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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1930, p. 4

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I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1030 THE FUCSHERIGN ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery 24 11). liar's I'ji-nrv ( J5 3 pk";^. HuiiiK Ammonia -25 3 bars Infant's Dc-li^ht Soap 25 Try our Spiral Ti ;; per 11) 49c. O'Cnnad-i Hour $4.40 ( !' very bag guaranteed) Men,s Wear 10<i AXYTHIXr, IX MF..VS \\lv\K THIS \VKKK. W. G. KENNEDY Ncsflettf v.'-tchod it, for some one would Uiko It. The only ona k~ .v, . i') Le <;ui!'y i-i r.Iarbinenu, whom Jr.'. McLeod spoke to, and in i/rii ; T i) punish him, he took his wife and gave her to M. Cadien, who is more able to maintain her, Cadien being much in f'eht. Tho man McLeod was one of tho wandering partners of tho famous Northwest Company, n rival for many years of the Hudscn Bay Com- ' pany, but the men in charge nf the ' chief positions in the Northwest Com- ! pany were a^ually paitners in tho concern. These men pushed the ', trading possessions steadily up tho ( Peace River. They included sucli , stalwart leaders as Sinister PouO, ; known as the murderer, Al"xaniier i Mackenzie, Simon Frrser, DaviJ | Thompson and Daniel Willinms Har- mon. Th" r tirs \vvn v.'hat they were "H after. N~\v a-day=i, the fur- j hearing nnimah are still looked after, i f->r the trade yet has money in ityj But thc ^reat industry is :he .".Tm,' there are spinning up progressive j Uwin. Communitie.i, t-v/.i an.: ccun'iy arc bcin.T drav.-n tipethcr by! thf tie.s cf thc te!ep!i"ne ""d .hi- v.-i' I Health Service | - of the - : CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. If. TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE I'll- .m- 37 \\'e deliver in town. At the last annual meeting of the Canadian Public H<>alth Associ- ation, Doctor R. M. Price reported the results of a research which is of public interest. This research was concerned with thc important.! subject of the spread of bovine tu- berculosis, that is, thc type of tuber- culosis fr^m which cattle suffer and which also attacks children. From the report, the following statements are quoted: "The inci- dence of bovine infection in man, therefore, depends upon the amount ol' tuberculosis in cat*l from which the milk is obtained, and the amount cf raw milk consumed by children." "In Canada, about five per cer.t of cattle tested react to tuberculosis'" tho individual, the probability of the in- the milk consumed, to be Osprey Municipal Telephone System For the year ending December 31st, 1929 COMMISSIONERS Samuel Mullin George D. Short Harold Fenwick Officers George D. Short, Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. L. Leopard. Manager REVENUE: Subscriber's Levies $1968 13 Non-subscribers' Rentals 32 00 Non-subscribers' Rentals 45 00 From Bell Telephone Company for Commission on Long Distance Calls 359 30 Miscellaneous Receipts . 189 55 THE fLESiiERTON ADVANCE : rv> man can hk over th" min'- anu ! fac'ories <( thi.i country without knotting that they arc being m?.n- n< ' with sober n-vn. If timt i~ so, in.try rdving on drunken labor 'can i impute i;i p. ><!' "/lion. M n n"V iii-n' f ! lip-.!,).- is w-s>; thats the ; ci .:nt ab'-ut CaT.ula. 1^ the Uni'.eu r-rmerly wen; 1 > th ?:i'. -n goes t>!ny for homes and clothing and hom:- l'ublisiu-<i c,n Collingwood street, Fleshert >n, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. ?2."'D per year when paiii in advance $2.00 < Members of Canadian Weekly News- hu !' !t 'a' u ^. i t .,., e: , r-n'. the paper Association) | ba n ...; ...,.,;,. (h . ,,,,, r : , rn ,housi-. \V. II. TIH'KSTON, - - Kditor ; r ; ..':l\!i?. and especially in England, F. J. THl'KSTON - Assoc. Kditor too ir.ii'.'i'Hs jr., tu w"st- . 1 _^_^_______________ \vi-n! f r o-.; Winnipeg to l!alif;x, and t vi-ry where Canada needs paint and POSTMASTER'S PAY AND 'repairs, instead she v.-ustr.i her sub- All! MAIL SKKV1CE stinv.c in th<- Govi-rrm'-n' Liquor Hoi- -jr. There is much in these ob- Th- complaint of country postmast- r.i-rv.Vion-; worthy to be reflected on vrs that they have lieen given no com- \ >y f \\ O f lls- pcnsatii'h fr the portion of their income lost through the reduction of the letter i :iU from thru- cents to two cents i ; well founded. It is true that the public have welcomed the re- duction r.invt hr:*rtily. |,ul it ia not fair 'hat |i;)~tn\a.