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Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1929, p. 3

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The Graf Zeppelin Canada's Advance As a Lead Producer! Red Rose Tea comes direct to us from the finest tea and the Future y "..'..A.. ^heatUuf, happMf middieage/^ • WHAT does "after forty" mean to you? Are you less capable than you used to be? Nervous? Easily tired? Run down? Try the effect of two or three boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilb, the tonic that has made hundreds of middle - aged women feel ten years younger! It will nourish and invig- orate the blood, so often thinned and devitalized by advancing years, tone it up to better service, make you feel strong again, eager for life ! Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now dt your drug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, SO cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PINRHUS "a household name in 54 countries" Two-day diriRible seivli;o betwoeu the UnltHil St.ites .niul Germany is pre- dicted by Uermany'.s representative of the Ministry of Transportation, as a result of tlie tirat Zeppelin's success- ful 5,000-niile tiiKlit from Frledridi- fliafen to Lalteliursf, .New Jersey, in less than four days. This was the great airship's second voyage to these shores and the return trip last year was marie in less than seventy hours. .\ larger dirigible, we are told, not Mily could carry a greater number of pus sengers and more mail and express, but it coulil make the westward crossing in less than sixty hour.s. .-Vl ready, says a writer in the Baltimore Sun, plans have l)een made for the construction of two American pas- senger dirigibles, eai'h twice the size of the Oraf Zeppelin; and in Great Britain the giant British airship IMOG Tile rise of Canada's lead output is uearing completion. But the Grat f„,.„,„,,„ , ,. . . ., „ ,. •,.... D. I furnishes one of the outstandi-ig fea- Zeppelin, we are reminded by the St., Joseph XewsPress, "is the first rep- '"''^^ "' "'« Dcminion's progress in resentative of that mighty argosy of airliners wit.i which the human im- gardens, then straight to your grocer â€" brimful of flavor and freshness. Every package guaranteed. 70 is dood tea* RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good mineral development during recent years. Lead has been mined in Can- ada for forty years or more, but within the past decade production has increased at a remarkable rate â€" rising from about :;5,0i3O tons in 1918 to over 170,000 tons last year. The great Canadian 31 urce is British Col- umbia which possesses, in the Sul- livan mine, the largest lead and zinc mine in the world. Quebec. Ontario, and Yukon Territory also contribute to the output. agintaion has for generations been painting the skies." Germany's "merchantman of the air" left Friedrichshafen at 9.2'J p.m., Easte^rn Standard Time, Wednesday, July 31. She carried, bssides twenty passengers, a stowaway and a crew of forty, 30,:iS7 letters and :!1,4!)9 post- cards, some birds and animals, and miscellaneous frieght items, including a piano. A similar trip, attempted last .May. failed through defective en- i â€" gine shaftings, recalls the New York ; the degree to which the dirigible is de- Times. The voyage which began on ' pendent upon favorable weather for July 31, we are totd, "was a shake- , 'ts success. The present voyage, down for the new eijuipment and a which was made under most favorable training trip for the crew in prepara- Weather conditions, and which seems tion for the dirigible's trip around the to have been uneventful, does not ap- world." At 10 p.m., ."Vugust 1, the P^"'" to have dene more than call at- Grat Zeppelin passed over Gibraltar, ! '^ntion to the desirability of further and at 7.05 p.m. the following day she! e^P6''i'nents with this form of air- was ninety miles south of Pico, the '^â- '^f'-" .\zores. At 9 p.m., Saturday, Augu.U ; "•* 3, her position was given as 1,035 miles southeast of the Navy's hangar at Lakehurst, which she reached at Wild Birds Return ! classified Advertisements To Parks in London A,: Copper and lead are the two cheif items in the world's consumption if nonlerrous metals. On a tonnage basis lead runs copper a close race. | World's production of lead in 1928' amounted to 1,848.000 t' ns as against I 1.SS3000, tons of copper. According to ! the figures of t:ie American Bureau ' of .Metal Statistics, upon whidi the 1 accompanying chart is baseo. Can- ada took fourth place ami ng the lead- 'â-  producing countries. Australia held ; only a slight margin of leadership, over Canadaâ€" a margin which, in | view of the prospects for furtlier, growth in the Canadian output, may i shortly disappear. j RERP CHILDRE\ WELL DIIKI\(J HOT WEATHER I Know a Bird I know a bird that sings at twilight. Sings, oh, sweet! when dusk is fall- ing. Sings from the shadowy deep green cover Over a tall dark clii- to the southward. I know the song of a bird. Always the sun is sloping westward (Cooler the air on the cool blue water) ; Over the river silverly singing High, singing low, singing clear, sing- ing sweetly Comes the song of a bird. 1 know a bird that sings when the clover Sweeter smells from the dew's moist falling. Perfume and melody softly calling. Plaintively calling over the water, The good night song of a bird. â€"Erica Seltridge. 6.29 the following evening, exactly ninety-three hours out. She came, it is estimated, 5,331 land miles. -As a result of the Graf Zeppelin's second visit we are experiencing a i-e- vival of the airplane-dirigible contro- versy. The airship enthusiats are loud in their praise of the potentialit- ies and capabilities ef the dirigible, while the suporters of the airplane ! insist that the airship is cumbersome, I uneconomical, and generaly impracti- ' cable. The unprejudiced ones are I "from Jlissoudi." Certainly maintains! I the Washington post, "of the 'round-! the-world flight is carie<l out success-' fully. Dr. and his Graf Zep- j |pelin will have convinced many that' the dirigible is not the ungainly thin,g. Jledicine Ci jit is so frequently painted." To' .;• huote the Philadelphia Evening Pub- ' ~, r.- 1 . c k i lice Ledger. The Right of Asylum "There is .solid significance to this .Manchester Guardiau iLib.l: (.Mr. second triumph of German ingenuity . Clynes has refused Trotsky admitt- and enterpri.«e. "Those nations Every mother knows now fatal the hot summer months are to smail children. Cholera InfaM'uui. diarr hoea. dysentry. colic and ;tpmach troubles are rife at 'his tin-,e often a precious little life U after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tab- lets in the hiuse feets sate.' The oc- casional use of the Tablets prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if trouble conies suddenly â€" as it gener- ally doesâ€" the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' ., Brockville. Ont. Appetising Dishes Ice-Box Pudding One cupful of sugar; one scant cup- ; ful of butter; three whole eggs; one- half cupful of chopped pecans; one I small can of grated pineapple, well ! drained; one dozen macaroons. | Cream together the butter aud the sugar; add the eggs, one at a time, 1 stirring contiiniously; add the pine- apple and nuts, still stirring; lastly, â-  theh finely crumbled macaroons. Pour into a mold which has been lined with lady fingers. Set away in the ice bo.t from 12 to 24 hours. Serve in slices, topped with whipped cream. , Butterscotch Cookies ' London.â€" Bird sanctuaries, estab- : lished during the last seven years, have induced large numbers of birds whicli were tending to disappear from the London area, to nest once i more in the royal parks. i In Hyde Park and Kensington Gar- dens, situated in the heart of an en-, ormoiis urban area, and frequented daily by a large number of people, I no fewer than 17 species of wild 1 birds now there. I Though seldom or never seen there for years, the following are wood pigeon, mallard, moorhen, groat crested grebe, goldfinch, green- finch, tufted duck, pochard, common gull, spotted flycatcher, wood warb- ler, goosander, smew, scoter, scaup dui'k and redwing. Birds of commoner varieties, which have never completely deserted Hyde Park and ICensingtou Gardens, are now found in everincreasing numbers, states the report of the committee on bird sanctuaries. UIC.N'TS WWS'YVAi To SELL PRl'tT Tree.s. .Sliailo Tret'S. SliruiiS. Roses, lluilKini; iiiul a complelo line "f .N'ursorv Stock lor ol<i esial)llslicd tirm. .)nlPt I'urnlsheil Ca.sli commission mnl evc.-y week, (iooii Ipiltorv still opnn â- â- Viil* tnjay. .Maiile I'rove Nurseries. Wlr.ona. Ontario. rpwo sTE.\.M rtjMPs, i.\ i'eri'kct Room 41'1. 7.1 .XdflaUle .St West Toronto. ISI.N'iC .ST1C.\M HCilI.EU. 150 H.P., \-ffrv clicai). api)ly Watkins. Room 7;! .XilelaidP Str.-ft West Toronto. H BUNS • RIFLES â-  CARTRIDGES SPORTSMEN'S SUPP-.iES Cheaptr or /Setter IVrtteJiirCataiosue T. W. BOYD 6- SON 376 Ntn Due it. W., MOKTKUl Keep Minard's Liniment ilways handy Does Wales Want a Capital? A Lovely Thought If, instead of a gem, or even a flow- er, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels must give. George MacDonald â€" â- ' â-  » * * â€" - - SELF .Voihing can work me damage ex- cept myself; the harm that I sustain I carry about with me, and never am a real sufferer but by my own fauU. St. Bernard Welsh Outlook: (London. Edin- burgh, Du'jiin and Belfast are capital cities; but what of Wales?) We have a national museum, a national lib- rary, a national University, a national eisteddfod, national organizatitms of religious bodies and of intermediate Three cupfuls of flour; 2 cupfuls ot , ^^i^^.^^.^^^ ^ national orchestra, a na- and hrown sugar; 1 leve. teaspoontul of|,jona, agricultural societv, a national lo«|s<>tla: 1 level teaspoonful of cream of | i„stjtutio,i ^o combat tuberculosis. A t'*''''!''- I very large pcrtion of our social life is Mix well together aud add Vi cupful organized on a national basis. The Gold Drain Truth (London): "For some time past British gold has been flowing to France in alarming quantities." As to the gc Id drain, that is now going on, nobody appears to know why France is taking gold, or, rather, why the French exchange has fallen to a point at which it is liighly pro- fitable to ship gold from this side. Evidently mcney is dearer in France than suggested by the level of the Bank rate (2 per cent, below Lon- don), and it has suited France to withdraw part of her sterling credits in the form of gold. While the with drawals are going on there must be anxiety regarding the future. Ice-Box Rolls One cupful of lard; 1 cupful of boil- ing water; % cupful of sugar. Cream the lard and sugar, then add the boiling water and cool. One cupful of cold water; 2 cakes of compressed yeast; 2 teaspoonfuls of salt; 2 eggs; cupfuls of unsifted flour. â-  ance to Britain on the ground that he; ^\.,jg„ „,g 3,.^^ mixture is cool, add which carry the, might become a source of "grave em-',|ig yg,,;.;. ^.^^g, dissolved in the cold v.ond s trade have their minds turn- i barrassment" to the Government. One \y,([g,.. ed to the air as the next field of com- would have thought Sir William Joyn- ' petitioTi for supremacy in transporta- 1 son-Hicks, now more suitably accom- tion and communication. modated in the Upper House, alone "Big airships are building in Eng- capable of the apology which ."^Ir. land and .\merica, and others are con-' Cynes has offered for the Govern- teniplatcd elsewheic. The air-liner ' ment's decision to Vetuse Mr. ;will have many opportunities during admittance to this country I the coming years to prove its possib-j Admittance of Mr. Trotsky, the ex- of butter, working it in as with pie- j ought we to have a national capital , crust. Add 2 eggs, well beaten; 2 tea- 1 as well? . . . We have never had a! spoonfuls of vanilla. national capital in tlie whole of our i Mold in rolls, leave overnight in the j history. As our institutions show, I icebox. Slice and bake. jour natic nal feeling is very much We have got on pretty alive to-day. well without a capital. Would we have done better with it? Does Wales really want a capital, and need it? 'CMdrenQyl iCASTORlAi A BABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTOR^ FOHCOUC CONSTIMTION. DIARRHEA /J The Camper's First Aid Minard's Is gi oU for Irii'ns. bruises, sprains, wounds, ind insect bites. iilities." I Bolshevik and. arch heretic, would an- ^.\ large number of newspapers, on noy no one, except perhaps the Soviet the other hand, are convinced that Government, which has exiled him, and the little group of British Com- munists. And the Labor Government would be wise to avoid the appeaiance of caring too much about either. The entrance of Mr. Trotsky would no doubt cause some public excitement. He would no doubt write vivid and en- tertaining memoirs. But there i.s no way in which he could harm this coun- try or its Government even it. he would. In a few months he would be Liberty There Is no true liberty, nor right joy, but In the fear of God with a good conscience.â€" Thomas a Kempis, I the dirigible is ttill in the experimen- >tal stage; that the dirigible's margin â-  of time advantage over the ocean-lin- jer is not sufficiently great to attract passengers. In the opinion of the I New Haven Register, "the Graf Zep- I pelin's uscfuleness will be seriously I restricted until she can develop niuc-h j greater speed." "It she is to compete I with the passenger-carying liner, she itnust function as regularly and be as jSafe," pints out the .\ew York Times. A criticism of the New "Vork World is that "the Zeppelin tvpe of airship is very costly to build, house, and op- fi,„, tolerable enough erate 1 proportion to the useful load 1 .„ it can carry." Then there is the time ' ***~ which such a leviathan of the skies loses through being compelled by un favorable weathe then the eggs, well beaten. Fin;illy, sift in the flour and salt. Beat] tlioroughly, and put in. the ice box overnif,'ht. Mold in any preferred shape and let rise two hours before baking. Bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes. Clover leaf rolls, made by using muffin tins and filling each ring with three tiny rolls, are in high favor. This mixture will keep perfectly for several days and furnish several bakin.ys. Baked Cucumbers With Lobster Peel a sullicicnt number ut cticum- bcrs, allowing one to each person; cut them into halves lengthwise, re- move the seeds and soft portion, then place them in a kettle and cover with boiling water. Leave to stand five minutes, then drain the cucumbers, blanch in cold water and dry on a cloth. Have ready a stuffing made by melting 2 tablespoonfuls of butter and FORTUNE Fortune, men say, doth give too much to many. But yet she never gave enough to any. â€" Sir John iI.irrin.u:ton. forgotten, like our other distinguished jijigu.iing with it the same amount of exiles, mainly of royal blood, whom nour, then adding a grating of nutmeg the present Government appears to On Writing as a Trade Ililairo Belloc in the New States- and 'i of a teaspoonftil each of papri- ka and salt. Stir until frothy, then add 1 cupjiil of milk or cream, stir- ring constantly until the mixture boils. Add I'i cupfuls of lobster meat cut into small pieces and ',2 of a cup Seroxon I liliiiflhePin ± ThelioneyriyGatcher You Must Do Your Bit \\ in the war against the fly. carrier of germs and hreeder of disease. It is proven that AEROXOiN uonc of the most convenient and must efficient means of combating this fly evil. It IS convenient, because of the push-pm. It is hygienic; (lie* never get away whcii once cauKlit. Each apirni gives three weeks' perfect service. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold at ttrug, groicrjF and horfiuatt ttottt La Cie C. 0. Genest & Fits, bmilee SOU At.tMS L U X O FOR THE HAIR .Ask Your Barberâ€" He Knows self than any other kind of worker. I baking dish and bake until the stuff- He Is the pious pelican; he feeds the | lug is hot. Shorthand ^<^ ; "SpeeJhanJ" â€" simplified shorthand â€" and typmg ffi- tercJ in spare time at home. Easier to learn and write. TypewTiter sup- plied. Write for Free Lesson TODAY. Dominion School Tclegnpby Ltd. Dept. W'.I,. 1 Toronto (loutp. Writing of the "commerdal "'"" (London): Belzac said a very ful of salted mushroom.s. also cut in- disadvanlages" of the Zeppelin type Of "'"® """^ ^^â- ''*'" ''^ maintained that to small pieces. Fill the cucumbers airship. Willian. L, Laurence .savs in i ""'- "''"^'"g "''""^ *^'^'^/' "" ''^ "' him- with the mixture, place In a buttered the New York World: "" j "First, are the er.ormous discom- i ^ ,. , , ,. .„ , forts of this mode of ti-avel Durinij ^',""," P""" "^« "P"" '"" """ «esh. these early stages when the newspap- ! ' •^'""'t .whether there is any interval lehs tsill Eive Zepr-Iin flights front- ! .T''^ ULspinting than that between I page publlcitv wi- g to par .r 000 ^ "'« "'""'^nt when a man .sets out m (for the privilege ot being coped' up i"!! ^f 7« '" attempt some writing, 'like hens for three days or mo^, eat-t "/^'m '"'^'''""'ir ;"", 1 i, '''"""" i • It Is his miserable task, hardly even a I duty, certainly m t a natural activity. I but a bitter slavish compulsion and i that when, perhaps an hour later, he has screwed himself up to the pitch! FAT GIRLS! HERE'S' A TIP FOR YOU All over the world Krii>ijlici\ Salt.s is appealing to girls ann voincii who stiive fur an attr.ictix'c, free from fat, ligurc I lial cannot fail to win udiiiiralion. Here's the recipe that banishes tat and brings into blossom all the riatural attractiveness that every woman pos- sesses. Kvery morning take one quarter tea- spoon of Ivnischcn .Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast. lie sure and do this every mornind, for "' Us the little daily dose that takes off the fat." Dun"t ;i morning. The Krnschcn habit means that all poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases are expelled from the system. At the .same time the stomach, liver, kidneys, and bowels are toned <ip and the pure, I'l-esh blood containing Nature's six life-giving salts is carried to every, organ, gland, nerve, and llbre of the body, and this is followed by " that Kruscheii tccling " of energetic health <ind activity that is rcllected in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivacity, and % charmini; h);ure. , Dlatrlbntor for Ontario NEWTON A, HILL S8 Front St. E.. Toronto ;ing mostly canned foods, unable tol I smoke of bathe, or even to open a ' j window to get a brgath of fresh air I \ AM to this the pleasure o.f being! (Pitched and rolled over Qpd'g heavens. j over ^d'g ilto such nc •a«: GIRLS W ANTED I£.-\lUDnESSI.VC. A.ND DE.\UTr CUUTUHIi Is the most remunerative pr.-.csslon iculiiy. WE OrrSB THE MOST UF-TO- DATB COUBSE XH CAir..i.I>A. Hundreds of satlsHeil grnduatea. Write for free booklet. Toronto Halrdressing Academy 13T Avtnae Bd., Toronto, Sept. W ^Sj 1^ yijf ^?>t take sucn norse-se that whi out that while such ocean travel may be good enough for baboons, nrorillas, pigeons, canaries, and grand pianos, it is far from attractive for individ- nal.s going aboard for purposes other than publicity." In the f in^l analysis, avers the Nor- ifolk Virginian-Piloi "it can not be j.said that the Graf Zeppelin's flight from Friedrichshafen to the United I States advances the development of ;lighter-than-air craft beyon<l the ex- uorimenfal stage." For example: I ".\irship disasters, such as the Roma, the Shenandoah, the R-38 in Kngland, the los of the Dixmude, and I Kngland, the loss of the Dixmude. and Graf Zeppelin on an attempt to fly to Lord Lloyd and Egypt Spectator (London): It Is not neces- sarily a condenmation of Li rd Lloyd to say that he was without concilia- tory conviction in regard to Egypt. He had the right to his own judg- ment, and his proved courage and I energy would make him a valuable and i ministrator under different conditions. j Indeed, we wish that it had been I possible for the Government to offer I him there and then some other post. ' Thus they might have avoided the I mischievous rumours which are hi und to be set afloat by a sudden procured reslgration. I <. 1^)^^ :PKIILIPS= For Troubles due to Acid INOIOtSTION ACIO STOMACH MEARTBURM HEADACHE CASES N,^JSEA^ 5. our Stomach Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' .Milk of .Magnesia in water. That Is i an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It I has been the standard antacid tor 50 I years among physicians everywhere. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times Its volume In acid. It is the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient nay to kill the excess America earlier this year, all attest Minard's Liniment for Neurtiigla. the pain departs. You are happy again in Ave minutes. Don't depend en crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved In all the years ot searching. That Is Phllllp.s' Milk of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years In correcting excess adds. Each bottle contain full A Friend to Women 1 lydia E. Pinftam's Vegetable Componnd LYDIA E. PtNKHAM l«EUiCINE CO. Lynn, Mala.. U.S.A. â- nd Cobourg, Ont., Canada. acid. The atouach becomes sweet, directionsâ€" any drugstore. ISSUE No. 35â€" '29

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