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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1930, p. 3

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t i / Do you take pleasure in Housework unit of one policy, Is it not evident that in the bounds of tha Empire we have the m^n, we have Lie resources, we have the spaces that are neces- sary to supply the needs of all, and ' "We Must Never Forget!" By Lady Haig fha it is in our power to form an as- j As time grows anil ('.IP war recedeii, was, but never losing his quiet con- sociation pledsecl to pence anil pro- so memories become dimmer. Things I fldenre and rbeeriness. So my boy has grown up with the j war and its echoes about him. and as I lie lias got older he has seen the signs gress such as has never boen seen wo once thought were unforgettable since civilization began? I are now being forgotten by some. "We must not think it is an easy Kmotions and motives that thrilled task that lies before us. There are seem to have lost their power with ! of suffering about him the maimed, ! many difficulties to be met. Perhaps others. crippled and T NOW go about my daily work with pleaturc," ny Mrs. Scotc of fWlpK In pile of tiring domettic tatlu nd family cxrcf, that it the way every woman thould ftcL But how many do? Thouiandi of women all over the world have regained (trength and nervoui energy by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli, and write to tell ui so. Mn. Scott it on* of these. "I wa* rery much run-down, nervout, tired. I took Dr. Williami' Pink Pill, and am i well ai ever again. Now I go about my work with plea<- ure; in fact, feel 10 ytan younger." Buy a box of Dr. Williami' Pink Pillf at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, poet- paid, by mail at 30 centa a box from The Dr. William* Medicine Co., Brockville. Ontario. I If I shall not live to see the fulfilment, but yon younger ones may well be al lowed to take your part in putting tin I ctyinK stone on to the edilice thm we ' ,ira KoiiiR to try to erect to-d'> Once the whole nation felt iml be-- Mothers, Tell Your Children iii-vcil ni a si',--le unit. Now there are j i wanted him to understand, as 1 those who win 1 : to doubt, discret" ,. , i )e |i e -.-e all Brents r-houM m.vl'.e their be!.':':?. Already some people are j ,-hildrea undei (;;..,;. it is vital that taik;;i,? hnd acting as though tile cele- i those who are growing up should "Ion may see a II.MV and great c.- option of A: nlstice Day wera almost 1 know and have pride in what their t -! -.;. something to IK- fathers did. ' Let fathers answer readily and fully Hi'iiain, more P.T.V -rful. more prosper , ous, more powerful for good tlian ii j i any part of i's l:>ng ai'd eventful his j I torv." New Year's Prayer \\v\v Years.: f.'ircl, lift our eyes up to the hills,- The everlasting hills nf liglit, Let us forget old bitterness. T!>is to me is a sad and terrible . when their children ask them what thing. It would be a bail thing for j they did iu the war, and let mothers Kim-land, for peace, for the world if ; |H U their children, too. In the war the women of Britain realized their duty and did it. They we forget to celebrate Armistice. To those millions of ns who have suffered through the war its signifl- iil ' 1-lfi( ' l> 'l themselves to help the men win.) \vere inakinir trrparpi* ^n-viHr-ft Through blinclin sight. Where we have failed bolt out deed, canoe and achievement have become wll WPre raak ' n s clearer during these eleven years. We * r lneln - are feeling a deeper .--'euse of under- greater But. the duty of the women is not tears glvo 113 new j stalulinK ot whnt it meal)t \ Ve are yet completely done. Happily their sensible of a deeper pride in what our rll | lll ' en al ' e Browing up without the NO BETTER MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Ba'oy's Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby or growing child one that the mother oau feel assured is absolutely safe as well as eflh-ieni is found in Ruby's Own Tab- le'.s. Tin T.