1^ i V 1 1* 1 "» / ®()je /ksljjei: C Vol. 49 No. 16 FlesWton Ontario, September 25 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, ProprfetoE Hear the Hanover Band of 35 Pieces at Feversham Fair on the Second Day, Octber 1st. PORTLAW We extend our deeoest sympathy There passed away at the Misen- to the Thurston family in their recent oraia hospital in Winnipeg on Thurs- soie bereavement, in the death of Mr. ' uay evenintr, bept. 12tn, John Koss, Shaw of Lions Head. Especially emesc son and inird child oi Mr. and does our sympathy go out to the ' ->irs. t osier Koss of Kedvers, Sask., be:eaved younK wife and fatherless '•'t the early aee of 12 years. He children, in the great loss they have was stricken with spinal meniuKicis siHtained. | and only lived a few days. in spite This section of country was visited of the services of two specialists last Monday nijfht by one of the mosi violent cyclones we have ever ex- r-erienced.. Fi>.>b.:es were 'levelled, fruit and other trees were broken down. The most serious happening was the unroofinc of a large barn belontrinsr to Wm. T. Fletcher and used by T. R. McKenzie, which con- ' ins the most -f the sasons crop. Also part of the roof was taken off Mr.Luther Love's large bam. A pig was killed and Mr. Love had a thrilling experience in which he nar- _ rowly escaped serious injury. The her school at the Osprey school fair twister came from the west and tak-jat Feversham on T'-irsday last. She ing the third line as its centre it had the largest school, there being .swept along for a few moments at a [ thirty-six pupils in the parade. The trrif ic rate. In addition to the dam- 1 first prize in public speaking and aee already mentioned nart of the folk dancing were won by Miss Merlie and .lursing, nothing could be done to restore him to health. The tuneral took place at Kedvers on Sunday, September 15th. ihe floral trioutes were .lumerous and beautiful. He will be sadly missed by parents, sis- ters and brother and by all vho knew him. Mrs. Olivia f--: of this place is grandmother of the deceased and Ml.-. Ge-i. Ross is an uncle. Heartiest congratulations are ex- tended to Miss Helen Maynard, our teacher, in securing second prize with roof of Mr. W. H. McNally's house on the Thompson farm was taken off and a summer kitchen blown down. Mr. Lew^is Hill had his kitchen roof taken off. Mr. Lewis Sheardown had his implement shed moved on the foundation, and a number of other roofs were stripped of their shingles. Mr. Robert Blakey suffered a severe loss on Monday night when his barn and "intents were destroyed bv fire, which, we understand, was caused by i the upsetting of a lantern. Mr. and Mrs. Lav/rence of Creemore were visitors with friends on the 4th line. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor visited Rev. Mr. Kendall, who is still a pa- tien*- at the hospital at Fergus. Mss Frier of St. Catharines visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. James Fern of Toron- to visited with Mr. John McLennan and his sister. Miss Elizabeth Mc- Lennan. PROTON STATION Buckingham. The spelhng match by Miss Marjorie Seeley, first aid demonstration was won by Misses Irene Parker and Merlie Buckingham. Lloyd Morrison won firbi, p; '-» in the Ixjys' public speaking and Mjss Marie Chard came second in the singing contest. These, with many other prizes won on other exhibits, we can feel that we are justly proud of our teacher and pupils. Miss Margaret Heron, nurse-ln- training at Collingwood hospital. Is holidaying at her parental hojne here. Mr. Chester Cameron leaves this week for Detroit after spending the summer here. Miss Shirley Buckingham has left for Toronto, where she will attend University. We wish her success. Miss Mary Ross is the guest ot her sister, Mrs. M. NichoUs, of Dun- dalk this week. Miss Mary Jacobs, who has spent the past cnuole of months with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly, has return- ed to Toronto. Miss Annie Priestly accompanied her. (Last Week's Items) The anniversary services held in the Mrs. Andrew Pallister spent a few United church last Sunday were well days last week in i.o.x;iio. attended and were much enjoyed by Ur. and Mi-s. Marjn of