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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1930 FLESH KRTON ADVANCE N^ RUMAN CATH OLJO TEACHERS IM News and Information for ? PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Busy Farmer >;.+ * (Toronlo Telegram) Rev L. Mineluw is quoted as schools should KSSAY CONTKST WINNKRS , throe months' COU.-KL- in An essay contest open to the al-.m- has 53 students, including two r 'j R ht. inf . thnt dairying qrinn to all creetla. In this he is ' Thay not only should h-. uui members of the 1929 "Royal Party" from Denmark, onj from Kn8rla"U nrej ,, C n to all creeds. There is was conducted in every county and and the linlcnce from the Maritime* 'nothing in the cimdact nf t'-c P D - <Jistrict of the province by tb* and Ontario. Pr'ii. H. II. Dean JJ L . Si-hools of Ontario to offend a ^irricultural Representativa Branch states that the object of this c ourso [ lnwm bcr of any erwid. as a follow up to the Royal Winter ; to improve the uniformity a-d, But when th<> numbers of one Fair trip last November. Each f standard of the dairy nrodiu-'-s o" ( withdraw f-'om th<! Public Schools the writers of the ten best essay* It covt s practical v.ork um i ^ L . C nt the legation v.-hich per- in the province receive f*ee trans- in cheese .and butter making: and nl j ts ti, cnl to apply ibt'ir school ratrs portation, board and lodging fur training in dairy bacteriology ana t ,, tn( . maintenance of their owr. two consecutive weeks while at-' chemistry. Enrolment in the Iul- schocfts, they arc no longer in a no- tending one of the short courses at try, .live? stock, agriculture and drain siticm to dict"te tlu- cwnduct of the 0. A. C. or Kemptville Agricultural age courses us P!SO larcre. The total p u bik- Schools. Smeh separatists .School. ,The essays submitted were number nri young men jn all clatses' canno t complain if members of their of a very high calibre and demon- at O.A.C. is uow close to five hn-!fai'h a -c denied places on the teach- strate that the young men had <lr<-d. 5ng slaiflf* of the schools from whk-h their "eyes open" for the educa- tional lessons both at the fair and at tko commercial plants visited. The winners and the counties they represent arc as follows: Joseph Barnand, Durham; Leonard Har- mon, York; Archie Reid, Welling- ton; Gtiorge Buie, North Simcoc; Gordon Berry, Went worth; Ray- mond Pujfflmrd, Essex; Bob McDon- ald, Grey; Eddie Howe, Bruce; Harold Vw\t, Leeds; Wilkie ley, Lennox .nd Addington. See- they have separated. SPECIALIZED FARMING And wh"^ Inspector Moshier rules Thr modern trend to spec i-.liza- that R-rnan Catholics are ineligible tion ov thc farm i-: clearly excm-, a* exchnntre teachers coming to To- plified jn one cunty in Ontario, 1 ronto from other parts of the Empire whcrn in ndidtion to production of he is governed by a condition r^suiU I staple crops, farm land is heinir de- ing from the creation of Roman Ca- ( voted to Hi" 1 growing of annles andltholic STarat" Schools. His miing . tobacco on a laree scale, th ranching cannc' properly b e d^sf-ibed i:-. tho of foxes nd mi"k, breeding of large words of Rev. L. Minchan as^ "a D '; flocks of hig)i-class pouJtry and tur-'ty narrovA legwlntion." Tho key, pnd even to muskrat ranching, tion of Sen-ratn Schools has left In- | Many f arr is rf devoted exclusively spectnr Moshier no alternative. j to one or oth*r of theijc v arious. It should be potsible for thc Kep- ECHOLABSHIPS AWARDED specialized lin><. The financial at-|aratc School Boards tn arrange an Announcement has been made of tractivencss of this plan of farming exchange of Roman Oth-lic teach- the winners of 15 scholarships of has been definitely established. ers with othe- par's of thc Empire. $100 each offered by thc T. Eaton But that is - m-^ter which con:ernb Co. to members of the 1929 "Royal VALUE OF CUT STRAW onlv the supporte -s f r su?h schools, Party." The awards were made Thcre jg gatil f a ;. t j ori in the fact and it is for them to do as they following 1 examinations held m that cattle annear to relish the si raw w 'h abot^ ; t. The will b-> "o de- cach county based on the trip anu thjs w j^ ter . ' Gu<>4 o-t straw has a' s ' I T claim .". place in thoso school general agriculture. The scholar-^ definite feed value besides being n' for Pi'itest-nt tca:hers on thc ground iships are to be applied on a course f j];, ir _ Many calt j e w i n ' erc<J on tu r-'thot much of thc monoy contributed at 0. A. C. In addition, '.he Hon. J. rin ,. and , traw nave Rone out in the i by Roman Cath-'lic nicrchnnta and S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, sp inp jn fair , y good condition . is recommending to the Govern- straw ig cut or Rround up an() nlixe , : ; ment that all tuition fees be remi'.