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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1929, p. 4

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AVED DECEMBER U>29 THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Surprise the one away bysendingThe Advance as a Christmas gift. It will be a year-round visitor. The following very interc-sUnf,' letter was received last week by Postmaster W. \V. Trimble from an okl boyhood friend.Mr-. Alfred Wright el' East Orange, N. J.: East Orange, New Jersey, Dec. 17, 11)29 Dear Billy, I s.fcu by The Advance that you have become a Grafter, the good book gives us three score and ten, after that we are grafting on the gcod-will of a kind Providence for ths time we hibernate on this ter- i-estial globe. But seventy five is not so old now- a-days Bill, 'I am more than that rny- aelf, yet I am just as kittenish as I wa-; when Jim rode ths 'Yellow- Rose" en the exclusive race course at Orange Valley. I will never forget his fine calfskin boots with the red leather tops which were the envy of all bare-foot country boys such as myself, Jack Hales, Jack Sharp, Jack Melia, Jack Blackburn, Jim Best, Andy Bentham, Andy ]Cullcn, Jim The Late W. McMallen CEYLON This community was deeply shocked v. hen i; was learned early Thursday morning that Thomas Wilson Mc- Mullen had passed to the great be- yond on Wednesday night after only a few days confinement to his bed, although for some time he had not felt in the best of health. He was .he youngest son of the late William and Mary Ann 'McMullen, and was born in the year 1865 on the farm on which he has always resided. He was married in 1893 to Ellen Wilson of Banda, Ont., and to them was born three children, two sons and one dr-.ughter James W. of Ceylon, Mrs. Lc.-'i.o Marshall (Mary) of Toronto, ar.d Goldwin of Victoria, B.C., who was unable to come homo to see his father. Besides his widow anl the three children he leaves three brothers to mourn his loss Gordon McMullen of Otterville, Oxford Co., James L. and Archibald McMullen of Ceylon. His only sister, Mrs. Robert Greetings to All We wish our host of customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We thank them for * their past patronage and trust we can be of further service to them. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Company. Ltd. t ik T.HE f LESHERT0N ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciculation over HOC, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advnncc $1.50. Tn ' VS. A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) m. n. THURSTON - Editoi. r. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. Alex. McRae Passes EDITORIAL NOTES Better practice writing 1930 t-.ow! At this Glad Christmas time we take this opportunity of wishing our subscribers happiness with all kinds of good luck and prosperity in 1930. ! Mr. Alex McRae died at Hamilton I on Thursday last after an affliction I lasting for several years past. The I :eniains were brought to Flcaherton ' and on Saturday on the arrival of the ' nion train were laid at rest in Flesh- j erton cemetery under the direction of '.f Prince Arthur Ledge A. F. & A. M. The deceased leaves behind a wife and five children Gordon, Hat- tic, Doris, Ella and Stewart. M -. McRae married Miss Louisa Stewart, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alaxander Stewart, Artemesia in. 1903. T8he deccaed gentleman was born ' in Artemesia in the year 1870, the 1 son of Mr. Alexander McRae of Cey- lon, a Crimean veteran, who diet I some years ago. There art- no othci living relatives. Isn't it ni.'i' to have the turmoil of our municipal elections ov er before the festive Christmas and New Year fcolidays? High School noon from his late residence to rton cemetery, Rev. -Mr. Scott con- 1 *J* ducting the services at the house y and graveside. He gave a very * comforting message to the bereav-'X crl one" The casket was covered ! FORM 3 I CHEMISTRY Hon. Blanche _-h, thcsoThristnia^ days. let us re- , (knoc 77> Herbert Aikens 75, lola member ttifiTnot what wo gam. but (;i . ah:lnl 75 Pass Sadie Carson72, what we gi\v. measures the worth of Ali ,. e Rei j ey r> 8, j ea n McCormack 63, the life we live. , Mr-id Cur.u-ron CO, Evelyn Turner * * OD, Ruby Kerton f>4. Fail- Rota Every boy should be encouraged to Fawcr.-tt 40, Chi'istina Magee 47, Jack have a hnhlw. Thi:; precaution will M.-Kachnie 37, Fred Ciorrcll 34, Gor- 1)0 of iticut .-'Ivantagc to him when he ( | on Stuart 23. Fisher, Johnston Ekins and many Cook, preceded him twelve years ago. ' -S others of the graduates of Spring I The funeral took place Friday after- Hill University under the tutelage of Professors Dick Campbell, John Wright and J. Henry Palmer. I of- ten wish that they had isued "report ards" in those days, I know that I would have rated A-l in deportment, if nothing else, I am glad that there are some left yet who can certify to what a model of modesty, decorum and good conduct I was, Ask Mrs. Wilcock, Mi-s. George Johnson Sr. or Miss Ann Jane Wright. Many of those boys and the three Professors have "gone West" but I have deter- mined to noi, turn my toes to the daisies this side of one .hundred. I cxpo.