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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 2

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Jun gle Breath Ben Lucien Burnian THIS HAS HAl'1'KNKH: To the queer little South American town of Porto Verde, in west central Brazil, a town f ringed by dark, for- bidding junKle, come.-: an elderly Am- erican, Lincoln Kunnally, a famous chemist. An air of mystery s.-en.s to hanp j over the place. In the barber shop, the barber, a strange, dark man with j an Oriental east to hi ivi-s, speaks to! Nunnal'y, who then him as Vilaka West, known to him as Vilak. :i fellow American. VK;:I: "-ays he has thing Lut a poacher ar.d t ried every mi-ars lo jret him out. "Klise didn't want the land, and as I told you, rightly thinks family feuds aro preposterous in this sup- posedly enlightened century, so she went ou to his to extend the j olive branch, and do anything for him that she could. Us saw her coming, all the and doors so that ihc houfc was sealed, and though she knocked Vy !'i-r twenty minute?, made no sign of beinj; inside. sent for him. The barl-er hi, n,,, ncx t day she- was walking along his real I t), fl ,. li;i< i all( j ne a i nu>;c ro( ) c hc-r rown i"Aftr all, I've faced enough . er . . . perils in a laboratory not to fear a mail merely because he has a . . er . . singular forehead. Moreover . . er . . insurance statistics give me U-n move years to live, and I detest sta- tistic*. J should greatly,. enjoy prov- in>f them wrong. At what hour do we . . er . . start?" Vilak puffed placidly at his cigaret. "After I've gone again on a fruitless mission to try to induce my cousin to leave and, more important, introduce you to 1 er. When it's dark I'll change my rli-thcs a bit and meet you. I al- ways (;<' out there as n .Mr. Davis, her attorney, a person I've invented for convenience and who has a secluded house up the road on some of Elise's property, where I can make the chance without creating suspicion. Wouldn't be just the thing for Larbcr Riggs tu b seer at the noun.- of the grand explains, srrv.- t-. "I'"' cousin, I si jth his h She was certain that! senhoi'ita. Nor to be too intimate, with Marbs-rrv, need a.--: stance in getlmj;- .. , , , ... it. the i-(..t .f -t mv-teiv that h-is ' tnls wan t an accident out a delibor-.jyou, fnr that matter, BO be a bit care- already ci.-l i-vc'rai I'ivis ami threat- ! ill( ' attempt." Bliie' " (^runted. "Hum ... I just Vilak is int< iTiiptP.I with neu- of Iiappen-j to think. She to'd me the another death and he and N'innally other day she was RoinfT out there yesterday to try again. This iv-w at- b.isten to the spot where the victim. Tony Barbttla, < ne of Kli-e'.s fnri'inen. "n the gn.un'i. a!n.n-t :i tl.e feet tack may be one of the of Limey Potts, another foreman, who udmi'J- havirc hit him with a club. | W( Karbctta seems ('- l'i- iii a strancre sort of paia'y-''-. H- 'i" n af'er accus- ing Potts, and \'i!a!-: n~'--r;i.-hes Nun- nally by declarivir h' ' lief that IVM a !?ot the murderer. NOW BI-:<;IX TIIK rilAI'TKIt V. Tlie !: nist gazed at Vilak In bewild- e ment. "Hut . . . -r . . . Tuny sai.l I\.t!s nid it :.:<! ]''. :.<li:.its it him- self. How cur. there !i any doubt . . . er . . . doubt wher facts art- as clear as that?" "Don't forget ill' re aro tw<> kinds tS," \ i nk ie-p i ,-! 'I. "The tan- gible ones tliat you can see r.nd In a r and the intangible '.-us \\hii-h you ran neither see nor hear but only fi.e!. ".