WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mrs. J. M. Davis Passes oral took place on Saturday aftcr- noo'.i. Service was held at 2.30 in Vandeleur United Church, of Death came after a short illness which the deceased had for many to Mrs. J. M. Davis, an old resident years been a fa.thful member, mter- of Vandelour district after an operat- mcnt tttkmtf P lace ln Mttrkdalc Cem ' ion in the Markdale hospital. etery The deceased , who was seventy- three years of age, had been in fair- ly good health until about a month ago, after which time symptoms de- veloped which pointed to serious ii/ward trouble. An operation was j.jrformcd in the Markdale hospi- tal on Thursday, Oct. 17, but he condition was such that it was impossible to save her life although everything possible was done to alleviate her suffering. The late Mrs. Davis, whose maid- M. Delmer Johnstone It is with regret we announce the passing of Marion Delmer Johnstone at Grace Hospital Windsor, Scpt.17 after a brief illness of i) days durat- en name was Tackaberry, was Marpare'. Letitia the daughter of Mr. John Tackaberry and his wife, Louisa Douglas, and was the last M rviving member of her family. She was burn in Leeds County and came with her parents to this dis- tri-t, whon about twelve years of :. . At the age of r.ine^en she married Mr. J. M. Davis, and they settled on a farm on the corner of the seventh line of Euphrasia and the town lint- A. am! E.. known in those days as the Boswood Corner. He e, surrounded by her family, ehc spent a happy and useful life. Gc'.icrous to a fault, her hospitality was farfan'.ed nnd no hungry trav- fllcr ecr passed her door without warm food and pe-haps a bed. Mr. Davis, who was equally open hand- ed, died in January, J91C. Surviv ir. r>.re six daughters and a son, namely, Miss Florence Davis and (Rena>, Mrr. J. W. Cochrane. Col- borne; (Daisy), Mrs. II. F. Ri iy, St. Mary's; (Catherine). Mr?. Dav- )<':(!, CiiUia', '(Marjraijt (Mrs. L. Johnston arul (Julia), Mrs. George Buchanan, Vandcleur, and Frank, on the homestead, ail of whom were horr-e and weie present at the fun- eral. The body wa* removed to the home of her son-in-ljv/, Mr. C. r-- Thompson brothers and sisters, Miss Frances Rudd, Miss E. M. Hortop, Miss M. Murray, Neighbours, Jon- .stone family, Mrs. Long, George and Vivian, Bertha, Ada, Mabel and Win- nifred, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar, Husband and daughter and Father. She leaves to mourn her loss a lov- ing husband, father and small daughter, Patricia Elaine. M^w^>-^*SM!e^w^-vv^/^ if It 4 "9 A Health Service j| Small Ad V t S. - of the - CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. chanan, f;-op-. v.liich j/lscn lon. The deceased who was in her 28th year was the wife of John Johns- tone, 130 Cameron Ave. Windsor, and only daughter of Clinton C. Ped- ar and the lute Mrs. C. Pedlar form crly of Toronto and was well known around Portlaw and vicinity, having /isitcd her grandparents, the late Mr ind Mrs. Samuel Pedlar every sum- un'il she grew to womanhood, when she moved to Windsor to make her Intme with her aunt, Mrs. Archie N'r.pier until her marriage in June. Th3 fi-.tral was held at the home at H.30 a.m. Sept. 10th and intcrmen 1 . was mi.l in 'he. Johnstone family plot near London. Tin.' pallbeart-'s' were Mr. John- stone's '!iree brothers, Mr. Harry MacOutcheon, Mr. J. D. Ryder and M". Norman Simmonds. Tha floral offerings from her many friends were beautiful and numerous. M;s. Nolan, Mrs. Mnvris ar.l family. Mi. J. B. Hammond, Mr. Hillyard, C.P. P.. Windsor where her husband i-i employe*'. Supt. Office St. Thomas, liartlctt McDonald, Beak' 1 * Cafeteria, Mr. ;iml Mr-;. \V. J. Chi'id, Mr. and Mr.--. Fred Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. B'acklwrn and family, Mr. and Mrs Austin Wilson, Mrs. Olga Fee. Mr. :i:i(l M f. F. G. Spo.u-nburg, Mr. and Mrr. J. 0. Sullivan and family, Miss Cr.oko and tins;!, and cirls in play with Patricia from Cameron Ave. School, Mrs. F. R. Jones, Mr:?. Gerard :>n d familv, Mr. and Mrs. U. Walker V -. a .il Mr*. Asa Kllwood anil Verlie, Mr . A. Cl-onk and family, Flesherten High School FORM 1 BRITISH HISTORY Hon. Dor- othy VVolstencroft 92, Ita Pedlar 90, Lucy McDonald 88, Doris Bannon 83, Hazel McKillop 80, Alma McLean 77. p ass _Phyllis Graham 73, LaVerne Piper 71, John McMillan 65, Martha Ostrander 65, Fred Fawcett 64, Bes- Isabel MacMillan 61, 60, Jessie Ostrander 5y, Everett Talbot 58, Burton Sled 57, Jimmie Sinclair 55, Mervyn Johnson r>.i Joe Gibson 52, Kathleen Pedlar Fail Vera McMaster 39, Gor- DO THEY GROW OUT OF IT? LOST OR STOLEN ' STRAYED A short hair red ter- jrier, on Oct. 17. Information thank- sie Cairns 62, Frank Eagles There are many superstitious ideas I fully received. W. J. Caswell, Prot- associated with medicine in the mindsj on, R. R. 3. of the public. Most of these are mer-^ L . . ^p ely amusing, but some of them are serious because of the actual harm which they cause. Among the un- fortunately serious superstitions is the common belief that the child "grows out" of things. This idea is far re- moved from the truth, and neglect of faulty conditions in childhood us- ually results in permanent damage. It also means that during the early years, when there is every hope of correcting the defect, by proper treatment, means is of tha fa-- 1 Mr. r i! '' \\T. AR1-. IIAXDLIXG ANY AM< )l'XT OF Dressed Poultry ]'< >R Till-: <>XKS I 'RK] '.\kI.\V, FOR TI1K THAXKSf.FYIXr, MAKKKT. All poultry must be at the grading station not lat- CT than 12 o'clock noon, Tlmrsdav, Xov. 7th. ARTEMESIA & CSPREY CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LTD. 50. dcr. Patterson 15. FORM 2 PHYSIOGRAPHY Hop Elmore Fisher 01, Stella Marshall 32, Mervyn Lutle s;!, Dorothy Ottewell 88, Jim Bannon 8-t, P.owena Magee 73. Pass Bob Phillips 71, Jean Hineks 66, Neilbcrt Mackenzie 66, Dorothy Jara- ;c:-'n C5. Audrey Warling 65, Ellen Parker 64, Earl Ottewell C3, Murray Sturrt C3, Jeanette McLcod 62, Ruby White 61, Alincda Hb.cfcs 58, Daisy McFf-'Jden 57, Verdun McMaster 50, Dorothy Sneil 55, Bill 1'itton 53, Mar- garet Ferris 50, Muriel Knox 50, Mac- il Snc 1 ! 50. Fail Florence Wclton 48, Edward Ferris 46, GeoT Allen 42. FORM 3 GEOMETRY - - Hon. Hattic Mc- Rp.e i'O, Earl Johnson 88, Patty Mor- gan 88, Jackson Stewart 85. Harold Tu.-ner 85, Lola Blackburn 8.-J, John Wilson 82, Jim Haw 78. Pass C. Mnzee 60, Sadie Cnrson 67, Dorn Stewart G.'J. Evelyn Turner 63, Emery Fi,hcr 60, Irene Martin 56, Audrey Brown 55, Ruby Kerton 53, Donald Reiley > r >. Fail Herbert Akins 45, Marie Fcnwicl: 45, Harold Best 35, Jack McKtvhnie "5. FORM 4 MODERN HISTORY Hon. Alice lizard 8H. Il.nMlih Sloan 75. Pass Marirv.ivi Sine'air 60 Harold Thomp- BOn "i. Fl.mnre Allen 50. Fail Alice Reiley 28. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A ; ood ta .1 ! >' '<' or to rent, v.-ith coiiifiirtab!;' buildings and in n L-oa;l state >:' eultivritii.n. This farm i. in the Township of Artemesia, quito i ir Ceylon and I'ncoville. A real snap for cii.ick sale. For further infon.iatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah Mills, P.. R. 1, Proton Station, phone Dundalk 62 r 4. FOR SALE FOR SALE A litter of young pigs. Fred Brackenbury, Flesherton FOR SALE-Talman Sweet apples Lew. Genoe, Eugenia, phone 43 r 31. FOR SALE 10 or 12 young Ox-, your best offer. ford Down rams, registered. Claude Akins, Proton Station, phone 41 r 12. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house an* large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31, Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- ply to John Thompson, Agincourt. Ont, administrator of the estate of the late George Thompson. Give nothing is done. To illustrate clearly what we mear. we will refer to three conditions which are frequently neglected by pa.-enls because of their unfortunate belief that time b the remedy and that the child will "grow out" of them. Squint, or ciWD-cyc, is one of the conditions which is f requently neglect- ed. If it is neglected, it does not cure iusolf, and, what is worse, the right of one is wholly or portially lost. If parents desire their child to have the propar use of his eyes, they must have a case of squint '.reat- ed in the earliest years of life. A running car should never be 'eft without proper treatment. The dis- charge may disappear in time a".d it may thus seem as if nature had ef- fected a euro, but what has happened in the meantime, in many cases, is that the infection which was the caus nf ..he discharge has so damaged the hearing mechanism that the result i? either a total or a partial loss of hear rig. Neglect of discharging cars in childhood means deafness in adult life. Speech defects, such as stuttering, FOR SALE Three good reliable ponies, broken single or double, quiet for children, J. A. Stewart, Phone 46. FOR SALE Registered Leicester rarr. lamb from well-wooled stock. D. A. Hargi-ave, R. R. 5, Markdale. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R., Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood bush; good bank bam 40x45, and dri- ving shed 22x30; frame house, five rooms. Farm is situated on the pro- vincial highway with public school 30 rods distant and 1% miles south of Flesherton. R.R. 3, Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE Lot 32, Con. 6, Arternesia, one hun- dred acres, about 65 acres under culti- vation, about 5 acres of bush and 3 FOR RENT A six roomed house with good garden, opposite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE 3 Calv-es, an aged ram and ram lamb. Harry Patton, Phone 42 r 5. Flesherton. FOR SALE Dining room suite in, acres of swamp-; spring ereek running oak, consisting of buffet table and six| through pasture near rear of farm; ...airF. in first class condition. To^ about 40 rods from school. Good sell cheap. F. J. Thurston, Fleshcrton ' bankbarn 45x56; frame hotwc with 8 I rooms, good cellar, good drilled well, HOUSE FOR SALE A bargain hpn pen and sma ,, orchard . Half :,,r a quL-k sale; must be moved! m ji e f rom R oc ic Mills and 4 miles at once. Mrs. erton. M. Jamieson, Flesh- from Flesherton, rural route. Will I sell reasonably. WALTER RUSSELL, R. R. No. 1 Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE THE STOKE WITH SERVICE F.T.K!LL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OIK BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY See Large Posters for List of Specials Men's Tweed Suits $13.75 Excellent $13.75 Men's Tweed Suits, mostly made. lir>,t of trimmings. (|ii:ility tweed. A real bargain Clearing at Men's Suits at $19.75 All our Men's Suits, sold regularly at $25 and $27.50 in Worsted, Navy Serge and Fancy Stripe. Excellent value at Uvular selling price. A realdJtQ *7C bargain at pl7lD Men's Winter Overcoats 15 only Men's and Young Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats in assorted dark tweed patterns. All well made and lies! lining. Worth up to $22.50. Autumn sale price $10.95. Boys' Suits $5.00 35 I Joys' Suits in Tweed and Serge. Some have 2 pair of pants, and all must be cleared out at Your Choice $5.00 Men's Fail Overcoats I'J (inly Men's High Class Overcoats' Some I'.arryniore cloth in Xavy Mine or Fancy Check: Beautifully^ 1 A CA made and wonderful value at yjtv.iJv Men's Fall Overcoats 30 only Men's Overcoats. All new and up-to-date styles. A wonderful selection of patterns and plain cloths in the lot. Values up to $25.00. Clearing at the low price of There is always a beginning to these, and, if they are attended to promptly, when *hey first appear, they can be cured. Speech peculiarities in a FOR SALE A. C. Daytona radio with 5 tubes, also grafonola, to jell very reasonably. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. - I About 100 acres of good clay loam FOR SALE One span mares ris-j lcndi being lots 24 and 25, 2nd con. ing 4 years, also good Oxford Down N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a ram, good stock-getter. Wm R. mile from Flesherton Station, about Meads R.R. 3, Priceville, phone 21r23. 