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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1930, p. 6

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' if I. f Li :i Jungle Breath **y DVll LUClCll Dill Mia II bridge onto the road. A quarter of a mile farther on, tho men saw two > HAS HAPPENED] in pistol at us, 1 think," he :iddcd, with- |<l a rk figures shrouded in the bushes. To the queer little 3< tith American out changing the inflection of his voice. ; AS tho riders neared them, they began 'stratjry. Stick to tho main road. Or as an esteemed pugilist, who was once ' one of my intimates, told me, don't iruurd your chin and thereby expose your solar plexus." Market Collapse Involved Many Their horse* stepped from the A Copyrighted Article in the Salada Orange Pekoe has by far the finest flavour town of Porto Verde, in \\cst central llazil, comes an elderly American, Lincoh Nunnaliy, famous chemist. An iiir of mystery seems to hang over '.lie place. In the barber shop, the barber, a dark man with an Oriental cast to hia eyes, speaks to Nunnaliy, who then recognizes him as Vilaka \V- t, known as Vilnk, a fellow Am- orican. To his iinia/.ement Vilak say< he has sent for him. The barber busi- ness merely conci-:i!s hJ n . activities. He and his cousin, Klise. . need assiscance in getting at the root of a myttory that already ha-, cost several lives and threatened Blige'a. Tony Barhetta, eno of Klife': forc- men is killed. B-foro he d.ea he ac- "Pull back behind that bridge timber." | to move farther back intc the obscur- The chemist obeyed. Vilak leaned over in his saddle, snatched up a .sharp rock from tho roadway and hurled it at tho lower branch of the tree he had it dicated just at the end of the bridge. There was a sharp cry, then a crash in the brush. ity, but at a cordial salutation from Vilak, halted. Nun idlly sew the gli-ani of knives, then recognized the faces '.t' Pasqualc Ilranza of the patched cheek Montreal Star Makes a Clear Statement of Ef- fects of Recent Debacle CONDITIONS SOUND After close to two months of elapsed "Who was it? Kr and enormous Adam's apple and the time one of the most .topular subjects one-armed Detto Cicerone of the [for discussion remains to he the col- jhruken teeth, the two men h> had wen lapse of security values, which brought who? who?" -stealing off after K'.ise in the after- Tho old man panted excitedly. > il i:; placidly brushed the mud from his linger. "Nothing to be alarm- ed about. Just the common garden variety of holdup man, I think. After you've been down in this part of the country a while you'll take it as na- cuses Limey Potts of murdering him. turally as your meals. The end of the JiAnitJ striking ; him with a^club i,,.;,^ ; s one ,,f their favorite places. They wait tip there in the trees, point their revolvers at you without being self defence, Vilak :;-tor.i-h.e- J Nun- nally by saying Limey I'otts did not the murder. Be and N'unnally start on a nocturnal visit to thc ranch of Gaylord Prenti--. : . i.i-my of Klise Marberry. NOW RKGIN THE riiAPTKi: vi. In a few ni'.n.. n! N innally and Vilak were ridiinr sl--w:y up the road, their shadows dancing fantastically before them on the gray mud. Their course for the first mile lav ovt-r the highway they had taken in the after- noon. They ginned at Vilak Rintabry, the to an end the most astoni.