Vol. 49 No. 19 Flesherton Ontario, October 23, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor . t VANDELEUR PROTON STATION ^ Vandeleur church was well filled on! The United Church Woman's Miss- Sunday afteraoon and evening, Oct.jionary Society held their annual 20th, on the occasion of their anni- 1 Thankoffering meeting in the church KIMBERLEY CEYLON versary services. Rev. Thos. Laid- law of Owen Sound occupied the pul- on Wednesday afternoon of last week, having as their guests Miss McMillan, pit and dslivered powerful sermons j Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. both afternoon and evening. Mrs. i Blake'.y of Flesherton. The Inistioge Laidiaw gave beautifully rendered W.M.S. Society and the Anglican solos at both services and Mrs. (Dr.) Bryce of Flesherton sang a splendid solo in the afternoon. The church Ladies' Guild. The Inistioge ladies gave the opening part of the program which included an interesting reading Rev. and Mrs. Bamford and children Miss Alma Stewart of Hamilton, of Maxwell visited recently with Rev. i Miss Ella Stewart of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Stotesbury. j Mr. Har.'y Dawson of McTier, visit- Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Hammond, Ru'.h cd the past week with Mr. and Mrs. and Leslie, spent the week end ia the A. Sinclair and family, village. Miss Reta Marshall, who has been was nicely decorated for the occasion i by Mrs. Carl Atkinson and a sweetly and many former members of the rendered duet by Mrs. Lee and Mrs. congregation were present. Mrs. Davis Sr. underwent a criti- cal operation in the hospital at Mark- dale on Friday mornmg of last week. Stevens. Mrs. Banaon piesided at the organ. Beautiful addresses by Miss McMillan and Mrs. Murray cf Flesherton were much appreciated by Her many friends hope for a speedy Jan attentive a-^dience. At 'he close recove-y. j o f Mrs. Murray'- address she organ- Miss Florence Davis and Mrs. Jim Cochrane of Colborne, Mrs. H. F. ized a Mission Band with Mrs. Johns- ten and Miss Maude Acheson as sup- Ready of S'. Marys and Mrs. Kate ! e-intendents. The mooting was clos- Davidson of Orillia are home on ac-jed by Mrs. Ludlow of the Anglican count of the illness_ of their mother, Guild. A lunch brought to a close Mrs. Davis. | a pleasant and profitable afternoon. Mr. Will Bucha^n of Sarnia spent i The officers of the newly organized the week end with his parents, Mr.' Mission Band are as follows: Pres., and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. I Margaret Still; Vice-Pres., Hazel Hod- Born To Mr. and Mrs. Glen. McGee| gin; Rec. Sec., Edith Still; Cor. Sec., on Oct. 6th. a daughter. Bertha Hemphill; Treas., Roy Her- Mrs. Will Burrell of Rocklyn spent gott; organist, Ruth Sherson; Asst., the week end whh her mother, Mrs.! Organist, Dorcas Wauchope. Robert Genoe - j Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgin are Mr. and LADY BANK Mrs. Bert Harvey of Port McNicholi, Miss Mary Lockhart of Bastnasey Rainis falling to-day, Monday, Oct.! an d ^'- R. J- Hodgin of Toronto, the 21st, the first in weeks. No snow Mr - A - Hergott and sons, Arthur yet, but many heavy frosts. i an d Roy, and Mrs. Archibald spent Mr. Alex McMillan of Saskatoon Is' Sunday at Waterloo, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. WmJ Engineer Stephenson spent the Semple and family.. Mr. McMillan NV ?ck end at Brussells. has spent the past seventeen years in Mr. Dave Reddick, Miss Porter, the West, and returns to find many M' s? Bessie Stainsby and Mr. Lome changes in Ontario in that length of Hodgin visited (-lends near Corb- tinie. ; etton. Mr. and Mrs. Mamie Dobson, ac- Week end visitors at the home of companied by Mrs. John Dobson, Mr. Jas. Neilson were: Mr. and Mrs. visited the past week with friends at Fisher of Agincourt, Mi -s Lizzie Neil- Whitby. Mrs. John Dobson remained son and Mr. Billie Hopkins of Toronto over for a two weeks visit. j and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilsor. and Messrs Cla -ence and 'Fred Sempie family of Guelph. of Islington, spent Sunday at their parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam MeMuilen of Fk'shorton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Mil 1 C I ILLil Mary McMulien and family here. Uaity United Farm Women enter- The Sunday visitors from a dis- tained their husbands ar.d families at tance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. u fowl supepr on Friday night at the James R. Thompson and family were, home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Vradenbourg and son About thirty five sat down to tne Gordonof Agincourt, Mrs. MeNieholl well-lader. tables, and all enjoyed the and children Janetta and Neil. Miss R0 od things provided. The remainii- K. Cur-i.?, Messrs Richard and David tr O f the eve lir.j; was spent in cor.- Currie all of Nottawa and Mis.? Jack- lt -sts, music and singing and g:\mes. man o Stayner. A hearty vote of thanks was given [ Mn-. Harjn-ave for the use of her j home for the occasion and the sing- injr of the National Anthem brought a vc , v pleas , pt eve ,j to , close _ - A '' ss Ruby Robertson visited for a NOTICE TO ^CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or de- mands of any kind against the Es.ate of Annie Hawkins, late of the Town- week with friends in Toronto, ship of Osprey in the County of Grey. , r ~ ., ,, Married Wouan. deceased, who died on Mr " Cccl1 ** ha * "> v l or about the 16th ,1ay of July. A. D. n> of Mr. Walter Akitt's farms and ll>2t>. are required to file their claims _Vr. Lome Atkinson has taken up res- duly proved to the undersigned on or id e , ce on tno A-kitt homestead. Mr before the 23rd day of November, .,- , , , j,,.-,,, Akif and family intend to move to NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that theil ' bouse in Flesherton in the near after said date the Executors will future. as they will then have notice of. Date,) at Collingwood this 14th day of October. A. 1). lt>29. Malcolm Mc- Lean of the Town of Collingwood, County of Sinu-oe, Solicitor for the Executors. DRESSMAKING I am open for dressmaking engagements, with heaii- minrters in v Mrs. M. Jamieson's res- idence. Mrs. E. M. Waters, Flesh- erton. o- Tucker. Mr. and '' s - l erev Gorham and children of Toronto were visitors ove:- the week er d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match will be held at the home of Mr. Thos. G. Fisher, Rock Mills, on Thursday. October 31st t:> commence at 1.30 p.m. Ducks, chickens and geese will bo competed for. Shells supplied for shot guns. Mrs. Sam Phillips and daughter vis- ited the past week with relatives In Owen Sound. A number f -om around here attend- ed the political meeting in Flesherton on Wednesday evening in the interests of Mr. F. R. Oliver. Rev. H. Criekington preached in the Baptist church here last Sabbath af- ternoon. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY " " House of Quality J Groceries \YK CARRY A 1-Vl.l. T.IXE OF FRESH j GROCERIES, Special price on t cooking in sacks or 50 Ib lots | Flour and Feed | PURITY AXn KIVK ROSES l-l.Ol'R . ]}RAN T . SHORTS AND SCRE KXL\V,S All kinds of Chop 5 Jas. A. Stewart | ROCERIES PHONE 37 I WE DELIVER IN TOWN Several residents of the village at- tended nomination in Durham on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myers, visited with Mr. D. A. Graham at Flesherton on Sunday. Miss Geraldine Weber and Eliis We- ber wei-e home from Orangeville busi- ness college over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan and Mr. Strongfkld McMillan of Proton visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. i Hutchmson. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber motored 'o Warren, Ohio, on Saturday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean, who have spent the summer among friends in Grey Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arnott and children and Mrs. Fair of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mr. Saul Fawcett has returned home from Durham hospital, where he underwent a tonsiliatory operation. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon took their infant son to the sick children's hos- pital for treatment . Mr. and Mrs. Morwood and child- ren of Aurora visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawkins. M". a:d Mrs. Geo. Burritt and Mr. R. D. Carruthers, of Markdale, visited with friends in the village recently. Mr. Ed. Corbett and his bride spent the week end at his parental home. His mothe~ accompanied 'hem back 10 Oshawa. Mrs. Thomas Abercrombie visited her son Taylor at Cherry Grove. Mr. Fred Ellis of the H.E.P.C. a: V.'ellar.d, visited his parental home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullc i o * Fever-sham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chard on Sunday. Vi-- Wm. Ellis is visiting Meafon! : ; er.ds at present. Dr. nnd Mrs. Ro^zell of Cal. iiig the latter'.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Osborne. ROD AND GL\\ Featured in the November issue of K.-d a:-d (I'.'n ar.d. ("V.r.adian Silver Fox News. Canada's laiional outdoor life u-hirl; is just to hand, are some ci'icnd'.d and seasonable yarns of ' ^- i O. V. Cornett holidayir. v:ith her sister at Bolton, returned home Monday. Mr. Sta-.'j.y White. Mr. Stanley Griffen acd son, of Toronto, visited last week with Mrs. White. Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe and daughter, i of Durham, visited at Mr. Richard Whittaker's the past week. Mrs. H. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family, \1sitad Dundalk friends the first of the week. Mrs. James L. MeMuilen, who spent the past month in Toronto, sp?nt the week end at her home here, returning Monday evening to Tore v.o and ex- pects to undergo an operation this week at Wellesley hospital. Rev. Mr. Seott will be assisted at the noon service on Sunday next, Oc:. 2?th, by Dr. Bruce, when it is hoped there will be a good attendance. Mr. J. J. Patterson spent the pas: week with friends in Proton township Mr. and Mrs. Irish and babe, or Toronto, spent the week end with the latter's father Mr. S. Hemphiii, and Master Freddie ar.d Miss Isobel Irish returned home with them after several weeks' visit here. Mr. Clarence Marshall of Bellevillla spent the week end at hi-? hom^ here. Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns visited the first of the week with friends a: Brussels. Mrs. Mary Ri::ledge spent a couple of days with he.- son at Holland Cen- tre last week. Mr. F. Marshall left Thursday for a two weeks' holiday hunting up n^r.';. Mrs. LaForge and Mrs. Mye-s or Lan=ine. Mu-h.. ire holidaying with tho Cairns and McLeod families. Mrs. CoK'RWi "'" (".wen Sound. >fr. and Mrs. Jess West ard tw;> sons, anil Miss Amy Wtst of Kcmble. were. . end vii o^-s with Mr. and Mrs. F. Collir.son ar.d fair.ilv. Here is Where Your $ Goes Farthest $1.00 for 1 Doz. Assorted Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 packages 25c. Matches, 3 boxes 25c. Steel Wool. 3 packages 25c. Drudge for Scouring, it beats te Dutch, 3 ukgs 25c. 3 Ba?s Salts, regular 10 cents each 25c. 3 Bars Toilet Soap, Lux, Palmolive, Lifebuoy, Lelys 25c. Jar Rubber Rings. 3 boxes 25c, Alladin Dye, 3 packages 25c. 3 Gold Medal Jelly Powders 25c. Boras Powder, 3 packages 25e. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. ! STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 6:00 P.M. A Cake and Pastry Expert says: "Since Purity a t strong, rich flour, with great expanding qualities use 1 tablespoon less per cup if root cake reaps nllt for ordinary piscrv or soft wheat dour. If it calls far fnil|c_ use h-if milk mj half witer ( luke-wino) with Purity. New Recipe for Flaky Pie Crust For two pie shells use 2 cars Parity Floor. ft teaspoon salt, H cap shortening *4 c-jj cold water. Mix dcur ind salt, catting in the shortening ac:i! the mbtture is like fine meal. MLx thoroughly with the water. Roll out thin, keeping it quite dry. For extra rich pastry cse ball batter and half lard. SenJ 30c fir Purit) Flour Cotk Beak. Western, Canada F.eur Mills Co. Lunited OSPREY COUNCIL y Coun.il met a: Feversham on Saturday Oct. oth. AH ir.ember.