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Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WTEDXESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1930 . ' "Business is Business," But Courtesy Pays. OUR business friends and yours with whom we make transactions, demand that precision of efficient ex- ecution whi-'h is a part of the regular service maintained by any bank in its daily affairs. To merk your confi- dence we must go further. The Bank of Commerce maintains a policy of personal courtesy in ts dealings, re- gardless of their respective impor- tance, whch should be an asset in your business as well as in OUTS. THE ( THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE u'ttft tvhicft is amalgamate** ^ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl L Passes FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL CJ>JL TIME TABLE Trains leave Fleshsrfem Station u follgw*: Going Soutk Going North 8.M a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 6.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close t Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. outh at 3.3*0" For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. th previous evening. Local and Personal Curlers at Markdale Shop where you are invited to shop. An advertisement is an invi- tation. Postmaster, Trimble spent a few days of the past week wth friends in Owen Sourd. Miss P>rle McMst"r visited her brother Geo. who is in the East Gen- ertl hospital, Toronto, undergoing treatment for his nose. Mr. Chas. McEachnie of Durham was in town on Monday attending the funeral cf the late Robt. Croft. Mrs. C. White of Waubashene is visiting her father, Mr. W. J. Hen- derson, whse condition remains about the sam?. Mrs. W. S. Inkster has returned home, after spending several months with her daughter Mrs. J. Jones, of Toronto, who is now making satis- factory progress toward health. Eugenia U. F. W. Q. will hold a social Feb. 14, in the Orange Hall, Eugenia. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Everybody welcome. L. O. B. A. 545 !>re giving an oyster supper in Mrs. McDonald's tea room on Friday evening of this week, Feb- ruary 7th. Supper scrvxl at 6 o'clock. Mr. F. . Duncan attended the fun- eral of a cousin, the late Edgar Scoti of Toronto, which took place in Owen Sound on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The license fe" for tho popular lines of cars this year will be: Chev- rolet 6, $10; Chevrolet 4, $5; Durant 4 $5. Du:-ant 6 $5. to $10. Ford $5, Nash $5 to $10, Plymonlh $5, Whippet $5. Messrs. C. .N Richardson and G. B. Welton vere in Toronto on Wed- nesday and Thursday of la-.t week attending the Convention of the Hydro mun.cipalities of Ontario. At a special meeting of tho L.O.B. A. on Monday evening Mrs. F. W. Duncan and Mrs. Gordon Warling were appointed delegates '.: attend the Grand Lodif at Brantford in March. Kimbcrley Poultry Association will hold their annual exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11-12. Get a prize list fron R Stafford, Kimbcrley, and pat-onize the show. Word has been received of the very critical illness of Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Howey of Webwood, Ont.. now in Grace hospital, Toronto. Mrs. How- oy is tho only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield, who resided in Flesher^n for r.iany years. Many people ir 1 . our village will anxiously await news of her recovery. An old time socil will be held in Flesherton curlers gave a good ac- count of themselves at the bonspiel in Markdale on Wednesday of last week when a rink skipped by Jim Dargavel v.-oa ono game from Rocklyn, won one : game fr~m the crack Tipling rink of Shelburn?, losing: out o- th" last end and los: to a Markdale rink. The _-;r.k v.-as composed of skip. Jame? i Dargavel; Vic-- Skip. M. Wihon; Sec- iond, G. McTavish, Lead. F. H. W. ! Hickling. Considering that none of ! the above mn ever curled before | this year, their display a; Markdale U therefore exceptional. Another rink skinned by Walter Akitt vice A. i Down, second T. Fisher, lead G. John- j ston failed to win a game, but gave | a good account of themselves in every contest. Feversham lost ona of its oldest setrlers Thursdny ir.ornir.<? Jan. 30. when Mrs. I. H. Perigoe passed to rest. She had been a long and patient suf-ere:-, having been in led for nearly four ysc -3. The funeral waa held from the re- sidence of her daughtc- . Mrs. H. Alexander, with whom she h?.s lived for the past few months, Feb. 1 t3 j Fevcrsham cemetery. The serv:^ was conducted by Rev. Mr. Bamforil i and Rev. Mr. Dean, who spoke a few ! words. M-\ Jas. Davidson and Rev. ! Mr. Dean each sang p sol". The ' flowers were beautiful for the time j of year and ir.iludod wreaths from Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith and family 01 Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. J Ross, Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart nnd family, Mrs. W. Hanley Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottewell, Mr. and Albert Stewart all of Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs. S. Osborne Kimberley, M:-. and Mr*. W. Colquett, Mr. I. Alexander of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. M". and Mrs. H. McKee, Feversham; Mr. ard Mrs. I. j H. Perigoe, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Per- igoe of Toronto; Mr. and M"?. C. B. Perigoe of Delhi, Ont. Mis. Ross was the only sister nl the deceased who v.-as able to attend j the funeral, as *he other sisters were ' confined "to thMr honvs through iii- FORM 1 BRITISH HISTORY Huit Fred Fav.-cett 88. Dorothy Wolstencroft 8>, Do ; is Bannon 34, Lucy MacDonald 82, Ita Pedlar 77. Pass Hazel McK-1- !>p 71!, Alma McLean 72, LaVerne Piper 72, Stanley Hunt 71,. Isabel Mc- :*;::!-:: ijT, Mervyn Johnson 66, Ed Tatton 64, Jessie Ostrander C2, Mar- i tha Ostrander 62, Burrjn Sled G2, T -> Gibson 61, Gordon Patterson 00, i ' .-'.:-. Graham 58. Frank Eagles 56, Bessie Cnirns 55, Cecil Chard 55, Ev- erett Talbc*. 54. Fail Vera 3Ie- Deceased was born in Toronto In the days when i' was only Muduy Y^rk. and came t 1 " 1 Osnrv township when a child. She has lived hi Feversham for over sixty years. The familv left 1 1 mourn her loss are Mis. H. Alexander of Feversham; Mrs. Albert Stewart, FleshTton; I. B. Perigoe and I. H. Peri-roc of To- ronto and Chas. B. Perig-oe of Delhi, Ont. County 101. Officers The annual meeting of East Grey County L.O.L. was held in D-ndalk i on Tuesday afternoon v;hen the elec- 'ion of officers resulted as follow:;: P.M. H. Watson, Swinton Park. W.M. G. W. Littlejohns, No 509 D.M. F. J. Seelcy. No. 666. Chaplain A. Richardson No. M3. Rec. Sec. E. Acheaon No. 24 J Fin. Sec. Gordon Duncan No. 797 Treas. J. S. Wollwotd No. 7 l .i7 Marshall J. Stewart No. 353 l.-t Lect. Milton lr\v:n 797 _:v! Lect. Geo. Long No. 666 Com. W. Turney No. 2855, James McKenzie No. 1083. G. Pierson 7'.i".. It was decided not to hold a County celebration this year and also tha: the degree competition will be held in Dundalk the first Friday in November. Maxwell L.O.L. announced that they were intending to holu a celebration on July 12th this year. CULTIVATE HABIT OF SEXPIXC IN NEWS Onc of th things that ought to 'become a fi:;ed habit in cv.ry ho'.i^c- : ; ~i?son 50. hold in Flesherton in that of sending 1 '*' Do * Th; FORil 2 COMPOSITION Mervyn Little 83, Murray Stuart 80, Almeda Hincks 78 Pass Ellen Parker 72, Jean Hincks 70, Florence Welton 70, Dorothy Snell 68. Ruby White 68, Audrey War- ling G5. N'eilbert Mackenzie 64, Stella Marshall 62, . Daisy McFadden 61. Verdun McMaster CO, Earl Ottewe!! 60, Rowena Magee 58, Jeannette M - Leod 56, Jim Bannon 55, Emerson McKillop 55, Edw?rd Ferris 54, Ma.-- garec Ferris 54, Macil Snell 52, B.u Patton 52. Iva Wickens 51, Dorothy Jamieson 50, Muriel Knox 50. FORM 2 ZOOLOGY Hon. Jim Bannon 82. ! Pass Me.-vyn Little 72. Stella Mar- shall 71, Ruby White 66, Earl Otteweii 64. Bob Phillips 61, Murray Stuart 02. Emerson Mskillop 61. Ncilbert Mac- kenzie 58. George Allen 57, Muriel I Kr.ox 56 Jean Hincks 5o. Audrey Warlisg 55. Dorothy Ottewell 53. I-.- a Wi -!;enj. 5!, Micil Snell 33, Wm. Pal- ton 52. Ehnore Fisher 51. Ellen Par- Fail Ma -garet Ferris 47. Almeda Hincks 43. Jeannette 46, Edward Ferris 14. Daisy McFac- den 45. Dorothy Snell 38.' Rowena Mage,? 53. Verdun M.-.Mas:er 31. Dor- r thy Jamieson 29. MIDDLE SCHOOL __FREN-CH-Hon.- Marie Fenw:,k! J. Pass Marion Bibby 69, Jam. 1 : McFadden <3J, Blanche Genoe 67. Bert "lurton C4, Ea>-! Johnson 63. Harold ' Turner (52. rat-i c i.i :i,- r gan 61, J: n i| Haw 60. Irene Martin 55. Hatti .- M,. Kae 54, Lola Bla.-kbarn 50, Har :.I Fail Jackson Stev/ai't I ". 4 !. Bessie Beard 43. | John \V.l JUNIOR OCKEY! Dundalk Juniors vs Flesherton Juniors Thursday, Feb. 6 Game called at 8 p.m. Admission: 25 and 15 cents :~:-*~:-x~>* Have Your Advr-ce the now^ items that [ Jonn " ' -'56. En: -ry Fisher 22. you may know of; tell us of your; MIDDLE SCHOOL news and any neighborhood or other \ CHEMISTRY Hon. lola Grahn-r. iu-m-s -hat will bo of interest to your- S(5> Alice Reik-y 81. Pass Herbor; sell, your neighbor or your friends. ; ^"*U ' Evolvn Turner 72. Ret.; Printed at this Office ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. S. Sutton is in Toronto on bus- iness. Master Bill Welton is visiting this week with his grandmother in M;. Forest. The sow thistle worries the farm- er in the summer months, and the jackrabbit takes up the same work in the winter. Scientist ii Paris says he is will- ing to bet he will live to be 200 years old. He probably never crosses *ho street. Mrs. L. A. Fisher is attending the Convention of the Fairs Association being held in Toronto this week. Slie is a delegate from the East Grey Agricultural S.viety. Mrs. Thos. Rcburn of Markdale was very suddenly called by death Sunday evening on her way home from church when she suffered a stoke, passing away about midnight. The funeral is taking place this Wednesday after- neon. We were in Dundalk Tuesdav after- noon and tho trip of a mile into the village from the highway was over one of the worst stretches of road we have ever travelled. The pitch holes were so deep that one of the boys in the back of the sleigh noticed that as we travelled along we drove righ; over a load of hay that was stuck at the bottom of one of these holes. It St. Columba church, Priceville, on St.| sure was a bad road for a farmer Co Valentine's Day, Feb. U. Supper k ake stock over. from 6 to 8 p. m., followed by a miscellaneous program of song*, old! In twenty months of operation, time music, recitations, speeches from General Motors Nordiska, at Stock- local and other clergy and by our holm. Sweden, produced 25.000 cars local inembes. Under tho auspices and trucks. of the Ladies' Aid. Adults 50e, child- A horse belonging to D. A. Mc- ren 25c. Leod of Glen Huron dropped through Mr. W. H. O'Brien, writing from a crevase in the rock near the "Dev- Khedive, Sask. under date of Jan. 25, il's Glen" and could not be extricated, says in parf " We suro have had The crevasp was thr>o feet wide at very stormy, blustery weather, for the top and narrowed to a few inches, some time. I might say since the New The animal had to be put out of its Year and we feel it. Last year's mUery, although many men spent crop dried out, leaving money ami hours trying to rescue it. feed very scarce. Sure hard times Tho C. P. R. station ft Durham in this community, but we trust 1930 was burned to the ground early Tues- \vill be much better, otherwise we will day morning, supposedly from an ov- be like the label on a bottle." erhedted furnace. Every lodge, church, body or social organization should have some sentative who will look promptl carefully after its news reporting, u you think some organization has bet- ter r.ews service than your cwn, it is probably b-c"-.ise that organiza'ion looks after such matters be.tcr. Write your items and send them In where possible. Or telephone the:: . but nleasc don't ask that long lists of rames be taken ovor the telep'.ion? as it not onlv reouireo much time, but usually errors occur in lists thus given. Above all. be early. Never wait till the last minute to send an item that can be sent in early. The Advance telephone number Is 18. Fix it in your mind. awcett 71. J. n McCo-mack repre- ' : ' Iu: ' il 'l Cameron 68, Christena M:v_ V ly and [ Ct3< Fre<l Orreil 5S, Ruby K-rt-n 56, t : : - ' Sadie Carson 54. Fail Jack >io- 1 Kechnic 48. Harold Best l;>. | J MI POLE SCHOOL ALGEBRA Hon. Aice Heard SS. J. Hair $.">. p-aMa Sl-->->n 7.". !' . -Muriel Omeron 70 H. Akin.; 68. J. Wilson 05. Christetia Jiaciv BIar.;hi? Genoe Go. Evelyn TL -ner 3U Reta Kawcot: ."0 Fail Sadie Car- son 48. Marian B ; bby 47. J. MeFad-.L-r. 46. J .Marshall 45. UPPER SCHOOL ALGEBRA Hon. Jack Jamieson $l>. Florence Allen 75. Clean Clear Bills at very Reasonable Prices CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends ano neighbors for their help and kindness in our sad bereavement in the loss of our n-.other, Mrs. I. H. Pe-i- goe at Flsh<>rton. Th^ familv. IN MEMORIAM McDONALD In loving memory of cur dear husband and father, Mal- colm McDonald, who died Feb. 8, 1928 Sadly misF.d by hb family. FLESHEUTCiN' 6. MARKDALE 5. The In ?n cL'iort to curb sheep-killing by cogs, Amaranth township council has decided to pay a bounty of $12 to anj-one destroying a dn^ caught in tho act of worrying sheep or to tiie party giving: information leading to a conviction against the owner of the dog. Townships in this district have' been hit hard for paying accounts for sheep killed and every effort will be made to kill all such dogs. FLESHERTON ADVANCE . t r < ? Markdal" iitermedi:Us came to town on Thursday evening last a"d tried conclusions with the locr.1 team, but failed to return home with the coveted honor of a win. the score being 6 5 agai"st them. A fair crowd was out to watch i tV;v. !' ! i<l the sramc resulted in j :-. etose QOfl . : from the first b?ll to tho last. FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 48, Con. 3, Township of Glen- e\g, containing fifty acres cleared, balanc? hardwood bush. Also part Lots 48 and 4'. in the second concession of Glenelg Town- ship, containing nineteen and two- thin! acres, i-n which is a IO.T house and barn. For particulars apply to M. W. RIDLEY. Box 183. Dundatk, Ont., agent for Catharine McLeod, Adminis>t-hatrix. Painting and Paperhanging I will be in Flesherton at the Mun- shaw House from 12 noon to-day lo i 3.30 p.m. Thursday afternoon and will estimate on any paintng or paper- hanging cors'racts. Kindly get in touch with me there or phone 107, Oundalk on a rev>rs'- charge. W. 1. WELLWOOD. TWO WEEKS ONLY Mid-Winter Price on STANFIELD'S Unshrinkable Underwear .' lYrfcct Goods All Sizes from 3d to 44 I'.luo Label Quality Regular $2.75 for i>2.vW Gold Label Quality Regular $2.00 for Sl-7<) Red Label Quality Regular $2.25 for $1.98 Truro Special Quality Regular $1.50 for $!._*) | The above cash prices -are good till February 16th This is an opportunity to renew yourstock of u'klerwear at a special price. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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