-here the laU'-r arc t> tlie mi-re important." results." He chewed meditatively a moment, then : "No one talks tt. him now except the ktepM-s f the little shops v. ere ho. buys his food o-- his rare visits to town. He honored my estab- ful when you meet me at the hotel in public. Though it probably wouldn't m.-iki- ;. particle of difference to most of thn natives, because they ihink all American. 5 are n-ad, anyway. "Kiiso wanti-d to have you stay at the fazendii, but I won't permit it. for j a day or two at least. It's pro'i^bly cruel t,) vim, but I'll see ii-.t\n> of you, Hofr af haml. ClKiriTiin^ ^-irl Klise. Hut too determined f.o be comfortable. lishment once. Laf-iy his trips have' I think you'll like her. I should say been beconiinj? fewer and few, r until] w ""ff 1 "- to K''< f!l "' :i!)n ' 11 v an hour or two ami stnrt from 111 ., Knew wiiHi. c. .si^ii "> rri|iiest from tbe mil (inn a couple of ' yiars ago, we might have a clew. And ^ " now they've, practi.-ally ceaseil. If we - f:i >' !1 " ! ><' <>'' ( ' v " "'l sl;irt f r " m I V.iiew what caused him to re-ijjjn by' 11 "'"'" f"'' fl1 "' visit lo yi n about seven-yiirty. out of then again, v. e mightn't." "The . . er . . blacks nnd dians seem fearfully afra d . . fearfully." uldn't vou if the In- of him. de-' Ve,; "\V,.'ildn't you if you vv-re a poor -iiper-iitious native who belii-\v-= that when lie s-un got-s iio\vn over a moun- tain thr.t the mountain has (alcn it? Some "f them 1. ive n veneer ef f'bris- tianity, but it's mighty thin. Jn-t re- iiiem!n r :!i;it, counting p or Tony to- day. T .ur men h:iv died -inn- Pren- "A go.x.i M:i':iiti.-t lik- yuursclf and a tritle i.f m.-il.eiip fool you." right suit . who do tlrn?" i " . . F^r . . who . . i you believe is the munlcn r "Again, nion cher, I an r my :<li-iis are <lep!orably s.-anty." "Vou think it was . . ei . . Preti- . |i, i |,i,|i- '.' Kr l'i i:' . .' )la\ e:i't you any idea of what's happened l<> make him look ; :MI :e-i M> S:ilanic . . , ye?, .Satanic '.' His . . er . . eyi I p pear as though l.c \V.--M- worliinjc MI me evil spell upon c-verytning nt which he loDks." Suddenly he jerk"d out the j..iiift ho had placed in Ins mouth n moment before, made ; wry fnce, and spat, bitterly. "What's the ii ak. "Too powerful for your Anglo- Sax 'M blood"" lie chuckled. "You don't wish a bit of betel nut to top il olf? No? Well, that's the advantage of tlss has been hen-. Tins nllit-r three aiso ill ways almost as mysterious as this. Vou couldn't hire one of the I'oi-to Verdenns to go near his place at I'ig'm for all the coffee on my cousin's l':r/.enda. "A lot of them .-ay he's performing j tenible i-xperiincnt.", vivisrction, and ( that soil of iliir.g on the jungle ani- mals, and some of them if" further and say he's been ining human being'. They think he's some sort of devil doc- for 1! : id.- out of c<mr.-e. A f'-'.v inom( i' iter they si-i'iid'.-d to thu va!!--y ain! Vilak to return to his barber shop, Niinnaily to i-xarniiif ".i- academic ii!'i:-'"-f the sanily d'po-its at the edge of a tiny hike v. hich sparkled a .'mr 1 dlstanee from the ri.-i.-r. His insp. r 1 , ion cn:n]ile' --'I, tho chemist sauntered to the town, marveled | again at tdo viw of the hill slop, s carpel"d wi'h tlie gn-n of tlie jniu-l.- and the white mountains ri-ina far off! In Iho distance, i-r.tered his :-o in. 1 and busied himself v. itb nm oou nii-nts and books from h 1 - bng. Afti-r a few hours s|>.':U Ili'is. . began unpa/king !ii l-iirgagi-. and i liapponitiR to place n i>.in siiirt up- { on a table, found 'b'-it it distantly tool, up a Cray smudge i, d;i-t from | Hie tuble top. Investijratin;.', be ills- covi i-i-d tUi! every pi-ci; of furniture > in ill" room \vas siin!!,i-',y i- ;.'...!. il l-ilieil. lie took oil- Ills poelcet l'..i:i.l kerchief and ^ii^ 1 '"!y ''. about .lean- 1 lap; the room. So absorbed v, as In-, in tho ta-k that he failed to hear, a llKht knock outside ami only look- id up when the door opened and aj tall. -,trililiiK appi-.iriiic styau.^'T clad "in u ridiiiR suit. sin. 1 at his side, lie star -1. "I ... er . . . bee pardon." lie statini" 1 ! - 'i "Y"ii \\cre ',. oi\in^ for mi- 1 .'" "Y---." thf s'r.iimcr r<-]illei| hlnnt- ly. "Slop beiiiK i ->aiily and Nordic and on \our hat. A i;nnd s, iiiit.-t likis yourself 011^:1' to know bettei than to Ii- 1 . n suit .nid a "'ill- nf inuke- up fool you. It's li.i for >i to got Larted." Th.. ''li.'inisr stareil Hi' 'i -'"il ii sheepishly. "You . M> nf'ny .. .1- . . . liberties u iiii mi-. T - > many lib- 1 1].--. \\ !i.,l --Uall 1 r . . wear?" "I'omo just as \nii .ire. \\'e eaii J'ii'li lip storm linol", ' I'CIV.V Jllovr:'. and a pistol for vim at my COUgln'fl What sert of a raiino;.t havi- you?" "One Of IhO-e . . . er . . . oilcloth ones, like the !n-a\y unity ones." "That'll be just I i thiiiK- Hrin-, It wiib you." The dv. mist BUVI- a p;:: T-.g filli|) "f his li:iijill>ei-chlef to Ihi- d;l I on 111.- v ., , I Mien looked OU1 ' lie \ v '" ilow. "Why nmst, 1 v. . ar .1 raincoat? The MIS are shining M-ry . . . i-r . . . I'Uhtly. It's too hot lo wear a i-alncoat." "Obsuvi-, my iK-.-ir Naiv.-;-. lhat J a 1 . o carry a W-. won't need i hem until after \ve Icavn my cousin's. Then they will b.j vitally ncci ary. Pi liaps |-i-i :ii>u.-ly u c- - No. I'm not i;oiiiK "> '''" >'"' ! It's no list- asliiiiK'. Como 1.11 j IIOM'I pui'i- i around any more.] make you -tiniK" another of i tor and is trying to mix souls am! all that mi of n;. live hocus-pocus. They'll HWCar to you mi their Hihles if they drawled Vil- have any that they've heard ])iercing >creains coming from his fa/.enda at night, nnd those with more vivid imaginations will add lhat. lh: y've seen four-headed devils nnd fire -breathing havini' mral racei ipeeding through I btl big as men (lying over the roof. Increase.-. y>ur pICMUm Hank nonsense, of . (>i.r"e, for the most sary. why. now. Or I'll my cini your veins, i-nonno'i- ly. To mo then 's nothing like 11 ill tic betel with H good smoke." lie pie-.-ed aiinther section of the golden dragon. It opened, disclosing a number of liny pellet M. Ono of thefe In- . \i nil-ted and IhriMt into his mouth "I agree with you that 1'rentiss hasn't \actly tho drawing-room milliner. '. iiainly hi- ajipeart to lx! n man who has lost his soul. IVrnonnlly I feel part, but I don't blame thrni much. "It's difficult t<> see howling demons | when you're "liimling on the corner of j Illnd and P.roadway in New YorU rity, but it takes very little effort when you're swallowed up in the jungle of Porto Verde." He pn/.ed a! the "Id man, who was < a ^ fallnni again fumbling in liis pocket. ''Vou'rt 1 a nuisance. Haven't chanjretl a bit in now And i side rather positive that he'd connected in' ten years. . Always having torn poek- vome way with these terrible Irageiliei,' els and letting yonv matches get down but I've little to base it on. "I do know Ihiit anyone who trie? lo be concerned in his alTair.i, even v. itb thn kindliest intent, surfers. An 1 think I nit-ill ioned to you. .some i-nit- :.('o, KliM- got interested in him largely lierailce of that old ft l.d which existed betwd-r. (heir fathers. Ity soMe le^nl technicality il secnu-d that the land which old PrentisH devt-li>j)-d for his fu/.cnda turned nut nclmvlly lo lielonc to the Marhi-nys and Klise's father nlways in1vted that. PrtKtUl WHH m>- N%, 1 '30 into nonie obscure lininK "f your coal." He drew out two boxes of malchcc. "Put these in your pocket, nnd don't lose them. Matchex nre valuable down lien. After which lectuiv I'll (!! you tlmt. the nfTair of ImN afternoon hag made me decide to go out to Prentiss' plan- tonight to do n little investi^ntiiin. Would you liko to come nlonK? " may be juM a bit dnni;ci oux. Seriously, quite dimerous." The chemist's IprlffhUIllMM had r*- turned. "Ilecause yi ur a few years . . er . . ymmifer you're iv>f, so . . fi . , . superior," h replied iiinialdy. I To lv COIIii.llledl FALLEN LIVES Ui-i-eiitly a man, piMspei'tinn In the miiiiiiK ii-kions of Ari/onii, found a ruiuarkahlu nutural bridge. It spans a deep canon, forty-llvo fee' in width. Th biidpo is nuido by a Ki'ciit P'*lii- lied tree, that li<-s across the Row. Scientlllc men suy lhat, many ages siliee. this tree was pros! ruled by some terrific Rtotai. and fell across the canon. Hy tin)' effect H of tho water nml time, It lins passed throunh ma(?es of mlnerullva'.ion, and Is a wondeifiil true ol solid nRnte. thero It lios, maUliiR an agate 11 DM r whieh men nniy puss from; lo side. Tills lieo seemed to be, il was broken off by tho storm and i Inirli-d lo tho Krniind. Hut. instead of belai? a failure, lo what nobler use could It ha VD bi!.-n put tliiiu thus lo liecullie :i brlilte of n^iite, lo stand for nuf". "lid (in which countless human feet, may walk across the ihusm? This fallen trci> is an Illns- nation of countless human lives nblcb have fallen, and neenieil to fall, but which In lime have proved lo he brldRi's over which oiheis ran walk lo honor, miecrsi nnd triumph. Itev. .1. It. Miller, P.P. "\Voe tn you \vlion all men> \\nll of yon"- Sliiiilev llaldwln M!nrd's Wa.ds Off Grippe. Which Wins- Crook or Bank? Crib-cracking Versus Safe- makinR is a Struggle Not Yet at an End In New York .1 sixty. siorey sky- vrap.-r is rising, and at its heart is a mammoth vault, on armored for- tress i>( steel and coiu-rete. Behind tne if, ors of that vault may lie $1, 000,000.000. Kvery human and me chanical device will he employed lo guard lhat treasure. Will it be safe? "I put that question to a distinguish- ed vault engineer, WHO lias built BOtne of the strongest vaults in existence. His answer amazed me. " '(Jive mo a million dollars with which to build a vault,' lie said, 'and there would still ho half a dozen men in the world who could open atul roh it!' "Xor are these men lluuilinis. or Jimmy Valentines who upon tumblor locks with sandpapered lingers. They are experts in tin; use of two of the most terrible safe-breaking weapons known -the 'Muxiii b ' rou' and the 'oxygen lance.' .\saiu--t these latest potential tools of safe breakers, no ahsohilft defense is known. T!M financial world Is waiting to sou if any super-criminal v ill dare to use them. Nothing Is 'iiop;jssiblu' in Hie never emliiiK butt;-- ! t M" n safe in.ik- ors and safe breal:.; - '." .-ays He. rv .Morton Robinson in P .;>ular S;- - i i e. "Burglar -proof" vaults have per- force undergone groat and devolution- :iry <-iianpes in ti:o past fifty years. From Die days of the polities-, when a hank's idea of Mm I.Tt wor.l in seeui-ity was a four fool thick door si lidded with iMPiion balls an 1 b<i!t'M lionn- into ilitir vault's framework . . . wliich dorr was Incidentally f. : <1 out completely by ilu-iv.-s to the tune <if ii'-aily three million dollars ... 10 the up-to-date strong-box s:ic-li as described at the commencement or v. Is. ai'i'.-lo is a far cry. The proaress of the opposed scienre-i of = af>' m.:k ins and safe breaking been an in- !ores.'iMK ono through ttie phase of !ht> "stepped" do' r, tin- Introduction of nitroglycerine ami (lie "soup m;>.ti, ' i:.' euiie door machined so . that that artist co-ild not c-' his "s:>:ip" into the era-ks, and final! v . . . last staRo but one . . . th-e oxy- aeetylpne torch, which will liitp !lr.n;r; : a sivich <v-l |>!:ite in a few- minutes. "To-day science meets tho t!iiv:it of the '. lit:- T-lHiriici' with composite walls that embody materials ro.-N,;mt to heat, drills, and' i-\p!oMves. Vet ev. n such walls cannot meet tin 1 ueiv l';r--at of th..' 'fluxInK rod' and tin- 'oxy- gen lanco. 1 The first is simply a tiik of soft sfpol which the expert opi-r.-ilor holds against the metal to be burm-d. Then h<; applies thu oxy- an-tyime flame to tiie tip of the flux- in^ rod. which oxidizes so rapidly lhat; (ho temperature 'an be ralo-d to un- believable heights.. "The 'oxyfjen l:m< .;' h.i- been known, for some time. It consists of a long small iron pipi- llironRli which oxysen | pas Is forced. Tlie hii*ine<s "lid of the pipe is hf.tieil red-hot by a cut- ter burner. The hut iron Unites in | Hi oxygen stream and flares so fierce- 1 ly that it. will burn Us way strain'^ throiiRh anything. Iliiist funiii.'e m--ii , line the oxyn-ii l.ince to cut aw.i> 'frozen' steel from the taplio'.es of the furnace. "So export 11111*1 In- the men v i Ind Ihosu instruments that only h.ilf a 11 /.en men in the world are capable of hreakimc in'o a vault with them. KortunuNiy these men aro not iritn- inals. They are experts w'.iose names ar well known. Moreo\er there aro practical objections to the use of MI- h tools iilpsnlly. The oxyen pip,. Is daiiKi'rons to use, without cumber- somn shields. And it Keueni'es bil- lows of black sineki! when it meets cast iron, leadiiiK to probable detec- tion. "Still, in face of possihllities from their friemls tile enemy, cni'.ineers have been spurred lo dosUn super- vanlls that will slave off safe break- crs, If not indefinitely, at least as long as possible. llnw successful they have, been wns >h inon ^ raiod in New- York not long ;IK". when wreckers v.-eri. aciually called upon f.i tleniolish :i newly liullt vault because a bank moved. The outer shell of Iho vault was :i four foot thick wall of con- crete or llreproolliit; and protection against earthquake shoe K. Then caino n six-inch thi.'knoss of inatcrlal especially developed as a protection aj;aiiist tho cutter-burner. It consisted of large li' ( * slabs, the ontshlo face tool proof and its Inside filled w-llh n coro of magnesium oxide a material manufactured at Niagara Kails under n fuiiiiR tomporatnro of SOOfl decrees Fahrenheit, and proof against tremendous heat. Inside this raino a sovon Inch bnttressliiB wall containing steel H-columns. heavy nietnliic ribs, crosswise round bars, a liKhiir of rich concrete, and a bindliiK of steel plates half an Inch thick bolt- pd to the II bennis. The doors were smooth-Cure, conical ping doors Imper- vious to explosives "A competent wreckiiiR company ushiK thn most mmlnrii tools found it- self all but liallled by (his vault. The best progress Hint the wrecker* could uinko tin 1 . HK!I tho walls, even with the advantage, of being ablft lo attack : hem from the Inside, was half an inch ;i day. I 1 took thirteen iin.l one-half waeka to demolish thn entire vault. Allhoufcli n safe breaker inlk'ht have fiilered il in I-'WH lime, It l doubt- ful If ho would have cured to tackle thn job. "With tho (Icsig of such for m id- No premiums with Salada but finest quality A ( Fresh from the gardens 9 WHAT \S WEARING Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern By Annebelle \Vorthington The Hnstnible in tweed in heather brown tones undoubtedly is the most practical and smartest fashion that j'aris has suit us in some time. Style No. 2963 sketched achieves youthful sophistication through sim- ulated tuck-in blouse of flat silk crepe in toast-tan shade, with suede belt in soft brown tone iiidica:!:^ higher waistline. Tlie- skirt is box- plaitrd across front with plain straight slim back, preferred for general wear. The coat is in seventh-eighth length. The fronts arc undcriaccu . - !i j.lain woolen in harmonizing tone and rolled into revers with col- lar. Sleeves have curis of plain woolen which appears again in ap- plied bands of pockets. It M designed in 'zes 12. 14. 16, 18 and 20 years, aid you'll Imd it vcy simple to m.ikc. It is very youthful loo in mauve- red tweed wilh matching biln' cn-pe blouse. Another swagger idea is botlle greeu novelty woolen with blou-e of lighter toTic bilk crepe. For more dressy occasions, :t is made of woven plaid transparent velvet, used for dress with coat of sutde finished broadcloth in blend- ing t.. :vo, or of Royal biue vclvrty woolen coat with drrss of matching fi*t silk crept. I < . - - ] . 1U\\ TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name ar.d address plain- ly, B'Unff number and sizo of such pntterns as you want. Enclose '-Oc in stamps or coin (coin prciVrrcd: wnsp it carei'ully) ior each number, and nddrefs your order to Wilson Pattern Service, TS We--t A l/.aide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by nn early niai.. ; . . . able vnulis I'IP ;ulv;iiitaRe lies tem- porarily with tlie I'niii-i -iii's of money rather than with the thieves, still, there Is always the threat of some ' unexpected development in ti:e safoj cracker's art. or of some criminal with th skill to u<e the means now known. It is agalnet this pos- sibility lhat the vault builders are constantly matching their v. !'* in ilieir thrillin;; \\;ir :m.iin-t the linsi nj LOST OPPORTUNITIES Who can tell another's shortcom-* ings, lost opportunities. weiKh th*>, passions which overpower, tne de-[ t'ects which Incapacitate reason?. What extent of right and truth nil' neighbor's mind is organized to per-! ceive and do? GRACES i Virtue and senuine graces in them- j selves spe:.l; what no w.'iiis ,.m ut-i ter. Shakespeare. Do^you read all the health points?"- "Not ill," answered Mr. Clmggins. 'In my efforls to keep out of the hos- pital I limit myself to a study of the i raffle rei-ulatioiis." That Sore Throat Needs Minard's. , PaiiiT Some folks take pain for granted. They let a cold "run its course." They wait for their headaches to "wear off. 1 ! II sufferiiiK from neuralgia or from neuritis, they rely on feeling better in the morning. Meantime, they suffer unnecessary pain. l.m ei-essarj-. because thero is an antidote Asp,rm tablet., always offer immediate rel ef S2SJ*^ ". l>hM 8I ? lt P ains we one had to uure. If pain persists, consult your doctor *3 to its cause. , - 'ot of pain and uummiorr ........... the many proven uses of Anpirin. Aspirin \staft. Always tho same. All dru Biorw with complete directions ^ SPIRIN tBAOE MARK RCO.

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