Buffalo, all. Rev. F. Sullivan of Priceville | recently married, are the guests oi preached at the three services, earn- ! Ur. and Mrs. Gauld. est and eloquent sermons, which were ' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison listened to with rapt attention. The • spent a few days last week in Guelph. choir of Irhe church was assisted by Miss Mabel Carr of Toronto is the Mrs. Baguley and Messrs. Edwin ' jjuest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Fowler and R. G. Acheson and rend- : Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Poloe enter- er^d splendid selections at each ser- 1 tained a number of the young people vice. The church was tastefully ' of the vicinity to a corn roast Mon- decorated for the occasion and ideal â- day evening. A very e.ijoyable time 1" cather contributed to its success, j was spent in games and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mino of Owen [ Mir. and Mrs. Fevy were week end Sound and Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald i visitors v.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Priceville visited >vi^h Mrs. Park I Walter Lawler. and daughter, Miss Lena Park. | The wind storm that passed over Miss Margaret Lyons was home i here late Mondav evening, played for the week end. i havoc with the trees, etc.. although Several from this villaco attended j very little damage was done in the the funeral of the late W. A. Arm- , immediate vicinity stron-r of Flesherton. CARD OF APPRECIATION The Os-irey U.F.Y.P.O. entertained I the Onward Club to a pumpkin pie, social Friday evening, Sept. 13th. at .the home of Mr. F. Spofford. The I pro -am consisted of readings, music ' I and contests, and was enjoyed by all. W. E. Morgan wishes to thank ^iie Osprev club has an invitation to those who were so kind to him in his 7.11'} °"Yf,''''. j'"''^.°", ^"Z^"',^:' .^^P.*: recent illness and convalescence. 2Tth. All interested are cordially invited to attend. New Flag For Park EUGENIA Col. G. F. McFarland, the com- mander of the the 147th Grey Bat- ROCK MILLS J. R. Fawcett Passes PRICEVILLE Mrs. W. J. Chard of Rock Mills,' Mrs. Fddie Seeley of Hatherton and i Mrs. Laurie Pedlar of Pnrtlaw, ac- i companied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ped- : lar of Creemore. attended the funeral 'â- KIMBERLEY Congi-atulaMons to Mr. ALf Hincks and pupils for securing first prize in the school parade at Holstein fair. Mrs. .A.llie McLean underwent an â€" -. ... „..^..„^>. v..^ X-..V..C. i The community was saddened on . , â- â- •,- • ,, n„- j„^. of their niece, the late Mrs. Jack i Thursday afternoon, September lyth, operation for appendicitis in the Uur- talion in the C.E.F., and who unveiled Johnston, which took place on Friday j by the death of Mr. Jas. R. Fawcett ^^"^ hospital on Tuesday last, and we the memorial in Eugenia Park, has at Oakland Cemetery. Strathburn. i at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. """« >r'^<> ^"^ '^^°Y' ""'' Pa"ent is domK presented a new flag for the flag west of London. The deceased lady I Corbett, of Dundalk. Mr. Fawcett ^^ ^^*'^ ^'^ ^'"^^ °^ expected. pole at the monument. We are grateful to Col. McFarlaud for his act of kindness. He is delighted with was but 27 years of a«re, her maiden I was the son of the late Robert and Mrs. An<ras McCannell of Proton name being Miss Delmar Pedlar, and was a daughter of Mr. Clinton Pedlar. the way in which the memorial plot I We extend our sincere sympathy to is kept up. This goes to show that the sorrowing ones in their sad ber- the memory of those who sacrificed their lives in the great World War is kept fresh in the hearts and minds of those left behind. The W.ILS. and Ladies' Aid of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Thos. McKee on Thurs., Sept. 26th at 2.30 o'clock p.m. We hope all members will be present. Visitors welcome. Next Suinday is Rally Day at the Sunday schools. Rev. Bamford would like to see all parents come and bring their children. Service will commence at 10.30. Rally Day pro- gram. Mr. Cardwell Graham underwent an operation for appendicitis and other troubles i:i a Toronto hosiptal on Saturday last. We are pleased to hear he is on the