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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 49 No. 30 Flesherton Ontario, January 8, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor ROCK MILLS School opened Monday after the Christmas holidays. BORN On Sunday evening, Jan- uary 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fish- er, the gift of a son. Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave and son, Fred, were entertained one ev- ening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn, 4th line. The annual family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts on New Years day, when over thirty were present and spent a vehy enjoyable day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and family of Kimberley, spent New Years day with the Pedlar families here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex English, visited recently at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. McKechnie of Markdale. We are very sorry to hear of the seroius condition of Mrs. Boyce Sr. hut hope to hear of some improve- ment soon. Mr. C. Newell visited on Friday last with his parents near Durham. EAST MOUNTAIN PORTLAW 12312 The annual school meeting was ihtld on Thursday morning, Mr. Dave Genoe being elected the new i trustee. j Miss Hazel Flood of Hanover is Upending the holidays with her cou- ain, Mrs. C H. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Claren.-e Smart and children spent Christmas with friends at Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and 'family of Duncan spent Christmas with Mrs. Geo. Harbottle. i Miss Irene and Master Vernon Fawcett of Kimberley spent a few days with their grandparents, Mr. land Mrs. Robt. McMullen. Miss Jean Smith of Duncan spent 'a few days with her cousins, Misses Ursula and Mabel Thompson. j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart at- I tended the funeral of the latter's j cousin, Mrs. John Skippen, of Union, on Thursday. Mr. Dalton Ferguson of Kimberley \ ia assisting Mr. Ernest Thompson this week. School will not re-open until next week owing to *he illness of our j teacher. CEYLON supply the wood, while the contract for caretaking was awarded to Mr. i Lewis H. Sheardown. Mr. Neil Mclntyre has gone to To- ronto for an extended visit with rel-' atives. j Mr. David Jamieson of Toronto is visiting with friends here and conval- escing from his recent severe injury. Miss Johnston, teacher, has re- turned from her home at Kemble and resumed duties at our school. Mrs. Sheardown received the sad news last week of the death of her aunt at Newmarket Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker spent New Years in Toronto visiting with relatives there. | A happy company gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, when the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blackburn met and showered them with a profusion of useful and beautiful household articles. | The annual meeting of Mount Zion United church was held on Tuesday of last week. The reports of the Carious departments was very en- couraging and showed a substantial balance on hand after all obligations were provided for. A very hearty and unanimous expression of confid- ence and appreciation was extended to the pasto", Rev. Mr. Bamford. who expressed his thanks to his people for their kindness. At the close the ladie 9 provided a tasty lunch. The annual school meeting of the T rrF n rnnFTQH TV ratepayers was well attended. Mr., TAGGED xovf SCOTIA C^TCH Frank Shier was elected trustee. Mr.j ' CATC been tagged of the Bio- of Canada in the sum- mer of 1927 and liberated off other ' parts of the Nova Scotia coast were i a few weeks ago by fisher- operating in waters off Chetl- Invemess county, N. S. agged in July and August, 1927,, in the course of the tagging operations which were carried on to assist in establishing facts as to the movements of cod and other fish, of the four had been liberated Carouse shoal, which lies oft northeast ; and the other two were freed fou- miles off Flint island, -east ofi Glace capture for a little more than two years and in tha: time apparently made their way a- round the north of Cape Breton to the western coast of the island, whether they did any other travelling or Tagging is done by placing a small numbered piece of metal, or tag, on the tail or caudal fin of the fish. A record is kept of the number of each the place at which the the taer was liberated. If the fish Is caught later on it is possible to judge what its movements have been Miss Gladys Patterson of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. Knox last week. Gladys' many young friends were de- lighted to see her. Mrs. Will Gibson, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. M. Phillips, visited with frienJj in Toronto. Mr. A. C. Muir spent several days in Toronto on business. Mrs. Huston and little son, also her sister, Miss Marion Muir, return- ed on Saturday to Peterboro to her home and Miss Marion to her teach- ing duties there. Mrs. John Kennedy and three child- ren, who have been visiting relatives at Wiarton for a week, returned to her home hare on Saturday. Mrs. Raney and