I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4, 1929. Tftiji THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Does Your Home Need !|^r r a Bathroom? TF it does, or if your present â- â- • bathroom needs modernizins, specify Emco Bathroom Fii- tures and Fittings. Quality and beauty are built into them to ensure lasting ser- vice and satisfaction. Eeauty cf design, gleaming white or charmingly tinted, Emco Fix- tures fit into any color schenie. If ycu haven't ninnir.g water in your home to supply bathroo:.;, kit- chen and laundry, eu KMPIRE DDRO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM win solve this problc:n. Models made for deep or shallov.' wells having minimum capacity cf 230 gallons per hour. Ths initial cost is surprisingly lov.-. Install an Empiro Duro and solve the v.ater supply problem forever. D. McKILLOP Agent Flesherton, Ont. €mpvte JDu^Ub Pressure Water Systems and Bathroom Fittings THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE Published en Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each â- week. Cici/lation over HOC, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.30. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. stinonco from a '.y of these common vices, and we are positive that Mrs. I'erdue will not agree with his ei.tim- ato of li in;. self. The a!)cv;. intere.stiriK fads wii'. 1 give one n gor.d insight into the char- I .'.cter of the man v/ho i; seeking I nlfice. If you think he is the right ' kind of a ma i to represent you !n [ Toronto, why, you will know what to do \vitl;out ui lellin?: you. I .W. H. THURSTON â- f. J. THUP.."TON Asst, Editor Editor. I THE CO.N'SERVATIVE CA.NDIDATE Had Fine Rest on Her Trip to Europe Mr. John Nelson Perdue, candidate leeently nouilnatcd to uphold '.he Con- servative ban ler in the forthcoming provincial election is a man whom it is an hi'nor for any person to knt)W. We have gleaned a few facts regard- ing Mr. Perdue and his family whicii we ::rfc happy to pa'! on to our read- ers. The candidate wa.< born n i the farm on which he now resides 5U year.s ago. This farm lies two miio;; south of Ma.ssie in Holland township • â€" lots 6 and 7, ron. R, to be exact. It is one of the best farm.-i in Holland towr ihip, consisting of over .'iOO ac e-, 375 of which are tilled, and heard ail the car marks of careful husbandry. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. I'erdiic, three daughter.-, and two sons. '^)ne ilaughter ' caches school in To- ronto, another is a stenographer with Hydro, and the third, .Miss Mary, â€" '•paV (iirl" â€" nniain:! with mo- ther to assist her in the farm hom( routine. If you once saw Miis Mary you would k i..v/ at once *hat she Is «iuite capable of doing her full duty along that line. Mrs. Perdue is n ra- ther frail looking but charmin„' little woman, bound up in th.' welfare ol her husband, and one whom it is .-. ereat pleasure for anyone to know. One SOI is a broker in Toronto, nm: J the other assists his father on the 2 farm. .Mrs. Perdue believes that the ♦ vharms of the g.reat cities are not a.- t •Krea» as rhey used to be before the''} faremrs got radios, automobile- andiX and other modern *hings bv which the J" •ludgcry „f the farm has bee:- 2 Jwrgely eliminated. * Mm. .John N'efeon Perdue is a man ol a ron.Mderahle mc<l. ;ty and has nevei J* nought public life, although ima ij , ? times requosied to run for various W offict*, in<tidiHg that ih which h«. :/,* Jiow engaged, But haa alwi»ys refused, r^ lie was quite vMYina for "the o'her X foflow" to have the honor. This lime |j* the p essure has been .<o g»eat thw,-!' lus family have insi»te<l that he give X tip his seclusiim and enter the r«(ce. ^y Mr. Perdue's record in his own ini-l.t! mediate local!' y has bee i one of whi<:i 'j- any man might well be proud. Ilf '/. luiK Wen sup«*inten<lent in the .Safc- bath school for thirly year i. until re- very receitly. He I* a mcnibe- of the Wassie TInile<l f'lnlrrli and is his pn-'- X lor's right hand man. He neither Jt| nmokes. cIkws nor dri iks; he Ifes n1- i ways been a temperanrp man. Tn X those respects he depreantingly ile- A Clares that ho is "not a fit eomp'in- 'j, for Bither man o' beast'* ^••â- ' X Miss A. C. Maephail has nupplicv: us with the following entertaining sketch of lior impressions while cros.-^- ing the Atlantic Ocenn: Augus' 20, 102i< To-<Iay we land at I'!>niouth. Five days at sea has been a new aid pleas- ant experience for me. "All visitors ashore" was called In New York at ll..'!0 p.m. on August loth, and at one minute after mid- night the heavy ropes were pulled or, deck, and the Maureiunm, for 23 yor. a the fastest ocean liner, started on her way. Kece -.tly the "Rremen ' h;is urestcd the title from her, aiid vali'T'. elforts t>rc being mpdo lo re- gain it. At tlic moment it .eem.-! that the '•Maur;'.nr.i.H" will beat licr pemons. This ,is a slacK season travelling oast so the passenger li-st is small. The "Mauretania" has First, Second and Third Class accom- modation. On Sunday service was held in the First Class lounge lor the whole of I us â€" including crew â€" but the rest of the time each class is expected to I keep to their own (iuarte,-s. Broth- I erhood of man on Su.nday, money-hood ' of man the rest of the time. First class, single, costs $300; Sec- ond Class 9107 tu Cherbourg. I do I not knuow the. Third Claris rate-s. I I'm travelling Second. 1 have a 1 tour-berth cabin to myself. It is ! very comfortable with hot and coU: I water on tap, chair, couch, bed, clothci-pres.-., ctr. The library, ; lounge, smoking room and dini.ig ronm arc cjuite sizeable und llicy nrc comfortably a.nd tastefully furnished. Most passengers spend their time pacing the deck or reclining on the deck chairs â€" cosily wrapped in a heavy rug, if the ai' is co:)l. ."An ocean 'rip would he just the thi.ig to "set up" an invalid. Five mesis arc served â€" the three we are used to â€" l)lus hot beef tea and biscuit at 10 in I the morning, and tea. bread and but- ter and cake J at â- ! in the af^crnoon â€" that is if one is ondeck. Each nigiit 1 I fi-.d a plate of fresh assorted fruit in n-.y cabin. A Carnival dinner one night liven- ed things up a bit â€" the decorations I were gay â€" everyone d^'essed up and wore paper caps placed at each plate, and were a little more friendly than v..?ual. The ahin's officers tried to give us a dance, but few danced. The crowd is a bit dull. h needed the re ;t so much that I am enjoying it â€" perhai;'. he othsrs are the same. My deck chai^- is one of a group or five. A Scotchman, now in business in New York, going to join his fam- ily for a holiday at home; a business woman from Detroit on a six week.s holid;iy, and two New England edu- cationists going to a conference a: Cambridge Univei.iity.. An oil man from Oklahoma and his delightful young wife are on heir way to tho oil fields in Southern Russia. A retired professional man who speaks many la iguapes, and his Spanish wife are wo -Id-traniping. A I number of Englishmen who have had I po.xitions in the, U.S.A. are going j home. One of them dre.s3es in even- I ing logs for dinner and wears a mon- I ode. but more of him later. A party of Southern Europeans who have gotten on well, arc on a visit to their homeland â€" an<l so it goes. The monotony might have been too much l)ut for the th ill of a romance. A lady fair and two young rnon â€" the game captivates us. It is not yet played out so I cannot end it witii "and ;hcy lived happily ever after." The lady has a.tiermaii name and figure, n French face and manner, and an American wardrobe. He of the monocle â€" by name Randall â€" courted the lady. His deck chair was next her.s, luj place in the dining room was remote, but this detail was soon rem- edied by an ol)liging stewardâ€" things seemed to be goi ig sv.imr.iiiiiily. They danced, played card.", and drank wine â€" but alas! a d.ishing dark Am- erican, one genciation removed from a southern clime, comes on the scene. With much ndo ho draws a chai'-, not liis, but no malter, to the lady's side; talks Randall out, kinses the lady's ' hand in salutation and farewell, has his place in the dining room changed from a distant table to the other side of the you ig !dy, and seems at the moment to have more than an even break. My money i". on Randall who looks d: • inguished, monocle and all, though at the moment a bit melan choly. Speaking of betting wc had a horse race on "B" dock this after- noon. The horses were wooden and didn't move only v/hen in the hand ot n wo 'hy leaman. Each horse wa- r.umberedâ€" .a lady shook 'he diceâ€" if they came uo 1 and 4 horses 1 and 4 wer.-^ moved " block, and so on. There w?.'? much betting and keen hairdressers, barbers, and a steno- , I <rapher aboard make us feel veryj near land. i The sea has been fascinating with its changing colors. Blue, almost to black, foaming fleecy white, and the indescribable sea green deligh*, the ; eye. The moon-light on the Jta Is all the poets and artis*s have said, and the sunlight sparkling on the water is scarcely less lovely. j The sea has been smooth each day. ' In the Gulf Stream we suffered from heat, the water wm hotter than the air, which the deck steward told mc wan unusual. Wc passed an oil ta iker, a steamei- carrying oil. which had in tow a siiiling vessel also loaded with oil. Our rapid and pleasant crossing recall j the stories I have heard the pionof-'s tell of si.'! weeks on the sea without comforts. How lucky we are, ard how thankless! Sincerely, i â€"AGNES C. MACPHAIL. The directors of the fall fair art aski ig for co-operation. What does 'hat mean? Well, it means for ev- evcrybody to do everything they can and say anything they can to help make our fair a bigger success than ever. Let's go and try it. •v:-:-:":-:-»':~;"»K~>>«w-x-x~:~:~X' Insurance I will he ^\ac\ to quote you rates on any insurance Fire, Guarantee, Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Accident, Automobile, Burglary IX THE FOLLOWIXG COMP.ANIES: Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Compsuiy. .^ London Gv\arantee »S: Accid3nt Company. Merchant's Fire Insurance, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Company. First American Insurance Co. Glen Falls Insurance Co., and others. C,\w 1110 a ring at 13-11 and fll i^o out immed- iately, under no obligation to you. and explain the insurance proposition to you. W. J. W. Armstrong IXSUR.\XCE .-XGEXT Health Service i - of the - .|. l CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. 'j(. *.-X":"X~:"K~x~x~x-:~:~:«<M'«<5~K~x' CANCER owr. rsrord, I.-, r.st th; Bremen's. j interest. The ship i-. 731 feel long, 8!) feet A moi -ing parer, the Daily Mail wide at the widest, and when loaded Atlantic edition, is delivered to iiur has capacity including crew, of 2,500 cabin every morning. Th:i, W!th •:"K":":">-:~:"X"X"X~:":"K'«~:">*-*"'*' Cancer is an old disease. It is de scribed in the writings of the ancient: which have come down to us. Only in comparatively recent times has it been understood that the various tissues of the body are made up of the one type of cell, all coming from one parent ceil Similarly, cancers arise from each type of cell and remain of that type. If cancer I egins in the stomach and spreads to :he liver, the growth in the liver will rcsem.ble stomach cells, not iiver cells. L'r.dcr ic -mal conditions the cell.s of the body divide, grow, mature and die. .At present we do not know what controls th; -, process. Apparently when control is lost or disorganized grov.th occurs which, in some cases '. ' ca icerous or malignant. There are many theories concern- nig the caiisc of cancer, which is an- other way of s.aying 'hat there is no satisfacto y or generally accepted theory. The disease is not heredita- ry. In n-.ost cases it occurs after some sort of chronic irritation. The irri'ation niav be mechanical and bo produced by broken teeth, teeth which do not meet properly anel have sharp edge.;, and by poorly fitting plates. The irrigation may i)e due to a chro- nic inflammation, such as infected teeth or sinu.;es, or of the lini ig oT the utenis. Habitual abuse of the stomach may produce a chronic irri- tation of thnl^ organ. Constipation is probably a factor in cancer of the rectum. It has not been shown that any particular type of diet ha: any infiu- enre e,n cancer. Our pvp.=;cnt know- ledge permits us to sny that its prc- lemoval of types of irritation above r', ferrcd t(v By a regular healtii ixjimination, these sources of infec- tion may be found and the need for their correction pointed out, whicii i ', one excellent reason why everyone should be examined eguiarly by h!? family physician. A' present, our only method of cure is bv removal or destruction of the growth, once i' has developed. I' dcme early this offers a good chine - for cure. It is early treatment which, alone, is of value. YOU can build a fire in any furnace, but you haven't any guarantee that the quantity and quality of heat is right in proportion to the cost. What is your present fuel bill? A Gilson "Magic" Furnace will save you one- third on the season's fuel costs. The "Magic" is vastly superior in construction and material used than old-style furnaces. The "Magic" is made of Toncan steel plate, electrically v/elded into one complete unit. Smoke, gas and dust cannot escape. Steel heats faster, radiates faster. Booster flues send the heat direct to all rooms ; conical grates and new patented fire pot burn the fuel so that yoa get lOOCr. heat value. Water pan supplies ample moisture. Each part built for a purpose, and all organized into one perfect heating plant. Write today for free illustrated booklet of Steel." "The Supremacy Ask about our easy time payment plan. Gilson Host Wave Idea! for "mall home.. oITiccs, stores, schools, etc. Looks Lke a piece of furniturj. Ruitt cf Mccl. Beautiful ornamental finish. Draws cold air from floor â€" circulates warm air. Dij; fuel savins. Gilson All Cast Furnaces ! A big ovcr-,ii2ed furr.ir'; :;t a record low price! Wc install quickly zz small cost with money-bjck guarantee of qu:i!ity from manufacturer. Pips or pipelcss models on easy terms. HEAT WAVE GUson MS gc C<».« Limited, CAST and SEMI- CAST FURNACES York Sto( Guelpb E. RUTHERFORD - PROTON AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Telephone: No. 32 Line 44 GILSON FURNACES <^ ^1 >^:.«.x~:..>«.X'X" 5: Ken nedy^s Grocery Men,s Wear vSpccial Hrcakfast Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 30c. CtMt(\ jii-r botllc ."i 29c. Castilf Soap. 8 bars for ^. 29c. Rai.siiw, 2 ll)s .J. 25c. jcly r()\\<k'r.s,-4 pUj^ii .^^^^./^.. 21c. New Fall ^uit Samples Men! Cur new fall suit sMnples have arrived rtil I am su>-« that we can "suit" ycu if you just call an8 look them over. ion Stiil, w. Phone 37 G. KENNEDY , .*, \\'c (Ii'li\ tT ill town. wc do not think he regrets his .no- ^1 I ! I I ♦ \ r I I' Concert and uance in the Rink, FLESHERTON WED, SEPT. 11th under the auspices of East Grey Agricultural Society <~5mX'<'<«<«<:~>«k-:->«x~:~x~k-;"> Yc Oldc Tymc Village Quartette will be the feature in an entire change of program Canada's Best Entertainers You have heard them by radio, now meet them in person. DANCE AFTER CONCERT ^"'J^^^J^"'^''^ ^^""^^ and Midnight Serenaders Orchestra to Concert 50c. Dance lOc. Straight. ADMISSION j-0"^*<^<â-º^•XX^♦<•<•<~^♦<••^<•.^^^.^^^.W.^.^^.^^^^.^^^<.^<...^<^^^^,^^^^^^,J^^ 4 » • V<^ mms â- ^