-" lets are praised by thousands ot n. others throughout the country. These mothers have found by actual experience that there is 110 other medicine for little ones to equal them. Once a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hint, Tancock Island, X.S., writes: "I have ten children, the baby being just six months old. I have used Baby's Own Tablets for them for the past <!fl years and can truthfully say that I know of no better medicine for little ones. I always keep a box of the Tablets in the house and would ad- vise all other other mothers to do so." Baby's Own Tablets are sold liy all medicine dealers or will be mailed tne I British manhood did and endured. ' evldeill ' e r '"" immediately around re ,. P j I)t of pri ,,,,, 5 CP|US pe , Distance for us does not bring dls- m ~ the :llr '' al<1 l)c)ml)!! . the train- box, by The Dr. William/' M-iiirim: .-^''-.T r.'.'- :l ,!i",r S ' * ai "V' u J^?* 7 W<*ntmlt but finer Ki-atitude an,! } }* n .'^ w ;'' 1 ';;'. the necessities^ 1 Co., Brockville, Out. I greater hope for what our rare stand* j for and the souse of honor it possess- i es. Classified Adve. iseiients SITUATIONS VACANT Kor^ive; guide us anew to heights Of truth, and faith and purity, New Years : Once more tli> clnaii white pai;e to 1 write t'pon; O God of all. look down. on hard foimlit ways , i oolize A Voice to the Living The million British dead call us lo r.-iii.inbraiice and. I believe, to sym- our remembrance in the cere- PER Hi PINK PILLS "A MOUJIHOLO NM IN 94 COUNTHIKB " mouy of ArmUtic Day Kvery cross* rationing but it is j?ood for the fu ture of this country ami of the world that the new generation should be taut-lit to understand the war. Mi-n are sometimes shy about tell- ing of their part in the war. Where this is so, the mothers must do it. Let the woman teach the children to re- West to Try Community M.D.s Believe Salaried Doctor Would Of city mart and country town. Let greed be less the goal of many, I ) ".-> =", orj """.vere the war,lead and to Bee that the Lett brotherhood shine clear above, : !' !1 ' ? " attle *""' ' " llnk - '" a vo "' e | celebration of ArmiBtlce Da, never 0, B rant that men may <^k the 9 Hv ln ' I dle "' the asking in Thv !OVP. i " aii m - v "'"^nd been alive his OKOItGK KiiiSTox | Message to the nation at thla time of memory of the war's achievements Armistice would have heen. "Forget j and sairin>,..s and u ruing tlie fulfil- not your duty of remembrance to the meut ot the duties of peace for the K--P, B.C, . w,, m :::;; i' t,r;;;L :,;is i :sr rr, v ta "- i ^ -==*** -&~. Indians Expect Severe Winter Be an Advantage Under Certain Conditions . "Municipal Physicians." is the latest movement towards ion of the medical prefes- burden- r (.rt! AIKN \v.\.\THi) JL oay easy wark. ICurn while 'earn- ing barber trail* under famoua Aloler ..niarfcnn plan, world'* 0:0*1 . liable )iirlu>r sehool systnni \Vrlt call Immcrtlfltely for free cnlalogua. Moler I :-i i-ij,r' i;.,l!.'K<>. 12) Qu..'1-n VS'est. ". .:onto An Alliance Against Labor London Observer (Ind.): There in a thicker veil across the political future than ever before in our mo- dern history. No man iu any party knows vv'.iat will come out of the pn s. ;i: mi paralleled situation. While ii is cert ain that party relations can- no! ;ro oil indefinitely as they ari. no one can venture to predict the time, occasion, and method of re-alignment. Wn remain of the unchanged opinion that nnihins but a National Progress- ive I'ariy, including tho chief Liberal leaders, on equal terms of alliance and pr.-ividing for a much larger Lib- eral ri'|pi-.".e!!t.i;ion in the House of Commons, can furnish a strong and .stable alternative to Labor Coveru- i)Hiit. otherwise. Labor with Libeal adhesions SIM-MIS likely to remain pre- dominant for many yurs. FRIENDSHIP He iii.ii doth a base thing in zeal for his friend, burns the golden tln-i-ad liiat ties their in'.