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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1930, p. 3

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i . Are you afraid to eat a hearty meal? HAT doc* me*l. time mean to you? It it the pleasure that it hould be to restore the w energy your work hi taken from Or n etuxwe you: you pick and dread of indigestion? He a remedy that has brought relief to men and the world over. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are taken every day in many countries, speci- fically for digestive trou- bles and stomach dis- orders, and have brought happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. For, besides strengthening the digestive nerves, they in. Tigorate aad purify the entire system and lay the tomwiatioti tor continued Bur Dr. William.' Pink Pills at your drag - fist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 30 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. William* Medicine Co, Brodmlle, Ont, ,. 47 HSR PILLS "A MOIMEHOLO NAK* New Vice-President Canadian National Robert L. Burnap Appointed in Charge of Traffic for National System Announcement baa been made at Canadian National headquarters of the appointment of Robert L. Burnap aa Vice-i'resldent In Charge of Traf- fic, vice A. T. Weldon, the appoint- ment being effective at once. R. L. Burnap, who haa been Assist- ant General Freight Traffic Manager of 'he Canadian National Railways 400 NEW CANADIANS ARRIVE FROM EUROPE Four hundred trained canaries recently trilled their way across the At- The little birds made wltu headquarters at Montreal, since,. 1927. has been a.-uoeUted with the lantlc from Hamburg. Germany, to a Toronto firm, various lines which now comprise the; the lon s tri P in Individual wooden cages, eacli cage having a small feed box and a drinking cup. As the cases were unpacked and the canaries saw the light of day, they burst into a cheery chorus of song, showing no ill effects from their long Journey. All these Canaries are the Roller type, having ttie peculiar rolling trill so popular with Canadian bird lovers, and which gives delight In thousands of Canadian homes. Canadian National Railways System during the whole of his railroad career of 3C years. He has advanced step by step through the various grades of railroad service and la widely known in the general com- mercial and railroad fields of both SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO TORONTO LOW INSURANCE AND STORAGE RATES FIREPROOF ELEVATOR Write or Phone For Particulars TORONTO ELEVATORS, LIMITED Queens Quay Toronto, Ontario Phone ELgin 7161 HOW TO RELIEVE CHILDREN'S COLDS Avoid Serious Results by L'sing Baby's Own Tablets Owl Laffs Resolution "Boys, I've quit the hold-up garue, I'll h'ang around Joints no more." So with a sigh And a faint little cry. Tribute to Crime Brandon Sur. : A member of the Un- ited States intelligence service told the Women's Auxiliary of the Wayne County Medical Society in Michigan that :f present conditions and trends continue, another ten years wiii see every banker and prominent business man in the country paying tribute to gangsters. They are doing it today, as is every man, woman and Classified Advertising When a child shows the first symp- toms of a cold, such as sneezing, red- ness of the eyes, clogged or running nose, prompt measures for relief may i dancer?" avert serious results. Mothers should! She "Indeed? always have on hand some simple '' safe and effective remedy for Iramedi- j ate use. Baby's Own Tablets act quickly, contain no opiates or narcotics, are tasteless and harmless. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Cadieux, Holyoke. Mass.. says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and flnd them a very satisfactory medicine. _, ^*%ivvrw.v.*tiuii, V-Mi.fcXiiaiiU The garter stretehedout on the floor. ' hj)d in ^ Unitpd stmteg _ Irdirect!y He-"Do you know, only two things ; nized U n t- j 1-1 t K^s<-rvm t n tr a w-t.-i t they are being tapped Prevent your becoming t What ar: they?" "Your feet." Women give and forgive Men get and forget. annually by vice and was only a butcher's daughter, | priva ^ but she gave my liver to me! grea ' crime in an amount estimated by one thoughtful and thorough student of the situation at $16,000,000,000. This sum represents what the honest ele- ment in a nation of 120,000,000 people loses each year through dishonesty and attempting to gti.ird against it by police, courts and jails, a half million and watchmen, ar.u | insurarce against theft. R. L. Burnap Canada and the United States. Fol- lowing his Diversity graduation he began his railroad career as a clerk with the Central Vermont Railway in the Transportation Department, in 1894. He became associated with the Freight Traffic Department In the fol- lowing year. In 1896 Mr. Burnap to Join the Freight there, and during the same year was appointed Travel- ling Freight Agent ..t >.ew London, Conn. In February, 1900. Mr. Burnap became Commercial Acent at New York City, and five years later he moved to St. Albans, Vermont, as General Freight Agent. He was ap- pointed Assistant General FrelgUt Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway at Chicago In April. 1908, Assistant Freight Traffic Manager In 1910; Mother "Oswald, you should never _ _ ; do anything which you would be When my "little bo'y'had a'coldYgaVe | ashamed tor the whole world to see." him the Tablets at night and he was! Oswala ~ "Hooray! I won't have well the next day. I gave them to the j to take any morejmtbs.'' children for constipation and they are ' always benefited. I think Baby's Own " ls not receiving but giving. are much easier to give a : * ot b in K 8erved b " c * ervm ' than liquid medicine. I strongly : Not bem "Parted ut supporting, recommend all mothers who have i small children to keep a box of the ' Tablets in the house." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' i Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Minard'i fop the Ideal Rubdown. "rings life to the individual Enid "How do you mean you made a faux pas last night?" Mabel "Well, I told Jack I'd never Tkj- E w v o i; N D i. A N- n PUPPIES : .i. ciioii:e re|fi.Hterl stool: : real KJ:LI-<J- inns and companions. I.umley anJ Urown, lona. Ontiir:. MAKING FRIENDS The second division of life, aJ'-jr death begins, is a sad business. I have been in it for some years (did you realize I was fifty-one?) One of the saddes; things in it is the impos- sibility, or, at least, unlikelihood, of making new friends. We discover gradually but surely that tie last friend that a man makes is Lia wife. It Is not that we meet no one to whom we are affectionately drawn: but that we hesitate to give our lore with the old careless freedom. \Va have grown critical, and so have '.'icy. It may aiso Involve us in too much, emotion; we must be protected. E. V. Lucas, in "Listener's Lure." r f "We want the world to know that Great Britain can no longer be re- ! ganled aa the mik-h-cow of Europe." ' Philip Snu'v,l, : n. that I was engaged to hii mer." last sum- Old Sport to Go? Plague Laid to Foxes; English Farmers Ask Hunt Ban Brighton, Eng. One of the oldest , sports of England, the hunting of the Traffic Manager In 1919, and Freight ' f OXf may be sacrifi. ed to scientific Traffic Manager of tbrt road in 1920. agriculture. In November. 1927, Mr. Burnap was , Farmers, smarting under the loss appointed As 'slant General Freight inflicted by foot-and-mjuth disease. Manager of the Canadian National ' are blaming the fox for its sprea-1 Railways w: h headquarters at Mont-; from pasture to pasture. Extermin- This baby is only an undertaker's daughter, but she's m? la some grave mistakes. OISCIPLINE Everyone may >arn how to b* mas- terful and authoritative. Those who seek authority, and those who flnd authority thrust upon them, have an ever-present opportunity for perfect- Ing themselves in Us exerdse. Bu* many a man ignores this opporunity. and then wonders why he is not | given greater command. Discipline,! more surely will others gladly submit j themselves '.o the man who ,i* thus i proved h! r'srht to rule. AINEDllLbs.Mi8Wks Aid a Boy Friend." write* SuMa Sthno. ThouuiUi ay oew Iioou*d Yjt mdda S la II Ibc. i 3 vttlu. Sk:a - !