- U-r.s paid by a com- mission on the sale of stamps, should Js yjl lhat wo A Thnrnbury In. iiness man adver- tises aa "CKK prodn (! " whi.-h lu- tuai !] * will produce 50 per cent more epics a day. Our hen lays but (.(K 1 ('t'jr ;i ilay at tin 1 present time. V.hrit kind of a freak food lose by the tarry inp out of the popu lar reform. There should be an ad- justment cf this matter at the en- >uing ses,,<m of Parliament, in order that the."v liai'd working public ser- vants may m>t M-innin M. a disad- vantage, while tho public benefits. We have :. r</n it stated lhat poat of- fice expenditures have greatly in- .ird make her lay an half? We a-e afrid the p ) oduce that extra hnli might shorten thc term of pro- duction. The difference heUvoen the old- time hotel bar; and curling is trial llir- latt'T is <inlv operated for three- Peace Kiver city they have a dian Club and a Historical ?' !. \Vh-il a contrast t" th- days of r W r>- u.-y nrro! , the bovine tvpe of studied, tuberculosis was : i'oi'pcl i" 20 *-f them. Of the 128 Children who sho-.ved infection with jliurr.ati type, most of them gave a I history of living ir- cortact v.'ith a ! casc of pulmonary tuberculosis. In j r.-.uny of the bovine cases, there was a hisotry of the use of raw milk and, in r:iost C^SP?, the relationship to milk v.iis shown. The important and most instruct- iv practica 1 ! point is that all of dhe children n-ho had the bovine type o'f Hydro on Farms From The Alliston Herald The Barrie Examiner was under fire of the Toronto Telegram one day last week. The Examiner had expres-sd thc opinion that Hydro charges were not equitably conceiv- ed and imposed, meaning of course, ^"dl^; came from places where that the farmer had just as much the n)i , k , WM not pasteu , ized . njrht to a low charge for power as Thc studk . d inc!uded a number has tho resident of Toronto or any ,, f dlil(lr ,. n u .. in in thp citv of To . rthtr uu.ckly populated urban cen- ronto am| ,. ot one cf thesc chndrcn tre. This net used to be set fortn i , u v r . TU -n had the bovine infection. The milk time when no supp]y cf Toro ^ to hrs b cn pas t 8 ur- \vi\ for a number of years. * It is hardlv necessary to draw eon- II now we are no longer iterate and reiterate the cause of the farm dwel Icr; we merely read with pleasure the demands of numerous other local pagers for justice to the farmer from the Hydro commission of the by The Herald at a time when one rose in meeting to second our motion. But the idea has spread VT-* "' mor-,V, hut the women -still br<- K tho creased in remit \va -. and in .so far hubhies home. as the money is spent for the KC-neral , public benefit no nbjeviinn <an be A modern simile: as soft soap." "As out of date The Last Great West . <> the outlook for '.he d<-velop- of thc f">'til> phms. woodlands' no nbj- n cm raised. But there i-cems to .be a disposition at headquarters to ne- glect, or underpay the hard worked employees throughout 'he Dominion, while constantly adding to thf "frills" What, for example, is all thi.; iiurry - to deliver tin- mailti by airplanes? The lot far North of Western \Ve know of no demand hy thc gen- Canada, tho IVa.e Kiveh lands oom- rrml public for taking letters Mi MM to necnpy attratton. There can papers from railway and express be n.-> dou'it that there is a bHirht Companies and committinK them to full: c for this splendid territory of a flying machine. They tell us of Northern Albert". While \v<- hear i nurse that by this means the mail much Kcts '.o its destination quicker than ment if carried by an exp'-css train, and and mat f I- wing rivrs, r\-:-v now they that are receivers of letters, irvl again, an histirian gives u. a impcrs and parcels are stumbling lot k it i" tlu- h:ip| i-:i!n^^, ov r n i>;i- e>ver theinsc-lvi's t (( ptt at the mai| on tury ago. when the land was boinn its arrival l>y ai . Well, are they? explored hy the men who made for- To the K r( ' a t many of us it makes no tunes for the f lands anil furc^ if difference if our h-'ters are a few _, fortune, for themselves. We hours latf, and eM-n the average busy] naV( . a very readable narrative, rr- nian i in if, hurry to et his mail. ccn . v |u ,|,ii s hrd I- .1. V. Walbce on Jt is certain that no one desires the .- llr . wintering Partners t.-f IVace air carried letters if tho expense can- p k i v ,.,.- w 'niob gi\i < .' .yst inai'u- ..- not be shown to lie warranted as it counl ,,f the opening up of the terri- cloubtless i.