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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 19W : This Equipment Is at Your Disposal. THE Canadian Bank of Commerce is equipped to make collections locally or through its agents in every town or cjty in Canada. This service should be of value to you. The Col- lection Department of the Bank of Commerce offers you the assistance of a highly developed organization that is spec;a!jzed to a fine degree i-i this most important branch of business practice. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (THE STANDARD "BANK "OF CANADA Eric Dowling Going To Collingwood The following item appeared in the Alliston Herald and refers to *he son cf Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowling former resident; cf Flesherton. Eric's musical ability is well known here and hii many friends are pleased to know of his success. Eric is a nephev/ cf Mr. Fred Finder c- t wn. '-'I'. Eti: Dov.'lir.g. pupil cf 7. J Crawford, Mas. Bac., has received the appointment of organist of the Presbvterian church in Collingwocd and takes np his new duties Sunday, the 12th inst. This young man, who has been heard at nearly every- thing of a mii_=ical character in Alliston in a number of y<;ars, has been organist in St. Andrew's church the last six years. Until other ar- rangements may be made Eric will continue to make his home here. C-P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as Going Soutk Going North &.03 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. iouth at 3.30 For morning train cuth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. th previous evening. Local and Personal Fingers Badly Cut Mr .Harry LeGard heceived a very painful injury on Saturday afternoon last. While assisting to cut wood v-ih a buzz saw his hand in some manner came in contact with the saw. The knuckle was badly Hcer- ated, the second finger on the right hand severed, and the others damaged pretty b^cMy. Dr. Milne dressed the injure*! member and found it neces- sary to put in forty stitches toclose thewoiind*. Flesherton High School \ ig FORM 2 I ARITHMETIC Hon. Macil Snell ! | t", Elmore Fisher 77. Dorothy Jam- A ieson 75, Pass Stella Marshall 66, Jr Al.T.eda Hincks 64, Dorothy Snell 63, it Emerson McKillop 63, Muriel Kno3t|* 60. Ed. Ferris 58, Jim Bannon VT, Ellen Parkei- 55, Myrtle Moore 52,!* Mc-rvyn Little 50 Verdun Me Master : 50. Fail Margaret Ferris 46. Jean % Ilir.cks 45, Jeanneue McLeod 44, Bill 42, Ruby White 36, Neilbert * -.zie ".6, Daisy McFadden 35, ilurray Staart 31, Bob Phillips 31, Annie Aklns 2?. Fluff Wekon 23. MIDDLE SCHOOL LATIN AUTHORS Hon. Blanche Genoe 87, Alice Reiley 86. Evelyn Turner 84. Audrey Brown 82, Mur- $ iel Cameron 82, lola Graham 81, % Bert Morton 81, Harold Turner 80, % Earl Johnson 78, Marie Fenwick 77. * Mai ion Bibby 77. Reta Fawcett 76. \ Earl Ottewell 25, * Premium for Cash Commencing January 1st, 1930, all accounts over $2 will have 25c. added to the cost of goods; lOc. will be added under that amount. W. L. Morwood % Pa Irene Martin 74, Lesley Fer- ? f T^L CU^^ Vf ork ' Hirl f onrl Von* " is T2< Patricia Morgan 69. Dora % 1 IlC CM )C Mail llaU VK'OU ICai Stewart 65. James McFadden 61. > Flesherton '$. inoX us^ojq noX tions? Dr. E. C. Murray is in Toronto on business. The teachers home for the holidays have returned to their respective schools. Have your skates sharpened at Down's Garage. Up to-date meth- ods and equipment. The attendance at the rink has been growing whenever the weather per- S. S. Concert The W. M. S. of the United churcTi clo^d the year 1929 with the fol- lowing financial standing. The 27 annual ar.d 9 life members raised the following: Ann. mem. fees, $13.25; Er.velones. $56.31; Mite Box. S4.24: Donations 18. 95; other sources $20. 2-2: -Supply wo:k, $11.50; a total of $306.i>7: the following was paid out. Literature. $1.00, for supplies. 11.50 express on fruit. .95 cents leaving a I balance of $293.52 being $3.84 more j than for the year 1928. Under the capable leadership of Mr*. (Rev. J. W. Scott, the auxiliary is looking forward to a successful year in 1930. : :swart 65, James McFadden 61. Ruby Kerton 60. James Haw 59. Jackson Stewart 59, Donald Reiley - 54. Fail Lola Blackburn 4!>, Hat- lie McRae 42. Emery Fisher 37. John >-~^:->-X~H-X~HKK~W<-<^-:K-*^^^ Wilson 28. * UPPER SCHOOL * MODERN HISTORY Hon. Alice * Heard SO. Pass Florence Allen :' 71, Donalda Sloan 60, Harold Thomp- * Mm "0. Fail Christena Magee 40, * Margaret Sinclair 40. : > Miss Liu: a Johnson of Dundalk. spt-r.t th? week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson. Mr. John Phillips and Mrs. Thomas Gamey of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke. Mr. Geo. McTavish was in Toron- to and Oshawa a couple of days la*t week. Now that the elections are over in Toronto we will read more inter- esting news in the Toronto dailies. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston spent the week end in Thornbury with Mr. ! and Mrs. A. S. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and Miss Jein Johnson spent New Years day in Dundalk. Sheriff Win. Breese of Owen Sound was in town on Tuesday and gave The Advance a call not officially of course. ! Mr. Will Paul, who has ben vis*' iting his sister. Mrs. R. Bentham here \ and his father at Eugenia left for' his home in Saskatchewan Saturday Miss R. Geno underwent an oper- ation for goitre in the Markdale hos- j pital last week. We understand she is improving nicely. Mrs. George R. Blackburn and daughters, Georgena and Ruth spent New Years with her son. Hartley j and wife of I^akeview Beach. Miss Vera Morrison and Miss Helen , Welton of Mt. Forest spent New Years holidays at the latter's paren- tal home here. j Mv, S. W. M. Hardwick of Bolton ' spent a few days in town last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mai-Cauley. Have your skates sharpened at ! McTavish's garage. A new skate sharpener has been installed which makes a first class job. Mr. Sam McDonald of Salem re- ports a robin as singing on an applo ' vo on Thursday last. That robin' may yet wish he had gone south, be- fore the winter is over. The Feversham mail failed to come through on Tuesday, owing to the bail roads, caused by the heavy thaw. John Speers arrived in town on time with the Kimberley mail. Heavy thaws have been experienced during the past week and the height of the snow banks have dwindled rapidly. The roads are not in the best of shape at the present time. Mr. W. A. Hawken has recently placet! piiite a number of De Forest Crosley radios in the homes of radio fans. This beautiful appearing machine gives perfect satisfaction. Miss Leone McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McDonald, 501 13th St. A. W.. Owen Sound, formerly of Priceville, who graduated from the General anil Marine Hospital at Owen Sound in June, has received word that she was successful in her recent ex- aminations for Registe-ed Nurse " y to illness at the time of the Sprinc exivu'viations she was unable The United Church Sunday school entertainment was held on Wedntsday ' evening of last week and the auditor- ', inm of the church was well filled. , About S85 was taken in at the door ' and with the sale of baking at the close the amount vrould be around S'OO. In the program were two can- tata-. one for the little folk and the other fo" th e~ior members of the Sunday school. Both were well giv- en. There were many other numbers by the your.* people and every one did his or her pa-t tope rfection. FAMILY JARS "Are 'he fish biting*'' "I don't know" replied the weary angler "If they are they are biting each other." Slices. BORN MARRIOT In Flesherton on Thursday, January 2nd, 1930 to Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, a daughter. SHENSON On Monday Jan. 6th to Mr. and Mrs. W. Shenson (nee Lolita Beattie). 106 Silver Birch Ave., Toronto, the gift of a daugh- ter. Congratulations. Don't forget the L. O. L. Annual District Meeting of Artemesia. to be held in Clayton's Hall. Flesherton, on January 14th 1930 at 2 o'clock p.m. G. W. L. Dist. Rec. Sec. Flesherton United Church REV. W. J. SCOTT, M.A, S.T.M. Minister. W. L. Taylor Again Reeve Is Osprey W. L. Taylor was a^ain victorious .'.: the Osprey elections held on Mon- day, and came through with one of thj largest majorities he K s enjoyed in years. He had two opponents .r : . captured 42 more than double the number accorded his opponents. John Grummett. a membr of last year's council, headed the poll for the councillors and Wm. of Fcv<.rsham was a close second. James Winters ar.d Albert Wilton, the lat- ter a young man. compose the re- mainder of the Council of Osprey for 1930. The vote was one of the largest recorded for some time, the weather being very good for the el- ectors to emerge and choose their governors for another year.. Fol- lowing is the vote by polling divisi- ons: The old scriptural injunction that "the poor you have always with you" j is as true today as it was when utter- * ed two thousand years aeo. says the A Walkerton Herald. But instead cf La . zarus sitting at the gate and the dogs * ; licking his sores, we have the indi- * srentc listening in on the radio or X playing the piano at the House of * Refuge, and in fa.