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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 7

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Uwbirtkof my baby- THO gain thirty poundi - in three months, and win back health and strength was the happy experience of MM. Mar- garet Brethour of Corn- wall, Ont., who gives all the credit for it to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "After tli birth of my baby, I wu in the hotpital four month*," he wrote, "and cme home weighing only tiny-five pound*. I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* and it wain't long until I weighed ninety-five pound* and my general health wa> of the best. Every Spring tince then I take the pill* ai a tonic, and wouldn't be without them, no matter wlut they co*t; I itronglv rrrommend them to 11 mothers." Buy Or. William*' Pink Pill* now at your druggut'i or any dealer in medicine* or by mail, 50 cenu, pofpaid, from The Dr. William* Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Booze and the Plane Never Seen by Ordinary Means The Careless, Drunken, or Untrained Pilot Will be a Major ! Problem of the Future This gasoline age has already pro- ( miles an hour, which cannot -be landed [duced, one would imagine, a suffi- at a speed less than forty of fifty miles jciency of terrors in the way of reck- Jan hour, is a still greater curse. And iless, unskilled, and even drunken driv- since human nature shows little sign ers of automobiles. But present pro 1 )- of improving overnipht, we may as llems, things Charles J. V. Murphy, 'well expect him. Flight, therefore. Iwi'itinjf in the "Outlook," are of small 'will have a fearful responsibility. import, compared wkh what we may | "On the West Coast I heard from expect from the j".v pilot of the air- ( several sources a ghastly story. I was plane of the future-. For instances of , unable to check it up, but the sources !the type of acc.rit-:*. already tein were trustworthy. It seems that sev- j brought about by these gentrj-, Mr. leral young- lads, who owned an air- | Murphy pair.t- an alarming picture 'plane among them, arrived at their of what is like!} to happer.. I hangar not long 1 after dawn, after a "Human be-in?*, a conscienceless .fairly enthusiastic. all-night party. and and erratic lot, have now a vehicle , insisted upon takir.K the plane for a I which can hedge-hop meridians as hop. jeasily as ;in automoi i!e used to lope j "The nisht watch-man tried to rea- j past the suburbs. They command a ma- son with them. They overruled him, jchine which gives them a new and : elimbed into the ship and flew away. (dangerous mastery over nature. Their Presently they appeared over a field legos will expand ?tii! further. where laborers were working. A rare "The airplane, even now, gives indi- sport occurred to them. They <lived cation of what the future holds. On headlong upon the Tv-rkf-r*. and as iany Monday y;>ur newspaper will pro- they scattered, the young men in the vide you wiUi a recapitulation nf . plane could be heard cheering. The week-end acci ienu in aviation. . Si:c ; dives grew longer the plane came out die in air crashes. . . . Pilot flies into of them nearer ml nearer the earth, mountain, narrow!}- i-scaplnjj crowded It was not long before the inevitable bus. . . Unlicensed pilot kills four. . .'occurred. This time th y r .: riuht Boy pilot killed when plane spins. . . . ir.. And that was the end of al' of and so on. Such reports have become them. !as regular a factor in the day's news I "Then again there is the story of (as the weather forecast, or the Sun- ' Lieutenant Swrrly. who grimly slack day motor death iist. it out to the hitter end rather than f.>r- . "Inueed, we l.ave already begun to 'sake a stupid pa-^i r..a>-r; and he must make our sac rices for aviation's PX- ; have considered himself lucky to he jcellent contributions, and life ir. this alive. crowded age is still more trying. "Sweely flew a passenger acrosa The noise or the airplane is be- .heavily forested secti<n ' ( aiityrn.a. Classified Advertiagtnents SITUATIONS V/U-4.MT Mu;:E MEN tt'AXTBD ULH.CK. ouy. easy work. Earn while learn- i.-. iiurber trad* unjer fani"u ilolor imvrr.'a.i plan. wotlJ't tii'j-'l r;liab! oarnr school system Writ* or eaH immediaiely far free caialoffun. Molcr liirjer College; III Queen Went. Toronto. PINK PILLS IN 14 CD, !