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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1929, p. 7

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4* THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, JULY 3l8t, 1923, ' Against That Day ' The fabled years of ancient Egypt's fulness and farrtine â€" the striking lessons found in other -1^'' toric facts and natural life prose^eS establish saving among the funda- mental laws upon which Nature makes her sure indictments. Follow your natural personal instinct to I'lay by in store" by adding regular installments to a savings account in the Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J 'â-  Jos. W. Clark Dies Mrs. Thos. Lever received a te'e- gram on Monday bearing the sad j news of the death of her brother, • Mr. Joseph W. Clark of Brooking-, I Sask. Mr. Clark, who had not been I in the best of health for some time, j was a former resident of the Toron- ; to Line North. The funeral was held I on Monday. CJ>Jt. TIlfB TABLB Red Letter Day For Fleshertofl Watch For Big Parade I Prizes of $15, |10 and |5 are being j offered for the best ealithumpian sec- ! tion of the parade on Monday morn- â-  ing. The committee invites neigh- boring towns and village to enter a display to compete for the prizes, each section to have three or more outfits to qualify. Competent judges are being appointed and fair decis- ions will be given. Quite a large number of comic displays will sorely please the large crowd that will be present. Through the courtesy of General Motors of Oahawa, and through D. McTavish & Son, it is expected tha^ the specially designed motor bus, Bonne Entente, will be present to take part in the parade. The Bonne En- tente is the product of Canada, made at the Walkerville plant, of Canadian material and by Canadian workmen, it cost about $20,000 to build. It has accommodation for six passengers Trmina !«â-¼â€¢ f^hwton SUtion u leUewii: Ooiii« Seatk Goiag Nortb 8.0Sajii. lli» 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. As the Reeve of the Municipality the seats being convertible into beds. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. and chairman of the executive on A radio is carried in the overhead Tl»« mafls eloa* at Pleaherton u Old Home Week committee I would panelling, and besides this there is a followa: For the north >{ '11.00 «.in. ^}^^. '° ^^^ ^^^^ opportunity of sol- complete kitchen, refrigeration, lib- MUth at 3.36 For nfomiiic trmfai ' ''^'''"^ every single person's hearty rary, phonograph, electric lighting, •oath mail cIobm at 9.00 %ka '^°;°P*'"*^*°" i" every way to make ventilating and heating, besides other preriona •â-¼enlns. Local and Personal Balloon ascension-, see T. Findlay's as it is taking place in your home advertisement. i town. As the chairman of this er- Mrs. Jas. Wilson is in Owen Sound ent, I would isk any person re- hospital at the present time. Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Paton of Ar-' pulled off 'o see that everything Is den are holidaying in this district. I ready as we have such a full pro- Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto' PJ?"" ^hat we must pull everything was home over Sunday. | "" "Ji,'â„¢^' for^hould any one per- son tall down, it throws the whole this event in the history of our vil- features. The bus is bringing the lage a decided success. This in- Oshawa softball team to town Sunday vitation also includes the surround- evening, and after the parade Monday ing country for we well realize that will be ooen for inspection to the we are depending on everybody to put general public. this week across and would like you â-  to feel that this is your celebration .\DDmONAL LOCALS Drs. R. and T. Henderson of To- ronto were week end visitors in town. Master Ross Wilson of Durham is """ -Ki "*""^ """"* '^^^ ^"°" '^' visiting in town, sponsible for any of the events to oe _ ., ,, _ , ^ ,- .... - .. Recently Mr. Robt. Meggittt of the CoUingwood gravel lost a horse by being hit by a stray bullet, while it was pasturing in a field on his pro- perty in the valley. Hunters should be more careful. It is thought that a boy was shooting in the valley when the fatality occurred. Major Caspar Sproule of To -onto is to conduct school in the public school in Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. program late. Might I again ask your hearty co-operation to this end Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warling and and let us have the one aim in view, children spent the week end with to give our visitors a real enjoyable friends at Cherrj-wood. j time while sojourning with us so Master Jack Gibson of Toronto is that they will know that the "^win , • j â-  spending a few holidays with his of their childhood days is still on the ^7°"'^ "^'^'^^ "" 'ntroduction as a grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Meads. , map, and be still prouder than ever, *^*'°°^ "!?^*"' ^^ ''^'''"^ ^^"=''^ '" Misses Bessie and Annie Stephen to own Flesherton as the place where *'*"' l^^^^l'ty '"^"y ^^^""^ ^^° left o"i Friday las': for a motor trip *h?y spent their childhood days i Business Places Must Close at Noon on -r Monday, August 5 1 â€" I A special meeting of the village -^ council was c?lled on Tuesday to deal X with the difficulties experienced in y calling a public holiday for Monday, X it being civic holiday. With the big y crowd home for the week end it was X brought to the notice of the Council V that it would be working an injustice i on anyone who should run short of i provisions with all stores closed. A ^ motion was passed that all places of X busines.'i would be allowed to remain y open until 12 o'clock and would close I^ during the afternoon and evening of v Monday, August 5th. (♦ â€" 1^^ i| Neither Party Gflilty Is Verdict of Inquest The inquest into the death of the ^ â€" what more could one desire to become strong than Finder's Purity Bread. â€" If you have not tried it, why delay? You'll thank us for insisting- that you order this favorite bread from our driver to-dav. Finder's Bakery PHONE 8 late William Glockling, which took ^ place on the CoUingwood gravel three and-a-half miles east of Maxwell, in a motor accident on the evening of July 10, was opened in the Or- ange Hall, Maxwell, on Wednesday.' afternoon of last week- Coroner, F. T. Bibby of Flesherton presided,} with Crown Attorney Dyre interview- < ing the witnesses. The jury was. composed of Messrs Chas. Heron, ^ foreman. Chas. Long, Andrew Pa'll- ister, John Radley, Elijah Bucking- ham, Wilbert Poole, Bert Porteous, I Robt. Mclntyre, Jr., Louiis Kerton,| Herbert Neil. County Constable Thomas Beatty was in charge of the, jury- .\fter hearing seven or eight wit- nesses, including the occupants of both cars, which figured in the acci- dent, the jury retired and after near- ly an hour's deliberatioTi, brought in a verdict, stating that they found nobody to blame for the accident. through Muskoka -Master Thomas Findlay of Toron- to is spending a few holidays with his uncle here. Mr. C. F. Lawrence and family are spending a few holidays with friends at Caledonia. Mr. Yours in anticipation, â€"THOS. W. FINDLAY. Register! Register! Rev. R-::hard Stone, B. S. B.D., and children, of Grand Linge, Illin- ois, visited the scenes of his child- hood here last week. Mr. Stone left Canada 28 years ago. He se- cured his degree in one of the best colleges in the United States, and became a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church. On Sunday he delivered a powerful sermon in St. Be sure and sign the register when and Mrs. J. J. Thompson of .vou visit the old town from Satur- towi and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts day to Wednesday next. This is the | John's United church to a large aud of Osprcy we-e week end visitors at only means we wHl have of knowing ience. all of whom were delighted A'Uiston and Wasaga. ; you have been with us. and we want ' vvith the message he delivered from Mrs. W'm. Hay and babe of Toronto 'o publish the name of every visit-] i?aiah :i2-2. Mr. Stono received are spending a month with her par- '''â- â€¢ The visitor's book will be kept at , his high school enucation in Flesher- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. the Munshav,- House in charge of ton, and i;- one of whom 'nis .\lma Mr. and Mrs. E. Penny and daugh- f^^'f, Person. Don't forget to reg- Maters may be proud ter of Toronto are the guests of Mr. â- S'-^-'- and Mrs. F. W. Duncan. . ' S':n'^t of Delhia, Alta., ij The iudging of the school gardens Mr. Jan. visiiing at Colli igwood and Stones by the Dfnt. of Aericulture has been Line and expects to leave for the completed in this district, but the an- west in about two weeks ncuncement of the winners has not Mr. Wm. Hay and brother, Alex., ^^f" "'^'^'^ ^'''f- Miss Anna Hay and Miss Audrey Mrs. (Dr.) C. F. Pattison. Toronto NOTICE TO CREDITORS demands against the estate of the said William Htnry Guy who died on I or about the Third day of March, 19- 29. are required on or before the 26th j day of August. 1920, to send by post prep.iid, or deliver, to Donald Henry Guy. Newmarket, Ontario, the ad- ministrator of •'he estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and de- -criptions. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the secur- ities (if any) held by them. AND take notice *hat after such last mentioned date the said admin- istrator will proceed to distribute In the matter of the Estate of Will- iam Henry Guy, late of the Town- ship of Osprey, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 51 of the Trustee Act (R. Smithy, all of Toronto, were week end daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald g q ipoj. Chapter 150) that ail viistors at Mr. John McDonald's. j McLeod of Ceylon, underwent an op- creditors and others havinir claims or Mrs. Honer and son returned to eration in Jhe ' Toronto Westcrh *helr home at South Porcupine, af- hospital on Friday last and is mak- ter visiting with her mother, Mrs. ing rapid progress. M. Jamieson. j The Advance has been handed ?10 Are you making preparations to from M •. Charles Pedlar, Nepawa. commence the study of Commercial Man., and a •:o'her ten from Mr. C. wo-k at Dundalk Business College, B. Wilson of St. Catharines to ap- during the coming term? The Col- ply to the Old Boys' Re-union ex- lege reopens September .3rd. i penses. These sums have been Mrs. Percy Russell and *hreo handed to Mr. Avery Hawken, Sec- children, Audrey, Shi ley and Gord- rotary. on of Weyburn, Sask., arrived on jhe Hyd-o installed a new and Saturday to visit the former's father, heavier transformer on the CoUing- Mr. \V. J. Henderson. wood street, across from -he Ad- Mrs D. McKillop has returned vance office and power v>'as off for home after spending the past month most of Tuesday morning. There had with relatives at Wallaceburg. Miss been scvernl interruptions recently, the assets of the said deceased Evelyn Chercotte returned with hev with too heavy n load on the old among the parties entitled thereto. for a visit. | transformc •. I having regard only to the claims or The re-union of the Little, Wright The past week Mr. G. B. Welton which he shall then have notice, and and Hutchinson families is to be has improved the appearance of the' that the said administrato • will not held at Flesherton during Old Home Munshaw House by cobble stoning : ^e liable for the said assets or an;- Week and a large family gathering the front of the verandah and part P^'*^ thereof to any person or per- is expected. , of the pillars. Mr. Jas. Stewart I '""^ "^ ^^*»°s^ <^'»""^ "°*"^e shall We are informed bv the snores com- has also re-decorated the interior of , "«' ^^^'^ ^e*" uT^^k J ^'"^ ""^ 2L^':C'''r^rX^t:::i.{r:ixX his .^ocery store^ There has been the t- o^ such d^tr^ut^on^ be present to 'ake part in the named a regular orgy of painting of bmld- Newmarket Ont horse race. It is expected that Sam- i"" and the village has already a' ^-.i-it,,- V^l the said administrator uel C. Jimmy A.. Verna Patchen. Bii: different appearance for the home- ^^]'^'T'l^^\.