<* akc BACK. Conuipitioa. orr., cad. GM alMaut Ironiied Tut tmbwu bom 4iucciil Fro- A Military Move Sports Put Under State Con- trol aa Jugoslavia Dis- solves Clubs Belgrade. With a stroke of the pen tbe Jugoslav government has dis- solved all private sports organiza- tions and placed the physical educa-] rea i and Freight Traffic Manager of 'ate'thrfox.'Instearof'preserving'hTm ! difficult problem, tlon of the youth of the country un-jthe Central Vermont, both of which for occasional romantic bunts, they der state control. This ends the na- positions he has held until bis pre- argue, and you will dc away with the! Customer "Why don't you adver Father "Dear, I am happy to an- nounce that young Johnson has asked for your hand." Beautiful Young Nothing "But, papa, I don't want to leave mama." Father "Don't let that bother you. You can take her along." A good night's sleep has been known to solve many a perplexing, GOOD MANNERS Good manners Is t. H art of making I those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever :n.i..ei the few- 1 est persons uneasy is the best bred Mmard's r; *(>: s : ;!a'ion and eases the paiu of -uM uipped cheeks and ears. sent appointment as Vice-Presldent. ! chief carrier of this plague. He has served on various freight i The fight against foot-and-mouth traffic associations and wa. a mem- disease has been going on for years in her of the Traffic Executives Com- ', England. Destruction of the infected mittee of the Central Freight Assocl- 'cattle is accepted by authorities as the ation. ionly sure way of suppressing an out- Storekeeper "No, sir!! I tried It once and it pretty near ruined me." , Customer "How was that?" Storekeeper "People ame in here and bought durned near everything I Mr. King on Pensions Saskatoon Star-Phoenix (Lib.): Ex- tlonallst Sokoll societies which had been built up on the old tribal princi- ple of distinguishing between Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The government decree ordering the dissolution states that the Sokoll societies have fulfilled their national task. According to "The Vreme" the government Is planning to form a na- tional militia, membership In which shall be obligatory for all able-bodied youths, including the peasants and the workers. Service in the militia will earn a reduction In the term of FenslOi: Aet > to provide for more gen- j drastic efforts in other directions. The ' doubt becau e we are i ow living in active service In the army. t erc ' treatment of certain war nHgovtnaantt they feel, might hasten! town and don't have to go outside and Following upon the establishment ' erans> ar ! lnc ' uded In tne legislative the discovery of a cure for or vaccine ; thaw out the pump, of the Banate Councils, the members i P r ram for 19ao - K ent discussions ftgainst the di^ase by more liberal of which are appointed by the cen- ' ^' , , OUKh , t , out the . f f ct that the appropriations for research. tral government, the creation of the | .. '*' a . ltnou K h "arned with a generous j Meanwhile, they ask, why not lessen times while you were out. he wasn't militia Is seen as another move to- ! ln t en . tlon - do s '-'"thing for the soldier the risk of con t al tion by exterminating ' trying to give you anything wards the Introduction of the Fascist JJ! "? b " rned ut before his prime, al- the fox? system is it nreviiu tn Tt-iiv though he may show no evident dis- ' .> Grace . as It prevails In Italy. abilky> fh. country', obligation to | Saskatchewan to Spend ! simpte '' $19,000,000 for Rods Henry "Yeah! She's pure and : break, and approximately $25,000,000 bad." has beer paid to farmers as compensa- j tion for herds destroyed in the public | A fool and his money are some interest. party. Farners patiently accept the in- state-lent of Mr. Mac- ev itable when their herds are con- '< The winters do not seem so cold as kenzie King that amendments to the demned, but they are demanding more they did when we were young, no', Don't worry. If he called three FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound The man who would never walk again. TF Vj could imotfin* a mart poignant dory than thit T .i eAumpwwi ottUete bedridden. ToU thai ht coulti never valk affaui .... 1 And tAfn AJ took Krutchfn. " Iff doctor MM my landlady that I could never walk again. I hod rheumatism act In bout Christ mas-tlmc, and a confined to bed (or two mom hi. SUFFERING these men is as clear and certain as its i to the maimed and the blind. It Is, I am sure, an element of hu-jMr. Kind's statement shows that the man life, that a man should suffer 'Government recognizes this fact and precisely In that relation which ' ' s ready to act accordingly. makes It most painful, most unbear-j > able to him. How he comes out of It! KINDNESS all Is the essential point. Uahel. ,-, Guard within yourself that treas- I ur kindness. Know how to give Winnipeg. Saskatchewan plans to, spend 119,000,000 <n road building j within the next three years. The! program, as outlined by the Hon. A. ; C. Stewart, Minister of Highways, at, the recent road convention held at! Helena, Mont., calls for tb e construe-, lj e - s " Up till two yean ago I had Nvu Cham- plon Racing Cyclist. 