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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1930, p. 1

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r Vol. 49 No. 29 Flesherton Ontario, January 1, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor j PRiCEVILLE A Happy New Year to all. iMr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson, Misses Sadie McKinnon, Nellie Mac- Lean, Marjorie MacLean, Dorothy, Eva and Mary -Carson, Esther Mc- Innis, Doris McLean, Alroy McLean, all of Toronto, spent the Christmas vacation at their respective homes. IMr. Johon L. McKinnon of Sask- atoon, is spending the Christmas holidays at his brother Archie's and other friends. Miss Bertie Aldcorn (R. N.) of Moosejaw is visiting at her father's here. Misses Gladys, Katie and Annie McKinnon of Toronto are visiting their parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Kinnon. 'Mrs. Wm. Hincks spent the past week visiting her mother at Mark- dale. Miss Jean McLean of Toronto is home for a visit. Mr. ad Mrs. Dan Stewart, Mr. Alex and Miss Mae, spent Christmas at Mr. Archie Stewart's, Ceylon. Mrs. Allie McLean is spending a few days visiting her mother in Flesherton. The O. D. R. school concert has been postponed until Jan. 6th. Mr. and' Mrs. Colin McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean, spent Christinas at Mr. Malcolm Mc- Innis'. 'Miss Lily Campbell of Toronto, spent a few days at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and John L. McKinnon of Toronto, are spend- ing a couple of weeks visiting friends around this burg. Missea Mabel Wktters and Hilda McEachnie, of Orangeville are spend- ing the holidays at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Gor- don spent Christmas at the latter's mother's at Flesherton. Messrs Gordon and Jim McDonald are hauling logs to Feversham for Mr. Tom Harrison. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Farqa- har Ferguson, a son. Mr. Harry Houston and Miss Mar- ion iMuir of Peterboro are spending the Christmas holidays at Mr Peter Muir's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Betty of Toronto arc visiting at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McArthur's. ROCK MILLS VANDELEUR I EUGENIA Happy new year to all! Miss Nellie Sewell is assisting in household duties for a couple of weeks 'at the home of Mi-. Fred Duckett of ! Eugenia. Mr. Jack Foster of Owen Sound, and Miss Jean Foster, Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ffeher and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons, Port Law. Master Dave Airiss of Corbetton 1 is holidaying with his friend here, I Master Stuart Foster. Miss Elsie Sewell of Toronto is a j holiday visitor with her father and sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and fam- ily of K' mberley spell- 'Christmas lay with Mrs. H. Wilson, Flesherton. The school meeting on Thursday vnry poorly attended, only a few :-atepayers being present. Mr. Alex English was appointed trustee again for another term. Mr. John Har- grave is Secretary-Treasurer am? Laurie Russell is caretaker. Mr. McDonald of Flesherton and Mr. Margrave are doing much repairing in the srhool during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts, Edith and Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. New- ell and Mrs. W. J. Newell and daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts and family, were among those who spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington of Maxwell. Several other guests were present from Flesherton and Memphis, Tenn., numbering over thirty in all. A most enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. Jas. Stafford and son, Charlie, spent Christmas day with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Maxwell. Mr. Fred Field of Memphis, Tenn., I called on relatives here last week. IN MEMORIAM HINCKS In loving memory of our little daughter Ilene Marie who was laid to rest two years ago, Jan 5 1928. There's a home that is filled with Two hearts are lonely and sad. When God took home two years ago The only child they had. God only knows how we miss her And the pain she silently bore. At times our hearts come near breaking As we long for her back once more. Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Walter Acheson and Maud arc spending Christmas holidays in Toronto n Robert Ludiow of Detroit spen* Christmas at home, here. 'Marguerite Stinson of Toronto was home for the holiday. John Robinson of Hamilton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mrs. Robinson is visiting at Mark- dale. Inistioge Sunday school entertain- ment has been postponed as the very inclement weather before Christmas interf erred with the practises. The school meeting was held on Friday in place of Wednesday. Mr. George Ludlow was re-elected trustee for another term. Mrs. Edgar Gregg and daughter, Ruth, of Greenbank, who is staying 'ior the winter at the home of her uncle, Mr. Jas. Best, spent Christmas in Owen Sound with her mother, who is ill. Mrs. Will Burrell of Rocklyn and Miss Ethel Thompson of Ripley spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Genoe and family. We are sorry to report Mr. Lundy Jchnston very ill at present. His | many friends hope for a speedy re- [ covery. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Bowes of Rich- mond Hill are visiting with the Johnston and Buchanan families. There was a disastrous fire in this community on Friday evening of last j week when two fine barns belonging to Mr. Jas. Cargoe were burned to the ground. Mr. Cargoe was busy nt the chores when a horse knocked a lantern onto a pile of straw and the fire gained headway fast. Mr. Cargoe .nici'ceded in rescuing all the stock and neighbors arrived and helped to save the machinery ami some grain. The loss is partly cov- ered by insurance. Mr. Cargoe has the sympathy of the community In his loss. The Christmas tree entertainment in the church on Thursday evening, DecemLer 19tih, was served in the basement, after which a splendid program of recitations, dialogues, etc. mostly by the young people-, was ren- dered in the auditorium of the church. Following this Santa ap- ] peared and delighted the youngsters by unloading the tree. Rev. St. John, the pastor, acted as chairman. At the school meeting on Thursday evening Mr. Chas. Boland was elect- ed trustee. Lloyd Boiand secured tht contract for earetaking. The wood contract was not let. Discuss Community at Feversham A general meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Sat- urday evening January 4th 1930 ai. 8 p. m. for the purpose of organizing a community club with the intention of building a community hall. Every one is urged to attend. Ladies espec- ially welcome. A happy and successful new year, I'.lHO, to the editor, staff and readers of The Advance is the wish of your cor espondent. Mrs. Thos. McKee haa returned home after a pleasant week's visit with, her (laughters and other relat- ive", in Toronto. Mrs. Walker Sloan is holidaying with relatives in Toronto and Water- town, N.Y. Mr. Jacob Williams visited over Christmas in Toronto. Mr. Norman Williams has been transferred from his position at Pheasant Island to a similar position at Vittor^a, where Mr. W-.- ChiiUm, a former assistant here, is stationed. We wish Noi-man success. Mrs. Len Latimer, Mr. Ernie Mor- gan, and little lolean Russell are all on the sick list. Mr. C. Graham and Mrs. 1C. Martin are suffering with a sore throat. We hope all will be belter ere long. Mr. Ru.'sell Cameron of Toronto University is holidaying :it his paren- tal home. 8bh line. The Sunday school, concert held on Monday evening of last week, was quite successful. The program was 'engthy and consisted of some fine dialogues, c-horuscs, recitations, drills, et... "Santa's Clini-j" tooli up a great deal of time. We give our teacher, Miss Acheson, credit in training the children so well for part ..f the program. Santa Claus, as Jolly as vver, arrived at the close of the program and distributed pres- ents from the well-laden Christmas tree, to old and young alike. CEYLON j arch by her father who gave her a _ | way. The bride was attended by Messrs J. J. Patterson and H. Pat-' Miss Mabel Dobson as bridesmaid, terson attended the funeral of Mrs. j Cocked in a gown of blue satin-faced Covcrdale Patterson, which took .crepe. She wore a becoming hat place in Du.idalk on Monday. ! of blue velvet and blue kid shoes Mr. Jas. Dunlop of Wiarton spent : and carried a bouquet of Columbia Christmas holidays with his aunt,! roses. Mr. Orville Marnn of De- Mrs. J. Kennedy. \troit, Mich., brother of the bride, Muter Lloyd and Harvey Archi- j supported the groom. Mr. J. H. bald spent Christmas week with their Leonard gave an impressive vocal .rendition of "All Mine Alone." Tne White, who Broom's gift to the bride was at cheque, his gift to the bridesmaid mother at Prcton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack spent Christmas' here, returned ^o Toronto Saturday and were accom- w * s a mesh P urse > to the P' anlst ' a panied by their mother, who will spend a week in the c-ity. Miss Ethel Thompson of Kincard- ine visited M. Cook the first of the week. Messrs. Dalton and Clarence Mar- cabinet of stationery, to the best man ; a gold pocket knife with his initials engraved "and to the soloist engraved cuff links. After the ceremony a wedding luncheon was rerved in the dining- shall of Roderick, Mr. and Mrs. Robt room. The iL-corations were very UutYedge'and'two children of Ylolland ' lovei >'- The chandelier above the Centre were Christmas visitors at table wa<3 decorated with streamers Mr. F. Mai-shall Vs. of a dee l j snade of P mk while the Mr. D. D. McLauchlan is visiting ' streamers reaching from the corners his daughters in Toronto. I of the tahle to the chandelier were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and two! of P ale P ink and white to btewjnSe : :ons. Stanley and Melville, are spend- j wlth " rcst of the decorations. A a fortnight with Toronto friend.. i bouquet of pink and white carnations Miss Dorothy McLeod. teacher in K ccd tho centre of the " able with C. B. C. J. Toronto, spent Christmas P' nk candles^ in silver holders at each willi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J D. 