WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY ^. 1930 TIIK FLESH ERTON ADVANCE News for KM Rii IJU .-. THE BUSY FARMER them to run in. Avoid all old yards and wallows. 3. Clean and dry rieeping uartcrs. These should be entirely free from draughts, but provided with 'ventila- tion. 4. Suitable ration*. From .wean- ing until four months of age, ih fol- lowing ration will be satisfactory: 200 pounds of finely ground oats, 200 pounds of midling*, pountte of wheat bran, BO pounds of barley or corn, 15 pounds each of linseed oil meal and tankage, 5 pounds of 'bone t-har and 3 pounds of salt. This should always be fed ac warm slp mixed with skim .milk or buttormitX. As *hc pigs get olde>- increase the I nrnnnrtinn nf h.irlpv nr wn. "Be Verv Cmadian butter leaves rom for improvement both in quality pnd quantity. This improvement, P"- cording to a prominent dairy auth- ority, "will be brought about by im- proving the quality of the raw mat- erial "through paying a liipru r price no the producer. UNIKORM PRICE AND QUAUTY Prof. H. H. Dean of O. A. C has some timely advice for distribut- ors of m51k nnd other dairy pr< 'iucts. He declares that milk and milk pro- ducts of-good quality provided mt -a fair and -uniform price throughout tlK- vemr will satisfv the consuming H*444*MMAif+4!fe*f***+*t i dared *hat a cow must give at least \ 0,000 pounds of milk to pay for her keep. Better breeding and better feeding are necessary to profitable returns in his opinion. 'CANADIANS MILK DRINKERS .Statistics Jave shown that Can- An Open Letter I The Car Could Stop - aims to brine about a more, adians eat more butter and eggs per capita -than the people of any shows that one of the favorite bever- Mr. W. C. Allon, of the 9th of Ar- ' thur, hd ft bad fall on Thursday ! last when he pitched head fii-st from C,y,on.0n,.] Story^Tuxbrid.e ^ Tw,, g^ * bare ^ barn^a F.b 3. 1930 balanced ..-counts with a 7** heavi i y on his f&ce> c[Ming an e ye Dea.- Ed'or, 'policeman the other day. who inter- |jMlt j breaking his nose, as well as in- BCCBUSC I believe that Cooperation ( ru p te( j n ; s progress into the city in juring his mouth. He was found by his brakes. Edgar re-j his son who, when he went into the ne ' stable, heard moans from the floor on searching for the sound, found his father He was carried to the ven dis-i order to as nearly as possible 'the"fiinjmoiuitrated with the of f icer J-hat value of th- product of their labor., was in a hurry, but the I ted on a test because he .done what little I cou'd to aid insls ' i . n J j __! I HWW 'UUIIC Wllttt JII.V**; A -" * - ages oi the people of Canada ,smUK. rat . vemovementthatlagri ., thc looks f the QWn pop . that Edgar drove . above and cause of th'-' unconscious. To sattffy demand or /resh m,lK alone, over 4,626,000 gallons per year, or about one pint per head of popu- . Ti_ */ ttmy LinuiMiif.; (J*;* -av. - o* " " " lation per day is required. The Co . opcrat ivc movement offers to'al valoo of Canadian dairy pro invegtment must be clear n _ Thl} growtll ductg cxceeds 2 50 millions annually. a new hope if we have the Wjsdom and courage to use it. The very sad circumstance o? my REGUL- father . s death prevented me atten- ding the anntml meeting of the fihaic- The Hon. .'John S. Martin has an- j,^^,, o f $# v Qsprey and Artemesin nounced changes in the regulations co-operative Co. The many m- of the Ontario Weed Act to be ef- CHANGE WEED ACT ATIO?tt5 quiries made by me as to what took place at the meeting left ma alto- public better than variations Ini careful not to overfeed; every meal Active this -year, quality nut price. He suggests tht : .,hould be all cleaned uo ouickly and' Head superintendents or foremen gethor unprepaiuid for the glowing ac- following aids in this direction: Dar-'-morc looked for. A supply of affalfa! will not be eligible for appointment. count O f tne vearg wor k as it, appear- light and no "moonlight" delivery., 1 !,,, clover hay should be on hand at all is weed inspectors. The 'reason for e( ] j n Th e Advance of Jan. 29. Appar- the