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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 49 No. 32 Fleshertcn Ontario, January 22, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor ROCK MILLS I LADY BANK r J3QP.N At Rock Mills, o n Wed- nesday, January 15th", 1?: and Mrs. Ned Croft, the gift of a son (Robert Harold) WVare sorry to learn that Mr. Thos. Fisher is on the sick list, but hope he may be fully recovered soon. Messrs. George Margrave of the west back Kne and George Hargrave of Egreir.ont, were visitors recently with the former's uncle here, Mr. John Ha grave and family. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Macphail family of Ceylon, in their bereavement by the death of their husband and father. Mr. Ned Croft had the misfortune to get one of his fingers badly crush- ed while rolling logs in the mill yard. The Rock Mills Baptist Ladies' Aid held their January meeting on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, 4th line, when there was a good attendance. Mr. Robt. Croft has been very poorly for some time, and left for Toronto Thursday last to receive treatment. Mrs. Croft went to To- ronto with him. We trust he may soon feel much improved. Chas. Newell purchased a fine Zero weather at time of writing, snow or gOOd STATION sleighing. Mi*s J->nnett McMuilen and Miss A dell Roberts have returned to To- ronto and secured posrions. Mrs. Wm. Sernple and son, Ernie, j spent the week end with Mr. ar.d Mrs. John Loagheed and family at Brew- working horse and had it delivered to Priceville on Thursday of last : week. Lake, and also with Mr. and y_y;. Wm. Chestnut and Mrs. S aunt, Mrs. D. C. McMillan, at Sing- hampton. The Ladies' Aid held a very suc- cessful meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex. Maywell on Wednesday of last week. The meeting was opened by :he new President. Mrs. Frank Short, after which th? r"ll call was answered by presenting each ether with small i gifts. The Ladies' Aid presented j the organist with a bedroom clock; j and Miss Adel Roberts read the ad- j dress and Miss Mildred Max- ; well made thep resentation. The ; next meeting will be held at the j home of Mrs- M. Savers on Feb. 12th. : Mrs. Less McMuilen and babe spent a few days last \vcek with Mrs. W. T. j Ellis at Kimberley, -who is ill, but i we are pleased to learn is on the j mend again. On Thursdiy Jan. 16th th? d-:ath of Mr. John Roome occured at fais residence in Proton Station. ilr. Roome -was born in Claremont, Ont. in the year 1855. From there he . moved 'o the township of Osprey and settled on a farm near Maxwell. While there he married the late Roome, who predeceased him three years ago. Later they tiventy years they managed the post office and Mr. Roome carried D. McPhaii, Noted 1} 135868 CEYLON Mr. Paul at Feversham on Friday. Jlr. A. Sir.'.- lair paid a business :rip to Owen Sound on Friday. Mr. M. C. Becker. License Inspeo . :r was a caller ia town on Friday. Mrs Morwood of Markdale has Bnci highly ; County, passed front this life on '. ay. Jan. 17. Mr. Macphail was Macchail, wtj kcown and rgs:d i --rr of Grey af.=r such dace, the executors - roced to distribute the as- : - -a.: deceased amongst - - -i thereto, bavin? regar -. - . claims of which they iiiail ha-'e r.a : and that the spent the past wek at the bed side | executors will not be liable for the of her brother. Mr. J. J. Patterson. ' estate'i a.::-, j or ar.y part thereof -h j was seized with a slight stroke \ r. Tuesday, bu* is now improving. Wo ars also gleamed to repot llrs. s. McMuIIen and son. Jas. W. . -y per-? '.a or persons of whose claim nocice shall not have been re- * d a we " Hopeville. in: t re-. ;E" after a coui!