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. For Sale Young pigs, \\ill sell sow Seven-roomed house, solid brick with and litter of nine. Cow for sale nnd cellar under all, nlso summer kitchen horse wanted to buy. roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. i \, t't^ nur&c' \vuiuuu LU uiuri ruui are a serious handicap in adult life.j _ Thomas Kenwick, Eugenia Phone good 1111. Feversham. FOR SALE - new seven roomed E. Banks. Flesherton, tele phone J56_J. house with all modern conveniences, child may seem to be nothing morel than amusinc; the child Is laughed at, nothing is done, and a habit is fix- ed which is difficult to change; thus thte future happiness of the child may fce iec'/ardized through neglojt. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medicnl Association, 184 ColU-ge Street, Tor- , nt.i, \ \\ be f.s'.jw.'i'cd personally i Toronto St., Flesherton. Write or FARM FOR SALE Degree Competition On Friday Night phone C. J. Crosslcy, 651 Annette St., Toronto, phone Junction 2161. SALE One Caron electne 110 acres in the Township of Ar- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn iijrhi plant in (rood condition, one oak 36xGO with T 33x45. all with stone dairy churn, good as new one Masscy basement, in good repair, water at Hnrris creani separator, hand or pow- barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen r iHven. about 35 good rock pullets, house: 8-roomed solid brick house rood Bell organ. Will sell light ^ !t . h soft wat , ev cistern and furnam. , .. This is a irood cram and stock farm, plant cheap, as I have no use for it. ; we ,, fcnced and watercd . sit uated W. Akitt Flesherton, R.R. 1. convenient to railway, church and ^ = j school. Reason for selling is on account of poor health. For partic- i ulnrs apply on oremisos. MISCELLANEOUS Potatoes Wanted Highest market Ice. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MU1R. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. DRESSMAKING I am open for BOAR FOU SERVICE. dressmaking engagements, with heat!- j Registered Yorkshire Boar for er- FrMky cvinin;: cf this \vock the tduarters in Mrs. M. Jamieson's res- |V jce by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, annual campetition for the Hon. Dv.jidence. Sproulo .Memorial challenge .trophy for crton. degree teams of the County of Grey Loyal Orange Lodge* will bo held in the town hall, Flesherton to!v>oncc at 8 p. in. Last yea/s wimc'-s, Corbetton L. O. L,, will de- fend the trophy and will be opposed by Fle.--hort.. I/;tlgc No. 2855, when u, Cirat I'-KICC \vill be exemplified. All men:l)c . of the Orange Associat- ion Uvought thij country arc urge,! to atti i I. A banquet will Lo serv- ed at close. The trophy has Ibccn up for comijatitio:! the past three ye.irr, and lias been won twice Mrs. E. M. Waters, Flush- t h e property of the Ontario Depart- meut of Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. TRUCKING All kinds of truck- j ins; to Union Stock Yards especially. W. B. Winters, Maxwell, Phone 92 r 14 at my expense. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Mtrry NOTICE Lots 4 and 5, concession Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie !) and lots G concession 8, hunti ig, Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly fif.hing and trespassing strictly pro- hibited. S. R. Hawkins & Son, R. R. 1, Eugenia. NOTICE Will th? person of per- sona who entered my house and re- moved several a tides please return them, it will save them any further $13.95 Boys' Heavy Winter Coats 15 only Hoys' I feavy Winter Overcoats in plain and fancy check materials. Six- es 27 to 34. 'M.'Miy of the coats sold rc- Kiilarly tip to $1 4-50 Autumn Clearing ali- price per garment $6.95 Men's Tweed Prnts $1.05 . 4X pair of Men's Tweed Pants, good heavy quality tweed, strong pocketing, licit strap and cuff hotoni. Price $1.95 "Where Quaity is Higher Than Price" by Oranno Valley and last year by (,- uble. Mrs. Coign.!, Flesherton. the Corbet to-i degree team WANTED Good farm to rent, 100 or 200 acres, convenient to school. State full partic-iflnrs in letter or phone Feversham. II. J. Courvoisler, R. R. 1, Eugenia. Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., J). D. S. surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer, ed for extraction. Office at the resi- i deuce of Dr. E. C. Murray Toronto oldest ll >ts l. r >8-r>l)-60 and 161, 3rd range W, street. Flesherton. Phone 6!). NOTICE - Hunting or trapping on A balloon containing five young men started out from Detroit Sun- day morning and landed at Colling- wonil al 3.40 p.m.. Blown by a 35 mile wind, HII^L- boys, the yomgest of \\hom is sixteen nnd the twenty, made the 200 mile trip in six T. & S.R.,_Artemcsia, is strictly pro- hourn. All are members of the Detroit Balloon Club and are em- ployed by the Detroit Aircraft Cor- poru! ion. The highest altitude the party reached was 9,000 feet and their only misfortune was crashing into a tree nenr Mount Forest. 131,078. Terms Purebreds >5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. S. R. HAWKINS. Eurenla. MIDDLE PRO & BURNS liat ri.sM-r:-. etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Fleshcrton. Flesherton eveny Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS St. John's United Church RKV. W. J. SCOTT, M.A., B.D., S.Y.M. Minister > SUNDAY, NOV. 3rd 11:00 A.M. Rev. Wm. Coutts, B.A., of Markdale will preach. Sunday School at close of the morn- ing service. 7.00 P.M. "The relation of Memory and Adventure." The evening ser- vice will open with a short service of song. be sung. Your favorite hymns will The Young People's SoViety Tuesday * at 8 p.m. Dr. A. Phillip Brace, organizer for the Sons of Temper aiKi-, will give nn address. Tlu> mid-week meeting for prayer on Thursday at 8 p.m. A rally of the choir will bo hold at the parsonago Fri. evening, Nov. 1. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY hibited. Trespassers will be prosc- ov.ted. Lthc-r Duckett. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A -M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton LEARN ELECTRICITY Hydro | day on or lectrical development is proceeding ' G. Watson, W. M., C. F Ijtwrence, Secretary on a tremendous scale in Canada. Tho supply of Electro-mechanicians does not begin to equal the demand. We train you at your home. Write ors, etc., I. B. Uieaa, K. C., W. D. for full particulars. Canadian School Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- of Electricity. Toronto. 325 Federal Building. FOR SALE OH RENT 100 ac- res, lots NW, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. o No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, ,\4 mile from school. 2 miles from Flejherton. Apply to J*. R. ThiBtlethwaitc, 24 Connor A*e., Toronto or W. J. Bel- lay, Floahevtan. Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. GOOD SMOOTH FARM OF 70 acres best of hind almost all under cul tivation 2 Mi Klesherton. miles north east of Good barn 33x40, new Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Siiaccw. Farm and stock sales a specially! Torms moderate^ satisfaction All arrangements nd may be made at the Advance* otflcw, or. Central telephone ofltee, or by addressing we at BOAR FOR SERVICE garage 20x22, good brick house, newly Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer decorated, 2tfx35. well, windmill and viee Edgely Bright XTxa Nu M, awe* i orchard. Priced for quick '-Property of S RU<wm sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, Markdal* or Mrs. S. Dev41. R. R. No 5,0wcn Sound. , Proton BULL FOR SEBVICK OKO V 1R. DUNCAN DUNDALK * LflCKNSED AUCTIONEER Fr the County of Oroy. Terms! Durham Bull for service. $1.50 If I prr cent. Satisfaction gunrnteed , l in ld before January otherwise $ n Dates made at The Adv&nc ic. ( C. Akins, R. R. 3, I' ro toa Statlo r;