-irts together. --.Ifromc Taylor. Friendship improves happiness, and aliat'-s misery, by the doubling of our joy, and the dividing of our grief. Cicero. Krii-ndsbip is too pure a pleasure for a mind cankered wiUi ambition. lulling. Tnii' success is always origin. i your own self, not someone else'*. v ,. inv ru ] ^ Ito Indian Reserves in this locality Ifroin local chiefs that winter will be jlonjf and severe. As a result the In- p di:ms have formed organized bands land are cuUmR fuel night and day. Pioneers state they have never seen death Show their apirit and remem- rtOI ber that debt to them, for all time." lie war itself. t| 1( , employment of a community My husband us.-d to ay that it was tor who would be on the ,not the soldier who made wars but like the municipal clerk. lou are their debtors that others made them for him. That is a sreat truth. the active in spcui-ino- f,,o the n,t veVbu , brush ami help As you know, my husband, who took things to heart very deeply, worked '" '" It is further stated ilia! many pcr- ~..ns are so poor that iiocU>rs cannot New View Needed Says Chamberlain ; i small branches to provide light so ;that they may continue working. In : Ontario we know the winter is early and severe. If it is long aa well. it. will prove a record breaker and a *now back bu=ter. M.-n who earned medals in tile war collect a living wage, vith the result should wear them on Armistice Day. that they move away and the com- medal of those who fell should munitv is without medical protection. We Pay the Highest Prices fo- DRESSED POULTRY Write for quotations The Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd. St. Lawrence Market, Toronto 2 o*,. who came back ai well as ; be worn by those dearest to tlu-m The Manitoba Medical ----- ......... -.... ..: the spirit of gratitude There is no more beautiful sight than takes the stand that a salaried dot- and remembrance I feel that I must that of a mother, wife, sister, daugh- tor miifht be u, the best advantage of carry on his work and iha. my son/ ter. or sweetheart wearing the medals the prolusion and the community ** l>0y f " 1 " vi '"' must ''" ()f " le lle!l<l - Thes P ATENTS 1. 1st of "Wai'.ioil Ir.veiutpns" anu Fiill Information Sent !'re .1:1 lies':- THE iAMSAY CO.. Dent. W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa On.. s ems almost beyond belief h*> L'(-ts clown at all. Task Ahead is Not Easy But A Greater Empire Will ^here's one thtaB thaT's peculiar. Emerge It always puzzles me; London.- -Mr. Neville ni:.n>, ' I've thought it over many month-., .speaking at a meeting of the London Aud stil I cannot see. and Home Counties' Federation of the Junior Imperial League in London, 1 ( " l Santa ririus is big ami fat. .-aid that the tragedy from the point Our chimney's very small. of view of the Socialists was that by ' !i ;.!"d?es they had made in the past they had cut themselves off from the one and only hope for Briti-h Indus- i ry. That was the policy of the Slat.' as i guardians ot British labor against un- r.-iir foreign competition and from 'lie extension of British markets in the ! only parts of the world iu which they ! j'Oiild be extended that was the Bri. j :i.sli Kmpire. ' Tli"y have nit themselves off from that policy, which was accepted on belialf of the Conservative party by Mr. Baldwin at the Albert Hall," he continued. "We have got to take a new view ( of our Empire. The countries of the j Kmpire, whether Dominions. Depend-! th- same. That would be tin? mrss j of lionor. proof ihat iheii age my husband would ive to me ami the fairh. are tokens a wli..U- under certain conditions. to my boy at this tini.-. | Just buforn that ferribM crisis of tude fo the livim;? UVil, many the war on -March Jl, I'.IIS. when a J (hem are workless ami In want. nion k>>pt The municipalities claim that they iilo not wish to prevent private doctor- Mow can we ht-si show our urati- practicing where they can make a liv- want to improve the Frost Bites dark cloud w;j$ lioverius over us (the ! my post-bag are constantly great German offensive, my husband from ex Service men. c-ame home, for my Hiild was born on ' of lliem asked me for money. ., March 15. He went back to France to 'always for work that they ask. If is fac. the great testing time that was ' sometimes heart-brfiaking. Are you due. knowing how grave the position -loing all that you can.' if In letters Never has one It is Western Province Demands Action on Oriental Question The Asiatic or Children of the Orient Constitutes a Serious Problem for British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. In (en years, thejvinces ,>f Canada do n-l reaii/e tin- Oriental question in Canada will have significance of what i happening in- become International ami an Kmiiirc 'side Canada. issue - Premiers and members of parlia- ment have been told of th menacing increase of Oriental population on Canada's Pacific Coast. g, but they public health and to assure thrmsi^ves that their people will at all times have the attention the;- need at moderate and measured cost. This will be watch- ed with interest by outlying Ontario towns. Minard's Lin ment for Coughs. MAKE FRIENDS Be frit-lids with everybody. \V',i.-n you have friends you will know I here is somebody who will stand by yon. Yon know the old saying, that if you have a sluglo em- my you will Hud him I'vi-rywhere. It doesn't pay to make enemies. Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to every one about you. and you will be surprised This is the opinion of members of I the White Canada Association, whose members desire to avoid issues that (nearly caused conflict between the l"r- But the answer is that the issue jited States and the Orient when the [involves an Imperial questi-n "I saw Hanks, the contractor, at situation in California wa. realized. I As one delegate remarked- church." Representatives of the association euclen, or Colonies, all speak our Ian- Knag?, they all acknowledge allegi- ance to our King. But up to now j the celestial city were paved with j bia Cabinet facts which the ministers they have never begun to think of the ; .gold urn! he wanted to bid on the e.v ! admitted were significant and demand- "Yes. He heard that the streets ot have presented to the British Colum- Kmpire as one single confederation tensions." One thiiiK we like about French In which the interests ot ach are the interests of all. "Kvery part of the Kmpire has its ' politics is that it gives everybody a own problem and Its own difficulty, I chance to get into a Cabinet. If we could all put our heads together, I -> f we could al come together in pur- ' Minard's Liniment for Distemper. "Let the Eastern people know that their children must sit between two Oriental children in a mixed school and let them realise that the Japanese eirls in European costumes with west- ern lures are quite attractive and soe how long the Canadian parents want thirir boys to remain in a 'mixed SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO TORONTO LOW INSURANCE AND STORAGE RATES FIREPROOF ELEVATOR Write or Phone For Particulars TORONTO ELEVATORS, LIMITED Queens Quay Toronto, Ontario Phone ELgin 7161 od notice from further than (he east- ern shores of Canada. Four out of every ten school chil- dren in the municipality of Richmond. near Vancouver, on the Frax-r river. are Japanese. In Maple Ridge municipality the per- centage is one white child to fmir Jap- ani-st. jcial question but an Empire issue. was pointed out that Japanese But while Eastern Canada cries out have families of fifteen to twenty-two aloud for a Canadian Canada why school'." The delegates were very earnest while interviewing the Cabinet, hut they admitted that it is not a provin- that the white population now limits productivity lo three or four does not the Government start a Royi! Commission? the delegates ask. The White Canada Association rc- and the Cabinet, quests that, the Orientals in Canada children. Premier Tolmio promised that the Cabinet would give! be deported, the problem grave consideration. The land they car. prove they own The delegates remarked that the i could be bought by the Dominion at I Same promise ws given by his prede- cessor, the late Premier Juhn Oliver. And the delegation departed with jfull realization that the eastern pro- comparatively low cost now. no whit? people will be aggrieved, and if action is delayed ten years the problem will have multiplied, they assert. Minard's will brnu back cir- -lia'.ion, ami ease lmr:iini; pain. '^^1 fur Trndtr Skins C ill if ui*a * having stick Frorly Lathering Mcdicinul A Kmolliciit what .1 happy life Charles M. Schwab. vou will live - Another diffi-renco between the stock market and poker ia that In poker you can see -our cards L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Harber He Knows j ASTHMA FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Or. II. 