-dii.ipf bull market in the history of organized trading in securities. The sharp turn making the gaping hole that Jin the price trends of the leading se- markod C'ici- rone's mouth wider than curity markets on thc American con- ever, for the figure of Attorney Davis . tincnt was a sudden ai-.d decisive wns often seen at night on the road that led to the Marberry fazenda. I! it even the chemist, unskilled as he was movement that pierced to the quick. Even after takin;j the angle into due consideration the TEA 'Fresh from the gardens 1 in Hie study of human emotions, could .change .nvolved more people than any | bears evidence of this fact. Many detect a distinct uneasiness in their other economic development of the, business houses, theatres, musical faces. "Kuona sera, amici," Vilak past d.cade. It is possible thnt the I stores, radio dealer?, automobile re- said smilinirly. "A heu'ilifu'. night, number of people who were directly jtailers and others who were somewhat (injured financially in the crash has 'dependent upon those gaining a liveli- ''Si, Mocster Davis, si, si," rico- , been exaggerated, but the fact remains hood from the market report that careful in Thirc has. come, investment and the relation be- 'is realized thnt the change;! value hr.s tween securities and gold. The re- been accurately foretold. Some con- sults are anything but imaginary. sider.'.tion must be given to the char- The psychology of the public hasjucter of the economic foives in the undergone a marked change. The re- cent trends of the market and trading seen and shout down to you to throw your money into the road. Then after you're gone, they come down and get it. An easy and almost infallibly safe method, for, not being visible, their victims have no chance of resistance. "Oh, they don't take chances, these [beautiful like when she shine on sen tion. brave younjj bloods. A great improve- at Napoli." ment over the American method. In rone, the more active t. the two, lisped that m<re people were engaged in tho | their customers are more quickly between his broken teeth. 'The! speculative trading o .securities than 'the matter of purchases. night eti.i ver' beautiful. The nmon she i ever before in the history r.f civilix.a- .however, been no gc-n^rnl serious drop about a "You stand here an-i I 'i the a second we would moon? | in business. unending round of events. THE NEW DAY Lord, as the new day I begin. 1 ask of Thee to take Kach act- ami thouslit and word i! mine As offered (or Thy sake. Yea, and my sufferings too, 01. Whatever Thou mayn s *nd | Of grief or pain for me to hear Such -a i.:.jvemunt could not pas.s. Trade reports indie te that business With courage to the end. without having some very definite re-] is bcinR ma j n t a ined on a satisfactory suits. A general agreement ,, thi.v| ia<iSi an ,i that i osses f m . esPen w ; t h _____ _ _____ _____ . .......... _____ ......... have heard the Brazilian equivalent Of "Si, si. Mrester l">avi*." th.-y chor- point has yet to be reachod. It i-s| the slump in security values have not 'hands up,' and if you wnv a good used anxiously. however, a fact that there has been ' equalled the early predictions. Vilak casually offered them cigar- .some business disturbance, but the ex- \ Because of the fact that control of ots. "Take care, my friends. The , tent or ('uration of such has not been Icanadian corporations does not change jaguar likes to strike in tbe moon. Is (fixed with any degr-e of satisfaction. j as quickly as some of those on th it not so? Buona sera." Many estimates h;;ve been form >d , American soil the rapid change in The 'wo --u-i eagerly tipped 'heir in individual secions. but, because o*| s tocks has r>iviiw-ed no ma'., rial e^.-et hats-. Vilak and the chemist took thc the fact that selections have been^t ,,_ f or the most part, placed the r.'ad ayain. They passed a clump of made- to include cases where undue av er.igs stciks in stronger hands. tr.-es -rt far Lad; from thc highway, j publicity ha? been given o insancesj (ns'far as :he fall in security prices Vilak called his- companion's attention j where losses have been colored by the ; a flecUsi more than paper 'iuotat ons, So I may feel as night comes on. I have repaid to Th^e Some liny part of all that Thou borne, dear Lord, for me. -Jlaiie I; Mountain Climbing in the Selkirks Glacier national park in HriM-! Co- lumbia 1; the only - wholly Inaccessible to the ublmii'ous Trans'.