WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1930 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE News and Information for The Busy Farmer NEW BODIES BUT Ex . NO MECHANICAL CHANGE IN FORD BRITISH APPLE 'MARKET A recent cable from the over- ueas Representative of the Ontario Fruit Growers' 'Association states that the apple market in Great Bri- tain is still dull with a possibility of fairly good prospects later in January. A i-umor that Virginia still has quantities of unclassified Yorks which will soon have to disposed of, points to a in price until the early part February. Ontario apple* of good quality, however, will command a ceived from correspondents 1 cast and north. west, Feb. fi'h. Ontario Ass'n. of Fairs and hibitions, Reb. 6th and 7th. Ontario Vegetable Growers' sociation, Feb. 12th (Preceded by A showing of new bodies for f!m Feb. llth at Model A Ford, each one of which " As Orangeville Sees It before the holiday business starts and merchants who are after municipal ~ honors are not compelled to leave their We notice that some of our cxchan- storeg jn order ^ eaf , V ass for Totes. ges, published in places where they Any municipality that gives the De- TlfE DUAL PURPOSE COW Although Borne have questioned th existence of such an annual meeting on Parliament Buildings). i Ontario Horticultural lion, Feb. 13th and 14th. ^ .^ JM _. cember elections . fair tria , wo ,, ld ,, ... r.'v.s s T; .%-?.* - ,., *=. a., . ^ 8 : 8 " * M '**- FARM IMPROVEMENTS animal as j n ., recen t bulletin issued by the Display in the garage the dual purpose cow, the fact .re- department in which was s^mmar- mains that many Shorthorns of ize(1 a u tne ou tgtan'lincr events of beef conformation product- suffi- the agricultural life of the province L" cicnt milk to return a profit to their d u nrig the year 1929, the follow- owners a^ide from the value of their ;,,g remarks came under the head of ...,:_,. ...... ., ,., pnpm Iniproveinen ts: "In the western counties drain- Associa- c f new colors, will be held in the that holding elections on the first course cf a few weeks by H. Down M on d ay j n December has its disadvan- & Sons, Iacp.l Ford agents. Photos I ^^ For thc pag( . twQ yeaj . g herc of these lovely new cars are now onl. . . . ' In Orangeville we have made the ex- ' periment with the earlier date and Emphasis was placed on the fact, it hag proven a great SUCCC3 s. In fac OATS AND SOW THISTLE. tne sow thistle. Rather sow "'j calves, which make good feeders The Shorthorn herd at the Dominion Experimental Farm in Scott. Sask., car is unchanged mechani- cally; that nearly 3,000,000 Model A Fords are now on the highways pro- vim; that they are thoroughly de- pendable. -phe policy of the Ford Motor Com- good market providing high prices arc not obtainable on the domes- tic market. The-se J/>ples should bring from six to seven dollars per barrel. was started in l'J21 with no out- standing producers. During tho o'ght succeeding years tv have made records approximating ,8000 pounds: ix cows have over In Kent also there was | GOOD pounds to their credit, and II um i cl - dl . a - magc O f tile. age goes on apace. In Essex, close I)any O f Canada, Limited, in this re- upon 1000 acres were undertiled. spcct nas k een to ma ke minor altera- The wet spring helped the under- tj ons whenever a new device has c w s drainagc move ment and the sea- ghown itsclf worthy to be included in havo made records of j pounds-. Incidentally son witnessed increased activity. thc nlcc i lan i ca l plan of the car, but a lot of n0 4. to bring out a new car as a ...