-t so happy and con- * tented are they that when 29 of them were granted the old age pension ,thc other day. *hey. with one accord, ' decided to remain in the Refuge and let the world roll on. the county going through the formality of col- lecting the money and applying it to- v.-anis their keep. But Wai'.ierton, which a c -itic de- scribed as the home of "Pride, Pov- erty and pianos." comes to the front .\::,-. bells on in the ma'ter of old age pensions and leads all other i murri.-ipa'.ities in tho county with 2J. 'tiers on tho list. Clifford Ba'.dwick. of Barrie. Ont.. was one of three- members of Can- adian junior live stock clubs chos- en at the Royal Winter Fair to represent Canada at the interna- tional joint live stock judging com- pe'ition in England nex: year. Order Your DAILY PAPER Through This Office. .;. : * A V f I He: "I want to marry your daugh- ter." Father: "Have you seen my wife yet?" He: "Yes. but nevertheless I prefer ( your daughter." ^ SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1930 11 a.m. Rev. R. W. Wolstencroft of the Baptist church. Sunday school at the close of the morning service. 7 p.m. The Pastor. A bright song service at the beginning. Join in the singing of your favorite hymn?. Week of prayer services continu- ing this week; Wednesday and Thursday in the Baptist church, and Friday in the United church. COMMUNION SERVICE AT CEYLON at 2.30 p.m. Monday, January 13 A meeting wiil be held in the Sunday school room for the purpose of organizing a MEN'S CLUB at 8 p.m. to write with the rest of her class. M-s. H. McCutcheon and babe wore in Markdale the first of the week. Miss Kate McMillan left last week week to take a position in a public in London. The postponed Sunday School en tertainment of St. Columba UniteO church. Priceville. will be held on Friday evening. January 10. Ad mission 25 cents. Every Monday night the Rink Co. would like to see an old girl and boys" reunion at the rink. Dig out your skatos and help make every Monday night an old time skating night. Miss Emily Acheson, teacher in the Flesherton high school, has been suffering with appendicitis for som time and underwent an operation in the Toronto General Hospital on Mon- day. During her absence of some weeks Mr. McLean of Toronto will be taking her work at the school. The urlers were making merry ai the rink several ilny* l:\st week when the ice wns in shape for the "roarin 1 same." The Kink o. is flooding the north side area in the rink for the convenience of the curlers, but the weather <n' the rat few days has put a stop to that. The boys are looking 1 i'or some grand old games in the rink during the winlor time. . Polling: Division- TAYLOR, W. L, ... Moore, L. O Lockhart. John Polling Division GRUMMETT, J HEITMAN, WM WINTERS. JAS WILTON, ALB Morrison. R. J Shortt, George Clark. Sylvester FOR REEVE ^ s t-r l 2 19 90 51 36 5 3456 88 114 43 41 39 27 6 17 61 8 9443 34236 21 34 1 61 4 31 110 45 11 36 95 10 29 10 70 22 17165 FOR COUNCILLORS r^T / TyS-** 3 *" ' 7 8 84 3)5 367 24 22364 15 36326 19237 6233 7206 2199 I Reduction in Price to all the | Subscribers of The Advance 2 70 74 49 53 28 23 67 46 105 3 28 38 5 25 46 40 13 23 5 33 84 15 20 5 31 35 19 65 38 19 14 <>%XX-KX--%HVJ->>V Other Elections i Normanby Reeve Charles Holm, 413: A. Schenk. 260: A. Ovens, 163. Council C. Baetz. J. Aikens, J. Ho-.-pf. A. Filsinger. S. Koenig. Proton Reeve W. J. Jack. 337; E. Hockeridge. 307; P. Buckley, 107. Council John McEachern, Joseph McQuarrie. S. Atcheson, W. Wright, '" -..-!;. r COLD WEATHER Clothing Specials - ee ve 179; A. l;.-ci:le, 91: B. Walden. 51. Council E. B. Stewart, T. L. Mer cer. J. A. Clark ar.d G. H. Haslem. Flaky Pie Crust New Recipe For rwo pie shelN use 2 cups Purity Flour. ?I teaspoon salt \'< cup shortening, -i cup cold i water. Mix flour and salt.' custmff in the shortening un- til the mixture is like fine meal. MLx thor^uglily with the .water. R'MI out thin. kDi!t(r it thoroughly dry. For extia rich pastry h.-.U butter aaj half lard. SnJ 30c fjr Punty Flour Cook Book. Western Vlour Mills t\\ Limited, Toiocto m For Teaming and Bush Work Leather Lined Mackinaws All-Wool Mackinaw Coats Sheepskin Lined Coats Mackinaw Breeches Heavy Cloth Trousers Leather Top Rubbers Heavy Duty Rubbers Long Overshoes Lumbermen's Socks Heavy Wool Socks Heavy Cloth Caps Heavy Lined Mitts Leather Pullovers All-Wool Sweater* Wool Windbreakrs Heavv Work All the above are specially priced and are .viable in *l wanted sizes. S . ^ i! J? STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABU UNDERWEAR BLUE. RED AND GOLD L'BEL QUALITIES. ALL SIZES From 34 to 44 in single garment, and combinations. WEAR STAN FIELD'S FCtf SATISFACTION. F. H. W. HICKLING /FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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