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Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER , 1020 r 1 1 ic FL KS 1 1 icim ).\ T ADYANCF, Deer Finds Friends (Alliston Herald) Completely exhausted after having fled from the terrifying baying of hounds a yearling doe came out of some cover on the west side of the lifth side road of Tecumseh Sunday afternoon. At the fence at the road- side it hesitated and then decided it could not jump the fence. Fred Mur- phy and some companions were corn- ins north in a car and seeing them the little animal vaulted -the fence and approached the car as if seeking .succor. The animal was in a state of com- plete exhaustion. Its breathing was rapid and its legs could scarce sus- tain its weigh'. Its terror was pit- iable. The rapid dilation of nostrils nnd the continually outstretching neck to give the nostrils every op- portunity to obtain the scent* of dan- ger together with the alert and wan- dering eye betokened a condition more pitiable than that of fatigue. The deer did not object to having hands laid on it and courted the pres- ence of the young men who had be- friended it. ,The dogs that had been pursuing it did not follow it to *.he fence their course being deflected by threatening gestures of a couple of the deer's benefactors. The exhausted animal was led into Wm. Styth's driving shed where it was safe from the attacks of dog and man. Its fright was calmed in a little while and the rescued animal lay down after being given a drink of water and some oats. It was too tired < to eat and lay down to rest. Later it helped itself to the grain. When the I door was opened aa neighbors came ! 'o the Slyth home to have a look at the graceful animal it showed little feur and soon became quite accus- . tomed to being the object of euri- , osity. M . Styth notified Provincial Con- ! stable Robinson who went down to | see the deer, but who could do noth- ing but advise its captors to let it go. | The unimal did not show any inclin- ; ation to take to the bush covered areas severaj of which were in sight. Instinct had taught it that wherever good food is available that is the place to inhabit and oats and warm water were no doubt the beat food the little animal had tasted for some time. Monday it was not averse to let ing whomsoever came to see it lay his haisda on the sleek coat of fur. Rather than e the deer forced to again take a chance with dogs for the pn-servation of its life Dr. S. R. Mc- Kclvey of Beeton took the little anim- al down to Toronto and presented it to the commissioner of parks in the city. BURGLARIZED TOBACCO STORE For the fourth time within a per- iod of three years the Tobacco Store of Mr. G. C. Purdy in Tara has been burglarized. This is the second bur- glary within a few months, the Tara Creamery having been broken into during the summer. W. E. Lyons TU T'll W -T fl ' Typical of Vast work of investi -j Wednesday eficrnoon Chief Clark 1 flu 1111 VYoS IdppCU lf>ation now in progress at the On- recovered held an auto that had jtario Agricultural College is the been stolen fiflBi Thornbury. A car Jared Lyons, of Dundalk, received Two former local young men came stu( j y O f paras it e s in hogs and of j was stuck on the Thornbury road, the :wd news by telegram of the into prominence in the Toronto news^ reagon for , a(;k of vitaHty fa |Mj . Hart , LSmbe ,, ed jt death of his brother, Walter Edwin papers on Tuesday when an attempt i Lyons, in Calgary on Sunday. Word was made to rob the till of the scrv J ,nter-bornhogs under the direc-, Meantime a telephone call came to had come some time ago of his seri- ice station at which they were work-. tlon of Prof - Knox of ihs Depart- ( town giving the number of the car. OU3 illness from a tumor on the brain, ing, of ihe amount of $40. These! lnent of A "' mal Husbandry. The Chief Clarke gave chase. The man Thc dcccasod was in his 48th year and employees were Harry Pedlar, form- u - tlmatc solu ^ lon of thes< > prob-. ran away and was not found. The wa.i the youngest son of the late Mr.'cily of Ceylon and Orrel Fisher, sonl lemB wi ? rove of direct valu * to car, a new model Ford was in good and Ms. John Lyons, Proton Station, 'of Mr. and Mra. Lewis Fisher of cvery farmer - where he was born and grew to man-| town. The service men were outside'.^ hood. He went to thc West and lived working on a car and the alleged tilljg in Winnipeg for several years where, , tapper had been with them for about seventeen years zigo, he was married i two hours and during that time the to 'Miss Bessie Robinson. A few years : of f ice was left unguarded for a few later they moved to Calgary. I moments. When the loss was dis- Thosc left to mourn include the] covered the suspected man was ques widow, a son and a daughter; also fiva I ioncd and a rough and tumble fight brothers four sisters, namely: i ensued. A policeman wan soon on Robert Lyons, Winnipeg; William, in the scene a.