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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 49 No. 33 Flesherton Ontario, January 29, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor A Valued Life The days of her childhood Were peacefully spent, Whore all things united To make her content; While life's early morning Was fresh as the dew, Th" Lord as h?r Saviour And Keeper, she knew. Devoted and trustful, " ^ Courageous and brave, The richest of treasures To others she gave; Obedient in all things, To Christ as her King She loved, with His people, His praises to sing. She drank from those founatains Which never shall cease, Her light in the Household Brought gladness a"d peace; Her gifts and her moments Found constant employ For Him, in whose service Is comfort and joy. With trustful devotion And confident prayer, The ones whom she cherished She left in His care; Believing His promise Her heart was at rest. She knew He would send them Whatever is best. Through much tribulation Which darkened the past, She entered tVio haven In triumph at last; With love ever growing At length she became A rilgrim victorious. Through faith in His name. To Him, whose protection She ownod :n pa -h breath. She wished to bring glory By life or by death: To Him, so often. Had answered her plea, She said with rejoicing All glory shall be. Rev. Thos. Watson. PRICEVILLE Mrs. John Graham ;s visiting friends in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carson spent the woek end with thoir daughter, Mrs. Art Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. Gilvray McLean of The S-'an- dard Bank, Tivevton, spent three j weeks visiting at his parental home. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. D. McPhail and family and for the McLeod boys and sisters in their sad bereavement. Miss Jean McLean is spending some time visiting friends' in Durham. The annual meeting was held on Tuesday in th? hall, wtih a ^ocd at- tendance. Mr. Allie McLean occupied the chair. Miss Monica Lambert was appointed orTarist; M-. Allie Mc- Lean, Secretary; R?v. Mr. Sullivan, ?nvc!ope secretary; Ushers, Messrs. Wm. McK^nze, A. L. Hincks, D. L. MrKenzie, Archie McCuaig. Mr. vVm. McLeod was appointed manager '.n plate of Mr. John McEachern. Different reports were given by the various societies and branches of churc-h work and showed a favorable balance on hand. The same day a ;all was given to Rev. Mr. Stewart. Over 100 friends and neighbors en- joyed the dance at Mr. Wm. Aldcorns one night recently and all had a very enjoyable time. The annual meeting of the Agricul- tural Society was held on Saturday, 18th, when a fairly good attendance transacted the usual business. Ow- ing to repairs mad-' to roof, finance-: lie low. The fall fair is again to be held on the first Friday in Oct. Mi-. Thoj. Nichol was appointed Pres, Wm. Aldcorn wishing to retire and now holds the position of Hon. Rres., Garfield Whyte, 2nd. Vice. Direc- 'torc, Jim Turner, John Burnett, A. L. iMcArthur, Geo. Cairns, A. L. Hincks, ( W. J. McMillan, Archie McCuaig, Dan Campbell, Wm. Alileorn, G. Whyte. Thos. McDougalL is delegate to the Fall Fair Convention. . The first man to have a telephone installed in Hamilton is still living, and still has telephone No. 1. His name is Baker and one of the central stations in the city has been named after him. What has become so com- monplace has not been with us for the lifetime of many of us older folks, a rather startling fact. When we think of it the modernness of the automobile, the radio, the flying ma- chine and many other things is even - startling. KIMRERLEY \ We are glad to report Mrs. W. T. I lis and Mrs. D. Wallace improving, i Both are yet confined to their beds, j Miss Ora Stafford of Toronto is ! spending a couple of weeks' holidays , at her home here. The Hydro mm and Mr. D. L. j Weber are, thus far, successfully j landing th/j transformer. They~arc now rlmost into the valley. The Ladies' Aid had their annual election of officers and report a good year's work, over $170.00 being raised, and with the furance free from deb:. Officers for the year ?.re as follows: Pros., Mrs. F. Wcbc;-; 1st Vic<?, Mrs. O. Proctor: ^nd We, Miss Mary Stafford; Secretary, Mrs. Thos. Soule; Treasurer, Mrs. D. Wallace; Flower Cam for church services, Mrs. S. S. Burritt, Mrs. R. Chard, Miss C. Hut- chinson, Mrs. J. Haynes, Mrs. George Proctor, Mrs. Carruthers; Sick Com.. Mrs. W. T. Ellis, Mrs. G. Proctor, Mrs S. S. Burritt; Com. for visiting sick, Mrs. Myles, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. J. Wilson Mrs. A. E. Ellis, Airs. Wallace, Mrs. J. M. Fawcett, Mrs Carruthers and Mrs S. S. Burritt. They purpose holding their bazaar the last week in February. . Mr. A. Wallace of Orangeville vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. D. Wallace. Messrs. Victor and Stuart Ellis motored from Collir.gwood to visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Mrs. Lea and Miss Shirley McMul- len of Feversham spent the week end with her mother, who is ill. Mr. W. Harris is in Hanover doing some carpenter work for the Hydro. Mr. Thompson Ferguson and Mr. Frank Graham left on Monday for tho Hydro at Heidleberg. We note that our old friend Mike Murray of Neustadt has been appom- t-d returning officer for Ronth-East Grey for the Dominion elections to "> held some time in the next year or s", the cfa'e not yet having been .set It takes Michael to do things up W*. His last official position was provincial returning officer fn- -r v"l y , U ' F ' ' * ove "t in -G. Which oniy proves once again that Whi!, the light remain, t. bl " the vilest sinnr-r nvy return" or something to that effect. Congratul- ation.,, Mi ko! Bv f 2S ha U v ' t . ve over wid the Tories yet, n w , will. -Durham OFFICIALLY KICKED OUT OF TOWN. Two vagrants otherwise tramps appeared in police court at London. They were hungry ar<l wanted some- thing to eat. That seomed to be the extent of their offence. The magis- trate r-iked th^m how lng it v.-ould '.Vo them to get out of London, and where they would co. The anwi was that th"y w-ild h""d f >r B'-;tnr- ford and Hamilton, and the beak of- fered to give them a ride to the city I'inr'ts t> spot"! them on th^ir way. That's :> groat old way that im ibx-en followed for years. Get rid or them; pass them on *o th" r.-xt place. i We wouldn't be surprised to find them in rv-Hc-e court at Woodstock or Hrantford, and it i-* possible they may receive the official kick out of town again. No town cares niuch rSou't the next one down the line. A tramp Is a non-productive asset at best, .and all he needs to do is keen on promising to get out of town. ROCK MILLS Very cold stormy weather the past week. There has not been any service in tho Baptist church here the past two Sundays owing to the stormy weather. Mrs. Boyce Sr., Mrs. McEachnic and Mr. Russell Boyce of Markdale ; and Mrs. Marsh of Toronto visited c.:c day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ale" Er><*lish h?r<\ Miss Viola White of Markdalu spent the wee!; end at her home here. Mrs. C. Newell and Miss Mabel Eetts, spent Jfonday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. Several new teams have commenced on the lumber haul on Monday, as most of the old ones were laid off on Saturday. Mrs. Pacey, of Hamilton visited the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Robertson. Mr. J .Sewell is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Ned Croft happened with a n:sty accident on Thursday last while rolling logs in the mill yard. A log rolkd on hi;! leg, crushing his ankie very badly. Mi% Crof i went to Owen Sound on Fric!:-y and had an XRay to fir;t out the extent of his injuries ami it was found that a small bonn wan brokr-n in his ankle. .! will be laid ofi v.-ork for s^me tim?. bvt we hope f-r a complet-; rccovry. CEYLON Miss Delia White, who spent a week at her home here, returned Saturday to Toronto. Mr Wm.. Mathewson is on a two weeks' business trip to Thornbury. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P-. spent the past week with her sister :/ Shriglpy. Miss Marion Boland spent the week end at her home at Vamleleur. Mr. S. Hemphill and daughter, Maud, visited friends at Dundalk one evening last w?ek. Mrs. Morwnod, who spe"t a week with h'-r b-;oth-r Mr. I. J. Patterson, who s-.tfered a slight stroke, has re- turned to htr home at Mnrkdale. Mr Patterson is row ro(">vjr<*d. Mi. and Mrs. Hu;;h Bailey and two daughters of Shrigley spent the week end with ^ic lattei-'s mother and sister, Miss Agnes Macphail. M.P. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and daughter, Jean, returned on Moivlay to Toronto. The Ladies' Aid meets this Wednes- day, January !>, at th.- home of Mrs. Kno:: nt 2 p.m. It is th" first meet- ing of the year and it is hoped there will be a gocd at'^mlance and new members will IJH added to the lists. 12,230,000 PENNIES The humble penny is still the most! popular coin in Canada. The Royal Mint struck 12,330,000 one cent pieces in l'J29, according to a state- ment issued at the Department of Finance. Other coins struck were: Five-cent pieces, 5,340,000; ten-cent pieces, 3,250,000 ; twenty-five-cent piesec, 2,688,000, and fifty-cent pieces 168,000. The value of gold! and silver received at the Mint dur- ing 1929 was $9,101,819.62. Gold bullion delivered to the department amounted to $8,689.188.99, and $969,- 279.17 was sold in bars. NOTICE VICTORIA CORNERS ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Falling on the ice in the back yard of her home in Collingwood, Mrs. Smith suffered a fracture "f the wrist Two ypa; 3 ago Mrs. Smith mot with a .simlar accident by which she fractured h"r ark!--. > < "House of Quality " STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! , Come in and let us prove to you that a fcmall in- vestment gives you god returns by using Dr. Hess's improved Tonic. Every package guaranteed or your money refunded. .y . , . V w, : Poultry Pac-A-Cea; Instant Louse Killer; Rotip Tab- lets; Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs; a conditioner and worm expeller. Remember every i'> one is guaranteed to give results. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN About Deer Hunting Editor ef Tlu. Advance Dear Sir. Knowing you as we do to be a good citizen and a real sport, I take this opportunity of r.sking some ruestions. Is there a game warden in the County of Grey? If so we have not known his name. We understand there is a irume warden in Owen Sound, on a good salary paid Ly tho government. A i ; -to the extent of his limits we are not in.'ormed, but would suppose i 1 . would be for tho protection of game in tho town. Can anyone, who carries a trapper's license, go on the crust when it carrier, the h'^tnds but not fhe tleer, to wher: t!'" deer have takon shelter !'.>; the winter, and let his hounds loose, ilriving the dear i;ito the clearances ;:r.d on the public highway, pursued by his bounds, with the pretence he is fox hunting? On what condition does ar.y cne take the offica of game w;. den? If v.-e are rightly informed he taken the office and works w^.ivnit salary. With authority, if iu f:r<!:i ary person or ners >ns vblatiri;: the ;;amc law, he can bring- that person to justice, have him fin: 1 ;', to \vhi h ! 13 entitled to one half. Nov.-. : ;;y his nei"hbo. H.- v:-la! ! '-. . law. YJU knew that, anyone \:!n v.-ou'.d break the law wiu'd rcr ths '. i\v. .\'.<w what i.s ho to do ii' I)L- enforc-ei-, the law? Brinjt upon hiivrell' the- wrath and indignation of his neighbor and all who are in sympathy with him 7 Tho only way for him to save trouble is to keep rui<'t a-d divide the spoil with his neighbor. In such a case he becomes the deei-'s greatest enemy. There are others \vjio would accept the office of game warden for reasons best known to themselves at a lime when they are expected to be looking it Ver the interest of the game, takes his license and goes north during the hunting season, leaving the game here to the mercy of those who are neither citizens or sports. There is no satisfaction for those who respect the law and allow the deer to graze on their farms whi!c their wives go out to admire their beauty. The deer become so tame t'hey are easily trailed by th^sr. 1 who have no regard for the law, nor respect for themselves. Mr. Editor, will there be any danger of the country being overrun with with these harmless deer, so long as the one dealing in fur can boast of buying three hundred deer hides in one season? Does anyone know another firm employed by the govern- ment working on such a salary, self sustaining. OLD SPRT. MAXWELL The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. held their annual fowl supper on Monday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Benson, of the 8th line. near Feversham. A sumptuous dinner was served to about forty members and a few guests. The evening was spent in game 1 :!. The next meeting of the U.F.Y.P.O. will be held on Friday evening, February 7th at the home of Mr. Ern Hawton. Visitors are welcome. We arc glad to report Dr. R. L. Gau-M recovering from an attack of pleuro-pneumonia. His mother, Mr.;. Gauld, of Mimieo is spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Gauld. The annual congregational meetiiv of St. Mr. Wm. Irwln of CD dwater, Sask., paid ;. flying visit in tlii.s burg. .Mrs. Wm. Acheson is quite well apain. Miss Marion has been homo with her for the past three weeks. Mr. John Hargravc of Flcshcrton shipped through the U.F.O. shipper. Mr. Chus. Moore, a steer which not only tipped the market, but sold for $10.50. being the only animal on 'the Toronto market that day which went f--r m~re tha?>. $10.25. Miss Beth Hincks of Ceylon spent the week end with her friend. Myrtle Moore. ,i ..ii.ii,, ....,.,, VANDELEUR Vandeleur Farmer's Club held their last meeting at the home of Mr. Chus. Boland on Monday evening of last week, when some important bus: ness was transacted. Lunch was served by the hostess. The next Monday IN THE MATTER OF T HE ES- TATE OF CHARLES TUCKER PHILLIPS late of the township of , Osprey in the County of Grey, Far- ! mer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- : ing claims or accounts against the 'said deceased are required on or be- Ifore the 8th day of February, 1930, ito send a full statement of their ac- count to the undermentioned solicitor, for the executors. AND FURTHEH TAKE NOTICE that after such date, the executors ! will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall have had notice; and that the executors will not be liable for the estate's assets or any part thereof if any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the time of dis- tribution. DATED at Owen Sound this 20th day of January, 1930. C. C. M1DDLEBRO, Solicitor for the Executors. OWEN SOUND, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of "John Henry Duckett" late of the Township o Artemesia in the County of Grey, Farmer: TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Henry Dackett, meeting w: s presided over by Rev. M. F. OKihar.!, pastor of tho church. Vanou; :< orts \vo:-<? re"d ;;.-; | ' ^e<l, sho\vin<;- a very "uct-.-safu? f r the church. The attendance for the year tota'led Mil an average atter.da:icu cf 48. The following officer.) wore elected: Minister's \Yar- len, Mr. Geo. Burke; People's Warden, Mr. Ed. Seeley; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. LawlL-r: Select Vestry, J. Grummett, J. Hargravc, Wm. Harg'-avp, F. Seeley ; and Mrs. John C. Milne; Synod I delegates, Messrs John Harffravc and ''. II. Durkc; Auditors, .Messrs. Geo. '.: v.-l,:r and ![. T3arke; organist, Mrs. . K. ;:'i-loy; ;:s:usi. organist, Mr. ". C?ck-y; caretaker, Mr. Jesse! I Oummctt. The radi < nthpciaat ; !'' .v-<i with ;r.u '' i:. terse; Ust Tai-.-.d:;;,- morning lo the King a.s he onened the Five Power Naval Cc.ifjicnec in London, England. The reception was excep- tionally good. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Peter Muir and family wish to thank th-ir many friends and ncigii- i for the many kinJnes"9s c::tcn- (kd during the illness and passing of .or, the late Ca'..!ievi'.:<! Muir. arc invite: 1 . fohnston have returned from Toronto, when- the for- "UT recently underwent a critical op- ';;; inn. Mo is now much improved in health. - * *jjfr{ The Orange Lodge held a vey suc- cessful box social in the hall on.Thurs- t!ay evening, January liith. A good irogram \vas provided ;md an enjoy- able time was spent. Mi-. Andrews of Gait visited re- :?"t:y with her sister, Mrs. Frank Davis. CARD OF THANKS Tho family of the late A D Mc- ' : <--od wish to express their thanks to many friends, for the many ex- s:ons cf .sympathy during "their ic;ent bereavement. Whr.t i- ci;nsidred by tho-:-> in i.'ic knov/ ;;:; : more certain sign of a.-, early spriirj than th? Globs robin \v;-.^ the trapping oT a grounding by Mr. Charli" PblltoM on hi-, r a rr.i II-M- Ot- ter Ci-cck bit Friday. This is said lo b? tha earliest r:' r^c?rd that r groundhog has been known to be out "f its wirstct- quarters. Discovering the tracks in the snow lending fror.-. i^s h-r-ow. Charlie l--isMed ba"k to th bn-n f-r a trap and secured the little ouadruped on its retir.n ho'v>o. The catch is valued more in the light of a weather prognosticator than for its intrinsic wrth cv the f"r marker. Wafikerfon Herald-Times. The Robert Simpson Co. stores at ?f. Catharines, Welland, Port Col- borne, Niagara Falls, North Bay. Gait and Kitchoneh closed on DC?. 31. Bv this action the complet" chain oi mail o'-dor houses were abolished. In explaining the action, Charles Jaggs, manager af tho St. Catharines office, stated that the offices had been op- ened as nn experiment, and although the stores closed for good, it may bt almost two months before the worl; of returning merchandise to Torontr and other details in connection witr tho close down will be accomplished new machinery to the value of $6,000. This wa.s tnirch" t <?d mite rocp?!t)y for 50. Now the building is to be tn":er down p.nd tho old'.-?t landmark of the (iistriii removed.- -Brampton Con?er- vatcr. Advertise !n The Advance of December, 1929, at the township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, are required, on or before the first day of February, to send by post.pre- paid or delivered to the solicitor for the executors of the Last Will and Test- ament, full particulars of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned, the said exec- utors will proceed to distribute the- assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall have had notice, and that the- executors will not be liable for tho \ Estate's assets or any part thereto. ) of any persons or person of whose? ] claim notice shall not have been re- ceivod by them at the tim of such ; distribution. ' ' Dated at Owen Sound this 6th day of January, I!l30. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Owen Sound. .Solicitor for the Executors. Save on Groceries and Meats Orange Pekoe Tea, reg. 90c. for ............................ 85c. Fork & Beans, large tin ..................................... 25c HACK I-5ACON. pea meal, per Ib ........................... 45c! Fresh Sausages, all pork, per Ib ............................... 30c. Cooked Irani, per Ib .................. 4gc SMOKED SIDE BACON, per Ib ........ .......,..!..!.!"! 3Sc! Oranges, reg. 75c. per doz, for .. 65c SOAP CHIPS. 2 Ibs. for ........................................ 25c ISrcad, Pastry and Buns always on hand H. FREEMAN Phone 60w FLESHERTON Bates Burial Co'y. 122-121 Avenue Road T ORONTO Phone: KIngsdalc 4344 J.W. Bates. R. Maddocks.

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