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Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1930, p. 1

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.Vol. 49 No. 34 Fleshecton Ontario, February 5, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor , i _ FEVERSHAM (Last Week's Items) Messrs. Charlie and Harvey Peri- 'go of Blythe and TorantD respectiv- ely, visited with their sister. Mrs. .H. Alexander and their mother, Mrs. T. H. Perigo who is very ill at prc- *sent. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tyler have 'moved out of thc village up onto the Itwelth line and Miss May Koss has 'taken Mrs. Tyler's place in the tel- ephone office here. Mr. John Black is on the sick list and has taken treatments in the hos- pital at Collingwood for soms days. Miss Mabel Ross is staying with 'her aunt Mrs. John Black at present. The annual meeting of the Osprey 'Farmers Milling Co. was held in the .Orange hall here on Tuesday, Jan. 21st,, with a small percentage of' the . shareholders present. The same | directors were elected for the 1930, Messrs. Fred Spofford, Hawton and John Hawton. Mrs. J. Neilson Passes PROTON STATION Mrs. Jr.mes Neilson another of the few remaining pioneers of this district passed on to the Great Be- yond on January 27th, after a few months illness. Mrs. Neilson, whose maiden name was Sar^h Wauchope, Married 60 Years EUGENIA On Jan. 20, 1870 sixty years ago, Miss Matilda McComb, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb, who resided on the Collingwood gravel road. Artemesia Twp. became the bride of Mr. Patrick McKee ot was born 80 years ago in King town- J the 4th Line Artemesia. It has been ship, the daughter of the late Mr. ' a beautiful privilege and experience and Mrs. Samuel Wauchope, who j for them to enjoy sixty years of lov- were among the early settlers of j ing companionship. By tho blessed this district., clearing their home near what is now Saugeen Junction. She was married to Mr. James Neilson in February 1868 with the exception of the first two years of their mar- Robt Croft Passes ROCK MILLS PRICEV1LLE We are sorry to he^r that Sam McDcrmid (Sr..) had the Mrs.! I FIVE MILLION'S TOTAL COST Of PENSIONS Old A?e Pensions of Ontario for the union there were born seven children, five surviving 1 , viz. Thos. cf Eug- enia; Sam of Nottawa; Mary (Mrs. Hahr.) of Nottawa; Cora( Mrs. Le On Friday morning Feb. 1st, 1D30 at St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, there came to a close the bright ana happy life of Robert Croft, a highly "r.d respected citizen of this com- munit^-. The sad news came as =. great sheik to the people of Roc:; Mills and vicinity. The deceased had bo n n troubled with goitre and heart trouble and he, accompanied by his wife went to Toronto on Thursday January 16th for medical aid. It was then found that his condition was very serious ana current fiscal year, ending October I fortune to fall and break her wrist. JJ ^30, will cost the province ap- and ' proximately $1,500.000 exclusive of vne year Era The p/oposi*ion to have the Financial Statement sent to the shareholders before the meeting was carried as .then the shareholders would have a chance to puruse them before the meeting came off, as having them passed aound at the meeting did 'tiot ' give them any time to look them over. The mill paid a ten per cent dividend for the last two years and not 20 per cent as formerly. It was agreed thpt it would be better to check up on the credit business as $1737. 84 was too much to have in ried life, they have lived on the farm r short distance north of Pro- tcn Station. They reared the large family of thirteen children. Two daughters and one son are dead, one Roy) cf Nottawa ard Elsie ( Mrs. Pa.-k) of Detroit. There are nineteen grandchildren and three great grand- children. On Monday, Jan. 20, 1930 thcii home was "en fete" in the -.fternoon though all that medical of the daughters, Mrs. D. Hopkins j and evening for the celebration of died last August. Besides her aged their diamond wedding ard during husband, for whom much sympathy ! which they wore sur~ounded by their child -en. Mr. McK<?o's sister. Mrs. Jerry Thompson of Collingwocd was is felt ir his bereavement, she leaves to mourn the lo~s of a devoted mother, seven daughters ar.J threi: sons: Mrs. Fisher( Maggie) of Agin- court: Mrs. Love (Sarah) of Weston; 'Mrs. Chester(EHen) o; Malvern; Mr<. Irwin( Jennie) and Miss Annie Neil- son of Proton Station; Mrs. McDonald (Jes;-ie) of Flesherton; Miss Lizzie Neilson of Toronto; Robt. Neilson ot Owen Sound; Archie Xeilson of Ro~k- wood and Ji'.ck Neilson on the home- stead. A brother, Mr. Thos. Wauc- outstandmg accounts at the end of . , .. . I hope of Proto-< Station anu two s- th year, as the Co. has had a great. . 'ters Mrs. H?rb Lockhart. Marpuette, many bad accounts in years gone bv 1 ,.. , . , c.- T , . , , Michigan; Mrs. Sinclair. Turin Alta.; and several hundred dollars has been nresent fcr th<? event. The outstan- ding feature of the sumptuous an- niversary repast provided.was a three story wdding cake, artistic" lly de- corated for the occasion. We are glad to report that this 60th anniv- ersary found Mr. ard Mrs. McKea hale and hearty to enter int.j the happy nature of the event. In the evening the people of the community and thi L. O. L. of wh : "h Mr. McKee '* a member, assembled at th- 1 hon:e and a very pleasant eveninqr was In- lost to the Co. in that way. The Osprey Municipal Telephone , System held their annual meeting or. jo _ , Wednesday, .Jan. 29th. when the fin- ! B " utlful n ral ancial report by the auditors was ad- opted, the former commisioners re- elected as were the auditors. The Commissioners are Messrs Geo. Short, Samuell Mullen and Harold Fenwiek. The Auditors are Emerson Wright and Edgar Belts. At the special meeting the central office and house was again rented from Mr. Charles Weldrick for a term of three The finances arc in good shape. dulged in. Ma~v foli-itations were a sister-in-law, Mrs. Samuel Wauc- j extended to the esteemed "Id couple, hope of Schomberg were present . Kind messages aM congratulations were received by mail. Flowers tributes from ; were in profusion, sent by frier.ds and everv member of the family sur- j relations near and frr. Of special rounded the casket, abo n spray from ' mention was the beautiful bouquet of Mrs. Miles Thistleth.wr.ite and Mrs. daffodils and tulips sent by the Can- The funeral Findb.y of *, ' BrOW P '" FEVERSHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th Burton Conron*, Mansel Conn, ^f Flesherton. charge of M and Rev. Mr. Scott conducted an impressive before leaving tho home. Interment was made in FL'sherton i cemetery. The pallbearers were: '"'j Messrs. Sherson, Acheson, Hergott, Lyons, Carson and Park. Mr. Wm. Irwin of Gocdwater Sask. renewed acquaintances in and around this village recently. Mr. James Turn"r nnd daughter adian Leeion. Among the many presentat ions that marked the day of wore: From their immediate family, j in ~~ F ~lshertcr>. c<?me t^ry. of money accompanied by ' skill and done, he bvir.g care could do was passed rway. Bob was just in the prime of lii'e. b'-ir.g- only 40 years of age and was the eldest s<>n of the late Mr. ana Mrs. C_has. Croft of the 4th line Q s r- e y, where h" \vas s orn on the old homestead on which bis brother Earl now re-ndoi. Having spenr practically all his life around this eoirmunity, h? was v. ;1 known ami higlfly respected by all v- '"i knew him. He was a good neighbor anu .fiend end always ready to assis* :,thors in time 01 trouble a^d need. Sc-vontecn years "go ho xvns mar- ried to Margaret Howard, \vho with three little daughters are left t.