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Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 19 1930 HIE FI.KSIIERTON ADVANCE lA/PiiHinn Anniuftrcarw weaning Anniversary Mr. J. P. Sewell of Rock Mills, Ont. The children were all home and took .j. dinner with their parents at a far,:- X - of the - CANADIAN MED. APP ' '' Osprey Council THE ONE WHO MAKES THE RECORDS It is however, not so that On January 28th, 1875, -Miss Lyuia ji y rc . un i on on thc 55th anniversary M. 1'ostill became the wife of Jas. II. of lne wedding at the couple's home Sewell. The ceremony took place at at 5G Becchwood Ave., Mount Den- the bride's home on the ninth line n j s The house was beautifully clec- of Kuphrasia. The officiating min- ora t e d for the occasion. The table t ister was Rev. Robinson of Ebenezer v/as beautiful with daffodils, gold' which was the Euphrasia circuit but mpSi tne table for the grandchildren dicitis is now in the Markdale circuit. Miss De j nR ^ono j n tho same colors Isabella Blain (Mrs. Wm. Hodgson) Mr. and M.S. Sewell have thirty-' kir-wn, was bridesmaid while Wm. Sewell fj ve grandchildren and ten great. > s assisted tho groom, (grandchildren. Ten grandchildren' 1-400 deaths each year There were seven children bora an( j O ne great grandchild were pres- of this union, five daughters and two e r* at the celebration. I ' s a ' sons. The daughters are: Mrs. J. R.j Telegrams of congratulations were >' During one year, oC the Mauley of Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Wm. I received from different parts of the deaths due to this cause, 470 Oxx>per of Fail-banks; M s. Olivei United States and Canada, showing those of children under fifteen Hill of Meaford, Ont; Mrs. Davla the high esteem in which the couple f ?" Anderson and Mrs. Leslie Harper, ' aro held. Markdale Standard. both of Moun* Dennis. The sons are: Mr. R. H. Sewell of Toronto, and 1 When tho folk wing will be offered^ HORSES Span driving mares, 7 ; and 8 years, dnvinp- horse, aged, Osprey Council met at Fevorshnm,; A young fellow who had cxpenanced'dnvjng jm y ._risin K 3 years; 2 f.llies Feb. 8th. All members present, the lath-r more than his share of drffi-j h onlttai ns no thought . visited an uncle! i culties, as he thought, visited an uncle! one year. Reg. Durham cow, v . /n- bi was an enthjsiasti; partner. Asi years JUarcn 10; Keg. Durham R OC V O nreddinu. Commun : .-aticn': Town of Thr/n- bi was an entjsiasi; paner. si cOW> ageu due July 8 . Uurham court! the boy watched the older man cutting; y months old; 'I re*. Uurham heitei'b. hurv _, o -n-eyv shve division Iieneraiiy annual meeting; D*pt of Highway*,! answer set him back s:me of his plants ruthlessly, he , If old; Durham heiiers, 11 mos,. cow, 3 e '! .nnfpvpnpp and invoice foriwere sturdier and bloomed more pro- wn, however, that r.ppcnd,c,t re ^_ < ^^^^ f 2lSi because of their setbacks, was csnonsible for between 1,300 and cement; S. J. Arnott resigriat.n y Canada. ' school attendance officer; Ont. Good known that j*, Roads Assoc., ic annual meeting; R S. Talbot. re wi e fence bonus; Allen ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Every Bell Telephone it a Long Distance Station , u "i- ; - \- -" --'., ' . . ?--Jl v -' - . - i _ - . v- ' New Low Rates and Still Lower Rates from 7 |.iiic The reduction in rates in January the second reduction within a c. i year makes long distance tele- phone service cheaper than ever. : .You can make it cheaper still by taking advantage of special low rates which are offered during evening hours. From 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 the long distance rate is about twenty-five per cent lower than the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m. until 4.30 a.m. your call will cost you only about half the usual day rate.* Long distance rates are listed in the directory. If you cannot find the rate you want, ask the Long Distance operator and she will tell you. We want your telephone to be as useful and inexpensive as possible. - ' - : - -i." v--- 'Minimum reduced rates Evening ,15c Night 25c <;. Essex, re 30th We have secured recently from the sideroad; Albert Miller, re tax notice; Hospital fo.- Sick Children, Toronto, I James Hudson, requesting grant on I some information regarding appen-' : 'iver road. 