road to recovery. Mr. Hugh Crozier and sister. Miss Bettv and Mrs. L. Makam of Orange- ville were visitors wth Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee on Sunday. Mrs. Fogg left for Toronto to visit before leaving for her home in Win- nipeg, Man. Mrs. J. Williams has fine to the city to visit. Miss Gladys Fawcett is home from Pr'-'-on for a visit Mr. S. W. Sloan is in Toronto on business. Miss Katie Jamieson visited over the week end in the village. We ire pleased to see Katie recovering so nicely after her rScent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Genoe and little daughter of Toronto visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. Mr. Robt. Purvis soent a few days in Toronto. We are pleased to see Mr. W. E. Mc'-gan so much improved in health. VANDELEUR • • . to save time USE THE DIRECTORY and avoid "wrong number »» TELEPHONE numbers are tricky things to remember. Often when you think you know a number you have really transposed the two inside figures. It is so easy to say 3264 instead of 36241 The result is that you get "Wronc Number". You are annoyed and so is the other person. You have wasted your own time and his. It is safer and quicker to use the directory before you call a number, because "Wrong Number" li one of the «hief causes of a million calls a day in Ontario and Quebec which go wrong â€" tie op traffic â€" cause irritation â€" block busineM. Some of these are operators' errors, and some are mistakes by the person making the call. He may ask for the wrong number â€" he may speak in- distincty and be misunderstood. We want you to have the best possible telephone Esrvice. We are constantly striving to provide it by reducing our own errors and by improvinc equipment.' But it takes three people to com- plete a calL Use the directory â€" speak slowly and distinctly avoid w.'onc; numbers â€" save time â€" help business efficiency. *To f-cep a step \.i cxlvav.co of di::.<c.;i(h and to iripr^.e fuc-l:'.'-\ •" involve in cir in cxc<s3 d:.'!' L (Last Week's Items) Ml. and Mrs. Harry Gamer and daughter. Irene, and Mrs. Garner Sr. of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs Sam Gilbert reciTitly. Mrs. Gilbert returned to Toronto with them lor a \nsit. Mr. and Mr:;. Russell Freeman and family and Mr. and Jlrs. Tho'j. Free- man motored to Stratford a.id E.xetei recently and visited friends. They also attended the London fair. Mr*. Kate Davidson nf Orillia is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Lundy John-5ton and Mts. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. .A.verv and Miss Hazel Wyville, R.N.. of Bu;":alo, N.Y.. motor- ed over and spent a few days with the lalter's mother Mrs. S. Wyville. The Ladies' Aid held their Septem- ber meeting at the honi': of Mrs. Geo. Wright. There was a good attend- ance of members and visitors and a good program was provided. Lunch was served. Miss .^nnie McDevi'.t of Schomberg visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family. Mrs. S. Todd of Churchill and Miss Maggie McConkie of Stroud were visi- tors with Miss Minnie Graham and Mr. and Mrj. J. I. Graham, recently. M-'s. Davis Sr. and Mrs. Geo. Buch- anan visited friends at Ches!ey. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and Miss Caswell of Orillia visited with the Johnston and Buchanan familicj re- cently. -Mr. W. J. Blair and Mary and Jack visited with Mr. and Mr;. J. J. Gra- liani one day recently before leaving for their home in Florida. Anniversary --ervices will be held in Ebenezer church on Sunday, October 6th, afternoon imd eveninr. when Rev. Frank Sullivan of Priceville will preach. .Anniversary services will also be held in Vandeleur on Sunday, October 20th. when R»v. Thos. Laid- law of Owen Sound will be the preach- er, and on Tuesday evening. October 22nd a fowl supper and program will be given in Vandeleur church. eavement. Harvest Home service was held in the Baptist church here last Sabbath afternoon. The church was beauti- fully decorated with fruits, vegetables and flowers for the occasion. The nastor. Rev. Wolstencroft, took for his text. Psalm 72. verse 16. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyness of Toronto w'ere visitors at the home of Mr. Levi Betts, recently. Mrs. W. J. Chard holidayed for a week with her brother. Mr. Fred Ped- lar, at Creemore. Prayer meeting will be held in the Baptist church Thursday night at the usual hour. The pastor would like as many members as possible to be present to discuss having anniversary services in the near future. Mrs. Towell and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston of Detroit. Mrs. Ellis and Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. f^hard and family. We "V^end our sympathy to the -Armstrong family in their sore ber- ef'oment. Miss Gladys Wickens cf Kimberley was a visitor the oast week with her "randoarents here, Mt. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar.. Unity U.F.W.O. will meet - â- Wed nosday. October 2nd at the hnme of Mrs. C. Newell at 2 p.m. Vi -tors welcome. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coliason and family motored to Wiarton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Cauns .motored to Oshawa t -r the week end. Mr. and .Mjs. Silas Hill and daugh- ter. Ada, Mr. Will Hill and two sons of Markdale spent the first of the week at Mrs. H. Piper's. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pickell of Paris visited at R. Cook's on Saturday. Mr. Cooey and friend of Wiarton visited Mrs. J. Kennedy the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stev/art Oi Orange- ville and Mr. and .Mri. F. J. Kidiue and d...UKhter, Bessie, of Allis'.on were first of the Vv-eok visitors with Mrs. Fred Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and two children motored to Owen SouJid the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. West and '.wo child- ren of .-Vngus and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beattie of Markdaie spent the week end with Mr and M-s. R. Whittaker. Mr. S. Grilfen and Mrs. .Archer of Toronto visited last week with their sister. .Mrs. White. v,-ho is ill. Mr. Earl White returned to the city with them for a few holidays. Miss Catherine Muir and Master Grant Muir are holidayi.ig with To- ronto friends. Mr. and .Mrs. John Oliver motored 'o Toronto for the week end. Mr. Rbt. Cook and Mis; Millie and Mr. and Mrs. J. McWilliam motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mrs. Cameron Smilev and daugh- ter. Margaret, spen' the week end svith her father on the South Line. As nert Sunday is Rally Day in the Sabbath School a good attendance is expected. This community oxtends its sincere symnathy to Mrs. W. .A. Armstrong, family and relatives in the loso they have sustained. Mrs. Fawcett and lived most of his SUtion spent a couple of week with life in the township of Euphrasia, her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. For over fifty years he has resided Miss Ida J. McCuaig, R.N., left on in the village of Kimberlev. Tuesday last to resume her nursing About fifty-two years ago he was duties at Salem. Oregon, after spend- married to Elizabeth Saul of Heath- ing the summer months at her home. cote, who predeceased him seventeen Rev. F. Sullivan preached the anni- years ago. To this union were born versary services at Proton Station last three daughters, two of whom died Sabbath. in infancy, and four sons, Herbert of Messrs. Allie McLean and Dan L. CoUinjovood, Robert of Toronto, Saul McArthur took a truck load of cattle of kimberley and Simon of Detroit. ^^ Toronto last week. The funeral was held to Thornbury cemetery on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended. The pallbear- ers were Messrs. John Abercrombie The anniversary services of St. Col- umba United Church will be held on October 6th, with the usual entertain- ers were iviessrs. jonn Aoercromoie, ^ »» j .. * ii„„r;-â„¢ Po., A Geo. Cornfield, Stephen Burritt. and ej«"l''"T ^"""^^V °f M^^diirWui The flower bearers N- St. John, B.A., of Markdale will Jos. Cornfield, were .Mc'srs. Robert. Alfred and Harry Down and Albert Myles. Besides his family he leaves to conduct services. Fuller particulars will be given later. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Wilson of Dro- FEVERSHAM SQUIRREL HAD NINE LIVES When two electric circuits at the substation were tripped out one day last week in Orillia. the Packet- Times tells, it was discovered that the "trouble" was caused bv a black squirrel which had got across the wires on the roof, and cau.