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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1930, p. 7

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: Ontario Speeds New Rail Line To Arctic Port Flying Blin By DONALD KEYHOE The specter of flying blind, t ugaboo of even the most skilled pilots, is j gradually giving way before i!ie ap- Route, to be Opened by '31 , | P" cafi(m f Invention and research. \T';I1 Malr* At/:>;l=>l-,l Vaof 8TO *sts have shown that one of \\ il IVlake Available Vast t!|e Rravest (]angm Jn W|n(j flying js the pilot's disbelief In his instru- ments, and a strong tendency t> trust his own sense*, which are always misleading. v The tests consisted of placing skill- ed pilo's, blindfolded. In a rota tins By 1931 Ontario will be linked by ?*}* , Tlle oliair was 8lowl v U:rne <J rail with an Arctic port. Completion 1 " " . r . i * llt , an " 3t PP e "- T ", 8 P"" 1 ; stated teat he was turn UP to the left ,, the province-owned railway to Wlienever ,, m ma(ion 4 S stopp e j; Lignite Deposits in North and Aid Forest De- velopment T.N.O.R.~EXTENTION Moose Factory has just been announc- ed by the government and in little more than a year steel will run all tue way north from Toronto to James Bay. The Tinilskiiinlng & Northern On- tario Railway is now as far as Oilcan Portage. It Is to be extended Im- mediately to Blacksmith rapids, whore the government is planning the first state-owned mining project iu Canada. The lignite deposits at the rapids are only thirty miles from the present end of the railroad and are joined by a winter road. Vast Supply Blacked Out There are millions of tons of lignite or the speed retarded, the pilot an- nounced that he was turning In the opposite direction. If the pilot were turned continuously and steadily, he would eventually think that he was sitting still. Finally, if the turn were made very rapid before stopping, there was an added feeDus of falling. A hooded clialr was later made with instrument* to show the actual movement. The pilots refused to be- lieve the Instruments till the hood was lifted and the true movement dis- closed. This most natural tendency to rely on sensations instead of instruments lias probably been responsible for the Our Sister Province May Well Be Proud of Their Government Buildings already blocked out by the diamond I failure of many transoceanic flights, drill.; of government exporers, suffl- One of these was the fatal attempt cient low-grade coal to make the prov- ince independent of supplies from the United States. The government is pushing the railway north to speed the work of testing the lignite fields. of Captain William Edwin to rescue other ocean flyers in trouble on the Pacirir. At night, 600 miles out. his radio reported running into heavy fog. Then, ''\Ve are in a spin." Next, came At Blacksmith rapids are deposits of j a reassuring report only to be follow- 1 black coal and potential white coal; ed by the last one heard. "We are in found together. | another spin. S.O.S. . . ." From the lignite beds less than sev-i Flyers asbore easily reconstructed pi.ty miles of road will have to bej the scene. Tossed In the buupr air, j built to reach the salt water. The line: the plane started to turn to one side.! will penetrate a great tract of terri- The pilot checked it suddenly, and at VIEW OF PROVINCIAL LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGS AT QUEBEC The photograph hern shows an aerial \ ie\v jf ;'i^ parliament buildings at Quebec City. Patrolman Rise^ To Be Vice-Consul Edmund J. Dorsz Assigned to United States Legation at Ottawa <> r,<-.i The rise of Edmund J. Dorsz from Hie post of a foot-w- patrolman on the Dt-irnit police force to that of United States vice-counsul at Ot:awu, is recounted in a .special disp.i-ch from Detroit recently. Dors/. 23-\vars-old. assumed liis new posit ion ou December 27. The story of how He left high school be- fore completion of his term and then by pt-i-s-v. -ranee versed himselt' as a in the ambition of one das' entering the foreign service of his country, wan recounted by his ntoirer. Mrs. Rose (J. Doisz at her Detroit home on E;>wnrtli Boulevard. Y'Huiir Dorsz :i;-3t worked as a tool- maker, t lien as a clerk in a brokerage house, always lil'.ing his spare time with study. v,i unsuccessful attempts :u pa-- .'.\aniinations to en- ter the fo 1 .' . -iried on as a patrohiai: last .V.iaust and re- mained ou t!m force until October 15 w!i*n he once again journeyed to Washington to take another consular test. Success In the examination, fol- low-in! by a brilliant few months of work in headquarters of the foreign service resulted :n iiis assignment to Ottawa. Find Fishing Banks Are Not Disturbed , Ca.SC . OpdlS In 'Ill), ill u ttl < j^ f \ I CM * - I1C. I tory in which deposits of china clay once his treacherous senses told lii-.n Uutcome or Attempted bmp- M,, i.u structure of Franc* Is essen-j The Peasantjopulation of Beating of Human Government Reports Do Not Andre Sicsf i t -d in the A Monthly (Boston): Even after a cen , _, . . . _ . . 'iry of intense industrial life, the Lhest Incision Keveals .vlany Heart is Exposed Bear Out Shift in Ocean Bed and gypsum are known to exist and ilie was turning in th opposite direc- wuore a large portion is covered byi tiou. so he pushed hard on the rud- the pre-cambrian shield, the source I der, and in the wronj, direction. The ment of Ammunition to China tially built up of peasants, artisan. and bourgeois. In spite of the dl \Vrongs in Diagnosing Ailments Ottawa.- Officials ,,f the Mar;:: jiartmt'iit ii'T" :i:-> nu' iindiily alarm- i'd ovi-r reports ;;I'-r:iii t'arough tin of Canada's mineral wealth. Opens New Industries The extended railway will facilitate the advance of prospectors and min- ers into the north atu' in time will II..IA.' for the utilization of pulpwood forests and water power there. The railway is expected to justify its ex- tension by the exploitation of the territory through which it will pass. ship skidded, stalled and spun. On to tbe ritios. which seem* to be part! Ar.n Arbor, Mich.-Four University! Kiel, Germany. Whether the (Jer- ; of the normal development of our ,,f Michigan surgeon r.-c elr ' ! " l " :l !... . a pilot tested under identical determined at a sensational trial which I farmer ;II! '' II "' Ttere is little thought at present '< that maneuver. conditions went through precisely I opened here last week. stock raihi'i and the th^ electric c The trial is the result of a sweep- Fren ! '" 1;l " ia - v '" l "" Dl - <; the various Cl .'' s ' ' " ' ' the ^ earts " ! ""' :l -- wHos,. dut, was to repair .onsulered as the_ tjon . They discovers,! importam in-'. ,.,, ,,,.,: ; , ; , :i , uioll Hl ,es south ,: i lie viiui i CMiit u: a awcvp- > - 1 nwu. * ucy UJOWVCLCU uiipu - lured ro'r inication ints till of cievebpment of Moose Factory,! Out of these experiments one lm- :in g investigation which :a>te.i nearly . v "'' v '>'!> of ""-' V^^nt: a u mall occur aciea in the current met had o) Of.iario'o or.'y salt water port. Many portant fact has come to light. Once two vears . The l .. 1SL . i 1il!5 attr uctuU ::: amiowner and -solitary worker, who ; diajmosing heart nilmo:rs, ihej millions must le spent in harbor Im- " provements before Ontario commerce ran go to Europe via the northern ro:i!.' The government Is confident. however, that a new fishing industry will spring up in James Hay and Hud- s"ii I'.ay when Ilie road is completed. i no fluctuations m tho H,,-,.V<.I-. t v? fiovrnmi-nt My-! - France to Build Net of Gun Pits Along Frontier Defense Line of Subterranean Forts Will Stretch From Belgian to Swiss Border Jletz. Franco. A continuous bar- rage of tiro from tfce Swiss to the Belgian frontier, protecting Alsace- Lorraine against surprise invasion, Is the nay the new French fortifications -i\.-;v described by Deputy Desire Fer- ry, m Miiber of the Parliamentary Army Commission, in a speech here. Machine guns in concealed pits every 130 yards are said to be the backbone of France's new line of de- fenw. "It Is no longer a question of sink- 1 a pile! has been shown that he must ternatkaal att.-r.tion. representative* I " ves '' cultivating his own p>r of iv-tain trust instruments and not his own ! of the press ami public Wl>rc eXL . !luU ,,j , bud. Out r 8.591, ) farmer, in si.v of cur.