'dicitis, containing statements which Grummett - Heitman- Tha the ere of great public importance. The ' Supt. be authorized to attend t.ic ! experience of this institution shows conference to be held in Toronto Feb. ! that appendicitis is a common ail- 24 and 25. ment of children Pt all ages. When Winters - Grummett-That the re- jthe condition is recognized early and signation of S. J. Arnott as KnOOi ] is properly treated, the results ore a' tendance officer be accepted ami mo? satisfactory- If, however, there that Wm. Hargrave be appointed in ' is delay in securing proper treatment, his place and stead. ' and the condition is allowed to pro- Heitman - Winters That the Reeve press until the appendix ruptures, the be a delegate to the Ont. Good Roads not infrequent result is the death of Association. save Grummett - Heitman That thc , Clerk be instructed to write the Tho condition calls for a repetition parties interested in the Lev! Allen of what we have so often stated drain, who have not paid their drain- early prope- treatment is necessary age rates, to the effect that sucT I if the patient is to be given a fair rates should be paid at once and will chance for recovery through the bene- be refunded in the event of the drain fit of medical science. The cause ot r.ot being comple'ed during the prc- | delay in securing treatment generally sent year. I rests wi'h the parents who are un-i Winters - Wilton That the fol- ; awa-e of the dangers that may ac- lowing committees be appointed for I company severe abdominal pain. The the year 1930: Finance The entire '"pain in the stomach" is thought but Council; Road and Bridge The the child despite all efforts to ! nim ' little of, and the child is frequently ! given a dose of castor oil or some ' other purgative which sets the dl- i gestive tract in motion just at the Reeve, M". Grummett and the com missioner of the division in which *he work is to be performed. Grummett - Hertman That the t not possible that he might be years, clue June due -June 8; ; Spotted cow t> \Vinte ta.-e coW, larrow; 3 heifers rising 8 years; i the yearling heifer; 2 yearling steers. SWINE, SHEEP Yorkshire so. better for what had happened to him ?j due ^^ w , yorkshire sow> d There can be little doubt on that; jj arc j, 19; 7 shoats; registered oxford score. The plant that is pruned, andjdown ram; 16 oxford down breeding the boy who has to fight his through difficulties, arc the ones whoj make the records. way; ewes. POULTRY. DOG-4 The shake-up among the which has occurred during the week has undoubtedly been a good geese 2 gan- and roosters; ders; number ot hens co , Ue dog HARNESS Set heavy harness; set brokers heavy double driving harness; last, single harness; collars and bridles; 2 collars; set collar tops; 2 blind bridles. IMPLEMENTS Peter Mamilton *hing for both the brokers and the. b ; nder> 6 i> 3 foot cut . p e t er Hamilton investors. It has let the brokers; 5 f oo t mower; Peter Hamilton grain know that i'. will pay to play the drill, 13-disc.; grain drill, 10 hoe? game on the level after this, while Peter Hamilton cultivator 13 teeth the investors wi,l be a little more ' f. -^ %> ; gSJfZS careful where they place their tire top buggy; 2 logging sleighs; money. Just whether any of the light sleigh, 2 seats and pole; fleury money loet in some of the illegal walking plow no. 21; 2 root pulpers> transactions will be recovered is of scuffler; iron harrow, 3 section; _. f i, ., m _ ft ., turnip sower; wagon box- wagon bo* course another matter. and stock r*ck. 14 foot; hay rake new; steel barrel churn; numerous 4 o*her articles. | TERMS OF SALE All *ums of, ten dollars and under cash: over I that Amount 12 months' credit will* i be given on approved joint noUs I bearin~ interest at 6 per cent. GEORGE DUNCAN, Auctioneei> Credit Auctlo* Sale STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. JOHN BURNETT will hold an auction salo on Lots 8 & 9, Con. 3, S.D.R., Artemesia Small Advts. time when nature wishes to be at rest. Treasurer be authorized to receive ' When appendicitis occurs there Is from R. C. McKnight the sum ot pain. Older children say H is cram;? $25.50, being disbursments made by 1 like and usually point it out as being the township re McMastcr ditch. | in tho "cgion of the umbilicus. ! Winters - Wilton That the Trea- J Younger children just point to the surer be authorized to receive the K-OR SALE FOR SALE Durham cow, due freshen April lst--J. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Ceylon. FOR SALE Choice clover honey for sale in bulk at lOc per pound. Roy Fenwick, Maxwell. FOR SALE Small seed peas. Jas. Murphy. Eugenia, Phone Fever- FOR SALE Barred Rock cock- erels, either registered or non-regist- ered. Wes. Armstrong, Flesherton. abdomen when asked where the pain sum of $263.48 from the Treasurer off .sham 9 r 31. is. Usually th"re is nausea and Artemesia being telephone rates due vomiting. There is only one sen- Osprey Telephone System. sible thing to be done for the child Wilton - Winters That the Trea- I v. ith abdominal pain, and that is to surer be authorized to receive the sum i call the doctor and refrain from of $7.50 each from F. J. Thurston and ' (riving any household remedies H. G. IJurke being payment in fuil Thr, may *"eni a nodless amount for use of snow car delivering bal- of fuss and bother, and we are not lot?. | suggesting 4 hat every stomach ache Heitman - Winters That the \ is appondiotis, but we do say that auditors report be adopted as reao 1 unless abdominal pain is always re- and that the Clerk be instructed to I rrnrdrd seriously, cases of appendi- have 100 copies printed for distri- | citis will be neglected and children bution and further that the auditors The property of the late Ella McMullen, j Gibson, let 10, Collingwood street, Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 1 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn 25 x 33 ft., with stable and drivinjr house thereon, also a good well or. the premises. This property is in a good location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator, W. J. Meads. Fle.herton. Ont. craatination. will con'inue to he sacrificed to pro- each receive the sum of $25.00 for their services, $2.00 of each amount ____________ I to bo charged to the Telephone ^^__^^^^^^_ System. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm for sale or rent. F. G. Karstedt, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE 7-Room solid brick house, good cellar, garage, hen house and stable. ?rton. Thistlethwaite, Flesh- FOR SALE 9 chunks of pigs, one brood sow, duo April 15. Louis Kerton, Phone Fcversam 4 r 111. to farrow about Maxwell, THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORKS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Prices On Shoes and Rubbers IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THIS STORE DURING F EBRUARY EVERY DEPARTMENT INCLUDED THE SAVINGS ARE WORTH WHILE Prospective Shoe & Rubber Purchasers As a final inducement to clean up <vi our rubbers and goloshes not listed or a recent sale bill we will offer 20'., off for the next 10 days. Come early and share these big savings. We specialize in shoe fitting "Com- fort Kirst, Service Always" our motto Our line of Scholl's accesories are com- plete. No need to suffer with aching, tired or perspiring feet. We will lul| you or money refunded. We carry that good "Miner'' rubber in all lines for old and young, as well as some other good brands. As well we still have all sixes in the following specials :- 1. An assortment of ladies and children's also growing girls goloshes, in a var- iety of shades and heels, not only low and medium, colored, but a limited quantity of 4-buckle black Abe-rdeen cloth. Reg. value $2.35 to $2.95, real special for....98c. 2. Also about 35 pairs of ladies and grow- ing girls 4-buckle goloshes, all sixes, while they last $1.1S 3. Another real special is about 100 pairs of black wool goloshes, 2 buckle and 2 strap, reg. $2.95 10-day special $1.69 4. LOOK BOYS Hockey shoes in all sizes at 98c. 5. MEN Now is Your Chance Gol oshes at only .*. $1.19 6. 15 in. Leathr Topped Rubbers at $3.95 7. 12 in. oil tanned Topped Rubbers 1st grade reg. $5.25, special at $3.75 X. Men's Kelt Hoots reg. $2.45 to S2.85 for only $1.98. Men's House Slippers a 1 only 89c. Ue sure and sec our window display each, but better still, enjoy the savings. A Hill Bargain is a Real Bargain Heitman - Wilton That the County MISCELLANEOUS WANTED .Heavy horse ab->ut Treasurer be authorized to erase any taxes showing against John M>| 12 ._ .-Wos. Armstrong Flesh- Donald lots 1.'! and 14 Union Streci Singhnmpton. Hcitmun - Wilton That the Supt. be instructed to give an account wun his monthly pays-heel as to the am- ount of time spent with each sub- overseer and the nuture of the work performed. By Law No. 9 to provide for ex- penditure on roads was read the rv.- quired nu.nber of timjs, signed and staled. Miscellaneous Accoun's Advance L-itcn. WANTED About 2d cords of first class hrclwood 18 to 20 inches in length W. J. Bellamy, SPC. of Public School Board, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of A^ temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 21x30. nlso hen house; 8-roomed soii:l brick house with soft water cistern and fumar. This is a good irrain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, si*----'"] convenient to rnihvo" . i school. Reason ft. elung is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on oremisas. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. BOAR FOK SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Fleshertor. Bncon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. WANTED -X Mack ware from .T to 7 years old, about fourteen humlri'd j Ibs in wcig'r. Ohi'.l E. AkiiH, Flesh crton. 'I WOOD WANTED I want ten cords good r.-iund g een maple \voou, twenty inches long. No buzz wood. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER F^r the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gruarntetd Dates road* at The Advance office. Printing C'j., printing acct., 56.00; i W. W. Trimblo. O. V. Cornet, payments authorized GOOD SMOO TH FARM w by report on Wetherall dram, $32.00; acres best of land almost all under cu! John Moore, payments authorized by tivation 2"4 miles north east of report on Wetherall drain, $5600- Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new Paul Churney, payments authorized *j araKe f 2 , 0x2 ^' ? od br , i . ck h ."/e. ^ewly decorated, 20x35. well, windmill and by report on Wetherall dram, $10.00; % acres orchard. Priced for quick F. Wetherall, paymcr's authorized sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, by report on Wetherall drain $68.00; Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezell, R. R. No S. Talbot. ipayments authorized by 6 - wen Sound. __ report on Wetherall drain $57.00; Municipal World, supnlics to Treas., $7.33; H. Down and Sons, use ot On Provincial highway ZVt miles snow car, $15.00; S. J. Arnott, school south-east of Dundalk, 220 acres, 1BO attendance officer, $9.00; Lucas & acres under cultivation, 50 acres hard- Henry, legal services, $8.00; Treas/ wood; 8 roomed brick house, bank town of Thornbury, re division court, barn nearly new; driving shed, hen $5.00; Ont. Good Roads Assoc., mem- 'house. Land is lohm to clay bam. bership fee, $5.00; Alex Mclntyre, ' Forty acres fall plowed. Auditor $25.00; J. A. Davidson $25.00 ) A. S. BROUGHTON, FARM FOR SALE Road accounts paid; David Winters, pay sheet, $27.60; Alex Johnston, ' Phone Dundalk 102 r 12. pay sheet. $11.80; Johnston Bowins. pay sheet, $19.05; Arthur Wilson, pay sheet, $23.55; Alex Stephenson, R. R. 2, Corbetton FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. pay sheet, $20.25; T. H. Wetherall, Artemesia > 80 * cr s under cultivation. Radley! Good hoU8e and large barn with *ood pay sheet, $16.50; James pay sheet, $28.00; John T. Mason, pairs to snow plough, $7,50. Council adjourned to meet at Sing- hampton, Sat. March 8th at 2 p.m. stabling and out-buildings,. For fur- .ther particulars apply on premises. ( ALB. BLACKBURN, Approximately -150 rural consumers in the Guelph will benefit from reduced rates announced recently. | Phc>ne 42 r _ e ____ Maxwell. I FOR SALE OR RENT. Hydro district power J. J. Morrison claims that a great will Lot 48. Con. 3, Township of Glen- elg, containing fifty acres cleared, bi 1 lance hardwood bur.h. Also part Lots 48 and 4', in thc \ second concession of Glenelg Town- SUORTIIORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice m lot 6. .',\,n. 9, Osprey, "toerry Marquis" No 179U36; Sire. Boon)* Marqnj? 142.381} Dam lied. . 181,078. Term? Purebreds $6.00. grade? $2.00. Cows not returns* *iu be charge rull price. S. R. HAWKINS. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrbten. etc. Oficea Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton Tey Saturday ftrnoon and evening. CARDS Dr. W T> Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. S. den tiu surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. C A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. many viiiaees will pn bankrupt if .ship, containing nineteen and two- their population continues to de- -bird ncres, f>n which is a lopr house crease. Many villages have cer-'and barn. For particulars apnly to tainly decreased in population in the M. W. RIDLEY, past twenty years, hut the question is, how can it be prevented? 183, Dundalk, Ont., ager- 1 . for Catharine McLeod, Adminisuhatrix. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office.or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 Property of Sauge*n Bacon Hoz Club., ?!.00 C. KINDLE,

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