^ of weess :1I- - Mi?;- Ver-a Marshall. Nurse in :ra"n- from Proton Station, the mail, which ' 5t c? the e!even ohi!d - ! ? ac D '^'- am ^Pal H *p \bout ren ot A ' exard * r Macpnail ar.-i his a fortnight at her home aere. wife Jean Jack. was distributed from there, sixteen years ago. when rural mail routes were established the family moved to Proton Station. Here they have since made their home and until three days before his death. Mr. Roome served the people on the Artetr.esia-Osprey mail rou:,\ H performed his duties in a quiet un- assuming manner, and his kind, obli- i ging wavs made for him many friends. The deceased ; s -- arrived by thre" daughter- Mrs. L. Teiford Una) of Monckron. N.B.. Mrs. A. Coutie ( Hannah) of Toronto, bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John The couple The- c;narreir.itional meeting, which was ;o hi~e been held in the chirr.-'-. ou Frulay evening has been postponed r. r to the storm, to Jan. 27, when ceiled by them at the time of dis- tribution. DATED a: Owen Sound this 20ta day of January. liKJO. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Solicitor for the Exec'Jtors. OWEN SOUND. Ont. Tr ' ear the old home. To them j it is hoped that the weather will be three children were born Agnes. Ger- t favorable. "-.-. -c:r.d Lilly. Mi Delia White a successful farmer Doug- was bes: known as an auctioneer. His knowledge of values, his understanding: of human nature arm hij ready wit, made him an out- srar.c _: . : : .necr. H? sold his -. salv.' in '>.'7 and in. th? following 7T~ -JS vta-i c.-r.jL.-tJd lift! sales in Grey , I :f Toronto ia over -' PORTLAW EUGENIA I Considerable illness has been prev- alent jr. this community of late and few homes have been altogether Louie Roome of Te.-onto; _ one full brother, Richard, in. Kdtt-l gan. and four half brothers-Wm. ' Todd of Toronto. James Todd of Dro- phaj r.t:-r ( :. a:-.i : :r years ago. " of failip..' heal'h. . - a-ore, Samuel Todd f Andrew in the West. The fu-~ral ssrviee conducted by R-v. Duniialk. and Ia the matter of the John Henry Duckett Township of. Artemesia spending a week's holidays at he" Coumy ot ' Gr * : '" Farm<ir: home here. Her mother, who under- TAKE NOTICE that a!t TOK --. ^ration for Goitre tr>. the fcavim? claims or demands /a! hospital. Toronto is doing r -^ e estate of John Henry ; iiiy. I* has just tet?n '.e.. r-ec -, Mr. Sandy McLtod ?asje<i away on Moc- estate in of the the persons .1 gainst Duckett, who died on or about the 14:h day of EVjcm':er. 19"^9. at the township :' Arterrts-la in the County of Grey. Mrs. E. Doupe of Saugeen is vis- i'ieg at Mr. Jos Sherwood's and Mr. Donald MacDonald a: present. i We learn tha: Mrs - Bo >' <:e ** is Miss Mae Carruthers spent a few ve: '- v iu and hor friends are anxiously days with her friond. Miss Margie h P'n t*r her recovery, park Aftc a lengthy iilr.ess with pneu- AI TL. monia the little son of Mr- a:ul Mrs. -Mr. Thos nmriek :.-- carrying the ,. r .. ._.-,.__ .u . _ . , Wm \a:es is reported to be making mail on the rural route for a few good progress toward recovery. weeks. Mr. Haney is enjoying _ rrvih tveded rest at p-esent. Mrs - Fred P' ntt i* Covering We are pleased to report Mrs. W. from a vor >' Distressing affection of Ma?e? and Mrs. L. Latimer improv- ^ c " " n r-a:. ing from their recent illness. Mr. Among others who have been ser- F. Morgan is still sufering from i''usly ill. but recovering, are Misses chronic bronchitis and valvular dis- Beatrice Boyce. Marguerite Fisher case of the heart, which keeps him ar.J Sadie McKee. also Mr. Pearce shut in. We hope Mr. Morgan will MoMullin. soon be restored to his good health The Woman's Association of Mount again. Zion I'nited Church, at their last We extend our sympathy to the regular meeting held at the homo of wife and family of the late Mr. John J!n; - *' ml Plantt. decided to hold a Paul of Feversham, in their sad ber- supper and entertainment in the near eavement. future. Mr. Thos. McKee visited a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. IN MEMORIAM Patrick McKee of Xottawa, who eel- brated the 60th anniversary of PEDLAR In loving of their marriage on Monday, January our dear father. Sar.i Ped!a.r. wn :'h. We join in extending congrat- passed away Jan. 17, !'.':>. also moth- ula'ions and wish them m r- ye.xrs er. who passed away June 8, U>25. of happiness and success. - t v,e liirht that shines so fair, Mrs. I 1 . M-ddleton of the "Eugenia Gone from ihL; earth of sorrow and Mouse" is visiting relatives in Toron- care to at present. Rating thosj. hands thtu did their There was no church on Sunday, bv-t. owing to the stormy weat:ier. i;.., n dear paivnJs.. gone to rvsu HwdaBMa J- Campbell. I.. Genoo Forgotten to the v.ovld by some you an.i T. MiK.v a tended t '".. fieetins: tv.ny be :o church officers at Maxwell last l,.:t dear to our memory you ahvay* week. The ladies had a long cold will be. drive and as it was lato when they Kvon death has a wonderful ni:-u-.. arrived hcme their supper was in- Though it robs us of those we love, welcome. h lifts our hearts fror.i our surroursd- on Saturday Mr. Baker of ] Dundalk in the L'rit.-d church of Pro- tjr. ;'.rj interment was mado in Dundalk cemetery, the following act- ing as pallbearers: Messr< A. Sher- son. N. McCannel, R. Acheson. J. Dever, W. Dever and W. Bl;- .-kburn. Those f -om a distance who atteruiou ! .he funeral wero Miss Louie Rcome. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coutie. Mr. Bert C.'-.ost and .Mr Wm. Todd of Toronto and Miss Lucy Colgan of Caledon. Mr. S. Te'.f.-rd of Moncton arrived ".-itcr. Flor"! tributes were sent by farm r-.d moved to the vi'.la^e of Coy- Ion, where he died. His perse -ali:y was vivid and at- daughters to mourn his lo tractive and though u.uiek to anger he ; The will bo he'd -. \\" v.-as a - :.j forgive. His ouc- ^ook \>-as t oad. his insight keen. which made him a good counsellor to I - ' -:hc his advice and he! v a< a'.'.vays a -T'-od neighbor ar.d true' f: ier.j. Poor health caused him to ' .'. very o.ukt and restr>:tcd lifo in '.ate months and for the las: se.-en -.veeko he was confined to bed. He i v. -is tenderly ca -ed for by his wife I -Cd'.Cii'. Rev. >tr. Sc.-tt Mr. ond Mrs. S. Teiford, Moncton: Mr. and Mr?. Bert Guest. Mr. and M 's. Alex Mrs. Co\::ie S'. and daughter. Mrs. Smith and Miss .;-. : .tcd"he '- Gladys Coutie ar>d friend of Toronto: and the- C^-an family of Dundalk. MARRIED In Toronto on Jan. 15. Mr. Jack B-tche!-T. <->p. of Mr. and i;~<. t'lm Batch'.'lo of S-'iugevn. to Hiss Vera Moore eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. L. MH>*>'. Vic:.>r : a Corners. V.'..- ih ihe yot-.n^r cou->le aM ihe MM old v.-orld can afford. Our Postmaste--, Mr. Neil McCanr.c! u rer-.iled tho Pootn'.astero' conv. ir Tervnt,' '.-=; Thursday and v := present at the banquet tr-de'-td :he i convent 1 on by th<' T. F.i: -. C . . Lvn :-! ^! s. v'she- of o ." | ' ; "..''urt arc v^itinsr their .-.-d Mrs. Jarre.-- N. Mr-:. l"> .v;v.ley a- le v.-^k :-ni! ia Kam:'- n We are <rbd to rvpovt M -< " 'v ard ii.. n and all that skil! could do was done without avail. UtOMM in spite of the storm. The Fleshertcn con- Ache* >v \ x , ,,.; CARD OF THANKS To ion S f* th t nieetiug above. No matter how heavy the burden Mrs MatiUi.i Paul am) family wish v *' " ltt 'r how great the despair to thank their friends and neigh- Pocsu't Heaven seem nearer and bors for the beautiful floral tribu'es I'oarei- and their many acts of kindnes.-. in To know that our loved ones aro there, their recent bereavement. - The Family. ,--... favorabk ?-lrs. ". Ci. Aeh-.W" ' ....... n Mis.< Louie Roor.-. .- e* : ;v.a:r.ed for tho wee.. . her fa'he 's funeral and was the cuest of Mrs. Arcaibald spe- 1 tho wc-ok end 1 : Cevlon with her narjf.ts a".d her I - MU, T.J the Rev. Mr. Stewart at the by:eriar>. Hail in Priceville. previous :j the interint 1 ".: in Priceville cemet- ery. is left -o r-ov.rn the loss of ' - -d ar-a fathv.-. hi- wife j ar.l three -. Agnes at home: j n.i:'-.a i >[--. \V. '[. S.viey). Wia-:on: ' "/ (Sirs. :hi.,h Bailey). Dun-. daIk:aL- .> tii> -e broti-.ers ,m.! five s : .<- ' TV. h's l--?s Ainsv, -::>. ;---.d I home place: Alex- i ander or Six!ro-wtoly. Wash. f. ;. A.: I v a ' .. e). Hope- 1 ; '.' - : Mary Hender-ion), .... U) U-r wer.. "..' '-.sner.'.:. l'\..i 'nrx-. ' ' ' . ' b Jay j. f terr-jcn Jar. iC-'.'.i about 13 p.m are reruirc-d. on or before the first a: :ho home- o: his J:'.ughter. Mrs. : -- v -' February, to send by post.pre- Ncil Camertn. 4ch lino, where ne paid or delivered to the solicitor for the -race his '.:;rae. For the past year executors of the Last Will and Test- an-ent, full particulars of their - AND TAKE NOTICE that af:e? such last mentioned, the said exec- utors will proceed to distribute the a of the said deceased amongst - -' -i thereto, having - - - they shall have K> : that the executors will not be liable f- Estate's assets or any pa-t thereto, of any persons or person of whose ciai-. r. .-:tc-o <'.'.'-'. rot ' r -.i'- -, : been re- . such ^n. Dated at Owen = - 5th day of January. 1930. C. C. MIDDLEBRO. Owe- Sound. Ont. - - :' r the Executors. CARD OF THANKS '-.--' hj - n : r. :y;d g. .id health. A ooup!o of days .-: "" :amonia set ia the end. He was In h-- R .ir.d leaves three - Wed. o-.- at the h.-ruse atl o'clock and a; the hall in P icerfl . .: J. H>. Mr. S. Hemphill received word or. a - a relative had passed o- Mc!-tyr" and attended :he funeral on T--O- I NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF T HE ES- TATE OF CHARLES TUCKER THILLIPS It ' -A-,' The funeral on Sunday was largely Ospwj in K . . .,.,., TAKE NOTICE that all -- - :; ola:!'.!* or accounts a^rair-s: :he deceased ar? rvuired on or b* 1 - 'or-.~ the Sth day .-f Februa y. -d .1 -;-j'i >;.i-. neat ' : - ac- . Mrs. John C. Milne - - ex- F'ess to her friends and neighbors : > tho ur.dorntcr.tior.od solicitor, her deep appreciation of tt -ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ea\-emer.t. "House of Quality" STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ~* Come in ami lot us prove to you that a fcm;;ll in- vestment gives you jjod returns by using Dr. Mess's improved Tonic. Every package guaranteed or your ; money refunded. Poultry Pac-A-Cea; Instant Louse Killer: Roup Tab- lets: Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs: - ; a eomlitioner and worm expel ler. Remember every one is guaranteed to give results. ^^ ^ Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Alex. D. Mdeod Passes M -. Alex D. McLeod, a highly ro- pptvU-d resident of th-- 1 I'-icevillo district, passed away on Monday st the home of his daughter. Mrs. NV Cainrboll. 4'h line. Artemesia, his 75th year. The deceased gentleman was born in King township. He married Mian Isabella McKay, who predwccas- Hogarth: ed him several years ago year* he farmed on the ?nd. row., Artemesia. the t'nrm "ow owned by Mr. D^vii' Hincks. (.living ur> far- ming ho moved to Priceville. wher* he ran a sawmill for a short time. Then h* was employed as assessor and e-'lVfetor fo Artemesia town- ship, and a year or so asro wer.t t.-> reside with hi* daughter. Mrs. Camp- boll. To. >'r. born f 'ur -or-s -Mid two daughters Mar'in. JHIUPJ y^\ William at Til- bury, Ont.: David at Vancouver: Kt- *ie (Mrs. Neil Campbell) of the store line, and Annabel I Mrs. St-<n- ilen> \u Pu' The funeral f"ke< i>l<vo to-day to - ' ' r. Morrison. To F P. ;; I Mr H. 1*. for I 1 .. C -i-.'.t; -' ' ' - f.'iiow- "-" : . th.- worth of the .-led: the ' .- - and - ' ' "ardy; i . d Fartr.tfr-s Poi'tical Assoc. af S. E. Orey: CcyUvi T. F. O Club: Holdfast U. F. O. ciub: Onward I'. F. O. . Osprey and Artonicsia Co-oporativo sf.'-v; Far- V bW Oliver. M. I V : V. *$ l\ K. o.. r. F. \v. o.. r. F. Y. r. o. ; A' la;: i'urk I". F. and V. F- \V. 0.: .! Fan:-, :< Oi-gai-.->..i:i.-n of On- ario: Head Office. To.v:-.:o: Live Stock Bian.h United Fa -mers Cft- operative. West Toronto: Miss Fet- :n | tes. Matron ol lHrha:n Hospital: | Mr and Mrs. Allie Muir; Annie and Agnes Hanvw. Owvn Sound; the ' "'.:!%: Mr- and Mrs. John Mr. a"d Mrs. J. I. Graham S ave on urocenes and Meats cktv Tea, :vc. ^-V. tor ............................ P-irk Cv 1'tvi' - sre tin ............................................ 1 \CK P.ACOX. pVa meal. cr Ib ................ Fresh Sausage? ' . per Ib ............................... v" 'koit Ham. .................................... SMOKKP SUM- n \COX- per Ib Pv.iii^cs. roc -~- ; -' per tloz. for ................................ SOAP CHITS. J ibv for ........................................ Bread. Paltry and Buns always on hand 25c 45c. ; .-. 48c. A ; .- J5o. H. FREEMAN ono oCHv FI.KSHKRTOX Fo-o and fpmilv. The jvmpathy of the] conununi-y is extended to Mrs. Mac- f'h.iil. daughters and relatives. M~rs. Bowes of Thornhill and Mrs. i Watson of Maple Hill, who attended the fime.-al of Mr. IVal at Fever- sham on Friday, spont the week end at Mr. S. Heniphill's. Mr. and Mrs. Jav x Teiford of To-' 1 Mrs. Mcl.eod were r\Tto called on old friends on Friday who were> pleased to see them. Born Jan. U>th to Mr and M s. F. Marshal!, the gift of a daughter. Congratulations. Mrs. H. Piper is visiting her dau- >! 'or at Laumton. V s. Cecil Archibald of Ih-oton cemetery, service in the spent the week end with he:- parents. Presbyterian Hall. l>iceville of Miss V.Krnzio o f Oundalk was a which bodv the deceased was a mem- iriu'st <f Miss Margaret Sinclair o\Tr bcr. Mr. Mcl.eod had been in fail- he v. rek etui, ing health fo- si-i-- time ra<t. Mr. S. Hemphi.l and o->u ; -' Miss Maud, attended the funeral of January Specials 10 yds. l\ir!\ Flannelette 3o in. \vide for SI. 75 10yds. Light Striped Flannelette oo in. wide, good quality for SJ.OO T.iulies' Fancy Sweater Coats, reduced to S.v^5 U in. Top Rubbers, size 11 only, for So. 50 A. HAW, Ceylon Store closes every evening except- Wednesday and Saturday until Spring. I **-!H>.>->^<>*<>-^ Bates Burial Co'y. 122-52J Avenue Uoad ^ TORONTO Phone: RlnjjsdAlc 4344 J[.\V. Hates. R.MaHdocks. '^>->^NVfr^><^>^}>-.V^

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