> mourn the loss of a loving husband j Mrs. Ak'x Carson. and a ki-d father. There aro also 'ot't '> mo;y two sist" 1 "" nd three CEYLON brothers: Mrs. Melville Douglass cf Foverhfham: Mrs. J. Twigfrer of "ollingwocd; Walter of Corbetton; Earl 4th line Osprey and Russell of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod Kith of Swinton Park visited first o^.' the week at A. L. Hinck'j. McRae from Owen recently at Mr. John his Mr. Duncan Sound .vsited McRae's. lr. Clifford Hinck* spent the week end a: home. Mr. Henry Tucker has Mr. Archie MacLean's f?rm. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hir-cks visited the first of the week at Markdale. The Presbyterian congregation of Swinton Park nnd Prlcoville. have extended a call to Rev. Mr. Stewart of Stonewall, Man., to become their minister. the administration costs which are high tho first year, according to Hon. Dr. Jamieson, chairman of the OH Age Pension Board. The total cost of pensions in On- *'tario will be in the neighborhood of parental $5 000 000 Dr . Jamieson said. Of the total, half is borne by the Dom- purchased inion Government, and the remainder is divided between the province anfl the municipalities:, with the former paying 30 per cent and the la-ter 2 per cent. Supplementary estimates to t>e passed during '.;>.- forthcoming ses- sion of the Leg-l^lature, it is said, Mr. St wart has been here will contain an a ^ ount sufficient U for the post month. He had his ,-, ake up tho di?ference between the furniture sent from Winnipeg and ar- million dollars voted for Old Age ivod here on Satimla;-. Mrs. Stew- 1 pensions durng thc year art is crcccoted in a few days. It j s a j so believed likely that m i;:s. Angus MacCar.r.ell of Proton! the estimates for the fiscal yean Vsiting at Mr. A. L. Hinck's. j 1930 and 1: 31. $1,500.000 will b set Mrs. Earl Seigrner oi Walkerton is ' aside for rensicms. spending a few days jvith her sister j The number of pensioners in the and broth-rs. (province has grown from 16.400 la Mr. Dan Campbell ar. 1 a number ' November last the first month for cm Priccville attended the hockey which pensions were paid to more Match in V.'alkert^n on Friday night, than 21.000 and the amount paid out Mr. and Mrs. A .irdson and : monthly ha* inrr>as*vl f- nm *-JHK nn. Swinton Park visited c!ay at tho latter "s parents Mr. and monthly has increased from $305,00 Mon- o something: in the vicinity of $400- spent Sunday at tho home of Mr. a purse of money heart felt wishes that th?y wot:ld be spared for many years to their lov- ing family: from 'he L. O. L. gold piesos, and from the church a pirrse of money. For many year* Mr. and M"s. MoKce have made their hornc in Nottawa. Vff join 5:> extending- heart v cor.srratulcti.-.ns ? > th?m and hone they may bo g->ared r.-.any more happy years of wedded lifo. Miss H. Milli::an visited ovpr tlie \v,-. k end at her home in Du-har.i. :.!r. and Mr s . Ed. Grah-m cf Merryl Davidson, Mervin Moore, James Vause. Teresa Lepard, Marion Hawton'J MV. and Mrs. Llwd Wauchope Emily Moore, Dora Short, Jim Conn, r.pcnt th-? "-eek end ii Flesherton. Lloyd Hudson. Mrs. Archibald visited hor parents Sr. 3 Billy Burke*, Dolsa Kait- and ;-ons in Ceylon. ting*. Irene Hudson*, Annie Heath- Mrs. , Thos. Quip? and daughter, Clarksburg visited with Mr. and Ms. cot e*. Beth left for their home in Alberta. Jr. 3 Marjorie Benson, Burton last Tuesday morning, sfter having Hudson, Gordon Davidson*, Marjorie made a visit of ove>- a year with the LP a rd- former's mother. Mr*. Plu'r=?n S>-.. Sr. Waldo Stonehouse*. Evelyn \Ve wish them a srfe and pleasant journey. Hale. Jr. 2nd Doris Conn, Dorinc David- son. Mild'-cd Moore. 1st Bernice Hudson*, Ida Benson. Norman Davidson, Kathleen Hawton* Sr. Pr. Florence Stonehouse. Jr. Pr. Murray Lepard, Davidson*. George Osborne. An asterisk after a name denotes present every day. IN MEMORIAM ' Alex Cameron and Mr. and >irs. Card Gr ham. :!r. Mae-ee. who has b-^n liv- ing in tho Wi-st for the r"-"- fe" years is vi<itin5r rcte.ives her-. V . William Smith of Fever : a week rro;- iy witli ! (" urf. 'nd family. " rs . ! -. U rfei : "~ vr' : - nieoo. Mrs. James :.; r'. McMILLAN In loving memory <'" Loreen r) uncan McMillan, who passed away Feb. 3 1928. Two years have gone and none can tell The loss of one we loved so well. J. Bradley, teacher. And while he Uc , jn peaceful sleep> His memory we will always keep. Father, mother and sister. Advertise in Thc Advance { ! "House of Quality" STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Come iil and let us prove to you that a femall in- vestment gives you god returns by using Dr. Hess's improved Tonic. Every package guaranteed or your money refunded. i ' , $ " ^"'~?^ ? Poultry Pac-A-Cea; Instant Louse Killer; Rottp Tab- lets; Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs; a conditioner and worm expeller. Remember every one is guaranteed to give results. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN *-><^SX'sX'sX--^>*****<'*%vx4 Skatinfr is the r.ia : -i ; ! : ...... ! at pi-cscnt. We are d ' :> d to re- port tha' Mrs. "Adam Smi.h i> r.monc; the skaters and takes greal r''-'asure in the sport. Miss Marjorie Park spent a couple of days with Mrs. Percy Magee. Mr. ar-d Mrs. A. F. Pedlar visited a few days in Owen Sound. Mrs. Walker Sloan has returned home from Watertc-wn. N. J. and other points nft?r an enjoyable visit. Miss Mabel Williams of Flesherton is visi.'in? with her grandmother. Mrs. Turner at present. Miss Reta Geno" has returned home after spending the r>ast few weeks with her aurt. Mrs. Frank Shortt near Feversham. We extend our profound sympathy to Mrs. D. Macphail and daughters of Ceylon in their recent sad bereave- ment. also to Mrs. Robt. Croft and little daughters of Rock Mil,.- in the loss of a loving husband and f&cher. We are very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Perigee of Feversham and extend our sympathy to the sor- rowing relatives. Th<? funeral which was very ' -.-.-led by sympathizing friends and neighbors was hold from hi.- late residence on Monday Feb. 3r-.I at 1 o'jloc!;. The service was held it *he house and was condu.-ted by Rev. Mr. Wolstencroft of the Bap- .ist church. Interment took place Th- 4th Kno Orange Lod"-e 1132. cf whi:h .he deceased was a member hau i-hc-go of thc service at tho gave Us. Many ard be.tutifr.1 were ;ha floral offerings v.h:.-h cens'sU-d of: V.T. . - fror"i hr>. 'or; an-.l risters and from L. O. L.' Xo. Ii32; sprays from Mr. a r^ Mr-. NV1 Croft; Mr. ar 1 M >. ' y, ud 000. Total insurance coverage in Unit- ed Spates has reached the 100 bil- lion mark. We have no idea how The Lr-dies' Aid " et at the home ' :ch mone >' that is - and neither have cC Mrs. Knox on Wetir.jsday after- noon, when a goodly number were ^resent and n-hen th now President. of spring. If any of the "reo> breasts" are around just now they are very apt to .-ash in. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY songs a-e defined by m Mrs. Archie Sinclair took charge. En- . c nt nporay as the promissory note* i-ouragingr report of the year's work were given, the treasurer showing a pleasing balance. A rood soo'l is being planned for St. Valentine's evening-, Feb. 14 a: the home of Mr-. Archie Moore to which all are r.-.- vited. The charges will be 25 and NOTICE TO CREDITORS I.".-. The February meeting will be held r>t th/3 home of Mrs. Thomas Gilchrist. Mr. Jean Sherwood, who has s-peru I he ipast few weeks with frier ds at Eugenia, has returr.-jii to assist Mr. ' AM"? Mu'r on the farm. .Yrs. Will Walker of Eugenia syicnt -al days visiting with Misses Lewi-; I'odlar: Cha-'.-h and SuiJ-.y .h-^iv: empl y '.< Of the mil': Mr. , ."as. i'ar.r P.eta Hemphill last week. r-\- :vJ CoTS, . Aid; .Mr. a"d Mrs. Morrion Croft: Mr. Go. J <lns-n -nd son. Mervyn. Those who attended tho funeral from a cist.irce weri>: Mrs. Hiwar.i ar.d son. Fr?d and R"ssell Croft of CoUinmod; ?!i-.-5 L:za Howard of O'.vcn Sound; Mr. and Mrs. J. Arm- tr, PIC, ?.Tr. :vl Mr::. Ch .-. H U i-.' Toronto; and Mr. sn.l Vys. Troi- >? Urithcoto. Tho sympathy ?' ' ' < .'.r.mi'ii: y is v.'ith the 1 fam- ' ' ' ;>. ; - .