** CLOSE-CP OF MIGHTY MYSTERIES OF BIG DIPPER i at Mount W I n Obse: -. il coming a disturbing note in this na- ' Motor trouble Sloped, no landing D '. ' " '*' wl:l spiral nebul " ll: B1 ' tion of raucous noises. Mail planes, place was availai.ii>. and the pilot. t ^ 1 '" >l? '"''' ""-' : ' flying low, are nightly awakening fret- af'er vainly struggling to keep the . r ful chiliiren. On the slu. -e, where 1 motor going, motioned to his passenger Til ,I'^ 1YR6 II'' 1 | spend my we**k-"i:ds. seaplanes and] wh-.i wore a parachute tbat '.'--y illvLJj.vil'tj "r .' ' Il ISIlDcl circling land planes have dr. - - would have to go over the side. The! all the peace r.r.d quirt the place used i passenger had been instructed !: how- to have. Occasionally an interstate to use it before. I passenger plane throbs noisily over- 1 "But r.o. The r. r.n o-.v. :vd in the i USE \0 OTHER )!EDICI\I Greatly Honored The Country of Paris I have always felt Paris to be a country more thaa town; the country _ of Paris is distinct from the country of France. Its aspect is ... made up of so many divers landscapes. U is not one place but many. Never, as in London, a monotonous plain of ma- sonry, where the points of the com* pa.-s are the only guides, and the lone- ly wandered migh find himself bushed in a labyrinth of brick or stucco. Then again I think of Paris as a huge library to explore. The streets are golden books that keep their sage counsel till we open them books of varying size and splendor. The folios i are the great avenues that lead one on (for ever, made for the marching feee of the victorious armies of France; the small streets are the insignificant due-deciinos, tucked away in the top shelf. Then there are the noble vol- umes enriched with plates, books o* history. The Place des Vosges, the lit St. Lojis, the Quaia are the manu- scripts, mediaeval, illuminated. There are streets in Paris which, are not streets at all, but little bits i'l" the province that hive strayed into -he heart of the town, and are sea rod and bewildered at nding themselves here. They havs silly little shops where y.-u can buy nothing you want village shops, drapers who Jutp a few kid gloves, all one size, a iuca >liar. and a woollen fichu or tw:>. Yet this country cousin of a stm>s :v.ay be rubbing shoulders with the *T,,! Canadian i;. ituera ar< . : for head, but its deeper note i* IK. more cockpit and refused to ave. Sweely , he care they Biv tneir ! than a phrase in the groatt-i, pene itrating dissonance of pleasure i 1 \\':. first coaxed, then threatened thi? At last, exasperated, h. [led the the health of tha baby is - forbiddir.R tlyirsjr bei -w n civknit and actually tried to pu-h him ousiy g!i.iril*Hi and '.<; motliei Ribbons of Iron i _. : s ou the lookout for a r-'niedv I given altitude over certain areas nave; out. The passenger ju.-t secured R ' w i,;,.- *.- ^tfi ' ' ' [already been written into the law death-hold on the cowling, and held on. I , , - ,, . 111- .-TM. t.- .1. time absolutely suie. Tho-;-..:-. s of 'books of the n: .re forward-looking The snip then oe^in M i-viire -..-to ,. . cities, but pilot* are prone to overlook a spin. Cursing. Sweely gave np and j r.;: ; " ' In a With Irritating abandon, they! returned to the controls. He must have; "' - >'* l f to sunt and dive 'i\vr j-as-ir-j and over country estates and It is at all times Interesting watch the construction of great wo: the carrying out of important enter prises. From a scenic standpoint, save the Bailkal, nothing could bo more monotonous than this Siberian Hallway to the ordinary traveller, to a dangerous aiM= the thousands for whom these wild steppes and forests are dumb, yet so over was -r'..u- cei'tain. perhn; 5 A crash jr's Own Tablets and m.' them :ise iu>lh':ii: -ise for ;h. ail sophisticated ^Boulevards. In these streets one is, however, most v i -.->.'Us of . Paris. Some nuest Peak in Rockies Named ( ,, ;iy have brou?ht as ^ erf _, he J a!vh After Daughter Ot Brit- .1 framer, an antique shop, a small ish Premier | -'"S^re or furrier to one of those '< court yards where one p:u ~es - M -< ' , -he concierge churning a little water 1 and mud together with a broom . ut- ^ coins to have Her name per- ; ^ e j,j s i^g,,. Ins: ' de itf ; n a p, M redolent of ragout, canaries llut' aimlessly in a cage and peck at n it v. V jpark*. X-: yet are the airways polic- 'them both their lives. It would ed like the highways and. besides, the Dimple matter f^r him to quit ments ..f hoir little o-:s. Among them is Mi-s. Howard Kiut. of "' .,/ N'.S.. wb) says: [ pilot is yet something of a demi-god, plane in safety and let the stupiti a>s . pleasantly chided, rather than pay for his unreason, - you-,. - pnnithed, rY.r - : :< recklessness. It is'ltat Lieiueuan: S.w* > ;' ^?. thlni havtf been that kind '' a : of millet Ill-favored buildings ( on three sides of the court form :ha ''ior of a hive of industry. Thei-a i, 1- , is no buzzing iutsire it but i:- \ storey if a separate cell in the honeycomb. For the bees that have '.