^ed a shoi-f circuit. 4,000 vols i; considered fatal under almost all ci'cumstances. but when a lineman v.-ent to nick up the body of the squirred ^o his sur- prise the little animal suddenly leapt to life and started away â€" leavinu every scrap of his hair behind him; All hii be.''utiful black coat had been burned off hiiM hv the 4.00ft volt.i shock he had received, and part of his !ic<!y had boen Vtirned a coppe- color. The .'^cirirre! bad t.i undergo more trials pf .n<iversitv. ps two .=tray cats became interested in him. .apparently mistaking him f.-^r a rnt. Giving a !ioPcIc"=.- Ecueak. the coatlps-t FiluiriTl ran awsv, the cats n full pur?vit. Mr. Stnr;- c.i:ne to the r9si ucaiid th'? snuii'rel 'ook refue-c .Sat"rdat The Osprey School Fair -'s he:a h°-e on Thursdav last. .Althougli the weather was cold there was a good crowd and the fair was a great success owing tj the untiring effoi-ts uf Mr. T. S. Cooper, agricultural veo- le.sentative for Grey County at Marii- daie. Feversham school captured the fir=t prize, w::h Miss iJradiey as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburg and family of Collingv/ood spent Sunday with Mrs. Stoutenburg's brother, J. .A. Davidson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and daughter cf Owen Sound were week c:;d visitors with M;s. Forsythe 's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ebv. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and Be'ty and .Alan of Owen Sound visit- ed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cokniette here. Mr. Cecil Wiley. Collingwood, spent the week end with hi- parents. Mr. and Mis. Frank Wilev. in the villagx. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family of Hamilton were the eu'e.sts of Ml-s. Geo. Whitooak, and family the fore- part cf the week. Mr. and Mrs. F-ank Wiley are vii- â- '"!"<» frieids in N'ott.uva this week. Mr. .Andrew McKean of the Sixth Lino of Coll ing v.-.Md fownshin had the misfortune to have hi'' sflwmill biirn- ed on •'"r.div last. Mr. McKea-i h»d his :-ii 1 >:vcr io Csprcv on a h\.'iiih farni to owned there and iiad been n\vi-r: â- • s'n-.'fC rf Hgs. It is suppo?- 1 tho fi e h"H hren «moMerinr from TV-f mill. V hich wn mourn his loss two sisters Mrs. H. more were recent visitors at Mr. Herb Down of Fleshertor and Mrs. Roe and Mclnnis's. three brothers. Wm.. Edward and Mr. Robt. D. MbConkey motored to Irwin of Thornbury. Detroit last week to visit his father, Mr. Fawcett was a man who was who is much the same, always interested in nublic affairs and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and was very highly respected, as the family attended the anniversary ser- nunierous floral tributes showed. vices at Bethel on Sunday and visited The people of the community sym- with friends there, oathize with the bereaved. i ^jj. Rgbt. Shortreed had the misfor- â€" ^~* ' tune to lost two head of cattle with Visitors at the home of Mr. and black leg. Mr. John Nichol Sr. also Mrs. John Plewes over the week end lost one animal. were: Mr. and Mrs. Simon Plewes, Mr. Colin McLean and sons. Ale.K. Howard and Hazel of Homings Mills, and Innis, Mr. Frank Reiley and Don- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Van- aid. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc\ ic-ar and deleur, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Good of -Anna journeyed to Yeovil Friday on Toronto and -Mrs. A. Andrews. Gait, invitation of Prof. Kyle, who gave a Mr. John Graham of Persia, ac- concert with his pupils. The first .â- ompanied by his wife and family of three mentioned played their violins Weston visited with his mother at and little -Anna danced. the home of Mr. Chas. Graham. r Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Collmg- Mr. Geo. Hutchinson and .Miss Kath- wood, Mrs. McLeod and daughter, leen left for the West last week. Mailey, of Stayner motored up tue .