>rn . . i- ctUiig a '.ar stock of leg.- in. 'H?V '-.av,- bee" c'minT H --or;- fast lately, r.s h;^h R:- 1-7 i--?.ds have come in in a day. The rceiAv monthly meeting "f Unity L ? . F. W. Q. wi'l b- held this Wednesday evening Fch. 5th at tT;o home of Mrs. J>\ Cnpbell. Mr. T!i -s. Fisher T--r'> foelinjr i so well for a few days but we arc | pleased to learn that he U feelinjr , some bott-^r at timo "f writing. Mrs. B.">\vo Sr. and daughter. >frs. I Clark, who is homf from the Wo:~t are sncndinjr ^ while v ; t!i the for- ! mer's daughter. Mr:. Al'^x Er.frlish. | Miss Vcra Marshal!, nurse in train- : : who spent a fo -tnijrht at lu-r h. :ne here returned Saturday ev- ening to her duties at Durham hos* pitaL -Mr. F. J. Collinson and Mrs. F. D. C.iirr.- left Monday to attend the funeral of their undo. M-. Thomas Dargavel at Wiarton. whi.h took place en Tuesday afternoon there. I;y had been seized with a stroke, from v.hich he did not rally. He \v:i.; i.i his ?7th v l . Mrs. H. Bailey and two little Jaugh- cf Shrijrley spent the week end A ': hii- mother anil sister MNs Agnes :ueph;.il M. P. Vi'nlking: is recommended as good 'hir.g for health that is you c'-n't crfss the road too often. IX THE MATTER OF T HE ES- TATE OF CHARLES TUCKER PHILLIPS late of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Far- mer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- ing claims or accounts against the said deceased are required on or be- fore the Sth day of February, 1930, to send a full statement of their ac- count to the underment'oned solicitor for the executors. AND FURTHEH TAKE XOTICB tha: after such iJa'.y. the executor* will proceed to distribute the as- if the said deceased amongst the ; .. ' i '.hereto, having r-.-ard only to claims of which they shall have had notice; and that the ;tors will not be liable for the estate's assets or any part thereof if any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not haw been re- . d by them at the time of dis- tribution. D VTEH P.: i >-und this 20k day of January. li3d. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Solicitor for the Executors. OWEN* SOUND. Ont. PORT LAW Thc sincere sympathy of this corn- Mrs. Robert A peanut in thc lung of Ardis Elair.V Jacobson, two and one half- year-c '.' 'laujrhter of Harold Jacob- son, L.Mi ing, Mich., killed her after ! of Saugeen. surgical efif'orts had proven unavail- j Mr. Roy Lyons, ing. She had been ill for two days. munity goes out to C r oft, her little family and other relatives in their sore boreavement, through the pssing uJ" a kind husband and father. Mrs. Frances Shier is ouite ill at present and receiving medical atten- ton. We all hope for her recovery soon. Mr. Ard of the 4th line is in crit- ical condition, 'he result of a paralytic i stroke, with which he was seized i while driving home from Rock Mills j last Friday evening. J Mrs. Sheardown attended the fun- eal of hr aunt, Mrs. James Neilson Save on Grocers and Meats Tapioca .2 Ibs. for 25c. Pot !>arley.. per Ib 7c. Fresh Rice, per Ib lOc. Sweet Corn. 2 cans for 35c. Larjje Raisins. 2 Ibs. 25c 25c. Oyster Shell. 10 Ibs. for 25c. Brown Sugar. 10 Ibs. for 57c. Phono 60 w H. FREEMAN FLESH KRTON A racing car, capable of developing 4.000 horsepo\vor and said to be able to do 300 miles an hour is beintr built at W"lverhimpton, Eng- land and will attempt to se* ft new snred record at Daytonia B<"<ch. tn Florida, this year. The car has 24 who has been 'n Toronto for some months, has re- turned home. Mr. Luther Love suffered a heavy loss last week, v/h"n his fine regis- tered percheron horse died from sceptic poisoning. The loss is part- ly covered by insurance. Mr. Rehard McMullen had the mis- fortune to lose- a good cow, through - *he animal falling on icy ground. Bates Burial Co'y. 1-'.'-T:i Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KlngsdcJe 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Macldocks.

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