THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE VEtJXESDAY, JANUARY 22. 1230 ' - *< 4 : | 1 Prosperity Follows The Dairy Cow. AGRICULTURAL surveys prove that the farmer who banks a monthly milk or cream check soon becomes in- dependent of financial worries. The dairy cow j-the milk check the bank account form ar. indestructible chain which defif-s "hard times" and busi- ness depressions. Since 1873 the Ca- nadian BTk of Commerce has catered to tho reods of the dairy farmer, ren- dering efficient service to his business THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u i-h ujhich is arnatgumatccf -. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl C.P.R. TIME TABLE Married 50 Years Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: Going Soutb Going North h.08 a.m. . 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. '8.11 p.m. 4.33p.m. The mails close at Plesherton a follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. outh at 3.30 For morning train outh mail doses at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal G. Cairns Again Pres. of East Grey Society &!--. George Cairns was re-elected President of the East Grey Agricul- tural Society at the Annual meeting held in Flesherton on Saturday after- noon. H. Freeman again 1st. Vice-President and Chas. Bi'st was elected PS 2nd. Vice-President. Secretary Findlay gave his report, and while the membership of the fair ' is steadily growing the receipts were a failure last fall, the Society being behind nearly $200, after a fowl sup- per was held to cut the amouTit down. I It was decided that the field crop 1 competition would not be held this year. The old board also recom- mended that a racing club be organ- ized in Flesherton in order to have i racing at the fair, as there was a steady plea for this form of enter- tainment for the fair. ! The new directors elected are: L. A. Fisher, H. Richardson. A. Sparks, G. Ir-win, Ht Gvaham, F. J. Thurston, H. A. McCauley, F. D. Cairns, Geo. Bes^, IT. Down, and the lady directors are: Mesdames Otteweli, Phillips. Findlay, McCallum, C. Best, Boyd, L. A. Fisher, McCauley, Kennedy and Crossley. After serving for" the past three or four years as Secretary Mr. Findiay announced his retiremen*. but another Secretary was not appointed ai the meeting, but it will likely be done at the board meeting on Tuesday of next week. FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL Curling Club Rinks County Council will meet on Tues- day of n"xt wek, J n - 28th. Mr. Wes. Armstrong is in Toronto on business. Mrs. W. I. Henry spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs. G. E. Henry at Berkley. The zero weather of tho last four ds'y of last week gave Mr. Bowes' mild January rather a bad black eye. A lot of people who say that they are unable to o^ain justice any more would be a lot worse off if they did. The high school hockeyists played L tie game with the town lads on Thursday night of Iswt week. Flesherton junirs defeated the Pro- ton gang in a hockey game in Flesh, erton Tuesday by thes core of 8-1. Mis? Elizabeth Bentham of Toron- to is spending a week with her par- ents here. Miss Effie Sandiland of Dundalk spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Armstrong. Mrs. H. Johnson of Dundalk has returned home, after spending the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson. Mr. H. A. McCauley is attending the convention of the Retail Lumber- men's Association being held in To- ronto this week. Community Auction Sale at Mc- Vicar's hotel, Priceville on Sat. Jan. 25th. Horses, cattle, sheep, swine md 50 purebred Leghorn pullets. John O'Neil, Auctioneer. Some day we shall learn that the little deeds of love wrought uncon- sciously as we pass on our way are greater in their helpfulness and will shine more brightly in life than the deeds of renown which we think of as alone making a great life. Mrs. S. Roy of town donated 40 pairs of mitts to the bale recently sent by the local L. O. B. A. to the orphanage- at Richmond Hill. If any person wishes to donate any article to the L. 0. B. A. for this cause please communicate with the Secretary, Mrs. T. J. Fisher or the W. M., Mrs. O. W. Phillips. The Advance has received a broch- ure of poems entitled "Loving Hearts and Happy Homes", by the Rev. T. Watson, formerly of Flesherton. Some 35 years ago Mr. Watson was the pastor of the Baptist church here. He is a fluent writer of verse and a lot of his material has in the past found a place in these columns. Mr. Watson