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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1930, p. 7

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The Naval Parleys I Royal Weddings > Big Broadcast j Still Thrill the Girls Most Extensive Broadcast s^ Ever Attempted in His- , tory of Radio , HOW IT WAS DONE , The Canadian Jlarconi Company, tbuugh its short-wave beam rcceiv- IB,; Ration at Yamachiche, Quebec, pith (! up tbe joint short-wave trans- Atlantic signals of the British Broad- cap ting Company and the English Department. From Yania- cli ich e the land lines of tho Nell Tele- phone Company of Canada took the fcroi.dcast to Montreal, where it was ' j>!at.6<l on the Canadian National Tele- :;i;ii lines for distributor through- out Canada and to Station CFCF in * Montreal of the Canadian Marconi Company. , Use Carrier Current System carrier system of the Recent Italian Ceremony Re- calls Others Since the Great War The world's continuing interest in the marriages of great persons was emphasized recently by an eager reading of dispatches from Rome which told of the ceremonies attending the union of the Italian Crown Prince and the Princess Marie Jose of Bel- gium. The gathering of royalty in the Italian capital ana splendors of the celebration served to recall other com- parable occasions. Royal weddings, even since the World War, which saw the "nd of some of the rcigninx houses of Europe, have had for bridegr ;om and bride a number of important princes and prin- cesses, and each has seemed to catch and hold, 'even as in other days, the imagination of peoples in many lands. er uuiirui c./o.i;u >" >">- i . - , ., . National Telegraph carried j There was Prince lV*<* . . Ivt-Vw* ifrviwi Prinres; A.sti'.d. . A the- first Urn* since the special dia ' moucl Jubilee broadcast of 1927 there ..was a continuous chain from Halifax ,to Vancouver. From CHNS to CN'UV .the ".000-mile expanse of Canada was tied together by nearly 15,000 miles of wires, enabling even the farthest , north listeners in Canada., those ' above the Arctic Circle to within 800 mi'.** At the North Pole, to hear the opening message of the London con- f-Moneo by King George. The line-up of stations to join in this big chain constitutes the regular i ':i ' uidian National Hallways network thirteen stations and those stations 'j.whiirh have from time to time been nl.ii'd with this largest of Canadian who married Princesi Astrid, '>! the King of Sweden. There was Prin- cess Yolanda, sister cf Wednesday's bridegroom, who married Count Carlo Calvi di Bergolo. There were Princess Mary and Lord Lascelles; the Duke of York and Lady Elizabetu Bowes- I.yon; King Alexander of Yagoslavia, who married the daughter of Queen Marie; Prince Christopher of Greece, who married a Guise of France; and there were a half dozen others. for Prhlce Christopher were the W heat Pool Officials Going to ' Science and Invention Conquers Ail Corners of the Earth UNDEft COMMANOERSHIP OF BYRO THIS PLANE FLEW OVER SOUTH POLE Fuselage cf Ford plans, Floyd Bennet, which flew to South Pole, being hauled from edge of ice barrier to head- riuurters of expedition at Little America. Several members of this group were among the wedding guests who jour- neyed to Rome to take part in the wedding of Priuce Humbert and Prin- cess Marie Jose. are t()M of court . ihat pm . edod tne rovai mar . riages. There was the young prince Crown Prince of Italy, and George II., former King of Greece. Though royalty has lost some of its prestige since the World War, royal marriages and their principals continue among the world's best head- liners. The bridal blossoms are with- ering in Rome. But already there is stations of the ^(i! in Vancouver, Calgary, Hed V.iiinouton, Saskatoon, Uegina, Mani- Wiimipeg, Ontario, London, wh Went l V .' sit ^ P rinces * ca J'- speculation about the next royal . o,,U/>,.i!o <iml frnvp irf Ito - .__i i ... J ' j preserve incognito) in a second class railway coach. There was the prin-' ,4000, Winnipeg, intano. MB on cess wfco ^ horst!bat . k ever y day, ;u,--bec. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, b illiant)y and 80me tin-.os recklessly, K-w Brunswick, Monctou. IJj^JjkSSl royal command kept .he man ii:i. Halifax, n'so Chatham. Hamilton i _,-j:_ ,tia, Halifax, also Chatham, Hamilton] who rode horseback every day, | Modem Mother Is Brought to Court England Winnipeg. How a more regular movement of wh(at to British ports RA DC Issue "Easier to Steal Than Find a Job," Dclares Crook Daring Burglar, Only Twenty- One Years Old, Is Round- ed Up in West Winnipeg. The Winnipeg police have solved the mysttry surrounding a strange burglar, known as the "havdboiled one." because in a recent burglary perpetrated in this city, a few days before Christmas, he had th nerve t use a church building as tho spot in which to open a safe and se- cure his loov.. A similar case had not previously been known in Winnipeg. The burglar in question is James Stewart, who, in the Winnipeg policeT court, pleaded guilty to seven charges; of breaking and entering after beinjp, caught burglarizing a Piggly-Wigglyj store in the central part of the city*) Stewart is only 21 years of age, but in his criminal operations, the detec* lives say, displayed a hardihood andj coolness not U> be cxpectd from a mer^ youth. On the night of Dec. 10 the office* of the Suburban Rapid Transit Co., in the west end of the city, was the scene of a spectacular burglary. The company had a small safe which wa missing from its accustomed plaoe when clerks opened the office the fcrt- j lowing morning. J The same morning the caretaker of I the Parkview United church nearby j found that during the preceding night the sacred edilee haJ been used i'or i an unusual purpose. The battered re- ! mains of a safe, subsequently identi- can be maintain.-.! will ba discussed Major C. S. Power Mooted for ': fied as the P l 'P ert y of th . Suburban at a conference to be held In London,! * \ 'rmanshiD of Com- Ra P id . Tran ^ it ^: stood in the chan- Kngland, in the latter part of Janu- ary, by Rt. Hou. J. H. Thomas, Lord Privy Seal in the British Cabinet and other members of the British Govern- ment and representatives of the Cana- dian Wheat Pool. When Mr. Thomas mons Committee Ottawa. Soon after Parliament as- sembles next month a pensions com- mittee will be created and it Is inti- mated that Major C. S. Power, M.P.. eel. Detectives found the saf had i been opened with an axe and its con- tents, $400 in cash, removed. Packages of papers which had been in the safe had been opened, and were scattered over the church. was in Winnipeg last September he for Quebec south, will azalu be asked Then ridinR conferred wiih the directors of the ! Wheat Pool and 3tated that one of the principal objects of his visit to twice Stewart was arrest/1 at the store, where ha was toba. and others also tied m. , ^ ee ^ suit(>r waitirsfi The broa.lea.-it Itself was one of the . ^ antechamberi on , y to ; rare opportunities for Canadians to j h her mind , atcr an j marry him. bear the voice of the ruler of the Bri- ^ ^ n & a(fo royaUy flocked , of Work Among Afflicted London--A case In which a husband i JA-3I moil i> j^- w B w .~j.j -------- . -- i - , Umpire. It also had special slg- ( ^ 0?]o t<> see fl . own Prince olaf of ; 3Ulnmoued hig wife _ botn young peo . , , 3 ce for Colonel the Hon. James es; Martha i i- for securing a more uniform outward and return cargoes Canada and the British Isles. At that meeting Mr. Thomas invited the Canadian Wheat Pool to send repre- He ion. .,._ -, ea iized that his criminal career temporarily at an end an. I accom- the police officers to his room . where articles were found which con- Department to give evidence in hear- ] nected him with ^ Transit ^ break _ Ings whlch always month or two. Several times the Stewart, who claims Eng- L. Ualston, Minister of National De- IViu'o for Canada and tho Dominion's representative at the confer- Norway married to Princes.! Martha 1 pie for not giving proper attention! 