-ent which ha.i eripVe ' - senses, he can learn to fly blind-in- from , he , m ^ to sa f. 2uan i I Kran- 100 are -heir own mav ix , en MiovcH , (]ue to digease c _, - w definitely. Lieutenant Dooliltle re- in t eres ts of state" on the motion of ^^ * is :1 f *~ l oi 8 P r e"^ '">' ] riir'n'. si.:i' of the heart were cemly !<,,,k off in a plane with a hood- Ule l)ros ecutor. ' I""'-"'" m our st-My of the French be a \,\\< ed cockpit, flew a 16 mile course, re- 1 T ho I 1 -' 1 ' 1 ' " vl ' ~ x - for '''> Peasant herl- The accnaed, !..> aie alleged to, . d.-jiths within the nationa. j irue.1 to the field, and made a P'r- have engineered th giant Liternation- feet thrpe-poiut laaJlnc without sep- al smuggle which was halted just n.-> . !< Blw ff, Cl " af ha ' : "" lwarr th 1 l;: ' : ' - H:K a : b ing but his instrument board. ' th e ammunition was about to bo loaded '."'^ a -' Games i T.,,. nnal step will probably be tak- on a Norwe .j,- an f ,. :lnu , r i u , lv ,.,. ., ''" ; ' "> lo f -" ; ""' reacl lu p.-.a-,] D.i irhefl the jiMtomatic pilot is formol . l ; erman armv oflict , a ,,..,, I- , a don): I Slli'll L*tl'J ' * ' - adopted. Such devic-s have been successfully tested. The automatic pilot keeps the plane level without, at- tention fi-i'in the human pilot. This !hs die- on .intry Games in a Better World Darwin in t'::e >;>. tator suppose ild all a;ipa:-i- . officer and live Berlin merchants. The entire *hipmvi.t was seized by ! customs officers after they had ex .. V V. in li!<> New The Sneak Guest n " 1 1 . incd cases which hail declared I don ): Sevi-rai corr"s;-o!i.i,T.;s ipletely frees the pilot from the coimiii ; inK arlitflo , ct - brag8 . The been <vrl Times during " ' three shifting iustruinenfs. The Sat- world be :iiucii. M-!' arc now, thoiuh 1 ':-i;st- ni--. ; to the pr '! of -si MHII to win." except understanding I a We s'.i.ould ; urday Post. shipments came here in lii freight few days on the subject of the : cars. Investiffation showed that tho '. -sn.'.ik K-K-*' ." This is apparmtly. ajievertlii . . ...ut. entire cargo had been purchased by : n-wly invented term descnbinir a per- an Italian aRent. It was also ' i,i : son who visits any house as an ac- that the carjfo was tc be shipped to I <|uainlaiic' and aferwanis sells uuy Oslo, Norway, and thence to China. r-' private conversation he The ammunition came from a scrap-' has hoard as g<<ssip ta a s;iy that it wa.s . i;ir pa fault, :ior call sods and :!:<:! ' nos on:- i'.l ,nck. I air. :!!:::!. -<\ faint- ly ti> hc'im that we should n"t talk Britain's Wheat Supply I!: :,' -tlvn. Sir Henry I'ace Croft In the Kiupire Review (London): (Thoiiu-h liarvt-stini; the finest wheat j ^^^ merchants , u s l:oplit/. near ! consi.i.'i-al.le scale it Is a very grave '-Mi about them more inip.-i-sonai'.y. Mountaias .'" ciopfor many years in 19JO, the HrI-,_ __ ..... ... .,,... ,,._ , quite so much -is we <lo . j ping plant maintained by one ,-f the' Ir. is . Icar if this is done on any | !">w. or 'har. at any rate, we -iiouhl tish farmer found himself deprived of all profit by the dumping of bounty- fed wheat from Germany. > The BrI- 1 tish farmer does not need a I'iRh arti- ficial price; what lu> neol? is a table| price wl-.lcli gives him art economic, return. The hard wlioat such as Torgau. j threat to so, iai life. If there is i s] * I at every dinner tubie, iheru wi "Women ilou't mar- 4 uluseg." -a> s be ;in end of conversaliiin. anil tile a psychologist. No, it tak^s .1 . to escap<>. sil-ir KnsHshmasi will be- 1 am sure that, w')en we ' ' Tommy . < rna:r v a them. e sin-uld not cal' i ball a uuly :;. - ' i I'liietr.": - - 'ild we call people iioutil.s >- ever. ing bill'ons of francs in obsolete forti-; come? from the Dominions will al- ti'ations which cannot resist more ways !>_ required In l?ritn:n but wheat than a few hours the tire ot modern ' which comes from Germany and oth- A prehistoric skeleton ins lion: found with Its legs almost round its j neck. Evidently even in the old days there were now dance steps. T i> guns." Df-i'iity Ferry said. Adapted to Modern Warfare er European countries, or from t"e . Arson; I re. directly displaces British I.ui liily :i woman doesn't h.i-. ait as many months for u louse dress to be delivered as she has to wai for a head of bobbed hair to crow our. Are War Books True? IVar la an '^>n at least as * i E -ipij.