®hje /ksljjertiirtt %hmnu Vol. 49 No. 14 Fleshcrton Oniric, September ) ]| 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor FEVERSHAM A reunion of Mr. and Mrs. Col- quette'j family was a pleasing event of the past week at their home here, when their family all gathered to- gether for the second time since they all left home. There were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Colquette and two daugh- ters, of Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. W. G. Dand and son Gordon of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette and two children ot Owen Sound. Miss Rose McGirr has returned to the Collingwood hospital, where she has been nurse-in-training for some time. Miss M. E. Heron and Miss Vioie; Donahue of Toronto were visitors with tho former's sister, Mrs. Col- quette, over the v;eek end. A number from here attended the Gospel \Vork-3r's camp meeting at Clarksburg last Sunday. Mrs. L. Lepard and family are vi.5iting friends in Clarksburg. Miss Ella AUistei- and Mrs. Chas. Kav.^cn visited with friends in To- ronto and attended the Ex. last week. Tho Presbyterian church here iias been painted and re-decorated and is again being used for ser\'ioes eac!i Sunday, evening. Mij. Thomas Forsyth of Ov.-e:i Sound has returned home after i week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Messrs. Cecil Wiley and Arthur Boupre of Collingwood were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley, here. I EAST MOUNTAIN MiiJ Winnetta McMuUen spent a day at the exhibition last week. Mrs. Smith and family of Duncan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCullough. Miss Minerva Walters and brother, of Ravenna, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCullough. Mr. Harry Hovenan visited with his sister near Shelburne over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole, Mr. Cole Sr., and Mr. .A.r'hur Thompson, of Acton, were week end visitors with Mr. ana Mrs. J. H. Thompson and family. Miss Hazel Flood of Hanove-, is spending her holidays with Mrs. Chas. Fawcett. Misi I. Fawcett has returned from an extended visit wnth friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and j children of Duncan were recent vis- itors with Mrs. Geo. Harbottle. Mr. and ilrs. Harold LoughceJ of Union sp:nt Sundiy v.-ith Sir. and Mr^. C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fawcett gave a partty to their friends and neighbors on Friday evening. •.. MORE CHEQUE SWINDLER ARTISTS. Ten Orillia merchants were victim- ized by a pair of clever cheque writ- ers recently, nine for §20 each and one for S40. Two strangers signing themselves Grace Ball and C. M. Ball went from shop to shop making small purchases and tendered bank i-heques drawn on tho Dominion Bank at Coldwater, in exchange. Each time the chc-que was for an amount considerably in exces of their pur- chases, and a plausible story wa-3 given which was rarely questioned. As Monday was Civic Holiday little . was known of the swindle till Tues- day and the pair made a clean get-a- way. At Bracebridge an attempt had been made to try the same sch- eme, but the passer was apprehended but he was not one of tho-39 who had been in Orillia. Various other cent- res in Ontario have been victimized by cheque artists of lare and merch- ants arc warned to be on the lookout ARTEMESIA COVNCIL Ar'emcsia Council met on tho 4111 of September last, with all the mem- bers in attendance, the Reeve presid- ing. Jiinutes read and adopted. CommnTirations v.-ere pr.>;cntei"f,: Clerk cf P -otan, re Proton drain; the Durham tlospi'pl. re indigent patient; School Attendance Officer, report to July 1st; Eeve;al school bo:'.vd cjtim- atcr. for ii'2.