use of mono-service bottles f ot , times, and a few mangles or apples i this regulation is that the weed in- ently thc wriUr who was not I judge milk, carton* for pound print butter. , s j ven daily. Keep all pens clean and' spcctpr must report on the enforce- T ne Advance drew from the year's sell v ar ieties of cheese liko cottage supp ly drinking water each day. and thus uef/*ofitably the skim-milk the "zone" system to save duplication of milk routes, and courteous con- sideration of -vaomers by all drivers and salesmen. WINTER CARE OF PIGS The main factors in the success- ful roaring of pitjs during thc winter months are: 1. Early lit'ers 1 ment of the AA with respect to RUCCCSS on ]y one conclusion "The roads. result of the yrar's wrk was so sai.- T simplify enfwcement of tha isfactory to the shareholders of the i act the following less important Company that they elected tho old jn a recent address on the scrub weedt jn Ontario ha*u been removed board to conduct tho business of the ! from the noxious list-. i Company in 19SO." Did th sharc- Cinqncfoils (potentiWa sp.), field holders not sec that the work c j peppenrrass depidium campcstre), Harold Spoffwd as Manager and I s'iekseod (lappula ech'mata), THE SCRUB BULL 1 hull and its effects on the dairy m- | dustry, W. E. Thompson, president of 1 the -Ontario Cattle Breeders' Associ- ation, claimed that a scrub sire wa liability to th" breeder. Tht (rood nurehred R U s- Shipper was at least as great " factor sire wns ,ian thistle (salsola kali), wild bar- in the year's success? Let our thelipv fhordeum jubatum). f? back over the last few years an<: Pigs intended for, logical one to head a herd, since with Municipal councils are encouraged let us answer this queston honestly, wintf-r feeding shoulfi b" farrowed a reg'utered sire there are greater t o appoint men capable of giving Did thc amount of business done In not later than the month of Septem- chances of Retting results in the way' leadership hi an educational way. Live Stock increase or decrease while her. This gives them .time for a of building up the herd than when n Weed problems arc not simple and Harold Spofford was Shipper? True good start before cold weather. r:uU- or inf srior "breed is used. The the best men available are essential '.he Shareholders and the Board have 2. Clean yard A good clover field . purebred "has a long line of descent of ( jf pro jr r ess is to be made. It is not a right to make such changes as they or yard with clover sod is ideal for , the one breed. Mr. Thompson dc- su ffi c ient for a council to appoint a wish but Co-operation is Brotherhood . . - = .' man and intrust him to wait for and n faithful servant should A Cake and Pastry Expert says : complaints before taking action. , treated as such. The report "Since Purity is a strong, rich flow, with great expanding qualities use 1 tablespoon less per cup if your cake recipe calls for ordinary ptsiry or toft wheat flour. If it calls for tnillc, use half milk ana half wate; duke-warm) with Purity. New Recipe for Flaky Pie Crust For two pie shells use 2 curs Purity Flour, }-4 teaspoon salt, ',1 cup shortening !i cup rold water. Mix flour and salt, culling in the hortrning until the mixture ii like fine meal. Mix thoroughly with the water. Koll out thin, keeping it quite dry. For extra rich patry use liaif butter and ball Urd. StnJ30cfor Purity Fitur Cook Book. Western Can.n!.i Fkur Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Ont. 96R Rural mail carriers arc finding many people waging at their v , ;th , h , boxes for their daily papers while the naval conference is on. be also stated that Mr. Spofford resigned as Shipper. I have no grounds to bo- probabiy .. that sta . ement i s ; n accordance benzine buggy j- tvJ house and regained consciousness Standing on tae . . >ust as t!;e doctor arrived. He has happened, and his escape a man of 76 l . tl_ t ~* IU3L * H. 1 ^ UWI.VI running board he *"'**? no knowledge of to proceed whilo he watched the test- f ^ ^ ng instrument working on the run- ^^ ning board. When he gained a speed of about 30 miles an hour, the officer ordered the brakes applied. Edgar applied them with such vengeance that the car came to such " sudden ter Rep. more serious injuries is a mat- of thankfullness. Mt. Forest stop that the big officer was Se-.eral thousand new phone and hurled .electric light poles were planted In into the windshield and through it. th '3 district last year. When the \s the brakes worked perfectly, the roads set cleared out the boys in the fficer had nothing on the Uxbridge|cars will attend to them. man, but there was something on the officer who was called on to pay for A newspaper heading says: "Reeve a new glass and admitting the liabil- Grant's Seat Attacked." Now, ity, he put up the money. Kincardine would say that's carrying abuse we be- Revicw-Reporter. 'yond the limit of endurance. Small Advts. f O R SALE FOR SALE Two colts one 3-year] FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to rent old and one 2-year old, heavy. Geo. with comfortable buildings and in a Best, Phone 41 r 2. FOR SALE Durham cow, due to freshen April lst--J. L. McMullen,' good state of cultivation. This farm is in the Township of Artemesia, quite Ceylon. snap for quick sale. For further informatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah FOR SALE Choice clover honey Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone for sale in bulk at lOc per pound. Dundalk 62 r 4. Roy Fcnwick, Maxwell. If Harold Spofford was not a good shipper, then of course try to get a better one, but if the cause of the change was too much work, an ex- perienced book-keeper and clerk , would have solved thc problem and at thc sam? time have retained an ex- perienced man to handle by far the A pleasing event took place in To- ' most i m p cr tant part "f the business It looks like thc brokerage firms have to choose between the old ways of making money, or "walk- ing the straight and narrow path." 1- : lor Bread ronto on Friday evening last at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs Allen Cameron, 1 when their three children received I the rite of baptism. Rev. G. S. ' M'illigan, a former pastor in Cha;- iner's Presbyterian chut-fh, Flesher- 1 ton, ws the officiating clergyman. JTimc has dealt kindly with the Rev- erend gentleman, and several mem- j bers of the family were present and renewed old friendships and scenes. the live stock, need to seriously THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HIU.&CO,,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY is we argams Have a Special Signif icence at this time of year when there are so many calls upon the family purse for pressing needs. You Save When You Spend at Hills'! Very soon we consider signing contracts for live stock nnd why not '.' It is not thc farmer who sells co-operatively all the time who is dis- satisfied but th" o"" who pumps 'la^k and forth between thc Drawer and the Shinper. I did not expect the Grading station, bearing one half the rent am: one half the wages of two men, to pay in the worst four months of the y ca -.. the small deficit is not sur- prising. Thc showing for store and yvadinjT station would have been WANTED Work wanted by com- petent man, barn or housework E. T. Hocking:, Ciylun. P. O. FOR SALE Set of heavy team sleighs, good as new H. Down & Sons, FIcsherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella Gibeon, lot 10, Collingwood street, Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Bam 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving- house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property is in a I',T, .. TT -.,. _ *" W K*^> .* JK SALE Singer sewing mach- (rood location and will be sold reason- ine, nearly new, also good heating ably, stove. Geo. McKenzie, Ceylon. FOR SALE Jersey cows for sale, freshened and due to freshen soon | W H. Ludlow, R. R. No. 2, Proton.' For further particulars ap- r>ly ti the administrator. W. J. Meads, Fh.herton. Ont. FARM FOR SALE and quantity of hay at the farm. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. I 110 acres in the Township of Ar- FOR SALE Set of team sleighs | temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. ' about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush: barn 36x60 with T 36x46. all with ston? FOR SALE Barred Rock cock- basement, in good rein;-, v.v-tti- at . . . . barn; driving shed Iu8u, also hen ercls, either reg.stered or hol]se . 8 . Womed solid b V ick \ ouse ercd. Wes. Armstrong, Flesherton. with soft water cistern and furnar*. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, si*' > v>>/*iil convenient to wirwa" school. Reason fo ae innjr is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremisos. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. FOR SALE 2 young cows due to freshen, must be sold this week. F. Stuart, Flesherton, Phone 29. FOR SALE 200 bushoh-, of feed ba Icy, also some good feed oats that weigh 40 Ibs. per bu. Ed. Loucks, Fleshertcn, Phon c 31 r 31. good deal bc-ttei- if rent, fuel, lighting! FOR SALE 9 chunks of pigs, one MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR ndfi.-ld's Underwear, blue label, $2.2!) a garment Stamlficld's Underwear, red label, fl.'JS a garment. Standficld's Underwear, red label, 1.6U a Karment. Men's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, reg. $1.00, f or 65c. a garment. Boys' Fleece-lined Shirts an drawers, reg. C5c., far 49c.. a garment. Men's Tweed' Suits, reg. $2S.OO,s for |13.75 Men's Suits grey and navy blue serge, rcg. $27.50. for W6 Boys' Suits in tweed effects, reg. $0.50, for.... $5.00 Boys' Overcoats, reg. $14.50, special $6.!l. Men's Winter Overcoats, all sizes, reg. $25.00, Special $12.05 Men's Winter Overcoats, reg. $22.50, Special $10.95 Men's Work Sox, rg.50c., Special. ...3 pair for $1.00 Men's Fancy Sweater Coata, reg. $5.00, Spec $3.29 Men's Wool MitU, reg. 85c., Spec 4!tc a pair LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR 10 only Ladies' New Winter Coats, all beautifully fur trimmed, excellent quality cloth, silk rayon lln- jng and double interlined,. All new and up to-date : ylen, sizes 34 to 44, a real buy. Values to $32.50 Siu-cial $111.95 G9c; Ladies' Fleece-lined Bloomers, reg. 85c., special O'.ic.; Girls' and Boys' Black Cashmere Hose, reg. 75c. a pair, Specal 3 pair for $1.00 Women's Silk Hose, reg. $1 for 59c.; White Flanelottc Night Gowns, reg. $1.50 for U8c. IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 100 Pair Ibex Flannelette Blankets, large siw, best quality, Special per pair $2.23 NEWS FROM SHOE DEPT As a final inducement to clean up on our Rub- bers and Goloshes not listed on our rcoent sale bill we will offer 20 f /r off for the next 10 days. Come early and share in these big savings. As well, we still have all sizes in the following sale specials: 1. An assotmcnt of ladies' nnd children's Goloshes in a variety of shades and heels at 98e. 2. Also about 50 pair of Ladies' and Growing girls 1-buckle Goloshes at $1.19 A new shipment of 2-bucklc 2-strap Ladies' wool Goloshes will be offered. L'.'il pairs must sold at $!.<!!) 3. he LADIES' SAMPLE DRESSES $7.95 < Boy' Hockey Shoes n nil sizes at only ........ $l.lf> 5. Men'* 15-inch Lonther Topped Rubbers, sncri- vct-d at only .................................................... X3.95 Ladies' Silk Dresses made from very fine quality imported flat crepein all thc new full shades Evorv dross just new in stock and worth from $12.75 6. B t,, $l'.M). All sizs to 44. Special $7.i5 5 nnd 6 eyelet Rubbers. Values up to on sale at .................................................. $1*49 Women's Heavy Underwear, rej. $1.25, Special ALL GOODS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED insurance, rdvei Using, telephone and \ pai !. of the wanes had not appeared in the liability column. They were paid, why change them twice? Bui even with that there was a substan- tial balance. Tho CPK (Trading committee ot seven four of whom were women disappeared, if my information is cor- rect, and thc Board looks after the grading ns well as the '-tore \s ith