oublic. tf everyone woul follow the advic-> here trivon. Hie nuisance vould be stopped in shor; order. With pay days coming and going without any cash attached, Chicago s h.-iol f.oAeher* can probably give a vivid explanation to their scholars ! of thc word deferred. 6x9 $6.00 7V2X9 $7.506x9 $4.25 7 1 /, x 9 $5.45 9 x 9 $9.00 9 x 10y 2 $10-50 7V 2 x lOV^ $6.25 9 x 12 $1 1.95 9x 13 '/S 13. 50 ( All guaranteed Gold Seal Quality) 9 x 15 $14.95 NEW DESIGNS The above are all New Spring Patterns Floor Oil Cloth Printed Linoleum In all % widths Yard. Yard and a llali, Good" selection of choice new patterns Two yards and Two yards and a Halt wide. - - 50 cens per square yard. 4 - vards Wlde :it * 37;) l )cr running yd. COCOA MATS., OILCIOTH MATS. CONGOLEUM MATS, RAG RUGS OR REVERSIBLE RUGS. New Spring Wallpapers A inc. SELECTION OF NEW PATTERNS. INCLUDING "SUNWORTHY" AND SEMI-TRIMMED PAPERS Specially priced from 7c. pbr single roll upwards. DRAPERIES. CRETONNES. NEW CURTAIN NETS. LACE PANELS F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO J

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