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Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1930 THE FLESHEK'JLON ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery V Orange Marmalade-, largv jars 29c. X * Jelly I'nwdirrs, 4 pkjjs 19c. * * ;j 3 tins Clark's Soups 25e. { ! : ! 3 Ibs. Pure\l 55c. ** ;; Try our Special bulk Tea .- 49c '$ : I ;!; ;; O'Canada Flour, per ba $4.35 j Men,s Wear CAPS FROM $2.09 to $2.50, TO CCLEAR at W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 We deliver in town. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paidi in ad van c $2.00 {Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THL'RSTON, - - Editor f. J. TI1URSTON - Assoc. Editor ') r {'. S juth East Grey, when i ui's i ih" sacrifice of wh"t she i'jslly cnti'lcd to. Few of us .vould have ths courage:. The at tick- referred to, with all its ina.Tiii'iieies, appears elsewhere in this Issue. EDITORIAL NOTES. I; mak. i inU-resUng n-ading to that the un is '.''.'. 8 i:i,000 miies xway from the earth. Do:. 3 th'-' mile i.crtain to th- summer or winter? AN UNJUST COUNCIL An agitation is being made for ffoverniiunt to abolish the law Tr.inst litjuor advertising in Ontario I periodicals, claiming that the law I? The County Council last wvek re- 1 L'clrivinp lii^im-.;.; from the province. fused f<;r the third tim" to give Flesh- The Hod and Gun, formerly of Wood- art on a 20 foot s'rip of pavement. stock is now published in Quebec and w e wi.<h IT inform th county | had r.< vc'-al ra-'e, of li".uar ailvcr- father:;(alt!io'J!,'!i they undoubtedly kr. j\v it) that th.--v ar- treating this village with considerable contempt "shabby" in f --1. Thrc" yean :IT Flc.,lier'ion v- . 'h<' first village in the eounty ti as!, for pnvcment. Th.> Fleshcrton Uctve \va.i told at that time that th> time \va i n->t >>. ;-i|n . Two years :i;/ > tl-.o rei-uot w ' ; ' peuted, \vh( \.'i i wer I'M '-hat the towns would hrwe to ba Hokerl .".i'^ci first. Acc(. dingly Ihuham. Ihinovoi and Thorrbury K<JI th.'ir pavemer',. But riplit 1: i \ !.-r.' thi < be^an. At the Insi : :siv-;i of council in November an r(rrc<;;v.c l nl was entered into \vilh !i village of Dundalk t > pave their c.miiLTting link this year. In the session last wee!- Flesherton a^ain asked for the, this beintr the tliird Tho only icply vouchsaf'd it would would all rcqUL-st. that displayed in a recrnt i.;sue. \Vhib many ne\vxpap?rs and mag- azine.; would welcome thin entire re- ver.ii" there lire i :ores of '.lie ran"; and file of :i-'Vsp:;pers in tha i)rovince wh'> \vuuld (. fuse to print li<iuor advc: ti:-i:'.i:, ;n they did before the ). A. ('. came- into ['orce. * It !n ! - :> m:'.ny year:; since there A-CI-O ns few auction sales taking place as tho:- a:-" thi.t year. The main ,n for sales is openin;: up ii: ' 'he 1 |i!"- peels ar.' fc\v. No doubt the cause of this i.! attributable to t.hc condition of farming with very Tew wishing to nr-icur" farm <. While chore cix- many farm'-rs willing and cage.- to sell out and retire from farm work they will not do so until a purchaser can be secured ("" the property. Another reason for so merely camouflage, as tlip funds could done v.hen the funds) few farmers williinR (> rnt. farms w. Thi . of ou-s". y.-aB few farms willing to rent their farms or accent a small d'-posit thereon on a purchase. One c:m scarcely blame them for not rentinii if they hnvo a first clns farm r* i 1 ""'Y taker, a few short years to reduce the value of :i farm seve'-pl hundred dollars. be found 'o d-i Flesh Tt i this as well as they could lie f iiim) y ni for Dundalk. Another aspect of the question t> that a moribund council last fail e,i- tered into an agreement with Dun- rfalk and passed it on to the council for 1MO, which act, if n"? illegal, was comething of which few similar bodies would be Kui!'y. In addition to all the above in- justice we must add that the village of Neu.stadt, practically the same size as Flesherton. had a forty foot pave- ment given llK'i.i last year, and thif Bounty will have ':> puv for thirtv feet of that navor.ient, the govern nvnt only paying f'" I 1 '"! Geni-rosity! Oh, yes, ou eounty futli-rs a-e vcrj generous, and also very unjust. I Health Service f ?.. - of the - CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. THE PROBLEM OF SWEETS FOR CHILDREN "HAD A BRAIN STORM" The Toronto Star Weekly puhlishct an article a wt'"k mco diM'u.i.iing Mis: MacPhail'M attitude on tho r.'for of B nenatorship at the hii"ds of the Dominion (iovcrnnienl. Th. nrtii '.' would make interesting