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Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1929, p. 5

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I < • > l^- > THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4. 1929. 1 >4KS3>s. The Service [ a Bank Renders. FROM the very moment production of a com-nodity \i planned, until, through the channels of cammerce, it firc'.j its way to the ultimate con- sumer',^ it must be financed. In pro- vidir.fc funds to finance production r.nd di"tributioii, banking -.-enders one cf i:3 major Eorvi:e3 to cho Con- sumer. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With iL-'hich :s arnalj'^m^tcd tk THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA j) C.r.R. TIME TABLE f ADDITIONAL LOCALS Grey School Fair Dates Changed The following are the dates for the School Fairs in Grey County for 1929: South Koppel a: Shallow Lake, Sept. t/th; North Keppel at Woljjley, Sept. 10th; Sai-awak at Balmy Beach, Sept. I 11th; Holland at Holland Centre, Sept. 12th; Euphrasia at Rockiyn, Sept. 13; Ber'inck at Lamlash. Sept. 11; Egrro- mont at Hohtein, Sept. 16th; Norman- by ::; Ayton, Sept. 17th; Collingrwood at Rivcnnn, Sept. 18th; Osprey -^t Feversliam, Sept. 19lh; Sullivan at Desboro, Sept. 20th; Glenelg at Edge Hill, Sept. 2l5t; North Proton at Ventry, Sept. C3rd; South Proton at I Cedarville, Scp^. 2Uh; St. Vincent at i Meaford. .Sept. 25th; De by at Kilsyth I Sept. 26th; Sydenham at Annan. Sept. I 27:h; Ariemcsia at Flesherton. Sept. I 28rh; Markdalo at Markdale. Oc:. 2. â-  The dates hr.vo been chanered in the ! Townships of Euphra.-:ii, Bentinck, 1 Collingv'ood, Osprey, Glenelg. Mea- i I iord and Flesherton because of theij i I conflicting with fall fairs or at the | j request of the .Agricultural Societies, j Nc i.;'c has been sent to the va ious I teachers, secretaries, etc., where the ! I char.ges have been made so that no mistakes will be made and that every- % Doug. Large Passes Little Douglas Guy, seventh son ot . V Mr. and Mrs. J. E. LaVge, Lundy's ; % Lane, Niagara Falls, passed away.*? suddi-nly at 4.30 o'clock Saturday a. % m., .August nist, after a brief illness i |j* of but two days. Dougie was born A at Eugenia Falls on May 15th, 1921, 'j* A ihild with an apparently very •> / ^ bri;^ht future, being clever at schooi ** "^ ' I ♦•x-;-:~>w-»x~:-x-x~x->x-:~>v'!~>;->«:~:-:-s~:-:-»«»»>-:'r g eat lover of music, and Trains leave Plesherton Station aa The W. I. flower bed on the square one will be prepared for the School ; follow!!: I is a riot of color at the present time. Fair on the dates set out above. i Going North! jyugg jj^rie McKechnie was home . For ar.y information regarding the ame be so kind as to write T. Stewart ; Cooper. Department of .Agriculture, j Coins Soutl! 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m.' for the holiday. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. xto i • i 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. Be a booster and talk and wor!% ii'-ar.vua.o. The mails clese at Plesherton aa fo'" ^^-^ ^^11 fair, not a knocker. I â€" " follows: For the north at ll.CO a.m. Messi-s. Jim Wilson and Steve Su:-,| OlTffp AffPTInHlirP Jif •outh at 3.3^ For mornirig train ton were in Toronto over the holi- *^«» S** "HClIUam^C Ol •outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. "the '^^y- I handled hia little violin lika a real X veteran though only eight years o: i •> ago. Gjd, however, in his groa: X plan r .d all-v.-i're Providence saw fit â-  •<* to pluck the lit'lc flower and take ] X him to be v.-ith Himself in that glor- v iju:; kingdom of little children, where ' .j. •Ho will fold the lambs to His bos- '^ fin"' and "V^'hovo they shall see His .j. face and His name will be in their i^^ foreheads, and where the great harps * will play ard ho will never be lonely ' % znA will ever be happy. Dosides his he leaves to mourn his gre;it loss s::: % brothers. Gerald, Kenneth, Rolph, •$ Jack and Frank, and one little sis- ^ ter, Beth. •> The lemain.-, were brought by train a to Flesherton on Saturday evening ^ and the funeral took place from the .;. homo of his grandfather, M'- P. Mun- *♦• shaw. Eugenia. Sunday at 1 o'clock <♦ p.m. Rev. St. Johns. Markda'.e, ^ gave a beautiful and comforting * message. Interment wa-j made in X the family plot, Flesherton, the body •!• resting beside that of his grand- ^* mother, who went home to be with ♦ Jesu3 just two years ago. The pail- *J^ bearers were his five brother:-: GeraU: -J* Kenneth. Fred, Jack. Frank and Teu X ••X~X"»*><>** t Even "Just the Family" | Deserves a Good | Supper on Sunday | grief -stricken parcr.f? .? But choose one tiiat s ea.-;y for you to arranoe. This sandv-.-ich makes a full meal yet it is prepared 'juickK-. Club Sandv/ich Toast Purity ]jread after trimming' crusts. Place on one side of buttered toast a leaf of lettuce. On this strip arrange a slice of chicken, a strip of broiled bacon and a slice of • tomato. Top with another slice of A spoonful of mayonnaise may be spread on to- mato or on plate beside sandwich. Cut the sandwich diagonally. Finder's Purity Bread ASK YOUR GROCER BREAD IS YOUR IDEAL SUMMER Food -> t •> previona evening. Local and Personal M:>s Annie Akins returned Sat- urday from a two weeks' holiday with friends in Owen Sound. Local High School The attendance at the Flesherton Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith and bigh school is exceeding that of ail daughter, Jean, were visitors with yea s in the history of the school. Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish on Monday. Up until Tuesday evening Do pupils had regis'ered, and several more are oxp.>:ted at once, and when thi-y ar- I' p iT'V " " rive the attends ice will be well over Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound ^"^^^ KoDetson. ^j^^ hundred mark. Principal Thfo- Was home over the holiday. | M:;;3 P.uty White of .\ylmer has audeau has 3ucceedsd in organizing retr.--ned to town "o attend the high an c:ccc"';n' *-taff of ter.che-s â€" Miss school. (Bryd.^nc, Mis^- Lightheart and Miss Mr. and Mrs. George McTavish and Acheson. the latter a graduato of th; Drive confidently, just as though Tljg there were not eighteen million cars _ Mr. and Mrs. Rua. Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Burt of Scoi- in Dur.dalk over the holiday. ; land are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Mr Ken Halbert of Mount Fores was a visitor in town over the holiday Myles. P.oloh, another brother, wa.? v ^ . ^, I J 1 11 ,. u u v-X~XKKKKKKK~XK~XKKK~X~XKKK~XK~XKK~XK~XKKK~X«<~~^»^«^^^^ in Cleveland and could not reach home _ '^- • • • - •**•"*â-  in time for the funeral. ' 30\\ TO KEEP FROM ^ turn out if you meet a car on the top. The flowers were beautiful: Pillow,! GROWING OLD mother and daddy; harp, from grancT- '. ^,^^^.^ ^^^^^^ j^^,^ ^^^ ^^^^ pa and the boys; w.eath, Kenneth anu ^j^^j^ -j^^jf ^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^,^_ ;„ 3ervice. Elizabeth and Mr. a:id Mrs. L. R. I . •„ t , »r , , ,. Mu^'^haw. A'liston; sheaf of roses and Always pass cars on hills. It shows Never stop, lock or hsten at railway iillies' the" Caswell 'families -"-heaf.y"" ^'^"â- '^ '""'"^ power; and you can crossings. It consumes time. Home' and School Club. Niagara Falls; '><^XK'K~X-X~XKK~X<'<"X~XK"X~>'XK«<K~;~X~XKKK~;-K«<S-;->4~>«>««* Sprays from Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Miss Jeanette Cargoe left Friday family are soending this' week at Wa- school, and another successful yenr i--, last to take charge of a school near ^^^^ Beach " "^ crntemclated. First Form is fairly Fort William. Mr. and Sirs. H. V Gaudin of To- small, but Second -nnd Third are welT Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark of Weston ^-^YieA and Foi. h Fc m ha«i about IS in attendance. Scvoval bogi iner-- have starred in . , ,.re v: :ito-3 with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ronto ware nsitovs m this district w. Hickling. the first of the week. | ..-,-,,,• u. I Don't forget the Anniversary and tnp public -ichoo! and over eighty pu M .s Audrey Field, of Toronto, is Har^-st services " " " ...... „. ^»...^^„ .. the Anglican "'Is arc ".inder the supervision of rK!,"â„¢i,":^„*°_!l''' f"^'^^'- ^^^''"^ ,^P^"V Church, Ma.\well, on Sunday, Sept. P'l^cipal R. G. Holland and Mr-.. C. - .L -. i, _ T-. . , ., Deilamy, with reveral more oxpcct-'o. a-rive. B.'th high and publi: schools no v/ell f'Uod. and if many holidays at her home here. the past month at the Field residence. 15th, nt 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Miss Dell Thurston returned to To-' Master Jack Gibson returned to rcnto en Mondny after spending the Toronto on Monday after spending the summer holidays wuth his grana- Mijr- Elizabeth Bentham v/as a vis- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads, itor at her ho-r.e lierc during the jj^. ^nj Mrs. Gordon Blakeley ci weekend. j Toronto were the guest i of Mr. and Mr. r.nd Mrs. H. Freeman are 5irs. Joseph Blakeley over the holl- spending this v/eek visiting friendj day. in Toronto and Oshawa. mcrf attend publv; s.^hool 'another larher would be required. BROUGHT TO HIS DOOR A-s they say in th? slang ciissics ' of the day this stuff about ''Under Mr. and Mr-.. Otto Clipperton a.iu the spreading c he.- 'nut tree the v:i- Mr. c-(l Mrs. J. H. Perkins spent Miss Alcda Mitc-hell of Toronto wei; lage smithy Ftands"is all appk-auce last week camping at Trout (/jjake^, visitors with M •. and Mrs. Geo Mii- n -.--ay ^ark there but it won't s:and. near Novlh Bay. | chell the past week. The Ontario lura! blacksmith sbnp Mr. and Mrs. Burt Field and little' Mr. and M's. Albert Moody and has got onto v.-heels r. id is running son ir.otorcd up from ToronM and vis- Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKechnie of around like a circus. It started v-:it:i ited in this district over the week Toronto spent the hokdav with Mr. a "snvhy" in E,-in, who put his shop end. I ?. :d Mrs. Alex. .McKechnie. ; '"to a truck and sta ted out to the farms ir.itead of having the fanners Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cham- .:t be. 3 and George, Niagara Falls; '> sprays, the Latimer and Proctor fam- *:| i!ie:. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and ♦ family, Mrs. Middleton. Ronald fid l-l Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. A.lex. Carruth c â-  and family and sheaf of rose from Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson St. C.itharines. The flower bearers were. Mrs. Kenneth Large, Miss Jean Wright, Nellie Bold, Mary Teener and Mrs. V/ii! uatclilTe. Those from a distance were the fam.ily, r.ccompanied bv Mis3 Florence Caswtl', R.N., Newark, N.J.. Mr. Percy Skinner and Geo. Smith. Niag- ara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mun- chav.-. .Aliiston, Miss E. Large. Owen Sound. Mr. Nat Caswell, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. A. V,'. Rowe. Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Teeter. Mark- dale. Mr. and Mrs. -A. Myles and Ted, Kimberley and a number of rricnds f •om Vandeleur. WAUCHOPE â€" THISTLETHWAITE Rev. W. J. Scott resumed his min-' It you v.ould 'ike a pri:i list. come to him. With ru al mail deliv- isterial duties in St. John's United phone or write tha Secretary, T. W. ^^^. gen(,ral stores on trucks, cream Church, after enjoying a month's hoi- Firdlay, and he will bo pleased u fucks calling at the door, sermons idays. j "end you one. ^^. ^^^\^_ and now Mio blacksmith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grandison and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and bringing his shop "ight up to the two children and Miss C. Grandison,' daughter, Janet, of Toronto, spent stable door, the farmer won't have to of Stratford, were 'he guests of Mr. the week end in town. Mrs. W. Boyd set foot off K.z own broad acres for and .Mrs. Goo. Banks the past fev.- with them after spending a year at a time. days. I the past week in Toronto. ^ " ,,,,, Ti ...-.,, I Have vol' got your mind working- M-. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and .wo Mr. James McDonald of the New ^^_ ,vba^"vou are goin? to exhibit a* chiki'Tn, Miss Hazel Shunk and Mr. York Times was a visitor with Mr. ,' ^„]] fj;,. g^^f 19-20? Be a boor- Maurice Wright, of Toronto, were and Mrs. James Robertson this week. ' , b-^ln "thef^iv alorig bv fetcli- VKitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and children ot .'^l '^^^ •;„„, p^j^jbit. even if it is Wrignt the first cf the w^e.'k. j Detroit also visited at the Robertso;-. ^~, ^ ^^^ thing-. The n:w Union Jack presented by! '^">^'^ ^^e pnst week. . .:L _- , Jst'^'iq.o the Old Boys .nnd Girls was proudly j^^ Advance a pleasant call ^" ' flung to the breeze on Labor Day, .^^ Monday from Mr. and Mrs. G. C. ^, , , -. ,. .^ , p:_^. Po-'ting -of for the firs ^ time since its P -esenta-pi.Donjjij ,nec Mabel Boyd) and *^ v.fter.' LW for th.'^Township or tion a month ago. | son, Boyd, when returning to their .^rtcn',.,!^ ' Rain is urgently needed in thTs home in Toronto after spending tiie jsjoxVcE. i-- hereby given that I district at the presen': time, but tiie week at Sunset Point Beach, near Co'.- ^^^^ i.„mplicd with Section 7 of the U1..1 .V... „ ... i:..-.-..^..! i Voters' List .\ct rind that I have «d vis- poired up a: my office at Fleshorto.-. .A. very pretty and interesting v.-eu- diag took place Monday, Sepi/2nu, at high noon at 'h? Flesherton par- sonage, wlien t Viola Vera, ekies: daurrhter of Mr. and Mrs. Joh.i Th;s- tlethwaite, was united in marriage to ?!r. Lloyd .\. Wauchope. eldest son cf Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Wauchope of Proton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. Scott of St. John's United Church, Flesherton. The bride lookeiT charming in a gown of bright navy Cantci, with hat and shoes to m.atch, r.nd was attended by Miss .MTie Nor- ris. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Go"don Wauchope. After the cere-mony a wedding breakfast was sei-ved at the home oT â- â- he bride. ImnTCiilatcly afterwards the happy couple ieft amid sshowers of 5* confetti for a motor trip to Niagara ;5^ Falls and BuffaH-). the bride'.^ going-!.-, away costume being sanJ xnA browrt ^;| with matching- accessories;. On their- •> return they will take up residence" i ^^ The Following Goods Will Be Required Now SCREEN WIRE SCREEN WINDOWS SCREEN DOORS % t 1 ♦ SCYTHES. FORKS HOES, R-\KES PARIS GREEN CLIMAX BUG KILLER ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT % <♦ <• <• t t t I WIRE FENCE . STAPLES drought ha- enabled the farmers tu Imgv,- make groat inroads with the harvest,' a' Proton St:T"inrr. \ 4.»<^X'04><>:~x»'X~x~:< CEMENT, LIME ^ FL.VSTER ♦ F.W.DUNCAN I Flesherlon, Ont. | <♦ x~>'>x«<-<~>-x->->-»->->'X-x~x~vX":"X->->->«x-x^- many having already finished. I The following were week itc 5 at the liome of Mr. ami Mrs. on the :Ust day of Augu-^t, 19'2i'. tUe | •- Thj Advance is offeri.ig during' W. P. Crossley in town: Mr. and list of all persons entitled to %ote ai â-  the month of .September an excep-; Mrs. Will Crossley of St. Tlioma., the said "'""''^'^'f ^^ /' . '^^"";;''^^'' I tional eltince for new subscribers to M ;. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley of To-, Elections, and that .uch lis. lemams , the Toronto dailv Mail-Empire. See, lonto; Mr. r ;d Mrs. James Bowier| llierc tor inspecticvn. .-ot-r ^ i :su before orde-ing your daily papev' ard daugiiters, Doris and Verna, andj And I ^'-'â- "''^y. "-^^ "P"'' ^l' ""^^^^^ «nd incii-.rc about' this big eduction.' Ma ;tcr Charley. Mr. Vic. Fowler, all, to ta'I • immeaiate P;°^,^^; "f ;^'° , , ; iv, 17 ,' of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ham- l-.avc any crro-s "^^ o'^'f ""^^ ' _ Mr. S. N. Leader and Mr Freu «^J^^^ ,.<,ughtev Marv. all of Oak- rected ac-cordi ig to law, the laJ^ day T\ewis of London visited Sunday ^ ville; with Mr. ami Mrs. T. H. Patton. ^,Z' -^r.o (nee Winnie Hamilton) of tembtr, lO'W Leslie P«tton, who has Mrs. Master i..fsiR; i ni.i.1.^.., -tâ€" ..â€" ^yj^jg^j, been holidaying in London, '•^^"'•"^'V Winnipeg; and Mrs. Art. Fleming j 10-20. weeS:-' toUdayS .SX^.K-X^^^.^.X-X^^XV^^^^^>W~X.vxv^.XKX^^^^^ son of Hamilton a *t| • of the Bank of ^ ^^ l*«.,r" * r Preston's ab- i "HoUSC 01 CjUallty j t â-  ^^ leld, of Toronto. X ;? home with them. ^^^^ ^^^^ Bowler) of Detroit. Mr. aand afts. E. A. Preston left last week on three and M". Joh.i Thomp: is acting as manager Commerce during Mr. sence. 1^ Mv B Eugene Field, of Toronto. X spent the week end holidaying at ^ the home of Mr. J. H. Field. Mrs. X A M. Field, Uis mother, who has been X convaloscinK f»'om an operation at ^ tke Tcroito Eas' general hospitai has al-to returned home. »o Toronto Mr. C F. Law encc. former p-rinc* pal of Rlesherton high school, left on J Monday to assume the same duties ^ in Acton high school. Mrs. Lawrs«BC^.{. and family will leave on Saturaaj X Mr. R. Hamilton of Oshawa,' for app-cal being- the 21-3t day of Sep- (nce Winnie Hamilton) of tembtr. I0'20. Miss Blanche Hamilton ot \ Dated this 2nd day \.t ScpCember, _W. J. BELLAMY. CXctT/.. Bags Bags We have a quantity of Seed Bags at a very attractive price. Anyone the same would do well to see these. wanting for their Jas. A. Stewart I I -wew h«me. Mr. Law- ^ remcliaa bad excellent results in his '^ subjects here ami his work hi;-, a.- y vsavs been of the best. He wa.s ac- \ tivelv connected with Prince A'thur f Lodge, A.F. aid A.M.. No. 333. an.-. !>. will be missed from the fellowship |j* ♦herein. Mr. Lawrence's host of A frlencfe here wi«h him contir'.icd swr- *^,j^^s<..j.h^.X-<^H^*>->*<^**-HXHX>-X«<-<>nX-^-X^>->'X><"X~>>^ ccM in his new field. ^ ROCERIES PHONE 37 :| WE DELIVER IN TOWN % SPECIAL SALE Boy's T^veed Suits HALF PRICE OR LESS 50 Hovs' Two Piece 'I'wwcxl Suitsâ€" made up in a variety of patterns in all wool Tweeds, selectel speciallv tor wear-resisting qualities and tailored in up-to- date desig-ns. Every suit is" in perfect nocdition â€" rK>ne shop worn, faded or soiled. The sizesrange from 27 to 3.=^. so that you can obtain a full range of sizes. School time is here again and this is ,a wonderful oppQrtunity to outfit your boy at the lowest possible cost. The regular price ranged IL^Z ^Vj from 5?6.50 to ^.50. A Special Price ot ^ I r.OYS^ BOOTS r.OYS" HOSIERY BOY'S a\ps BOYS' UXDKRWEAIv r.OYS' JE.RSEYS BOYS' SWE.\TE>RS F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^t

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