THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 11*29 . . . - . 4 This Equipment is At Your disposal. THE Canadian Bank of Com- merce is equipped to make collec- tions locally cr through its agents in. cvjry town and city in Canada. This service should be of value to you. The collection department of the Canadian Bank of Commerce offers you thb assistance of a highly de- veloped organization that is special- ized to a fine degree in this most im- portant branch of business practice. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE l( THE STANDARD "BANK OF CANADA )J I H. Corbett is Reeve Mr. Herbert Corbett of Proton Sta- tion was elected Reeve of Artemcsia Township on Monday, with a major- ity of 74 over 'Mr. Alex. C imeron, who has held that office for the past wo years. .For the position of Dep- uty-Rocve the race was much closer witJi Mr. John A. Davis just nosing out Mr. I. B. Whittaker by 12 voted. The voters turned cut well, consider- ing the weather, as will be se^-rs '. i another column. Up until noon only eleven votes hal been polled at the Flesherton division, but the afternoon saw a rush of voters to exercise their franchise. The following is the list of votes pilled by divisions: C.I'. It. TIME TABLB D. McTavish is New Reeve of Flesherton Traini leave Flesherton Station aa follow* : Going South Going North ' 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. Tlle largest vote in the history of 8.11 p.m. 4.33p.m. I the village of Flesherton was cast The mails close at Plesherton a* | on Monday at tne municipal elections follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. [when Mr. D. McTavish was victorious outh at 8.30 Por morning train over Mr. H. A. McAulay, the total outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the vote being 116 to 100. There was one previous evening. spoiled ballot. Both contestants had i ..' _ .. . ' - | vehicles out working all day and practically the entire vote was polled desp^e the high drifts which pre- ivaiK-d. Mail your Christmas parcels early. ' Five years ago Mr. McTavish was T. (Warden cf the county, and since that The stores in town are now assum- ' . , ... .u nu i. :ti:ne has been out of active municipal ing their Christmas tones. i .... ,, , r . i I polities. Mr. McAulay spent one Mrs. R. Dunn of Bellingham, Al- year in the village council. It is tt> goma, spent the past week with her b; hoped that Mr. McAulay will, at some future time, come back to the Council Beard and give his talents to sane the welfare of the village as he has done in the past. The fol- bv.-ins is the Council for 1930: Orange Valley 25 Plesherton 34 Proton 29 Ceylon 49 Pricevillc 24 Vandeleu-r 17 Eugenia 87 Portlaw .. 26 I o O 55 42 55 54 64 25 36 34 I 67 37 42 19 42 29 52 37 14 37 32 83 48 IS 62 22 291 365 325 313 Local and Personal A Sad Passing sister, Mrs. W. J. Meads. : Mrs. Harry Bellamy of Toronto is the guast this week ef Mrs. H. A. McCauley. Mr. Geo. McTavish and F. J. Thur-' Rc3VC D - McTavish; Councillors, C. N ston were in Toronto for a couple of Richardson, J. F. Mathefson, G. B. day z last week. F. Weltcn and J. 0. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns left on Mon- ' day to spend the winter at Weston end Mactier. Fiesherion High School MIDDLE SCHOOL ANCIENT HISTORY Hon lola Graham ,85 Donalda Sloan 85, Marg- zret Sinclair 82, Dora Stewart 82, Bert Mor on 79, Jean MacCormick 77, Springhiil public school will hold Evelyn Turner 75. pass Herbert the regular Christmas concert on Fri., Akiri 72, Chrbtena Magee 67, Jack Everybody MacKecknie 01, Ernest Gorreil GO, The new snow plow, purchased by the town this fall has been put to use the pa?=t week and has done ex- cellent work. Li- it "nring three sisters, daughters of >;.-. and Mrs. Will Gordon of Eug- enia, developed lung trouble and were taken to the Hamilton hospital devot- ed to r,uch cases. On Thursday morning cf la^t week, Miss Eunice passed away and was brought home fo: interment in Salem cemetery. Tiie funeral was to have been held on Saturday last, but owing to the terrific storm it was postponed until Sunday. Mis-, Eunice wa-s only 18 years ct age. The other two younger sisters are still in Hamilton and it h expected that bcth will rc.