- with pulped rootSi , )Cet pu , p si , a)?e | ted for the first two years of th ,, r eVcn sprinkled with molasses, the' winners' respective courses. The i ivc stock SPem lo conBUmc morc ot j fortunate young men and counties h than whon ftd a , onc they represent are as follows: ___ ________ Herbert Markle, Waterloo; Doug-; L ast yn ar ' s st-tistics concerning. of one ^ his colored fbck. las H*Td, Wellington; Frederick the live s'ock industry in Canada i"> dorivod f'om their Protest- it customers "! clients. THE CONTRARY SEX "An yo' say dat little twin ba'-y n n gal?" inquired Parson Joner; Importance of Grain Seed is Emphasized] Since final returns issued by the ( Dominion j!u, -...i of Statistics show that crops throughout the greater' part o/ Canada were below the aver-j age in 1!<2D, the yuestion of seed sup-, ply assumes even greater importance! than usual, and farmers are advised 1 to niako free use of the Dominion- wide Government Seod Service. They are also urged to take great care in seeing that the seed prain sown re- ceives proper attention in the way of cleaning and grading. The Domioion government has gone to great expense in establishing a aeries of seed-testing laboratories from the Atlantic to th* Pacific, ana at these places up to three samples o? each farmer's grain will be tested free of charge. With this service at thc disposal of the farmer there is no excuse for buying blindfolded; and for thc greater protection ot the buyer it is contrary to law to sell anything but graded seed, the grade to be plainly visible in the advertise- ment and on the bag. Where any- thing else is offered the officials point out, it is always advisable to send a sample to the nearest govern- ment laboratory, where an opinion of the real value will be given. Labor- atories are located at Quebec, Ot- tawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Calgary. The seed drill survey conducted !n Ontario last year and similar surveys throughout the different parts 01 the Dominion in the past years have s.hown that weedseeds in huge quanti- ties are actually being sown by the farmers themselves. The greater part of seed grain used, if examined in the seed laboratories would noi even rcaoh the lowest of all official grades, grade 3. On the other hand, if lested, clean and plump well grad- ' ed seed wore used, this seed would outyicld thc ordinary variety by a APPLE EVAPORATOR COMPLETES SUCCESSFUL 1 SEASON Sir. Carpenter of Collingwood on Saturday last finished up the season's business a the Creemore Evaporator and left f-r his home. Speaking to the "Star" Mr. Car- penter scid it had been the biggest' year's business ever done in the local plant. 22,400 bushels of apples were purchased from the farmers at' an a;>proxima i 2 cost of $5,000. At certain periods up to twenty employ- ees were used and the total wage bill amounted f> nearly $4,000. For the Irying o. fruit three cai- loads of ok? and half a car of coal were burnt. ^ ^ The marketable product, all nicely ,^ boxed, made four car loads. One 'ias been shipped to Holland, two to Winnipeg and one car is still in scrags at Creemore. Creemore Star t ,k, Oxford; W. J. Turnbull. Hu- . snowc , f that the only bmnch which' " An <? " " ther on - ron; Alvin S. Wideman, York; ,| i( | not show a rr , du , tion jn totalj contrary sex ?" Jack See, Pcol; Arthur E. Harvey, numbers en Canadian larms mu> " Ycss h. She am a gal, too." Haldimand; W. McKaguc, North- snccp . The pra i,. ie pro vinccs i m J umberland; Gordon B. Henry, Car- por u>d sonic thousands of grado ewes I Tnc latost rumor with regard to leton; Maxwell Thorn, Duncias; t