now resides in Toronto, at 07 Gloucester street. During the holidays Mr and Mrs. Adoniran Herron celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a number of their children and grand- children. The aged couple were mar- ried fifty years ago at Feversham, Ontario, anil to them were born eight children, seven of whom are alive. One daughter, Atha, was ! drowned n^ar Sudbury in 1916. Of the children, Fred and Dick of 'Shackleton, Mrs. Bret-knoll, Pully, , and Miss Florence, Regina. were 'present at the festivities. Mrs. W. The Curling Club picked the skips E. Plant, Shackleton, Sheldon, To- aw! players for each rink at a meet- ,rcnto, and Joseph, Shackleton, were '" on Monday evenine and every- ' unable to attend. ; thing U now ready for a sucrt-.i-fal A wedding dinner was served at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herron, sklpi where a large wedding cake cen- tred the table. The rooms were de- corated in yulctide decorations, ami golden streamer-.. The children and 23 grandchildren presented a purse t'f gold. During the day Mr. and -cascn at th-> "roarin" game." Tha r.'c as follows: Jas. Dai-gavel skip, F. H. W. Hickling, F. J. Thurs- ton, M. Wilson, alternates A. Hoy and C. N. Richardson; G. B. Welton skip. Dr. Milne, G. Johnston, John Wright, alternates G. Erackenbrl ',' and A. Sinclair; A. E. Preston ^kip, Mrs. Herron received congratulatory T - Findla y- (: - McTavish. Dr. Murray, messages from friends from all over ^ernates G. Warlinp and H. Down; messages Canada. I Mr. and Mrs. Herron were married in 1879 at Feversham, Ontario and 1 started farming immediately after. i They lived at Feversham until 1913 when the family came West, set- tling at Shackleton. Here Mr. Her- , ron farmed' on a large scale ! acquired much land which he since given to his sons. I Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Herron re- i tired from active work and moved into their new home in Swift Cur- 'rent. Regina Leader, January, 8th, j 1930. V. Akitt skip, Jas. Robertson, Rev. Scott, T. J. Fisher, alternates A. Dov.'n and E. Fishor. BORN The Santa Claus Day The total collections for Santa Claus day in FL'sherUm resulted in $86.75 being received as cash don- ,ations and with $10.70 left over from j last year the total amount received was $97.75. Expenditures came to the total of $81.40. including extra candis, payments for the special at- tractions and other minor accounts, j leaving a balance on hand for next year of $16.35. Besides the amount of money collected, the merchants in town donated 165 pounds of candy and nuts whk-h were distributed to the kiddies. Tho chairman and the committee wish to express their ap- preciation of the support given the Santa Claus day on Dec. 14th. Advertise in The Advance WILLIAMS In Flesherton on j and Thursday, January l(Hh, I'J.'IO, to Mr. hag and Mrs. Dave Williams, a daughter. Heard Address of King Rauin fpnc. wr-re nrivileged t' OMZ I wafted over the air early Tuesday ! morning the speech given by His ' Majesty King George V on the open- * ing of the Five-Power Naval Arms Conference being held in the Royal Gallery of th<> House of Lords in London, England. Then followed the representatives from the various countries attending the conference, Canada being represented by Hon. J. L. Ralston, Minister of Defence. The King's address was marred somewhat by electrical disturbances. ,but the addresses of *he other speakers were received on a clear wave. The con- ference is of world importance and mt-.^h interest is being taken in the outcome of the deliberations. Radio is certainly a wonderful invention and for a person to sit in a house 3.500 miles away and hear world famous men discuss such matters of world- wide importance is nothing short of marvelous. What inventions will the next twenty-five years bring forth ? FORM 1 COMPOSITION Hon. Doris Ban- non 81, Dorothy Wolstencroft 80, Bessie Cairns 76, Phyllis. Graham 76, Pass Stanley Hunt 72, LaVerne Piper 72, Alma McLean 71, Lucy Macdonald 6U, John McMillan 68, Burton Sled 68, Hazel McKillop 6b, Kathleen Pedlar 67, Joe Gibson 60, JK.-O Ostrander 64, Ed Patton 63, i-Vca Fawcett 63, Mervy.n Johnson 63, Martha Ostrander 60, Isobel MscMillan 59, Gordon Patterson 59, Frank Eagles 58, Vera McMaster 50, Cecil Chard 54. MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH COMP. Hon. Audrey Brown 79, Patricia Morgan 77. Pass Irene Martin 73, Annie Akins 71, Marie Fenwick 70, Jean MacCor- mack 65, Gordon Stuart 65, Lola Blackburn 63, Ruby Kerton 63, Blanche Genoe 61, Monica Rae 61, Earl Johnson GO, Fred Gorrell 58. George McMaster 55, Jim Haw 53, Myrtle Moore 51, Sadie Carson 50. Fail Ja.