^V^^^ K.. Dempsy and Peggy B. will ^tart, coming of it, sons and daughters. | ^^'^^^ *»>« Eighteenth day of July, and of course any green horses will »>«, %%%%%% a »• allowea to start. y ^ The Osprey and Artemesia Co-op- ; j - -^ _ _ « erative Co.. Ltd., has appointed Mr. \ Im f|ll«a |lA Jkn « Harold Spofford aa manager of their ; ; *** X^%I* IVaPII O store which has be«n opened in the . . ^â- ^^"â- ^ ' Wright block ia Flesherton. Mr. ; ; Spofford is live stock shipper for the < > Company and will assume his n«w|] [ duties along with the old. j< | Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson of ' ; the O.D.R., Artemesia, left on Hon- 1 . ^ day evcaing for Brandon, Man. They vn trmvelling by boat and will en-|. > joy the cnrise to the head of the ' | lakes. I;: Mr. Wes. Duncan of Spakane, ' ; ; Washington, was one of the first to . . arrfte for Old Home Wc?k. Wes ; ; left here over 25 y^Ts ngo. Uncla | j Sam's dominion appears to have ? trerted him wc'.l in every respect, \ excepting 'hat it did not treat him to * a w r». Of csurse there is yet tinje. »»»»»»♦»»»»»»»»»»♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»♦»»'>»»♦ »»>»»»»»»»•>»»>» Received Sad News of Brother's Death This (Wednesday) morning Mr. i.j. Pedlar of towm received a telegram ' ^ announcing the death of his only,«> brother, Jos. Pedlar, at his home at^X Loup City. Nebraska. The late Mr.|«j; Pedlar has been in failins health for'.». some months, but his death was not v expected so soon. Mr. John Pedlar .j, is leaving this afternoon for Loup <* Ci'y to attend the funeral of his'?, brother. 1 1». !^: SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S SALARIES S i'? [ •*♦ j^ccording to an amendment to the ,.♦. school law this year every school in-!v spector appointed after May 1st. V3- /. 26 and before May 1st 1929. shall be % paid for the first year's service at .-. the rate of S;)000 per annum, and for '^^ each subsequent year's service at .♦. the rate of $200 additional in each *;* year, until his salary amounts to •:• S3600 a year and the first day of '^, November of the year following that <• in which the inspector receives his 'Sj, appointment. j X Dr. J. G. Russell Will Be At Armstrong's Jewellery Store Old Home Week AUG. 5 to 10 - Inclusive into the newspaper business at all. ' ^"d see where he lights. â€" Ma53en» There is not an editor or preacher , Observer. that could tell the whole truth for days and stay in the community in Mrs. E. Hunter and daughter, Dor- which he lived. If our friend "thy, and Miss Irene Stewart, of To- doubts this statement, let him try ronto, are the guests of the latter'* telling the truth for just one week parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. c«<~X"XK~>-XKK~KK~>«:-x~:-:~M~;~:-><~:-x-x->->«K-XK->->«><-K~ t i^ .y a The Following Goods Will Be Required Now SCREEN DOORS ': SCREEN WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE -- 1 i CIVIC HOLID.VY I I hereby declare that Monday. Aug- ust Sth as Civic Holiday for the vil lage of Flesherton as instructed 'oy motion of the village council. â€" T. W. FINDL.\y, Reeve. Wetu* Department Fine Stra-w Hats, special at $1.50 Men's Caps, np to date at tl^JS & $1.50 Peabody Overhauls, heavy black, blue $2.25 • Ounbray Shirts for ; 95cts. Fncy Check Shirts from $1.25 to $1SS A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 pjn. HOW TO RIN A NEWSPAPER <• Men wil take the liberty to tell .|. you how to run a paper, when they '^ would not think of hinting to the v me -chant how to conduct a store or .j tell the preacher what to preach, 'i; They pay money for schools and .*. don's knov.- whether Jimmy is learn- 'j* ing the rule of three or how to hold ^. a cigarette gracefully, bu^-when it Jt* comes to the newspaper there's j«^ where 'hey all get off. During the past week HOES, RAKES "^ SCYTHES, FORKS paris green climax bug killer :enoleum fly skoot wire fence STAPLES CEMENT, LIME PLASTER F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton, Ont. ^ ^ „.^ ^_... a friend . wanted to know why we did not try j '^ to run the paper along the lines j "j* Christ would run a paper. We don't .% know how that would be. In the ; 1 first place if Christ were back on^ earth we don't believe He would run •♦♦♦♦XX~><->«^>'X^~X«'>-X«4<-W'*-><-><">*>*><">*>*>-><~>*>'>'>^^>*>*>*>***>*>^'^ A Cordial Wekome \% Extended to All Old Flesherton Friends F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO VSk

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