reading, if i. were true, but, as Mi s MiiePlr'il nay. "the writer must have ba<i a b'aii irtorm" wh"n he ; oinposi'd his artiei.' Miss M n cl'hail never was offered t Senatorship. The governnu>nt knew her nttitud" on that tiueHtion, an< would not be likely to riiik " refusal Neither is there a lii; fund accumul- nting nt Ottawa whirh she may some day draw. The facts ore that foi four yf-nrs aftci' *he was elected ; i Parliament nhe allowd Ivr extrn in Jemnity to accumulate until six thou sand dollars wns chalked up t.i hci credit. Then she did 'he inn ;nnn; mous thing and issued a c heque in favor o,( th^ Dominion (invornmeni for the whol" nix thminnnd. Since that time, howevr, -the hns accepted 'he full indemnity. That nix tliousum: went into the Dominion c iffers l( hcli) us all pay of', our war dfbt. No matter what our politics, we are tound to doff our hats t-< the lauy County Committees The standing committees <-f the County Council for the year 11)110 are as follows, in each case the first aine at'tin*: as chairman of the com- nlttM: " Finance and Assessment-- Mivsr.;. luritcr, Aeh'-son. Al'.a-' Aithur. <<!!, Id :(, Fleming, Fri-Uer, Gcr- y. Hi ..iniili !-, Holm, Mutch'iaon, Jack. \I Ailiste-, McDonald, MeTavish, Re- >urn. .Shier, Taylor, Thompson ant: County Knads Mensr--,. White. ,i-nili!:f, r'rcttrr, Taylor, Jack. Coun'.y 1'roperly-- Messrs. Hrig- 'iam, Ashby, Hell. IJrodie, ln>\vn. i)nvi-i, Kretter, (Jerry, Ilastie, llun . . f,' 'Allister, McDonald, Morri ton, Hiclumlson, Reim anil Shier. Education Messrs, Boll, Alhm Arthur. Ilrcese, Dri:;huin. Brown '/oibclt. Height 1 -. Hunter. Hutchi ion, McAllisti'r, McDonald, McTnvish. Iti'lnirn, Seini, Taylor and Thompson. A-rrii-ulturi'--- Messra Thompson. Aeheson, Ashby, Davis, Field, Flem ing, (!cr''y, Grlernon, Hautie, Holm, lock. Morison, I'hilp. PrintinK Messrs. Fleming, Al- lan, A"liby. Pirodii', Dnvis, (Jrier- ion, lleipfhc-i, llimmiler, Holm, Philp, Reburn, Rk'hjidson \nd Mn'ir ami White. C liiimunieations nnd (lemorial^ Mi:;srs. Hutchison, Arthur, Brown ^nrlictl, (Jrierxon, IIei(rlte.-i, Ilimmi'i- , PIcTav'ub, I'bilp, Riehirrdson nniT St im. Unlive (if Refuse Mr. I I Warden nnd c ' i i .Irjr fron 1 h.' ( itv i . Owen Si.iin:!. Wnrdc.r.: . Brc;s" n <' Fi-ld. Under the nbove title has been published a report of the Committee on Nutritional Problems of the Am- Public Health Association, lujging from the qantity of corres- pondence we receive, asking for In- formation on this subject, we believe that our readers will be interested In having a summary oi' this nuthcra- lativo report. The report points out our need for several substances in our food, and the clanger in allowing a one-sided i'ood, such as pure sugar, to take the place of the many sided-foods. It is t.taU-d that while bread-stuffs and me?ts are. desirable foods, "they can never make a properly balanced diet, and least of :;!! for a growing child, tven though a hardy expl.irer may be able to live for a long time on such a <!i.?t withou: showing or feeling any noticeable- in- ji:: - y." It h omnhasizod that fruits and vegetables, in providing ths nec- essary minerals and vitamines, are "protective foods", as they protect us i':-om all tho ill effects resulting frm ths lack of such substances when we live largely upon bread stuffs .".rd meats. Tho "mos: important of the protective i'^ods is, milk" a state ir.ent which cannot be too often reit- arflted. "It is a sobering thought that sugar, as it "ow comes into commerce, is .'h" nnst completely devoid of protein vitamins, :-nd mineral elements of nil the f >ods which we give our children. From the nutritional standpoint, there fore, it would sesm that sugar should be of all foods the most cautiously u-jod h fording children, lest it dis- place too much of the food which can do whnl it cannot, i". supplying the proteins, vitamins, and mineral elem- ents which children need so urgently and so abundantly for their healthy growth and devclopcment." It is pointed out that in nature, sujrr.r i ; ~ot found in concentrated forms, nnd that, too much sugar may "oil the appetite for valuable foods with less pronounced flavour, in gen- eral, the proner place of sugar is not in such c-onocntratvfl forms as candy.. nor in the indiscriminate and ences- ;ive : weetening of ;>;l kinds of foods '"it rath.'r as n. preservative ami flavour to facilitate the introduction into the child's dietary of larger am- ounts ..