-k MacKcchnie 49. Jackson Stewart 48, Dora Stewart 47, John Wilson 42, Harold Best 40. Emery Fisher 3;i, Donald Reilley 35. UPPER SCHOOL FRENCH Pass Margaret Sin- clair 6-1, Florence Allen 61. Helen Heard 57, Beth Hincks 57, Jack Jamie- --.un .">:!, lola Graham 50. Fail Muriel Cameron 47, Reta Fawcett iL'. Donalda Sloan 38, Leslie Ferris ;17, Harold Thompson 32. UPPER SCHOOL ENGLISH COMP. Pass Muriel Cameron !>G, Bert Morton 65, DonalUa Sloan 64, lola Graham 61, Jack Jamieson 60, Harold Thompson 58, Leslie Ferris 57, Jim McFadden 55, Harold Turner 54. Alice Reiley 52. Fail Reta Fawcett 48, Bessie Beard 47, Christena Magee 45. FORM 3 GEOMETRY Hon^ Evelyn Tur- ner 85. J. Haw 78, Hattie McRae 78, H. Turner 77, E. Johnson 75, Irene Martin 75, Patri.-ia Morgan 75, Ruby Kerton 73, J. Stewart 68, Christena Ma-ree 62, H. Best CO, Dora Stewart 60, Donald Reiley 00, Emery Fisher 60, Lola Blackburn 57. Sadie Carson ~>8, J. Wilson 47, .R Akins 45, A. Brown 13. Marie Fenwick 42. SPELLING GOOD Mervyn Johnson, Alma McLean, Hazel McKillop, Jessie Oiitrundvr. Kathleen Pedlar, Dorothy Wolsteneroft. Fair -Doris Bannon. Joe Gibson, Phyllis Graham, Lucy MacDonald, Vera McMaster, John McMillan, Martha Ostrander, Gordon Patterson, Ed. Patton, Ita Pedlar. Poor Bessie Cairns, Cecil Chard. I-'rarA Eagles, Stanley Hunt, Laverne Piper, Burton Sled, Everett Talbot Bad Fred Fawcett. Isabel MacMil- lan. At a similar test during the in- spector's visit the following grading was obtained: Good 0. Fair 3, Poor 7 Bad 15. remium Commencing January 1st, 1930, all accounts over $2 will have 25c. added to the cost of goods; 1 Oc. will be added under that amount. W. L. Morwood The Shoe Man Flesherton t X-X' C-X~X~X~X~M~X~X~H~X."> ' We are Agents for all Toronto Papers X .;. > ':' I * '? X - -w WH 1 . U." -'T ,'X ' OFFICERS TRINITY CHURCH Trinity Church, Proton Station, 1 held their annual meeting on Friday. January 1 7th. After the business was transacted the election of officers took place, which resulted as follows: Preacher's warden R. Bates; people's warden J. E. Stinson; select Vestry Wm. Ludlow, J. J. Carson, Thos. Wauchope, A. Stinson, R. J. Little; Vestry Clerk Mrs. J. J. Carson; organist Mi's. E. Stinson Assist, organist Miss Eva Wauchope; care- l aker Mr. Alex. Stewart. t Order Your DAILY PAPER Through This Office. Reduction in Price to all the Subscribers of The Advance Flesherton United Church i REV. W. J. SCOTT. M,. A., S.T.M. MINISTER i j> SUNDAY, JANUARY 26th l 11:00 a.m. "The Christ Outside the tfoor." Sunday School at the close of the sei-'ice. | 7:00 p.m. "The Trifler." j Service at Ceylon at 2:39, Sunday School at 1:30 p.m. Monday at 8 p.m. the first regular neetmg of the lisa's Clufc will be held "A Burn's Nicht," with light refreshments at the closr The annual meeting of St. John's will be held on Thursday tfce 23rd at :30 p.m. The annual meeting at Ceylon Men., Jti. 27, at 2 p.m. :A We will pay the following prices for Fatted Fowl Chickens over 7 Ibs 24c. ;i Ib Chickens 6 to 7 Ibs 22c. a Ib Chickens 5 l / 3 to 6 Ibs 21c. a Ib Chickens 5 to 5 1 /- Ibs 20c. a Ib Chickens 4</> to 5 .... 18c. a Ib Chickens 4 to 4y 2 15c. a It Hens over 6 Ibs 22c. a Ib Hens 5 to 6 Ibs 20c. a Ib Hens 4^ to 5 Ibs 17c. a Ib Hens 4 to 4# Ibs 15c. a Ib Live DucRs over 5 Ibs 22c. a Ib Live Cccsc ISc- a Ib Markdale Creamery and Produce Co | : Phone 69w . Markdale | ^*^>****<^**^*>^^ Great Berber Tailoring Company has authorized us to offer 10 p. c. Off "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th Only Berger "Clothes of Quality" and their wonderful values need no introduc- tion to thrifty men. But here's hig news! In order to keep their tailor- ing plant busy during the "in-betM-e<en Seasons" in the clothing year, we have been authorized to accept orders for "Clothes of Quality" AT A RE- DUCTION OF 10% FROM REGULAR PRICES, from Janaury 15th to February 15th. "Clotheg of Quality" are a splendid bay at regular prices any time at this special reduction these are values yu could not possibly afford to miss. Chorme from the entire line *f mor than 800 fabrics. Have your suit or ceat tailored-to-mcasurc by Canada's leading atyls artists and tailors. Act quickly however, as this offer is only p*sitiTly Cor the short time in- dicated. Com* in now and leave your ordr, . , . -, .. v . . . .. M F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO _J