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Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1929, p. 7

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* I Canada Fifth in ! A Lesson From Commercial List The Stock Market People in 1 30 Countries Buy- ing Goods from Dominion GROWTH IN WEST Country's Pacific Ports Position to Play Big Part in The crash in sto<:k market prices in the United States, like most dis- asters, is not -.'ii.huiflSljSr. value to that part of the public, wnfc-h learns from catastrophes rather than from experi- ence. The severe industrial crisis nf 1920 had its lesson for American in- dustry in teaching concerns that com- mitments must be the least possible and expansion carefully planned, and that caution must be observed hi not pursuing profits at the risk of losing the whole business. American Indus- try has learned that lesson well, and the last few years have seen hand-lo- ot over One of Canada's proudest achieve- ments commercially is her status as fifth in international commerce. Not only is Canada capable of supporting herself, hut ? he has a wealth of pro-| head CQSta aQ(( cafeflll attempts at auction for which other countries all, rotecting the haleg marKet . As a re . over the world are clamoring. In overf^,, there Uag pot been flg MVer< . M 130 different countries. Canada. *M*FMtlW disaster since that last one ordinarily to the inhabitant would be^ 19;o . 21> aml fhcre are a n , lra her of regarded merely as a space on the , eeonomists o{ mue who ma i n tain that map. and a background for thrilling )he country nag actua iiy ironed out adventure stories, becomes a reality ; ( , ie businea , cyc , e or naUeU ed its In Canadian goods which are display-. ro , ]s ed for sale and which they buy as The recent llllpl . ecedente(l fa n , commodities or luxuries. Ships sail g(0i . k market pr j ces fs not dire ctly re- the Seven Seas carrying Canadian , , atej {Q indus trial activity, but to the goods far and wide, and in return; , al . ge number of ju.iivi.Uml investors bring back to us the choicest of clis- ; am , s ,, ecu iators who have hoped to tant lands. | get ric |j q U j r itiy by buying securities Two of the main clients of the Do-. on a gmaU marKin . The i esson they minion of Canada in the export trade, haye i earne(1 at some considerable are the British West Indies anil the expensei is that- w hile expectations Orient. The West Indies trade is a, of gfeat profits may boom a stock up natural and increasing factor of inter-: , ar out of p roportion to its earnings. Empire commerce. They are our clos- . guch hopes wju uot keep u , rom a est imperial neighbors ami lack near-; ,| ra gij c ly all the produce in which we ar^so Invcs tors who were caught in the rii'h- j unpleasant episode which riilminatetl Important to Canada ; th | s week llave realized that those The importance of foreign trade on, willunlt ample resources should buy Canada's Pacific Coast is one of our I stocks out ,igiu or at a margin consti- Graphic Depiction of the Me Alpine Hunt brightest hopes for ths future. Nearly three-quarters of the world's popula- tion dwells in countries bordering on luting so high a proportion of the purchase price as to make it easy to hold on TH ICH RADIOING MESSAGE TO THE "FORT JAMES" CAMBRIDGE BAY H.B.POST R. C. M.P. P-pST RADIO STATION M'ALPINE PLANES LANP ON WATER M<^ALFHNE PLANES LEFT . - to securities at a critical the Pacific, and many of these arej perio(! Tney have probably also' ouly just opening up to western civili-| leal . ne(1 the wj^iom of buying se.-uri- ' zation. The British Columbian ports, ljes whkn t, ea use of their relation to j are some of the most logical and con- ; artl ,.,i rarn ings. are paying a dividend Tenient for the Orient trade, and it , Uat m;lkes it possible for the owner would be difficult to exaggerate the ;to Uo[d on indefinitely without being possibilities this offers wheu the full ; overwhelmed by carrying charges. If development of these countries is at-, (U(J , arKe lnves ting public has learned Ulnd. j 3orae slu .ii lessons a* these, it is prob- One of the most widespread trades i HE DRAWING SHOWS THE SALIENT POINTS OF INTEREST OF NORTHERN DRAMA The illustrative map and diagram reproduced here show dramatic features of '-ow, presumably, the Mc.U- pine party became lost on the shores