-s, -i . voai'ol.r^iii'khriikvr.^ an'.|' . never say of ;.,,iv . md "petit. , ; , a pitfalliato and more silent ihau ! we d.> not. know by their Christian nor describe tiiem as ".'10 > :i v "bandeau.- Owing to what is believed to bo the prown wheat, and. if our contention is legitimate anxiety of eastern France right that we cnn it row what we re- at the moment wl-en the troops of quire in the British Empire, ills clear occupa'ion in the Hhineland were re- that a reasonable duty on foreign tiriiisj behind the frontier of 1915 the ceres'* need not raise the price of army committee of the Chamber of bread to t!te British consumer, but Deputies had asked M. Kerry to make 1 would make it possible to continue to an investigation. ! produce wheat In Britain. "T.^e line of defense will protect, ; ,,,e J55US SS5K! * Government'. Blunder tensive mobilization to proceed un- London Daily Express (Iml.): Mr. lui m pored," Ferry told the commis- MaeDonaid has blundered badly in let- 8 i 011 . ting the "bigger and better dole" bill i i new f,)i-tiiications are perfect- see the light of day. He never should ly adapted to modern warfare and will have countenanced it. Its very exist- bear not the slkhtest resemblance to once is a negation of everything which the pro-19H forts. Everything to pro- , the Socialists promised the nation, tect top defensive troops from shell ; They were to create work and, in- flre and gas Is being employe;!, and stead, they are going to pive alms to boys. recent experiments have given the most convincing results. Build Subterranean Trenches "I have acquired the certainty that In five years, when the line Is com- pleted, our frontier will be defended iy a barrage of fire capable of break- ins up all attacks." \ o'.igb the deepest secrecy Is ii lined. U Is learned from reliable military quarters that subterranean tr-iiit-hes, fortified with armored ceni- er.' :'tid camouflaged against airplane B-V ; f 'n','. form the basic principle of I >7 [ see that a man fell down stairs the work. Parliament lias appro- i a8 t we ei and cured himself of rheu- priatsd for it J200.000.000. distributed m atism by breaking both of his legs." over a period of flvo years. -The fellow with a sore throat * -would be taking an awful chance." That critic of Mussolini who gets a j * sentence of thirty years may console "Aviation from the Ground Up" Is himself with the thought that It won't the title ot a new book. It sounds br a .'IP that long. . reasonable. Florence (Ala.) Herald. Tin y is to make Sunday a day According to a doctor , singing of rest. Now It's up to New York warms the blood. We have heard to select a day. New York Evening some that has made ours positively j'ont. I boil, The Humorist (London). ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES By O. Jacobsson I GOT TO GELT HER OUT Of THE HOUSE: which : -lies .ui'i la.- Graves \il V..U- U roul. a::-i n ige it, aeconliiu to . ]>:!>- Courage, - .-. en- . i-. Krom II ' s ' are deridi , - . - . If WO . \\ c ;i!V ' .i-.'ii how Hes r-. : i lifted, and wl.y (!:> lighting . - is huu but. as ravin . Mr. Hoover and Mr. Thomas N.i! ion :i:nl v i ' (Mr. Hoover has been Iroldii' . ffrences at the White House \v object of ensuring that every able form of constructional work shall be pressed forward as rapidly as possible.! It is too soon, ot course, to s.iy- what degree of success will a'- tond Mr. Hoover's efforts. But at ay rate, these efforts are taken very seriously, not only In America, put In the comments which appear in the British Press. We all find It quite easy to believe that Mr. Hoover's appeals aud exhortations. American economic situation; mul yet. In our own case we have almost abandoned the hope that Mr. Thomas, who has an essentially similar task, and is not confined to appeals and ex- hortations, will make any difference worth considering. There hasn't been a bombing; in Chicago for several days now, and we can't help but wonder whether tha ! fruit-fly has finally attacked the pine- I apple crop.

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