three women chosen by them to ! r.dviso them Does it appear as : though tht- organized farm women, ! who more than the men were rcspon- ' sible for starting the n^w venture, 1 have been allowed out of the admin- ! istration ? The sano Board can quite nicely look after both, but why not put some women on the Board If as shareholders, directors, man- , ager and shipper, we arc willing to hold the litfht of Co-operation high, advocating it both by precept and example, surely we can do much for Agriculture, but our effort must be the spirit of helpfulness and mutual trust. Sincerely AGNES C. MACPHAIL. brood April sow, due 15. Louis to farrow about Kerton, Maxwell, Phone Fev^r^ani 4 r 111. FOR SALE B. an $1.CO, Middlings S2.2r>, Chop, $1.25, salt 75c per cwt., swec-t clover 35c per cwt, protein $20 per t:tn; t>.lso barley, wheat oats, peas etc. A. C. Mu:-, Ceylon, Phone 38r3.} BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Mr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of thc Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDAUC ire ooj . o LICENSED AUCTIONEER ".' Par the County olf Grey. Terms) NOTICE Will the person who to-.!; ] P r <*nt. Fitisf action iruarntetd ihc tarpaulin from the sioi^h n [.:r.\. of my gararjo on Monday ^ atcs n5nc ' e t ' rl e Advance office. pltaro ictUi-n by Saturday noon, j (.tiii'i \' he will be prosecuted as he was seen by two different parties. G. F. BRACKENBURY. Flesh-ton. MISCELLANEOUS GOOD SMOOTH FARM OK TO acres best of land almost all under cul tivation 2V4 miles north east of Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new garajre 20x22, good brick house, newly decorated, 20x35. well, windmill and V4 acres orchard. Priced for quick sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezcll, R. R. No B.Owcn Sound. SHORTHORN HULL FOR SERVICH Hegistcroil Shorthor.n bull for ser- vice t >-t 5, r\. n . 9. Osprey, "liUrry larquis" l-'o. IJCU^; Sire, Bo D ni Marr-5 142,381; Pnm, Red Hiiiterfly 181,078. Term< Purebreds $5.00. grades $200. Cows not return** Hi] be ?harge jull price. --3. ft HAWKINS, PORT LAW SCHOOL REPORT 4th Grace Phillips, Dorothy Badg- erow, Clara Boyce, Wilbert Fisher, Mary Sheardown and Delbert Fisher (equal), Bert Hopps, Clifford Taylor, Grace Hopps. Julia Croft. 3rd Bobbie Meldrum, Florence Boyce, John Blakey, Herb Blakey, John Skinner, Marguerite Croft. Jr. 2 Gracic Jamieson, Roy Chap- man, Vern McMxillen, Currie Skinner, Jr. 2 B?inice P'antr, Maijorie Pedlar. 1s:l Harry Badgcrow, Louisa Hoyae nnd Mabel Blakey equal. Elda lYdlnr, Sadie McKee, Myrtle Croft. Pr. -Harold Phillips,, George Boy- ce, Llewellyn Skinnoi. Those markcd"were present every day. No. on roll, 31 average att. 2;i. M. Johnston, Teacher. FARM FOR SALE On Provincial highway 2V4 miles south-east of Dundalk, 220 acres, 150 acrc5 under cultivation, 50 acres hard- wood; 8 roomed brick house, bank barn nearly new; driving shed, hen house. Land is lohm to clay loam. Forty acres fall plowed. A. S. BROUGHTON, R. R. 2, Corbetton Phone Dundalk 102 r 12. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 aores under cultivation. Good liouse and large barn with ood stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY 7B Acres in Osprey, all under culti- vation; brick house and large frame barn with stone 1 basement; half mile oast of Maxwell being parts of lots 11 and 12, Con. f>. Apply to Dr. D. II. Guy, Newmarket, administrator of the estate of the late W. H. Gy. . MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrkteru, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton vsy Saturday ^rnoon and evening. BI B 5!*SS CARDS Dr. W B>. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental burgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69 Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, 'A. F. A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham. BOAR FOR SERVICE - '* - Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice Edgely Fright Vim, No. 99,99Cv Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terme, $1.00 C. IIINDLE,