-t to take up golf then, it is an old man's game and I am much too young" yet, so in 1953 pack that bag that your friends gave you and meel me for an cighteen-holc game in To- ronto for the drinks, or here for the cigars. We cauuot have the drinks here, for though Jersey produces the very best of Hennesy, Dun, Johnny Walker, French Burgundy (according to the genuine labels) ye' I would not buy a drink of any of them for any one unless I had a grudge to him. Well, Bill, I hope to sec you twenty years from now. Only the good die young, so that we both hace a gooc chance to pass the Century mark. Yours until cows wear coscts, Alf Wright. Teaches middle life. FORM 2 PHYSIOGRAPHY Hon. Mer- . Only a few more days and w- v.ill yyn Liu , e ,,.,_ I( ,. jn , 1Lnck! . 8) stt , lla have to tu -n over a new Iraf. Let us each resolve to be increasingly useful in our day and generation. Marshul | 88> i )aisy Md-'udden Klmorc Fis h er 83, ,Macil Snell 84, 83, Almeda Hincks 81, Ellen Parker 80, , Ruby White 80, Bill I'atton 76, Neil- Judging by the report of c:.:;vic- \ )cri McKenzie T. r ). Pass Jim Ban- tionn, Toronto is the headquarter.* for ., 7^ Audrey Warling 70, Dor- reckless driving of autos. Most of otn y Jumieson C,'J, Rowcna Mage 00, the delimit- nl.s really <!> not Kn.iwj V'crdun McMaster G5, Muriel Knox where thi-y are K"ing. but w:iL to 03, Doro.'hy .Snell 62, Earl Ottewell there. GEO. LeGARJ WRITES 4305 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illimois Dec. 16, 1K29 Diar Friend Thurston, 1 was interested in reading your account of W. F. McLean of The To- ronto World. You say Mint you can- not think of any one except yourself that was an employee of those dear, dead days, who is now alive. Per- haps not of tho:;e who worked for him at !ht> time you did, but at least n yt-sr or two afterwards, Joe Clnrk, new editor of The Toronto Star was his editorial writer and I was a com- positor on The World staff. I was sorry to iniss the old-time reunion in with beautiful offerings of sympathy: ; ,| A wreath from the family; wreath ' .|. from Ceylon friends and neighbors; iX jpray from the staff of Paseoe's, To- ; g ronto; spray, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.' Fisher, Toronto; spray, Mr. and Mrs. <{ John Illes Eugenia; spray, Mr. and,^ Mrs. Gildwin McMullen, Vancouver; : J' spray, Austin, Ern,ie, S*an?t')y and i Fred McMullen, Toronto ;spray, iMr. and Mrs. D. McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. B. Welton, Mr. and Mrs. M. WiUon.l Flesherton; spray, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. j Wilson. Crecmore. . The pall bear-, ers were: Messrs. George and Frank' Cairns, George Snell, Donald McLeod,; Roy Piper, and George Arrowsmith, old neighbors of the deceased, who 1 was also held in high esteem in the] community. To the family and rel-j atives is extended the sympathy of all. Mrs. Allie Muir and son, Grant, are spending Christmas with kindred in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and two sons, Stanley ar.d Melville, are spend- ing tha Yuletide with Toronto friends, .j. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and daughter, Eleanor, returned Saturday to their home in Toronto. Mrs. A. Sinclair made a business 6**49*4*6iM||f!tl4<i**M!M*M4****t<M*t9^+**+*****M Kennedy's Grocery | Men,s Wear MAY CHRISTMAS DAY AND THE NEW YEAR BRING YOU A GOODLY SHARE OF CHEER. THAT IS MY WISH TO YOU, DEAR FRIEND TO WHOM THIS CHRISTMAS WISH WE SEND. t A v - , - , * v % I - ' ( i, 1 00, Jeannotts M'.-I.eod 57, Murray Kk'sherton last fall, but I was un- S'tuart 50, Edward Ferris 53, George able to be present. 1 was up in The Provincial treasurer's announce- Ai j cll ,-,i Fail Margaret Ferris -12,1 Saskatchewan Visiting my brother, mi-tit that during the year there has E mcrson McKillop 41. ' Kd. on his prairie farm. My doc- been collected a substantial surplus of funds reminds us that this is a way finuncivrs liave. At Toronto, as well as C)tt:iv.-a, they still keep col- lecting ample money to HIM tho country's :.<.! vice a^d pay the salar- ies, hontufs c.nd pensions, while at the same time they invariably iippr il , to the inoni-y lenders and the taxpay- ers for additional funds with which 1 to tarty on. W'hnt we should demand is ini-ieased economy in every admin- istrative body, so that the burdened | taxpayer may be able to spend hi:; own for his own lienc'fit. How the Iflffiltj jato-H delifflit in sending extravagant- 1 ly! It is so easy to borrow and to! take it out of the long-suffering worker. Annual Concert THE ANNUAL NEW YEARS ' SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTER- TAINMKNT WILL BE HELD WEI). KVK.. JAN. I, 1939, IN ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH The p--oKram will consist of two cantata* and many other tium- ' bin by i IIP chil !ren of the Suft- I .-IV. by numerousi U> Soho.J. Come and see the children entertairv ' tlupper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission- BO C*nU. Dance at Proton A dance will he held New Yearx Fve, Dervmher 3lHt, nt th? Orange Hall, I'rotnn Hltlalion, under the nuspiccH of L.O.L. 211. Dancing from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Orchestra music. (Jrnts 50c., Indies free. FORM .1 LATIN' AUTHORS Hon. Jean .McCoi-mack 90, ,lini Haw ':S, Murion liilihy 87, Mile Fenwi<'k !.'{, Jackson Stew.irt 80, Sadie Cai.^on 77. 1'asw Karl Johnson 73, Herbert Aikins 71, Hat tic McRnp 7 1, Evelyn Turner 50, il.indd Turner 02, Bessie Heard GO, Lola ninckburn 51), Ruby K erton 51), John WHson M. Full Christina i.Vhigee 47, PaUicia Morgan 47, Aud- rey Rrowh 45, Irene Martin 45, Reta l''awcctt -V!, Dora Stewart 42, Emery (Jorrell :!7, Monica Ran :14, Donald Hctley 17, Gordon Stuart 0. FORM 4 LATIN AUTHORS Helen Heard 88, Alice Heard 87, Jack Jamieaon 8G, Beth Hincks 81, Margaret Sin- clair 82, Florence Allen 71. tor advised a lonfj rest on account of developed diabetes. I was i:i t'v< hospital after my return with v.iiikosi'j steers . on try I'.vr. Thc'so nil healed up and the diabetic condi- tion is improving, so I am bark at work' in the office. Hi .lini'si in Chieapo i-i fairly pood, u'thonnh several are out of employ- ment. I have added a new folding machine to my plant and am quit? liuiiy at present. Wishing you every success. Yours truly, G.'W. LcGard. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Ted McDonald of Pickering, is spending Christmas with his mother here. Thro* fct of inow on *o level; That will supply our wntB until next winter. Mr. Walter Akitt of town shot an Albino porcupine one day recently. The animal was really white, tip of n.i ,i- and the hir under the quills. Welter dtd not save the specimen as he . li"nl,i have done. The jack abbits are becoming more common in this district. Mr. Hurry Fisher of thi> fomth lins shot one in hia ba-nyard recently, which had been chased by a <!.?. It hp.d I ' i living hi>;h in We.i. Plantt's tui nip patch. The first rnnn w!i > lirinprn cini- 'if these "birds" to The Advance office will get fifty cents. DKFORE YOb INVEST, INVESTI- GATE. Boards of Trade and Chambers of Cnmmercc have been avoided by pro- moters who never present financial statements, audited or otherwise and who never care to have their propo sitions investigated. Racketeer me- thods are sometimes adopted by bra- zen-faced high pressure artists who have used the torm "lay off" when they :find that those whom they ap- proach are not so easy because the public have been warned to invest! gate before investing. This warning applies to Industrial Advertising, Tourists and other lines. Co-opeaaiive and determined action on the part of nil concerned will drive professional promoter from all communities and not only from one place to another. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 We deliver in town. trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Angus Whittker is visiting over your The head nnd your married. 1 Court ruled emphatically, "I won't A few words mumbled in your sleep have the witness insulted,"His Honor and you're divorced. WITNESSES OFTEN INSULTED deserves great credit. The spectator I at court often wonders how much lib- ( Fergus News-Record) city is allowed a lawyer, and the un- We note 'hat Justice Wright, presid fortunate witness must be evn more with Toronto friends over the holday.]i n g in a Toronto court, has rebuked inclined to wonder. Vsitora at Mrs. White's fir Christ- 1 a lawyer for language used to a wit- . ira were Mr. and Mrs. Jack White.l ness. One of the lawyer's questions A few words mumbled Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White, and! was " !lave y u an >' brains? ' daughter. Edna; Misses Annie and Delia White and Mr. Robert Brown. Mrs. Archie MtiMullcn left on Mon- day to spend Xmas with members of her family n Toronto. Mr. Alex. Knox and boy friend of; the Toronto University arc spending] Christmas with the former's mother, j We wish ye editor and staff a merry Chris'. mas and happy New j Year. "GREETINGS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS WE WISH THAT ALL THE HAPPINESS AT THIS CHRIST- MAS SEASON WILL BE YOURS AND THAT 1!):iO WILL BE ONE OF YOUR BEST YEARS. . 9 1 t , '. - * . t ' -. . Merry Christmas Al this Christmas season we wish our m*ny customers and friends the greatest happiness obtainable and may the year 1930 be one of increased prosperity. , Osprey Milling Co. Barbe R. WILSON FLESHERTON i - FKVKRSMAM \Vht better Christmas pift cou 1 ! a parent give to n son or daughter 'linn n term in the Northern Businebs College, Owen Sound? The educ.v l ion cannot be lost or stolen andk it last-i a lifr'i:ne. Winter term begin? January 2nd. Our Wish to You We appreciate the pleasant business relations of the past and wish for you a right Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year D. McTAVlSH & Son Chevrolet Dealers - FLESHERTON

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