1 have won a prlw every ttrn* I have ridden. H- in,; au athlete, but a "They're dancers pure and poor scholar, it wouM take mo a week to mto the (acts about Krusrhon SalU." IF. H. B. Orlclul Ulur OQ 11 for !npetjoa. EniDchen Salts Is obtainable at drug and department store! In Canada at 7 jo. a bottle. A bottle- contains enough to laat for 4 or 5 mouth* good health lor balf-a-cent a Jay. Wilton, Ont. "I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound through theChangw of Life. It helps me and I cannot praise it too highly. I was troubled with heat Cashes and my iimbs were heavy so I could hardly walk to do my farm work. 1 saw in the newspapers your ad about the Vegetaole Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottle gave me relief and I have told others what it does for me. I am willing for you to use my letter il you choose." MBS. D. B. PETERS. \Vilton, Ontario. Ask Your Neighbor It won't be long before men will be demanding barber shops "for men ouly." - - _ tlon of 2.000 miles of new gravelled If Christendom Is to be reborn the : without hesitation, how to lose with- highways in the next two years. Church must be supernatlonal." out regret, how Rev. Henry Sloan Coffin. to acquire without 1 meanness. George Sand. ACID Many people, two hours after eat-, Ca " ' You will never use crude method you know this better method s.ulek, harmless and efllcient way. Is Phillips' Milk of Maniesla. It lias remained for 60 ye.ii-s the standard with physicians. One spoonful In water n-\- ,.\'-sti ninny times Its volume in -'omiHi ;;<!.!-, ;!;! p.t once. The symptom* t!i<;i;v .><. i>i live min- utes. acid wheu you prove out this easy re- lief. Please do that for your own ' '.ike now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by 1-h.viiiclans for 50 years In correcting excess acids. Kach bottl* contains i full directions any drugstore. The sum of |10,oOO.OOO will be rais- ed for road purposes In 1930. Half of this amount will come fr m a bond Issue aud the balance from the gaso- line tax and automobile license fees. On o of the three north anjd south all-weather highways will cross the international boundary south of Re Kina and will continue through Re gina northward to Saskatoon, pass- ing rn through that city to Prince Albert National Park. Two addi tlonal highways are to run north ami south and to points east and wes' of Reglna. In respect to the north and south roads, highway officials In Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan will co-operate with a Tl w ot set'uring the best connecti, n at border points. Maid "While you were gone, ma'am y.iiir little Willie swallowed a bug, . t don't worry. I had him take an i.sect powder." The next war should be waged j against the war makers. Tba jawbone of an ass 1* Just as : rtn*erous a weapon to-day as it was ' in Samson's time. That Sore Throat Needi MinarcTi. Patient "Doctor, I suffer a great deal with my eyes." "Doctor "Be comforted, my dear lady, you would prob- bly suffer a great deal more without them." It's a funny thing, but the man who spends the most time with his hands in his pockets has the li-ft in thvm. YOUR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOVR BARBER When Babieis CRY Babies will cry, often for no apparent reason. You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults! Most of those little upsets are soon soothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, gentle- acting children's remedy that children like. It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. Or in the case of older children, a slr.ggis!i. con- itipated condition. Castoria is still the thing to give. It is almost certain to clear up any minor ailment, and could by no possi- bility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the first thing to think of when a child has a coated tongue; won't play, can't sleep, is fretful or out of sorts. <let the jretniine; it always hu '.'ha-. H. ("letclier's signature on

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