-nntinemal I I ivos,' 1 he said. "I have a ro-im at I by the speculative fe\cr, and a lust for form, it has !.' = * rinvd ,, o l pass tlironsli its central valley two or disc's, ton, that I u-e wh.'n I need it." unearned gains, they are n ,'. it-liable, industry, .-inc! ' slowed up f< w . ; ;c- three times daily, but otherwise ;h;a V short distance farther fury reached A most recent development is the live pvwiesres. playground iu the Selkirk moi.i to it. "That's wh; re Attorney Pavi* ( nttendant circumsUuices brought about ' an ,| oa ,., c> i : ;u !; v i ( i llr ;,.. aPi ;., mos t | motor car. lives,' R A short distance farther tii-y reached \ m ,,st recent dfvelopnient is the;tiv prccc ____ a wide gateway under two castanho <li. S clo<i'ire of the huge declines in thc I It c.-\n readily bo "aid that in the is tll( > llome o( solitude. trees. It wns . hi> entraiKO to_Jho savings deposits in tho chartered I Indus tri si world the feeling which re- lrnils - "owever. load to Marberry fazenda. They r.ide through i )an k s of Canada during the last two : i.!t. - .; relief. The . x'ent of scenic features, aud there are numcr- and a f'-w moments later reached & months of the year. .w luiilding of white stucco surround- pstimatc has placed K.\< prim .'r cil n ail yides by screened verandahs. cart-fully mil mg i lost .* < ! lei. \ er.L o .-ear. A conservative the speculation was c.iu-. rtr some olls opportunities . for alpine ced this fliture at $10,- anxiety to business !.adt-rs. The way tioas. Swiss sukles are usually sta- A portion of this amount has been cleared for steady progress may be attributable to thc 1-v-ps su<-jwith the people wh > have hitherto been Klisc- .Mnrlierry came forward t->. tallied in the stock en: rkt, while there keeping an eye >n the speculative sit- i-et-ome a menace i ncet tin in. Thc chemist had no difli- i< ;l ,,. a vy demand for cash for pea-iuation which culty in r-oj;nr/.iiv: hor as the black- ; -ona! purcha=-< at this period of the to them. haired young- woman v ho had thrown year. A blister n the surface has been a ki?< to him frr-m her .-iii-riatre in An ir.t.-iv.-tisg angle with regard to pricked causing a momentary svii-a- the afternoon. Trier, she had b.-.-n the increase of the public participa- tion of acute pain, but indicative of dressed in gray; now she w i-e a g-iwn ^ t|,,n in the exchange of stocks is f,.uml nothing deep-seated or serious. Kx- of jel!.>w silk. fMibroi lei-.'d with .iad- in the rapid growth of th odd-lot cessive speculation ws\.< the one tl I'r.iii v.'iiu-b oiitrivallcd in I transactions. This division of the stock which loomed as dangerous on thc , ra( . UII , r IIle seeil ot ,,, 1V<[ ITC ,,< lne the flnming-colorcd i.uu-:,-.v wh ; .-h th,-y exchange business is a reliable index I business horiaon. The period of tran-i , .^.g..^".^ ,|," ese is ar _ New \\-,,. could soc standing on a pi-ivh in-ide.tha' people of limited means; ntr- en-'sition is now in progiv-s. .. , . ., . ** i wi i i L uiu HI iHti, ttiiti uj the door. Arotlrd her supplo in-;. g:.g t -d. The odd-lot sa!, < i ,,\v cqnnl Vrhilc the future can never be ex- . ,, . n,,_ . LFUU119 nrV cUimbfJU ulI*<Mh'.4.''ul-* langing down upon !' r -I : .1 ; one-third of the total volume of shares BCtly thc same as the past, since a'. la heavy hnnd-vrou-.-ht i!v-r chait'. ' which have changed hamU on the ('an- ' rvery step thor e!s a i-t-w accumu'a- tloned in Clat-ier I'ark throughout ;r,s season. ){>.; r-i p-ak - l".:iji; fr.> (s a Rood climb for bepinneiv, .is i- mount Sir Donald, named after th* : late Lord Strut Iicona. Seed Extraction Plants The Forest Service of tbe !; meat of the fiiti'rinr l> 1-1 estal four seed-oMriiftion '.;t!on; for es- tlie seed of forost tree.--. '//.- taln Hoii-e. Alberta, and at ' Head and Prince Albert, Saskal way wi-'ve treated you. A living this axiom. The factors which brought I which direction we are heading, but l'.:iinc. llul it's all th- t':r;!' "' this about the readjustment of security I certain that tbe 1'utriv will not be SJ wretch of M i o,i<in of mine, lie in- value: were contained within the mar- 1 radically different from the SELFISHNESS So long as si-it'-lovc iln, s i ot ori dr.-i>rging you t< this place kct. The centre of the cyoione \m- past as to render it impossible to roc- generate into s. iiislin. '.-=, it in qai:e ib.-it, only mnil creatures like myielf jdoubtedly rested at the intersection of ogni/.e certain factors with which (ompatible with, truo b.-ne>-ole,;.'. . Inhabit; he won'l |.>t anyone meet yon at tho wharf. ..i-causc bo wanted t have you sliimlile against him a' though accident ; then when you and Wall streets, the mark, t th- re have been previous dealings, which has come to dictate the trend- ; There are. naturally, some m'sniv- in many parts of the world. : ings with regard to the p;is f . To those arc hero, he won't permit you t> : : 15 \V. Klemiii:. SELF-LOVE. Self-love is the parent of inesun;p- The credit structure upon which the wno nnve i-"Ki>K-'il "' the exeesstve _ ___ New York Stock Exchange ivst-d I'or speculation beyond their available (Ion; we are never so bad or go old on my fawnda where ! could see that the carrying <r.i', of huge purihaes ; means the lesson has bet :i severe. Oncj but self-love may keep us in far-.r you were nun fort able, but iiiMsts that ' ,, marginal accounts \\ as strained by ' "' ( ' u ' .-: uses of changing "Something's hap|>< inil in tbe !t? foio,. Out uith the truth." noon. They cro-st-d the bridge o\vr , scared Indian you would havu thrown you live in that I'd thy den he calls n .(,,, ,-,,nstaiit and evt-r-growing de- P r ' CM ' s ''banging valuon, and when he said suddenly. "What was h.-tcl. Co.ul evening, my l/u-d Hie- '. , n;ir ,ds of a clicnlelle that extend, d to - tllp wille swing f prices has Settled it |tator," ,-h<- ^, i<l. turning to Irm -ud- : ,, n , rv ,,;..,.,- of the globe. Tbe a:any enly, , j.^uos which have listings on all thc No! a ilictator. only nen.tible,' 1 he I important exchanges of the with ourselves, ll. llnoker. That Sore Throat Needs Minard's. 1 . like Ihis in the niouii MIC day, rading p the new aid Thc prices of commodities did not rise in pui-MiiiigV" She began toying with a fnn made ].,.,; u> lho ,,.,. j n v \,\^ "I didn't shoot at him because a | of irriilrscent. given feathers which | s ti K -ks gyr.ttetl and there were doubt - I he nv.-r, which they buili 'o , , | c ,:eryea lilt- |.in po-e amply and I brought out all die beauty "f her dark ' [ |U , Tin',,',,., v.. -i t- now. r for the mil..- don't kill unl.-s I have to. I'm notjskitl. "Hut ev.-n your tyrranical ' up in that "-.! i"ii and everj who \vero engageil in placing their are getting worried. An I-Ji>."i !. ., At the beginning of the sccoiul pur-.uing him because we've nTUCh ordei'l couldn't keep me from saying I quarter of l"-!> thi> foreign interests ..tain tin- da, ii w;d let : UK, re important tbing-< to do, where hello to Mr. N initially, at" v. e i, lay 'iced ,-v( rj bit of cilery "A similar dam broke about four ( have, and ve'd only be \\asting it on She, turned to the old man again." funds at work on this markets of this You see I go to meet the boat every | colllini , nt , showed a change of mind as ago and killed two or three hun- :l fruitless eha^e which would cmno to week when it eomes in. It's the " 11(> |tliey began to convert securities into ilred people. A lot of watir alum! nothing. I know these jungles too luxury I pcrnut mysi If. Keally * 't I fold And ffoodl There e-iine the reail- a* you've probably noticed. A lot x , i-n. of little Inkc s which have been damned i "That, man's an eighth up in rei'-nt y-ais to give a st.-ady of water, for there's mighty f a mile little falls in tbe dry sea on. It's nec- .,i-y, but it m:iKes things a hit. dan- gerous in nn ovei ,-i-a-oii like this, llov.