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Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1929, p. 3

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Does rheumatism hinder your worng n a quarry 33 a driller," writes Mr. John J. Kogan of South March, Ont., "I waa seized with rheuma- tim in the left shoulder. I followed treatment for some time without relief. I had heard so much con- cerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I decided to give them a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that I needed for it was not long before I was as well as ever. Now I take them every Spring as a tonic." Thii ii on* of hundred* of cam in which these blood- enriching piilj have proved effective in eradicating rheu- matism. Buy Or. William*' Pink Pills now at your di ug- gist'* or any deaJer in medi- cine, or by mail, 50 cent*, postpaid, fronv^Jlie Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brock- vilie, Ont. S- Owl Laffs A farmer was losing his patience ami temper trying to drive two mules into a field, and \vas iisiug strong - language !ien thw local parran came Jl an y by and said: "Don't speak like (bat to dumb ani- nials." Farmer "You are j-i*t the m^n I BABY'S OWN TABLETS WIN GREAT PRAISE Dept. of Health The .uUimn lias arrived, and we en- More cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, more tang to the taste. That's what makes Red Rose Tea so popular. Every package guaranteed. Mothers Always in thu I!,. i<- Keep ter in > the season of the common j old; unfortunately this season Is lon S an(1 wi!1 bft w5la " 9 un(il the iee me!ts and the rtowers bioom again , j Thousands of mothers state that tlie spring- know of no other medicine for The To ,| ot tne common Cold ........ The banquet was a great success. And not a dreary time and glum; This added to tile happiness, Two ot the sp- does suddenly grip their 'little ones they feel safe with such a. remedy at hand. l>-:L-:!::!:r.; of a common cold; no 'cold is so simple can afford to be neg ':.' ed. par- ticularly in small children and older Concerning the use of the Tablets ueo _. e did not come. Mrs. Donat Ploudre, Tingwick. Que.. j writes: "I have nothing but praise rhe Cost of the Common Cold "Have they !>?<>n married long?" I for Baby's Own Tablets. They are ! Th e number ot persons suffering "Just lorn enough so they have the oiily medicine 1 have ever given from colds on any ou.6 day found there are a lot of things that ' my two little ones and 1 am glad to season of the common coM is e:ior- i you can't say with flo\vei-." ! state that the Tablets have always ' mons. Every second man 'kept them in perfect health. I feel , Ontario's" industries is sio/i v. is^oodtea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Big British Prison to Be Sold at Auction JtOO S'.lidd. Lo.'d Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS YACAVT MORE MEN rt' A. \TiiO yCl'-K. '.'.HI cay easy work. liurn whiia learn- Mayor, presiding a: the annual meet- Dad, said his son Charles. do so safe with the Tablets that 1 al- -cold some time during tae wr. _ oaroer trade under famous you think they will ever find a sub- WIJ - S keep a box in the house." , Women Corker, suffer to the extent; % ^^ , | . ;, ; :^^^;*?'* $& ">,? stitute for petrol. Baby's Own Tablets are -i mild but o{ l^ne out of every tow. the .- a , HI ... JO | 9 punishme'i' " II- wa sutaieiy ror fr catalocua. il.-ler, "They have one now. and I wish ' thorough laxative. They regulate the 1 balance of the population " .; le w .' r ^ O f the n'., ""' Cr ' i:ege ' "' ' Jj ' : " n '' v * 3 '- T ' r '" 1to | you'd give it a trial." i bowels, sweeten the stomach and thus am! tno ^ e who w rk a * home we ! a ; ,,. ..,, ^..:^ ," ueil an ,j kBn um LADIES WASTED Huh" retorted Charles "I've never . banish constipation and indise.stiou: (have no statistics, but feel sure . prison. "If we e.i.i v-u -t tUe ' f VD! v.