8entativ " s to meet him and other Brl ' amended or rnvi ed. act has been | but there iand, as his birthplace, told the policy [ he had been five years in Canada and of Swecen. More than 1,800 guests i to her children came before Mr. filled the church. The bride entered , Basil Watson at North London. Eng- <>n the arm of her father, Prince Carl,! land. Police Court recently. . tish Government Ministers In London | complaints , no , so much as:llnat flcials of the Pool who have been was the second of the Dominion j amj twk her seat in a ^j chair n , ! The pro( . ce(I . ngs were taken under chosen to go to England are A. J. Mc s place being j thc right of the ahar she wore a i fhe Sumn)ary j ur dlsdlctlon (Married ' phail - plain dress of silver lame, with a | Women's) Act 1925. . I Eastel on the list, his ; : h on the program. The broadcast going out over the maKnificent twelve-foot train heavily! President; D. R. Mclntyre, act itself, as concerning the repula-| He he .stole because it was "easier tlons under It The essential purpose to =twil th;m find a job ,- of the coming revision is to simplify j the statute aud particularly to make , <;.irier current lines of the Cauadian Eastern Sales Manager, and W. A. J eligible the case of any ex-service ; Scottish TlHinc! The husband. Richard James, al- i MacLeod, Director of Education and i man w ^ nefil i 3 help, whether or not { overlaid with silver embroidery- Thejleged that his wife Susan had been I Publicity. They sailed from New Telegraphs did not interfere oight bridesmaids who walked behind i -persiston My cruel" to their four chil- Yor!c on Saturday. January IS, for ' with the handling of commercial hef weve 5n azure blue dresses. The iu.'. --ages along those lines, since tea | hrjd(?(rr< , <>m wore tne p ^j n blue uni- ni.'.-sages -an travel at the same time| form of an i n f an try lientenant, with four months, 2H years. ' London. along the wires of thw system. Prac-: tic:\lly every Independent station . v iili-h desired to join the network v able to do so without leasing sp"cial telephone lines, except sucli as are required with the city to con- ii'- 1 the station with the telegraph nl. At tii' samn time telephone communication Is possible across the r.Hitinent for the engineers In check- ing up tho volume of the Broadcast :\ fn*\\ of lighter blue. After the wed- ding the young couple drove away from the church along an avenue of ice pillars from tho top of which huge torches flamed. Showers f blossoms fell from windows along the route. dren. six ycarj and 8*3 years. In reply to the magistrate the hus- band said he did not mean that his wife beat the children or was unkind to them while she was at home, but *^' T~" 117 his disability can be clearly trared to] f> Qf Water the canons of war service. Make it Easier For the Mayor Calgary, Alia. Xo longer wiU the mayor of Calgary be forced to dig down into his own pocket to entertain while crowds hurled streamers of pa- 1 out to work to get money herself. JarUI Committee to explain the or- official guests of th^ city or to pay for I ner am crailv colored 'ribbon. Mr. Watson would vou be sail- '.::.! ion and operation of the Pool . !h unkeen of a car used for Cornora-! There is evidently a wide Interest in the operation of the Canadian' Wheat Pool, which is tho largest! farmers' co-operative marketing ov | ganlzatloa In the world. '* few she did not give them nmother's care, months ago. the President. A. J. M Mr. Basil Watson Why not? The Husband Because she will g'> was invifed to Washington. to appear before the Senate royal weddings have aroused . fled If she gave up her work and de more enthusiasm than that of Princess Mary, King George's only daughter, to s it U fed out from Montreal. This i Lord Lascelles. The ceremony at his- < (rcult, incidentally, is the first tele- toric Westminster Abbey was per- phone circuit to cross Canada com- pletely within tin Dominion's botm- il-iries, the telephone lines of the Boll h.y*toai not spanning the entire Do- iiimlou. \VUfu the King rose in the Royal formed by scarlet-robed prelates. The bride in a white gown richly embroid- ered with gold, wore the blue Ordor of the Garter sparkling with dia- monds. The same order appeared across the scarlet tunic of the bride- voted her attention to the home ami tbe children? The husband said that was exactly what he wanted her to do. For his part he was able, ready and willing to provide for the family and the home. If his wife would give a pro- mise to do her part he would forget the past. "I will plead In front of you, sir. I'hail, !).