-, when used to facilitate tury. Th > < are s. oie inten-linpr mail service in remote reuions, far re-' ifaf . s f ,. 011 , ;l j, )Urnr | | { ,., u at thc fat- moved from railway service, but ccr- nort |, f,,;t ,., U u n\ean in 10(5. Th:- tainly no huge c-xpenditu'-e on aero- ( j ol -na ; illustiates in a very compel- plane service that makes it necessary .ij,^ ,,:,,. ,h-. M,w, r wi-lded by to half-starve the ordinary postal ser-' th( . .,, in , narp( , ,, f o,.. ,, r ent fur xi.-i- ^hc.uld I... endorsed. The whole companies, as will be siv-n from th- juestion should be thoroughly looked .following quotations: into before further extension of thei Thiwr ,, ty May , Marcellais. who air mail nervier is agreed to by Par- promis(>( , | t , hire lnij| wjnter> ^, liamcnt. KDITOUIAI. NOTKS. A Canadian, who has during the lat year gone over the United States ask-'l to sign his agreement. Ho .said ho "ever intended In hire for thr"e years nor that he ever nrom- is"d to hire. He disputed for ome cluiioni. It ' . evident tht, bv pas- teurization, wo can eliminate the bo vine typo c..' tuberculosis, which is re- :ponsilile for (|iiite n percentage of tuberculo.' is among children who use rrw mill . Disablement, disfigure- province. fif i n:ont, wtffanOjf and sometimes death The big argument, and that usecf-are th<> i-f-sulta" of Ixwine tuberculosis by the Telegram in answer to the in chlldr-r. Pasteurized milk is Examiner's demand, is that thc safe and its use safeguards children Hydro municipalities have' vast fn, m many diseases .including bovine amounts of money invested in Hydro tuberculosis. and it would be unfair to them to raise the rates so that the rural " dweller can have power ami light EDL'C'ATION'AL .SWINK wi'hout being demeaned by sub- COURSES sidy nursing. A reconstruction of finances of the $:100,000,000 public j An educational swine courss will be ownership enterprise is not impos- ' held at the packing plants end Union sible and by effecting such a recon- , Stock Yards, Toronto, on Wednesday, sanction the Hydro municipalities Thursday and Friday. Feb. 1U. 20, 21. could be taken care of. j The cour.-o is primarily for the junior A/ny one acquainted with condi- "armors undT 26 years of age who lions and sentiment in the rural dis- have never attended one heretofore, tricts can see the ever increasing' .Seven boys are allowed from each demand for equality on the part of j county as follows: Grey, Norfolk, .he fanner with his fellow citizen 'Brunt, Bruce, Huron, Middlesex, Ox- dwelling in the urban centre. Of 'ford. Wellington, Perth, Waterloo, late years many of the farms have) Lambton, Essex, Kent and Elgin. been taken over by young men with 1 Tho following contribute to the secondary school education and prize money: 1, Dominion Live Stock not a few farms arc now presided, Branch; 2. Industrial and Develop- over by graduates of the Ontario ; ment Council of Canadian Meat Agricul'ural college. This younger Peckers; :?, Ontario Department of generation is almost a solid unit in' Agriculture; 4. Canadian Swine favor rf power in the country just i.roeders' Association, as they have it in the city and sooner The boys' railway fare over $;!.00 or late- one of the political parties will Ice refunded to them and 9 prizes will take tin and espouse the cause, vaiying ','r^m S9 down to $1 is offered of th,' rural dweller who demands in each class for the judging of live power on equality with the urban hogs, judging of carcasses and the dweller. When that time conies, grading of hogs. and it is not very far distant, Sir All boys under 20 years of age are Adam Reck'n house of cards will eligible to attrnd provided they have fall to the grouTid and a new and never gone before. Th-? first boys more (.substantial Hyclro structure to apply will br taken. The boys will be built up. | usually stay with friends in the city. -n order to arrive on time it will Thc Meaford evaporator closed bt> necessary to leave on Tuesday t(v-ntlv nfle- a highly successful | morning. You cnn return on Friday season in the handling of annlrs. The night. plant, has handled over 600 tons of ap- ! T - Stewart Cooper, Department of pies since opening on Sept. 30 and con-1 Agriculture, Markdale. vc'ted same into dried fruit and, waste. The finished product, com- prised some 75 tons of dried apples with 45 tons of waste. Durinf tlie season, 15 women helpers and 8 men! education has informed the