>; County Clei-V. estim- r.tes for County Rate; Mrs. George Burrcll. sheep killed; E. Stevens, sheep killed; W. J. McTtiiUan, r.heep killed, and reports of valuer.- of the same; By-law S70, to levy rates wr.s iTad a third time and signed. Whittaker â€" Davis â€" That follow- insr claims for sheep killed be paid Mrs. 0. Burrell Sto, W. J. McMillan ?12, E. Steven* $12. â€" Carried. McUi'-um â€" Corbett â€" That tho ac- o.-v.nt cf The .\dvance Printirt: Co., Voters' Vist. advorti'.ing same ina iM-inting notices for draimpe by-law, $185.50, be paid. â€" Carried. A\Tiittaker â€" Davis â€" That R. K. ('or!'??" be paid for servires as School At'endareo Officer to 1st July S12. â€" C.irried. > Whittikerâ€" Corbettâ€" That mem- ber' of Council ho naid for committee •virk:' the Reeve S-^. J. Dav;-. S2, C. Meldrun ?2.â€" Carried. Co -bctt â€" Davis â€" That fif y doll- r.vs be granted and expended on the roads in Proton Village snd $5 be rranted and cvnendcd on 3rd line, ca'* of "t'th '^idcroad. â€" Carried. Corbett â€" Mcldnim â€" That E'lst Hrev .ATTi.niltu-al Six-iety ho granted §20 â€"Carried. p.,4vi^ â€" Whittaker â€" That Roau ri:r-^rlnt'"'deT'"^'s report No. S>, ex- iieuled 32313.20. b" received and the jinioutil'^ paid.â€" C-irricd. (-^,.l,etf â€" â- Mel.'-im â€" Thrt the W",^v.^ «nd Councilliv-s Corbett amT Davis l"^ " c^-nmittoe to finally orttle with Fred Russell as 'o amou.u + -, \s Ti:ii.l for H"d t^ker ff!V devtn- f|:... \.f loOth sideroad. Con. 2 N.E. .''••rried.- Whitt.<«ker â€" Davis â€" That this Council is of the opinion th«' muni- cipal nominations in this Township -hoi '.d be held on the la.^t Mondav rn Xinembc- <*r>A election '-n the first Mondav in December. Tho Clerk Is v,.rebv reouested *o pro4iare p bv-laT^ for thftt purpose to be submitted at „ovt Council meeting.â€" Carried ^^ LADY BANK Another little shov.-ar would.i't do U3 any harm. We hear once more the whistle of the big black bird as it travels from one farmer's bam to another. It has leen good harvest weather all through and now we look for fair returns. Mrs. Wallace Armstrong and son and a lady friend, Mrs. Lettau, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullen over the week end. The former was at one time a resid- ent of Eugenia. Mrs. Graham of Meaford i-3 visiting with her brother, Mr. Joe Snell, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straehan, of Mcr.t-eal, Mr. and Mr.^. Peter McMil- lan of Collingwood ar-> guests of Mr. Wm. Semple this week. Mr. Fred Semple, accompanied by Mr. Ross Patterson, of Islington, spent a day at the former's parental home here. Mrs. Les. McMullen and ba'oe, and Mi;o Jennet McMullen. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers near Eugenia, one day this week. Miss Nettie Tyson of Mount For- est is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Dobson and other friends in this neighborhood. Miss Winnifred McMuUen ha-3 re- turned to her position in Toronto af- ter spending the past tv.-o months witli her mothtr and other friends here. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson and I family attended the Sargent-Morrison wedding at Owen Sound last week. Mrs. R. Campbell and four children of Proton spent the past week vis- iting her sister, Mrs. J. McWilliamc, and family. Mr. t.nd Mrs. James L. McMullen visited friends at Kimberley the first ; of the w eek. j Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Lipsett and • daughter, Viola, cf Bolton, Mr. and i Mrs. Henry and son, Trevor, oi I Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Woods and ' family of Cha'sworth, Miss Vera Mai- •jhall and friend, of Durham. Miss Irene Jlarshaii, nurse in training at W.^-.itby. were visitors last week anu over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and daughier •Peggy, of Toronto, are spending c: few days with Mr. and Mrs. Aiiie Huir. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torray ana son Jack, of Lauriston. spent the firs: cf the week v.ith Mi's. H. Piper. Mrs. .\rehie McMullen, who spent several weeks visiting in Toronto, has returned hor.te. Iilr. and Mrt. Knell and family, ci Owen Sound, were visitors at Mr. Duckett's last week. Rev. and Mrs. Cline and two chil- dren, Mrr. Cline Sr., Miss Kate Flet- cher, of Toronto, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fletcher the past we ek. Dr. Laird of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wex. Stewart and daughters. Misses Ella, Olga and Elma, of Owen SounC, were week end visitors with Mr. and -•Vrchie Sinclair the first of the v.-eck. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mathewson and two children, of Toronto. Mr. Rus-sel Mathewson and lady friend, of Kirk Lake. New Ontario, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Mathewson. Mr. and Mrs. James McWninney and grandson. Lloyd, and Harvey .Ar- chibald. \ns;ted with Mrs. Archibald at Proton the first of the week. Mr. .A. V. Cook. Miss May Cook an^' Mr. W. Scales, of Maple Hill. v:--ite>! at Mr. R. Cwk's the first of the weeK. Mr. and Mrs. Isthma of Brampton vi.^ited at Mr. Geo. .Arrowsniith's. Mr. and Mrs. Fairbum and son, Ralph, .and Mr-^. WUson, of Holstein, spent the week end at Mr. Thomas Irwin'.-. EUGENIA DIABOLICAL TRICK PLAYED ON FARMER Thos. Calverley of Ar^t.sa had a most uncomfort.sbl? experience last Friday. lie was driving homo when ko was stopped by a man in a big motor car. Aft^cr asking som? ques- tiorij the man took out a flask and offered Mr. Calverley a drink. .At t'ne same time he poured glasse- for him £oIi and his wife. Mr. Calverley dr.; ik his glass (whether tho other two did he does not knov>-) and knew nothing more for fifteen hours. He was found in his buggy, with t'ne ho:-se wandering aimlessly, and wa-= I ought to the Orillia Soldier'sMem- orial Hospital where the stomach pump was used. He did not recover consciousness for fifteen hours. For- tunately he had no money on him Bt the time so that if robbery was the object, thc» man got nothiri: for h:r. pains. But it vas a diabolical ttick to play. Editor cf a New York magazine r-.'-crived a short story from a young .luthor in Knoxville. Tenn., who sitn'.ed herself Corona Reiiiington. The story itself was acceptable, bu; the author was asked to use soi.ic othc ''non de plume." She set the editor right by advising him that this was her real name. .And she wasn't named after ciithe- of the well-known typewriters, she said. SWAMP COLLEGE Fire again visited oua locality and devoured the blacksmith shop belong- ing to Mr. Harry Foeator, o.i Friday last. The fire broke out about 5 o - clock p.m. Mr. Foecter was ergagea shoeing a horse at the time, and ii is thoughi that a piece of red h:t calk off the shoe or a spark feii through <» crack in the floor and ig- nited some hay v.-hich was under- neath in the -itable, and in a f;w mo- ments the shop was a mass of rearing flamsc. Mr. Fcester carried no in- surance. The villagers look u? a substantial collection to help build a new rhop and buy tools and supplies. Wa extend cur syn-OEchy tj Mr. Fo> cter. He h-d the misfortune to bse 'nis home by fire last year. Mr. David Genoe, accompanied uy his parents, Mr. and Mi's. This. &e- nce, and Mr. Hfrry Tudor, spent a few days v.-:"h friends in the city. llrz. Cardwel! Graham and Jfrs. I!::ry Focster spent a few cl-ys u Tor Dn -to. Zlessi.j. Cullsni and Wallace of Gale si:2nt a few days v;ith 2ltzs.ii. Wu. ! end Percy Magea and enjoyed tne \ .â- â- •;h!ng wSile here. I k::.:':.g th:-:c altcudisg tho exhi- bition from th3 village were: Jur. Jake Williams. Mrs. r'ran:e3 Genoe, I Mr. Peter Munshav.