('.. '!": Ciinadlan Wheat Pool has a b;>r. hip of 110,000 actual farmers in! London The tunnel through Ben , Xevis Mountain for the L',000.000 j hydroelectric scheme, which ii ex- I pected to revolutionize economic con- ditions in t"ie Scottish Highlands, has been completed with the successful rock blasting of a depth of 100 feet under water at the bottom of Loch Scotland's deepest '.ike. water from Loch purposes. As the result of a motion which was i the three prairie provinces Mani- approved by the city council, Cal- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta aud garys new chief magistrate, Andrew last yei-r had a gross turnover of over Dnvison, war veteran, and new?paper u handles about 55 per compositor, will this year be provided cent, of the wheat crop of Canada and exports wheat to about -I countries. ,, __^_^_ - . CONTENTMENT He Is not the poor man that hath' with $1,200 in addition to his salary, this sum to be used for entertaining civic guests and to cover other ex- penses and also with $600 as compen- sation for motor car expenses. the North British Aluminum Com- pany at Fort Williams Two tons of blasting compound were exploded but little more than churulng ot the lake water occurred The tunuel is capacious enough for a street omni- bus to be driven through it. It Is drilled in solid rock. This completes the first halt of what, when finished, is expected to be the largest water powur scheme I;.-'!:TV of the House of Lords to open j groom, who wore the uniform of the to my wife," the husband added, "to j, ut n t ,[ e _ (, ut be that would have! Some opposition was provided to the j jn Europ ' e " The second half, which tli.- live-power naval disarmament con- j Grenadier Guards. f-'i-.Mice, the monarch had tho largest I After the ceremony iniilence of any speaker in' the world. Tim British the wedding able." makn the home happy and comfort J more; ,. is Iie tne ricll man tliat in the history j party drove back to Buckingham Pal-| Asked for her reply, 3 sli Broadcast- ace, where the bride cut the cake, not said: "He pays my sister Mrs. Jam-^s to look at-' cross your prayers.- -Baxter.. MANAGEMENT PRIDE Pride Is as rruel a begar as want, and a great deal more saucy. When you have bought on* fine thing, you must buy 10 more that your appear- Good management contributes more ?* may be all of a pieop.-B. Frank to our comfort than great possessions. lln. A Ship of Dreams of the Manchu Deynasty hath niiii'h. but that Is content with what he h.-iili. If you pray for your dally bread, be not such hypocrites in:. Company'.* transmitters, the Cana- with the groom's sword, but with an| ter the children. I refuse to give up] as by the bent of your desires to dlun beam service, the trans-Atlantic ordinary silver cake knife. A showor! my work." t i; phone and the Continental tele- [of silver shippers, and confetti in the: Mr. Watson said !n> had to try the Ii!!.me services wore used to carry the ' shape nf horseshoes followed the de- case in law. As no specific act of royal ^message of peace Into millions ] parting couple. Only King George, it' cruelty could be proved, he must dls- r>r homes throughout the wide world. | ig said, threw ric. in the good old-: miss tho summons. The King's speech an I subsequent ' fashioned way, handful after handful. ! A :i !,li'us"es " y representatives of the ! A good omen delighted the crowds that furei^n ''powers and constituents of [stood all day around Buckingham Pal- the Hritlsh Kmpire were rebroadcast | ace to get a glimpse of the Princes*. t i rrunce, Germany, Norway, Den- ; A black cat trotting across one of the nark, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, 'court yards en route to hidden haunts, < /i . 'loilovakia, which were reached sat down and washed its face in full vi.i relay by phone from British Broad- view of the waiting thousands. Then < ' \\s Company's headquarters at ; ambled on out of sight. Savoy Hill to Berlin, the central | Lady Elizabeth Bowe-3-Lyon, who jH)iut, where the Kuropean phone , was married to the Duko of York, at K it>ms wcro linked up for the occa- j once captured the affection of the Brit- Bioo, i'.'ijtimn and Holland received ish public. Small, dark-haired and [ Davcntry 5XX, 1331 meters and re-, smiling, she was a story-book bride. 1 transmitted. The technicians are to! Bos id* her tall young royal prince shci 1." i i)ii"vatn!ate(l on the excellence of was a romantic figure in her wedding the reception am? clarity of tone. Wo finery. Westminster Abbey did its fes-[ are thrilled with His . five best for a daughter-in-law of a king. Queens in ermine and diamonds, kings in glittering on'.ers and gay uni- t'onns, lords and ladies in satins and I velvets, stood in the dim aisles while j the solemn ceremony was being per- j formed. Not long ago royaUy gathered in ; iho Orleans Palace in Palermo to wit- i ness a nuirriege that recalled other .lays. ThfH-e the Duke of Guise, ac- ;rlaimed by royalist supporters as "heir of the kings who in a thousand years I made France," gave his daughter IFranCOJM in man-iage to Prince Christopher of Greece. As Prince Christopher is a royal highness both of Greece and of Nor- Kvay, the wedding drew a long lis.t of i i notables from the courts of Europe. motion on the part of the Labor mem- , g now t be commencedi i uc i u des hers of the council, who eslred (I eop ell in K of the Rivor Spev and driv . have, the question she.ved for - L in [0 Loch time being. It was finally carried however, by a jiood majority. Pleasure PLEASURE Is but thy refreshment ! Treig. The West Highland Railway now skirting Loch TreifC, is to be re- i built higher up the mountain side to escape Immersion. i hat. cheers us in the pursuit of true happiness. Oarase Attendant (as car Canada's Penny Post London Daily Chronicle (Lib.): A drives year ago Canada adopted a i'iiny up): "Juice?" Motorist: "Veil, vat lf ; l>ost for letters to the Vuited Kin<;- ve are don't ve get no petroT one and all splendid pro ! to pivo a presentation of ili'iL comeny of min?, but I don't know Again historic pearls and priceless' diamonds came out of family vaults. \. ' "i ji'* to come off." ('-.ilk' "Probably tha night after U'.s put on." If y? know tii -<> things, happy are' of Portugal and the Duke of Aosta. ', }-o if ye do ih^ui. - rft. Johu. brother of the King of Italy. Witnesses Again a scroll of imposing names un- rolled as wedding guests were an-| nounced in the halls. Witnesses for! the bride were former King Manuel ' MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF ART IN THE ORIENT This is the famous luarble boat, part of tbe Summer ya'.ace at Pekln, CMiia. (lorn and al! parts of the British Em- pire. Wt> have never reciprocated, ::s. Indeed, how could we, with our let- ter-post inside Great Britain still standing at the war-swollen ilgure ot I'j.1.7 Now Canada is on tlia point of taking another big sU-p. S'->e is to start a panuy pest for l.;i;crs to all countries ia Si-n;h America. For the choop i:i:st to Britain and :ho Km- pire, sentiment might bo pleaded; but t!ii) case" for extending it to South America rests on business alone. Up- to-date Cauada has found tliat a ch.'.in post pays commercially. How HI.;, i iouger will It be before a British Gov- ernment adopts that view from the Hr!;:jh Chamber of Commerce, who are continually and unanswerably 'S it? PROVIDENCE Tlie bouuiilul productions of nature are Intended as a source of enjoyment which tho active powers we are pn- dued with enable us to diversify and enlarge while the exertion made for | their attainment tends to Improve i thse powers. The abundance of ar- i tides subservient to the convenience I of life affords no inconsiderable ad- I dltion to happiness. Hamilton. GRIEF AND CARE It thou knovv'st not grief aud rare, 1 it Is because thou know'st not love; whereof they are the companions. - j. -- Senator Sheppard wants to pu the buyer of bootleg as well as seller. As though the buyr not puulshed now. -

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