- pl .en: e.\c.i>t .\ir. Lo.-hart. .Minutes o: last mtL.ir.ir rcau ami coiuirnu'u. v. orr.municauons :v.:,: as uiiows: Plaxton Ksrnston and Co. re claim o: H:. ; v \ a: .listir.e. Geo. C'outts, re ditch on 40th sid.-- fi . re tax sale, hunting in various parts of :h> Dom- inion. The noted western hunter, A. Bi\ an Williams, recently reappointej Chief Game Warden of LJritish Colum- : i. eturrs to the ua"es of the mag- u~.;ne commencing another of his pop- . 'ar -o'-ies of hunting experiences. His article, however is merelv one of ii'.iiny dealings \vitli all angles of out 'oor life and fishing and hunlinc Crests, while the fox department i an extensive section fi"" 4 with ; ly articles regarding the industry. Rod ar.d Gun and Canadian Silver j Fox News is published monthl" by W. J. Tn-lor. Lii-ii:ea Woo.ist.vk. Ont. ' TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH GREY: At the Nomination in Durham on Saturday Jlr. i'erdue's main argu- ment was iliai the riding would ai:i ov having a Government nieniuci :is .e, \vno would be able to tne policy ana ihe actions of me Government. He then proceed- ed to show how utterly false the argument was by relating how Party influence had o.i the CoL.'.eil in regard to :'..<. >Veaih- trail Drain. Tho Clerk p -eser.ted .-. revort of an interview with Mr. Howi'.t in r - to areas of taxes on Lutie tu-oper'.y. Morrison - Cla ~k That th> CUrk be ir.siruc.ed o cor.miunk-ale v r Lucas and Henry in regard to the areas of t;\xo< on the Little prorcr.v and on receipt of advice from Mr. Henry. communicate with Mr. Taylor who will use his own .iaJ.jjnier.t i:-. re- ^rd u> ^allinc a sivcial meeting. ' vomits were passed as follows: Bo'.iiv.' and Wafers. Wethsrall drain. $i(.''Jo.lo: Eli Kobinson, stamp.; for .. S'.J.'.'O: Bank oiT Tore". I, e : so stamp.- <ti.OO; John > sheep .lair.i. S12.1U); 11". R. L. Gaul.?. servi..-i - -e R >>:. Vrni-rt. $22.?0. Mu:i- icioal World, supplies to clerk, $16. ^2: Johr. PooL\ wire foiv.-e forms. $10. '.">: Advance PriPi'iii: <.",). Voters list ; $117. 20; (;.;>. Po'isoii. shee-i claim. S1~.UO: V. L>:U''- '"''ole, *hee c'.ai.n.SlO. 00: And ew Morrison, sheep claim. So'J.OO: Man:ii.' Dobion, ?hee;> claim. Road him*; : . r;'V";^ f ; . who is but a candidate, ironi 1 ts liavid W "." .! >''.*!ston !> -.win-i. 25: G-eo. M.' Vral-i. James RadU-v. ;v most damning statistics-. 1 bcneve people generally are coin- ing to realise til:-.; Par'.y discipline easily controls the I'a.iv ir.emoei thai t exerts n-i it'lu.'iico uvtr l.idetKnder.t . mombor, \vhi> is i :v, M vtiko the wishes o ai< Constituents and t i vote iii ..ticii 1 inU'Vc-.-. Mr Perdue claimed the credit of the Ailowar.ee Ac. for the Fer- Government. That is the sec- ' r .--irv A.rnott, gi-i'-i'l, S3.PO: , : M.-v/it'. (travel fl'.V'ii- S< M H:--' > ton. gravel ^'.-'O: W. L. Taylo--, .cra- ve!. SI l.'.'O: C<'-. Wilso:- '-rave 1 I f>0: i ... gravel. $1.50: James ' -S.i'O: Mrs. ,'. Tyson '"!:!:.. -."'t rihvrts. St \>7.S~->: !':<ines l'oi:n:y T.v.^'rer. r.-nf <-f mair.taiiu--. :-.-u! that this act was formulated and set , in operatioin by the Drury Govern- \ dto gravel, s . nient? Apparently the Fewison ' Council adiouriwd to meet Govo-iiiiH'iU feel;-. iMe .iecd o;' cia'.:u- hampton on Satun'.ay November 2nd. ing the legislation of previous G.iv- nt 2 D. m. eriimi'iits in order to put up a good FEVERS HAM The Lr.uies Aid of the Presbyterian church here y.ill serve a chicken pie er in the hall on Friday 0.-:. ."-. A play will be given entitled "Head- strong Joan." Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Stn. and M:-. a.-.d Jr.:. ii. iVright of Vun- ccL.-er. were oai.:--< .a our village .Mr. Wright -.va^ born and - . - . ar th:< viilaco and went years ago. prospering i'n'.ine Pr^n ip.ee. is now living .1 in the e'-'caing time of life. There will bo a masquerade parly -M l:ero on Thursday Oet. 'Us:. Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Ii t .-' ert and Lionaklson were visitors with :::<. forr.-.cr's daughter. Mrs. Forsytho in Owen i-'ound recently. R. J. CoKiuotte sver.t a t\w days in Owen Sou.xl las. week with his V.' '] a:-.' ''ainily. Mr. .1:-,'. Mrs. Croft of Rock Mills, -"ent Surday with M.-. and Mrs. : "irs. Sherman Ott.-well of Lady Bank. visi;.,d with her lather. Mr. S. 3n- \vnriiige here Isst week. s. \V. (.',. llar.d of Toro -.to. sncnt veek with her parents. Mr. ai'..i Mrs. Coliiuetto. .Mr. am) Mrs. McKee ard two child- ren and Mrs. H. Alexander, were week end visitor'' with the latter'* daughter -nd family in Owen Sound. Mr. Gordc i Dand and sister Ruoy and Mr. Morris Murphy and Mis. Vi Porruhue, of Toronto were week end vis. tors with Mr. ar.d Mrs. CoUiuette. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith are vis- iting with their dausrhte -. .Mrs. P. Ca:-ieron ard family. We welei-mo Mr. and Mrs. M It X!.-hi-!i who have beceae residep:^ ef our \ i'::i';e. A chivkc;-. pie .\vi.i! -.viil be ' Che 0-..-.r..cv H;'..l. , : t>j. o.g, Oct or :~>ih. under tho a-.-.s- tho Ladios' Aid. Suj'por A J . "Headstrong Joan" will bo give:i i-i fhool by the young people. Or- 1 a ir.usic between a.'ts. Admis- si.- n ,N) ;i -,d L'."> cents. tha Bat far Bread in the wc.-Ui? I: so. write to the Department of Agriculture. Markdale before November 1st. ^ " : - 1 - ? '^ : ing . -. will gi v o two Jay-;' enl nt and ed- ucaticn that will be \\ Un- ;il ;> ~ !oa>: tu ' :-mers : 'P: l! >' rj - lrr : wil1 bo made. ''''"* :-^'- ' <-:- - ' T: 3 le F - ;i ' art? N'^vem- ' vr - '- P rt ' : - - :r wi H t>e held N'ov. IN MEMORIAM TALBOT IT: i wing n'.omory o/ dear !i't!e Chari.o. accd .' years, who passed quietly away on October - 1927. "We si-ail meet him :Jo;-ie gla * morring. IT that upper Garden tnere. " Deeply mourned '.y Father. Mother and Everett. IN MEMORIAM GIBSON" Ii loving memory - ; .'.oar rb.li'.y. Wil'.iam A. Gibsor. who passed av.-.iy Oct. 17. 11^4. October bri"-- =a.! memories Of > ''..veti one laid to rest. And those who think of him to-dar. Are those who loved him be-*. Ever remembered by his children. Jack. .Too. Cecil. Pearl, Gord -j and Freddie. IN ME?^1OR!AM - I-- ''> v ;:- itie'Viory r e cur ! ;nd father. Robe . c; . ^K'Girr, who pa^.v,! a\v:-y O. tobi. 2;")th. 1*-S. There's a homo 'hit is filled v. ' sorrow. ADVANCE AT1VTS. PAY COURT OF REVhUOX front. Elec'ion day is drawir; near. \Ve can defeat the Ferguson csndidate and deal a blow at the Government 's ! record, particularly the Liquor Con- ! XotK-e is hereby given that a Court hoi Act, if the electors of South Grey ! w i be held, pursuant to *he Ontarlr vote. I trust that every one v. '1 I Vohn . s - List , Al . t- bv His Honor the 'gister their opinion bv voting on r , , ., .> .-, * n, etober 30th. Jud ^ * ^ ^ "X C' rt of the Farmers to Have Trip Royal Winter Fair many Grey County irts vv lonely and s.ad, Wi-cri God took home one y?ar an 1 loving husba::H ard ' krews how w>- iv." -s him And the pain h. --tly bore. At time-s our hearts came near b And we Ions for him Kick once v , Loving and rioughtful always. i >!':-. K .t to the e'nl: i Real f \ther, true h\i-'\>rul. always, | T >i .ill who knew him, a friend. Sadly !v:ssc<'. by Wife an.' CK Those who ejn vote are: A British subioct who is 21 on or would like to go to the Royal Winter Canada lcajs the miionlt of r J largest pure-bred stoek. ' vorl( , in ;ho prot!u ction of newspri. try. fox, apple and flower show |,, ioke]i asbcs ; lls rul co balt. fr^^^S^J-jM^V****-^ Grey at M-ixwell on the 3lst day .r. I;)L".\ at 10.30 a.m. to bu before the day of polling, who has ' an .i determine complaints of errors Bates Burial Co. been one year in Canada and two months in South Grey. " ' d ;n Voters' List or 122-121 Avenue Road Even if his or her name is not on th e Municipality of the Township of 'lie list he or she e'< i vote if vouched Osprcy for 1929. fo - by someone whose name is on p at ' od this 2tst day of October. 1020 *' Yours verv trulv. " ' BURKE - ""* F. R. OLIVER. Township of Osprey. TORONTO Phone: KIngsdalc 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks