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Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1930, p. 1

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' r - - ' -..-> Vol. 49 No. 36 Flesherton Ontario, February 19, 1930 W. H. Thurstcn Sen, Proprietor X-X-X~X~X-J-W-M-K--:-K-S-M->.:->. News and Information for The Busy Farmer ( -5" CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Co-operatives grow not simply by an increase in membership, but more surely by an increase in the loyalty of the members. Not ne- cessarily according to the number of cars, or tons, or dollars hand- led, but according to the extent the business aids in improving the con- dition of each member. Not by an increase in quantity, but constant- ly by an increase in the quality of the marketable product of the individual. Not by spurts cf evan- gelism which brings groups of v.n certain minds into the field at one time, but by constant missionary work which brings into membership, one by one, those sober thinking, yet perhaps conservative and in- dividualistic producers who, once convinced of the value of co-opera- tion remain loyal to the end. MILK-TESTING PAYS There is sound common sease In the suggestion of a fanner keep- ing five good cows in place of fif- teen "just cows.'' Thee case is cited of a farmer who tired of the worK entailed by keeping fifteen cows and who reduced his herd 'o five "good ones." The surprising thing was that the net returns from the five were greater than they had been from the fifteen. This should prove conclusively the value in the use of weeding out the p.on-paytng members of tho he.J by milk-test ing. The local department of agri- culture stands ready at all times to advise the larnier in these mat- ters. Hon. Jchn S .Martin. Minister of Ag-ieulture. will accompany Pre- mier Ferguson t<i London. England, rext summer to open the new On- *ario Government building there. About 30.000 to"s of hay have been recently exported from East- ern Ontario and Quebec to Great Britain. The 1929 exports of hay from Canada a e greatly in excess of those in the previous year. NEW HOG GRADING RULES The new hog-grading laws came into effect last September have resulted in some confusion amcng the less well informed breed- ers and shippers. The new qualifi- cations are as follows: Hogs shal: be divided into two classes, the ba- con hogs and the non-bacon hogs, the bacon class is divided into two classes, the "selects" and "bacon.'' The standard for the- select grade is the same except that the mini- mum weight is now set at 100 Ibs. weighed off car. The second grade of bacon hogs or '-bacons" must weigh from 170 to 220 pounds off car. The first grade of the non- bacon class is known as "butchers"' and its weight range _-uns from 15C ta 230 pounds weighed off car. Ah hogs 01 smooth fleshing and fin- ish not conforming to bacon stand ard are included n this class. The old shop grade has been entirely removed and hogs under 150 las. are known as ''lights" or " feeders' and requirements for killers are filled from the feeder grade. WATER FOR COWS Cows pnx-lucin": large aioun'.s jof milk require large amounts of water as well as feed. It makes up seven pints of every gallon of milk produced snd is necessary for al! life processes. It is raid that of every 100 pounds of milk produced, there u contained, en an average. 87 pounds of water. The cow re- quires 500 pounds of water incluO- ing that in the feed, for every 100 pcumds of milk produced. Good cows should be supplied 12 gallons or more of water per day. and should have access "o it at least twice a day. This supply need not be warmer than 45 degrees if avail- able at all times, but if only sup- plied twice a day it should be warmed to 65 degrees or above. An abundant supply of water will prevent digestive troubles and as- sist in the production of the maxi- mum quantity of milk. PR6TON STATION Rev. H. B. Jackson has gone to Sudbury tj engage in evangelistic M/. C. Ireland oi Victoria College took Mr. Davis' charge on Sunday last "s Mr. Davis is ill Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Wauchope spent the week end in Flesherton. Miss Gertrude May of Toronto visited her friend. Miss Emily Aeheson here. We are so TV to report Mrs. Mal- colm ivii 1 -'? ill. Mrs. Johnson, our publio school test -her, visited in Toronto. (Last Week's Items) Mr. -nd Mrs. B^kor and family are moving into tho villa*--. They will live in Mrs. Consley's unoccupied house. Most of our sick folk seem to be improving. We hear that Mr. Hug'^ Kodgin is so far improved as to be able to play checkers. We were pleased to see Mrs. Vause out for la drive. Miss Emily Aeheson, who I undewent an operation for appoiuu- j eitis in Torouto General hospital ts convalescing at her home here. Miss Mario-.;.. Aeheson has cora- ; mencod duties on the Toronto ;ea.!'- i ing staff. Rev. H. Jackson of the Bible School has purchased Mr. Ernest i Lyon's hur.drfd acrv farm. Miss Gertrude Lyons is visiting at the parental home. She favored the nsregation of the United ehurc'i 1 with a sweetly rendered solo on Sun- Mrs. Bujruley and Mrs. Lloyi! Wauchope spent a day or two in Toronto recently. Mr. R. G. Aeheson has pi: vhascu the Richard estate, formerly Uie Her.ry Lonsway farr>.!, on the pro- vincial hiirhw-xv. Miss Myrtle Watson of the Bib'e j School 'here at'ended the funeral ot sn uncle in Owen Sound. Reeve Corbett attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Reburn of Markdale. House of Quality' Purina Feed \Ve have secured the agency for the Ralston Purina Co. for Purina Freed and have a car to be here this week, consisting: of O-Molene for Horses; Cow Chow for milking cows; Steer Fatena for fattening steers; Chicken Chowder for the laying hens. This is a balanced feed, fed with your own home grain, giving wonderful results. Special on Majestic Flour his week $4.18 per bag WODEHOUSE Intensely cold weather following th--- thaw of Irst week. Mr. Robert Brown left on Friday for Goodwater to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Hutchinson and chi!c!."n visited her father and brcthcr. Mr. Jack Flynn and Mr. Newt Smith at Vandeleor on Sunday. Miss Wra Fawcett. who h?s been assisting Mrs. Fred Cutting of Mark- dale had her hand badly burned '.as; week and is now at her parsnta: home here nursing the painful mem- ber under the doctor's care. Tho teachers and pupils had a de- lightful Valen-ine party on Friday afternoc.i at the schaoL A short program was given and an ei:hanga of valentines followed by a dainty treat from the teacher, Miss Wiley. Mr. Jos. Cherry and son Harry arc busy taking out another buz: set oa the farm over the mountain. Mr. Ber' Bussey of Markdale has been en- gaged helping them. Mr. Gordon Wiley has beer, under the weather the past week with c touch of blood poisoning in his hand, but now is on the mend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett anI Mr. Russell Fawcett attended the dance St. Valentine's night at Mr. W. Wilson's. Riverdale. Little Shirley Lawson suffered a bad burn on Sunday evening, when she tripped and fell against thj heater burning her face and hands. Fortun- ately the bi: :ns are not deep and she is doing well toward recovery. Master George is. we are pleased to know, still improving. The pupils of the schccl sent him a treat of fruits whics he enjoyed very much. Mr. Edgar Fawcett of Fairmont is spending a few days with his par- ents. M'. -nd M>-. F. J. Fawcett. Mr. John Morrison is busy hauling logs ;o town at present. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiley and little daughter. Jean of Wainwright. Alberta, who are spending the winter in Old Ontario, at present with the iatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MoArthui- of Meaford. spent thy wee.', end with his parents, Mr. and Mrj. R. u. Wiley here. Stanley is a Veterinary surgeon ard has done well in the West. He has an extensive know- ledge of live-stock and this winter h.> '-as shipments of horses sent to Mcaford and Si.ooe ar ! finds rcii!..- ?ale f<<r them. They Intend r.Hurr.- i~S to their home in the spring. Li'tlc Yerv.a. their eldest daughter. i< j-.-iyinj: with her grandma Wi:./y .;r\l utter. liny; school here. Muster Ea:i Morrison, \vh.i : < at- t'V.iii'ig h tth school in Markiiuie. sront the week end with his parents. Mr. ;-rv Mrs. Jos. Mo-rU^n. Mr. Rar. Hutchinson of V.i-deleut was in the neighborhood b-.iT^ing nooii iV Newt Hutoh'.nson day. EUGENIA Lister.'. Listen: The Vale, social which was to be given unuer the auspices of the L". F. W. O. in the L. O. L. hall here on Feb. 14 a; postponed owing to the stormy weather. It will be held this coming Friday evening Feb. 21st instead- The W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid society will meet this rhu.'suay aitetttoon. Feb. 20, at 3 and 4 o'clock in the basement of the L* cited church. In an item last week. Reta Genoe's cantc should have been stated ir-steac of Robert Genoe, as accompanist on the organ. Sorry thij errcr wa= tnade in publishing. Ca Friday Feb. 14 Valentino day a pleasant time was enjoyed at t'ic school from 3 to 4 o'clock. Some of the ladies of tie section were present. The teachers and pupils had the school tastefully decorated with heartc. etc to su:t the occasion. The .-'r.jiren pt: *,a a program cor sis:., tig of a debate, oral v;:rii position-, solos :t^'. Tho : ; .!__> debate tvis. "Resolved that r-ral lif? is pre- t'errable tj city life.". The affirm- ative r/on. After the program home made oaix'y \va.s passed around. Master Douglas ifcrgar: celebrated his r.i-th birthday on Feb. 13. Many hapiy rerjras of the day. Douglas! Mrs. J:hr Parsons az:d son. Ranald spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Mc.r.cnz:e. 12th line. Mrs. David Genoe. rTast Mt. :*;tec v.-ith Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fred Jamieson recently. We are sorry to report Miss Lucy MacPor.iild home from Flesherton high school, ill with la grippe. We hope ihat she will soon be better and able to return to her duties aga:::. We are pleased to report Mr. Rob:. Smith on the road to recovery t'rvm his recent illness. Mrs. Roy MacMillaa and little daushter. Margaret of Markdale. spent the past week with her n-.othe?. Mrs. Wilson and her sister. Mrs. Fred Jarr.ieson. Master Teduy Campbell and sister. M:ss Evelyn and brother. Burton spent a couple of days recently thei- jrrs" Mrs. Badgeruv.-. 4th ii- \ Mrs. Doupe of Sau^reen is visiting , w:th her brother. Mr Jos. Ha-.\, - .- M- Jos. Sher.v.v .1: - MAXWELL The Women's Institute held their regular meeting at hs home of M;ss Ella Morrison Thmsday afternoon last with about thirty ladies in a:- tecdance. Roll call was the wearing of a iavcrite apron. Thj practical ' were judged and Mr. Chas. Br:cy was successful in (.'arryin.j of: the p -ize. Interesting papers -jrere, given by Mrs. R. J. Morrison andj Miss Mary Ross. At the d^se ,::' *hej a dainty lunch v.-as scri-ed, by the hostess. Dr. R. L. Gauld who was b - hospital a couple oti azo for special treatment and, x-rays, i-i improving ni.sly. Mrs. Gaaid is in Colliag-wood also. Ma=ter Jack Is with hi; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gauld of Mimico. Mr. Levi Duckett has purchased the Whiceoak proper y one mile and a oaarter east of th-? villaze. He. with Mrs. Duekett arj family have moved here from ntar Flesherton. V.'P a-cicome them :> ou- corn; unity. .'ifisj Acnie Priestiv is visiting her sister. Mrs. George L >ng of Duncial'c Miss >farv Ross ha. ret-omed home a:t-- issist-n? for the pas- few weeks at Fevershan t:!ephone offics. FEVERSHAM CEYLON ""(r-. \. C. Mu:r TV.irrcay with he- pa ?r*- ! I?