-> from ' : . I'a.-illc anii -'.ess busiv.i- J . "In Oanic:: (":ty, h"ir.e of the i'. -ick with h\< ship. veil and Tu: " : "With rare skill a::d ii II 1 ' he Baljy'< ()n falv \I by < or by mail ar. J5 the anthers of the flowers ar i'-tilling their nectar. Barbara f , great Js the interest in theYaiU " of flight has brought new I Members ot the g.\t coiir*-.- an' . top of a group l c.o^-i.v mesitv. piw B, uav," in the daily contemplation of the a" 1 ' ong ribbons of iron as they Btwtch nni:s - ''f e the embattKl farm-, which great y l.n>k, the t,:ivt>*in.iJvtnitvtiv.v*.*.M . .. wash the eastern end of the line-ail (then zoom up with ear-splitting this is of intnse interest. All the equip- !enne. The golf MS games have gone nient is to be inspected, and a satis- faction derived when it is found that to pot, their blood pressures have reached new hiphs. and they have Nothing :~ ?<:tl-d yot. The ..f ;ho parach'j'.e in aviation has long bet'n puzzling. Here is i that has had a remarks' much for the eastern half conu- fro.u --worn_to build fences 100 feet high if rd that has already saved mor, ' r >wn land i tne av ' alors '''* not P ut an on ^ to theirlZOO lives with a romarka'oly small per-] ' While mv father was building the | indulgence in this silly fin. .centape of failures. It is rot incon- 1 Kansas PaJific Railway it was his cu- " i v f w 4 tl > w "' and ; ton to send his sons from the F.n'tj'h" hit-and-run In his private car. which on arrival \ '' h " Prototype >n^ >f thff tr-ck was ittaohet' i the Iower bn >' of Nnv ^" rk - not 't 11 * '" i : ' 11 '* ^honned it. because, nrst. it ^cirucll^ \rtin. .US fhrn- w'e : - ^^ <*< *** '*" ' -| ' **** *>" and. s.c- . . .. t j n , llon fhs ' ''oat, killins a tran aboard, and new ond'y. beeatise they reasoned that to ffwSLSTm trSriMC* never to bo !'> into the fog;. n n the rtrength;eowpel every passenger to wear one f n and never in this world re- ' v>f the fact that the P ontoon of nis boat (would be an -men avowal that oven a MktedbV'na I^w : t nil comes hack {"'as dented, possibly in n collision, a] routine flight has the element of dan- tc> m-: Uav aft.-r day the vastp la'.ns \lfr* has been arrestecl. rising to the horizon like a Imwl ihomicice. and is now nwaiting tria in iU centre the crawling construction [But he has msisted that he was no tude is passn-.g. Pract i i. . ,,f ;,,., i> the oflcDoer. mail line now provides their pu.-'^ tr.,n. lea ^ e ^ S ^ n ^rn^i "And just the day before. te I.U **** *^ ! t nt a moviujr town, 'seaplane, sweeping out c t fo;- with dry -ling their students to wear their uininine v'ith the work of !fu>> tank.", shot into the crowded surf What other imprints tli? Ae led bv both c-ivalry ' at Coney Island, killirs two persons Flight will Wave upon the nation, it is M-...:-. lasr year. ' e'hordes of sav-' : ' !U ' injuring half n dozen mt>re. This too early to predict. If the auton-.. -J ! pilot, tno. \\asarrested. 1'ut of what? accomplished the decentraltxation of .:e roadw.i i B.iutl and Lake Lor. ::.>untain p-'ak ''* on in "The House of Memories. - fee; a.' amon^ the others. Th.! an; mcnt was D . , . cabled liy t_. M.icl ' De- Tl REASONABLY i ViMl : u- ' ' PRICED FRIENDSHIP :;ip is to be valued for . not for wuat can .. of -.'. \Vhen two people apnror each other because oach li fouud the oth>r convenient to li near, thJ arc not friends, they simply :ii-i|uaintanccs with a leas itiid-rstaadinir. To seek f- pariSfl .*ijfe. i u srr^ll arson beins a little cleat had | " hi P for its utility is as futile askiM ;!:. : to g :> ' i| -' e1t tlle *'"' ot a rainbow for i h? was to r<"com-|' sold. A true friend is alw: ,-ei:.ii:i ii>--w liyui!i hooks \aicli ' lul iu : ' le highest sense; should b-'ware of thinking friemi-; us brother members ual ben-at association wi- odieal demands and thrt for non-payment had just been publisiied. The clerk b-^.iii i)\- an the iiour-i -vlifn o-;!<i bt> baptised. T!uti the 'hat the derk had spoke". le hymn boo!;^. stood u !> in -tii-.-ivilnit and IHWI): 1 -*otild add for t [ those who have ;;oiit- that ;lv\v may !>t> had ( ami i - estry. Thp ordinary '.':'* :'f. N. -a.ii. and Mi little ones i. ks a' Is. 4!J. "\Viil joil Ilia'rC.' :;!> itious, .M;-. Swiff.'" "Oh, yes. I'm p'ins to -- 1 r.\<i.r\< i . t in proi>oii;u- 'o you ' i ar j Lov VIRTUES AND Men have their virt r heroism, theii I tiipy iMJssess and ex ; sood and all that is Napoleon I. Hnd infantry from th whose signals were often seen SECOND LIFE ' . o:i'i down, or * BALANCES The balances of God never lose their adjustment. \Vi:h them a pound is a pound, and right Is rislit. uud wrong is wrong, and a soul Is a soul, and eternity is eternity. Tal- mailge. Regardle; bility rests, the fact remains, that the fly. as another decade w\v.v cndrdN'I? Gasoline 1'ra has intrcnlucod a new , fly. as another decade or two should and. at times, terrifying unexpected 'establish, more avd peiple will risk into the normal routine of life. I use them." "There is th* factor of drinking, -dhfi n . JRGFdga Wn(1>B TreHd ajraiti. IK-aven knows, the drunken driver Is a sufficient curse untl civil- ization; but a tlrunken pilot, in a ehicle capable of travelling over 100 Acid Stomach Unemployment Insurance Edinburgh Weekly Scotsman : The Insurance Fund Js not \n present ciicum^tuiu-es on u *>;iii-l actuarial basis. It might be ii it ap- plied to casual unemployment only, luit on Mr. Thomas's figuros, 400.000 COM /* NIONS A companion ''' ''. and free from swearing a::d sc'i' discourse, i-; worili ).o:,l. I love such mirth us does not. irake friends ashamed to look upon ar.c'tlun- next mor:iiiiR; nor me-, 'iiat caunot well bear it, to repent the mouey thoy | spend when they ill be warmed with ; drink. And take this for a r.: i may pU -ic out such ti:nes and such j companions, that you may ni!i\f >.>:; ! selves merrier for a little than a ; great deal of money ; for " 'tis the company and not the 'charge ttiat tho ft\.s:." -Izaak \Valton. :i thirst fo grows into the - n lost - -voiui !if soul, V\'.irin-s fvery vein, ami PlllM I fefl it here: my Keohr!,>;i melt-;. Ad.l:s. -i. j u every events in Wall Street have nude many bulls bib. We Pay the - DRESSED POULTRY Write The Harris Abattoir Co. Ltri. St. Lawre ' .- >to After Skating U'.tb. Minar * ache mer : or 500.000 may be grouped as permau- ; ntly unemployed, nnd no fund can bear such a perpetual drain. The ' Excess acid is the common cause ot i indigestion. It results in pain and j outness about two hours after ealins. < The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. Tlie best cor- i reclive Is Phillips' Milk of Magm.Ia. I It lias remained standard with physi- j clans in the 50 years slnfe Us Inven- j tion. One spoonful ot Vhillipit' Milk of neutralizes lueUutly many ' ;inu's its volume in acid. U Is harm- less and tasteless and i..; action is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer. when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly tbis premier method acts. Please let it show >tm now. Ho sure to get the genuine Fkillips' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 5i) years iu correcting excess acids. Kach bottl* contains full direc- tionsany drugstore. (Jiivemment's hoi"' that, before the 8,500.000 set apart to meet this vam- pire bleeding has been exhausted t:n- fuiplovment will be- diminished. Is hardly likely to materialize unless Mr. TUonias can do something more than talk of bi$ schemes on the hori- zon or ot cutting off the pin-money of frugal women so that men may get their jobs. WRATH Let uot the sun i:i Capricorn go down upon they wrath, but write thy w roiigs ill water; draw the curtaiu i of night ou injuries; shut them up In i the tower ot oblivion, and let. them j be as though they had never been. rVrsive thine enemies totally, and without any reserve ot hope that, however. Cod will revenue tliee. Sir Browne. L U XO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber He Knows A City Tree When I behold an aged tree fettered secure in stre*s of stone. I think that Thames must surely be For her a stream t Babylon. And that iu dreams, tearless and vain She scents far pastures in the sun. And forest stillness, and pure rain That falls not here in Uubylon. Eric C'bilman in (ilasxow Herald. Mlnjird's fer the Ideal Rubdown. Falling Hair Just try Minard's. INEQUALITY A man who !s willing to work ar.d is unable to find work is perhaps the saddest sifrtit which fortune's in- equality exhibits under the sun. Car- ivle. "Having been a watcher ot weddings for many years, 1 find myself less Im- pressed with the judgment of matur- ity and more confident of the impulses of youth." Bruce Barton. ISSUE No. 130 SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO TORONTO LOW INSURANCE ANDoTORAGE RATES FIREPROOF JLEVATOR VVrite or Phon e Fr Particulars TORONTO ORATORS, LIMITED Queens Quay Toronto, Ontario i /

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