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huggard and first of the week end visited the Mc family of Clarksburg visited Sunday Cuaig family, with Mr. and .Mrs. John Fawcett. ' Mr. John Nichol and son. .Murray, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibs-n of Dur- motored to Toronto for a few days l-.am spent the week end with Mr. and Wedding bells are pealing loudly Mrs Hartley Lawrence. these days. „ ,, , ^u Mr. :-nd Mrs. Ern. Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. A B. McArthur mot- fa.niily of Eugenia, visited recently at ored to Toronto last week. Little the former's narental home. i Betty Watson, who spent the past .Mrs. A. F. Hammond of Toronto, month with them, vetumed home. spent a few days in the viDage. Mr. Donald McKinnon returned to She has rpnted her store to Mr. Invermay. Sask.. on Monday. Martin of Mono Mills. , Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson of Call- Mr. David Graham of Welland fornia are visitors at .Mr. J. Stothart. spent the week end at his home here. Rev. Mr. Kennedy oi Foronto occu- Mr. Fred Ellis and Stenhen Burritt Pied the pulpit in the. hall Sunday, accompanied him back on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Melnnis a.ld Fred to take a position with the family spent the week end in Cold- H. E. P. C. and Mr. Burritt to visit water. ,. a a fi,o his son at Nia-^ra Falls. A number from here attended the Several people of the village r.l- Flesherton fair and report it to be the tended the funeral of the late Wm. best yet. Armstrong of Flesherton on Monday. Mrs. Dave Nichol and Margaiet re- Mr. Carl Carruthers. accompanied turned home from London, aftei by his mother, motored to Toronto spending -he past week visiting with for thi' v/eek end. i friends there. Messrs.- Dalton Ferguson, Russell Mr. Jas. Turner and son. R. J. are Ward .-.nd Howard Cornfield have threshing on the North Line and at .gone to Thornbury to pick apples. the present time are at Alex. stew- Mr. and Mrs. Arch .M'cLcan. Mr. ' art's. They have a new separator and Mrs. D. L. Weber and Mrs. A. which does excellent work. Lawrence motored to Toronto and I Mrs. Colin McLean a.id Miss Esthei Kincardine last -eek. | and M-s. Sarah Mills ot Toronto mot- Mr. Malcolm Ferguson of Ceylon ' ored to Holstein on Saturday and vis- visited hi-^ niece. Mrs. S. Osborne. ited friends. Misses Carineta Camack, .Alberta Weber, Myrtle Cornfield and Evelyn T-rtDOMTO 1 IMC NORTH Scule Nvere home from Orangeville , TORONTO LIML INUK 1 tt Business Collefc over the week end. ' ^â€" Mr. .Andrew Vvallaee of Orangeville ' „ , ,, ,. .a r ^^^f,c, visited :â- :. his parental home. I Messrs. Frank llorton und George Hunter of Toronto visited wuh Mi. and Mrs. .A. Stewart on Monday. Mrs. W. J. Lever of Owen Sound is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred I Brown. , , ., , PATTON â€" In loving memory of Mrs. Gerald Morgan and children our dear liusband. and father, Jas. O. of Palmerston visited her parents, Patton. who passed away September Mr. and Mrs. J. .A. Lever. 27th, 1927. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and Gone from us. but leaving memories i children of Owen Sound were recent Death can never take away; I visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewai.. Memories that will always linger | Mrs. Mary McKeohnie Cecil and While upon this earth we stav. i Ri%sell McKechnie and Miss Maggie â€"Sadly missed by wife and family. I Mav Anderson cf Brampton and Mr. I Walter Trivers of Thessalon spent ADVANCE AD\'TS. P.AY I the week end at Wm. Burnett s. IN MEMORIAM .•>4~x>-;~:":~M'<~M~M~;"K«<'<"><K~:"><~x~x~X"><~K"X~J~K' Bates Burial Co. 122-124 .Vvenuc Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks <• <• ^ nn«?!?r .1. tomh^'one in Trice's yard, good "Hc. bcido^ "cvertil thous?n'' When th.-:t v.ns moved, h^ ran up .t -fopt ,,f l-iribev. -wai n co'nrli>tr> lois. â- ,(•'» '^"d di^-.nne.irrfl. If iho sonirrel v •«-'â- .' :;--<' fj; â- "T-. ^1,-K'^-^:i '!'! is still alive, he is in for a ecld tun? Build Up a Monthlylncome by Investing Your F ii n d s in Royalties. An inve.stsieiit in Seccud Standard Royalties Ltd. v-ields U%. Payable 1% mouthly. Efividends arc payable on the Ist of each month to sliait'holdcrs of record of 25th ot the pre-viou.s month. FOR I'UIJ. IXl^ORMATK^N SKK K Dr. E. C. Murray Fi esiierlon SiiSrs .