'Iiiiitl's ilrr.-n -M'Hinuiln .Sslhina ' '-Mn|M|.|i]il "Plir on M>'lU"St. 'Iriuill- i-.'->l tti isfili by Mr. i;>nM. up '-iallst , respiratory <'y. Its |i!. ; ;isant "HMl;<i . nt'i'i- inl<:lilv sonihes nnJ rp- ovea isihina also caturrli. Standurd r.'iiHvly .it ilrugKlsts '.',:, cf^its. r,n i- , MM. I *]..'.ll. llulVli.T nf ..iHMt'Ptte I. -nil. S.Mi.1 :: FREE TRIAL |l,-lr- :O(.- ,.f '', '-iKiirptif* Canadian Ilitri- tanror. I,v<M,i;iti. Ltd.. Dept. CC2. 288 St Panl St West. Mon-rcai. Can.-.'ln. Ft,, t ' u 'ml i I V CREEN MOUNTAIN 1/r.VJltlllil N ASTHMA COMPOUND FEEL WELL AND STRONG^ I 1 PUBLIC NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR Attention having been directed to the scarcity of work in this City at the present time, employers of labor are ask- ed to try and help to relieve the situation by engaging only bona fide residents of Toronto on any available work. NON-RESIDENTS Notice is hereby given that no assistance or relief will be given to non-residents of the City on account of their being out of employment. SAMUEL McBRIDE. Mayor's Office, Mayor. Toronto, December 12th, 1P29. y ' New Machines for Old Acres London Times dud. ). Every one who! Is interested in the fortunes of iiri-j tisli farniiiiK will join In hoping that' the industry may derive some hene-! fit from thu tour of the delegation; which the Minis 1 ry of A^riciilluni pro-; posi? to send to Canada and the United j States next year. Tnc object, of thi-ir iciest is (In- discovery >;' now methods i and machinery the use of v.liich can' profitably be adopted in tiii s coun- '<- on I Tor; He fry. in agriculture as In other cupalions tta man or the Ihat wishes to succeed must or go under. It is not r Hie farmer to live laborious days, i-annot. afford to plod on for ever in tlie same o!d rut. 7Te must, con- ; stantly be ready to 1<'-t and possibly to assimilate the latest Mcas and de-; vices designed fur tlii' bc-lter pvospcn lion of his craft and the liglileiiin?! ot his labors. i A man with no aim in life is jusl much hamlUapped as a dog with ._ no tall to wag. COURAGE Why ciinn^ ii'inptjition bu' for man to meet And master, and make crouch b<>r.:';r,ii his feet, And so IIP pedestaled in triumph? - Rrowning. To speal, nf "iiropii.uaiidii bix" The crilies do not cease. They say th> proper nan.u-M- is The one who leads tlio geese. V.riiish to Study rossibillly of AbolishiiiR Death I'enalty. Head- , line. All that's needed is ru adopt the : \nt.-]'i":iil jury system. Ill the new lexicon o dednitioiis in Wall Street an invest men 1 stock . intent be termed one that does not -,i more than 50 points in one .;?>. , \Vhaiever resolutions you nmke for Ihe New Year, remeinber that yon are ' .1 friend of anim.ils. MRS. J. MAUN R.R. No. 5. Barton Si. Last. Haniilloo, Onl. "I have to work in the store and do my own housework too and I got nervous and run- down and was in bed nearly all summer. The lease noise would make me nervous. 1 was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and I have taken' seven bottles. It has made me stronger and put more color into my face. 1 get along nicely now with my work and with my four chil- dren. I would like to answer letters." Mrs. J. Malin. MRS. FRANK UL'KES R No. 1. Uox 5C, I anUin. N. Pakuta "I had two bahics which ! lost at seven months. Before my rhird baby was born my husband advised me to take Lyour medicine and he bought me three bottles of it. When i , had ruken the iirst one I began : to feel better so I kept on dur- ing rhe whole period. We have a healthy babv bov and \ve ire so proud of him and praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable i Cmi pound for the help it gave me. I feel well and .stroii"."- \'lrs. Frank Lit/ax Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lydia E. Pi'nkham Medicine.^Co.,, Lyrtn, Ma^p. U. S. A. ISSUE No. 5229

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