-ovc-. The case is a vc:y sad one and very much sym- pathy is expressed for the parents. Sania Clans Will be Here December 14 The following letter was received through the mails on Tuesday noon from Santa Glaus announcing his 1'J 2!) -visit. He said: | Dea Children I wiil he in Flesherton to visit j you all on Saturday, December 14th, ! i'.r-\ l-.opo to meet as many of my fnends from the surrounding co'-.nrry as can come to town that day. I will give each boy and girl a bag of candy and nuts and in each bag will be a special prize. A tick- et inside will direct you where to get it. I am leaving everything in the hands of a committee in Flesherton who will also see that you have a "DIM! time. I will see you all in Flesherton on Saturday. December, 14th. SANTA CLAUF. Besides the reception for Sant:: Glaus there will be dog races, cat shows, prizes for best dressed dolK by little girls, display of fowl, includ- ing geese, ducks anil chickens, for which prizes will be given. An ex- tra special event will lie a prize to the la-ges! family coming the furthest distance t<> town. Other special prizes will be announced in full next week. Santa Glaus wishes to sec all the boys and girls of the district to vis- it him in Flesherton that day and as- sures thorn that they wll have tin- time of their lives. EEL GRASS INSULATION, Utilization of largo quantities of eel grass in :he manufacture of in:;u- lating material ia in prospect in the Atlantic, coajA provinces, and new .flming opportunities fcr the people in many fishing districts are likely to follow rhis development. Eel grass grows in great quantities in the shore waters at many places along the Atlantic coast of Canada, was successful and a profitable lutur- ket for the blankets has been fou.ul in the United States. Now it is be- hoved that an increasing business can be developed in Canada, the Uni- ^ed Stales, snd elsewhere, and a group of business men and financiers in No- va Scotia sre forming a second com- pany to carry on manufacture. The price paid fishermen who have engaged in gathe-'ing eel grass for use in this new branch of manufac- but up to very racently i;, was vegard- *"** is st:lte(i to b = approximately ed as so much waste matter. A year * 14 or * 15 a ton, f.o.b. shipping point, or so ago, however, a company in eas- tern Nova Scotia began experimental manufacture of insulating blankets from this eel grass. The experiment ReadThe Advts. It Will Pay You. FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL. evening December invited to attend. 20th. A euchre ami crokinole party will be held in Clayton'^ hall on Friday evening, December Cth at 8 p. m. un- der the auspices of the O. E. S. Ad- mission 35 cenls. Everybody given a cordial invitation to attend. The Durham Review advocates the formation of a band in that town, but }~ anl ~ 3 jj aw it is a 'ask to keep a band together g^^ let alone raise funds to pay the nec- essary running expenses. A band in a small town or village is just about a thing of the past. A very successful bazaar was held Ferris 40, Ali;c Reiley 58. Annie Akins 57, Mon- ica Rae 53, Harold Bost 50. Fail Ruby Kc ton 24, Gordin Stuart 39, Miyrtle 'Moore 38, George McMaster 21- .MIDDLE SCHOOL FRENCH Hon -Marie Fenwick 81, Earl Johnson 75. Pass Patricia Morgan 70, Audrey Brown 67, Mar- ion Bibby 64, James McFadden 60, 59, Harold Turner 58, 6, Irene Martin 53, Bert Morton 51, Lola Blackburn 50, Ha'tie McRae 50. Fail Jackson Stewart 47, Ernest Gorrell 45, Dora Stuart 4o, Bessie Beard 44, Lesley John Wilson 31, Emery by the Ladies' Aid of St. John's Uni- Fisher 22, Harold Thompson 20, Myr- ted Church on Saturday afternoon, tie Moore 19. FOftM 2 taken in, when one Over ninety dollars was which was extraordinary when one ENGLISH LITERATURE Hon considers the stormy day. j Elmorc Fisher !)3, Jean Hincks 93, Miss Ida Fisher has returned from Mervyn Little 91, Stella Marshall 82, visiting her sisters in London