-, Mr. Cha.iei j W iiliams, Mrs. Kouer. t'urvj and ' 3Irs. M. McM'_:ien. j Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Madden from Mar.jfield visited with th-3 fo ner--. ! Council adjourned. Whv no* "file von,- frierd.! P" ' -^ ' tVp-M b.T'V for anot»«>r week r -.1 -"• - t'v, in Flo?b?rton Fa- â- , Sepr 19-2..). Aniual Camp Meeting The annual camp meeting of the Gospel Workers' C<iureh. in Clarks- b'lrg, Ontario, v.ill commence on Fr>- ' day, September 6th, continuing over i Surday, September 15th. • This camp is in a growing condition More cottages have been built, more parking space provided for cars. The Kiarding house end dormitoiy have been enlarged. The famous colored quintette ot Cleveland. Ohio, will have charge oi 1 the singi isr- I Rev. T. M. Anderson of Wilmorc, i Kentucky, and a good staff of preach- â- ers and evangelists will be present. Clarksburg is on the Blue Wat«- Highway bet\Veen Collingwood and Meaford. Tor further particulars write '' Rev. F. D. Goff, Clsvk-burg, Ont. Born â€" On .Aug. 25th, •'o Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod. a son. Con- gratulations. Mi.-:- Mery Johnston left for her hor.-.e in STskatchewan. accomoanicO bv Mis.- Tcna Ferguson and Mrs. G. Wright. Wpek end vis'tor.". -"t Mr. John Hrw's v,-ere- Mr. and Mrs. Fster T'oover -nd ?>iiss I.-t!i .and Knrry Jones, ail of Long Branch, Toronto. M~. Howard Wa'ron ar.d sons took in the exhibition. Mrs. Heard, Sr., is visiting her sons in Toronto. V.'cel; end vbitora .at CVTr, Wm. Hsy's were: Rev. and Mrs. Hill ana fsniily, cf Oak Park, Illinois. Mrs. Meroo'.:rn McKay and daughter, oX Inwood, 0:it., Mrs, Bert Barber and Mr:.;, tiaruer, Sr., of Durham, and Miss Margaret Crovvell of North Toii- awanda. New York, Mr. and Mr-. Ed. Ilurd and .Ag- nes, visited recently at Mr. W. J. McMillan's, l'ri;.'evine. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoope •, Egrc- mont. \isited recently at Mr. .Aie:-:. Ri.-hardson's. Miss Ethel Go'neen i-; vi-Jtting with friends in Toronto. .Mis.- Daisy l-'cnwick of t'oronto sjient a day visiting her friend. Miss .Alice Broughton. Mrs. Dan McDonald and Dorothy returneii t.) the city after spending six weeks with her pai-ents. Misse- Ida. Pearl and EKsabeth M^'- Quaig snd bro'.her J. .Alex., and Mrs. Melnt> -e and family, Toronto, wero \ isitors at Mr. Neil McLeod'o vecentiy. .Mr. ard Mrs. Harry CrowoU and three dughter.--, and Mr. Herb. Chris- tie, of North Tonawanda. motored over and spent the week end at Mr. .Angus McCaimells. Miss Margaret. who had been visiting here the pas: two weeks, rctu"ned home with them. Mr. Dan McCannelt spent a few- days in Toronto and 'ook in the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Heard of Toronto are visiting with hi-j bi-other, VAwavd. M •. and Mrs. George Black. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell and Dan. motored to Collingwood the first of the week to visi' friends. .A number from here attended <ie memorial service at Priceville on Sun- day and all onioye<l and appreciated the splendid se-vi.-e. Salem and Swinton choirs also assisted. Born â€" To Mr. and Mi.-. Hamilton (nee Maud Haw) a son. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smi'h, recently. | Mro. Jacob Williams e-.iiertained a : number of the ladies of the village j to en afternoon tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Williams' 34th wedding an- niversary. A very delightful :inic ' v.as spent. .A~rac-;t d-'licio-JS lunch was served by i the hostess. We extend our best ; wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Williams aa^ | hope they m.ay be spared many more | happy years, as they have always provod themselves .r.ost hospitcbie and true citizens. Mrs. Wm. Hisiop was present at the social function. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and children visited friends in Kimberley on Su-.day. We are pleased to see Mr. Morgan continually [mproN-ing. Mr. Will Magee ir- visit'nj in Owen So-and at present. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Graham of Walkerton x'isited relatr/es in the village last week. Mrs. Adam Smitli 1 retu ned tj Walkerton -v^th them and j.pent a few pleasant days vis- 1 iting there. ill-:. Charlies Turner spent the â- v.eek end with her cousin, Mrs. Dave Ge:-ioe, East Mountain. I-lr. and Mr«. Will Swant^n and son ard dru^rhter and Mr. Harry Baker of Vandckur called on the Smith fam- ily on Sunday afterncon. Mr. r.-.d Mis. Hopkins of Toronto •>vere guests cf I>lr. Peter I I-jnshaw. Mr. Wa'iarc .Armstrong, nccompa- nisd by his mother. Mi.-s Logan and Mrs. Lettau, ei Toronto, visited wiiii Mrs. Thomas McKcc over the week ecu. ills. -Arms long remained for a week's visit with relatives in tho c.r-.r.rjnity. We vere all plea-ood to !r.c;-t her again. Mr. Vv'ilfred ?Jagcc and Mr. Edgi-. Linton of the Sch li.is s.^ent ti icw hol- idays in Toi-onto. Mr. and iVir";. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto visited wi.h tiie fc mer's psrents over the week end. Mr. a-^d Mr-. .Albert Slom and fam- ily, of Toronto, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloan. Mr. Sloan is doing some carpenter- work at the Flcsherton high school. it Ukes 5 ^o complete a call IT takes three to complete a telephone call: t'ne operator, the person calling and the person called. If any one of the three is at fault, the call falls. Uncompleted tilephone calls are a serious public prcbiirr.. We caii attention to it beca-asa we want you to have the test possible service at lowest possible cost.' Every day in Ontario and Qus'oec t'nere are ever cn2 million local telephone calls which are block- ed a v/aste ci two million minutes a day â€" a congesticn cf traffic â€" a source of irritation â€" a handicap to perfect ser.ice. Some of these uncompleted calls cannot be help- ed and seme are d-as to our own errors, which we ere constantly reducing. Many cf the failures â€" "Line's Busy" â€" "They don't Answer" â€" "No one on the Line new" â€" "V/rong Number" â€" criginat; with 'Jie other two partira to ths call We pbn now to give publicity to common faults in tclechone usage in the hope that there may be a mutual effort ta maintain high efficiency of telephone service. *Il is costing mere than $17,000,000 this year to extend and improve tele- phone gervice in Ontaria and Quebec. _^_._ ^ VlCTORL\ CORNERS DIED. Virva Ruby, beloved infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer, Toronto, and grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Radley. passed away suddenly at the hospital for sic'tt chil- dren, on Saturday, September 7th, after a brief illness of two days, due to the intense heat, aged IT days. In- terment was made at Mount Pleasant cemetery. "Jes-or- caHed a little child.'' .^;- ^ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bannon and son Milton motored to Toronto to see the Ex. Mrs. Miltcn Bannon, Jim and Doris, returned home with them Mr. T. Bannon remained. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Haw of Bright, and Marguerite Stinson of Toronto, visited at the home of thei paren's, Mr. and Mrs. .A- Stinson, over the hol iday. Miss P.osella Stevens :-s aole to rc- t-arn to her school, and wishes to than;., the ladies of the W. C. T. V. forthe very beeautiful bouquet whitli they sent her. Mrs. Woodland aiso STEV-..ART â€" In loving memory oif -z-ends them her thanks for the box my dear husband, John Stewart, who cassed awav iust one year ago, Sept. 14th, 192S. " " IN MEMORIAM RAILWAY AUTOMOBILE cf candy. Lawson Lcckhart, of Detroit, ac- c mparied by his rister. Mrs. Ber: Ro-,vJ.-:n. and little daughter, of Clin- ton, end Miss Daisy Fenwick of Dun- dslk, spen' Labor Day at the parental '-ome. Mrs. Rowden is remaining for a month. Visitors at Milton Bannon's wcre:| He lives with mo in memory still lir. and Mi-s. John Hanna. of Ma'-k-' And will forever more, dale; Mr. and Mrs. Wi'I Johnson andj .Miss Johnscn. Holland Centre: Mr-.. I Elva Robinson and Donald. Dundaik. Miss Vera Moore was homo from Guolph for th^ week end. i _. Mi.ss .-Vudrey Brown of Kimberley ! ^-•^"^'•â- ^'^â€"1" 'â- -^•^"•S memc-y of visited her friend, Emma Moore I °^- ^'^^^ 'nother, who passed away Mrs. Lee of Dornoch, visited her â- ^'^P^- ^''^'^' ^''-^• son. Mr. Robert Lee, recently. • In our homes you are fondly remem- Mrj. Carl Atkinson is vi-.-Vmg Ini ''^'^â- '^^^' Tcionto and attended the Ex. ' Sweet memories cling round yomr George Best v,as -- "^ ' - ' few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bic -din and nephe-..-. I watched him suffer day by day, It ea-jsed me bitter grief To see hini slowly pine away And could not give relief. Not dead to me. I love him dear. Not lost, but gone before. -Sadly missed by his wife. IN MEMORIAM i â- li Forest visited at Mr. Ja-. Best's, Travelling by a-jtomobil;? on the railway track.-. Divisional Svt let-iii- tendcit R. McKi'.lcn and party pausej here Monday mornins t^ pass the C.P.R. boat train. The car in which ' the party travelled was an ordiriry , on-o of Packard make ard differed in ' nowise from the highway cars except in the v.-heels whi:h wee metal and .iangea cj are the wheels of all rail- way cars. V.'hile sta-^ding on thv> sio- ] ing one of 'he wheeh was removed for some adjustment and the spect- j ;;tors who were on the spot were able ' to look the wheel? over. Us weight was considerably more than that oi tho wheel of a road ca â- , but in size there w£- ro apparent fiiifv:renc>-». The speed of the railway automobiic ;-. high: it can pribahly outdistance the K'tigest looonu- ' i-,es operated by the railway. Mr. MeKillop's c<\r was ri'niing on train orders issuetl by the dispatcher same as any ordinary train. â€" A'listr ^ Herald. Let the boys bring tho cattle ou. yd cieourags them to stay on the in Toronto for r. ! name. Hearts that loved you with truest af- fection Still love you in death just the same. â€" Ever remembered by the Family, larr '^ Fl.-shertcn Fall Fair. Sent. 19-20. -_•<•<â- ♦:•«^-x•<":~;~^♦^.^•^.x•<~^.x•>^•x•<K•-^'><•<~^<•<"^•:-^-^•>♦x•♦*•^K•♦•^•^♦•>•^*•^*^* â- <. 1^ '^..v (^* 12.'-r:i .Vvenu-.' vo.id Why not bring that mare and colt out to the fair and encourage the boy by giving him the prize money. •> •> TORONTO Phone: Kln^sdalc 4544 I. W. Bates. R. Mndclocks ~K~X'^-X->->-M">.>.>.> Watch for the Branding Jays c-. Friday aiterroon. iSeptomb^T '20ti!, .".t tho F'->shertrn Fr.ll Fai;-. Mr. Rbbert T-ench's me:^ \^ in number, left last Friday for Ss-.k- ptchewan by motor. The truck used was fitted out with sleeping and dining accommodations, or *hey could sret but and pitch a tent and build a fire and therby have this accommodation otherwise. The auto- mobile was in reality a house-built- one and could be used if nece.ssa:-y. The men were -^iken out from Tees- wcter I â- • harvest Mr. Trench's own crop. He ha.-. 3,000aeres under eul- tivati^n. â€" Tee-^watsr Nev.-r. Build Up a MonthlvTiicoiiie oy Investing Your Funds in Royalties. .'\n iQvestxii<?iit in i^^scoiiti Standard Rovalties Ltd. yields 12'^^. P^iyablo \% iiumthly. Dividends arc payab'? c»« the Ist of eacli month to shareholders cf rccor.d of 25th of the previous month. " . FOR FULL IXFORM.\TIOX SEE Dr. E. C. Murray Fiesherton .i I - ^ â- ~ A