WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4, 1929. THE FLESHHRTON ADVANCE Suffered A Stroke MOTHER'S ALLOW AN'CE | brings to the dijjussioii of public I HELPS 16,000 CHILDREN I. luistions today, a mind made much| /inoio mature by close contact wilir More than live thousand families''"*'" ""'' women of alfairs since firs' j in the province are beneficiaries un-'"'^'' ^'•'^ '^ ^^ Ottawa to represent der the Mother' Allowance Uoaru •'^""'*"^"**^ ^'"fy '" '^*-' """^'^ "^ Com-' , . which concluded its four day's session '"""s- SomethinK of a militant pac' fjif'''-'';' -> "trokc at his home in Ijwt Friday after dealing with about! 'f»»t, if such there can be, she w Li. ns Head on Monday aid his con- 200 new cases. Hon. Or. Jamieson ""^hing of the fantastic feminist -.lome "' '"'• was very tenoua, but he took chairman; Miss Belle Thompson, Vice- l'"'^''"'' '» ^'^â- ''*'vc- She has a pen- , , Chairman; A. J. Reynolds. Hampton; 'innl fo saying startling things in' afli-inocn and as we go to prc.;s thi-i T. J. Murphy of London, members of « slaiUi.ig fashion but is rarely found: Wcdne.sday evening the board were present. The Board '" *'"'â- "'â- '» '>'"' utterances. It is, is changing its quratcrs from the "'"•"c ^*^»" •''**''y ^^e will find the'ng rapidly c*st wing of the parliament buildings n'^"^'"'""^ atmosphere of European ^ . council chambers and committee i Bp"'''an> motored up on Tuesday .rooms .somewhat irksome after the "nd Mrs. Thurston remained to assiat. ' lap-bang methods in vot'Ui' here.' __^_â€" â€" â€" jBut, of her deep sincerity and devo-} WAS THIS A CO-INCIDENCE? tion to the cause of world peace, a-;. 'well as her competency 1o represent Hcfore bcfjinning our story of a Canada at Geneva, there can be no well-nigh impossible happening, wc doubt. Her colorful personality wiTiiwish to state that it is absolutely :.tand her in good stead in any eom-'trut and tha, v,'c have the statenienls pany and she may be counted upon to of several eliable witnesses, whose give a good account of herself under v.'o.d i3 infallible, t) prove the verac I any circumstances. â€" Farmers' Sun. Mr. R. W. Shav/ of Lioni Head, n-in-law of the editor of this (taper. turn for the better on Tuesday go to advict' received to the elfect that he was gain- and was eonsicous. Mr. aid Mrt;. F. J. Thurston and Mrs. ii. Park the firs ol to 43 Queen's :Scptember. Causes of dependency include wives deserted by their husbands, the allow- ance being granted after five years' desertion, widows with more than one child, foster mothers and women whose husband:! are incapacitated in which case the allowance is granted Vfhen there is only one child. On!y children under 16 years of age are eligible. I SUtistics ^denote that there arc| two families in the province with IJ • hildren each receiving the allowance.' There are three families with ten children and seven with nine. There arc '.."iDO families with three chilurr.i Che.^lcy and 2.459 with two children. Whe.i a child reaches the age of 10, the ?3 r. month received by the mother M withdrawn. In some ca.scs the grniit to the mother is inc^-eaaed n^ for inst xncc in the case of a son wlio was contrib- utire 'o the family exchriiuers before marirage. There are more than 100 motliors with one child and incapaci- tatod hu -.bands v.t,r> are receiving- aid. Nearly 16,000 children ." c fared for by the Ontario Mother's Allowance. Special Prizes For East Grey Fall Fair SOML FALL FAIR DATES ColliiiKwood Sept. 2r)-28 Chat- worth Oct. 10-11 ....Sept. 27-23 A PLFASINt; APPOINTMENT Markdale Oct. 1-2 Meaford Sept. 18-2.» Mount Forest Sept. 18-20 j O angfvilli' Sept. 17-U' ! Ov.-en Sound Oct. 3-5 AgncT .Macphail'i qualificationr, as ; ^".'"'-"f S'"'*- 24-'25 one of Canaiiu's representatives a;^'''"""'''"'' ^''*- â- '"'1 the forthcoming Assembly of the League of Nations which takes placu at Cencva next mt.nth, are unassail-' able. Her cppolntinen'. reflects | credit <ri the Government at Ottawa ' V. .'th frene.*jl ap|Vroval. I tlii ity of this yarn. Some time ago a young man who was a resident at Wpjaga Beach, los*. a :ct of keys. Ho had no idea where they had parted company with him so v.