where George Allen 7I>. Muriel Knox 77, Al- shc has been undergoing treatment mcda Hincks 76. Pass Ellen Far- since her accident on July 12 th in ker 74, Daisy McFadden 72, Earl Ot- Torcnto. She U gaming nicely and t.wall 69, Dorothy Snell 66, Jeannette expect to return to Toronto in a few McLeod C"', Verdun IvIcMastev C5, weeks. Ruby White C4, 'Murray Stuart 59, The snow ca-s are on the road now. NeiLbert Mackenzie 58. Macil S:iell 57, Zero weather accompanied by heavy Ro-.vena Magec 55, Fluff Welion 55, storms, hi!: us on Wednesday night last and for three days a blizzard rag- Bannon 50, cd that left the roads impassable for Phillips 50. Ferris 64, Audrey Warling 53, Jim William Patton 50, Bob Fail Margaret Ferris motor cars and snow plows had to be 41, Dorothy Jamieson 40, Emerson Mc- used to open the 'oads for sleigh traf- Killop 33. FORM 5 TRIGONOMETRY Hon Heard 09, Jack Jamieson 93, fie. Markdale hockey club was organ- TRIGONOMETRY Hon Alice ized last week and an intermediate Heard 09, Jack Jamieson 93, Helen team will be entered to play in com- Heard 90, Harold Thompson 75. Pass- petition with Durham and Arthur. I: is expected that, ssveral of the loc- al lads will be signed up to play with Markdale. Woods of Chatsvvorth, who played with IMarkdale last year, is playing with the Owen Sound jun- fcrs this season. A social evening of games, con- tests, etc., also sale of Christmas gifts, homemade baking and candy, etc., will be held in the basement of the United church, Eugenia, on Tuesday, December 10, at 7 p.m. Hot dogs and lunch will be served during the evening. Come and enjoy an ev- ening of fun. The special services in St. John's United Church on Sunday were not well attended, owing no doubt, to the very stir my weather prevailing at that Marjraret Sinclair 72, Florence Allen 89, Beth Hincks 69, Donalda Sloan 57. FORM 5 PHYSICS Honors Jack Jamieson 82. Pass Helen Heard 67. CARTER ; SCHOLARSHI.PS GREY FOR : ^ Principal Wallace Elmslie, of the Owen Sound Collegiate Vocational In- stitute has been informed of the a- warding of the Ca -ter Scholarships for the County of Grey. The first prize winner is 'Miss Frances Clarke, who received $100 in cash, and the second, Mr. Richard Payne, both of Owen Sound. The third prize winner is Miss Ruth Dingwall, of the Dun- dalk High School. She spent but a time. Rev. D. D. Robertson of To- jingle year in Upper School work, ronto gave three splendid addresses at the morning, afternoon anl evening She obtained honor standing on every subject on which she wrote and in services. The re-opening of the Sun- mathematics her rank was very high, day School room took place at the 'Miss Dingwall is now attending Nor- afternoon service. | mal school at London. Jr. :>. R. Wolstencr:>ft, M. Duncan, X. Thistlethwaite, G. Macdjnald. G. Gibson, F. Patton. E. Crof : , H. Love, D. White-head, E. Mt-Rae, J. Ahxsnd?r C. Pleste:-. D. Scott, W. Graham. -M. MUlcr. ....Si-. 3. B. Murray, T. Dixon. D. Smith.' D. Stuar', V. Fisher, E. Bur- nett, R. Akilt. 4. P. Gibson, B. Bellamy, E. Brown M. McFadden, H. Bibby, R. Darjravel, J. Wohtencroft, H. Croft, W. Little- jchns, R. Plester, G. Akitt, B. Welton, G. Boyd. D. McRae, C. Thistlethwaite, J. Kerton. Sr. 2. Robert Lcavcll, Verna Gor- rell Fred McTavish. During the month the following promotions have been made: To Sr. 2. Gco. Loucks, Audrey Mc- Cracken, Burton Bellamy, Betty Mc- Donald, Doris Warling, Jack Welton Ben Leavell. To Jr. 2. Athol McKillop, Fred Gibscn, Bob Stuart, Norman Loucks To Jr. 1. Doris Pedlar, Donald Scott, Emerson Plester, Tom Banks. To Sr. Pr. Stewart McRae, Evelyn Leaveli, Gwea Gorvell, Donald Gra- ham, Dorothy Welton. To Jr. Pr. Oiie McDonald. Wesley McCiacken, Joe Banks, Ben Bellamy, Clifford Littlejohns, Betty Teeter. To Pr. B. Earl Plester, Thelma Miller, Dorothy Patton, Harold Gra- ham. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, 3rd lir.c, Osprc-y, announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Isabella Elvira, to Mr. Stanley Arthur Blnc-kburn of Toronto, only son of Mr. and Mir. Albert Blackburn, 4th lino, Artemesia. High School Inspector Gives Fine Report The following is an extract from the report of Inspector \V. A. Jen- nings of his visit to the High School on October 24 and 25: ''The building is in first-class con- dition and bei-poalcs careful attention by the janitor. Very satisfactory additions have been made to the lib- laiy and rquipment. A good tinic- tablo ha.s been provided. Christmas Stationery That Delights the Eye The very best stationery for Christmas, at astonishing- low prices. In all colors with or without mom grains. Stationery suitable for all kinds of corres- pondence stationery to lit the individual needs of every person. Nothing that is not of the highest possible quality nothing that is not at the lowest possible 'price. .*. J I 'I saw u X great denl to commend in the lessons y G. N. Richardson Druggist FLESHERTON I observed. The Principal is a jjood Icazhcr with several years' Hijrii School experience, and, although the others have not taught previously in a secondary school, they are givim; .;" excellent service. The Board is to X Is congratulated on having a stafi *J* oi' young and enthusiastic teachers > who are performing their du'.ies in .5. a satisfactory manner. There is *.. evidence oil good organization and g there is a fine relationship between the prpil.i and their teachers. .;. Several elates arc in a very back- * ward or.dition but with very hard JJ work they may reach the proper > standard by the end of the school .J. year. The trustees are evidently X desirous of giving the teachers the ** necessary equipment to make their J* work effective. I had the pleasure .J of meeting Mr. Henry and discussing '' the school's affairs with him.' 1 !***************''****'#************** *** ****** ****#%****#*** ".".*.'*""..""."..".'"."* *** DUNCAN'S HARDWARE TACC RANGES MOST ECONOMICAL AND PERFECT COOKING RANGE ON THE MARKET KMPIRE RURAF, QUEBEC COOKS Serviceable ;ind Excellent Heaters CARD OF THANKS I EMPIRE FURNOLA The Modern All- Enamel I'arlor Furnace II We wish to thank all our neighbors .|. and frisnds for their kind help anl X sympathy, also floral tributes, during " our sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Healy, Glen Huron, Out. CARD OF THANKS Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards Coal Hods Tees, Dampers , 4 Glass, Stable Fittings, Shovels, Etc. , Is I take this opportunity of sincerely thanking the friends and neighbors X for their wonderful kindness and help Y in our recent sad bereavement; also v for the beautiful floral tributes sent. ** Henry Coulthard anl family.' ~ F. W. Duncan Flesherton f NEW BOOKS IN LIBRARY ' :nt of new books for laj . ;- ...-: i Public L'-brary ar- rived and we-e placed on the shelves this week. The following are the titles of the books with the names of the authors: "Wild Bird Diver "Scaled Orders" -Goodwin "Ropers Row" Dufing "Stories of Grit" Wallace "Blazing New Trails" Wallace "In Flanders Fields" McCrae ( "Hours in 'ihe National Gallery at ''Guarded Halo" Edinburgh" Caw "Fighting Caravan" Zanc Grey Constant Emmy "Satan as Lightning "Sorrel & Son Dufing "Stumbling Shepherd" Cody "Kinsman" Cooncy "Zero Hour Grabenhorst Frozen fish from Lake Athabaaka, several hundred milc.i north o| Ed- monton, are successfully marketed in Chicago and other cities of the Unit- 1 ed States. Christmas Handkerchiefs A wonderful assortment at special prices. Single Handkerchiefs priced from 5 cents to one dollar Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Priced from 25 cen-ts to one dollar. The latest novelties are represented and include Pure Linen. specially imported from the best Irish and Swiss makers tide Fancy Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Silk, Pine Lawns and The Fancy Boxes include a big rang e novc j s h a pcs and are all attractively colored with artistic designs. Many pe o]) ] e arc ma ki n g their selections now while the asortment is at its best. HANDKERCHIEFS ARE APPROPR IATE AND ACCEPTABLE GIFTS AT ANY TIME, BUT MORE ESPECIALLY AT CHRISTMAS. F. H.W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO