ac iiiiiifiHriii Japan to Insist j Guiana Air Line - On Open Door Survey Is Begun c 1 f„ 0^:1.^..., f^^n â- New York -A Pan Aniorlcan Air- Spokesman for Kailway Con- ^..^^^ an.,.l.lliau trarMW.,rl carrying • trolled by lokyo Ueclarea Koln-rt (S. Tliach and a crew of four, Action by China Against iia'* jimt l"ft Miami. Fla.. to make a Russia is Viewed With "'"" ""•i"'*-""" "' ooerathm ficlllMe. j_ _, ^i|•• ineparatorv to exlonHioii of the Deep Concern â€" IVlliitary (.nue^ Elates air mall service to Action by Soviet Unlikely Outcii Ouiana on Aug. 27, accordinB ., , „^ ., , .. ' to announcement mado by . I. T. TrlpiK) New York.â€" Tbe action of the . .,.,., , ., â€" preKlilcnt of llie organization. Cliin«.<« Nationatl.1t G.ivornmcnt Jn, KHtalili«liment of the exien.iion wiil ex|>i-lilni; tUo UiM.^ian m.uiaKciueut of complete more tlian two-tliirda of the the Chinese Ka.Hteru Kailwav amt in'Atneriacan air transport system over lakinijovertbeproperllegof the com'"'" "•'"' '•""^* '""""' '""w^-" N'^' , , , . , . lork and Buenos Alrea. Uie an- pany in Manchuria ia reKarded In In- ,„„„n.^.„„.„, ..^i.!. Ii will link 21 conn- lornieil quarter.^ here a.s UavinR pre- iiI.-.h on direct air lines with the cipiiateil a seriou* HituallDU in the United Suites ami provide a four-day Jf"ar Kast an dto liave effectively cut' air servlco between tlie M'lstdw off from Vladivostok. T. Uo,' United State< and Dutch (iuiana, now iAnicricaii reiiresenlative r)f the Sonlh i;t to 21 day.i distant by the fastest (Wauclmria Kailway, told a staff cor-' steamship. W-espondent of the Monitor here that| From I'araniarailio, Fan Arnerlciin ^Japrin was watchiiiB the deveioi>ment Airways wil exiend llie service down (Ritli utmost concern. j tlie oa-vt c^ to I'ara and Uio de ".lapan has repeatedly voiced Iter Janeiro, Krazil an<l Montevideo, Uru- Ipolicv with reitard to peace anil or-Kuay, where It will link witli tim lino jder in Manilinria." Mr. fJo said. "This of Fan-American Grace Airways, lias a vital lieaririK upon Japan's na-' which, it Is expected, wll soon he cx- 4lonal exl.<tenc^ ajid national defense, tended from ("liife over tlie Andes to /The Japanese Government Is, there-, Pnenos Aires and Montevideo. fore, vitally Interested in the tnain-' -â€"- â€" â€" ♦ Jenance of peace In these reslons. iTalLlO Man VlAafa •Th-re Is a fundamental uninimltyi 1 dltVIC ITlall A ACai 9 '|Df opinion tlirinmhont Japan that it is absolutely iieces^fary to safcijuard the Japanese Interests, rli;hls and trade 4n Maiichnria. without which her na- Jlional economic life would really col- lapse. If Manchuria were to be hurl- ed into a state of disorder or devasla- (itlon as other parts of China, the pro- Lindbergh Lecture Him on Honesty Royal Interest in the Young Manhood of Our Race t A k-r ' • a â€" .. ;.,..... . ',- â€" ^ .* ' '"^ i'- .^ â- '. Y. ' ul- SS-^,- 'â- â- '-â- ' > â- v» 1 â- •' â- •::.'- ^-^ ^- .- ••â- : />, ' • ' 'w^^wm^sm V '' â- • â- .'^'^ ' ^H /"^fiO 1 '. ^.- > -v- â- >*• ' 1 . < J 1 ^^^^^^M^l^^^^^^^V . f ,#PK ^^. iyj\ inf. - ^j^ M -n * » l4i ^"^ .^J^.'J^ wm 4 p ^^^mmm W A^^ : â- '^p'lAJ \ â- I'JL {-1*4 « ll U^Mj ml- 1,,3 â- Bffy^ ^m ^S^^^^^B ^T* -â- ; S •j|t' * Jj^*' .â- .: < â- v^' ;l (Itlol Uession of llie principle of the open dour and equal opportunity would re- solve itself into nolhiuK more tlian mere lip seiviie." Colonel Spies Hidden "Mike' and Accuses Operator of "Unfair" Methods PRINCESS MARY AT FOU.NDATION STONE LAYING Iticliniond Boy Scouts inspected by I'riucess -Alary up in occasion of lier oHUiatiug at laying of corner-stone ot biiildiiiKS to be erected in «rouuds of nrilisii Legion I'opiiy Factory, Uichniond. San Franrisco, Calif. â€" Colonel I.ind- bergh, who rarely speaks for publi- cation on any suliject but aviation, de- ^ Japan Supports Status Quo iivered a lecture liere Monday on hon- Mr. Go said lie had rec-ived no ad- esty and Integrity. >ic>'s from his comjiany rf^^anliiin the The b-cture, incidentally, was re- eitiialloii wliich has developed in Man-;<iinled on a sound-mulion picture reel, churia. He waj confident, however,' but probably never will be presented that no similar action would bo at-' in a motion picture house, lempted by the Chinese Nalinnalists' Tiie colonel, whose aversion to 4n (onnection with the South Man- sounds reels Is well known, wai ap- 'chuia Kailway, which Is under Jap-' pioaclied at Mills Field by a "•talkie" *anesf) management and control. j cameraman who had a microphone un- "Cliina knows that any action siml- der his eweater. 'lar to that she has just cHectedl "Isn't that a microphone yon have ♦Kainst UuRsia would be iinniediately| hidden there?" ask-»d Colonel Lind- Iconlested most vigorously by Japan," bergli sborply. flio said. "I do not anticipate any ^rouble from the Cliinose Nationalists t»n tile Jai)anese end of the road." Any 8tep Japan tni^lit take, he de- clared, would be aitiialed solely by | sight? That would bo Its interest in maintaining' the status! Ihiiii; to do. the "Yes" admiliid the operator. "That'.s not honest." said colonel, me with tlio microplione in plain Dramatic Scene In Rumanian Parliament Juliu Manlu, Premier. Vig- orously Defends Local Self-Government Bill Young Voters J. L. (Jarvin In tlu; London Observer (Ind.l: Clean contrary to their good intentions, tlie Conservatives have ac- tually biassed the Constitution per- manently against Conservatism. This Trotzky*s Request To Visit England Denied by Labor Scotland Yard Plan Adopted For New York Secret Police Will Work Among Criminal Gangs as Under Cover Men New Yorkâ€" .\ bureau of secret police lias just been organizec: by Grover A. Wlialen, police commissioner. Mr. Wiialen announced that it was model- ed after wiiat he regarded ai the best features of the Army Intelllgenca Service, the Secret Servic« of the ITnited States Treasury Departmeni and the under cover bureau of Scot- land Yard. The- per.<onnel of the bureau will be known only to the Police Com- missioner and tli^ anonymous bureau bead, who is a high official ot the Police Department. They will not have power to make arrests, but will operate wholly as informers. Thej will not wear shieldii or other means of identification, and it is the aim ol Mr. Whalen that they fraternise free- ly with meniers of the underworld, with a view to detecting racketeers, plain crooks, drug peddlers, gunmen and gamblers. Mr. Wualen said ha ey^iected members of the squad to till their roles so convincingly that tliey would themselves be in the class of suspects. Never Appear in Court Members of the squad will be re- quired to report secretly on all they see and hear, but they will never ap- pear at police headquarters or at any police station. Instead will meet their commanding officer at secret rendezvous and report to him direct- ly. Tliese reports will be both writ- ten and oral, llie written reports sign- ed by a code number instead ot by prospect of the relative increase of Serretarv of New Cahi- '"" •â- 'â- ""e ot the agent. Their In- i,ai.our by compirison with Conserva- ' Home Secretary Ot iNew \„aDi- ,_ ^,, , „°„...„., .„ „.„., tisin does not at all arise i)ecause of the predominance of women umler Universal Suffrage. It arises for quite another reason. It is a matter not of sex, but of youth irrespective of sex. All the political history and philosophy of the world, ancient and modern, niisht have warned exMin- isters of that. Hut they were indif- ferent when we counselled them net Refuses to Admit Exiled Communist • niicharest.â€" The Rumanian Parlia- ment was crowded witli spectators and was tlie scene of another ilrania- tic Hatde on July lij In the strugurle by the people for effective self-govern- ment. The cause was the beginning ot the j '•"'".';I>W"">' <" '''"^s -^- ""^ "'• ** """ discussioin on the hill for adminisla- ha^'** "' t''" necessary sex-equality. In live reforms which has given the | the early twenties generous youth of towns and districts a large degree ot I both sexes Is in the main uKracled by control in their local affairs, freeing ' advanced views and ardent visions. Why didn't von approach l"'" '"â- «'>â- •-"'â- '"" "'.vitues from the Us largely as it usetl to be Ua.llcal. it I domination ot Hucliarest, reducing red 'â- * '>"* Socialist. And for tlie nist the honest''"'"' 'â- ""' '"^k''"? "le lieople in all ] t'"ie we have their full Influx into citi- areas,- liuluding mlu- zenship. London â€" J. R. Clynes, Home Secre- tary, announced in the House of Commons that he had decided against allowing Leon Trotzky, exiled Com- niunisl leader, to visit Great Uritahi. The newly-formed Labor Govern- ment had scarcely been in power formation will be collated, tabulated and card indexed. The squad will be composed of 5( graduates of the police academy, and the majority ot these have already been chosen and put to work. Oi the first appointments. 23 know two lani^uages and one speaks four Ian guages, Mr. Whaien said. Menibere of the bureau will receive the same „ , . pav as police lust entering the serv last month when Trotzky, apparently ,^^- ^^^^^ ,„^i^ expenses will be pate out of a ?ji>,000 contingency fund. Follows Series of Shootings The api)ointing of the secret sqaad follows a series ot shootings in which men well known in the underworld Victoria by Air . Then it took over the Northwest Airways and Wcst- ver steamer fleet. The /- j a- ern L-anada Airways Announce Plans adducing 'quo. He describe<l what ho referred I "Well," said the operator, who had ; '"â- '"*"'• '''""'^ ^' '"""« '" >l"'"anla. to as the process of attrition to which] tried repeatedly to olilain a sound j '^" "'"' '^''' l''"''i'"s violently op- the Nationalist Government has been â- Interview, 'if I bring tho 'mike' out I '"""-''' "''•* '>'" which was designed to vubjccling tho Russian m.inagenient ' will you say a few words?" of the Chinese Kaslern Railway everl "No, I will not," the Colonel re- 0iuce the Mukden agreement for joint fair al)oiitthis ni.itler. You have not control in 1924. I been honest. I don't approve of your "The Nationalist fiovernment has actions at all." Iieeii atlcrtting Its aggressive spirit to-| • > #»aid tbe Russian management ever | iâ€"l- |\/l<^rif ••A9I ^r%A eiiiie that time," Mr. Go continued. "iniV IVlOnireai aUQ "It tir-ii look over llio scbouls in North Wairhiiria, which are lln.-inced with railway funds and had been managed by Russians. railway's rl third action was the seizure of tlie railway telephone system." Appeal Not Available gt. Paul, Minn.â€" Kstablisliment ot Mr. (I'o declared Itussiii was an International contiuentnl air route Impiilent to act militarily agaln::t'to connect Victoria and Winnipeg China ill .Manchuria and had no ciiurt , througli the Twin Cities, with Wind of appeal since'she Is outside the sor and Montreal, vas announced re hoping tiiat the Laborites would be more sympathetic to his request tbaii tho former Conservative Government, asked Premier Ramsay MacDonald for authorization to visit England. The subject was referred to tho Home Secretary's department, which were victims. Owing to the close } has now decided against granting a fellowship alleged to exist between ..^ . visa to the one-time Soviet army lead- "'^'â- 'e characters and th# bond ol â- '• I gf j secrecv which is part of their code Clarence Darrow with one single re- j ^^„^^^^. j^^. ,^^3,.^, y^^,.^ ,,^^3 ^^^ ,i,e police have not been able to ruo Mid nerm-inentiv th. control l.v ., | "^^'X won a debate over exCongress- , ^j^, - .^^ opposition against the il<'*n tl-o^e guilty of the shooting, tid peim.inent > the contiol by a „,,,„ willle Upshaw ot Georgia in At- • . . aiid detectives have been unable -c handful ot Polil.cians ot the whole ,,,.„ ,.e..enll.v-that is. It loudest ap- ! ^^f' f rLs ' n Tu kestan las help out. ^ b^tr v n ;;L;:' UrH :;':;: r..7- "'^'"^^ """ """'"*"^ 'â- ?"' "" ""'• â- - »: J^^^y ]^::i t J": -AU these mystenes might not n.y. volutionan. ruinous and Holshevisiic.,|,,„g ny agreement, there were no ,-,.,„,„,.,,,, jnonle wh-re he has been ''(â- «â- â- mysteries at all. it we had ilmost heinous examples I j,,,,,,., „„., „„ ..mciai decision. Vv-\\t.^Z )T\Z^^^^^^^^^ what was going on in the .practice oratory on the poor mules 1 Itloiis ot tho Government, and calling ! ^,|,||^ j ^as ploughing." Then ho | the present bill destructive ot the | ,^.,n ,,,p ^g^t p,,rt of an hour telling very fabric of national life, 19 of the' opposition deputies demonstratively left the Parliament cschowiiig all re- sponsibilty In its fuither ailivity. Juliu Maiiiii, Hie Prime MiulHter, answcMeii the chiirges In a viKorous speech, showing that the present Pea- , sant Governmeiil was really relmild- Leaguo of Nations and tho Washing- cently by the Northwest Airways and lujr n^, national life on a slrom; and ton Treaty. jihe Western Canada Airways. | .sound basis. He invileil al who .so The Foreign Policy Association has The proposed line Is believed to be j wished to cooperate, and added that just issued a bulletin In which it re- longer than any air transport line in all attempts at Illegal opiHisition Tiews the whole ot the Chinese Kast-' existence. j would he inline, liat"lv siippr.'ssed The ern Railway question, which It char-. Col. L. H. Ilrittin, general manager j Parliament Is sitting thrice dallv. and Bcterizes as a "bone of contention be- of the Northwest Airways, and W. I-, will loiitinue until July JT. tween Nationalist Cliina and Soviet 1 Hrinlnell. who holds a similar posi- 1 ,•.____ Russia," and as having been "a con- lion In the Canadian orgnnization, de- 1 '"* â- tant and important factor affecting dared the formal Ion of tho line was the pence of the Far Fast ever since inireiy n working agreement or al- Its inception In IS!Mi." I liaiice between tho two companies Tile Foreign Policy .\ssociallon re- for opei;itloii purposes and did not In- Tews brefly the listory ot the railroad . volvo ownership or stock cimtrol. and recalls that the Itiierest of the! Under tho agreeinein the American [ He Is Entertained by Corpora United States in It has been evidenced lino will extend its Hues from St. Paul (Jon and Is Also Received In volnniiiious diploinatli: corespond- 'o Winnipeg and will make other ex- ence. The Treaty of Portsmouth,' pansloin to enable It to reach tho makng peace between Russia and Canadian line at Windsor. Gla.«gow.- Speaking In Glasgow at Japan, gave the South Mancbnrla' 'I'lie Western Canada Airways, ' a luncheon given by the Lord Provost branch to Port Arthur to Jup.-m, Rus wliich now opeiates from Montreal lo : and the Corporation, Seyyld Khalifa Sia retaining thi- romalnliig stretch | Windsor, and from Montreal to Hall- [ Hin Harul), Sultan ot who of the line.â€" Christian Science Moni- fax, plan to extend their lines to Vic- ' road his reply in Arabic, said. "I Zanzibar Sultan Visits Scotland at the University tor. Syria and Turkey Agree on Frontier Reduction of Disputes, Rrii?- andage, Border Friction Confidently Awaited Jerusiilem -- The I''ranco Turkish flgreoment • Just reached at Angora^ fixes the fronlle" between Turkey unrl Syria which Id delineated by a special commission preRlded over by (Jeneial Kiiiest. a Dam). It Is exp!;(!l»d tlie iiiiileiHtandliK; reached will reduce the front lor In cidenis ,tlie arts of brlgmidage, and tho diapiitea over authority, hitherto frequent. Qiiesllons boarlng on triirf flc, on pollen, on railway transit, on Irrigation and on the status of Syrians in Turkey and Turks In Syria aro also settled. Th« aitraenipnt la .exported to bo followRcl by lh>» cnnrlusloa of a Frauco-TurkUh treaty of friendahip aad a arbitral Ion convention which aro to bo neRoilaled In Pari* beiwaan spen his auiliencH that prohibition was I Home Life working and that America was drink- ^ Thou wlio hast made my home of life Ing less than ever before. When Par- row's turn came, he rose and fixed his famous glare on the perspiring and panting Upshaw, "It .von expect ns lo believe all you've said, sir," said Darrow llrmly, "you must think you aro flllll talking lo a lot ot mules." so pleasant Leave not its tenant when its walls decay; O Love Divine, O Helper ever pre- sent, lie thou my strength and stay. â€"J. O. Whittier. Moving a House in Pieces '""â- ''•• come of a seagoing nation, and my kinsmen, the Arabs ot Muscat and Oman, were ot tho old great mivigal ors and o.tplorers, and sailed the In dlan Dcean, It you will pardon niy pride, long before a shlii was built li Glasnow. I admit yon have outstrlp- i peil us. .\s long ago as ISTT.'nn Iho initiative of that great Scotsman and ; citizen of Glasj-.ow, Sir William Mac- ' KInnon, tht- llrm of Smith. MacKenzla I& l!o., was founded in Zanzibar end ! took over the agency of tlie Hritisli 'ijidia Stenm Navigation Cyniiiany â- '^froin nnother Siotsman, Captain Frasi-r." He went on lo explain how Sir Wil- liam .McKliiPoii obtained a cniices.^liin from Ills predecessor over rert.iln \ Iiossesslons ot the Sultanate, and 'how, ns a result of the snccess of an expedlllon and support from the Ini- I perlal Govornment, the IlritMU R^st. .\frlca l!ompnny was formed. I The Sultan Hiibseiiuently paid n visit to the university, where he was received by the principal. Sir' Donalil Calne, who won Kverlon Socialist »««t j,^,,,,,,,^^ _.t.hrlstlau Science MonI from former Lord Mayor of Liverpool, t„r_ a Conservallvo. WINS SOCIALIST SEAT Derwent Hall Calne, son of Sir Hall It la ahnurd to Nuppose that 'he fit- Mr. Wliali'n empliasized that this secret squail would report only on persons who had violated the law or who w r» oianning to violate It â€" Christian Science :Monitor. A lot of amateur xarJeners bellera t„rs of the falklea In In the least de Ilrland and FelAy Bey. Iha Turk •''"' "'<' ••""•or of Jack and the lloatt-'greo donbtrnl. Anythlns liaa a fnturo . _ (aiaik wiliou lUc :»oed tati»lo«uea. I«hlcli kooy* peopla awaf (roM kome. I "•* *"• lljl l^j^lHtOt,!. No Relief for Canada Winnipeg 'I'lilniiie iliid. Cons.) : Thai the American Tariff Bill will be con siderably altered before it finally be comes law may be taken for granted. But Canadians who pin to this fact hopes for modification of the tariff at it atVecls I'aiuida are likely to be dis- appointed. . . . Tariff-making at appointed. . . . Tariit-makiiig at Wasliinglon is pretty much a mattoi ot logrolling. There is a lively out cry in the faiin states against the bill I as drafted, hut when it conies to final ! action the farm senators may have tc I accept most ot the increases on maiiii- |factiired products in order to get th« necessary support for the agriculturai tariff they want. Mr. Hoover is re- ported to b-> displeased with tho bill ns drawn .partly because ot its ad- ! verse effect on the international rela- tions of the Vnitod States, bat he U in the same position. To achieve tha measure ot farm relief ha has pro- mised he may have to accept in- creases hi the industrial tariit as v.-ell. The tail goes wiih the hide. It; any event the hcal^ ot tariff increases on farm products is not likely to be af- I'octed. Canada feed expect no relief in the revised bill which wil! be otter- ed this sntnmer. Ramsay MacDonald Flies Li.n;!on Daily News nnd Westmin- ster iLlb.l: The loally interesting I'oint about the P.imo :\linister'» long ^flight from Lossiemouth to London la ,that it c'.iipliasizea in the public mind 'â- 1 perhaps homewl-.nt spectacularly) tho , safety of .nirtravel. If a six-hour non- stop flight vcio !:li!I to be classed as a risky iidver.inre, not even his most malignant political enemy woirid en- courage n British Premier to travel regulnrly by air. Mr.MacDonald la, in fnct. the nrst PriiMev-Mfniater in I this conn try- to', join ney by airplane: tint he wil! certainly not be the last. \lready most "ot our leading polltl- cians have on occasions n.sed tha air- plane In preference to the railway i train and the steamship; and the Prince of Wales, never In tha back- EVEN HALF OF IT WAS TOO MUCK FOR STREcT ,>; round when a new experience offer* Ih'an destroy the trees at Lake Foreat. IH , thi. half honse will 1"' ./.u"' ",""7 * ''T^''^ '"""^r"" . ..... .1 .. u ..... . . . . . '"' "•'" "'"''* "' travel. The alrplant stand in the ilioel until It tjan b« cut lu half axaln In order lo move It lo „„w takes the pUc« ot the apeclt , train in an emjrKouci'. Rallie â- 491-