-.d the culprit searched. ! shape. Meaford Mirror. :x-x~x-<">-:"X":-x-:~x-:-<~> Mt. Dennis; Charles, Proton Shation; John, at Portlaw; Jared, in Dundalk; Mrs. R. J. Marshall, Toronto; Mrs. John Hodgins Con. 10, Proton; Mrs. John K. Hockley, Shelburnc, nnd Mrs. W. II. Little, Warcham. Dundalk Herald. Mrs. Lawrence Passes the ?40 being found on his person, it is stated. The photos art Harry and Orrel were also published in the papers. Officers of L.O.B.A. Sister Mary Phillips was elected Worthy Mistress at the annual elec- tion of officers of Carnation Lodge, Boots and Rubbers For Heavy Wear At the Lowest Prices Mi-s. Percy Lawrence, formerly of N '- M5 . L.O.B.A., Flesherton, held Flesherton, died at her home in Win- " Frida y evening last. Following dBor on Saturday, Nov. 23. The flu are the officers elected: W. M., Sis- was icsponsible for her death. Her ter ' Mar y Ph>"'P s ; Dep., Sister H. Mc- maiden name was Sarah E. Parslow. Donald; Chap., Sister Crossley; Rec.- Mrs. Lawrence leaves to mourn the Sec " Sistcr !Maf y Fisher : Fin - Sec - loss of a loving mother, highly re- Sister A - Down ; Treas - Sister M - spected by all who knew her, the fol-'Turney; lst Lect - si = ter A ' e Norris : lowing family: 'Mrs. Joyce (Ethel),! 2 nd Lect - Sister S ' McKillop; Dir. of who resides in Stratford; Edna, a c - Sister M - Trem P ; Inner G - Sister nurse in Windsor; Richard, Percy and C " Dunca ": O. G., Sister M. McKech- John, all of Windsor. The entire nie; Sr - Com " Sisters R - Hawken, K family were with their mother in her, Thurston, McKechnie, Banks, K. Best; Fickness. Surviving are also two 1 Aud itors, Sisters Hawken and Fisher; sisters and two brothers; namely: ' Organists, Sisters Cameron and Tal- iMrs. Hardy, of Swinton Park; Mrs.i bot; G a">. T - Bentham W. J. Blakestone, of Stratford; Geo.| Wesley Parslow, Con. 14, Proton, and' Jacob, of Coronation, Alberta. At this time of the year Heavy Boots and Rubbers are required to withstand the heavy | \\car which they are subject to. \Ye have t an-excellent line of long rubber boots, both f leather and rubber tops, that are priced ritfht. A We also have goloshes, heavy socks that are f , offered at the lowest prices obtainable. $ Cards at The Poll While attending the auction sale at P l itical .?*'* ght , rage as ." Win. Lawson's in Garafraxa towr,-! wouW on {Wednesday last a cer'am poll in one of the town- ship on Tuesday of last week, Mr. Adam Wallace, of Grand Valley, had | ships adjacent to Arthur, but inside, the misfortune to get his left legi broken below the knee. The acci- dent occurred through the kick of a I colt which was being sold in the ring, j all was calm and serene. The time and the vote was small. The hours would have dragged wearily along had not a deck Hii right log was so severely mangled by a stone crusher that amputation of the member at the hip was neces- i of playing cards in some way made its appearance, in order that the poll officials along with the duly appoint ed scrutineers might join in a friend- Allow us to put new rubber bottoms on those $ sary> Robert Girli "K. a s ed 66 . lies in fy game" of" euchre!" "If this original leather tops of yours. $ McFarlanc Hospital, Arthur, in a innovation wcre su ffi cien tl y broad- **. ? i . _ i >:*.;__ ___i t A A t _ i * _ I castcd, a pack of cards might be in- cluded in thc regular allotment of poll supplies and were thc necessary precaution taken to keep the joker W. L. Morwood I Shoe Repairing critical condition and little hope is held out for his recovery. The unfor- tunate man was working with the road construction crew of Jas. Norris FLESH FRTON % WK " Gonlonville on Fl-ida y afternoon out of thc ballot box no narm wou i d I-L^OI IL,I\ i wi .. when the act .j,| cnt occurred. It is tosu ] t . Arthur Ntws-Enterptyse. thought that he slipped and fell un- der thc wheels of the crusher, which was being towed. Advts. LOST OR STOLEN LOST On Friday night, Nov. 8th,' FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R... Between Eugenia church and Garnet Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation Magee's, leather gauntlet. Finder with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood please leave at Eugenia post office. b "sh; jrood bank barn 40x45, and dri- ving shed 22x30; frame house, five STRAYED From pasture of Hen- room ^ Farm is situated on the pro- v Duckett cattle beast rolor i- P d vlncial Mghwaj with public school y UU^KCU, ca.tie neast, color, led 30 rods d j sta . lt ,> n/. ,:! .,*!. A-ith white face. Alf. Partridge, R. R. O f Flesherton. N T o. 1, Fle-;herton. STRAYED From pasture of Henry Duckett, Eugenia, heifer rising two,' v clip out of right ear. Information will be thankfully received. S. Me- 1 Mullen, Flesherton phone 45 r 12. CHAS. BEST, R-R 3 _ pjoton Station. "OR 8 ALB FOR RENT A six roomed house with school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE 10 young pigs, 5 weeks old. H. Genoe, Flesheton R. R. No. 1. } 15 BY TENDER. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house antf large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- ply to John Thompson, Agincourt, FOR SALE Organ in good con- dition. John Oliver, Prieeville, phone 21 r 21. FOR SALE Three- seated pleasure sleigh and set of double driving harn- ess. Apply to John Stewart, phone 32 r 12, Flesherton. FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Down yearling, also 2 year old ram Edgar Betts, Eugenia, Phone 9r 12, Feversham. FOR SALE 1 good robe, set of your best offer. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Arternesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of giod clay loam land, being lot 24 and 25, 2nd con. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about mile from Flesherton Station, about 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. single harness, also a violin, will sell Seven-roomed house, solid brick with "' ~ ' ' " cellar under all, also summer kitchen, cheap for cash Roy Arnott.R. R. No. 1 Flesherton. FOR SALE A quantity of dry hardwood price 1-1.50 per cord. R. J. Vause, Proton. Phone Flesherton 32-13. FOR SALE new seven roomed house with all modern conveniences, Toronto St., Flesherton. Write or phone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St., Toronto, phone Junction 2161. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdaie, Ontario oi'R BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Ladies Winter Coats at $16.75. K) only Ladies' Winter Couts. brauti- Mostly all sixes. Kc-. values up to $.12 ful quality, well furred cul'fs and collar. Sale I 'rice . SI 6. 75 Ladies' Sample Silk Dresses $8.75. 20 only Ladies' Silk Dresses made from just new in stock and \vorih from $12.50 verv fine quality imported flat crepe in to $15. 00. All sixes to 44. Sale Price all i lie new fall shades. Kvery Dress 88.75 Ladies' Silk Crepe Dresses $12.95 15 only Ladies' High-grade Dresses itv; newest shades. Regular values to in Silk Crepe and Silk. Meant iful qual- S22. 50- Sale Price $12.95 Sample Cloth Dresses $6.95. 15 only Sample Dresses in Cliarmeue assortment of sixes and ea s ilv worth twice Wool Crepes and Krcnch Flannel, flood the price asked. Your choice $6.95 Ladies' Jersey Cloth Dresses $4.95. 18 only Ladies' Jersey Cloth Dresses, bargain. Sale Price $4.95 All the newest shades in all sizes. A real Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose 59c a pair Items of Interest to Thrifty Buyers Men's Varsity Sweater Coats, $5.00 value for $3.48 each Ladies' Sweater Coats, rctf. $3.95 for 2.75 Ladies' Corselettcs 95 c a pair Men's P.lack Overalls, rcff. $2.25 for$l.<V) Men's Flannel Top Shirts SI- 39 each Men's Fleece-lined Underwear (>9c a gar- ment Men's All Wool Underwear 1.69 a gar- ment Ladies' New Fall Hats $1.95 each Ladies' New Fall Gloves 50c a pair Women's Heavy Hose 25c a pair Children's Underwear 19c garment Men's Winter Caps 69c each Men's Wool Work Socks 3 prs- for... .1.00 "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" ALLEGED SHEEP STEALING I Two Shelburne young men were ar>J .rested in Dundalk on Thursday night J 'on a charge of sheep stealing. In the i-unible seal of their Chevrolet coupe \\crc found three shtvp which, it is I alleged, they tried to d.spose of to a I local stock dealer. Constable Rice end 'JT. Thompson arrested thc pair I wi'h the alleged stolen property in jthtMr possession They were lodged in thc local jail until Friday morning- Nov. 22nd, when thor case will be heard. It is alleged that thc sheep aye the FOR SALE "Prairie Pride" pure Manitoba flour at $4.00 per bag; chop $1.25 per cwt.; salt 75c. per cwt.; Pcnn. Anthracite coal $11.50 per ton delivered; also bran, shorts, middlings, etc. Terms cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. MISCELLANEOUS JOB WANTED Driving team for winter Roy Arnott R. R. No. 1 Flash- erton or phone Feversham 4 r 13. NOTICE Lots 4 and 5, concession roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE , 110 acres in the Township of i temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with T 36x46. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30. also hen house; 8-foomcd solfd brick housa with soft water cistern and furnace. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated convenient to nailway, church and school. Reason for selling is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars anolv on nremisos. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. i) and lots 6 concession 8, hunting, mcnt of [idling and trespassing strictly pro- hibited. S. R. Hawkins & Son, R. R. 1, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for *r- vice by Flesherton Bacon ^log Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- C. STEWART. Caretaker. NOTICE Hunting or trapping on lots 158-59-60 and 161, 3rd range W. ', T. & S.R., Artcmesia, is strictly pro- property of two brothers, whose farm is situated about 1 mile west Shelburnc. Dundalk Herald. ,'hibited. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. Lther Duckett. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- rc-j, lots 1G6, 167, 1 R. W., T. & 0. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, Vi mile from Clayton Mallet \va.-. acedentally -.hoot 2 miles from Flesherton. shot U death on Monday afternoon Apply to L. R. Thiatlethwaite, 24 by a revolver, police say, in the Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- hands of David Moffat in the Walter lay, Flesherton. Early farm about two miles from GOOD SMOO TH FARM OF 70 j l-ergus. Moffftt and Mallet had take aeres best of land almost all umler cu i i the revolver for shooting practise tivation 2 l a miles north east of ! and believed that all shots had been Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms Purebreds $5.0. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. S. U. HAWKINS. Eugenia. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday f>"rnoon and eyenir.g. fired. They entered the woodshed where Mrs. Mallet was doing chores. Mallet picked up an armful of wood, garage 20x22, good brick house, newly decorated, 20x35. well, windmill and Mi acres orchard. Priced for quick sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, and, as he straightened, the revolver j Markdale, or Ms. S. Dezell, P. R. No was accilentally discharged in some ' 6,Owen Sound, manner and the bullet entered Mal- i lots breast. lie died before the ar- rival of the police. Coroner Kyle de- I ! eided that an inquest was unnecessary. iMallet is survived by his widow and three small children. The body was taken to Palmerston for burial. COUNT THE COST Farm profits are small. They are limited by the selling price of pro- ducts and, perhaps to a greater ex- tent, by the cost of production. The i selling price may bo influenced by organizations but each farmer con- I trols his production costs. It is much better to .feed and milk five | cows which each give a profit than ten which pay costs only. To raise erops cheaply there must be a high yield. The cost for thc farm, or per acre, or per cow does not tell much. Comparison should be on a ton, lushel or pound basis. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm ior sale or to rent with comfortable buildings and in a good state of cultivation. This farm is in the Township of Artemesia, quite 53&3S CARDS Dr. W 2^ EJtjrce, L. D. S., D. D. S. denta. aorgcon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer, ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.pTa rA.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- strong Block, Flegherton every Fri- day on or befire the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer near Ceylon and Prieeville. A real snap for quick sale. For further for the counties of Grey and Simco*. informatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah ' Farm *"d stock sales a specialty. Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone Terms moderate, satisfaction gua*- Dundalk 62 r 4. anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, leversham, or by addressing me at Fevershsni. FARM FOR SALE 75 Acres in Osprey, all under culti- vation; brick house and large frame barn with stone basement; half mile . east of Maxwell being parts of lots * Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- BOAR FOR H and 12, Con. 6. Apply to Dr. D. Bright Vim, No. 99,996 . H. Guy, Newmarket, administrator of Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog the estate of the late W. H. Guy. | club - Termc . *1-00 C. KINDLE, BULL FOR SERVICE ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Count*' of Qfy. Terms: Durham Buii for service. |1.50 if 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarntctd , P aid before January, otherwise $2. Datei mad* at The AdriftW Office. c - Akms - R - R ' 3 - Protoa Station.

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