stock wcc ,i y f armS( tnu <. K j v jng, tho Senatc is tn t Mrs. Gordon Donald J. Mcl'hail, Glengarry; Carl a n imnotno t n th n n^to k_-~iJ Wright, of London, sister of the Hon. margin sufficient to cover five or ;.ix times thc extra tost of such seed. ,-cll Thorn, Dundas; to stock WCC(ly f arma> thus K j v j nR| the Senate is that :Phail. Glengarry; Carl a n imnotus to tho eastern breeders' Wr ' Knt ' of London, si P. Reid, Prince Edward; Lewis l supp | y tho demand for nur-bred N> W> Rowc11 - is to be appointed the contain as high as 72 seeds of Cana- Am d-t of the "The weed menace is growing, and the losses due to it are enormous' stated Prof. J. E. Howitt of ihe On- tario Agricultural College, where hundreds of samples of seed are an- alysed yearly. Many farmers' samples according to Prof. Hewitt Tuckett, Algoma; Everett Pink, o t ock, resulting in a healthy marke: first lady number of the Senate. Parry Sound; James Maley, Thun- cuii'Jition. Mrs. W -ight is a talented woman, (ler Bay, ^ *'!*:. _ hot ^ as a th ' nkc r and speaker, and would adorn any legislative body. , O u u i . ' "** hn? takcn cs pwal interest m A r sn 'IRT O. A. C. tml Fire completely destroyed thc bar'-' f Wesley McLuhan, who lives on the?' increasing interest on thc >si . zor farm at Mount F(m>st s<) . part of junior farmers in ngricul- rapidly dj() thp f , a|Tlcg spre||df tb<1 . Thi, turai . ducation is evidenced '-y an enrolment of ICO in thc short courses at 0. A. ('., a decided i'l- < :. OV0r formcT V'.iirs. The very rtle rould b" saved, and the '"-;. is a heavy one. Several fine ciltlc along w'th a quantity of im- pVnu-nt.-i were destroyed. tcniponMce reform. Miss Macphail.s name has also been used in connec- 'ion with a Senatorship, but she is too active and useful in thc House of Commons to make a transfer ad- visable. da thistle alone "to the ounce which would mean about 17,280 thistles the acre, with each plant replacing several plants of the grain besides rvi'ning the g' ain of the crop. Runaway Horses Two teams of horses created little excitement in town on Tuesday, \.y running away. FOR SALE 2 young cows due to freshen, must be sold this weak. F. Stuart, Fl"shorton, Phono 29. FOR SALE 200 bushels of feed ba:-ley, also some good feed oats that weigh 40 Ibs. per bu. Ed. Loucks,' Flesherton, Phone 31 r 31. ! . __ _ FOR SALE Two colts one 3-year I <ld and one 2-year old, heavy. Geo. Best, Phone 41 r 2. to make Bread ia the famous Purity Flour Cook Book. Have one in ycur kitchen. Sent for JOc. W:U;n Flour UUls Co. Li Small Advts. FOR SALE FOR SALE Young driving mare' John Parker, Proton R. R. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE 20 well bred ewes for sn.le.^John Oliver. Priceville P.O ! i, wi A h The property of the late Ella Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street, Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 Phone 21 r!2. ) 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property ia in a I- OR SALE Choice clover honey e0 od location and will be sold reason- for sale in bulk at lOe per pound. ably. Roy Fenwick, Maxwell. ! ply ti Meads. For further particulars ap- the administrator, W. J. Fle.herton. Ont. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE Set of heavy team sleighs, good as new H. Down & : Sons, Flesherton. ~ nn , 110 acres in the Township of Ar- FOR SALE-S.nger sewing mach- temcs - m , lots 7 7 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. me, nearly new, also good heating about 85 acres under cultivation. stove. Geo. McKenzie, Ceylon. balance pasture and mixed bush: barn |36xGO with T 36x45. all with stone- FOR SALE-Jersey cows for sale, ', basement, in good repair, water at j barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen house . so ir d brick house with soft water cistern and furnace. freshened and due to freshen soon W H. Ludlow, R. R. No. 2, Proton. ~pn c A"? v o i This is a * ood erain and stoek FOR SALE Set of team sleighs ; wc n fenced and watered. si- and quantity of hay at the farm, convenient to isiilwn" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. i school. Reason fr | account of poor health. For FOR SALE Barred Rock cock- ulars apply on nremisos. is oi> orels, either registered or non-regist- My. A. MORTON. . orod. Wcs. Armstrong, Flesherton. R. R. 2, Proton Station. FOR SALE Reg. Jersey heifer 2 years old, real show specimen. Bred Dec. nth; $75 buys her. -Harold E. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORKS Markdale, Ontario OIK Ui.'YING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONF.Y gams Have a Special Sifcnificence at this time of year when there are so many calls upon the family purse for pressing needs. You Save When You Spend at Hills'! Men's ani Boys' Wear Standfird'H Underwear, blu label, $2.29 a garment Stan eld's Undrrwcur ml label, $!.'.' a B nrmcnt. lundfleld'I Underwear, rod label, !.! a Karmetit. , , Men's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, reg. $1.00. ..... flr>- a nTment. for Boys' Fleece-lined ShirtH an drawers, reg. C5c., .or 49c.. a garment. Men-'s'Twc'ed'SuitHTreg. $25.00,s for ?? Men's Suits grey and navy blue serge, reg. T^O, for 2 Boys' Suits in tweed effects, reg. $'J.50, for.... 15.00 Boys' Overcoats, reg. $14.50, special $0.95. Men's Winter Overcoats, all sizes, reg. $25.00, Special $12.95 Mt-n'a Winter OvercoatB, reg. $22.50, Special $I0.9R Men's Work Sox, rcg.SOc., Special....:? pair for $1.00 Men's Fancy Sweater Coats, veg. $5.00, Spec $3.20 Men's Wool Mitts, reg. 85c.. Spec 40c a pair Ladies' and Children's Wear 10 only Ladies' New Winter Coats, all beautifully fur trimmed, excellent quality cloth, silk rayon lin- ing and double interlined,. All new and up-to-date i 'yles, sizes 34 to 44, a real buy. Values to $;i2.f>0 Special n.!5 fi9c; Ladies' Fleece-lined Bloomers, reg. 85c., special We.; Girls' and Boys' Black Cashmere Hose, reg. 75c. a pair, Specal 3 pair for $1.00 Women's Silk Hose, reg. $1 for 59c.; White Flanelette Night Gowns, reg. $1.50 for i>8i;. Ibex Flannelette Bankets $2.23 100 Pair Ibex Flannelette Blankets, large siao, best quality, Special per pair $2.23 News from Shoe Department As a final inducement to clean up on our Rub- bers and Goloshes not listed on our recent sale bill we will offer 20'/ off for the next 10 days. Come early and share in these big savings. As well, we still have all sixes in thc following sale specials: 1. An assotmont of ladies' and children's Goloshes in a variety of shades and heels at 98c. 2. Also about 50 pair of Ladies' arxt Growing lirl.s 4-bu:'kle Goloshes at $1.19 ;i. A new shipment of 2-bucklo 2-strap Ludfos" wool Goloshes will be offered, 231 pairs must be old -t $1.69 Ladies Sample Dresses 7.95 4 - Boyi f ,HbclMy Shoei i* tfl ! t only $1.10 Ladies' Silk Dresses made from very quality imported flat crept'in all the new full shades i'--cry dri'! iust new in stock and worth fmm $'''.7f to $16.50. All si/.cn to 44. Special $7.'.). r Women's Heavy Underwear, reg. $1.2!i, Spet-ial 5. Men's 15-inch Leather Topped Rubbers, sncri- vci'd ii' only M.'.IO fi. Boys' 5 and eyelet Rubbers. Values up to ' on .I at $1.49 ALL GOODS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED A team of ponies * Karstedt, Priceville. bfe C a e n n d? KOIJ SAU^DeTo^sY showed a burst of speed that they tu ' )c elcct c radu w,th super-dynamic BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cloib, ',the property of the Ontario Depart* tbldtMlTM could not improve. Xo damage was reported. No sooner hud they been brought under control than a team belonging to Mr. Norval S.'uminell desired to show their stuff and started from Edwin street and ,'iavc a rc:>l exhibition of speed down Hy'uoa street. Nearing Paul's Hotel, the young animals collided with Mr. C. H. Baker's car, parked in front of ipetktr, ?150. Also Stewart-Warner G-tube Console radio, battery model, with built-in speaker, $75. Buth rets have single illuminated dial and are in per/s;t condition. A. C. Muir, Cryloii. 38r3. MISCELLANEOUS GOOD SMOOTH FARM OK ., acres best of land almost all under cul C. STEWART. Caretaker. miles north ca-t of tivation Klcshcrton. Good barn 33x40. new 20x22, good brick house, newly his store, and left the sleiph to which thoy were hitched piled up in front of the car. After tumbling on tho sidewalk neni- Medical Hall, they j i,, acrcs orchard picked thcmselvci up and made for, sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lu7as. home on the Seventh line. The Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezell, P. R. N o sleigh, car and harness were badly o.Owen Sound. damaged but fo.