-ever, IK-M-r life without danger. Then ':; a man up in that tree, aiming Of fun. Everybody does it, you know. t j, ls ( m< .,,t ,, n d securitiesJiave suffere.l. e.baekin the lit tie towns in the States." 1 TW , ixtcilt l)f tho lm(vi . m( . nt was be- fr<.iu hero now and safe as if he were; Slit- smiled at Kim radiantly. "' m ' yond all expectations, a thousand. If he's a thief, the police really awfully ('lad to meet you. I've ' ^-j ie losses that were incurred can- will get him maybe. Thi-l'i's punish- ' heanl so much about you from Vilak. )10 (^ | )e nu-nmired. If. I'or example, the r.l worse than murder here, anyway, j And I'll be terribly grateful if you totn i ,,f ,|, e stm.^, [jst,.,] O n the Mon- If lie's one, of my particular friends, -can run nut pome day and look at those ',,.,,.,[ ^f,,,.]. Kxcbange was taken at then undoubtdly we'll meet him again. Cuiii-i-nl ration, mon chor, is tho best manganese deposits nml tell us f Though permitted A New Edition of "The Baby" has been issued by the Department of Health of Ontario. The Information covers care and feeding of the child from birth to nix years of age. It Is free to all residents of Ontario. If you desire a copy sign and mail coupon below: Department of Health of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. Please send me copy of revised edi- tion of "The Baby." NAME STREET P.O. ADDRESS Ont. the first of October, and suppose that every ilollar could lie realised for the outstanding slum's of the companies represented on that date, and make vigorously. It's my iol> In stay tnc s:mu , Mtppositi.m a* of this date, here because my property's liciv. Hut j t w j|| be seen that a huge difference 1 don't, think it's (| uiti> fair (> dray , ,. ( , slm ... This difference wtuild run they're \vrth anything' frankly. I never would haw , von to come if Yilak hadn't insisted you into it." Tin' old man ha-lcned to reassure he i*. "Vilnk was unite right in sen.I- iim- fur mo. It's different . . er . . . .liUVrci't . yes. Hut I am . . er . . . cninyinf? it." into ninny millions of dollar*. Such a condition would, however, lie impossible, as nil the selling which would have, to take place would force juices to unheard of low level*. This dilfcrcNce is commonly referred to as Vilak arose fro,,, the divan, went ., mlu , Uon in vn i lle ' or disappear nver to a table at tho other end of Ihc r. mm on which lay i few American a nee of wealth. The condition re- mained only so long a* a few people thc and Spanish magazines and glanced , s<)URht (() '^^ (hc lu . ( ,,,,,. of at Oil COUlIn sharply. "S..ii\ething's ,(| pf>rv happoiiP.l in the house. Late this, p ;icpa , . n ,, ( , nl ma ,. kt . t pa ,, i afternoon." ho Mild suddenly. "What I ( . asi | y bft ^j,, , ,, nvft 1)( .. M ri , sti , ie . was it? Come. Out_with the truth.", ,,,,,; Ue pul) | i( , jn,,,;,,,, (- ,|, B ,.. vertihility of he. st>curities into notual money. Optimistic n ports of general industrial prosperity and future pros- pects distorted ibe line views of in- ISSUE No, a '30 (To !' continued.) 'The madiiiiP HKO . .1 " 'I'linnuiH hardly s'art- Mlturds Wa.cJs Off Giipp*. Pain! Nowadays, people take Aspirin (or many little aches und paini, and M often as they encounter any pain. AVhy not? It is a proven anti- dote for pain. It works! And Aspirin tablets are abso- lutely harmless. You have the medical profession's word for that; they do not depress the heart. So, don't let a cold "run ita course." Don't wait for a head- ache to ."wear off." Or regard neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum- atism aa something you must en- dure. Only a physician can cope with the cause of such pain, but you can always turn to an Asptrhi tablet for rtlitf. Aspirin is always available, and it never fails to help. Familiarise yourself with its wat:y uses, and avoid a lot ot needless suffering. SPIRIN 1RAO1 MARK NIQ.

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