WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I others fit at any price . in any year! NO other six-cylinder car has ever earned, in any year, one-third the public acceptance . . one-third the volume of sales . . which have been bestowed upon Chevrolet Six during the nine months since its introduction. This tremendous public acceptance is due to three out- standing facts. To the fact that Chevrolet offered, for the first time in history, a six ?.t the price of a four . . To the superb standard of qua'ity in Chevrolet's design, matrrial and workmanship. And to the new, greater performance abilities that Chevrolet Six provided. Chevrolet Six was four years old in experiment, in research, in testing, in proving . . before the first Chevrolet Six was placed in the hands of its owner. And that owner . . like the million and a quarter owners who followed his example . . SOLD HIMSELF oji die Chevrolet he bought . . on the road, haliind ihe whe-jl. Why not let us place a Chevrolet Six at your disposal . . and form your own opinion of its value. tf Ast about ibr GiMAC Deferred Payment PLm C.i:.'0.2ic PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. jT'.s iii;rTi-:. ni-CAUSi- IT s East Grey Prize List (Continued from Page 4) sheet, Nettie Johnston, II. MoCauley; ' sleeping ga :ment, Nettie Johnston, W. ' P. Crossley; cotton house dress, Mrs. ' L. C. Champ, Frank Cairns; Ladies' Epoi . coat, L. A. Fisher; lamp shade, Elda Karstcdt, Mrs. D. McTavish; ? > -viceable work apron, Mrs. L. C. Champ, Nettie Johnston; mending figured garment, Nettie Johnston; ' hand-knit socks fine, Nettie Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Adams; hand-knit mitts fine, Nettie Johnston, L. A. Fisher; foot mat wool. P. Hemphill, L. A. Fisher; foot mat hooked or braided, Mrs. Will Mooi-e, Mrs. J. B. Straith; coarse mitts, Nettie Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Adams; socks coarse, L. A. Fisher, H. McCauley; shoulder shawl, Mrs. W. Boyd, Geo. Cairns; slumber- ing robe, Allie Norris, E. Karstedt. FANCY NEEDLECRAFT Hem- stitching double, Mrs L. C. Champ, Nettie Johnston; Italian hemstitching, Dr. W. D. Bryce, E\da \Karstecft; drawn-in-thread, Mrs. Will Boyd, F. Cairns; Russian cross-stitch, Albert! Sparks, Mrs. A. E. McCallum; daisy loop and French knot. Mrs. J. C. Adams, Elda Karstedt; white embroi- dered centrf piece, Mrs. J. B. Straith, Dr. W. D. Bryce; Roman cut-work, L. A. Fisher, Mrs. L. C. Champ; Vene- tian cut-work, Mrs J. C. Adams; sol- id white, Mrs. J.B. Straith, L.A. Fish- er; pair tray cloths, L. A. Fisher, C. Meldrunr, buffet set, Mrs. L. C. Champ, Mrs. Will Moore; serviettes, Mrs. Champ, H. McCauley; tea cloth, Mr?. Champ, Mrs. Adams; pair pillow clips, Mrs. Champs, P. Hemphill; pair hand towels. Dr. W. D. Bryce, Mrs. Champ; baby pillow, Mrs. L. C. Champ, Bert Sparks; night robe, Mrs. Champ, H. McCauley; child's dress, Mr.i. Champ. Embroideries, Color Centre piece Mrs Blain Richie, Elda Karstcdt; lun- cheon sot, Mrs. Ken. Kennedy, Mrs. Champ; l.uffet sut, J. F. Collinson, Mis. L. C. Collinaon; table runner, Elda Karstcdt, Alex. McMullen; sofr. cushion, II. McCauley, Mrs. Adams; '.urtains, Mrs. Champ, H. McCauley; pair Kucst towels, Mrs. J. B. Straith, M'rs. Champ; vanity set, Mrs. Blain Richie, Elda Karstcdt; child's romper suit or dress, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. A. E. McCallum; lady's lingerie, H. McCaul- ey, J. V. C.illinson. Crocho' or Crochet Trimmed Centrepiece, Elda Karstedt, Mrs. L. C. Champ; serviettes, Mrs. Champ, C. Mcldrum; buffet scarf, Nettie Johns- I 'in, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; tea cloth, Mrs. Champ, Mr?. Adam.;; tray oval, Rbt. Vause 1 , Mrs. Bngulay; set hat pi::!. i-s Dr. \V. I). Biyco, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; pair towels, Mr?. J. B. , Eh aitli. Mrs. L. C. Champ; pair pillow I slip-, Kul.-i Karst.'.lt, Robt. Vause; Advts. ***t+*4*+*+fr*f4**44if***M*+ft**f LOST OR STOLEN FOR SALE Talman Sweet apples ; Lew. Genoe, Eugenia, phone 43 r 31. dresser set, Mrs. L. A. Fisher; hand- <. kerchiefs, Robt. Vause, Mrs. Ken Ken- , X ncdy; lady's lingerie, Robt. Vause, Mrs. Champ; table runner colored, ? Mrs. Ken Kennedy, Ale::. McMullen; Tatting or Tatting Trimmed Handkerchiefs, H. McCauley, Mrs. K. Kennedy; lady's lingerie. H. McCaui- { LOST In Ceylon, on Sept. 17th cy, Frank Cairns; nai-- guest towels, , ^ ark y ellov/ collic dog, about one year H. McC-.uley, Robt. Vause; pillow I ol , d . tail b3 . bbe j d ' Information will be slips, II. McCauley, Mrs. Ken Hem- 1 **""? received.-Wm.^oole, Eugenia, edy; centrepiece, H. McAuluy, Mary^ " Irwin; child's dress, Hj McCauley,) FOR 8ALB Mrs. Baguley; infant's bonnet, Mrs I FOR SALE Dominion organ, 6 A. E. McCallum, M.-S. A. G. Savage; ! Octave John McKechnie. Priceville. i ply to John Farm For Sale BY TENDER. convalscent jacket, Mrs. Champ, Elda Karstedt; infant's bootees, Mrs. D. H. Palmer, Mrs. Adams; infant's bonnet, H. McCauley, Mrs. Palmer; infant's jacket, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Palmer. Miscellaneous and Novelty Work Shopping bag, Mrs. Ken Kennedy, Mrs Adams; bobter runner, Elda Karstedt; fancy neck scarf, L. A. Fisher, Mrs. A. G. Savage; article or garment from one square yard of goods, Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; article not listed, H. McCauley, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; novelty made of beads or ribbon, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Palmer; coll. of fancy work, Mrs. A. G. Sav age, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; coll. of fancy work by new exhibitor, W. I. Henry, Nettie Johnston; coll. doilies, H. Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Ken Kennedy; best piece of fancy work, Dr. W. D. Bryce, Net- tie Johnston; -best piece fancy work by lady over 60 years, Mrs.jL C. Adams, W. P. Cr-ossley; best four articles suitable for gifts, Mrs. Ken Kennedy, Mrs. H. McCauley. FINE ARTS Painting in oils, Dr .W. D. Bryce, Cecil Meldrum; painting in water col- ors, M.S. J. B. Straith, Geo. Cairns; painting water colors, water scene, W. P. Crossley, Mrs. D. McTavish; watei- color, animal study, J. P. Ot- tewell, Chas. Martin; poster design, Chas. Martin; crayon subject colors, 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and ; large frame barn with stone base- Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- Agincourt, FOR SALE Young pies, 1 month ' Ont.. administrator of the estate of old. Jos. Radley, Phone 35 r 4. FOR SALE A litter of young, pigs. Fred Braekenbury, Flesherton i the late George your best offer. Thompson. Give FOR SALE Sow with ten pigs. Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. Potatoes Wanted Highest market price. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR. FOR SALE 10 or 12 younsr Ox- FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R., Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood bush; pood bank barn 40x45, and dri- ving shed 22x30; frame house, five rooms. Farm is situated on the pro- vincial highway with public school ford Down rams registered Claude 30 rods aistent and 1% mile3 south Akins. Proton Station, phone 41 r 12. of Fi esne rton. FOR SALE Three good reliable! CHAS. BEST, R.R. 3, Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE ponies, broken single or double, quiet for children, J. A. Stewart, Phone 46. ! For sale Climax range good as neW| W.J. o Moore, Proton Station Phone j^t 32, Cra. 6, Artemesia, one hun- I dred acres, about 65 acres under culti- 41 r 32 FOR SALE Registered Leicester i vation, about 5 acres of bush and 3 ram lamb from well-wooied stock. acres of swamp; spring ereek running B. A. Hargi-ave, R. R. 5, Markdale. | through pasture near rear of farm; "I about 40 rods from school. Good bankb*rn 45x50; frame house with 8 rooms, good eWar, good drilled well, hen pen and siriall orchard. Half FOR SALE 3 Calves, an aged mile from Rock Mills and 4 mites ram and ram Iamb. Harry Patton. ; from Flesherton, rural route. Will Phone 42 r 5. Flesherton. ( sell reaso nably. WALTER RUSSELL, FOR SALE Young Oxford Down ram, registered, Claude Akins, Pro- ton Station, phone41 r 12. FOR SALE Talman Sweet apples' $2.00 v'er barrel off tree ElmA- 1 Ellis, Kimberley. No. 1 Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE For Sale Axminster Rug, 9xl2%ft. fa^itariSL H new - phone 141> About 10 acres of * od cl *y loan line JU.Markdale. , andi being , otg ^ and ^ ^ ^ FOR SALE Six pigs 8 weeks old. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a Chas. Martin; pen and ink study, C. 'crsham 5 r 11. Martin, Mrs. Ke:i Kennedy; pencil Fred Jamieson. Eugenia, phone Fev-' from Flesherton Station, about drawing architectural, Geo. Cairns, nc t, wheelbarrow Chas. Mar'm; hand painted china, na- also post hole 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres FOR SALE-Four Ladders, Cabi- JT hardwood , b " sh ' five acres swamp. Seven-roomed hoase, solid brick with turalistlc design, Mrs. D. McTavish, j A - Shackleford, Flesherton. Elda Karstedt; and painted chi'ia, con arrow and gramophone, , ven-roome oase, soi rc wt hole spoon and bar cellar urlder a11 - als summer kitchen I roof barn 45x46. drive shed 20X40, i good spring well and good fences. FOR SALE Dining room suite in This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. vcnt.onal design, Mrs. J. B. Straith, oak. consisting of buffet table and six E . Banks, Flesherton telephone 36 J M.S. D. McTavish. chairs, in first class condition. To j FLORICULTURE j sell cheap. F. J. Thurston, Flesherton ; FARM FOR SALE Gladioli Geo. Cairns, J. F. Collin-j FOR SALE Five yearling steers and son; coll. cut flowers, McLoughry Bros or| e two-year-old heifer, all in fair 110 acres in the Township of Aj> condition. Duncan Williams, Eugenia, tomesia, lots 77 and 78, 1 K.D.R.. Phone 43 r 41, Flesherton. about 85 acres under cultivation, f r r> e~* T i- ' balance pasture and mixed bush: barn > R S A L h, A. C. Daytona 3 Gx60 w j th T 36x45. all with stone adio with 5 tubes, also grafonola, to basement, in good repair, water at sell very reasonably. Mrs. W. A. il)arn ! driving shed 24x30, also hen Geo. Cairns; table bouquet, J. P. Ot- ti \vi-ll. Emery Fisher; hand bouquet, Mrs. Will Boyd. W. P. Crossley; double Ro;;\niuin i:i bloom, T. W. Find- lay, J. P. Ottewcll; single geranium in bloom. Th:*. W. Findlay; fuch.-ia double K. McKillop, Mrs. W. J. New- ril; ;:;i';u;, lli:i. J. P. Ot.'ewcll; rex ba- gronic Mrs. A. E. MeCallum, Mrs. W. I'. .;.d; bejronia any othcv kind, L. A. l-'is-l-i r; c.ill. foliajn s, Mrs. W. J. New- '!, V.. McKillop; house fern, Robert Vausr, Mrs. Ken. Kennedy; hinging basket. J. 1'. Ottewell; single plant a. o.k., T. Findlay, Mrs. K. Kennedy; Armstrong, Flesherton. i house; 8-roomed solid brick house I with soft water cistern and furnace. TRUCKING Ail kinds of truck- 'This is a good crain and stock farm, ing; t3 Union S'.ock Yards especially. vve11 ^nccd and watered, situated -W. B. Winters, Maxwell, Phone i>2 ! 03nve i nlent * <V, church and r 14 at my expense. FOR SALE Sow and 11 pigs 4 weeks old; cow just freshened and 7 chunks of pins. Jas. Sewell, R. R. 1. R. R. 2, Proton Station. RhooL Reason for selling is on- account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremisos. IT. A. MORTON. Flesherton. I THE STOKE WITH SERVICE F.T.HiLL&CO,Ltd. CHAIN STORKS Markdate, Ontario OIK BUYING POWER SAVER YOU A LOT OF MONEY Our New Fall Merchandise Attractively Priced ADVANCE CU\T MODELS, PKICH) To OFJ-KI) IkRKSISTll'.LK VALUES N'o Fall Coat will be smarter than yoiir's if you choosi- from thin hiv ( .|y colli- lion at Hili'.s. We '''' ':. red I'.j'H.hcr tin- iiifit-'. ifiU'Ki-::ting modclti, cir'i; delightfully f;i:.liiunc(l in slylcs New York had diet.-.' (I I ]<.'< fall. Mimy :!. tailored in straight lin.' f!iV,-t. whili> (itlicrs liuvc stylisli flares. Smart, deep cuffs of fine quality fur. The nut;-!)!., shawl CollurH arc hitfh stancliiifr, long and envelope .styli.'J, >.."' Ki'itr down to the hem linv. All the how glowing colr.< arc shown, copper, tan, nigger, wine, , n-rn. navy, black. I'^ir something real smart try Hill's. Second floor. MK.VS X!-;\V I'AIJ, SUITS The rungt- oi' New Kail Suits we have ever shown. The selection of colors and patterns is ve-y nttnu-tivc. There nre greys, grey mixtures, blue sergoH. Hue with pink stripes, dingle or clust- ered striped ('(Feels. Tlu-so suits nre all hand tail- ored and well styled in models for men nnd younger men, single n;- double hrcasted models in all sizes 36 to 44. Those suits are nil guaranteed fast col- ors and the very host workmanship throughout. Come to Hills' fur your suit this full We can save you money. I-i'ow rondy for your inspection. MI-.X'S \V< )KK I'.OOTS $2.98 A PAIR Men's Hnivy Work Routs in tai nnd black, solid leather. Mostly all travellers' samples, hence the reason of the very low price. All i/.c.s (i to 12. Buy these and save money. Special this week $2.08 UDIKS 1 CIIA.MOISK'ITK (U.OYKS 50c. 59c, 75c, 85c, $1 ;ul $l.M 1)U i r Our new Fall weight Chamoisetty Gloves have just been placed in stools. They include a complete lanjfe in l-iincy Culi' (JinM-;. all .sides and a great \aih-f.y of shade:;. They are priced to suit all at 60c, f>i>c, 75e, 85c', SI. 00 and Sl.Ii'J a pair. MKN'S VARSITY SWKATlCRS $3.45 All colors to choose from. All pure wool yarns. .Si/.<:s 38 to 4-1. Reg. S4/J5 value. Special $3.45. CKKl'K SATIN DRKSHKS $14.95 Jusi arrived direct from the style centres, new smart Fall Dresses, all styles, suitable for either i 8B or Matrons. Colors hla.'k, navy, wine and penelope. Si/.es 10 to I'O or 'M to 44. A real bar- Kain at SM.U5. I.ADIKS' DIfESS SIIOI'.S A largo usnortment of all sizes in kid or patent leather on all new Cuban or high heel lasts Rep. vnlme $,150 to $4.25. Special sale at $2.1r>. Another tuhlo df Specials as nhuve including a (liiantity of travellers' samples at only $2.49. (1KOCKRY DICPARTMICNT Kastile Soap, R bars for 25c. Aylincr Pvirk nnd Brans, 32 ox. tjn, ncv tin 23c. KullogK 1 :! Shi'fdded Whole Wheat, per pktf lOc. 2-in-l Shoe Polish, sspecial per tin 9c. Cook's Friend Baking Powder, 8oz. tin, per tin 8c. I'int Jaia Peanut Butter, special per jar 30c. "Where Quaity is Higher Than Price" FOR SALE-Gradc ram lamb 2 BOAR FOR SERVICE. coll. asters, Rol.t. Vause, H. McCauley; y ears O id, prolific, from a nure j Registered Yorkshire Botir for er- coll. begonias, T. Findlay; coll. dahlias bred Shrop. ram. Price right. Phone vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog L. A. Fisher, E. McKillop; bcrt displny'll^J.JJaricdale. the property of ^ ^^ J of flower grown from Rennie's seeds,' F Mrs. Will Boyd. EDUCATION Drawing of four birds, No 17, Art- emisia, No 17, ArttMiesia; best bird hou.-;e, Ed. Palton best specimen of writing . i.-; lirst dvawiii;; ii!' four animals, 1st and 2nd No, 17, Artemesia. property FOR RENT 6 roomed house in' ment O f Agriculture. Fk-.-hrrton, ne'ir hurh school, garage i r- QTVWATJT and all conveniences. Alfred Thistle- ul> thwaite, Flesherton. FOR SALE One span mares ris- Depart- SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for tCiiicsia; best bird ' L<r * D***"* vis uegiswreii tnortnorn null for g*r- J P OUewell-1 inK 4 vears - also K0od Oxford Down vice at lot 6, Can. 9, Osprey, "Merry 1 ram, good stock-getter. Win R. 'Marnulq" No 171 IIS- 9in *;, No. 17, Art- Meads K . R . 3 , p ric eville, phone 21r23. Suis ,49 381 Dam ' KWttnH *i mi- ! ni ,11 si W -- * ^ ' _ _ " * *'**'" i "U Hu It only TORONTO LiNE NORTH For Sale Young pigs. Will sell sow 131,078. Terms Purebred* $5.00. and litter of nine. Cow for sale and grades $2.00. Cows not returned horse wanted to buy. will bo charge full price. Thomas Fcnwick, Eugenia Phone 5 r 1111, Fevevsham. S. H. HAWKINS, Eugenia, Mr. Md Mrs Geared Morgan and FQR gALE _ new MVcn r()omctl children, of Palmer.ston, accompanied by Mrs. C. Blakelcy and two daugh- house with all modern conveniences, Toronto St., Flesherton. Write or ' ters, of Ilarriston, attended the an- phone C. J. Crossley, 051 Annette St nua, M supp,r held by the Lcver | TonnUo^ho^ Junction 2161._ ___ families, and spent the week end at FOR SALE T\vo one year old I A I over's I American Oxford Down rains, elig- '- Vm. 'Reid and sons, Billie 1 "'K/. 011 registration ami ram lambs for registration, also re- MIDDLE PRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Of ices Owen Sound, Durham BUSINESS CARDS ... . , and Victor, of Lapeer, Mich., mot- i stt ;rcd red Shorthorn Durham bull. ored over and spent a few days with Robt. K. Qori*, Eugenia. Mr, and Mrs. Rkhardaon. ( M s. W. J. Lever of Owen Sound p r L) ' co i n n n ' ,' , f b " e l \^- * Gastlmfnis^r' FOR SALE One Cavon electric ' ed for extraction. Office at the resi- plant in cood condition, one oak " ence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto visitod with her daughter, Mrs. Fred dairy churn, eood as IK-W. one Massey ^ 'et, Flesherton. Phone 69. Harris cream separator, hand or pow- ! " Brown. Mr. Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns and family, accompanied by Miss Ottc- w;'!l, sper.t day in Owen Sound. Shooting matches are coming into their own these days. Advertise them in The Advance and secure the great- est publicity. ^l*MMVM^*MMtfMVrUi-_aMaHCJO*.*nW.ZMMMn Additional Small Advts. WANTED Good farm to rent, 100 or 200 acres, convenient to schooT. State full partfavjlan in letter or phonr Fevcrsham. H. J. Courvoisler, R. R. 1, Eugenia. NOTICE Hunting or trapping on lots 158-59-00 and 101, 3rd range W. T. & S.R., Artemesia, is strictly pro- hibited. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. Lthcr Duckett. driven, abou^ 35 good rock pullets. ' Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F7"& food Bell organ. Will sell liglit A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- plur.t choap, as I have no use for it. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri -W- Akitt Flesherton. R.R. l.'day on or before the full moon. Vf. LEARN ELECTRICITY Hydro '^- Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence^ electrical development is proceoding Secretary . . FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to re'nl with conifoi'tivblo buildings and in a good state of cultivation, Thia farm is in the Township of Artpmesin, quite near Ceylon and Pnceville. A real snap for quick sale. For further Information apply to Mrs. Sarah Mills, K. R. 1, Proton Station, phone Dundalk 62 r 4. on a tremendous scn'e in Canada. The supply of Electro-mechanicians : Lucas & Henry, Barristers Solicit- does not begin to equal the demana. ' ors> e ^ c j rj Lncaa K P ' \v n" We train you at your home. Write T , ' 'J, ' ' ' ** " for full particulars. Canadian School '", , y> UlA> uffl s, Markdale Lucas of Electricity, 325 Federal Building, K)Clt, Phono 2. Branch offices at Toronto, . _ jDundnlk and Durham. ,. FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac-f rca, lo+.s 1G6, 1C7, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, Vt mile from school. 2 miles from Fle-^hevton. Apply to I-. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- Iny, Flesherton. GOOD .SMOOTH FARM OV 70 acres best of land almost all under cul tivution 2^2 miles north east of Flesherton. (lood barn 83x40, new garage 20x22, good brick house, -lewly decorated, 20x35. well, windmill ami V;-. acres orchard. Priced tor quick s;ile. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, 1 Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezcll, R. R. No 5, Owen Sound. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK I LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fir the County of Grey. Terms: 1 por cent. Satisfaction guamtced Dates made at The Advance oilic. i V.'m. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simeoe. i Farm and stock sales a specialty. 1 Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangemonrs and dates may be made nt the Advance office, or, j Central telephone office, Eeversham, or by addressing me at BOAK FOR SERVICE- ,. ., Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viVe Edgely Bright Vim, No, 09,099 Property of Saugcen Bacon .Club. Terns 11.00. ' j O. HII7DLE, Proton Staliori BULL FOR SEBVICE '. Durham Bull for service. $1.50 if paid before January, otherwise $2 C. Anns, R. R. 3, Protoa Station. . . t . .