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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE News and Information for The Busy Farmer THEY DO MAKE GOOD There is food for thought in the fact that out of the fifteen times Canada has won the wheat champ- app-oximately twice as much water Kinship and the International hxhi- . , tr ^> n __ i by weight, as she eats feed. One of water and body likewise composed for a great part of water. The hen should drink bition, it has been won twelve times i hundred hens that are laying , *-* v At- ' iiuiivn cu ii vi 10 '"^ "--e by Englishmen who came to the rf eonmmK about four gal i ons Don^nlon w.thout previous .farming J of wa . pr ^ day , n yiew of these experience. | {actg jt js apparel)t that tnc water LIVE STOCK INSTRUCTION | supply is particularly important. Short course students as well as rno'-e so during the winter months, rejrulai- students attending 0. A. C. Failure to supply water properly are afforded an opportunity to hinders digestion and will cause benefit of all thc activities of the constipation, with a resultant cur- Department of Animal Husbandry tailment of egg production. which has charge of the well c<iuip- ped Live Stock Farm. For the last two years '.he Stock and Field Crops Short Course has been ex- tended from two weeks to a month's duration which is so divided that less than last year. In Huron the prices for cream have been the low- est in three years. A water short- age is expected in Lanark as a result of the snow and ice blockage of the water sourres. In Lincoln, the bright spot of the heavy snowfall seems to be 'he excellent covering provided for the fall wheat. Middle- sex and Perth report pessimistically regarding thc condition of the roads and the falling off of milk sales, suffered heavy damage to vith over 260 telephone and electric poles down. Canada Is Largest | COUNCILLORS NOT BARRED j HAVE CONFIDENCE: ADVERTIS- I FROM PENSION BOARDS; ING PAYS. Electrical apparatus from The Toronto office of the Old Age; Two hundred and forty international Pensions Board definitely stated to- advertisers whose advertising expend* thp^day that membership on a municipal! itures for 1929 approximated $186,- llltS rtrt/v l\f\f\ i'* i. _ 1* r^r.,i nnri appa, m BP "'", council, whether county, township or 000,000 anticipate spending $206,000,- United Statea. part.cularly lacho , ^ ^ ^ ^ anv j^^, I 00 in 1930. an increase of 11 per submitted equipment and electric *how conUnucd uns from sitting in the local jndividual Pensions 1 according to report PROTECTS FRUIT TREES Two methods are adapted at thc tct fruit trees from injury through being girdled by mice and rabbits. . Thc first one is to wrap the trunks of the principal classes of of the treeg with building consulerabe time is allotted to the paper, .and the other one is to encircle the trunk with a wire protector with a small enough mesh to pre- vent a mouse from going through ii. In ci'.her case th paper or pro- i"_l hC _ f r . m f * S ' X ' day C UrSC '" lectors must be put close to the ground or better still, set in a shovelful of cinders. These forms of pro'ection should be put on now, live stock and discussing thc impor- tant problems of feeding and man- agement common to each class. The 1930 calendar offers an additional privilege to the Short Course students farm meats. Canada's victories at the Inter- ne' iennl Live Stock Exposition and Grain Show in Chicago have been the subject of many eulogistic re- marks. Among the coveted honors won by the Dominion were the championship for wheat, grand championship Shorthorn male and fe- male, grand champion Clydesdalp stallion and mare, champion carlot of market lambs, numerous cham- pionships in sheep classes, and many prizes in grain and seed se- cured by exhibitors from Ontario west to Albe ta. Probably the out- standing inijividi^ii Mietory was the capture of first prize for the wheat by a hitherto from the foothills ta. This impressive show- Board. ' by Bernard Litchenbergr, President of The Municipal World, a periodical Advertisers. This report was made 1921 a-cording to > PObUdwd in St. Thomas, carried an' pub!lc m December - statment recently issued by the De-!