'Mc-Leot't end - A three storv wedding cake was K a ''y decorated on a little side Mrs. J. K. McLeod received word : table - The luncheon assisnants were on Friday that her mother, an aged ' a " irl frientis of the bride and mem ' huiv, had passed away in Toronto 1 bers of hvl ' ****' club - Miss Ma ' after an illness. Mrs. McLeod left to' bel Arnott in brown georgette, Miss The schools re-open on Monday January 6th. MV Conrod Ei(lt) Jr _ who was cm _ ployed with a C. P. R. construction Kang putting in a siding at Hanover, had the ^isfortune to break his right leg in two places between the knee ;uid the ankle last week. A heavy timber fell on him, with the above result. f "House of Quality" We wish our customers a very 'happy and prosperous New Year. At the same time we be- speak a continuance of confi- uence in the House of quality. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN MAXWELL The Maxwell public school held their Christmas entertainment Thurs. Dec. 1U in the fo -mer Presbyterian church. A splendid entertainment was given by the children. Much credit is due -Miss Maynard for the very capable way in which she train- ed the pupils. In spite of the stormy evening the church was fil- led almost to capacity. On Tues. evening (Christmas Eve) the United Sunday school held their annual Christmas tree and concert. The program consisting of dialogues, songs and recitations was ,'--:Kvi in a pleasing manner. The attc'adam.. was good in spite of the almost im- pi'.ssable roads. Santa Ckius was wail received by the children. The young peopb cT the United church gave their play " i'ho Pouter Pigeon" twice last v/2ck. On Christ- mas night at Singhampion an.l on Friday evening at Lu.'.tunij. They were well received and report a splendid time at both places. iMiss Helen Maynard is holiday- ing with her sister at Owen Sound. Miss Artie Wright of Toronto teaching staff is holidaying at her parental home here. Miss Shirley Buckingham of the University of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs.George Long and lit- tle son and Miss Mae Linley of Dun- ilalk are holidaying with relatives here. Mr. Allan Priestly is home from the West after spending the past few months there. The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Llesie Poole, Thurs., Jan. 9, at 2 p. m. Visitors are welcome. Your correspondent takes this op- portunity of wishing The Advance staff a Happy and prosperous New j Year. PROTON STATION Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. MacArthur(nee Ruth Stew- art) who were recently married In Windsor. We wish them much joy. The W. M. S. held thair annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Neil McCannel on Thursday, December 19. The officers were all re-electeu. At the close of the meeting the Pres. Mrs. R. G. Acheson and the Secre- tary, Mrs. iMcCannel were each pre- sented with a handsome box of stationery as a token of appreciation of their services. The Proton Sunday school held their Christmas entertainment in the Orange Hall on Friday, Dec. 27. The event was very successful. Both performers and instructors are to be congratulated on the splendid man- ner in which they conducted them- selves. Mr. C. Ireland, Victoria College, occupied the pulpit in the United church on Sunday evening and deliv- ered a very fine address. The con- gregation enpyed a due! very swcji, ly sung by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wau- chope. Mrs. Robt. Acheson and daughter, Emily, arc in Toronto at the vi-ient time. Miss Emily was to hnve undergone an operation for ap- pendicitis, but owing to an attack of tonsiliti:) the operation will not take place for a week's time. Christmas visitors in Proton were, Messrs. Arnold Hergott, Clarke Wy- ville, Harvey nnd Everett Whito, and Clarence Middaugh, all of Toron- to. iMiss Jean McCannel is spending the holidays at her home. Miss Margaret Lyons, Toronto is enjoying a week's vacation under the parental roof. Mr. W. G. Prosscr, Keswick, is a guest at the home of Mr. R. G. Aoheson. at 'end the funeral, which took place on M mday. Miss Nellie Whittaker, teacher in Veryl Sutcliffe in brown crepe back satin, Miss Ruby Shaw in brown crepe and Miss Addie Vance in rose New Windsor Ont., is home on noli- velvet - Rev - Mr - Laidlaw proposed days a toast to the bride which was re- Mrs Alex Muir and son, Grant j Pnded to by Mr. W. J. Martin and have returned from visiting Toronto '. Mr - L e narci - The bride and g-oom left on the friends. Mr. Thos. Genoe presented his fam- ily with a fine piano for a Christ- mas gift the past week. 1.15 C. N. R. train amid showers of confetti for Hamilton, London and Detroit Mich, where they will reside. M:. Frank Stewart and friend of Th e bride chose for her traveling cos- Toronto spent Christmas with former's parents. Misses Stella and Olive Marshalli blue kid shoes . tume blue crepe back satin, blue are visiting their sister, Mrs. R. Rutlcdge, at Holland Centre. ccat with grey fur collar and cuffls, ! purse and blue velvet hat. The gloves and hose attire were in harmony with her Mrs. J. Kennedy and three child- Before the bride left for the train ren a--e spending a week with friends! she handed her bouquet to her moth- at Wiarton. j er - The bride received many useful ,Mr. Angus Whrttaker, who spent and pretty gifts. Her many friends Christmas week in Toronto, has re- J in '" wishing her many years of turned home and was accompanied j happy wedded life. by Mrs. Will Calahan and two child-; ren. Saturday 28th was an occasion for The school trustees held their | double joy, it being the silver annual meeting for election of of- i anniversary of their marriage, ficers on Thursday December. 