board a Alliston hi^h school, whieh was built ni"? vears ago, has been found o be inadequate and the d<pt. of were engaged in the work. , new building will have 'o be erected. time with Mr. tradicted him. McLood and con- At that Mr. Me Lend from Boston on the Atlantic to Port- got vexed and gave him n few blows. Innd on the Pacific, declares that he vouches for the good results of the Jaw protecting the xale of intoxicat- Aftcr that he asked him if he pre- fer '^d signing, or aa* rascal as he is, to be clapped in irons. He accep- ing liquors. I* -election, he asserts,' ted of the latter md immediately is a great succegg economically and was fettered. Mr. MacLeod asked morally. He makt'R his declaration him a second time if h" wo''ld sign, that must posseas food for thought He answered that. hi> would unonev to the Canadian people: My tf'irnv su{,.er any punishment than sign < from ol>*rvation is thai "i :i hards were tied with a cord be- industrially Canada and England; hi"d his bai-k, which hurt him s.-> wet nrp little competition to the Un-l much that he instantly asked t-> sign iteri States dry. The fact ia the Am- His demand being nomplied with, riran mechanic is increasingly every;" 18 hands were untied, but Iv rr- year becoming 1 a aber man. Tho; ni"inod in irons for the night, vets make n great deal of nciaej Friday April 24th, Some mo;.: about the failure of prohibition; but' was i nlt out yesterday 'o dry and January Specials 10 yds. Dark Flannelette 36 in. wide for $1.7? 10 yds. Light Striped Flannelette 36 in. wide, good quality for $2.00 Ladies' Fancy Sweater Coats, reduced to $3.35 12 in. Top Rubbers, size 11 only, for $3.50 A. HAW, Ceylon Store eloses every evening except- Wednesday and Saturday until Spring. EXPENSES 12594 04 Operators' Salaries 1838 50 Annual Switching Fees paid to "Bell" or other systems 529 9O Maintenance or repairs Wages -._ - 542 00 Maintenance or repairs Supplies 836 59 Commissioners' Salaries 45 00 Secretary's and Treasurer's Salaries 50 00 Other Salaries (Auditors', Clerks', Municipal Officers', etc.) 56 00 Rent, Heat and Light 92 00 Stationery, Printing and Postage 29 48 Insurance and Workmen's Compensation '.. 10 06 Sundries 96 2:J Total operating expenses $3152 36 Gross Income (operating revenue less operating expense).... ?531 32 Deduct: Interest on Temporary Loans 10 75 Principal and Interest payable on Debentures 1929 65 22 Surplus December 31st, 1928 $2044 Sa Surplus December 31st, 1929 $1517 95 ASSETS Tools and Vehicles 30 00 Office Furniture and Fittings 11 00 Rentals Uncollected n previous years and up to Deeember 31st 1929 45 00 Tolls Uncollected in pre\ r ious years and up to Dec. 31st 235 15 Material on hand 50 00 Cash in Bank or on hand 1517 95 Total $1889 10 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 42 00 Surplus 1847 10 Total $188'J1 10 Number of telephones, December 31st, 1929 Renters 211 7 Total Number of telephones, December 31st, 1929 Renters 216 211 5 Total Miles of Poles January 1st, 1929 Milrs of Poles, December 31st, 1929 Net gain in pole mileage for the year Milea of Single Wire, January 1st, 1929 .... Miles of Single Wire, December 31st, 1929 218 32 33 1 130 150 Net train in wire mileage for the year 20 Expended on Plant and Equipment in 1929 78^45. CERTIFICATE We certify that the annexed statements of Revenue and Expenses Construction Account and Balance Sheet exhibit a true and cor- rect view of the state of the System's affairs as on December 31st. Dated this Uth day of January 1930 EDGAR BETTS EMERSON WRIGHT Auditors Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station :.*-:: , "* ' ; ij '" X '^f-"-" ' - : , ; . -' I :..--. - , ' . - . . - * Call at T. Hades - . / If you want to cut your long dis- tance telephone bills watch for 7.00 o'clock. The lower evening rates begin now at 7.00 and they save you money. Between 7.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m., the rate is about twenty-five per cent off the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m. until 4.30 a.m. the rate is about one-half the day rate.* *. Long distance service is con- stantly improving. You can talk to the next town or across the world from your telephone now quickly reliably more cheaply than ever before. It is still cheaper when you take advantage of the lower evening rates at 7.00 o'clock. * Minimum reduced rates Evening S5c Night fSc f

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