*Tke>y. Mrs. A. E. Haw spent a day m Dunda'.k lust woek. Miss Agn^s McPhail 1,1. " we"t to Orangvville last week and had her tonsils treated. Mrs. Hannahson of Orangeville ana hrx>ther, Mr. Andrew Hemphill of Montreal spent the week end with Mr. ami M 's. John Gibson. Mrs. Raney and 'Daughter. Jean of Toronto and Mrs. Bailey and little daught-'r of Shrigley spnt the week end \vith their mother and sister. Miss Agnes M-Phail M. P. Th* Valentine social which was to have been held on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mvlr was postponed on account of the severe storm, which raged all daj-. It will bo held on Tuesday evening of this week in the school house, which the trustees kindly loaned for the occasion. We hope the weather man will be in better humor. VICTORIA CORNERS We are <lad to report that "r John o'u. 'K. ,-ur neighbor on the 10th line, who has been taking ttcaf' \-i th.' h:svi:al ,:t ColUnjp- Crood, v. -.>< able t.i corr.o homo on Saturday improved in health. Tho you is men have started a bowling alley i:i Sir. Herman's shop, wh.-rj - end a fev. . . -.e .'itvr.: a. -his pleasant pastime is ' .' : --. gxd :-!u. th old U . Terren.e Moore .in ;'riend .' -.ngwood were ,:iJ \is;-..>:> with M:. Moore'* enu. Mr. ;-.-:J Mrs. Jas. Moore of the suburbs and other friends in this lo- cality. Mis-. Florence Gekilles. Clarksburg. is operator in the central oft ice now. Don't forget to come to the box so.-:al and concert in the Orange haul here on Friday i>th a: 8 o'clock p.m. A good time is assured. The concert is unde the auspices of the C. O. e . In reply to the letter written to The Advance las' week by Mr. Geo. Ross Sec. Treas. of the Osprey mer's Milling Co.. where he accuses me of 'v.isrevresentinjr affairs in ".iy report ox' the annual meeting of the said Co.. I would say I only reported absolute facts, as the shareholders who were there will bear me ou-i, an-j as Mr. Ross assumes the respons;- bility for the management of the said Co.. at tho present time there axe some questions that the shareholders might be iustii'^d in asking him. but not wanting to be a party in trie controversy I will ring off. "DEWHY V.ATCK ' TO MUSEUM From The Liberty i New York), Register we clip the following item thieh refers to a former resident of this section and a well known watch- ' raker of F'.esherton in the person of Mr. W. F. Doli: The "Dewev Watch" made of steel recovered from the sunken ba:-' tleship Maine and presented to the Coi-coran Gallery of Art has been transferred t-j the United States National Museum, according to word received in Liberty this week by Wil- liam ". Doll, former president of the ( W. F. Doll Manufacurir; Co.. which i made these \vathes '!0 years a^-. Mr. Do!!, head of a '.eadirj Maiden Lane ;ewoiry manufacturing \v:h Vic- tories a: Newark. N. ./.. pu-c'-aseo from the government all of the stee". recovered from the battleship which vas s.:-.t to the bottom of Havaa Harbor Juring the war with Svu'n. '^ : ~ metal, the company manu- , watch cases fitted with : rt'.ovemerts which were - as souvenirs of the Spanish-American War. and specimens were presented . ' Admiral Dewey ard Captai". C. P. Sigbee. c-^r-T. inder ;:' the Maine. Or: : the watches '.v.'.s f rescr.tevi ' to the Corcoran Gallery \ ' Washington, ami preserved there as s ' ro'.ic of tho Maine. At -.he suggest- : II:. Doll, who is now a resident .'- Liberty. C. Powell Mirmigerode, director of the gallery, agreed to transfer this relic to the United States Museum, which is under th iirect;oa of the Smithsonian lostl- tatioe. The transfer was carried oas .ri a .-orcarce w:th i resolution adopt- -ni by the board of tie art gallery, u> permit of more wvaatageous public display of the curio. Mr. Del', once a prosperous mam- -- - . ;-. =-':ered reverses in bosiae^ and retired. He has been a resides! :i Liberty 'or many years, bet & st:i! retains an interest in Uooinc^i political science, and ecoccifin, sa^ :srr.;r.g which he holds original theor- ies. H.> iias v.-r;tten severs! mono- graphs on me '.- and the philosophy of exchange. ROCK MILLS Vory e"ld -. Bather at time fl vr:::rg. Mr. Diek CUrk visited a tew day* v. .th T.r-:nto fnends, and also attetw :-: the fu.-.eral of his aunt. th- late Mrs. Silas, Phillips, which to -k place a: Hamilton c~ Saturday. Mrs. V,'. J. Newell ?nd two daugh- ters visited recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts. Mr. Clayton Betts went to Toronto on Saturday. We are sorry to report that Jir. William Hawkins has been ~- r ' f i"~ 4 . - his bed the past -? k tad K th; doc'er's care, we ho^e lor QJB eariy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mcliimurry of Toronto have moved th"ir house hold effects to their farm on the Coi- Hngwood gravel, which they pur- chased from Mr. Pallistor. The social under the auspices cf th U. F. W. 0. which was to have been held a: Eugenia last Friday night, was postponed on account of the very disagreeable night. They intend holding it this Friday night. Feb. ^!st. We are glad to know coat Mrs. \Valter Russell i feeling better tfter being laid up the past week. POSTPONED SOCIAL ". F. W. 0. Vaien-ine social. --.-red from Feb. 14. will bt on Fri. Feb. 21. in the Orange Hail. Evijrenia. A good program of songs, recitations. readings. dialogues. mcsic. games, etc.. will be given. Lunch served. AdnissiV-: 25 and 15o. Come and have a good time. MKS. W. MAGEE. Pres. MRS. A. F. PEDLAR. Sw. Mitt Special for February Lined Pullover Mitt< "c Lined Horsehide Pullovers ^X\- I.abrador Herring. Fresh Frozen I.ako Trout from 2 to 4 Ibs. each on Saturday only. Corn and Peas .. _' cans -:v A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes evt'i'\ e\cait^ at 6 ;x;n.. except c ' Wednesday and Saturday. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE WE DELIVER IN TOWN 46 '" A Ernie Nicholls of roar Pundalk is visiting his *is*"r. Mrs. Robert Lee and helping them '_-et moved to the Neil MeCannel farm. We are sorry | to 1 *se them from the neighborhood. ; lut glad they will not be leaving the church or goimr far away. Mrs. Fred Brvwster is staying with | her mother, M -s. A. Stephens who is on tho sick lif\ Mrs. Harry John*>n and dausrhte- from the West and Mrs. Art Ja/.. . i visited Mrs. Stephens last Tuesday. j? their ouilts for the bale at >!?. P.r-r. '- S. <*. NO. 11 ARTKMESIA 5th class Dorothy Halbert. Si ;! Wilma Ca < ->e. John Lloyd Bola-d. Sr. ;> Violet Fitsi:nn-.onj, Mitchell Taylor. John Boland, Lloyd Boland. 2"d Bernice Harbo'tle. Carman Sowelt. Allan Taylor. Archie Graham. 1st. Jean WyvjH, I^mreen Bake--. Rhva McLean, Ralph Fitshv.mons. " ;-een Bohvxi. tVi'.-r.e Hutch " Hus-h Wyvill. PC!-.;.-,;- "-le! v'arsr^-. Kvely:' MoGoc. l '- - . . Fr.: W.'ber. Joye> McGee. B. I- ....... i..'her. Save on Groceries Pineapple Treat Uiseuits. p*-r Ib Oranges, reg. 75c. per doz Sweet Corn. reg. si/ed can J cans -?5c Touuito Soup 2 cans J5o! Orange Pekoe Tea. reg. 1 XV. per Ib ^) c Granulated Sugar j^ ^ -c^ Prunes, re:-. _\V. per Ib j |5 S ^ Ciop. j>er hundred weight s^j >^ H. FREEMAN Phone oOw- FLESHERTON ^^ C Bates Burial Co y y. 122-1 .'4 Avenue Road ~ TORONTO Phone: KlnjjsdAre 434-3 J. \V. Bates. R M^ K1

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