V Do srou take pleasure In Hottseinrork " T NOW go (bout my Aatily work with pleasure," tayi Mn. Scott of Guclph. In •pile of tiring domotic taskj and family carea, that i* tfa* way every woman ihouid ftcL But how many <lo? Thoujandi of women all over the world have regained •trenjth and nervoiu energy by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and write to tell lu so. Mr«. Scott ia one of thete. "I wa* very much run-down, nervoua, tired. I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and am as well as ever again. Now I go about my work with pleas- ure ; in fact, feel 10 yean younger." Boy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill] at all druggists and (italers in medicine or, post- paid, by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Oittario. t-l* Beauty and the Sun dulge in feats of strength and pbisl-? cat culture. 'I Siople^Ilfers in Paris practlrejheir^ faith on an "rslantT of'Slein" sit 'tbe* Seine at Vlllenes. The Man Behind }jU-,',fl f',ii..rfh has iutiniateJ t.lat ihe ! balar<.e of pcwer Is in bis baoiis and (Special Correspondent) The eyes of Britain are on tbe'sun. The sfi-pt of lir^reeewing vigor,' Every weeli end U Is (!ot:ed w'th a Uiat It wiil be used to the aiivantage health and happlne-,8 In ouL ! '°'"'*''t *'t small tents from wtiloh men of the people aa a whole. Premier Ba'hern bare ineir bacits, and ten- nis players bare their legs. .Man, woman, and rhild reyel, unasbained, half-nurJe unrter .N'a'ure'a life-lamp. The false modesty romplez Ut gone for ever. Last week, at the London stores, women and glris flocked to buy the latest bathing liresses that leave the bacli almost naked to the waist, so that the wearer can onjoy to the lull i and women, wearing bathing cos- Ramsay MacDonald may take ibis tumeg and shbrti". emerge 'o He for either as a threat or a proml.se. but hours in the revivir.g suniight. j we surmise that be has little to fear The Spreading Revolt \eo long as be carries out the nnem- Two brot'ers. Gastnij and .\nrlre ployment program oitlined by the Durrille. who are the leaders of the Libe.-al party and unalloyed by the movement, declare that they are on opinions of the Fahian Society. .Na- the right road to promoting a new turally Mr. Lloyd George would like gospel of health and happiness. to see the thunder Premier MacDon- .Nude bathing parties have recent- aid stole from him put into effect, ly been held at a villa near Cannes. xs long as he goes straight Premier the benefit of the sun's rays. They were bought in no spirit of bravado. They were not boush: to shock, to allure, or to tempt the vul- gar gaze. They were boag'-t to near for the coveted sun bath that is al- ready the rage at home and abroad. Any weekend you may see tfce sun- worshippersâ€" bare-. egged men and women, witii Irocks ami shirts wide open at the throat, trair.piug the broad higLttny. or )ather.s In iiie «cant;est of costumes b-iskiii^.- in the gleaming sunsl;!ne on the sands. Going Back to Nature i which has its own luxurious bathing MacDonald ! pool. Bathers of both cipated. and It is stated that several in Lon- can probably count on ^ sexes parti- Lioyd George's support, provided he : Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economicaL A half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c. «« ^ROSE is good tea* RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good makes certain changes in the Fran- 1 chise Act which should give Lloyd i Eugliab people, well-knowi don society, took part. (j^orge twice as many followers as be m the United States sunbathing ^^^^ ^^„ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^j^ has been cultivated for many years but latterly the nude state ha.s been considerably championed. Young e^r'.i. particularly, have e.thibited tbe greatest enthusiasm, and nude sun- bathing parties have oeen many and successful. And so the revo!: against clothes Continues to spread tiiroughout the world. Perhaps Britain will soon be Mrs. Gnindy may gasp her dismay. '•"! the way to regaining its po!=!tion but tiie fact remains that Britain, to ' a» the healtSiest nation under the keep Mt. is going bacK to nature, sun.â€" .Montreal Standard. Sun-bathing has come to stay. ; <f A little while ago a great sensation ^-nim /i'i.t nnrv triii t was caused on the Susses downs byRtCil lillLl/lirj.l JftLL DlRI\0 HOT WE ITBER make the balance of power twice as puissant as it is to-day. But Premier MacDonald must not forget that there lis a .Man Behind and that little David : with his stone the great Goliath slew. I No doubt .Mr. Lloyd George still has hopes for the rejuvenescence of the Liberal party. He still has the cam- paign fund in his hands and at the neit election can say to one. ccme. and he cometh, and to another, go, and he goetb. and otherwise act with jfuil authority. I It is thi.« Campaign fund that Win- I ston Churchill deplores when he states in his post mortem on the elec- i tion that Mr. LIcyd George used every : means to sabotage the Conservative • Party. This is only partly true, the Young and Old When all the wcrld ii young, lad. And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad. And every lass a queen: Then hey for boot and horse, lad. And round the world away; Young blood must have its course. And every dog his day. lad. fCR BCJ l>rMllllcEms' PINK PILLS **A HOUSEHOLD NAME \N 54 ecu STRIES Imagination that they believed ia and not shame of it. "We want to Infuse grace and crandeur into an existenc> ihit has become paltry and trivia'.. " ce de- clared. "We accomplish this psychic- ally by ^un-ba'liing and mentaby by psjchoaar-.lysis and posltlv:; thinking. Living Poetically "Our great idea is to di.'icipliue our selves In order that we may live more vigorously and joyously. Tired- ness of limb and wearine3.3 of seal go | together." On one occasion, wh^n both were ambling along in a nude stat"e, they S?S'!ifi',i2S ''â- ''•^ given us all pro- were surprised by a par'y of holiday grestTbu^oS citie?, -B'XiileS IfeS i F'SlitC! o" 'heir way over the iio-.vns worth-while books, composed our j tt* batbe. ' - Bpiendid music, carved living statues, | "They were extremely surprised." giveu birth to modern industry and ' '^W tbe young sun-god, "and they made the desert places cf life to bios- i 'fere also somewhat concerned. But ecm as the rose. This is the essence ] "^ had nothing of which t oe as- cf genius, the basis cf success, the ' bamed. We are simply living poetl- creatcr cf character, the soul of sym- ^ caKy. ' patby, and the chief witness to nature cf infinite beicg. â€" H. K. Mil- ler. two members of a society which be- j lieves that mixed sun and air-bathing j in the nude state is the secret of mental and bodily health. One was a girl of 20, with a body ' E^*''? mother knows how fatal the Conservative party having sabotaged rlci:ly tanned by continual exposure^ ''°' summer months are to small ceil-; itself to some extent by having noth- to sun and wind; her companion, a young man. who eloquently explained dren. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, ing more colorful to put forward than dysentry. colic and stomach troubles to let well enough alone. Is Mr. pride of body, ' ^""^ ""'^^ ^' ''^'^ ''®® ^""^ often a pre-' Churchill snarling or has he dreams clous little life is lost after only a few cf being the Man Behind and switch- hours illness. The mother who deeps ing the Liberal party over to his side? Baby's Own Tablets in the house One way or another, this Mr. Church- feels safe. Tl;e occasional us. of the ill has done a lot of switching in his Tablets prevent stcmacb and bowel day. troublei or it trouble comes suddenly â€" as it generally doesâ€" the Tablets will bring the baby safely fhro-igh They are sold by medicine deilors or by mail at 25 cents a tcx from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockviiie, Ont. ' "^*-- - ^^^, •» Co., Inter-Imperial Trade Quebec Eveaement iCon^.i: Some people think, with Lord Beaverbrook, that free trade between Britain and the British countries across the sea, is tii? most practical solution of this grave problem. Others, with Mr. Chamberiain, believe that the time Is approaching when the application of commercial imperialism, but with guarantees for the daughter nations of England, will be the only efficacious j solution of the ditficulty. In our hum- ' ble opinion, free trade is no more de- ' sirable in the Empire than it wouW be between Canada and the United States. It is clear that our different habits of life render a proposal like this inacceptable to Canadians. It j would put our raw materials at teh | i disposal of British industry, to the detriment of the Canadian industrial- ' ist and worker, and it would not com- pensate this disadvantage by any ade- quate increase ia the importation by England of articles produced in Can- ada. What both Britain and -Canada appear to need is commercial treaty assuring to both a strong commercial preference. Canada already gives ' this, but receives practically nothing i in return. Without doubt. London is - Ottawa Droit (lnd.>: The best plan , our best client for the export of .igri- ! ing a strict rule that costumes should ' would be. incur opinion, to ccmmer- ; cultural products. But in the invis-l the j ••^gain ,3 remarkable stir was creat- ' ed by an advanced educational experi- ment at a private school in Suffolk, where boys and girls ran about nak- ed and sketched from the nude in mixed classes. There were 26 pupils, all the boys being under the age o; 12. while the ' ages of the girl pupils ranged from a few years to 16. j The outhouses of the school had I been converted into studios and a When all the wcrld ia old, lad. And ail the trees are brown; And ail the sport is stale, lad. And all the wheels run down; Creep bo me, and take your place there. The spent and maimed among; God grant you find one face there. You loved when ail was young. â€" Charles Kingsley. ,> Ohio State Journal: "One of the somewhat disillusioned brides of this neigh bcrhcod wonders if Lindy snores." Another assignment for the repcrte.-s.â€" Toledo Blade. Aeroxon I It/dhlhePin X TheHoneyriyGatcher YouJWust J)o Your Bit ia tbe war ^aiast liie fly. carrier «f germs afld breeder of ciseasc. It ta proven that .\EROXOiN i»one o^ tfie most convenient and most efticicnl mcaoa of corabating this fiy ev J. It IS coavenicnt. because of tlie pusik-pm. It IS ^ygtenk fifes never get away wh«*n once cAufhL Each spiral ji»e» Uiree •reeki' perfci^t serticcw BEWARE OF IMlTATlOnS Said At Jruf. fnc*ry <n J ^Mr«tfu«r« l/orca La Ce C 0. Gcaest & Fila, bmitet Classified Advertisements But CHicas Ti ABY CHICKS JL'L.T a;;D AL'Ot-ST, Rocka !2c. Brown Leghcrrs ani Anoonas He White Leghorns luo. aa- s rted chlchs 8c. Express ca-d on SOD or over; free catalocje. \. H Sw! tzer. Grar-.'n i^n'.i-'-j <» Thank Goodness Detroit News: T'-;- :r;e cynic say* he felt instantly reilevec :n;s ir.om- iug, when reading over the propcs;-d pew tariff bill in full detiii, to find unmanufactured lava on the :iee list. My poor friend Gecr.ee has lost th« lie-pin his wife gave him for a birth- day present. He could not keep u) the insralmtnts. She. How do you 1929 bathing suit? He: Wait a minute, it yet. like my new I haven't seen Flashing Eyes Lauj^hing Eyes Downcast Eyes E>e> teU Vjui Character Brown »ye! for strength-^Biue for generosityâ€" Gray ayes tor jealousyâ€" Sparkling: jyes n- djcare beauty, yes, lad ^ood health. :oo ! Do /our jyes iparide? Are the *h::es ilear 01 ire they tiiii^ed .«th yellow â€"indicating an aiit-orsorts contiicicn â€" due ;o constipa- tion? If so. you need teU Jw Jtory. Pro<<»<» •:> SfM if^mi nandei Vem uit Eye: m SdUt igmn: Hanild F. Ritciiu H Cs- Limifini. Toronto gymnasium. Near by was a pool of j I I water where, in the summer months i I the boys and girls batbed, there be- 1 Radio BUtrlbntor for Ontario NEWTON A. HILL â- jc Front St. E^ Toronto I not be worn. Modern Adams and Eves We educate our children on psy- : chological lines," said Mayor T. J. cialize radio .which has become a pub- ible exchanges, mone.v, for example, | licity medium of very great value, al- Canada annually dispatches to Kag- though that of the press still surpass- land hundreds of millions of dollars in ' es it by many lengths. In this re- j dividends. j Faithful, the head of the school. "We spect the American practice seems to •:• teach them to Ignore the differences recommend itself. Certain Interests,, Minard's Liniment for Earache. of se.\. and so tar as harm resulting companies, businesses of all sorts, are , ♦ from tbe art classes I claim that Isold an hour a week, and the pur-| HopeS Hast thou o'er tbe clear heaven of i I thy soul When ffour Children Ciy for It Baby h,is little upsets at times. .\tl your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do â€" wh.Tt most physicians would tell you to doâ€" give a few drops of plain Castori.i. No sooner done than Baby Is soothed: relief is just a mat- ter of moments. Vet you have eased your child without use of a single doubtful drug; Castorla Is Tcgetable. So it's sate to use as of- ten as an Infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. .\nd it's al- ways ready for the crueler pangs of , colic, or constipation, or diarrhea; ' effective, too, for older children. ; Twenty-five million bottles were, bought last year. ., , . - '. •jc'"'^ i CAS TOR I A Unnecessary there are positive advantages. ] chasers are responsible for the or- "Life," he said, "is a natural thing, ganization of their musical programs, and nudity is only shameful because reserving here and there a few sec- we have made it so. Unhealthiness onds for their own publicity. This comes from separating the sexes." method, besides allowing us to reduce Germany, once a land of restricted ' to a minimum the price of licenses, womanhood and iron morals, has to- . will make radio stations paying pro- day over 3.000.000 disciples of the positions. We shall thus be enabled Sweden too, have joined in the move- to resist the principle of State owuer- nient. ' ship .which there has been some at- The German snn-worshippers claim tempt to import here from Canada la Lord Monboddo as their pioneer. He the matter of radio. i shocked the German housewives by s •> bathing naked in public brooks and! sunbathing in the mud with nothing' but a coating of olive-oil on his body. ' .\nd that was in 1795! The army of modern .-Xdams and Eves in Germany is popularly known as the "Children of the Sun." Mem- bers are pledged "on suitable occa- 1 sious and in suitable localities'" to ' preach and practice clothelessness. , Only recently, with the sanction' of the German ilome Office and the approval of the Ministry of Health, branches of the movement rented j waste tracts of lake and riverside land throughout the Patterland. , Here they have built special en- closures where members may dis-; card their clothing and expose their bodies to the sun free from prying eyes. An "Island of Eden" i Body cuUure in GerTnany is evolv- 1 ing a race of super men and super- ^ women. \ Every week-end the country roads tor miles around the main cities are thronge<l by young men and women clad only in the scantiest attlr« ad out to i-evel in tbe sunshine and la- Seen tempest roll? Hast thou watched all the hopes thou would'st have won Fade one by one? Wait til the clouds are past, then raise thine eyes To bluer skies. â€" Adelaide A. Proctor. The up-and-coming young man is likely to succeed, unless he is up at four and jwst coming home. FERTILIZERS FOR FALL WHEAT Ckrvfully ronipounded to promote proi>«r growth. Fill «ml Spring. Everv Wriot ami less c«rlot buyer ehouM have our p.-ii-es. Write Now Auriiti, WantoL ?«lnlmutu car Ii Ion*. No reasoD to cvniplaln ol high pi lc«8 i jrctt kuy from uil Writ* today. FENTILIZCM AND PEEO« LIMITED â- »!«», MM BaB«a« M. W«M. Toroat* •. fMkS- la The barrister had returned home after an important case in which he had been defending a man charged with murder. "What was the verdict?" asked his wife, rushing into the hall and throw- ing her arms round her husband's neck. ! "He was acquitted," beamed the bar- rister. "Wonderful! How did you mange that? On what grounds?" "Insanity." was the reply. "I proved that his father had spent live years in a lunatic asylum." "But he hadn't, had he?" "Oh, yes. he badl " said the rising young barrister. "He was a doctor there, but I saw no reason to bring that out." « Measure Pleasure is one of those commodt- ! ties which are sold at a thousand' shops .and boug'bt by a thousand cus- 'â- tomers. but of whilh nobody ever fairly finds possession; either they! know not well bow to use. or the I commodity will not keep, for no on«)' has evtr yet appeared to be satisfied' with his bargain; it is too subtle for transition, though sufliciently solid for sale. â€" W. G. Simms. j A. . L U XO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber â€" He Knows College Girl TeHs How She Cleared j Skin, Gains 12 lbs. "1 am a student at Columbia I':: - versity." writes Miss .-Vrden AmSrcc- kian. "and I am writing to inform ycti of the benefits derived from Ironized \ Yeast, it helped do away with some unsightly pimples ttat were so hard to get rid of. Before t.iking Ironized Yeast my weight was 103 ibs. Now i weigh 115 lbs. My face and neck are rounding out. my digestion is bet- ter. 1 eat and sleep well and my 'health is excellent." i Letter after letter tells this same i I wonderful story. Five to 15 pounds I gained in a few weeks. Bony limbs i rounded. Blemished skin cleared. I Only when Y'east is Ironized is it more effective â€" for Iron is needed , to bring out tte weight-building i and strengthening values of Yeast. Get these pleasant tasting tablets to- day. .Never cause gas or bloating. Safe â€" no harmful drugs. Go to any drug store to-day and get a full size treatment cf Irotiized Yeast. If after this generous trial you are not deligbted. get your money back from druggist or manufacturer. If inconvenient to buy from druggist, send $1.25 to Canadian Ironized Yeast Co., Ltd.. Fcrt Erie. Ont. Desk 4:5-BT. \ Clitic* lira Soap rt'!*tore!* ihe normal a^'lion of the pore* bv iu Hoadfrl'ullv cffei'live yl.'.in*iTi«y anil purilViiui qualities. Soap 'XTi*i, «>iuti:ieut •J.>c. and 50<. Dandruff Minard's into your scalp .:ues a weeii. Prevents HSIULlklsM BimiSTg^lM I â- a.^-" i < 1 1 SJ^ 1 v« ^?^ ^^^^^^ 1 - ^''^^^^S^'-'^ 'msk â- ^^^^m rpPHIlUPSs] <" # "* ForTrotiblM due to .^c id tN0lOtS"0»« MEAD»CM« <j;kS«S MAUSt*^ When Pain Comes What many people call indigestion tasteless alkali in water will neutral- very often means excess acid In the| lie instantly many times as much stomach. Tbe stomach nerves have acid, and tbe symptoms disappear at MadneM There ar« two kinds of madness. On« produced by human InBrmlty, th« other by a dlvia« r«l«a«« frona th« ordinary ways of men.â€" Plato. been over-stimulated, and food sours. Tbe corrective Is an alkali wticb â- eutra izes acids instantly. .\nd tbe ' best alkali known to medical science is Phillips' Milk o( Magnesia. It has reniained the standard with physt- I class in th« ii years sIbc« Its Isvtn- ♦ I tlOB. l|l|Mf#f LlnliMMt Mr Mhlac J*intft 9m f»MBf<U •! tUs ^ g fl MS . once. Yo"i will never use crude methods when once you learn tlie efficiency of this. Go get m small bottle to try. B« sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk ot Magsesla prescribed by physi- cians for M years in correcting excess acids. Bach hottl* contains fwtl dtrec- - tlMtâ€" «9j[ 4Ncst«l«> i Was In Beet All Sumiiief "I have to wcrk • â- â- .â- ~-.ore a:-.J do my O'vn h.;ii5^A^ '<. .co. and 1 got ncr\-o'is ;r^i run-Uown anJ was in bed nearly all summer. The least ncise would make nee nervous. I was toU to take LyJi.^ E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compo-and and I have taken seven bottles. It has made me snong- er and put more color into ray lace. I am look.n^ aitcr my store and housework arid mv tour children and I am gening alot\g nicely now." â€" Mrj. f. .\lai;n, R. R. .Vo. % Banon St. East, HuTTiiiKm. t.>ifiir». CanodiL .ydia E. Pinktiam's Veptatile Conpound ISSUE No. 30â€" 29