^'^ in the most recent issue, stat- 1 The great increase the report says, nartment of Commerce I '"* that councillors were not eligible ls indicated to be in the field of small for a seat on the Pensions Board. """"' * nr - t ' ! f "" '-< " This is not so, according to local officials of the Provincial Board, who have sought legal advice on the mat- ter. LIVE STOCK AT O. A. C. The live stock at O. A. C. has gone particularly on trees up to sfx in. into winter quarters in satisfactory condition despite thc shortage of fall pasture. This year thc college brood marcs had an extra fine lot of foals of the good draughty type needed to improve the horse indus- try. They are in goo'd growing condition and for the an important place in present fill live stock teaching work. (^uite a number of cows and heifers in the beef barn are nursing very promising calves and the situation for instruction work in beef ca'.tle is favorable. In the dairy barn, students are able to work on ring after ring of dairy- cattle that are typical rcpresenta- *iv6 of their respective breeds. in diameter. ing once again demonstrates that Canada's soil and climate are the most favorable in the world for producinj? the highest quality farm products. BANQUET OWN EXHIBITORS A unique banquet was recently tendered by the Brant County Council to Bran' agriculturists, in-' eluding all those stock breeders and grain growers of Brant who by exhibiting a', the big fall and winter exhibitions in Toronto^ Guelph and O'.lawa, hud broadcast the name of Prant County over a wide area. The guests of honor ' and the chief speakers of the occa-j sion were Dr. Christie, president of O. A. C. and J. M. McMullen in' '.hargc of the live stock marketing, Dominion Live Stock Branch, Ot- FREAKS OF FIGURES The sheep population on the farm tawa. It is hoped that this gath- has ^)een increased and fftieep cring may be thc percurson of many breeding and feeding projects can such events in other counties of the lie carried on more extensively province, The swine than in recent years, herd is up to strength, provides material for and slaughter house This herd class-froom CURRENT CROP REPORT Poultrymen $n Durham reported instruction, a substantial increase in egg pro- as well as hogs for experimental duction from poultry and in some purposes. The breeding stock have cases a 50 per cent, production is a number of fall litters that are declared. The snow and ice have quite promising. It will be see played havoc with the sugar beets from this review that the Depart- remaining in the ground in Essex ment of Animal Husbandry is do- but interest is maintained in auc- msr its part in building up thc live tion sales at. which good prices are stock industry of the province. j reported. The cheese factory pat- | rons in Glengarry have been greatly WATER FOR HENS 1 disappointed and the -evenue from An egg cnntains a large amount tha' source is half a milion dollars Some person of a mathematical turn of mind has discovered that the multiplication of 987354321 (which, you will observe, are simply the fig- urea 1 to I), inclusive, reversed) by 45 gives 4-1,1 M, 4 1-1, 445. Reversing the order of the digits and multiply- ing 123456789 by 45 we get a result epually curious viz. 5,5555,5555,555,- 505. If we take 123456789 as the multiplicand and, interchanging the figures in 45 so as to make them read 54. use thc last number as a multiplier the result will be 6,666,- 666, 606. Returning to the multipli- cand 987654321 and taking 54 as thc multiplier again, thc result will be 53,333,333,334 all threes except the first and last figures, which together read 54, the multiplier. Taking the multiplicand and 27, thc half of 54, as the multiplier, the product is 26,- 666,666,667, all sixes except the first and last figures, which together read 27, the multiplier. Now interchang- ing the order of thc figures 27 and using 72 instead ns a multiplier and 987054321 as thc multiplicand we get as a product 71,111,111,112, all ones except the first and last figures, which together read 72, the multi- plier. Foreign shipments of electrical apparatus from the United States for the month of October, 1929 a- mounted to $14, 919, 904 a gain of $4,608,374 compared with the same month lahl year according to prelim- inary figures just issued by the e- lect'-ical division. Thc value of exports of such equip- ment for the 10 month's period end- ing October 31, 1929 reached $123. corresponding period last year. Through the year radio apparatus and electric refrigerators have stead- ily continued to find increasing foreign markets and these two com- modities have accounted for the larg- est individual gains. There was an increase of 100 in the export of radio apparatus as compared with the cor- responding period of last year. Canada was the largest purchaser of receiving sets with Mexico next. Canada was also 'he most important purchaser of radio receiving compon- ents and the value of such purchases amounted to $615,285. Exports of refrigerators to Canada during this period amounted to $115, priced products for domestic use. WIT AND WISDOM WHY GIRLS STAY AT HOME Alice could have married anybody she pleased". "Then why is she still single?" "She never pleased anybody." Tid- Bits. Tom: "Has your gardner taught "Was Harold's you anything?" affair?" Dick: " Yes: I'll never again be- " Positively. wedding lievc we reap as we sow' They puffed rice." Montreal even Star. swell used Small Advts. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. LOST OR STOLEN LOST At or between Ceylon and' Flesherton, pair of bifocal spectacles. v inder please leave at this office. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- F R SALE der cultivation. Cement house and 1 PHP c A T v n u , Iar ^e frame barn with stone base- FOR SALE- Purebred dark red ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap. .shorthorn bull, 10 . months old. D ply to John Thompson, Agincourt, Williams, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 41. . , Ont -> administrator of the estate of the late George Thompson. Give your best offer. FARM FOR SALE 1930 County Council Artemesia Township Reeve, Her- bert Corbctt; Dep.-Reeve, James A. Davis. Bentinek Township Reeve, E. J. Mc- Donald; Dep.-Reeve, Robt. Grierson. Collingwood Township Reeve, W. I. Field; Dep.-Reeve, Emerson Brown. Derby Township Reeve, Erneet Fleming. Egremont Township Reeve, W. II. Hunter; Dep.-Reeve, W. J. Philip. Euphrasia Township Reeve, H. H. Thompson. i Glenelg Township Reeve, Thos. J. Brodie. Holland Township Reeve, Alex. Atcheson; Dep.-Reeve, John Hayes. Kcppel Township Reeve, W. W. Shier. Normanby Township Reeve, Chas. Holm; Dep.-Reeve, Henry Seim. Osprey Township Recvev W. L. Taylcr. Proton Township Reeve, William J. Jaek. FOR SALE Set of team sleighs and quantity of hay at the farm. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE 5 young pigs ready to wean. Priced right for quick sale. Robt. J. Vause, Proton, phine 32 r 13. FOR SALE house with all new seven roomed modern conveniences, THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO.,Ltd. ?liT^ CHAIN STORES ' MlrfttlUb, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY ill's Chain Stores Combine to Make This Sale an Outstanding Event 10 DAY January Sale A Big Sale With a Reason WE BOUGHT HEAVII.Y EXPE WINTER MERCHANDISE. THE CHRISTMAS HAS LEFT i:s GREA GONJG TO TXKE OUR MEDICINE, RIFICE GOOI\DEPENDAr,U? MER OUR LOSSES YOUR GAIN. TH KD THIS CONDITION UPON US. oWKttED SUCI\OUTSTAND1NG V SHARK THESE VPPORTUKlTIES, JANUARY IOTH. \ C 'ING A RECORD DEMAND FOR '( )KM Y WEATHER RE F O R F, vY OVERSTOCKED, WE ARE TTER AS IT MAY BE, AND SAC- IANDISE. . "** E HANI) of NECESSITY HAS FORC WE DO NOT BELIEVE WE EVER ALUES. WE INVITE YOU TO BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING- Days Only Fri., January 10 to Tues., January 21 Circulars have IK-II nmiled to you. If yoir, ave not received () ,u- kiiullv ad- vise you and we- \\ill mail one toyour rid IITSS. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" Gerry. St. Vincent J. White; Dep.-Rcevc, Thos. Ashby. Sydenhain Township Reeve, Jos. Fretter; Dep.-Recve, Duncan Morri- RENT A six roomed house | with good garden, opposite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. 1 About 100 acres of giod clay loam FOR SALE Several good var-'land, being lot 24 and 25, 2nd con. ieties of apples, one dollar per bag N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a John Flynn, R. R. 2 Flesherton. i mil fr m Flesherton Station, about 1 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Seven-roomed house, solid brick with cellar under all, also summer kitchen roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of A.r- temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with T 36x46. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x80. also hen house; 8-roomed solfd brick house with soft water cistern and furnace. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, si* 1 '-" ! convenient to iwilwa'- school. Reason fc .., -inner is on account of Door health. For partic- ulars apply on oremises. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2. Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICK Registered Yorkahjr* Boar for mn- vice by Flesherton Eicon dog Ciiib, the property of the Ontario Depart- went of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. Toronto St.. Flesherton. Write or phone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St., Toronto, phone Junction 2161. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- res, lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & 0. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, ' i mile -.....: school. 2 miles from Flo .jarvv Apply to L. R. Thistlethwa Connor-Ave., Toronto or W. lay, Flesherton. 2- Cal FARM UK 7C acres best of land almost all under cul Sarawak Township Reeve, Joseph j tivation 2^ miles north east of .Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new To wnshin Reeve R i , K * e 20x22, good brick house, newly A V.I, I ^orated, 20x35. well, windmill and _ W*i*if/* T^Hnci \ KK / i , % acres orchard. Priced for quick sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, Markdalc, or Mrs. S. Dezell, P. R. No SuUivan Township Reevrj- Jacob Lembke; Pcp.-Reeve, Donald Hnstie. Town of Durham Reeve, A. Bell. Town of Hanover Reeve, R. Brig- him. Town of Meaford Reeve, E. N. Arthur; Dep.-Reeve, F. J. Richard- son. Town of Thornbury Reeve, J. W. Hutchinson. Village of Chatsworth Reeve, S II. Brccse. Village of Dundalk Reeve, Dr. A. Village ofFlesherton Reeve, Dan. McTavish. McTaavish. 5,0wen Sound. FARM FOR SALE GEO K. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER --- ar the County of Grey. Termsi On Provincial highway 2 '/a miles * per cent. Satisfaction ffQante4 south-cast of Dundalk, 220 acres, 150 Dmta "de at The Advance office. acres under cultivation, 50 acres hard- wood; 8 roomed brick house, barn nearly new; driving shed, hen BULL W-8EHYIC1 Shorthorn bull for house. Land is loam to clay team. Forty acres fall plowed. A. S. BROUGHTOX. R. R. 2, Corbctton grade* 13.00. Cows not Phone Dundalk 102 r 12. >ni b charge full price. returned FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Village of Markdale Reeve, Thos. Artemesia. 80 acres under cultivation. H. Reborn, Good house and large barn with good Village of Nieustadt Reeve, Louis stabling and out-buildings. For fur- Ilimmlcr. ther particulars apply on premises. Village of Shallow Lake Reeve, D. ALB. BLACKBURN, Allan. Phone 42 r 6 (Maxwell. LET US HAVE THE NEWS FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to rent If the public could only realize' with comfortable buildings and in a that we are always pleased to re- 'good state of cultivation. This farm ceive all the authentic news, per- is in the Township of Artemesia, quite haps they would be more prompt in near Ceylon and Priceville. A real furnishing it. We endeavor to snap for quick sale. For further keep our eyes and ears open, but ' informatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah i HAWKINS. MIDDLE3RO& BURNS RarrUfera. etc. Offces Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton tvy Saturday f.rnoon an j evening. - Bl r S5?*ESS~CARDS Dr. W B>. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. fc.. denta, surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street. Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A.F7~A jA.M. meet* in the. Masonic Hall, Arm- strong Block, Fleaherton every Pri- day on or befire the full moon. W. f , I . - I vnt lit 11 JIIUUll. W. we often miss a few items which Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone M, C. N. Richardson Secretary H Rl*n tnifrntt imr atmnlvt lutAM^.a.' . AM A M ( \ 1 J * Win. Kaittinjr, Licensed Auctioneer for the countiea of Grey and Slmcoe. are interesting, simply because ' Dundalk 82 r 4. someone has neglected to tell us. ' We know that a great many folks' do not crave publicity, but a little item in the local paper need never FARM FOR SALE 75 Acres in Osprey, all under culti- Farm and stock sales a specialty one feel that they will ba im- , va tion; brick house and large frame Terms moderate, satisfaction niaw (luly criticized about it. It also b arn with stone basement; half mile>nteed. All arrangements and date, helps out and assists in producing east o f Maxwell being parts of lots ' may be made at che Advance office or an mterestmg sheet. Call us on^ and 12 , Con. 6. Apply to Dr. D. Central telephone office, Pewnham, thc phone or stop UB on the street H. Guy, Newmarket, administrator of \ or by mlJressing me at FeveMhjm. and WB will gladly accommodate you j the estatc o f the i ate W . H . Guy. If you are in possession of news send it as early as possible. We ' PROPERTY l''OR SALE OR RENT are all human and know how easy ' , | Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- The property of the late Ella vice Edjrely Bright Vim No 90996 Gibson, lot 10 dn ComnKW,>oc, tv Street. _ Propcrty of Saugeen BacQn dwelling house of 9 ooms. with elei'trio lighting. Barn 25 x 33 ft., with stable nnd driving BOAR FOR SERVICE- it in to forget. Let us have it while it is fresh in your mind. We are here to serve the public in the very best manner we are able and 'With a litle co-operation from you 1 the Terme, $1.00 Hog C. HINDLE, FlMhcrtOO Advance will continue to ' lou -e thereon, also a good well on be n pupc n.ihamed. of which \ve need not bp ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Ul6 premises. This property s in n location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars m>- ply ti the administrator, W. J. Mc-ds. Fb herton, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE . Durham Bull for service. |1.50 if paid before January, otherwise $2. C. Akins, R. U. 3. Proton Station,

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