__ In Elgin who]o _ )tr " thcre was ^"cent-ation upon drain- wm have R . n . ...P^ age of the new tobacco land. Through ^ reflreshing the province n* f. whole more build- FOOI) FOR BROOD SOWS Alfalfa or clover hny fed from ' has pucstioned the suitability racks forms an excellent roughage ' these animals for beef and wait- ing " wou i d be undertaken if the cost for brood sows. Roots are also good j n g lists are continually on file for dj( | not O f tcn f or bid it. Galvanized but may not always be RVRilable. ; breeding slock. .roofing is being resjrcfl to vc--> are P..T- be The meal ration mav vary consider- i , ably but should not be too strong.! jrcneri l!y an'l many fnvfltt*. oats and Bran, shorts, ground Kround barley in enual parts, fed judiciously a', from two to six pounds daily, depending on tho size and condition of the sow as well as the period of pregnancy, has been found to give good food results. Mineral foods are usually said Mr. Down "They have all the beauty and charm of contour, line and proportion usually associated with the laige cars. " As or.c looks at them, the first thing that catches the eye is the new adiator. Still retaining the Ford in- dividuality, it U high and narrow, nnd iii excellent style. This, with thc higher and longer hood and the shorter cowl, give the front of the and In- Jatcs to obtain motor vehicle noerai- car a distinctly new and pleasing nobody would think of going back to work thoroughly," is the advice of one h" old date. fanner who has had an experience Tho advantages the earlier day with this noxious weed. Sow thistle, are many. Two of the most import- as well as other thistles, thrive in int are that weather conditions are oats better than in any other crop. It rwuch better rt the first part of De- does not show i'p v<-ry much in wheat cumber than is the ease in January or clover. Sow weed infested field Then, again, the election campaign to any of the clovers and cut twice does not clash with the Christmas sea- a vear. Bv fallowing this course, sow son. The election is over two weeks thistle will be largely eliminated- Small Advts. NEW TESTS FOR DRIVERS AUTO KILLING POULTRY LICE ting water s-ivtonis in their barns. ..: Eggs are worth big money these days and the busy hen is the one SEEK ihat pays. Hens that are continu- ually irritated by external parasites cannot p,iv c their full energy to egg Professors of Yale University arc production. Poultry lice will con- iinitjni; to prepare a test for cand:- tinully i-ritate the birds essential and may be supplied cither by .sods or a suitable mineral mix- ture containing charcoal, ashes, bone meal, etc. Icrfcre with their rest, thus re- ors's licenses to remove many rf the appearance, to which an added touch ducing their egg production value, so-called dangerous drivers To combat this a good plan is to th<! highways of this s'.ate. f -ni-i brightness comes from the finish This "' ' p at l ' lc .' llr!::turc of the hood dust every bird with equal parts ot attitude has been taken following n : ' ; sodium fluoridj and corn starch mixed together. Thr> d"St can be bctwer- th" commissioner "Moulding treatment is new and .f mot:>r vehicle dpartmcnt and the the fenders are of more generous among ;h? feathers -ex f to pi-ofei-'>r.i of the college. dinu-nsions, flo\ving with tho lines THE LABOR SITUATION Under thc heading of "Labor and the- skin by means of employing The one 'ator':; test is to be based of thj /.--. Wages," the annual bulletin issued the- thumb and finsrer. Ore pincTi on past experiences rather than upon "The fenders, much fuller thar by the Department for the year on th^ head, one on thc neck, two theories, it wax stated. U will bp heretofore, contribute a greu' deal 1929 remarks: on the back, one on the breast, one worked .'/radually so that eventually, to thc i:np wed appearance of the car. "Farm labor could not be secured just below the vent, one on the tail, whr- ;\ candidate psses a test, lie Higher at the front, with high crown at any lower rate or, in some cases, one on each Miigh and one st-attcred v. 