-f the fruit and milk, the im- portance of which to child health has been increasingly emphasized with fai'h yea. '.s progress in our knowledge of nutrition. County Council Notes firoy County Council is spending 1125,000 on hiphwaya in the county din-ing 1DHO, of which $50,000 will b c spent maintaining the roads already constructed. Tho Championship school fair is to be held in Markdale this year on Oct- ober 5th, which was decided by the County Council on Friday. (!eo. Mitchell of Flesherton was re- appointed to the Trustee Board of t!ie Xrtemi'sia High School. ^The Old Age Pension Hoard for tit.10 is: Councillors Holm, Breese, Fields, Corbett, and tho Clerk, Fred Rutherford. County Council w->s told bv John I'ai-ker, County Treasurer that the gross debt of the County was $-135,000. Of this amount $170,000 is in n sinking fund, which makes an In- terest of -1 per cent. In addition to the rinking fund, the interest is in- v-ti'il in short term debentures. .vhVh bring interest at the rate 01 fruM -1 per cent to per cent. Tlie net debt Mr. Parker said, i* At the iue-r>nt timo there nro sixty 'ive inmates in the House of U"fivpre 'it Markdale, composed o'f IM men and :!1 women. The net cost per inmate for one week was S'.24. During the veil-' fourteen were admitted, seven- teen inmates died nnd two wer<i sent to tlie Ontario hospital at Hamilton. Durham, Hanover and Owen Sound hospitals were each granted $500. What do they do with all the old razor blades? We've got a sneak- ing suspicion that some one. is scoop- ing tin "i up and selling them (gain. R. II. Clemens, Wellington County Agricultural Representative, report increased interest in poultry, with many farmers getting n very sntisfnc 'ory eirg yield since the mitldl" of December. Clmrles Boulding of Ar- hur, a farmer in West Lutlu Town- ihip, win gettinir th" first week rr, 'nnuary M i! izen eirgs a dny from il. 'ut r.OO Ham\l Rock hens, and U'alU.r B-rkwell ef IVel Township .van ffettinp a])proximn'eiy 40 do/t .. Rgs from about the s.-nn? number of '"'ii'. Mt. Forest Rep. Why Miss Macphail Tun ed Down Offer Of A Senatorsihp Eclipses This Year Partial eclipses of the sun ana I moon will be visible in this townu but on the average does not. When the apex of the shadow cone does not reach the earth's surface, a cen- tra'! annular eclipse occurs. At this V The Toronto Star Weekly makes the following reference to Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P. for Southeast Grey, in its "Page About People": Agnes Macphail, who js proud to descibe herself 33 a "farmer's daugh- ter" not only is the first wor-.-.n ever LO enter the House of C-jmnnnj a- Ottawa, but is tho first of her ~c; to be cifered a seat in the'J- that august body whose ranks havi just been opened to women. There are about 100,000 women in Canada who could meet the property qualifications necessary for a. Senatorship. One ot them Agnes Blacphail declined the honor with the comment that she was "more interested in the abolition ot the Senate th n n in appointment to that body." Women supposed to be the weaker sox. Miss Macphail, however, is A he exception that proves the rule if it is a rule. There is no record in recant years of anyone refusing a Senatorship. On the contrary, there have bcrn invariably innumerable applications for every vacancy. In the case of th*> recent vacancy in Mani- toba filled by th? elevation of Hon. Robert F^rke there were more than tv;o sc( re applications sent to the prime mir.ijit. r, ar.d one man walked upwards cf fDrty miles across trv wintry countrywide; of Northern Man- itoba to u:gc his suit upon Mr. King in person. Unlike the girl in the play who con- fessed that hr will was strong but her won't v/as weak, refusal sterns to come rav 'o Miss MacPhail. She has refused a Senatorshin; unless rumor is astray she has rei'used n <-o !t at the cabinet council, without portfolio; several years ago, when th? indem- nities to members of parliament were increased from S2.500 to R-1,000 she refused to f'kc a larger salary. It ha.i been piling up year after yeir ir the treasury and unless disposed of hyi Miss Macphail in writing will remain) 'here till th? crack of doom. It ap- pears there i.-, no way in which it can be put to other uses. Mi.s Maophail is a product of the Scotch Protestantism of the commun- ity bordering upon Georgian Bay. Her fo'-cfathcrs were members of the pi- 1 oncor band who conquered the coun- 1 ties of Bruce and Grey. She was borni on the farm. The little biography In] the Parliamentary Guide, which is| prepared after consultation with cai'hj member states that she is a "f?>T.i- er's daughter." That indicates that Miss Mmnhail is proud c1-' th> fa:t. She taught, school, indulged a hobby j :'or notillry farming, and finally stood "or Southeast Grey and elected. Recently she told of her feelings : ipon entering the House of Commons' and meetir"? for the first time the! men whose names are familiar in ev-' cry household of the Dominion. Mac-! cenzie King, Meighen, Bennett, Geo.j (iraham. Fielding she confesses that when sh" nu-t tbem ai follow mem- bers, comrade, it seemed "as if one we.e meeting Plato or Ruskin.' 1 Miss Macphal is not one of those members of parliament who is fed up with her job and who perpetually j threatens to quit. She knows her par- liamentarian friends too well. "I have heard many members 1 ' she said" dis-, i-laim any liking for tho House -f| Commons and declare they were nev- er coming back, and sometimes they lid not but it was not their fault." Nor docs this exhaust the subject if Miss Macphail's originality. She is conceded to be one of the best speak- ers in the House of Commons but she never speaks longer than 2.~> min- utes. lOven in the old days when pa:-- iamentary eloquence was unchecked, she rarely exceeded one-half an hour. And since the adoption of the forty- niinu'e rule, which she did much to :>ring about, she has never been cal- led to time. during April. The first partial eclipse )f the moon will occur at midnight on Apvjl 12. About one-ninth of the moon's diamettr will bo obscured by -he cash's shadow. A central eclipse of tha sun, n most unusual astron-l .. tlmc k nly J. is observed as a bright ring. the GREY COUNTY VALENTINE PARTY omical nhenomenon, will be visible in a'l p:\rts of North America on Ap- .1 L'3. The central part will begin 'ar out in the Pacific Ocean. It will nter California near San Francisco, massing across Idaho and Montana nto Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Hudson Bay and Labrador. It is expected chat 60 per cent of the sun's diameter be covered in the partial eclipse You and your friends are invited an informal dancing party at McCollister Hall, corner Cass Avenue at Forest, Detroit, on Friday evening, February '4th., 8.?0 sharp. As this is the first party given since last fall, let's make it a reai , party. Notify those who are not on our mailing list that y^u would like to havn them attend his party. Special pepny music will furnisTi , visible here. The solar eclipse willj new Rnd old time dances. occur between 2 o'clock and 4.30 p.m.. Admission 75c. Refreshments and The central eclipse will be total in the Southern Hemisphere. Partial eclipses which will not be visible in North America will occur on October novelties. Committee The parking of cars in Melbourne, Australia, is cortrollod by issuance 7 and October 22. i O f a ticket for the sum of twenty- Annular eclipses such as will be five cents. A motorist parks his visible in April are mo.=t unusual, car any place he can find space, hand- The shadow cone produced by the ing the ticket to a policeman. The moon may strike the earth's surface, ticket is good for one day only. January Specials 10 yds. Dark Flannelette 36 in. wide for SI. 75 10 yds. Light Striped Flannelette 36 in. wide, good quality for $2.00 Ladies' Fancy Sweater Coats, reduced to $3.35 12 in. Top Rubbers, size 11 only, for $3.50 A. HAW, Ceylon Store closes every evening except- Wednesday and Saturday until Spring. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station . : . ' -- , : \ ' . ' - . . - ' i - . . by and reverse the charges If you want to reverse the charge on a long distance call you do not need to give the name of the per- son you arc calling. It is enough now just to give tlie NUMBER you want. You can now reverse the charge on an "anyone there" or "sta- tion-to-station" call and get a lower rate as well. When you are away from home you can get your house or office more quickly and more cheaply in calling by NUMBER and you can still have the call charged to your bill at home. A Store of Right Prices Grocery Prices Co-Onerative Flour $4.40 O'Canada Flour ..,..., $4.35 Snjjar, per bag $6.00 Oyster Shell, per 100 pounds $1.30 r.ulk Dates. 2 Ibs. for 23c. Walnuts, per Ib 50c. 5-strinj; Brooms 4c., 50c., 75c KjJRs Fxtras 43c.. firsts 40c.. pullet extras 36c., seconds 32c. Artemesia & Osprey Co-Operative Co., Ltd. Phone 70 - FLESHERTON All Blakafords Feeds I' 1'Vt-d, per bag $1.95 Dairy Rations $2.60 Call Meal, 25 Ib. hajj $1.15 .^cratch 1-Veds, per bajr $2.90-$3 I.a\ in.u Mash $3.30 to $3.55 Standard Sctvi-nin^s $1.85 .

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