THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 192? :/' i i I i i i I I When Your Money | Travels By Mail Send your remittances by Bank of Commerce Money Orders. They are conveiient, effecient, and econmicat. The mone is fully insured against loss or theft in transit. It can reach only the person to whom it b addressed. Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and. are acceptable anywhere in Canada. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (ufifh which is amalgamckttd >| THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl Toronto Boy Killed h Car Accideot on Road Near Maxwell wm. A. Glockling, aged 18 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Glock- ling, 1678 Kingston Jload, Toronto, was instantly killed when he was thrown through the top of a car, owned and driven by W. H. Thurs- ton, editor of The Advance. The accident occurred on the CoUingwooit to Flesherton road, three and a half miles east of Maxwell. Mrs. W. H. Thurston received a broken collar bone, scalp and aiin wounds and was very badly shaken up. Oth- ers in the car were Mrs. F. J. Thurs- ton, who received head and shoulder injuries, F. J. Thixraton, Jim and rnceville Garage '" Entered By Thieves I? I CPJC fOLB TABLB Trains leave HesbertOB Station u follows: Going Soatlt \ Going North 8.08 a.m. ' ' . 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. ' 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. Th« mails close at Flesherton as fellows: For the north's? 11.00 a.m. south at 3.^ For rifoniiiig train â- outh mail closes at 9.0<) p.m. 'the yrevloaa evening. Local and Personal Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland were in Toronto and Woodbridge during the past v/eek. The W. M. S. will meet in St. John's United Church on Friday of this week at 3 p.m. Miss Gladys Finder of Toronto Is spending a few holidays at her home bere. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound were in town on Monday. Mrs. E. White of Toronto is visit ing her sister, Mrs. D. McTavish. Mrs. (Dr.) Coleridge, Kingsville visited with her mother, Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish this week. Rev. and Mrs. Saunders and family left for their new home at Maxville on Friday last. Mr. John C. McMillan of Ceylon bas purchased the cobblestone house owned by W. A. Armstrong & Son, on Durham street. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shaw were visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston, on Friday. In the promotion exams last week for S. S. No. 6, Osprey, Jean McKen- zie was given as recommended. This should have read that she passed Misses Maud, Bert and Hazel Ell- ison and Miss Fleda Gordon of To- ronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. The soldiers reurned from camp at Huntsville on Saturday, looking bronzed and in good health. The boys report an excellent time . Mr. and Mrs. C. White of Waub aushene motored over and visited the latter's father, Mr. W. J. Hend- erson. Mr. Jim Stewart and Mrs. George Stewart were in Georgetown over the week end and were accompanied home by Mrs. Wm. Stewart and Mr, W. J. Ross. About 170 extra lights have been Change Church Circuit A meeting of the officials of the United Churches at Eugenia, Ceylon and Flesherton was held in the Un ited Church, Flesherton, on Monday evening. Rev. Mclnnls of Owen Sound presided over the meeting for the purpose of changing the circuits in this district. Mr. Mclnnis point- ed out that it was desirable from the view of the Presbytery to join Eu- genia, which is at present with Flesh- erton, with the Maxwell circuit and would make it self-sustaining. Cey- ion has been on the Inistioge, Proton circuit and if the change went into effect Hopeville would be added to that circuit. More discussion will have to take place with regard to the change and the church officers were to secure the feeling of the congre- gation-3, as to the advisability of the change. Another meeting of the of- ficers will shortly he held. In the early hours of Tuesday morn * ing thieves entered the Priceville'^ Garage, owned by Bert Assem, and I ♦ got away with about $70.00 worth ol,^ automobile accessories. The thieves entered a window and secured all tires, bulbs, tubes and spark plugs they could lay their hands on. Prii'^incial Constables Denton of Owen Sound and McClevis of Han- over were notified and up to the time of going to press, have not been captured. Sleigh Dog Killed I I r i During the past two Santa Glaus days before Christmas, Master Stan- ley Magee of Eugenia, raced a team of dogs, which he trained himself and was successful in winninsr prizes with | them. But one day la.-t week one of the dogs was run over on the road' by a car and instantlj- killed. Stan- 1 ley will certainly miss his pet, as hel .=pent many happy hours with his; team of dogs. â€" what more could one desire to become strong than Finder's Purity Bread. â€" If you have not tried it, why delay? You'll thank us for insisting that you order this favorite bread from our driver to-day. Finder's Bakery 11 Tickets for $1.00 PHONE 8 MAIN STREETS IMPROVED ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Rob. Thompson of Toornto is visiting with relatives here. Dr. Bryce's office will be closed the remainder of the week, and will re-open on Thursday of next week. Miss Georgina McDonald went to Owen Sound on Sunday to spend a week with her friend, Mis Eleanor Jamieson. Mr. W. J. Blakeston, teacher at Stratford, visited friends over the week end. Mr. Blakeston was ac- companied by Mrs. Blakeston and two daughters, Leila and Marjory. Both the latter are teachers. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Leffler of Fort Scott, Kas., were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. They left Monday morning, accom- panied by Mrs. Arstrong for a trip to Quebec city, and expect to return home the end of the week. The band concert of the Salvation Army band from Owen Sound on Wednesday evening last brought out a larger crowd to town than that of two weeks previous. Many words of praise for the excellent music of the band were heard on all sides. Their next visit will again be looked forward to. Mr. F. Ross of Redvers, Sask., wife and four childxen, motored down last week and are visiting friends in this country. Mr. Ross learned the blacksmithing trade with J. A. Heard here about forty years ago and has prospered in the west. It is 29 years since he visited his home country. Mrs. W. L. Wright has exchanged strung across the street in the bus-| a farm in Armaranth for a double iness section of Dundalk for use onj bouse and 60-foot frontage at Wind- Saturday nights and other special! sor, in a good section of that city occasions | ^^^ within a block of the river. Her Miss D. Thurston has returned' household goods were taken to the home after a very enjoyable motor! Border city by truck on Saturday, to Montreal and Quebec with' »nd Mi^ Wright followed on Tues- trip gjjj day. She still possesses the corner 1 block in town here ker brothel- A. S. Thurston family of Thornbury. Mr. John Scott of Toronto is vis iting with Mr. and Mrs! Jas.Robert Td Mr"^ jX Â¥crT^an5\n;s Watson of Flesherton and other rela WILLIAM A. GLOCKLIXG Who Was Killed in The Accident Earle Thurston and Miss Winneta Shaw of Lions Head, v^'ho received minor injuries and a shaking up. Mr. W. H. Thurston received bruises to his chest, when the steering wheel was smashed by the impact, and also a bad shaking up. The above accident was a sequal of another incident which occurred a short time before when a car own- ed by Mr. Ernest Morrison of Os- prey township broke down as it was travelling along the road, the rear housing being broken allowing it to rest on the road and the ear could not be moved. There, were in it at the time Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mor- rison, Mrs. Sam Shortt, Lois, Nellie and Dora Shortt. The car did not have any tail light and was standing about midway on the travelled part of the highway. The Thurston car was travelling west and the driver was unable to see the Morrison car until he was almost up- on it, and swerved the car to the left in order to avoid striking the other car, but too late, as the hub cap of the car was torn off and the car swerved into the right hand ditch and upset. Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Kttle son, Earle, were thrown clear of the de- scending top of the car, but the vict- im of the accident, Wm. Glockling, did not clear, and was pinned down, the car resting on his head and fracturing his skull terribly. A hurried call was sent to Dr. R. L. Gauld of Maxwell and he was on the scene of the accident in a very few moments, but life was extinct when he arrived. The deceased had been on his va- cation from the Toronto Daily Star, where he was employed in the lib' rary department and was visiting his friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. The party had been on a picnic to Wasaga Beach and were on their way home when the accident occur red, about 9.45 at night. All the injured were taken to the home of Messrs John Radley and Ed. Pedlar, close by, where medical attention was given, and were then removed to their homes in Flesher ton. Billy was a very likeable chap. M--. and Mrs. Robt. J. Ross, and son manly, and, in the opinion of F. L. Melvin of Wharnclif^e, Ont., are vis- Tate, business manager, a "thorough- ' ''ing the former's sister, Mrs. J. H. ly loyal, earnest, hard working chap." He joined the Star in Dec- tives and friends, also renewing boy- ember 192C and in his work was very- hood scenes and acquaintances. They i capable and efficient, and he was turing on Sunday. ^ are acoomranied by their daughter, highly regarded by all with whom he Mrs. Robt. Watt of Saskat''''^^*"" j^^^j j,pj. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Keith; came in contact. He was born in Toronto and at- tended Fern Avenuie public ^hool until the family removed to Windsor, where he studied at Windsor and Edith Scott accompanied him up, re- Mrs. Wm. Nixon of Amulet, Sask., p^pbes. of Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont., are on a month's visit with their sis- ^^.j^^ were recently married and are on ter, Mrs. R. Bentham here, and 'ajne' their honeymoon trip to Toronto, Ni- Mr. Elijah Paul, at Eugenia. They ^^^^^ p^jj^ ^^^ ^^.^^^^ points. In Our Men's will return west after the Old Home ^ •Week. I ' ^''' ' ^ ~ ~^ '"" II H. Burgess, formerly public »»♦♦♦»»»< 00>»»»»»»«»»» t »»»»»»»»»»»»»*»*«»*»»»*»»*»»»O school inspector for West Grey died at his home in Owen Sound on Sun- day. Deceased had been engaged m the teaching profession for 51 years and for the past 27 years was public sshool inspector. The village is installing a new light in the centre of the street on «he main corner. The business section has been inadequately light- ed, and a few more lamps, strateg- fcally situated, would make the ap- pearance of the street at night more attractive. Mrs. \T. G. TeUeil with her sons. Fretlc'-ick aad BuH, motored from To- rento o« Wsdnesday, aftar spending i* several days visiting Iherc. They ^ ^ had also accoaipanJca Miss Barbara V KodKSon to her home ic iJIngton. afr- i tor a wec'i's visit witK '.bom at Sir.iX Will. Trimble'.'*, wh-re they ore »pemi-| A 1'>S tho %uramcr Tarvia is being spread to-day on the connecting link on the provincial highway through town, and in a few days there should be a first class road. Calcium chloride wns spread on the county connecting link Tues- day afternoon to keep the dust down. Walkerville technical school. Upon his return to Tornto he entsred Cent-j 1 ral technical school, where he made a brilliant record before leaving to join the staff of The Star. He won several scholarships, among them ?25 prize for general proficiency. He was very much interested in chemistry and had a well equipped laboratory at his home, where he spent much of his time. He also made a hobby of stamp collecting. He was a member of the Bible class of St. -Anne's Anglican church and of Fern Avenue Old Boys' As- sociation. He formerly attended St. Nicholas' church. For the past two years Billy spent his holidays in Flesherton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. The remains were taken to Toronto on Friday morning train. .A. c-hort service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston, conducted by Rev. Scott, pastor of St. John's United Church, and attended by quite a num- ber of sympathizing friends. Last respects were paid to the de- ceased at the funeral which took place from his late home on Satur- day afternoon. The simple service was conducted by Rev. A. Fordyce Barr, chief librarian of The Star, in whose department deceased had been employed. The casket was covered by a bow- er of beautiful floral offerings, am- ,p ong which was a pillow from ♦ the parents and wreaths from the ^ President and staff, and three de- -^ partments of The Daily Star, the ** Fern Ave. School Old Boys' Assoc.,! and many other friends, testifying to the high regard in which the § young man was held. . ♦ Interment took place in the family A plot in Prospect cemetery. The de- Y ceased leaves hi-s parents, four ^. brothers, Walter, Harvey, Robert and X John and two sisters. Marguerite and •> Betty. Those from Flesherton who ^ attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Mr. R. G. Holland. Dr. F. T. Bibby, coroner, was call- ed, but upon examination of the ac- cident, decided an inquest was not ^^ necessary but on Monday word was .^. received from the Crown Attorney at Owen Sovmd that an inquest was ordered. This will be held at Max- Dr. J. G. Russell Will Be At Armstrong's Jewellery Store Old Home Week AUG. 5 to 10 - Inclusive â- â€" -. *^ The Following Goods Will Be Required Now SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE ^..^ ^ih t HOES. RAKES ' SCYTHES, FORKS »''-â- â- **-« -Ai^ â- •••jj PARIS GREEN CLIMAX BUG KILLER ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT WIRE FENCE ~^^f STAPLES CEMENT. LIME PL-\STER ,jdi:. F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton, Ont. well on Wednesday afternoon or <• •> next week. July 24th, at 2 o'clock. ; •->*<~X~:->'><~>«>'>^%X^<~:«<~:->«><'<">'><">***><*<~>->^ X! Wear Department Fine Stra-w Hats, special at $1.5Q Men's Caps, up to date at ^1.35 A $1.50 Peabocly'.Overhai»ls. heavy black, blue $2.25 Cambray Skirts for '..-* ^5cts. Fncv ChtcktSWirts from $1.25 to $165 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Storo Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. I Fugi Silk Special 59c. 29 inches wide, good weight, even close weave â€" full range of popular shades, including orchid, rose, jade, sunset, corn sand, red emerald, beige and blue. SPECIAL 59 cts. YARD HOLERROOF SILK HOSIERY Al sizes in the new season's colors Prices $1. $1.25. $1.50. $l.f5 a pair Ladies' Rayon Lingerie Dainty, practical and ung>:pensive. Full choice of wanted colors, orchid, bird, yellow, rose, coral,' flesh, sunsetâ€" :a good reliable wearing quaHty. love- «\iUored Vests .". 79c. Bobettes $1.00 Bloomers $1.00 Sh^fHow Praof Slips $1.95 NigWt CV)^ $179 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO >jTMmttilTr''TW»T'HfP°'^^''»'°°^f-'''*^^ â- X ': m alM