'II b - considered a fit person to ani | .'-.wivi-iiif* well down over the as low rate of wages as du -ing thc on the underside of each wini* should operate a vehicle u;>on ths> whech, th:- now front 1'ender^ flow past three years. Tho farmer can bo sufficient. This work could also public highways. | r .;-k j;i praceful carves to the run- LOST OR STOLEN LOST Hand purse containing pair of glasses, between Flesherton and 'he Wilson M-Mullen farm, back line. 1 Flesherton. Finder please lea%-e at this office. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella Gibson, lot 10. Collingwood street. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn F O R S A L E I 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving ; house thereon, also a good well on SALE \ounjr driving mare the premises. This croperty is in a -John Parke -, Proton R. R. FOR SALE Purebred dark red Shorthorn bull, 10 . months old. D Williams, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 41. eood location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator. W. J. Meads. Fl?.her*.on. Ont. FOR SALE Set of heavy team sleighs, good as new H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. As conditions now exist, it was r : nr; boards. Thc renr fenders, which FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of giod clay loam land, being lot 24 and 25. 2nd con. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a FOR SALE Singer sewing mach- mile from Flesherton Station, about me, nearly new, also good heating 85 acres of cultivated h:nd, 10 acre* stove. Geo. McKenzie, Ceylon. | in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. _ r . , Seven-roomed house, solid brick with FOR RENT A six roomed house \ellar under all, also summer kitchen with rrootl garden, opposite high roof barn -15x-lG, drive shed 20X40, school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. a. P od =P rin K v ' e!1 am! Thi- farm cheap for ietics of applet, one dollar per bag only afford to pay for his help out be done with a salt shaker. Another of the money his products bring j'.iul newer method is to put the re- p-.inted out, a candidate may pass a also have high crowns. swivj> tiown ' -- ohn Flynn, U. R. 2 Flesherton. in. British immigration does not (mired amount of Black Leuf -10 in u -I bul lati develop into a danger- c\vr tho .ear wheels to a point low- 1 anil an ordinary machine oil can with a our, operator. Tho problem con- cr than formerly. i good , fen s - sale. ueo. FOR SALE - Several good var . ! ^^r.ks.Flcshcrton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE flow bv choice to the farm* more relief midit come from immi on the much Tho problem con- cr fairly large spout and run a con- front i rK those planning tho outlining .. The hcat , , sct hi(yh pn if other races experienced tmuous line of the Hqi;d along caen n t the new test is to seek out in nd- new .. ho(l tie roil a ,, land were encouraged. Not roos-". This should be applied vancc those individuals who may be - i> ctu , r nnpe'irance' change in conditions general- abot : half an hou brcfore the birds regarded as having dangerous ten- , .. , thai direction. Tobacco growing in thc western counties helps to c? thc local wage level during the busy "A new atmosphe -e of stability is _ , produced by the smaller steel spoke wheels and large tires, which bring There is a possibility that thn th ,. | )0l | ies t!oscr to thp RTOUn()f re _ Post Office Department will make it c,,linrr i. l., t J. Lockia Wi son, secretary of the suiting in a lower centre of g'-avitv "ij ' i im ,.mnnillynrv f.>r ninilnrc in nlnca n . ' consequent increased safety on ly was reported in 192'. although KO to .oost. A second application dencios. nyjre labor appeared to have bco; i.i nccL^sury in ten days. released from the cities to trie - farms. A cut in the tobacco acre- MANY MEETINGS IN FEBRUARY age made 'he situation easier in Agricultural nnd IlT-ticultural Societies Branch, furnishes thc fol- lowing list of annual conventions at and the thc Edward Hotel, Toronto, tica.son. The outludk is fur wage levels to remain as they arc or *.o j (lul ''"!i' February : fall a little perhaps. Domestic RCP- I Ontario Field Crop and vants arc not known on Ontario j Gi v >we-s' Asc.n., Feb. .ltd. f- , according to all --cports re- Ontario Plowmen's Association, SeeJ compulsory for mailers to place return address on tlieir mailings. If this order is carried out it will mean turn-. " the neighborhood ->f j s illy to the government. The records of th'.' Department n>- i',i!s that this amount is lost annu- ally bivause of curcleasncss in nd- dreuing n>nils. .1 road, especially in rounding Riding (juality improved. "Tho most notable changes in the body types have been made in the Tudor Sedan, thc Coupes and the open ear*.'' and quantity of hay at the farm. F. G. Karrtedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE Sct of team sleighs' 110 acres in -he Tovrnshio of A.r- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. i r.beut 85 acres under cultivation. | Balance rr.sture nnd mixed bush; barn .! 3(5x60 with T3Gx45. all with stor.e t UK S>ALh new seven roomed i,.,j em( > n t. in good repair, water at liouse with all modern conveniences, ' barn: drivine shed 24x30, also hen Toronto St.. Fle^herton. Write or ' house; 8-roomed solfd brick house I with foft water cistern and furnao". ! Thi*s is good crain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, si*--' convenient to r-nilv/a'- school. Reason f<- ^v.-mne is PT phone C. J. Crossley. 651 Annette St.. Toronto, phone Junction 2161. FOi: SALE Deforest Croaky 8- tubc electric radij with supcr-dyr.amu- account of "poor health."" For p'artic^ >% -i\ >i _ ... I ..!__ 1 THfO STORE WITH SHU VICE F.T.HiLL&CO.,ltd. ( II.UN STORKS Markdale, Ontario 01 R Bi'YING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Hill's Chain Stores Combine to Make This Sale a Outstanding Event 10 DAY A Big Sale With a Reason SCHOOLS Ave., Terontu or \V. T'" following ia tho percentage of t 1 "' s, li;n>Is in :he east half of j .ship of A;teir.esis, l .i mile >'"!>r -.! for the year lif.'!>: Icehod. '2 i-.-.ilca from Flo... I 1 . N'o. 1 luiphrasiii and .A-temesia,' A PP!y to L. R. Thistlethwa 98(lo8t half of thc yenr). N-.\ 3 Jr. and Sr., !M. l'. v i. i l/-iih>-n~i:'. r"d Cullingwood, l3(Ji-. :i;ul Sr.) No. 1J Euphrasi.i, 9:5. No. 7 Euphrasia, !>3. No. 7 Ki.;)h--usi;i, 111. No. ^! Eunhrasia, <iO. No. Kunhrasin, 81). U.No. & .speaker, f 150. Also Stewart- W&rner ' ulars apply on b'-tube Console radio, battery model, I W. A. MORTON, with buil'.-in speaker, $75. Both sets ', R- R- 2. Proton Station. have single illuminated tiisl and are j . in prr/jet condition. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 3Sr3. S MISCELLANEOl'S j FOP. SALE OR RENT - 100 ac- iv.;, lo\3 lt!C, 1G7, I II. V.'., T. & O. N. on No. 10 Highway, in tjwn- BOAR FOU Registered Yorkshire Boar for cr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of thc Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. EO E. DUNCAN DUNDAi.K LICENSED AlCT Fsr tho County of Grey. Term?: 1 per cent. Sjt'isfaction guamteed Pates made at The Advance offic*. GOOD SMOOTH FARM OJ ,\", SHOHTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB acres best of land almost all under cul Regijtere.1 Shorthorn bull for ser tiyation 2', miles north ea<t of vice . FleshiTton. Good barn SIlx-IO, new 20x22. good bri,k houso. uwK- dccorated, 20x35. \vell, \viiulnii!l ntul *i> acres on-hard. Priced for <v-!u-!; sale. Apply Lucas, Henrv & Lu-n.