daughter. Jean, of Port Dover is visiting her parents, hev father, Mr. D. McPhail, being very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and two sons, who spent a fortnight with To- ronto friends, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Park and three children ol Toronto spent the past fortnight with her mother. Mrs. Hills. Mr. Stanley White, who has been visiting his mother, returned to To- ronto on Saturday. Mrs. Will Calahan and two child- ren, who spent the past week with her brother, Angus and Arthur Whittaker, returned to Toronto on Saturday. A gloom was cast in this community on Monday when it was learned that Miss Catherine Muir had passed away about six a.m., 6th inst. at the home of her brother, Mr. Peter Muir at the Six Corners, with whom she had resided. About two weeks ago she was seized with a stroke, which left her helpless. She was in her seven- ty-second year. The funeral will take place Wednesday, January 8th, to McNeil cemetery, Priceville. Ser- vice at the house at 1:30 p.m. The sympathy of the community is extend- ed to the relatives and friends. A fulleraccount will be given next week Mr. Alex. Stewart of Owen Sound fuller account will be given next week. We are very sorry to repo-t Mr. D. McPhail very low at time of writing. EUGENIA PRICEVILLE School re-opened on Monday, Jan. 6th. We wish our esteemed teacher, Miss Acheson, and pupils every suc- cess. The play "Pouter Pigeon" given by the Maxwell young people under the auspices of the L.O.L. here recently, was well received. After the pro- gram dancing was indulged in and all present spent an enjoyable evening. The young people held a most en- ' joyable party at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers on PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon of Mrs. Thistleihwaite and Mrs. Peace River, are visiting at his sis-) Wickens, Flesherton spent the week ter's, Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn. j end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis end Allie, Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean Epcnt Christmas at Mr. Colin Mc- Lean's. Mr. Xeil Aldcorn had the misfort- une to have his arm broken while tying up colts. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannel of Lloyd Wauchope. Mrs. Archibald spent the week end with her sons at Ceylon. Miss Mabc-lle Parslow, Toronto, spent a few days with the Misses ANNUAL MEETING The Annual meeting of the Price- ville Agricultural Society will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18 at 2 p.m., 1 for the election of officers and Dir- 1 ectors, receiving of reports and any. other business that may arise. By order of the Board. Wm. ALDCORN, Pres. W. W. RAMAGE, Sec. "" ' !' W8S ^^ and freed ' Thus ' e UrSe of tlme> evidenc of to those engaged in the fisheries may be accumulated as to the migration habits of the different varieties of fish that are tagged. Tagging op- erations are carried on in North American waters, both by Canada and the United States. A magazine writer says it isn't easy to tell a woman's age, nor nice either. IN PAIN A man who shot and wounded a saxaphone player one night pleaded that he thought it was a cat. "But yo'i musn't even shoot a cat," said the magistrate. "I thought this one was very ill," pleaded the man. *^**!^^^**r M C*^^**^v*^***z^* H| fr^^w** < ^^ M '*'*** H *^****^~* fc * "House of Quality" ""*" STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ~ Come in and let us prove to you that a ^mall in- vestment gives you god returns by using Dr. Hess's improved Tonic. Every package guaranteed or your money refunded. Poultry Pac-A-Cea; Instant Louse Killer; Roup Tab- lets: Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs: a conditioner and worm expeller. Remember every one is guaranteed to give results. Jas. A. Stewart MAXWELL SHOOL 4th Merlie Buckingham*, Jean Ross*, Annie Laughlin*, Ethel Fen- wick*. (Marie Chard. Edith Lougheed) Minnie Lou^heed, Irene Parker. Isa- bell Pal lister*. Stella Young. Sr. 3 Billie Kerton*. Lloyd Mor- rison*. Bob Priestly*, (Donald Rad- ley, not ranked). Jr. 3 Muriel Bamford*. Donald Bamford*, Mabel Bomrose, Guy Poole* Jim Pools*, Warren Priestly*, Tom Pallister*.. Hugh Laughlin*. Sr. 2 Flo -a Morrison 3 , Valeria Stafford, Tom Bemrose, (Charlie Grummett*, Robt. Fenwkk*) Noreen Grumme't*. Murray Morrison*. J. A. Lougheed. Isabell Laughlin'. Sr. P --. to 1 Mac Stephen. Bob Al- lison, Violet Duckett. Sr. Pr Nellie Allison. Kalis Bern- rose, Archie LaughKn. Jennie Guy. Sr. Pr. Edith Morri=op. Gladys Winters. Those marked * were p.-escnt every day. Helen Maynard, teacher. IN MEMORIAM LEGARD In affectionate remem- brance of our beloved mother Chris- tena LcGard, who passed away Jan. 12. 1923. Only a step removed, and that step into bliss; Our own, our dearly loved, whom here on earth we miss. Not passed away, the lovc<o rich, so true, so pure; But perfected above and ever to en- dure, Only a step removed, we soon again shall meet Our own, our dearly loved, around the Saviour's feet. I Dearly remembered. Meda and Allan. ' GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN PREMATURE An Irishman lay dying when the odor of cooking assailed his nostrils, j Summoning his weeping daughter ; to his bedside he said: Nora, darlint. ain't it doughnuts that T -smoli!" Right for ye, father," the girl re- plied. i " And would ye be asking your mither if I can have one b?fore I die ?" The daughter delivered the message to mother in the kitchen and brought I :i k this answer: "Mi'.her ?ays ye cannot have one of tKo;:'. tlov'.rhnuts; they' -e fer the Tuesday evening of last week, prior | to Mr. Norman Williams' departure to Vittoria. They danced the old year out and the new year in. Mir. Chas. Quesnel and children of Owen Sound spent the yuletide sea- son at the home of Mr. J. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan ami daughter of Markdals and Mr. and Mrs. F :ed Jamieson and family of the 8th line, spent Christmas with lilrs. Wilson in the village. At the annual school meeting Mr. Ernest Proctor was appointed as new trustee, Mr. Cardwell Graham retir- ing. Mr. Joseph Sherwood again re- ceived the contract of caretaker. The wood was let by th>> trustees to Mr. Lewis Genoe at the attractive price J of $5.00 per cord for green wood, and Mr. John Camnbeil puts in the cedar, i Mr. Wm. Gordon acted as chairman of the meeting and Mr. Chas. Martin. ' secretary pro tern. Mr. Russell Park spent a few days ! at the festive season renewing ac- j quaintances in Sarnia. Russell thinks the change of climate is bene- | ficial to one's health and "may" visit there again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton of Mimico visited relatives on the 8th line during the holidays. Mr. James Russell and family are moving to the farm at Rock Mills recently purchased from Mr. George Johnston. We wish them much hap- piness and prosperity in their new home. Last Sunday was Communion Sun- day in the United church here. There was a good attendance. Robins, crows and blue jays have been prevalent in this vicinity during the mild weather, Signs of early spring? The annual meeting of the United church here was held on Friday even- ing, January 3rd, when there was a good attendance. The banquet was everything that could be desired, grace being sung at the commencemrrt. Every one did ample justice to the good things served. After this the business matters came and were in- terspersed by a reading by Mrs. J. Parsons, a recitation by Miss Irene Martin and a quartette by Messrs. Jacob Williams and Alex. Carruthers and the Misses Mariorie Park and Donalda Sloan. All numbers were pleasing. Rev. Mr. Bamford was hairman of the evening, opening the meeting with prayer and closing with '10 bcne-j ?tion. We -are pleaseu report that the various church de- ' partments have a surplus on hand, I which is a good commencement for the year. M.-s. Wm. Hislop spent -he pnst week with her daughter, Mrs. Wil- "red Magee. 8th line. Mr. Andrw Graham had the rrris- fortune to lose a working horse a fc- days ago. Mr. Aihm Williams had a simila- loss recently. The young people here arc enjoying an open air skating rink on the hydro lake here. They report the skatinsr O.K. Miss Sewell of Rock Mills is as- sisting Mrs. Fred Duckett with her! household duties. Mr. Cardwell Graham and Mrs. C. Martin are suffering v.-ith sore faces, not sore throats as wo stated last week. Mr. Graham has a very sore boil on the side of his face, while Mrs. Martin's ailment was caused from a pimple. The correspondent would be pleased if the 8th line residents would phone any items they desire published, to her at her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Purvis and family ' of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. | and MYs. Robt. Purvis. On Thursday January, 2nd, the people of Proton and surrounding? Proton Station, spent New Years j community met at the home of Mrs. Stewart to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacArthur (nee with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hinck's. Mrs. Buckham of Toronto, is visit- ing at Ms. Wm. Aldcorn's. : Ruth Stewart) who Sorry to report tha*. Miss Catherine marri-d in Windsor. Muir took a stroke on Saturday. Keep in mind the concert to be held teresting program. were recently After an in- Miss Jean Mc- Cannel read an appropriate address, in the United church here on Friday, I am* Mr. and Mrs. McArthur wer Januc y, 10'h. that was postponed, presented with a beautiful dinner from Dec. 20 on account of the stormy j set. Both Mr. and Mrs. McArthor weather. Hope the weather will be favorable "his time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKee, Markdale replied very ijrcKiously. Lunch fol- lowed and then the old and young removed themselves to the Orange . . , , were New Year's visitors at the lat-jH* 11 and Eoent the remainder of the ter'.- ; sister's Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn. eveninsr in a more active manner. son. ate New Year's dinner at Art. Richa -dson's, Swinton. Mr. Archie MjLean lost a baby beef, when it was found fine Messrs Jack Stewart and Dick Car- Mr - an<1 Mrs - McArthur left on Saturday evening for Windsor. The best wishes of their many friends go with th"m. dead' "Mr. McArthur Sr. of Holstein spent Wednesday morning in the stall sup-|a few days last week with his son Mr. pcsed to have hung itself. It is a ' Robt. McArthur at Mrs. Stewart's big less. Cecil Thistlethwaite, nesiie^lon, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ' spent part of the Christmas vacation Jim McDougalKnee Lucy Wells, who j with his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Wauch- were married in Toronto recently. Mr<-. Hector MacDonald has eone to Toronto to visit with her daughter. Lou Frook and John Stothart shipped a carload of stock to Toronto Saturday. Miss Flora McFarlane returned to her home on Christmas eve after ope. TORONTO LINE NORTH (Intended for last week) A happy and prosperous New Year j to the Editor, staff and readers. spending an enjoyable five month's Mr. T. R. McKenzie of Portlaw vacation among her relatives in the spent a couple of days with Mr. R. Western Provinces, with her sister, 1 : McKenzie and sister. Mrs. Seth of Caster. Alberna. They motored to the outstanding beauty spcts, including Banff. The re- Mr. Harold Richardson was a vis- : itor over Christmas with friends at I Barrhead. I taainder of the time being spent at' Mrs - A 'ert Stewart is at Fever- her brothe- Alex's at Liberty, Sask. | sham with ner '"other, Mrs. Perigoe The annual school meeting was'^'* 10 ' w '" held on Dec. 26. when Mr. Herb Me- 1 Miss B. Ottewell. teacher in Orange Innis was voted to the chair and Mr. Valley i< spending the holidays at Wm. Ramage Sec'y. The usual re- her home in Wiarton. ports of auditors were read and a-| Mr. Cecil McKerhnie of Barrhead dopted and the Knotty problems of spent Christmas at the home of W. different salaries and alloting of Burnett. grants to same were explained by the Miss Gertrude Lever had her ton- school board sec'y. Mr. Frank Reilly, ' sils removed at the hospital at Mark- orally and visually on the black dale on Monday. board. Mr. John Nichol was elect-! . ed trustee in place of his brother. David, who retired. Mr. Wm. Bur- nett was elected delegate to th O. E. A. in Toronto at Easter and Mr. F. P. Reilly alternate. Mr. Wm. IN MEMORIAM SHIER In ever loving 1 memory of Mervine Earl, who passed away a year ago today, Jan. 9th 1929. Ramage. delegate for the past two D . th hfiart , ,-ears expressed the belief that the Of . , ovoj Qne IM honor should be passed around and In Memory's frame we shall keep' it he gave a good report of the ses-! _.,. he was Qne of tfc IN MEMORIAM GALLOWAY In loving memory of my twin sister, Mrs. Galloway, who died Jan. 4th, 1923. We in one mother's arms were locked, Lcnjr be her love repaid: In the same cradle we were rocked. Rcar-.d the same hearth we played. Wi> were but one. be that the bond To hold us till we die; Shoulder M. shoulder we did stand, An.! side hy side we will lie. Twin Sister Ida. sions held. He was then tendered Fondl remembered by Moth , r vote o thank, Father and fa and A. number of friends and neigh- <,j e bors enioyed the dance at Mr. El- " NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of "John Henry Duckett" late of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey. Farmer: TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Henry Duckett, who died on or about the 14th day of December. 192i*. at the township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, are reouired, on or before the first day of February, to send by post.pre- I .lid or delivered to the solicitor for the executors of the Last Will and Test- ament, full particulars of their claim?. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned, the said exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall have had notice, and that the executors will not be liable for the Estate's assets or any part thereto. of any persons or person of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the tim of such distribution. Dated at Owen Sound this 6th day of January. 1930. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. enjoyable time spent. Excelkrft music was supplied by Messrs. Angus and Wm. McMillan. Allan Mclnnis, Innis McLean, Earl Best and broth- er and others. They tripped the light fantastic till the wee sma' hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol ami Dnnalda and Rebecca and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Gordon spent New Years at Mr. Dan L. Mac- Ar'-htr-'s. Mr. J. A. McCuaig and sister. VAiry visited the first of the week at A. L. Hinck's. Rev. Mr. Stewart from Manitoba preached Sunday in the hall and will remain for a monjh. Mrs. Muir from New Ontario is visaing with her daughter. Mrs. Archie McLean. Miss Catherine Muir passed away this Monday morning after suffer- ing: from a stroke she took a week ago. Early spawning whitefish have been fouTid in Chitek and Pelican lake in Northern Saskatchewan. Spawning was found to be in pro- gress in these waters as early as Oct- ober 15 whereas in other Prairie Province waters the spawning period fo" whitefish extends over a consid- erably later period. k-rvil\ 11 V* Ll'l VI 1C IJ.VCV ULL'I 3 J********">********-***^^ Bates Burial Co'y. 122-121 Avenue Road T ORONTO Phone: Klngsdivlc 4344 J. AV. Bates. R.Maddocks.

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