26th. j Mr. and Mrs. Martin were married when the *hrce trustees were again I twenty five years ago at "Shady returned to office for l'J30 Mr. A. ' Nook Farm" Kimberley. Mrs. Mar- E. Haw, Mr. Archie Stewart, Mr. ' tin wore a gown of maroon glace; Archie Stewart, Mr. ' tin wore a gown of Mr. R. Piper is dele- silk flat crepe and black satin shoe- and hose ts match on the twenty fifth anniversary. Something which Haw, Roy Piper. gate to the convention in Toronto. Mrs. A. C. Muir and little son, i AS WE GROW OLDER (Life) As we gow older we realize that Santa Clans doesn't really come down the chimney; he just enters ' through a large hole in the pocket- book. (Last Week's Items) Santa Claus and the mail couriers deserve the sympathy of the public these stormy day.s. The stormy weather is also a disappointment to the business men and to the public school staffs, who have prepared programs which have to be post- poned owing to storm and snow drifts. Still .everyone has abun_ dance to be thankful for at the Christmas season and we cannot help the weather. The public school concert last week was a great success. Ideal weather, an appreciative audience and all from the smallest to the biggest doing their part with great credit to themselves and their teach- er, Mrs. Johnson. Santa Claus wna there as large as life distribu- ting the gifts from a well laden and little Kenneth, spent Christmas day with no 1 many can say "The needle tha- her parents at Berkeley. | made her daughter's wedding gow i j made her mother's twenty five year : SKINNER MARTIN ago as well as the dross which Mrs. I Martin wore on her twenty fifth ar.- In an artistic setting of greenery niv< rsary.'" and mellow lights thu marriage was Mr. and Mrs. Martin receivcif very prettily solemnized on Saturday [ many lovely gifts of silver from their I)e?. 28th, 1929, at U).;!0 o'clock a. m. ; family, a beautiful bouquet of mums of Wilda Corrinne, only daughter of mini the Ladit/ Aid, silver spoon Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin 87G 7th from tlu< teachers and officers ot Ave. We -t, Owen Sound, to Mr. \Vestside United church. Mrs. Mar- Leonard Glenn Skinner of Detroit, tin was also presented with a beaut; Mich, third son of Mr. and Mrs. E. fill silver casserole from the girls (..: N. Skinner of Tharpe, Tenn. Rev. hi-r (". G. I. T. ,?roup of the sam>: Thos. Laidlaw pastor of Westsido chmrh. Mr. and Mrs. iMartin con- United church ogiciated in the pre vey their thanks *o the several o;-- f-T.ce of aboul. twenty guests, intim- ganizations of the church for their ate friends of the bride and groom, gifts. The coicnumy was performed at the home o-f the bride and tho decorations! were very picturesquely wrought ci -iiU-ring in an arch of evergreens finished with pink and white stream- er-, which joined the bunk of green- ery. The doorway between the dining room and parlor was also! arched with lace-like streamers and tied back with white, which made them appear like curtains. The background was ideal for the 1 ccjtumo of the pretty young bride w ho looked winsome in a gown of while silk flat crepe, with sleeves of chantilly lace and a cape trimmed with chantilly banding. She also wre a veil of embroidered silk net with a bandeau of hridal wreath a- cross her forehead, white kid shoes and hose. She carried a bouquet, of premier roses. The bride ap- proached to the strains of the Bridal chorus rendered by ,Mrs. (Rev. Laid- law and was escorted no the bridal QU1TC NATURAL She doesn't like A shady joke. She doesn't neck, She doesn't smoke. She doesn't swear, She never flirts. She doesn't wear Those shortened skirts. She doesn't dance, She doesn't sing, And sheiks in pants Don't mean a thing. She doesn't use The beauty salves, But won't refuse To show her calves. You ask her nnnie? Well, that's a wow She's not a dame, She's a dairy cow. ADVA NCE ADVTS. PAY Thecdorq Bu;/?k, whose apart- ment was raided recently in Kitch- ener and some young girls and young men were discovered drinking beer, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore of Flcsherbn were )Sunr!liy vi'Vtors with Miss Lena Park and her moth- Merry Christmas and Happy New ^admitted that he was 80 years of age. Year to the Advance Editor and staff. Bates Burial Co'y- 122-124 Avenue Rocd TORONTO Phone: Kln^sdale 4344 J.W. Bates. R. Madclocks. V

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