^ \VV.NTFD TO DO PLAIN" heard of it. What is it. anyway?" break up colds and simple' fever and , bm for_>:c!;nss due to colds is just Q , Jh;a w .. on ..! %- by O rh-" -L< II S '-' *"". at home, whole or "Shoe leather" retorted his father, j make the outtfng of teeth painless.;" *#* >. j a id tli-> Lord May './ paui/ S^.M stafnt. "f or The Tablets are absolutely safe, being' Cause of the Common Cold 'pain is great. This Is the police Ji SUnuCacturlnc Cfe, suffering from a cold can court mission's work, and it does it ' ""' to others. The ;:if.--i)!is v-ry effeotiyviv M J J Last year, he said. '.:\* n;.i Lmployment Agency Needed PINK PILLS " NOUSIHOLO HAHB III COUNT*, IV Passenger on Atlantic liner (who guaranteed free from ail injurious; ^ p^soi Is really enjoying the sea, to his com- 1 drugs. 1%ey are sold by all medicine' pa " ss j~ t on paniou who has gone below) "Come : dealers or by mail at 25c a box from ma ,rial ',-. n tin .Tim" \V*'ra T>niein- t vh in' " I Tl, a n.. \v < ^ /-. on up Jim! We're passing a ship!" I The Dr. Williams' Voice from Below "I don't want to Brockville. Ont. see no ship. You call me when we're &- passing a tree." Medicine Co., s present in ti:; discharge ot the nose and throat: it CUM be :' s '- assist transferred to others by coughing and -1 na fewer than IT. M-- s in tli i">veland P'.a:i; Dea'.er: Som- the college grailua' - ! by : -I that policy was gen- Bosiou professor to be snobs ar- find- Things are looking up for the p American drama. The other day a Chicago theatre patron shot two men to get a seat Delinquent Youth Other Ways of Correcting His 'handling milk or food to be used by ad bee JT->. TU_ iL_ D-- ~ i others. He will also infect :!ie .-ups. :1IS c ma ' ;e >-' : a: " '** ext-ut ing it hani even to act a bos-, to say snetzinp. A person suffering from a. Lonuc : cold will carrv Infection on his band*; ! end, .: n [he should therefore wash his hands of '!' effect, namely. nat since 1914 nothing of marrying his daughter. than 24 prisons in England ^ , before eating, aud especially before no Fresh Marketer "Are strictly freth?" cool enough to sell yet." those eggs ups. glases, dishes, etc.. from which be been closed. .-onuetion it is announced tUa: the empty county prison of Faults Than the Prison OT Reformatory links' and Tats f his dishes 'liouM be Knuaford in Cheshire will be sold It is related tbat a leach.r on be- 1 caroMHy washed. .g asked how he got aloug w!tl. the Children, aud adults too. often tak. the building. * Grocer-"Boy. see if those eggs are bad boys repHed , hat he go( . alons ,-o!d as a result ot over exposure to ; -> A Government's Duty n Tircts: So long as people ' Have you heard about the Scotch- with them all right, for. he added. "I: cold, getting feet wet. chilling af'er , just expel them." There will prob- .leaving a hot school, house, etc. Dress ably be a consensus of opinion that in; In the cold or wet weather "so as to' . > OUH of tine bef J to put an end lo ail wars is not to be- gin any Alma Mater The Cape Argus. Cape Town, South ereat harm in a Africa: A hundred years ago Cape j Town was already old, hut South Af-f rica was only beginning to be. eyes were turned to the future. ' We ire still looking to the future, but we must never forget that history has man who gave his wife a pair of rub- ) vlew of ni3 cam)ia ai i mlsgion it was ! protect the body from chill and the Uavu few outside social 'nterests ami ber heels when s i begged him for ; tne teacn(>r am , not , Se scho!ar who 'feet from getting wot. 'recreations the liability to bicker and a uew spring outfi should be expelled. I Those who have "bad rh.-oafT dis- quarre i w m be great, and ;n Ceylon And yet, says J. J. ICelso, there Is eased or enlarged !"ii~ ';? -iiffer mure a ;i ll)O often quarreiiiiig is synony- Mauy a man is paying alimony to- 1 a mora ] contained in tbi< incident; fre.itientlv from colds than those m ous with the use of the Uuife. "if tae day because he 'nought there was no j tna t is applicable to the work of chilU-i with healthy throats. Repeated colds as!J oiation just formed, while promot- 1 flirting. i saving. There are many good peo-! lower one's resistance: children and ; j ng |j le orusade against crime, will I pie. who. unwjjllng to be patient and 'adults who have one cold after an- ' ,,, lt n p tt - e i-t :o encourage all sorts of j i faithful with boys who bav gone[ other all throuch the winter are In a r^.-rcatioual activities, ten-fold better' oiulition by the begiuriin.? ,-esults will be produced. Most Gov- j aroments nowadays reoopnize their ob-j L U XO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber He Knows Peace and Quiet. All The editor was dying, and a sigh astray, consider their who'* duty ' weakened came from his breast: i performed when they succeed in iav- of spring. Trtatment of Colds The best thing to do for a coM Is promote iate'.ectual and recreational "Please bury me. my friends, where !ng the lad sent off to a reform I will find eternal rest. | school. This readiness to throw oft been made in this land of ours, and 1 ! long for peace and quiet, so when I : responsibility is greatly to be depreoi most of our present ideals and aspira- have closed my eyes, tions have their roots in the past. Just p_lant me In some store where This is especially true of education. '* they do not advert!**." Educationally. Tt is true. South Africa has none ot the traditions that so Young Merchant "Here's an iuvi- fenders. powerfuty affect-Hie thought and life tatkn to my golden wedding." Wayward boy,, if taken a: :'.is right ' . of the more ancient seats of learning His Friend Why. you're not even ' time and in the r! S Ut way. can be' married " ' converted Into first-class men. Boys p Yom ;K Merchant-"No. but rm'fo-'.ot sanguine temperament furnish the!" iu this respect and strive to BEST PAID WORK A we'i connected man can obtain a ve-y desirable Ajgncy in this Dis- trict with a strong pr.-gressive Life Insurance Co. Box 4 c o Wilson Publish!, i^ Co., Toronto. promote mora! and bodily in the Old Country. But evema cen- tury gives time for great traditions to form and proud memories to evolve. Feet Sore.' Use Minard's Liniment. ing to marry a rich man's daughter." No student, whether of yesterday or ulay, can think of the old buildings in the Avenue, the gates, the oak trees, the paddock, the professors ofi ever a former day. the companionships awl sanies, the colege songs, days of study ;ind nights of revelry, without being deeply moved. E O(I b . vs aui1 the ba<l bo >' s of tne | I world, not the pious anil vicious.! i " Felt hats may come and straw hats Tlle - v are as ttl8 naule '""plies, full of Jim and His Job may go, but the high hat goes on for- : D!OO(I - fu;i of lifl> - activity, mischief '. J. L. i.;.i,-vi:i in the Lo;i - Cjuire a lot of shaver" > 'and ttght. Yet. for the same reason.) (Ind.i: T'lere is a general Impres- j recognize those ATENTS '-t of "\VanteJ Inven'lons" a:id Full Information S*ni t"r . ieac. THE ZAV3AY CO.. Dec:. W. 373 Bank St.. Ottawa Ont. Thr I'trtiiamt 'I'oiirh that /'.- \ it I .:' i t'atapltte Cut it* lira n. tt 'f HrJhatnl itHtt .tulin flic Stolen Goods Detroit Free Press: The Cleveland Museum ot Art has returned to the Jugoslavian Government a rare panel of ivory, which it had purchased from % dealer without knowing that it had .en stolen from the Cathedral of As- ram. At least tour dealers had bought and sold the panel in good faith. The / identity of the thief has not been es- tablished, although the fact of the theft was proved to the satisfaction at the Cleveland museum. All that the museum could do was to return this treasure. tl'.cy are full of tenderness. Mmpatbyj lion. ev.Mi in liis own party, that Mr. The old fashioned theory that there alul '" v i n g kindness. Wliat *ameful J. n. is "up agai:!-!: i: " arU to lose .: ~'>o.i f-.iciid, and is danger from exposure has been x- ignorance to be at war wi'll such a Like a born comedian exagj '" - ' ' '-'' * l)atl ploded by the new fashion woman. 1 boy! Let him know thai you are a pessimistic rv'if. t'.'.e devoted 1; is friend, that you like him. that yauj enjoys himself in this hx political wish him well, and you have at once; drama. :n>w in its t*rst ncr. u'lih has but the apostrophe is a " em P |re tor ^O'"'- moving K*e'it ami jisen popuUrly .\ii;..\l 'Jim and his others on the way to righteousness. ' Job." His ojifiiing methods ari- quite Teacher's Pet: An ancient saying, still In use, omitted. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought ' this up." mui-inured the aviator, as his ] plane began to fall. A committee is a perfect device for postponing action sponsibility. and dividing re- There were fifty-eight slight earth- 1 quakes during one day recently Iu Hawaii. No wonder those Hula maid-! 0113 can dance. colctilated. As reg - gorgeous official title, he mimics Poor Jo, and j protests that "my natr.o is agin me." I Labor at larse is apt to imagine the Lord Privy SIM'. .i~ : -> whoi : ; : \ sold l.ioe at t'.ie the unemployed. W.u-n he his promises and * lis lit- ficulties. be means to en .u: -e any >t> may achieve. He rnvoar-l ages the Oppiisitmns a' :'iis stage to make a low e.<ti u.ite - v.:u-es. ! Children Gy for * tCASTORIA A BABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTORS 10,000 Bottles a Day Every day 10,000 women buy a bottle of Lydia E. Tinkham's Vege- table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness, baek- aoiie, headach.-. "blue" spells, and rundown condition. Lydia F. Pinkhan^s Vegetable Compound Muskrat Farming- From the knowledge obtai".it>l> fropi most reliable *o'.ir-<> ha?< every ii- illcatiitft of -shcwiiv^ HANDSOME PROFITS, owing mainly to the d<><- <..-. of natural supply a:;,! INCREASE III PKICE OP PEI.TS." iHir far:n la In charK'euf Mr. Ken ll;trri.s. a leliable cxperlenoeU muskrat fHriner. antl \\ w ha\'e ooiiftd*iu*e enough in our Karri to offer you a ranching coniroct which will ghe ;i BETURK OP 200 o before the owners rc-f>lv* any iiiinnera- tlnn. If you are interested enough to Investigate, fill In and until the following furni, or Telephone \Vaverley 3544. 1'lcase forward further Information without obligation: Num ................................................................ Address .. ........... . ......................... .- ................ ...... Phone .............................. ... THOMAS FUDGE & COMPANY ROOM 404. 11 KING ST. V\ EST. TORONTO 2. CANADA The predicted ankle-length skirt . ,>uiinK in style will be another factor "I think I'll go call on Smith. I won-: agaiust the freedom ot the see. der if he's In." * "Yes, but it will be useless to call Use Minard's Liniment in the Stables. | he's in for bootless'";:- " Tini *_ _ HIAD \OISES s-^js-^leonam \ J^ EAR O1JU M 2} til OriK >u c,-- >: , f <,;t,, n rtm| A. O. LEONARD. Inc. Tn Fifih Av.... > u ,k r, !T Asthma is relieved L\v Minard's. > on brown p.iper and apply throat. Also ina.i>. What most people call Indigestion Is usually excess acid Iu their stomach. There is big money iu Wall Street for any one who knows how to play | the market, aud Beethoven's SOIMM* j are on the piano if you just happen to hit the right notes. H takes a brave man to be a burg- lar, for he never knows wben some woman will mistake him for her bus- ' band and shoot. It may be the fault nt progress, but it does s,vm as though they're trying to stabilize the farm industry after | j the horses are gone What a great many people consider to be the latest Scotch Joke Is the ap- pointment ot a gentleman named Mc- Nab to draft a new Prohibitlou-en- forcciiicnt program with the V.S. Deaf Hear Again Through New Aid \i) Rigyor Than Dime Wins tVIoifi'iij/. Tin-Dan /Yctf Trial Offer. After two:ny-flv ytar* devoted wtcln- * ively to 'U niAuiii .iciuro of acieutittc . One tasteless spoonful iu water neu- , uerinff-aid, th cauaiiun Acousticon ' ' TORONTO Mother's Plan is succeeding . . VV^HEN your child is heaiiaci-.y, manv It* 111 1 - Toronto, Ont., ha* )u>t vertci t l a new orono, n., a* u> vr t The food has soured. The Instant re- j acid. The results are immediate, with model Acouiticon that repment* tb lief U an l*all which neutralizes | no bad after effects. Ouce you learn ' gjjg," acidt. But don't us crude helps. "Use this fact, you will tiover deal with ex- your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk ot Maguesia. For the 50 years since its invention It has remained standard with physlclaux. You will flnd noth- ing else so quick In Its effect, so harm- less, so efficient. ai-lrl fn lh wv wa>S. lonrn leattl latest Acoucticon ! fatnr*tl by a tiny L'.ir- vlecu no bifffer than a dim* ThronsH device, (onndB uri cl*arly.and " now -why this method is supreme, tlnctly trausmitted to (abnormal ears { Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' J^^ST'^SR^.^S'.SS Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi- i-,itely fr trial for 10 day to any ono ( clans for 60 years in correcting excess , wlu MUlI OM O i. u,e r<markai acids. Each bottle contalus Ml tli- ai8to your !>om for a thoroojrh an.l , ,. . . oonvlncluf tet. S*oa them roar nui recllons any drugstore. ^ M ddrei today: -- bilious, feverish, iialf-sick, with no appetite or energy, nine times out of ten. just cne thLg is to blame; constipation! Cleanse the little digestive tract with California Fig Syrup and see how breath is sweetened: coated tongue cleared; eyes brightened. More than two doses are seldom necessary to drive away all signs of a CALI FORN 1A FIG SYRUP THB MICH. FRUITY LAXATIVE AND TONIC FOR CHILDREN O clogged system : make a child happy. There isn't a child who doesn't love its rich, fruity flavor. Improved appetite, digestion and assimilation follow its use. A child's entire system is toned and strengthened. Mrs. Charles Kelly, 91 Carlane Ave, Toronto, Ontario, says: "Since I found out how good California Fig Syrup is, I have kept some in the house. It nover fails to help my children. I give it at the first sign of upsets or colds. Their wonderful condition proves this good plan." CautioH: The genuine always bea."s the name I alifornia. WEIGHED 163 IBS. NOW 140 IBS. How one woman lost fat and gained health Man people who are fully aware of th health-giving properties of KniM-l-.oa Salts have not \ct hc.inl of tin- wo,i,i,-r- fhl effivti thi'sc Sain li.ive in miuciii(j luilicalthy. CM <> Oil. Hy tlirir K'''"tle action oii the livor. kidney* ami l).>vvfi tlifv urjjc these ori^iiH ti> throw off tha I'oiMniom waste nutters, which, if Milt'tvcd to acfiiniulate. form fatty deposits in the body. Head how this womjin lost fat .imi ifnineti hesilth : "I have taki": Kri:vlien;- every tl.iv for nearly a year, ami 1 !MM- not felt sn well for many years. My wi'iitlit has iir|i|>ctl ^rom Itiii lb. to 144) lb. All my actiiiaiutatii'ej JKIV how muulk yoingcr and better 1 look. I foci bright and well, whereas before I win always nervous and tired." Mr. H. Try taking Krn>chen Salts every ninrn- ing in a g\as of hot water briVra brcnkf:ist. Little by little the unhealthy acciimulittinna f fat will slowly but gtirely disiipiieiir. A new freliiijf of hculth and vitality will follow th years will fall away as your form takes bu the sleuUcr luie* at youth. ISSUE No. 46 '29 \

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