- Markdnle. or Mrs. S. Pencil, P. K. No Euphvtisia and Collingwood, R.Owen Sound. ^vn. 0. Osprcy, ''iJerT.T Sire. 88. FARM FOR SAI.K 131.078. Term- Purebreds 15.00. grades SJi.iO. Cows not return** v-.u o cr.i:fr-> mil price. --a H AWKINS. Euir*nl, U. N?. 20-Eunhrasi.i and Colling- MIDDLE BKO & BURNS wood, 83. On Provincial highway 2Mi miles | BarrUter*. etc. No. 13 Kuphrasia, 78. ' south-east of Dundalk, 2'^ acres, 150 ; Of!i;es ~ Owen Sound, Durham Total for cast half 8K-1 ' acres under cultivation, 50 acres hard- ! nnd FlPsherton. Flherton eveiy S. S. Burrltt. wood; 8 roomed brick house, bank Saluri lay "^-rnoon and School 'Attvndan.-c .Officer, barn nearly new; driving shed, hen [ house. Land is loir.-, to clay bam No Honks Allowed Tb- of Royal Av.'.omobile Club Ofl', Norway, maintains that no 'Irivt-r need use his horn within the boundaries of the city, that ru'ed always be so moderate that Forty ncres fall plowed. A. S. BROUGHTON. R. R. 2, Corbcttun Phone Dundnlk 102 r 12. Bl'SSNESS CARDS FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, , Pr. W W. Dryce. I.. D. S., D. D. S. denta. c.,iiK-on, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- >d for extraction. Office at thc resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto, street, Flesherton. Phone 89. Prince Arthur LoU^e, 833, A.F. * A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Ann- OFFERED SUCH OUTSTANDING A/AIAJKS. WK IN\' SIIAKK TIIKSK OPPORTUNITIES, BEGINNIKQ KKU).' NV1T1- \Y YOU TO MORNINC,- JANUARY IOTII. 10 Days Only Fri., January 10 I) TJJ s.. Jnuary 21 rirniliirs liavr In-n mailed to you. 1 1 yon vise- you and we will mail one toyoiir acMtvss. have not mvivoil one kiiully ad- "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" collisions can be avoided, and that Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation, 'strong Block Flesherton every PrJ cms tu'-ninR corners at night 'iv,'c,ood house and large barn with good ' day on or befirc the full moon W spffieient warning by their head- , stabling and out-buildings. For fur- /M. C. N. Richardson Se^ The club also proposes that ther particulars apply on premises. of horns be made a punish-. ALB. BLACKBURN. lights, th" urn- of horns be made a punish-] ALB. BLACKBURN, able offense. j Phone 42 r Maxwell. Finland is reported to have Wm experimenting with silent d-iving with satisfactory results and the, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe, Farm and stock sales a specialty. , .. good farm for sale or to rent Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- poliee of Madrid havo made a ruling (With comfortable buildings and in a ntel. All arrangements and dates under which automobile horn looters R0od state of cultivRtion . Th i s farm ' may bo made at the Advance office, or ro being J mod for making excessive is m the Town[<hip of Artemesia. quite ' Central telephone office. Fcvershaw, Fines nro from $2.60 to $4.- npar p ey i on am ) p r i ce ville. A real 'or by addressing me at Fevetahara. each, for each offense. Hanover will celebrate thc Twelfth of July. ap for quick 8ale f Information) apply to For further Mrs. Sarah The total amount of life insvr.- cnrrieil by the poople of )< p.t 1'i-e.u-nt a'-out $0.500,000,000 cr RpprOXlm.ttJs $-M> for ,-very m.n. at|on hriok Id in the Dominion. 1 Mills, R. R. \, Proto:i Station, phone rUmdalk 2 r -1. FA KM FOR SALE BOAR FOR SERVICE- >.. * istere<l Yorkshire Boar for ser- Hog i vice Edg.-ly Bright Vim. No. --Property of Sn-ureen Bacon Club. Terme, $1.00 H1NDI.E, Rl'l.L FOU SERVICE t!u- \v.i: 1.1 that exceed^ Cnnnda tlu- am<Ht'tt of life lnsu:-niu't> i-iv.ricJ. 75 Acros in Osprey, nil under ISP and large frnmo barn with stone basement; half mile ^ east of Maxwell being parts of lots Purhrm Bull for scn-iop. $1.50 If II and 12. Con. (!. Apply to Dr. D. P| ,JJ |, r f lirp January, othe-rwise $2 !I. Cuy, Ktwnwktt, administnUiM- of C. Akin?, T. R. 3. Proton Station. thc estute of thc late W. II. Guy.