-tunately no one was FARM FOR SALE hurt. Meaford Express. | On Provincial highway 2' 3 miles Destitute in Nottawasaga ;; ! south-east of Dundalk, 220 acres, 150 * _ . * . . acres under cultivation, 50 acres hard- wood; 8 roomed brick house, bank burn nearly new; driving shed, hen A family, man and wife and three house. Land ia lo&m to clay bam. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDAi,K LICENSED AUCTrONEER Fjr the County of Grey. Terms: per cent. Satisfaction guamterf Dates made at The Advane. offic.. SHORTHORN HULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for Marqals" Ko. 1 70.135; Sire,' '" M?3d'.: Dam, tl c <( Butterfly '. ^ Term. Furebreds $5.00. *- A '- Cows not return** r ;u oe -.-hartr" mil price. '"> l* HAWKINS, Eugenia. MIDDLE PRO & BURNS Barrister*, etc. Ofices - Owen Sound, Durhar* and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy e Saturday ff. rnoon anj evenjno> . children, living n^ar Batteau, is re- ported as being in destitute circum- stances even without food enough to sustain life. The council of the township of Nottawasaga has been notified frequently of their distress, but refuse to do anything. The man, James Phillips is an invalid from the and a shanty Forty acres fall plowed. A. S. BROUGHTON, R. R. 2, Corbetton Phone Dundalk 102 r 12. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 87, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation, effects of several operations ! Good house and large barn with good iill:il)li' l. uiirt- TK. .IT lix-i. 'n cttnKlin** in, I <...t l..,:i.K.... W r street, Flesherton. Murray, Toronto Phone 69. to on work. They live ? .n a farm of fifteen acres, mostly sand, in which the wife holds a life interest. Provincial Of- 1'icer MciDonough investigated a couple of days ago and found noth- ing in the house but a few potatoes to relieve the very apparent distress. Out af his goodness of heart the oi- ficer donated $5.00 worth of groc- eries. - It is difficult to understand why a wealthy township liko No'.ta- wnsaga should allow one of its un- fortunate families to live in such a state of poverty without going to their assistance. Canadians, as n rule, do not allow their people to starve no matter how undeserving. Alliston Herald. Fi-rgiis council has decided to enter an fiction against tho county council Wellington for a rebate of road stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. I rince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F & A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall Arm strong Block, Flesherton every Fri. day on or before the full moon . w M. C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting. Licensed Auctioneer ' r the countie s of Grey and Simcoe, harm and stock sales FARM FOR SALE OR RENT r;-m and stock sales a specialty. A good farm for sale or to rent. 161 '" 13 moderate, satisfaction guar. with comfortable buildings and in a anteed - All arrangements and data good state of cultivation. This farm is in the Township of Artemcsia, quite near Ceylon and Priceville. A real snap for ^ick sale. For further informatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah Mills, R. R. 1, r..ton Station, phono Dundalk 62 r 4. FARM FOR SALE 75 Acres in Osprey, all under culti- vation; brick house and large frame barn with stone basement; half mile cast of Maxwell being parts of lots ' ' nay ' )e , ma , de the Advance off ice.or Central telephone office, Feversham, _by addressing me at Feversham. BOAR FOR SERVICE- ^.s Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. vioe-Edgely Bright Vim. No. 99 996 -Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Terme, $1.00 C. IIINDLE, Club. BULL FOR SERVICE i living I'Oita IM lULn Y\ V T> 11 and 12, Con. 0. Apply to Dv D 'nnifh f t for 8ervic - W-50 if pal " before January otherwiA 9 H.Guy. Newmarket, administrator of 1C. Akins, R. R. 3. Proton " thc estate of thc late \V. H. Guy. .

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