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Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1929, p. 1

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(?' Vol. 49 No. 13 ®()je ^kGi^ttlon %imMt Flesherton Ontario, September [4 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, ProprietoE CEYLON EUGENIA FEVERSHAM ROCK MILLS Master George Patterson, who has I We extend our deepest sympathy spent the summer vacation with his ' to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Large and fam- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Mc- j ily of Niagara Falls in the loss ol Leod, returned the first of the week their deai- little son and brother by to his home in Toronto. I that dreaded disease, infantile para- Mr. Cooey of Owen Sound visited ' lysis. The funeral took place from his sijtev, Mrs. Kennedy, here last ' the residence of his grandfather, Mr. week. j Peter Munshaw, on Sunday afternoon Mrs. F. Marshall spent a couple of' interment taking place in Flesherton days with her daughter at Bolton, I cemetery. and Miss Stella also spent all the I Miss Donalda Sloan has returned summer vacation with her sister, and ' from a visit with relatives at Water- caccinpanied her mother home. j down, N.Y. Miss Millie Whittaker left the first of the week for her teaching duties. Mr. McKinnon and Mrs. McCabe ot Toronto visited Mr. Allie Muir lasi, week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge and two children spent a couple of days with their ' respective parents before leaving for their new home at Hoi- land Centre. Mr. Will Gibson happened with a loss on Monday, when a fine young ueastc which he had pasturing a -vlr. A. Kennedy's in some mannex go', oi't of the lield and had -its leg oroken on the .ailway crossing by tha Monday morning train. L,ai,er the r. â- .r.'nal had 'o be killed. _ Ms. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa spent the week end with her brother, Ivir. E. McUonald, and family. Misses Mazel Dorothy Sneil, who spent the pas', week in Toronto, ieturn.,J home Saturday, accompa- nied by Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibso;;. Mrs. C. Smiley and M"3. Ulrich spent the v;eek end with the former s liUher, Mr. J. Burnett, South Line. The many friends of Dr. Rober: Tucker of Fa: jley a former resi- dent* cf 'hi3 village, will be sorry lo Icuiii that he went under an operation i in the Guolph hospital on Sunday. | Tha friends here wish liini a speeijy i recovery. j Mi's. Alex. Muir and daughter, Mijs Annie, who spent tks pasl fort- night with :heir so i end brother, Mr. AUie Muir and son. Grant, leit Mon- day for their home in Toronto. Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Kincar- dine, v.'ho ha-T been visiting Miss Mil- lie Cook the past week, left the first of the week for her home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir, Mr. Stan- ley Chesney, Mrs. Archy. McMullen and daughter, Margaret, motored to Toronto and spent the past v.'eek. Mrs. John McLeod attended the To- ronto exhibition and visited witli friends. Mki Maud Hemphill spent Master Argyle Marti.i has returned home from a fortnight's visit witTi his grandparents at Flesherton. Miss Christina Magee has returned home after a pleasant two weeks' visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Heathers and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood and family of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin o.i Sunday. Misj Roweim Mageo visited recent- ly with hei- cousin, Mrs. Jas. Lyness, Stone's Settlement, and rhe Hincks family near Pricevtlle. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and Mr. Hew- chan of Beeton visited with Mr. and Mr:;. Alex. Carruthers, "Mountai a View Farm." Mrs. Well. Graham has taken up in Flesherton, so her daughter, Phyili-J, can attend higTi scfiool there. Mis-. Lucy McDonaiii will also stay with Mrs. Graham and aticnd high school. Wc v.-ish t:ie S'irls *;vcr.v succesi; alor.g the flowery palh of !;now;edKe. Mr. Burton Carruthers of Saul; Ste. Marie is holidaying at his par- cr: il home at present. .'vlr. aid Mij. Ross Lehman and Mrs. W. Davies of Toronto sptfni. Labor Day here. Mr. Jacob Williams returned home \vith them. Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor and child- ren and Mrs. Latimer spent thj week end at Alliston. The Misses Patricia Morgan, Irene Martin ar.d Donalda Slian, also the 8th line ;;chool scctio.'. are resuming their -studies at th" high school at Flesherton. We v'isi; them another successful term. Mr. Sam McDonald returned to his school at Victoria Corners, while Miss Achjson of Victoria Corners has re- turned to the school here. We wish them another year of success. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMillan and ' Mrs. Edward Partridge and daugh son, Joseph, left here on Thursday \ ter, Phylis, spent the past week with last for their new home at Lindhurst, Ont., where Mr. McMillan will be the manager of the Bank of Toronto In that town. Mr. McMillan has been manager of the Bank here for some time and the village and community :egrct their departure, but wish then: success in their new home. We wei- comc the new manager, Mr. Francis, to cur village. Mr. Win Walters and -son, Alex., ot Toronto have been visiting with the former's sifter, Mrs. Chris. Thomson r>r Ihj two weeks. M-. and Mr". C.E. Mason, Mr. and M.z. Geo. Mason and daughter. Haze!, of Burford, visited v^'ith her and Mrs. Robt. Colo.ue'.te last v/eek. Mrs. C. E. Mason is Mrs. Coiquette's eldest sister and the visit enjoyed by all. Mrs. Smith of Weybui-n, Sask., is visiting with her brother, Wm. Heit- relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mr.".. Archij McLean visited the past week with the Pedlar fam- ilies. Mr. and Mr.';. Robert Lee and ;'..'.auglitcr-!, Eileen and Marjorie, and son Joo, of Owen Sound, were visitors over the week end with Mr. Dick Clark and family. They alzo visited Walkcrton L'liendn on Sunday and were accompanied i)y Mr. and Mrs. nick C!r.rk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and son. Jack, of Crcemoro, and Mis; Delia Pedlar, of Toronto, were callers a: the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Char^ recently. Mr. J-.-.r.e:; Dr.rgavel has a number of men engaged putting up fox pen; on th-; farm near Fle.sherton. The cut at the mill liere we^ fin- i ished last wcei; and naw the old mil"i man and other friends at Mcln-tyre jg jiient once ino-.e. and Dunedin. | School opened on Tuesd.iy v.-ith Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stonehouse and Sceley again the teaclier. Wo wish children, Mrs. D. L. Sinclair and Miss ' the teacher and pupils another su;- Lavina Konokls of Priceville spent a cessful term. day with Mr. and Mrs. John Stone- j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and sons, house here. I Harvey and Evorett, motored to To- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber visited ronto Saturday and spent the week friends in C -eemore last week. | end with reiativc-i there. Mis;^ Edna Partridge holidayed for aunt. Miss Etta Radley. Mr. Thome? Lever was engage a on Monday putting in cement stabl- MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold (nee Mandy Warling) of Cobourg, -spent couple of days in the city last week, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb and was accompanied back by her Poole. niece, Isabell Irish. Mr. F. Marshall spent the past week with friends near Bala. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of To- ronto spent the week end at Mr. Geo. Arrowsm th's. Mrs. R. Love i-2 spending a few days at her home in Dundalk. Mrs. Campbell and four children of Proton are this week visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. McWilliams and family. Mr. John Gibson is this week at- tending the Toronto exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Etherington and daughter, Verna, of Toronto, spen-„ the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair. Mr. S. Hemphill aiid daughter, Ret;:, spent the week end with To- ronto f -iend-s. Mr. Robert Brown and Miss Anna White of Toronto visited the past week with the latter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Mr. S. Tinker and Miss Helen Gibson, Misses May and Agnes Brown, of Toronto, M.S. Hanson and family of Orange- ville, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Miss Marion Muir left Monday for her teaching duties VANDELEUR Miss Dorothy Hare of Markdale and Miss -Jean Currie and Miss Muriel Four.iier of Toronto are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Buchanan and children and Mrs. Sinclair of Owen Sound spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard were callers in our burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of Mea- ford visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert over the week end. Mrs. Smith re- mained for a few days. Mr. end Mrs. S. Dezell of Owen Souad and Mr. and Mrs. Adkins of Port BJgin were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and family over the week end. Mr. Jack Gibson of ToronV) is visit- ine Mrs. Warling nnd other friend- Mrs. W. Burrel of RocklVn is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. R. Genoc. Mr. Richand Gcnoe, who has been in poor health lately, has gone to Durham hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clarke and Miss Marie of Collingwood were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Cameron, who has spent the past few weeks v/ith them, will visit relatives here for a time. Mr. and Mrs. McKean and Miss Marion of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Geo. Ross. Miss Mabel Ross returned to Toronto with them for a week'-j visit. Mrs. Hugh Fenwick spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Herb Poole. Mr. Walter Tozer of Toronto is holi- daying at the home of Mr. Robt. Priestly. Quite a number from here are at- tending the C.N.E. Anniversary and Harvest Thanks- giving services will be held in St. Mary's .Anglican church. Maxwell, on .Sunday, Sept. 15th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Preacher, Rev. M. F. Oldham â- â- he pastor of the church. A cordial invitation is extended to any person to attend these services. Only two weeks until fair days â€" Sept. 19-20. Kindly get your entries in early and avoid the rush. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawlor and two [ â-  . i children of London Mrs. John « ^"^'e'^'^ ^^'"=' "-i" Brown of St. Mary's visited with Mrs. Joseph Barbsr here Ui:;t week. The U:s:Mi^ Blanche and Ruby He -.i:- • . „ n „ i d «•„ ^. , , .... â- ' .,, mg for l-ranU Betts. o. London visi.ed ;n our vil' %.^^ ^.^^, ,,,,g_ ^^g^,^, (,^„,^y ^^^ last week. daughter, Jacqueline, and son Tom, Mrs. Geo. Burk and .son, Billie, v.-ore I ^^ Brocivville, are h i'.idaying wilU visitors with friends in Toro.ito and j^j,. .^^j jj^.g Y)i-Ai Clark. attended the Exhibition Ui.-t week. jj^._ ^nd Mrr,. CharlesHoward ol The Misses Maud and Susie Dav- , Toronto, visited over the week ena idjon of Buffalo were visitors wil!i ^yjjjj rehuives here their brother, Jim, over the week enu. Mr. and Mr-J. H. Alexander and Jlrs. li. McKce spent Sunday with tne rornv.^r's daughter. Mrs. Will Col- ;uette, in Owen Sound. Mr. a-:-;d Mrs. M. McKean and .iiiri^htcr, Mar'orie, of Toronto visited w;1h Mr. and Mrs. Colquet;o over the iioliday. Th;' teaciiers have rcturrfd t^-! our schools: Miss Memsey and Miss War- ner, in our continuation school, and Miss Bradley in the public school. Miss Violetta Davidson of Toronto spent the holiday v/ith her pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Davidson here. Following the renovation of the Presbyterian chui-ch, special re-open KlfvlBERLEY Messrs. Mervyn and Rus.sell Ham- niond of Toronto have spent a week visiting with their friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Hutchinson and children of Fleshe-iton visited with the former's parents and Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. on Sunday. Visitor-.; at thi; Plewes home over he week end wore: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Good of Toronto, Mrs. Alex. .A.nder- son of Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Vandeleur. Mr. Harold Thompson, accompanied ingservices will be held on Sunday by his sister. Miss Irene, of Flesher- at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. The Rev. ' ton spent the week end with friends. Morris Zeldman, who is in charge of the Jewi.;h work in Toronto, will con- duct both services. You are cordially invi'ed to attend. PORTLAW The directors and officers of the East Grey Agricultural Society have been able to send out a prize list ot cash prizes and specials of which they are proud, their special prize I'st being second to none north oi Toronto, and wou^d like to solicit your co-operation in again this year helpi-^g, by fetching out your exhibit, to go over the top bv making our fair a much larger and better one. The secretary of the fall fair in- fornvs us he has a numhcr of in- ouiries regarding new exhibitors front iv.tsitle points, which points to a still larger exhibit than ever thi-.- year. Annoal Camp Meeting The annual camp meeting of tha Gospel Workers' Church, in Clarks- burg, Ontario, will commence on Frv day, September 6th, continuing over Sunday, September 16th. This camp is in a growing condition More cottages have been, built, more parWng space provided for cars. The boarding hdbse and dormitory have j been enftrged. .-.-.- The famous colored quintette ol Cleveland, Ohio, will have chargre ot the singing. Rev. T. M. Anderson of Wilmore, Kentucky, and a good staff of preach- ers and evangelists will be present. Clarksburg is on the Blue Water Highway between Collingwood and Meaford. For further particulars i^ite Rev. F. D. Goff, Clarksburg, Ont. (Last Week's Items) During the electrical storm en Frl- da.v morning last the housa of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor was struck by lightning. The chimney wq^ dam- aged, the ridge board torn off and t:ie roof and a beam in the cellar splii,. The occupants escaped injury, but had a thrilling experience. Rev. Argj'lo Cnmpbeil nreachcd in Mount Zion church last Sunday to a good sized congregation. His sermon was much appreciated. On Monday evening of la-'t wee!c the members of the Ladir's' .\id Soc- iety sprang a .surprise on Miss Lillian McKenzie. bride-to-be. when they mr". in her home nnd presented h^r -with a set of stainlc-""; Iiivr>«: "iH {o-^-'^.nrâ€" ^ompanicd by a nicely v-rded pHuress. Lillian expresed her thanlM to tlie donors for their kindness. PRICEVILLE . Last Week's Items. zHarvest is in full Lowing around here. SSome have finished cutting, while others are .iust beginning. Late oats are showing -symptoms of rust. Messrs. Alf. and Wm. Hincks and friend, Beth, Almeda and Jean, mo'.- ored to THoronto Saturday to attend the exribition. . -»,«.r«i.!«v FROM the big, husrcy rear axle to the last acrci- ratc iictlc detail of the impressive six-cylinder eagine . . every feature of the Chevrolet Six ;3 a quality feature, designed and built for hard, strenuous usage . . for long, trouble-free ser'.'ice . . for rcnl Chevrolet economy. Go over the Chevrolet, point by point. Sec hov/ well it';; built. YouM! nicrvel that such a car can be bought at such amazingly low price. Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan 9 Mi-ss Mj'rtle Stuart is visiting with Mrs. Howard Elli.s of Meaford. Misses Blanche, Hazel and Estelle Hammond of Toronto have returned to their home, after a fortnight's visit with Miss Ruth Myles. Mr. Carl ("arruthers has returned home after spending the summer near London, wjiero ho was in tlic employ of the H.E.P.C. Mi-.>R Winnifred Hunter of Toronto is visiting Miss Riith Myles. Mr. and Mr^. Russel' Ellis visiteC -ith Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Ellis of Collingw'ond. Mv. and Mrs. Wiiincr Turncv inC rhililro-". M". and Mrs. John Wilson M'-. and Mrs. Cha.;. Cama'-k and childrer.. Me?-F"s. Russell ^ind Elmer Ellis, .John Abpvfrombie. Rev. Stotcs- burv rind fh''dren. Missc-T Myrtle Stafford and Tona Hutchinson. Kr. and Mr". Robt. Char-i motored to To- ronto and attended the Ex. this week. Mrs. David Graham and children have returned from Niagara, where thfv sfient the summer. Mr. Stanley Lawrence of Brace- bridge visited thr week end at his parental Iwme. Mr. .Tpd Mrs. Osborne had visitors from Caledon East on Sundav. Mf. Thos. Soule. Mi-sses Evelyn and Rhoda Soule .i*'d Mr. .-^rt Lon.f oi Meaford motored to the latter's schoc' near Peterbon on Sunday. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Abcrc;'onibie of Toronto on Thurs- day, A-agust 22nd, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Minns and friends of Pontiac, Mich, visited with Mrs. Minni' zktQV, Jlrs. Rufua Wickens' recently. A team of horses ran away from Clarence Soule on Saturday and in- onf of the t i« PRODUCT OF GiiNERiVJ. MOIOKS OV CANADA, LIMITED C;4-8-25C -<} D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONT. IT'S B B T T E H B E C A USE IT'S CANADIAN m soon. Miss Edna Burritt has returned to Toronto after visiting at her parent- al home. Old Tyme Quartette Misses Belle and Lizzie Campbell , , . , ,, , •â-  returned to Montreal after holidaying ' ,'"'"«' '?"" ''^'','^- "''V'° hei-e. i- "i-rt Wja ^ I horses had its leg broken. Wc hope Rev. Mr. McCulIough of Toronto *" see Clarence able to be around rpeached in the hall here on Sunday. Mrs. Burl of Detroit has moved ot P;*iceville and will reside here. She is a sister of Hector McLean. Mr. Gordon and Miss Annie Mc- Cannell of Dromore, Mrs. Don. He- Donald and Dorothy, and Jliss Mary McCannell of Toronto and Mr. and Mar. Wm. Hay n{ Swint.on, were 'e- ccnt visitors at Mr. A. L. Hincks'. Mr. and Mra, Wilfred Magee anrf The Old Tyme Village Quartette ts riva, of Eugenia, visited the first of "K*"" coming to Flesherton on Wed- j the jveek at Mr. David Hincks'. nesday, September Uth, under the While coming home from work on auspices of the Agricultural Society. , Thursday night with the truck Mr. Those people who heard this troupe Thomas Niehol and Mr. Allan Mc- Airing Old Home Week will be pleasea Lean might have been seriously in- to know that tliey will again have , jured when the truck turned over y^^^^ ^^^ privilege of hearing them coming down Frooks' h.lL The car render an entirely new program. FuH was damaged some, but the occupants x:„,.i„„„ „„,f „,„„i, escaped witho* being badly hurt, particulars next week. ^ . -^^ but have been unable to go to woiX ' rMrt***** • ^'-J - "'^ since. â€" '^ - m • ComlnR aptain. Dr. W. A. Black- Mr. Alex, and Miss Mav Stewart well, the noted eyesight specialist ot and Mrs. Wm. Bell motored to Pais- Toronto, will be at the Park Hotel lev. Mrs. Bell ha<! been visiting here Thursday. Sept. 12th. all day. Scien- for a time. j^, cific eye examination. Glasses fitted. Toronto Exhibition Is Growing Fast The Toronto exhibition attracted many visitors from thi.s district dur- ing the past week. Each year the erchibition i-o growing in size and tUe nattedance records are being broken again. One feature of the show tills year is the space provided for the display of aeroplanes, from the small- est to the larger planes used to carry many passengers. The era of air traffic is fast coming into its own. (t i-^ only a few years since that ;toffei-o ridiculed the idea of automo- biles ever pushing the horse off tiie --oads as a means of transporta-'ion, but that time is now at hand. Am: also it will be an incredibly short time until the airoplane will be as comme-.i as the automobile is at the present time. IN MEMORIAM C DOUPE â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Ephraim Doupe, who passed away Sept. D, 1924. Five years have passed but none can tell The lo-ss of one we loved so well. A memory fond and true, A token of affection ''â-  That wc remember you. ' â€" Wife and Sori. ' IN MEMORIAM ^' FISHER.â€" In loving memory of our dear father, James A. Fisher, who passed away August 29th, 1927. The years are swiftly passing by. But still we (km't for.get. For in the hearts that loved him him most His memory lingers yet. i â€"Sadly missed by the Family. Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdale 4344 I J.W.Bates. R.Maddocfi:s Build Up a Monthlylncome by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An mvcstDttnt in Second Standard Rwal'ties Ltd. yiekb 12%. Pltjrable 1% nTOtitiilv. Dividfends are i)«iohfe on the 1st of each month to sha^ehokiers of secopff of 25th of the previous irwiMfh. ,. . FOR FULL L\FORMATK)N SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton

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