r*f ^ i , i I I The quality of Salada is the only premium offered Jungl e Breath Ben Lucien Burman TEA 'Fresh from the garden*' Parties Are in Order For Sub-Deb Pai-it Soh-et Problem What to Wear By ANNETTE The model illustrated is the latest choice of the little chic Parisiennc. It is conspicuously smart in basque bodice pointed at front in printed laffcta of quaii t pattern in bois de rose tone?. The full fluttering circular skirt is fhaped through the hips. The narrow ruffling at hem makes it even more versatile as little wearer moves. The neckline in open V at front and rounded at back is finished with ruffling ns are the edge of the kimono sleeves, to carry out old-fashion,-:! idea that is now so entirely new in the mode. Style No. 191 conies in sines 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. In the 8-year size, it is made with l :l i yards of 39-inch material with ! yard of 32-inch con- trastinj, of plain taffeU. for ruffles. The thrifty me' her who is cew.ng now for early Spring foi liuiu daugh- ter, a pretty dimity in sprigged pat- tern is very effective for general wear. Light blue cotton pique daffodil yel- low linen, printed voile in orchid ton-;* nnd printed crepe de chine in vivid red and whit tones are ever so smart and practical. HOW TO ORUKK PATTERN'S Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your ordi-r to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. f~ GOOD TURNS Most people enjoy doing a good turn. Hut they resent being asked to repeat ft. When tlielr beneficiary appeals to iliera again, they berc me angry, they feel they ..re being imposed and traded upon, they grow irritated at the thought of an ever-lengthening chain of obligation. They have yet to learn other. That Is not a reason for with- holding the helping hand. But it IB a good reason for making sure that it la proffered from a genuine kindness of heart and not from vanity or to gratify :i jiuv-ing whim. "If there's anything I don't under. Ftand, It Isn't worth understanding." - George Bernard Shaw. ^ M, II.IMI 4 Is Best for Grippe. Big Business Young Duke of Norfolk Forms Company to Administer Estates London The Duke of Norfoll premier member of the British peer age who came of age last May, has followed the example recently given by so many heads of Britain s anclen landed families. He has formed a limited company for the adminlstra tion of hla estates. The nomina capital Is $250,000, and he is perman ent governing director and chairman The estates are estimated to be worth millions of pounds, though parts have been sold since the form- er duke died. Norfolk House, the duke's London residence, which serv- ed as a club for Canadian women dur- ing war work in London, was sold last year. Arundel Castle, the great re- sidence in Sussex, still possessing much of Its ancient feudal appear- ance, has been rented more than once by prominent visitors from the United States. From this castle the duke takes the oldest of his numerous titles Earl of Arundel, 1139. Tb e Duchy of Norfolk was not created until 1482. The pres- ent duke, who owns about 49,500 acres, succeeded the fifteenth duke in 1917, when ho was nine years of age. Between that time and his coming of age last year the estates were admin- istered by his UIK-IP. Viscount Fit- zalan., Fake Promotions Exceed Billion THIS HAS HAPPENED: (in one flood and don't care to be in Lincoln Nunnally, elderly chemist, 'any more. I repeat that why he lives meets Vilak, in Porto Verde, in west 'there is absolutely beyond me." central Brazil. Vilak is an old friend. I She was about t n speak again when Vilak's cousin, Elise Marberry, owns [a warning pressure of hei- cousin's hand checked her. "I thought I heard a noise," he said softly to her and to the chemist be- a coffee plantation and has been warn- ed to leave the country. Alarmed on account of several deaths, the super- stitious natives think some superna- hind. "It's quite possible we are being halt. tural force is at work. j followed. Como toward me and Vilak and Nunnally visit the home keep absolutely motionless." of Gaylord Prentiss, a reticent and mt. 1.1-11 i forbidding man, known to be an enemy ! ey obeyed quickly and close to of Elise. Before going, Vilak forbids I V llak walted : he S' rl listening to Elise to come, but she follows them. Prentiss orders them away. NOW BEGIN THE STORY. The selling of stocks which. If not absolutely worthless, are of a highly speculative nature, has become one of the biggest businesses in America. Investigators estimate that la an av- erage year one billion dollars uear ly one-fourth of the money invested In new security Isuscs goes down the financial sewer. The proportional magnitude of thi waste Is Indicated by tho fact that the fact that the nation's animal invest ment in nw building construction ap proximates only three billion dollars and that the annual bill for antomo bles is around two and a quarter bil linns. The money thus wasted in a single year would buy two million automo biles and would duplicate every publk improvement in the shape of schools hospitals, sewers, paving and watei supply made within the same period by American cities of more than 30, OUO inhabitants. And this waste CHAPTER XI. Vilak shrugged his shoulders and catch the faintest trembling of the brush. Nunnally, glad of the oppor- tunity to rest from his unusual exer- tions, leaned lightly against the tree under which he stood. Suddenly he gave a sharp ejaculation of pain. returned to his companions. "Did you learn anything?" For the first time the old man saw Elise ! his friend lose his coolness. He whirl- Jed violently and spoke in a fever of Perhaps too anxiety of which Nunnally had not be- |lieved him capable. "You hurt, Nan- moon disappeared behind a ny? Quick! What's the matter?" The path became shrouded in j "Er . . . nothing. Er . . . really, asked eagerly. "Perhaps a little, much," he answered. The cloud. misty darkness. They were slowly picking their way toward the gate when they heard a click as of a door apologetic, being opened in Prentiss' house. A j . . sorry moment later something hounded ~"~~ through the brush toward them. "Hs's let the dog out on us," Vilak ivurmurcd. "Run to the gate." nothing." Nunnally's voice was humble and "I'm sorry I cried out. Er I forgot about the er . . . glove and took it off and stuck my Christie's Graham Wafers in the new one pound package, are famous for their crisp freshness. Delicious, nourishing good for everybody. Also sold in bulk. Christie's Biscuits She t/tandarci <s/ hand on a er thorn." "Never mind about that. Let me see lit!" He seized the old man's withered The girl took the old man's handihand and disregarding any followers and darted off to the fence. Vilak 'who might be stalking through the Tailed and tranquilly taking a vial and trees, snapped on his flashlight and is altogether Inex- cusable for there is not a man or wo man In the lund who is denied the ex- pense or Inconvenience, tho authnrlta- opportunity to obtain, without ex- tensive information and sound counsel that make tsafe investlment possible. It Is now some years since the Bet lei- Business Commissions of tho coun- try adopted as their slogan the phrase "Before you Invest Investigate." But tho public. It seems, has not yet learn- ed the lesson. PERSISTENCE Even when work Is all planned out, however, failure sometimes follows through lack of persistence. It has been said that "persistence in the key to existence. Success invariably re- wards the Rood fight. Knowing what to do or how to do It won't bring re- sults. The nail is useless without the hammer. Courage Is the complement of knowledge." A to use phone --"Say, that booth twenty said a word!" Lady waiting you've been in minutes and haven't He: "Wait Just a little while longer. I'm talking to my wife!" To live In the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to he led by permanent Ideals, that Is what keeps a man patient when the world Ignores him and culm and unspoiled the world praises him. Self yours in the highest Market We are paying for Eggs for the week ending February 8th. EXTRAS FIRST?. PULLET EXTRAS 4Sc doz. 42c doz. 3$c doz. Deal with an old reliable bus! ness house with a reputation of more than sixty-five yeart for square dealing. Best prices paid. Prompt payments. Cases returned quickly. Cases sup- plied, 60e each, complete, deliv- _^^^___^___________^ ered, payment in advance. Reference: Your Own Banker. Write /or Weekly Quotations THE WHYTE PACKING CO, LIMITED ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Street East Toronto 2 SECOND 4 CRACKS 30c doz. The dog came nwirer, flien burst through the bushes, a huge black monster with fiery, blazing eyes. a large handkerchief from his coat, saturated the cloth with the pungent liquid. The dog came nearer, then burst through the bushes, a huge black mon- ster with fiery blazing eyes. It leaped upon Vilak. He crumpled under the impetus of its massive body. It sprang at his throat, but he caught its neck in his strong lingers and while its black body writhed violently and its ugly jaws struggled to reach his flesh, handkerchief against its thrust the moist nose. In a moment its si niggles began to lessen; it gave a convulsive gasp and lay stretched on the ground, breathing heavily. The others came up to look. Vilak brushed the mud off his clothes. "He won't bother anyone else for at least half an hour. I gave him a good dose of chloroform." The old man looked at the long fangs, white in the rays of Vilak's flashlight. "Er . . . are you sure you laven't killed him?" "I don't kill unless 1 have to. Not even a dog." They crawled through the gate in ;he fashion they had enterd. Vilak :ook a wax impression of the lock. They crossed the creek and climbed :he sharp slope to the lake above. Elise stooped to pull out her boot, i"hich hsd sunk deep into its muddy shore. "I don't see why I should want his jroperty even if it is mine," she said thoughtfully as she gazed out over the nisty expanse of water. "Why he | lives in that wretched spot is utterly I beyond me. There's far too much of this water above it. It's bad enough on my fazenda, being threatened every rainy season by the dam at Avilos, but in his house I'd be con- stantly afraid that one of these lakes would overflow and start trouble. The ground where his house is situated is so extremely low. The lakes probably aren't large enough to do much dam- age; nevertheless it wouldn't be pleas- ant if they broke through. I've been under its brilliant rays examined the tiny wound. He drew a breath of relief, then ex- tinguished the light. "It's all right. 1 thought it might be something else But if you value your life keep on that glove. Let's start walking again." They proceeded in single file a few hundred feet. Vilak again halted. "I'm fairly certain now we're being followed," he whispered. "You and Elise walk ahead and talk to each other as loudly as you lik*. The loud: j i the better. Keep talking. Have your pistol ready, Nanny, but don't shout unless 1 tell you." The old man and the girl moved obediently down tho path. Vilak crept into the brush and waiteu, listening in- tently. But he heard nothing. After a few moments he stepped out and re- joined the others. "I was certain something was there," he remarked. "It's quite possible my ears tricked me out here in the jungle where there are so many noises. Don't often do it, It hough." They reached the tree near the thorn thicket where Elise like the others, had tied her horse. She looked back at the black hole through which they had just come. "Weil, we got through therj without any trouble, after all," she said. "Your ears are playing tricks with you, aren't they, Vilak? You've been smoking too many of those Chinese cigarets. It's a won- der to me that your nerves haven't completely gone to pieces. I'd hear a great many things that didn't exist if I smoked even two of them." Vilake smiled and took out his fan- tastically carved cigaret case. "Per- haps that's a hint that you'd like one now?" She made an indignant ges- ture of refusal. "You, Nanny?" The old man rather timidly took out his own modest, mild-flavored pack- age. "Er, thank you very much. But ISSUE No. 7 '30 I think think I'd rather have my own. I will take a . . . er , . match though.' "You mean to say you've lost those two boxes I gave you this afternoon?", Th old man looked at him humbly. "Not lost exactly. Er Not lost. | "Boa noite, senhorita, senhors," the They just slipped down into that lin- .engineer called out after them. "Have ing of my coat again." You're positively Vilak shook his j.a care of the roads. They are not toe "Charming fellow," said Elise as . they turned into the highway leading to her home. "Delightful," Vilak responded. They rode a dark quarter of a mile without seeing either beast or traveler They lit cigarets, mounted, and rode j exce P l belated ox-cart driving to 4 u -- v **- cursing "You're hopeless, hopeless, Nanny." head. "If Elise is still the good crea- ture she was when she was a child she'll sew up your pockets tomorrow. Here's another box of matches. Don't lose this one." toward the town. As they reached the spot where the bridge crossed the river they saw the light of the torches at the railroad encampment, and upon Elise's expressing a wish to see it rode nearer. From the top of the embank- ment they could look down and see the laborers still at work pitching their camp, their black shadowy forms flit- ting about spectrally in the ruddy light of the torches and the fire. They were close enough to the en- campment to be clearly seen by those below; the handsome, white-linened Brazilian broken down town, which the driver told them had fifteen kilometers up the road and the powers of evil only knew when he would get into the city. Then they heard the sound of men's voices in ar- gument and nearing the spoi saw the .two Italians who had been there earlier in the evening, Pasquale Bran- za of the patched cheek and enormous Adam's apple and the one-armed Dette Cicerot.e of the broken teeth. The Latins stopped arguing imme- diately on Feeing the travelers and swiftly snatching off their hats and: bowing unctuously, murmured a salu- The old man caught a glitter of steel at their belts. (To be continued.) chief with whom Vilak had spoken sev- eral hours earlier walked over to gase | , up the embankment and ascertain the identity of his visitors. Recognizing Vilak and the chemist, he smiled and waved his hand cheerily. "You ride late tonight, ?enhors," he called out in his clear, robust voice. "Will you not come down and chat a little?" "No, thanks a lot!" Vilak called in response. "We're on our way to bed." "Ah, indeed you are most lucky," the engineer answered. "Myself I shall be up all the night before the Friend "If you spend so much tlm camp is done. Ah, the life of the en- at golf you won't have anything laid jrincer is not easy. But at least you > aside for a ralny day/ . Gold Fiend _ CALM The tempest makes returning more dear, The darkest midnight makes brightest star. Bonar. calm- the vill smoke-with me a cipraret. It would be most kind. It would pass for me a few moments pcasant'.y. Too often am I lonely." He waved a comprehen- sive hand towr.nl his vicious-faced workingmcn. "With my villains, helas, there is not much to talk." "Sorry. We've really pot to go,'' Vilak responded. "Some other night, perhaps." They chatted a moment from the heights, then the three called out a good night and touched : purs to their horses. "Won't I? My desk is loaded up with work that I've put aside for a rainy Small Boy "Mister, you sell auto- mobiles, don't you?" Accessory Deal- er "Yes, my boy." Small Boy (dis- playing old inner tube and an auto horn "Well, how much would the rest of 'em come to?" - t Check Falling Hair with Minard's. PainT Some folks take pain for granted. They let a cold "run its course." They wait for their headaches to "wear off " they tablets always offer immediate reUef a - ches al ? d P* we nce had to peraists ' COMUlt SPIRIN TRAD* MARK Ma.