of tae Arctic ocean and how orders, in preparation for their removal to The Markets LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Heav, beef steers, $8.50 to S9.50; butcher_steers, choice. T9 to ?9.50; do, t^VJ.MV W aa, com. to med., 35 to $6; do canners and cutters, $3.50 to $4.50- butcher oulls, good to choice. *(5.50 to rr.S8; do. nied., $6 to $6.25; do, i>o!oimo. $5.23 to $5.73; baby beef, $10 to *14: feeders, good, $8 to $8.50; . to *7.T5; stockers, good, H : i: do. fair, $6 to 97; calves, good. ) to $13.50;; do, med.. $10 to 4- do, grasses. ?fi to $7; spring* rs. HIO to 512. ); mflkuB, $75 to $100; lambs, choice. |lL25j do, bucks, S8.2.V sheep -r ei , SG *S. S(5 - 5 : do - ">!. *5 to M; ho-fs. bacon, W.G.C.. Sll.uO; do, <eo;s. SI per hog premium; do, but- cher, 75e per hog- discount; do, f.o.'r, price S1.23 cwt. under w.o. trucked in. oOc cwt under w.oc GRAIN' QUOTATION'S. Gram dealers on the Toronto board of trade are making the following auo- :>! car Sot.-: _Ma::. wheat No. 1 north.. $1.3,5 ; No. 2 north.. $1.33: No. 3. $l.-'9- \o 4. |L26; N'o. 5, $1.16; N'o. 6, 9c- feed, irjc ic.i.f. Goderich and bav tur:> ; . Ma.-. ,. ; >.;s--\o. 1 feed, WV: No. 2 feed, r; ''an corn No. 2 yellow. $1.05 (11 '" . ;d. Toronto f ;v _ k>'... Montreal I; . * '~~ '-' '.'.ran. per ;on. .*".V'."- ihorts, pv ton, S37.J5: mi I 14425. Or.:. _:. Wheat, $1.23 to $128, - "- : urli-y. 74 to T-k; rye SI to .<l.0.>; huc-kwheat. ^'J ro 85c HAY AND STRAW PRICES. Wli .v-iiie dealers in hay ar.d stmw are qu.nir.s t,> shippers the t'ollowinir :'T oar'ots delivered or. tra.-k -to: N ,>. 2 Tiirothy, baled, ton. N'o. 3 Timothy, baled, ton, $1V.< ' 15; u'vat straw, baled, ton. $10 to Sl'>..~ii: oat straw, per ton. $10 to of Canada is that in furs. It would civilization, will be instigated, and flashed over the air to northern posts. As the d-a;;ni:u shows, the McAIpiue >10.. r >0. N"./. 1 Timothy, loose, is nuot- aiM-oplaiu-s presumably became "blind" ami u>\v out ovt-r Queen Maud gulf. ftualV.- lauding la water. The aero-;** 1 ' at Sl^^'' 1 ??0 get ton, del planes were then pulled asbora and after a la;>se of time :ha party aiarted to hike almis the shores of the Aiv-.c PRniiUt'F OUOT A.TI(1 N "^ eventually failing in with friendly Kskimos w!- guided them across the ice to Cambridge Bay. Ne%vs of ilie Toronto wholesale taaten rr buy- miiiiug men's arrival was flashed by The Arctic ship Bay .Maud to l-e ship Fort James at Cape Joahuveu. \\Uere ing from country shippers at the fol- it was relayed to Fort Churchill. Back, via Baker Lake, would come wireless Instructions to Bathurst lulet ra.lio '--wir.jr prices: station, from where messengers would start out on foot to Buniside station, where three aeroplanes stared tr raii--<l. eases i bring out the lost men. ..The Journey from Cambridge bay to Bathurst is a 250-aiile hop across Dease s-:-.ij-, be- lt ; t .. seconds' 3'i* to tween Victoria island and the mainland: over Kent peninsula, which projects northward on tie ea?t side of', Butter No. 1. 394* to 'D-^c: X: able that this month's decline in i values may at some future time be: Bathurst inlet, and across the half-frozen waters of the inlet to the southwest shore, where the radio is - , be useless to enumerate the different! f.^k^i ll[K)n with a more tempered re- [located. Three of Captain Blanche! s patrolling quartette made the Journey to Cambridge bay to bring out taa fountrles which she supplies in this line, for she is recognized as the pret |han (he rece , u . y O f t h e occur- rence now permits. Christian Whaling Season Ends on Vancouver Island world's general fur depot. Wheat is s c i elu . e Monitor. at present the most voluminous de-, partment ot the export trade and finds its chief customers in the Vuited Kingdom. Japan. Germany, the We-t Indies, Denmark. Ireland. Holland. South Africa. Norway, Spain. Greece. Italy and Brazil. s Hay to Europe Hay is sent to Germany, Belgium Holland, British West Indies, and the United Kingdom, while the same places provide markets for a great proportion of the barley and oats . which we produce. Ian wliule has Canadian forests are the nlBill aauled up on the beaches of the sources of lumber for Japan. China. ' ot Vancouver Island for the M* d the Vnited : son alu ' tu<> >' oal ''* *H'- <s t for the t,> 21V. cream Special. 4:V: X i 1 I'V X' 1 '' 'jiV new-found McAlpine men. N'o message has Indicated the identity of the pilots w : .:o manned the trio of machines. ' Cheese No. 1 larger! colored, nar- but-four pilots under Captain Blanchefs command are Roy Brown. William Spence. H. Hollick-fCenyon and Andy ' affined and" government graded. Cruickshanks. A 430-mile jump faced the Blanchet phalanx in their next move towards civilization, and Baker .to - lake. 300 miles west, on Hudson Bay, is taeir goal. Baker lake is some 600 miles north of ChurchilLff bay minus of the Hudson Bay railway. Churchill, in turn, is about 1.000 miles north of Winnipeg. Colonel McAl- piue and his seven companions are expected to reach Churchill by the middle of November, and Thaycr Liu'!.-'.-y. Sn-.okeii meats Hams. med.. ;12 to director ot Dominion Explorers, declared that tbe company's party, missinj for eight weeks in the Arctic, should i : *"i' : <Mokei loins. 50 to .VV: snvk-vi be in Winnipeg before the end of the month. >U. '-*-" breakfast bacon. 2t '_ _ _ 'back, pean-e.iled. :'<? to 4(h; do smoked. f fl : Compared \Vith 3 1 4 in 1928 i s Philadelphia Gives Mennonites Seek Show for Boys Dogs Homes in Canada 4-"< to 47c. that much ilopends upon th aesur- ; Cured meats Long clear bacon, 50 ,iu.-es which can be Riven that tae'to 70 !!>s.. 24c-: 70 to 90 Ibs.. 'J'2c: families will be Riven shelter aad| to n <> bs - .- Heavyweight rolls, in Cana.ia Mennotiites until suh time "Mutt" Barred at "Plain Dominion Considers Proposal ar8 al ' ! * !o ""* !l '- ish '*em<elves. Australia. New Zealand, , States. South Africa and the British : worl<1 s to Admit 5.000 from Moscow B' n ' al ln th " rt > West Indies: and in the form of pulp Pacific is now only a matter of record. ' A total ot 406 whales were taken this season by six whaling steamers Xcw "Zealand" and" othVr | f tae Consolidated WhaKng Corpora- IfOn. compared with last season* catch of 314. In the past there has been a steady market for the oil and bone ot the , whale, and now British Columbia whalers are finding money in's teeth. These are sold In Japan. The 1 sperm whale, which Is tbe common to the species off the British Columbia coast, i : is the only large whale equipped with and naper are exported to the United States, Great Britain, the Argentine, Australia, markets. Although tobacco growing in any quantity is a comparatively new ven- ture in Canada, it has made tremend- ous strides in the past few years. :i:i,l Canadian tohaco is becoming known in the world's markets. At the pre- sent time, pbout 29 per cen;. of the Canadian crop is exported Vnited Kingdom. - Feeds Many Peoplei Reside* providing a great deal of the bread. Canada also produces and exports a considerable number of, other things which find their way to J the world's table. Meat and lard are . sent to ths United Kingdom. Cer- ; many. Belgium and Holland; cheese, to the United Kingdom, British West Indies. United States. Belgium, Hol- land. Germany. South Africa and l>eii- niark; ecgs sail from Vancouver to Auckland. New Zealand, and from Montreal to Kngland. Dog" Show, but the Dif- ference Is Only a Name A dog. no matter how lowly his. Ottawa. It is leuruod that the de- oriiiiu or how far he may be from dis- partment of immigration and coloni- tlnguii-hed lineage, is not Women Working For Senate Seat IGc: tubs. I7c: pails. 17V- : prints. IS 10 19c. Short - Tierces. ISH to U^c: tubs. Me: pails, 14'-o; tins, IS^c; prints. I54c. 1' ' . !..::'*. J'v: New York shoul- 'ie'-s. l<e: pork butt.*, .'3c: pork hams. _' K- ,. mutt - ' zation is confronted wi'h a proposal, ! to admit approximately 1.000 Meu- and the officers and agents of the , 1(>n it8 agricultural families, represent- No Appointment Likely Be- Phi.aiielphia Society for the Preven- ' ( n g about 5.000 souU . who have ar-' tion of Cruelty to Animals are anxious ! rived in Moscow after having been ilisp<issi-s<eil of their farms in Siberia. So far as is known these families are without funds or friends in Uussia. They have heard of the opportunities awaiting agricultural settlers in Can- to make this plain. If a canine hap- pens to helons to that class of luellgi- bles for blue ribbon honors, he is just a "plain dog." But he Is never a mutt. This was made manifest when the society he!d Its annual "Plain Dog Show." \\ hich had been exploited by fore Christmas Names Already Mentioned ada and are eager to llnd refuge In | tine forth their names. N'o appoint Ottawa. Plenty ot women are writ- ins to Ottawa th-^e days as- sent in the Senate. If they are not! doing it themselves, others are put- this country. ment fo the Senate is Jk-'y before Ontario To ^ Care of Fnileptics Province to Build Flxtra Quar- ters in Hosoit^l at Woodstock Outa: ' n state MI the world in ifs f.-.'.r :u-!it of cpilopiies when work finally '.'.-- The Red Cross Helps Guatemala Volcano in Guatemala Sud- denly Erupts 20 So Far Dead and Relief Crews at Work tee! h. Removal of all the marketable por- tions of a whale catv.iss is hut a mat- ter of a few minutes wb -u the .\pert and Indian cutters com- operutlons. The blubber or flesh Is cut in strips. 30 feet long by three feet wide and one foot thick. It is pe-Med off like a skin from a giant a steam winch. One side finished, the whole whale Is turned over with fourfold blocks and the other side is stripped. The ribs are then chopped through wilh an axe along the back- 1 bone, and the whole side torn out to explore the inner workings of the monster. These are nea'iy severed from the body and hauled out. What i- eniains of the carcass is then hauled off the landing skid, cut up and turn d itito fertilizer. The blubber, cut into easily handled pieces, are fed Into a revolving knife. which reduces them to the size ot bacon slabs. Carried upwards by a j conveyor these little pieces drop Into they are boll- 1 facetious newspaper writers variously " ' understood that the depart- j Christmas and. of course, ona can he completed on tenders which the prr i- M i>i -i 1 il .m*i !* man t nf* r\iihl f i- ivi iT'lc * as "a pooch exhibition." a show of un-; ment has been asked to allow these ' made only where there is a vae:ui -y. , vi:i -tment of (people to join fellow Mennonites prin- 1 These exist in Ontario. Quobee :i-:d '-'! "11 ithin a week for : ,:ipally in Western Canada, who may ' Manitoba, but nowhere else. Hon. . to '"<? Ontario hospital at Woodstock be willing to open their homes and ' Mary Kllon Smith's name Is put for- 1 T!le Present oapacii: ward, but sh is from British Co'um- P it;l ' >" - ' 1 patients. Under the w , "' v " Ih ' m re ' " t11 ment en the land. This action is I urged not only on humanitarian grounds but because the families con- ' eerno'l are ; law-abiding. lovely pups," and a "mutt bench." The term mutt, although approbious to the S.P.C.A.. has a different mean- ing to the urchin who, perhaps, has found bis pet lunching around an ash ' when thry lU . be ttble L flnd emplo> " b ' a ' wh " re there ' 9 " Vao:1 " ran. Wheu a very freckled and very j red headed boy leading a yellow "plain dog." a hopelessly plain one. by a string.'^Sfpplied for admission to show, lie asked: i tnrplirh auHAUUl tn .-fM. In trrnnna -Sa>. Is dis de place where de mi: it s'iow is going on?" Mr-;. K.! : 'h fleers. M.K.V.. of Win nipeg. may have a chance. Many here think that Mr-!. Norman Wilson, of boua fide agriculturists, j Ottawa, wil he selected. She Is the well-behaved, and al- ' millionaire daughter of the Inte Sen- niatmed. this capacity wil be trebled by th" addition of three units. T'.vo of these building* wil be sleeping a.'.'l living quar - f T the ;>.i' nl will h,> a kitchen ami il!nii;i; room. In addition a heatinit 'tho'.ish disposed to v.-t!l.> in groups ' ator MaeKny. of Montreal, verv rro- ;iml P"'r Plant is heinc cona t'l. .. t .. . Guatemala City. Tlic government and the Red Cross put forward mvrtt efforts (o five relief to the n.0 vie- for 10 hollrs aml flnish as S ' K ' ; "' tims of the- violent eruption of ttio vol- _% _ cano Santa Maria. 70 miles northwest The official death list Scientists Capture Devil of Deep Seas rUicklaml, X.Z. A deep-sea devil of this cily. stooit at 2t>. The volano suddenly began violent erup-.ion of sand and lava which con- tinned for s-.-vvral days, although with was one of the stransto catches made somewhat 'liminisliod force. A stream '. at a depth of nearly S.OOO feet off the cf l.iva r:i!i <io\\n the- course of the New Zealand coast by Danish sclent- : -. ' .-i t&W, causing suffocating : l*t recently, acording to R. A Fnlla, heat in the district around Quezalten- who accompanied the expedition. The ango, lU-tulkuleu and MaoaltciianRO. ! deop-sea devil is a creature with an i Properly damage in Kl Palmar area ' enormous mouth and constructed ' skeleton, with practically no Inter- organs, so that there is water in "" out. It thus is able to with- was estimated at $1.000,000. S|i.'riiil trains were chartered to cany tti" relief workers to tho scene of destruction mid hospitals at Re- ; stand the great pressure In the depths tuihiilcu anil Quezaltenaii'go cared for i" which It lives. A strange thing about the creature . is a long feeler above its head hold- j Ing a lamp. By generating Its own , many cases. SeverM tales of heroism were told. i-nn>n" tliftn the ease of Pavid Kodrl- whn ]-"!ii\i-io.'l nl his telegraph light for this I-.-y sum'-' T ! :I: -II until Hie glowing higher levels lava reached tiio door o the ollice. | rey to the great Jaws. it attracts fish which become from easy The attendant eyed him with an ex- vosMon that may have meant any- but she replied: "This is the place where we're hold- ing a 'plain dog' show. \\'e don't know an> ihins about 'mutts'." -Well, dis dogr Is a plain dog all right, lady, but he's one of de best mutts you ever seen. Can 1 bring him in?" And when permission was given the freckled lad and his pet appeared before the judges. The show was not limited to dogs. There were cats, a turtle, a goose, parrots, rabbits, white mice and a few pigeons. There were no fancy names like "Longshore's Royal Fang," or "Skyland Rose of Monthaven," which one might hear about the up- btage shows where the dogs are not plain. Of the 125 dogs benched (beg pardon, that's a professional term*, that is to say exhibited, a score were (jailed "Spot," some were called mere- ly "Here, Pupsie!" Prizes were awarded for the grand champion dog of the show, whose name, by the way, happened to be "Queenie." and who was adjudged the most typkv.1 mongrel ot all entries. As far as the youngster with the red shock and freckled face was concern- ed, he was unconvinced ( and as he departed, he said affectiona'ely to the little tousled bundle under his arm: "Come on, mutt, let's go out and git some eats." Christian Science Monl- tpr. are by no means communists. The minent In the Liberal women's or sood record of the great majority of Cation, a fine speaker and a personal Mennonites already settled in Canada friend of the Prime Minister is urged In their behalf. j ^ Immigration onV.als Interviewed; .nlmitteil that a to bring; To be a ejj-.vnNt you ::: . t study 1 .000 Mennonite families to Canada chemistry: to be a lawyer or a physi- f:-oni Moscow hns !.>. n presented to cian you mv.-t study law or m !' -:".e them, but they would not state wheth- but to be a politician ? m De vl o;:!y er or not the p: .-p.^ed movement would be authorized. It is understood to study O'Rell. year own interests. Max Ambitious INDIAN BOY WINNER OF PLOWING CHAMPIONSHIP Ueorge Garlow. seveaU-en -year-old Indian boy, winner of Intermit. u T!'.e lat'.-r will be built close to tlia railway line which !i-'s near ' stitution und a sidins wil con with tho m.iin tracks. Tunnels w-:; join the heating plant to tiiL' n- ' the hospital. At present Ontario ia perhaps the only province in the dominion havina .v special institution for epilei'-- other provinces, these cases a. to asylums with the l.-.-an-'. altllough enilepsy. except in its Sna' \ns upsi-ts the rea At the Woodstock hospita! attention is paid to the ch eases. K t v?arc!i aimed .it ilie control of the disease a'.so Is proceeding un der the superintendent. Dr. T berlaml, -ind Ills assistant. Dr. C. H. I'ratt. and officials hold high h the rpsult*. Socialism in Australia The Patriot, London: Socialism has .'or sop.;e time been the curse of Aus- tralia. holding back prosperity. i'.e- maiuling uneconomic wages, infl.r.i-ig the cost of living, helping to pile the population into the towns and cheek- ing employment in a land where it Is available in super-abundance for every houest and energetic worker. Australian Socialism in late years has become more and more penetrated with so-called Communist elements, whose tendency to violence has been painfully demonstrated. Socialist leg- islation, which was heading rich Queensland towards u:in. hail experi- i-Uampfonshlp plowing match at Kingston, Oat., seen as he was Quisling his niented on a large seal* with coaipul last furrow. sory arbitration.

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