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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1930 - . : Banking Service And Prosperity. PROSPERITY on the farm is largely dependent on factors beyond the farmer's control There must be a good market demand for farm pro- ducts and the production costs must be kept in proper relation with mar- ket returns. Our branch Manager is thoroughly familiar with the business of farming and is ready to assist In carrying your farm program to a suscessful conclusion. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (tut tit, uiftich is atnnigamatad ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA JJ C.PJL TIME TABLE Trains leave Fiesherton Station aa follgwi: Going: South Coin;,- North S.08 a.m. j of stock were shipped, the total num- ; ber of head of stock in the cars being I 6,583, and the money value totalling 137,917.15. There lies in the bank I a credit balance to the insurance 1 fund of $532.54. The increase in 1 stock shipped was 800 head over that of 1928. j The turnover in the store operated in Fiesherton, during the four months of i's organization is as follows: 5,000 dozen eggs to the money value c. ?1>70.1'J; poultry $$2,210.50; grocer- ies $5,575.76; flour and feed, etc., 87,497.01, making a total business of An illustrated lecture on the birth- $17,473.75. place of Robert Burns, the Scottish The resalt of the yeai ., g WQrk wag 11.62 a.m. ! bard, was given by Mr. John McQuak. so sa tj s f ac to ry to the shareholders of 8.34 p.m. <n- of Owen Sourd to the Men's Club the eompany that they elected the Cooperative Company Had Second Best Year The Ospvey and Artemesia Co-Op- erative Company, Limited, hold their 1 ar.nuil meeting in the town hali, i Fiesherton, on Saturday, January 27, when the directors repoited one of the best years in the history nf .!'.? company in i'-act it was the v::o:i.l ! best y:ar. The Company shipped i more live stock than in 1928, the { total money value being $20,157 moro than in 1928. The report of the shipper, Mr. i Harold Spofford, showed that y3 cars Robert Burns "Nicht" 4.10 p.m. . ... ----- ------- 8-11 P.m. 4.33 p.m which met in the Sunday school room old bcard ngain to comluct the busin . The mails else at Fiesherton a* O f the United church on Monday even. pss j tne Company during 11)80. follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. hi" and which took the fo ; m of p. The O jfj cers arc: president, A F. iiouth at 3.30 For nforning train "Burns Nicht." Mr. McQuaker gave p s dlar; Vice-Presiden.f. Thos.'j. Sled; outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the an excellent address and was given Sce.-Treas., G. Magee; Directors, w'. previous evening. Local and Personal j rant attention throughout the hour he Beaten. R. McMullen, W. Magee, was spepkir-nr. Most of the pictures p eo i e- were taken bv himself whilo on his The thermometer h- around the zero m!>.rk lately. , r , , ,, _. Mr. Harold hpotford resigned from , , fco ition rf s , for tfie Com aftcr scyeral ^ ^ ce^ful work. Mr. Fvank Taylor rf ^ g inted as shi .thanks was given to Mr. McQuaker at ;n , h( , ^ o , M ./ Sncfford . wha v/i! , (visit to Scotland in 1921 and included j views of Glasgow. Ayr, Dumfries, : and many other beautiful spots in, remained that locality. A hearty vote of ' the finish of his address. Another ror.ti"uc :-f the store. Miss Bessie Stewart spent a f ew interesting numbei . was given by Mr days in Markdale last week. j >Tag Robertson on the life of Robert Mr. H. Down spent a few days the Bums, depicting his fight with poverty \ past week in Orangeville. , his success in his literary pursuits and finally his passing at an early Mis, Jean Johnson spent the wse* ^ gevepal musical numbcrs wcrc | end with her parents m Dundalk. , given fay ^ club orchestra an( , by ' Mrs. Fred Brown and two daugh- other members. Lunch was served ters visited in Toronto last week. at the close of a very enjoyable, United church \vas held en Thursday Mrs. Alex. McEachnie was a visitor evenin *' | evening of las* w ck ' n th= Sunday in Markdals one day last week. St. John's Annual Meeting The annual meeting of St. John's Mr. Jack Kennedy returned on Friday, after spending a couple of j weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Jns. Sandiland of Dundalk spent a f"w days last week w'th her daughter, Sirs. Wes. Armstrong. IS I Up NpU7 i lie ncn r ch3&1 " of th -, lhur:h . wn ^ " | fan; attcrdanco of members was | present to review the work of the j ycar ^ rece jvc the reports of the ' "" departments of the church. , The pagtor Rev w } Scott> pre3id _ j cd over the meotin;;. Thi 1 auditars' When County Count-;; convened on rcport on tha c |, urrn ;i nan ccs showed ; Tuesday evening of this week .he ; t ],at while there v/as a debit balance Mr. R. G. Holland is laui up this first ordcr of business was the olec- of over $lfi o lhc futura ont i ook for wek and th scholars in bi.-i room tion of ;l Vvarden. There were five ''he church was very bright. The are havir.z a holiday. j names bef ., re thc Council .Taro;. . Maintenance and Extension Fund Michael E. Murray of Noustadt has Lembke, Reeve of Sullivan; W. L^wag reported several hundred dollars been appointed permanent Returning Taylor, Reeve of Osprey; John Hut-jjn arrears of its objective, but thc Officer fo- South Grey for the Fed- chinson, Reeve of Thornbury; Allan books were being kept open to the eral elections. Spring must soon be here- A Bp(l, Reeve c\; Durham; and f. White of St. Vinrrcnt. The last three re- Hred and the voto was between Mr. on Tuesday morning. Mr. W. J. Henderson of town has been seriously ill wih heait trouble and his condition is grave at the pre- sent time. Mrs. R. Thistlothwnite and little son ot Toronto are attending- the for- mer's sister. Miss Reta Bellamy, who is ill. Mr. John Hargrave & Son shipped end of this month in order to enlarge the amount of the givings for 1929. The Woman's Missiona-y Society, Ladies' Aid, Sunday school, organized winning out by four votes Lembke ' classes and the building committee 20, Taylor 16. jail gave reports and showed satisfac- tory progress. The chun-h was newly decorated last fall and a new roof was laid in the summer, the total expenditure coming to about SI 500. i The election of four members to the Fiesherton High School | FORM' 1 & ART Kon Phyllis Graham 88, | Doris Banaon 85, Mervyn Johnston ' 85, Ita Pedlar 85, Kathleen Pedlar 85, < X Edwnrd Patton 77, Bessie Cairns 70, ' ;' 'Joe Gibson 75, Lave^ne Piper 7i>. fy Pass Everett Talbot 74, Isabel Me- : $ Millan 73 Gordon Patterson 72, Fred !"'awcctt 71, Aim? McLean 69, Jessie Os';;ar.der 68, Vora McMaster 00, Marina Otsrander f>5, Dorothy Woistencrnft G5. Hazel McKillop G4, John McMillan 61, Burton Sled Iva Wickens 50, Stanley Hunt Lu.y McDonald 52. FORM 2 GRAMMAR Hon. Mervyn Little 80, F-l Gorrell 80. Daisy McFadden ( | 77. Edward Ferris 77, Macil Snell 70. 'X Jean Hincks 76. Ruby Whie 75, Aud- *:' rcy Wsrling 75, Jim Bannnn 73, El- { more Fisher 73, Stella Marshall 72, * Eai'i Ottewell 71. Ellen Parker 68. Al- Y meda Hipck* 07, Murray Stewart 06, ? Robert Phillins 64. Bill Patton 6!i, $ Ji'ai-garet Ferris 0:;, Verdun McMaster % 63, Robena Magee 62, Dorothy * Snell 57. Emerson McKillop 54, Dor- * : othv Ottowcll 53. Muriel Knox 53, = Xcilbert Mackenzie 49, Gaorje Allen 47, Iva Wickens 45, Jeannctte McLeoil * | GEOMETRY Hon Helen Heard X 02, Jack Jamieson 92. Aiicr; Heard 01, X Beth HHeks 88, Margaret Sinclair -|' 88, Florence Allen 7!>. Pass Ha:MUi Thompson 71. FORM 1 FRENCH Hon. Dorothy Wolst- cncroft 87, Doris Bannon 84. Frea Tor-ell 84, Burton Sled 7i. Ita Ped- lar 75. Pass Hazel McKillop "', J^n Gibson fill, Fred Fawcett 68, Lucy Macdo^ald 67. Phyllis Graham 05, Isabel Ma^.Millan 65, Jessie Os- trand-- 64, Frank Eagles 61. Celil Ch-M-d 61. Kathleen Ppdlar 5!i, Alma McLean 57, Mervyn Johnston S3, Lavornc Piper 53. Fail Vora 3L-- M aster 'Ui. Mr. tha Ostrander !7 Be- ; Cairns 47, Ed. Patton 40 John McMillan 12, Stanley Hur.t 3:~>. Eva-tit T"!'v)t 3^. CANADIAN HISTORY Hon. '; Blar.-he Genoe 83, Herbert Akins 70, Sadie Carson 79. Pass Bessie Bv.ird 72, Jean MacCorraick 7 James McFaddcn 70. Alice n j;,>... v G8, Ruby Korton 62. Bert Morton GO, 3 Ernec Gorrell 60, Myrtle Moore 52. Fail Annie Akins 45, Donald Reiley 41, Harold Best 40. FORM 2 LATIN Hon. Elmore Fisher 35, Murray Stuart 83, Mervyn LitiJ..- 81, Ellen Parker 79. Pass .lea Hincks 72, Macil Snell 72, SMI- Marshal; 71. Daisy M.-F-dden 70. An- nie Akins 60, Audrey Warli-^r <4. Dorothy Snell 62, Almeda Hincks 5i>. Ernest Gorrell 57, Dorothy Ottcweii 57, Ruby White 5'. Fail \Vrciu:: McMaster 48, Earl Ottewell 45. Dor- othy Jamiesnn 42, Monica Rao 42. Jcanette McLeod 40, George Allen 38, Jim Bannon 36, George McMastei- 26, Frank Eagles 21, Gordon S'.ur.ri. Premium for Cash Commencing January 1st, 1930, all accounts over $2 will have 25c. added to the cost of goods; 1 Oc. will be added under that amount. W. L. Morwood The Shoe Man Fiesherton We are Agents for all Toronto Papers W. G. Kennedy New Sec. of Ag'l. Society A meeting of the Directors of the East Grey Agricultural Society was hold Tuesday evening t-, appoint the Board of Stewards resulted in the following bring appointed: Messrs. . J0ha P "' kBr - l m - R " bert . ----- ........... ~. ...... lt , ^,, >,;" me a steer the other day with Mr, C.'stadin? committees, annoint a- sec re- R " harllso and Bcrt l>rks being Moore. Proton, which topped tho mar-' tary.-nd a treasurer. W. G Kennedy a PP mtod f P r threc vear Dr - D. Bryce and F. J. Thurston ket with receipts of 1600 animals. wag appointed to the office ot The steer weighed 1200 pounds and secretary and Mr. Jas. Stewart to were appo ' nte<1 auditors for 193 - sold at lO'i cents per pound. |the office of treasurer. These \voro The Women's Institute will hold a social evening in the town hall Friday evening, January 31st at 8 p.m. Games, contests, etc.; lunch will be served. Everybody welcome. Ad- mission 25 cents. A skating party was held in .the rink by the high school students on Thursday evening last and they cn- tainly did enjoy themselves thorough- Y ly. Skating races,- etc. were indulged in and prizes werp swarded to thc winners. At the close of tho ska'.lng $. lunch was served at the school. Congratulations were extended on' A Tuesday last to Mr. John Bellamy V of town upon reaching his 88th Wrth-l? ! combined in former The ' rect " ** years. for a history of ^ho rybody will be working p"d. A! ' 011 Arsons of different ages joined Sfeetsville United church last S.-ndav morning. Tb^ service was conduot,d b v tht pastor. Rev. C, "' Purchase ' Order Your DAILY PAPER Through This Office. Tenders are being -sked for the re- | inovfl of the old mill at Eldoiado. 'jf in days gone by this was one of the ? busy mills of the county of Pv\. H S was owned by the late K. Chiholm, afterwards purchased by Walter Ward ? who in turn sold it, with what -. now the Eldorado park property, to t-hc S park company, and is now ownod by jr thc Canadian National Railways. Fif- y 'een years ago Mr. Ward installed C-X Reduction in Price to all the Subscribers of The Advance day. Mr. Bellamy is still hale nr?_ , hearty, and although his eyesight is'] nearly gone, is able to move .-round ' very well. The Advance also px- i ' tends congratulations to Mr Bellamy ', 1 and wishes him many more birthdays ' in the years to come. f lesherton United Church i REV. W. J. SCOTT, M.A., S.T.M. MINISTER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sunday School at close of this service. 7 p.m. A lantern lecture on "The Life of Christ." (Dore's) A song service at the opening of tliis service. Tuesday 8 p.m. The T.P.S. Thursday 8 p.m. -Prayer meeting. Service at Ceylon at 2.30; Sunday- school at 1.30 p.m. Live Fowl Wanted We will pay the following prices for Fatted Fowl Chickens over 7 Ibs 24c. ;i lb. Chickens 6 to 7 Ibs 22c. a lb. Chickens 5 l /2 to 6 Ibs 21c. a lb. Chickens 5 to 5^ Ibs 20c. a lb. Chickens V/ 2 to 5 18c. a lb. Chickens 4 to 4J/2 15c. a lb* Hens over 6 Ibs 22c. a tb. Hens 5 to 6 Ibs 20c. a lb. Hens 4 l / 2 to 5 Ibs 17c. a lb. Hens 4 to 4y? Ibs 15c. a lb. Live Ducks over 5 Ibs 22c. a lb. Live Geese 15c a lb. Markdale Creamery and Produce Co Phone 69w . Markdale TWO WEEKS ONLY Mid-Winter Price on STANFIELD'S Unshrinkable Underwear Perfect Goods All Sizes from 36 to 44 nine Label Quality Regular $2.75 for $2.39 Gold Label Quality Regular $2.00 for $1-79 -. * Red Label Quality Regular $2.25 for $1.98 . ^ Truro Special Quality Regular $1.50 for. $1.29 '^: The above cash prices are good till February 16th This is an opportunity to renew your stock of uMerwear at a special price. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO 1

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