-as not in a position to search for tlicni. A year later he and throe Clark.-.burg Oct. 15-liJ friciuld wo e attcndin;,' a dance at the Desboro Sept. 19-20 1 i'avilion. Before going home he had Hundalk Oct. 2-4' "cci'sion to change a spark plug in his l>urham Sept. 17-ls engine His hands becoining soiled FLF:sHERTON Sept. l<)-2j' during ihe o;)cratio;i, ho stooped down Fcversham Sept. .'50. Oct. 1 ! for n hardfi-l of sand and picked up Hanover Sept. 11-12-n! v.nth it â€" tho hst key.;.â€" Staynor Sun. ILtnvorth Sept. 10-11 j Holstein Sept. 24-25 1 Kilsyth .Sept. 25-2(5' London (Western) Sent. 7-14 1 ROD AND GUN With the approach of fall, the thoiiglit i of sportsmen are turning to- wards hunting both deer and feather- ed Kame. The t--eptember issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox New;, just issued, contains an . ^ . ,, .. .. , 1 » 1 seated in ..he ouggy excciiwna ly fine article on decrl,,,,, „ 7,, , , •. ./,»,». 1 â- 1 I lime, no sna p.s allo\ f-'hclburnc Sept. 20-27 >""'!»& by C. N. A. Iroson, which ^^^^ „,.„.^ ^„^, j^.^, j^y^.^^ ^^ ^^^ T,-rn Oct. 1-2, \">''' Vrcvc- of great interest to devo-k-iag^ t^ represent their own class '^ 'onto (C.N.E.) Aug. 2:?-Sent. 7i l-'-o; 'â- 'â- ^^ ^'-^^ sporl. is^ ^7.50. Winrton Sept. 17-18 However, :his is only one cf a coll- | Best saddle horse $3.00 and $2.00. The following specials are offered ^ for competition at Flesherton Fall ', Fair. A further- list will be given 1 next week. > Draft or Agricultural Colt, 1929,' $3.00. 81.50. j Best groomed horse 12.00. ' Single turnout goods value $5.00 and ?2.00. Best gelding or marc in any heavy | class, not judged for value alone, but J for animal that fills the class it rep- resents the best $5.00. Best single driver, road or carriage, twice around track, to be judged for .'t.vle, action and speed $3.00. Best matched team, heavy or light, samentj;; if color, size and conform- ation to 1,0 points considered ;n judging S5.(J0. Best team of farm chunks, those winning in other clashes not eligible $11.00 and $0.00. Best stepping horse on the ground, action and style to be points consid- ered $2.00. Be-t, farm team to be judged for team mcjt suitable for all kinds ot farm work $7.00. Best double turnout S8.50 and $3.00 Horseback race, walk the first time around, trot the second and go as .you please the third $3.00 and S2.00. General Purpose single driver $3.00 and ?2.00. Montleman driver, ir.u::'., show his skill in handling and making his horse show to best advan'cage $4.00. Gentieman'o road race, single driv- er attached to buggy, norse never to have \.on money btiore in a lace, tuite aiuu.iu the track $6.00 and i$Z. i^ady Oliver *.i.OU and Sli.tiu. For mar who can unhitch, un- harncjs and hitch Ui> again and be in ihe shortest lime, no snap.s allowed. So.O'J. Extra Special Offer for New Subscribers TO and. m.cets v.'th gene.'jl ap|Vroval. j Western whc'' is said to be of Lacking nothing of the fire and feci- good ouality. Quality and price will inn: that marke.i th,- rr iier days of make up for some of the shortage in political career. Miss Macphail the croi). tier ':•<••:••{•<-<•♦•:••:•<•<":••:":•• •5> •> n Ol ur men s ! ccti.;n cf equally rrood articIc^: a. id features whicli deal authoritatively with othor department-; and adventur- es in outdoor life and which provide thtroi'.fyhly good 'â- eading for all inter- CJtcJ in outdoor l:le. Open season:; •^•♦♦♦•X~>«t-<~:~X"X~>«:~:->':'<~:"W~X«<» to-.- throughout Canada and a •j j full rr>por'; of th.' annu.'l meeting of 4 i ihc Canadisin Natio.nal .Siher Fox Breeders' Association are included in thi; issue. Order through this office. Mail & Empire During September ENQUIRE NOW <.<m{ho.<^x<-»**«<->«x~x«<s»x-xk~:~h~:-k-s~K"M-:~x~:-<~:~:~X' :-x~X">'> Small Advts. FARM FOR SALE LOST OR STOLEN , FOUNDâ€" Gold Bracelet. Apply to'. About lOO acres of good clay loam Mrs. D. Williams, Flesherton. land, being lots 24 and io. 2nd con. . ' N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a 1 mile from Flesherton Station, about LOST â€" Between Flesherton and 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres Rotk .Mills, a pair of shoes. Finder i" hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Ic.'se leave at th;j office. LOSTâ€" A black leather satchel ;ontaining baby's clothes, on highway Hurdle jumping $3.U0 and ^2.0U. iotato race on horseback contest, 'between Flesherton and Dundalk. Fin- to be for rider who can ride to g ' der pdnse leave at this otTice. box at one end of and spear ' potato and deliver the most potatoe.s to bo:c at other end, spears to be sup- plied, jocl'.eyiiig and knocking pota- i';e3 oh the sticks allowed, prizes ofi FOR SALE ; Seven-roomed hou3e, solid brick with cellar under all, also summer kitchen roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, good spring v.-ell and good fences. This farm clieap for quick sale. â€" Geo. K. Ban ks, Fl eshei ton, telephone 36 J . I FARM FOR SALE FOH SALE Wear Department '}.'' % Fine Straw Ilat.s, .special at SI. 50 % I^lcn's Cap.s, up to date at $1.35 & $1.50 Peabody Overhauls, heavy black, bUie $2.25 Can|)ray Shirts fur 95cts. Z Fncy Check Shirts from $1.25 to $165 I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Z Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•M-C'^>'X~XK>C«X->«X~X"X~X«<X>«<Xr*«*t"t'>«X-C"X~X"X">>X» Naw that the National Railway h-an I .niplelcd tho biggest and best oil electric iocomolivo in the worid some lif lis officials might devise :â- . plan of laUint; some of the pilch holes out of the road bed between Meafo d and (;niiin!;wood.- â€" Meaford .M'rror. The ii;;r. ette smoker oC tho future may find a "bewjre of forest fires" warning on each cigarette. He also •J» .iiay r.nioke hio fag down to a fire- 's^ proof tip. These i)ossibilitiies are •J I '(.rcc;!.' J by .'\. K. Shorman. of the •J I I'liitcd State'! Forestry Service, in an ajipcnl to inanufactu^'ery. as well as smoke rs, to co-operate in a nation- wide fire prevention program. '^ THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. "«*^ CHAIN ST0BE8 Markdale, Ontario OIR BUYING rOWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY I I Leadership Won and Held by Right Goods; Right Prices; Right Methods and Reliability CI.E.\RAXC1': S.M.K IX MIl.MXl'RY Dl':i'.'\KTMl-:XT Manv Hats fr<iin well-known New York houses in these groups, including Fells. Straws, Stitched Crepe un<l a few wide brimmed Rough Straws. Hats, regular $2.'Jh to f:i..'i0. clearing at 9Rc. Hats, regular $.).'.),') to $4..')0. clearing at Il.-i;* Hats, regular $4.1(5 to tf>.'.K\, clearing at $1.9a Girls' Huts IP to $2.25, clearing at 6Uc. TaDIKS' and MISSHS' COOLIK QJATS $3.95 Hi only Ladies and Misses Coolie Conts, beau- tiful Japanese patterns, wonderful quality. Clear- ing at 13^)6 SHOE nKPARTMEXT NEWS At thi« time of the year we are offorinu many clearing lines at exceptionally low prices in the â- h*c department. One of tho mosto ntstanding sea-^onable bar- Kains in ifbout 50 pairs of Brown (boot huight) Runrfing Sho«». nizes 11 to 3 only 7flc. •Sizes a to T at only l»8c. Another upoiial is Misses' Dress Sh«e8 of Kid or Patent I^-ather. 1 or 2 strap, at only $L40 Boys' School Boots value $3 25 for only Remember that we satisfaction at all timet. sizes 1 to (I. Reirular .... |I.7'.t (It you and guarantee NEW STYEE PEEATED SKIRTS AT $1.79 These new style Pleated Skirts are indeed beau- tiful and are very popular. All .sizes 16 to 20. Good range of colors and materials. Regular val- ue up to $2.95, clearing at $1.79 C.IRES' AND IJOYS' STOCKINGS 19c. Girls' and Boys' Stockings made of fine quality cotton in beige and black, sizes 6 to 9Vj. This class of .stocking is greatly in demand just now as 'hey wear well. Inst well and wash nicu and soft. Mothers, don't forget to buy n supply of these for youT boys a -id girls. Buy now and save. Clear- ing at. per pair l<jc. MEN'S AND YOUNG MIAN'S VARS- IXY SWEATER COATS $3 45 Just the thing for the camp, for motoring, for fishing and for the holiday. They are made of fine quality wool in colors of cardinal with black trim, black with white trini, black with orange trim, and sand with orange and black trim. All sizes .'56 to 44. You wMl surely want one of these at this very low price, clearing at $3.45 MEN'S KlI.VKl PANTS $1.45 . Good weight Khaki Drill Pants, well finished, pockets and belt loops. A special bUy ctnablo.t us to »e\\ these $2.60 pants in all «izc« 32 to 44 at n clearinr anlc price of $1.45 "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" So.uO. »3.0l) and !<2.0U. Best fo;.l, i;i20. to be .judged for the foal that fills the clais it repre- sent"; the best, according to its age. heavy or light $3.00 and S2.00. Best heavy team ..n grounds, not for value alone, but tj represent their -cspcctive class, goods J22.50. CATTLE Si'ECIALS Be.--t herd of cattle owned by one man, consisting of 4 fomale.s over 2 yeaij old and one lull over 1 year old. thi:; v.ill be judtred not only for value but for the herd that fills the class it rcpresent.s the best $30.00. Best herd of grade callic, consist- ing of 4 females S.'j.OO. Best halter broken calf under 9 months S1.50. Best three dairy cows, any breed $4. Best female in cattle clashes to be .judged for animal scoring the most points, $2.00. Best calf raised on Royal Purple calf meal, not less than 50 pounds to have been fed and receipt of i)urclias£ of same to be produ;-td when called ' for S2.50. Exhibitor showing the largest num- ber of cattle $3.00. Best purebred bull, any breed, age to be considered $3.00. Best heifer calf. 1929. anv class S2. Best bull calf, any class. $9. Bc3t dairy cow, anv breed, to be judged for combination of milk am! Luitor ,*3.00. Rest 4 females from anv beef breed owned by one exhibitor $5.00. Be;-' baby beef. 1 vear and under, S,">.no. $3.on and $2.00. Rest calf under 1 year $5.50. $2.75. Best bunch of .3 animals shown by n nnv exhibitor who has not shown at this fair for the nast two years $10. Best two cows from anv one breed to be judged for nnimals that sntr either parliculsr bleed, goods $5.00. SHEEP SPECIALS Rest pen of Sheep, any breed, $2. Best 3 females, any breed. $2. Bc£t bacon sow. anv br'^^d. S4.00. SWINE SPECIALS Bc-3t bacon pig. sow or barrow, any Ol- type under 125 pounds. Isc Best bacon pig sow or barrow, any breed or type, uned rl25 pounds 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00. r, , , -c ,c 110 "cres in the Township of Ar- Durham heifer calf temesia. lots 77 and 7S. 1 N.D.R.. ten drtys old. â€" H. Freeman, town FOR SALE â€" Good horse.â€" Mrs. W. C. White, Ceylon, Phone 33 r SJ. FOR RENT- 1 1-1 acre- of Ceylon. -6 room house, wit'n ground. â€" John Mclla, FOR SALE â€" Earl Touring Car in fine condition; engine and tires good. Car cost $1750. Will sacrifice for a viv.ick sale. Wni. Wright, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Good frame house -uitable for garage, double garage, IT many farm purposes. Apply to Mrs. M. Jamicson, Flesherton. ' about 85 acres under cultivation, pasture and mixed busii; barn SGxGO with T 30x4,"). all with stone ba.senient. in good repair, water at I barn; driving shed 24x30. also hen house; S-roomcJ solid brick house v.ith soft water cistern m-.d furnapp. This is a good crai:! and stock farm. ^ \vell fenced and v.atorod. ^•ituated convenient to railway, church and school. Rca?on for selling is on .acccv.nt of poor health. For partic- I ulars apply on nremisos. I W. R. R. 2. A. MORTON. Proton Station. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house and good garden, opposite the high school in Fhssherton. â€" Mrs. V\'. J. Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Lacon ilog Chjl», the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agrici^tare. â€" C. STEWART. CareUkfir. FOR .SALEâ€" Young ^voung pigs, the bun sow v.ith ten â- h â€" -"'•'" ' Also six cows. â€" WaUer .-\.kitt, phon 1 IrC. Flesherton. SHORTHORN BULL F©R SERVICB sinfelv. ' RpP'stered Shorthorn bull for ler- vice at lot 5, Con. 9,'Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Butterfly FOR SALEâ€" Bran $1.70, Middlings 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. $2.25, Chop $1.25 cwt., best quality grades $2.00. Cows not returned â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Ensenia. Manitoba Flour $4.40 per bag, Pen- will be charge full price sylvania Anthracite Coal $11 per ton,' Salt 75c per cwt., cr $2.35 per barrel; | â€" Terms cash. Phone 38r3, Ceylon.â€" A. C. Muir. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" lOO ac- res, lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artcniesia, H mile from school. 2 miles from Flesherton. Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel lay, Flesherton. MiaCELLANEOVS W" ANTED â€" Young man for bake- shop. â€" F. Pinder, Flesherton. GEO E. ^^UNCAN DUNDALK LOCENSBD AUCTIONEER Fjr the County olf Grey. Tsraat 1 per cent. Satisfaction £ruanite«4 Dates mads at The Advance offlee. MIDDLEPRO &. BURNS Barriateni. etc. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evesy Saturday afternoon and eveninsr. BUSINESS CARDS FAIR PRIZE LIST CORRECTIONS.' """^^^'°^' ^cstx^rton. ROOMERS WANTED Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. RnnwiTRS Hiffh «phnol studpn*^ ' ^- '^«^t«' surgcon, graduate of Uni- ROOMERS - High school studen.s .^rsity of Toronto. Gas administer. to r oom.-Mrs. H. Wilson. Flesherton ,^| f„ extraction. Office at the resi- â€" ! dcnce of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto- EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- â- street, Flesherton. Phone 69. et prices wil be paid in cash. â€" Jno. i Class 11 â€" Grades for Beef Purpos- es â€" should read as follows: Cow giving milk or well gone In calf, judged for beef purposes, $2.00. Two year old heifer $3 and 2. One-year-old heifer $2 and $1. Calf, steer or heifer, $2.00 and $1. Two-year-old steer $3 and $2. Best two loaves of bread baked from Co-Operative Special flour, a special donated by Farmers' Co- 1 Operative Co., store goods value ofj IvU $3, 2nd $2. ( 5*pocial 2 in Butter s^uld read! that butter U to go to t* donor. i^ta 146 and 147 Srd ran«e E. T. No. 60 in fancy work should read | ^ g. R.. and parts 231-2-3-4, hunt- "beads or ribbon" with prizes of $1.60ji„jf^ fishin* and trwspassring strict- arid $1.00. (ly ppohibt»ed.â€" R. J. M«0ffitt, Fteeh- In Floricultuoe all prizes from IS Prince Arthur Lodi^e, 833, A.F. * A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Ann- Mrs, strong Block, Flesherton every Pri- M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton, high day on or before the full moon W school students preferred. q. Watson. W. M. C F Lawrinci* by TENDERS WANTED For purchase of east erid of church shed at Maxwell, known ai the oia Presbj'tcran church property. Sub- mit tenders to Geo. Ross up to Sept. 7th, 1029. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristera, Soltelt-^ ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa- Block, Phone 2. Branck offices at Dundalk and Durham. to 21 should be 75 and 60 cents and section 20, Coll. of Gladioli is to be inserted. erton. BORN SPARKS â€" At FIcsKerton on Sat- urday. August 31st, 1029, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spanka, a daughter â€" Lots Marguerite. FARM FOR SALE tot 32, Con. 6, Artemesia, one hun- dred acres, about 6S acres ander culti- vation, about 6 acres of bush and 3 Wm. Kaitting, Lkxmeed AuctionMr for the counties of Grey and Slnreoe, Farm and stock satee a specialty. Terma moderate. aatiafaiWon guar- anteed. All arransements and dfetts may be made at the Adwmae ofHca, o^ Central tohphona otOat, Fevenhua, or by addreMii^r me at Vvmnhonk BOAR FOB 8ERVICB- 't - A large number of fuicnds gather e<l at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John acres of swampy spring creek running vltwâ€" Edgely Brigtit VIbl No. 099M through pastufe near rear of farhi; â€"Property of Satwaeo Baeoa ' about 40 rods from school. Good »Chii, bankbarn 45x54; frame hoise with 8 '. Registered Yorksliw Boar for an* rooms, good cellar, good driled well, f hen pen aad small oroliard. Half mile from Rock Mills and 4 miles , from Flesherten, rural route. Will â€" C HINQLE. > Proton Statioa' ' ;^ Thistlethwaite on Friday evening last gpjj reasonably. 11 'id presented Mis.» Viola, who was WALTER RUSfiFI L about to become a brule, with a hand- a. R. j,^ , Flesherten, soaie and valuable dinner service. - _>- . BULL FOR SEkTICE . Durham Bull for sen-ice. |1.60 If paid before January, otherwise t2._ C. Akins, R. R. 3, Protoa Station.