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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I . « * 4 « « i e WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. 198 â- d^tK^ Let Us Prrtect Your Good Will When dealing with purchasers of uncertain financial rating at home or abroad the Bank of Commerce can be of signal service in approaching the new or untried customer for collect- ion. The Bank is in a position to protect your interests without eom- prcmising the good-will of the cust- omer. Enlist the services of the Bank of Commerce to safeguard ycur property by conducting diplo- matic negotiations with customers whose standing is unknown. THE CANADIAN BANK , OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA | Mrs. W. G. Pickle DitsSidileiijiiWest NfldredCaswtUDies After Leisthj lilt '♦• M >» OPJL TDIB TABLB Traiu laava FteahartOB Station â- â-  fallows: Gong Seutk Gctag North (.08 a.m. 11^2 turn. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 5.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The maila elaao at Fleaheiton aa fellows: For Um north at iXM a.m. Moth A 8.3d For ttfomiiig train â- onth mail eloaea at 9.00 pjn. Iho frariooa CTcning. Presentation To Pastor S"' Rev. Jc-3. narrower preached his farewell sermon in St John's United church on Sunday morning, the con- gregation filling the church well. At 'he close of the service a large -.umber of the members of the church convened in the Sunday school room and presented Mr. Harrower with a Durse of money as a token of the high esteem in which he was held. Mr. T. R. McKenzie gave the addre-3 nad the purse was presen'^ed by Dr.' Local and Personal j E. C. Murray. i address stated In 1869 sh» was happily married to the late W. G. Pickell.who prede- ceased her November S home was on the old where their family of six sons and two daughters were born. In 1888 she and her husband retired to Mark- Mr. McKenzie in his dale, where they built what was to Miss Mildred Evelyn CaSweU.jX youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.' * Caswell, of the Toronto Line, pas-lt scd to her reward on Friday after- Y noon last, after a long period of suf- ♦ fering. Her sister. Miss Florence, X a trained nurse, assisted by another * sister, Elsie, waited upon her daring % the five months of her Ulness. min-* isteri^.g to her with loving care, all !^ the time aware that her recovery ♦ from that alwayj fatal disease, a streptococci was not to be. Miss ♦ Mildred was a very popular young % lady, full of joy of living, a partici- * pant in all womanly sports, in church % work and a favorite with all who * knew her. She was bom 26 yeirs * ago a* the home where she died. She ^ was converted under the minijtrv of Rev. W. R. Clements in 1925, and was a membe- of the Cni'ed Church. Her death, although looked for. was still sorrowful shock to her parents and many friend--. The family have the keenes' svmnthy of iH ^ho knew Mildred, in the "ery c^eat bss ihev have suffered in her departure. OwinT to circumstances the fnn.'ral had t« be held on Sunday, .ind wis Drobably the largest ever held to Flesherton cemetery ronsl^ttn? of a a mile and a half ' m?. The Hier was a mass nf beautiful flowers contributed by many friends. The service, at her X request, wa' conducted by her form- y 1914. Their j^"" pastor. Rev. Clement?, of Cooks- *"' Pickell farm j town. Besides her grief -stricken parents. Mildred leaves five sisters .tnd one brother. Mrs. Marearet Wiltsie. S'. Thoma?: Mrs. L. G. Wells. Dresden:. Mr?. V". Snider.. Kitchener; Mrs. .A. Moliter. Earlton: Miss Florcnci^. trained nur<=e. N'ew- arfc. N. J.: Miss Elsie. Thorriloe. Ont. ; and Nat of Owsn Sound, all of whom were rircser.t. The nail bear- It is our sad duty this week to re- port the passing of a former resident jof Flesherton and Markdale in the ; person of Mrs. Elizabeth .\. Wright I Pickell, who was bom in 1843, in j Lanark county town of Lanark, the i seventh child of the laU G. S. Wright ; and Mrs. Wright of Dublin, Ireland. } When seven years old the family I moved west to the county of Grey. j In thi-j primitive home near to nat- * ure's heart the little girl grew up j loving the wild flowers, birds and the , stately trees of the forest the crys- I tal springs and the sparkling wat- 1 erfalls. In her compositions of I poetry and prose written at differ- ent time 3 in her private life and pap- 1 ers. Many references are made to I the dear old forest home. .A.t the age of sixteen she was converted un- der the minstry of Rev. Arthur I Brown, joined the Methodist church I and remained a life-long members. j When sixteen years and six months I old she lef ' the old Sprin? Hill school in .Artemtoia to teach school. She and studied aqairing a first I Class eertifica'e. Her teaching years were chiefly snent in the nei- ghborhood of Eueenia. That she won the hearts of her pupils is evi- „ dence by letters of later years from | cortege nea-ly many of them in distant parts of Canada and the United States. ^T-* N The Followiner Required Now SCREEN DOORS "5 SCREEN WINDOWS ' SCREEN WIRE ^•. HOES. R.\KES SCYTHES. FORKS t 1 Q irTT^ that it was hard ;o be their home in old age. In it 18 e.xpress the appreciation of the con- happy years were spent. Then the I pregat'bn adequately for the help ' sudden passing: of her husband and Mr. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toronto Si^'^en in the five years of his pas^o^-!the death of her dea- son. Charles, "Visited his mother over the holiday. I ^^^ '" Flesherton, but he felt that who remained at home with them, the Mr Alex Piihpr f T t • ".he was expressing the sentiment of breaking uo and the selling of the I ^^s were Messrs Ward Harrison Iting "his sister M-sAl^MV^fT^"' '*"? members of the chu-ch in re,, home were sad events crowded in- ! -'^ Hamson. Ellwoo.^ Moore. Fred ctacnmei Bi'jt'injr 'the everar.oe of relations , fo three years time which she bore Miss Rene Cargoe was in town for that were so congenial to all. Mr.' bravely with Christian submission. the holiday. i McKenzie also hoped that M^. Har-j Leaving her old home she spent -ome Miss Mary Cameron of Toronto'''"'^'" ^'°^^^ '^^ ^^^ good-will and time with har son in New York. was a visitor in town over -},_^ood-feeling of the congregation with Coming west she lived in apartments holidav. i him >to his new field of labor am:, in Portage La Prairie, Man. -After % % I % PARIS GREEN CLIMAX BUG KILLER ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT WIRE FENCE STAPLES 1 CEME-\T, LIME PL-\STER F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton, Ont Mr. and .Mrs. F. W. Duncan and children were in Toronto over the lioliday. wished him to accept 'ha purT-e of [two years residence there she was money and hoped that it miirht be of '"»Jled t^c th-> IvdsiJe of her son. .Aus- 'ervice to him. In responding to a, tin, who later pas-sed away. Return- â-  hearty clap of the hands Mr. Har-i ^ng west she made here home wit:i j Mr. .Art Sutton of WoodforJ^jent 'â- ''"^*'' ^^^n'^e'l '^e congregation fori her daughter in Regina. wh.-re she - u-i:j-.- _-=^i I- , .. -. _ the' thoughtful ext>ression of friend- died following a stroke on June 26tii. j the holiday with his brother, Mr. S. ship. His stay in Flesherton haC _, , _ been a valuable experience fc- him. * T ,• . Semple and lady friend E.xpressicns of appreciation of hU of Islmeton spent the week end with work were given him from time to S""on. I time and he felt that his labors hao! On arrival of the noon train Mon- \ dav the funeral was held from St. j John's Uaitet: Church. IMjshertcn. j and was conducted by Rev. St. John ' of Markdale, giving comforting nies- 1 Sutton, of Mr. r Isli Mr. r.nd Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Patton of "?' altogether been in vain. Inj sages to the bereaved. Dr. Murray Toronto were viitors in town on Sat- *''* <^los.'ns remarks Mr. Harrower sang a solo "The Homeland." .Among nrday and Monday. | sta'ed that he was carrying away' those present from a distance were Rpv W T s: n *'''' *'''" many memories of pleasant ' Mr. -Alfred .\. Wright of New York. rr,r^J^A k ' u ^""^^ "^^O^'^n Sound compa-ionship enjoyed during his brother of the deceased, son W. Guv ^^'_^^. **•' -l'""^*^"''^ ^^"^^^ '0 »o^" stay in Flesherton. (and Mrs. Pickell and family of three On Saturday of last week a few,' of Paris, son R. Goldwin, wife ir..: of the friends and neighbors of Mrs. j two daughters of Brantford. Mrs. J. (Rev.) Harrower presented her with a silver "utility dish" c.-, i token o." love and remembrance of Flesherton. •Mrr' Irwin. Harry .A kins. Wesley White, Earl Best and Jack Large. Friends from a distance w?re Mrs. J. E. Large and sonis. Gerald. Ken- ''eth ant" Jack, of Niaga'a Falls: Mr. and Mrs. Gpo. Game Lucknow: Mr. and Mrs. W. Lare Mr. Walker '' r'ne and Mr-?. Alex. Treleaven. Rip- ley; Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn. River- vi?w .Mrs. W. Reiley and son. Mr. and Mrs. D. Riley and family: Mr and Mrs. Cousi'-s and family, .\llis- ton: Mr. and Mrs. R. Snider and Mr. V. Snider. Kitchener, and Mr. ^r. C. F. Lawrence is in Toronto L. G. Wells. Dresden. at prcjent. -â-  â€" The W. I. will hold a tea in the Mrs. E..-ing of South Porcupine P*'"'' °° Wednesday. July 10th. from spent the past week with her aunt. ''^*« '° -** P"â„¢' past Mrs. Mary Jami^son. The garbage man will call on Tues- daf. July 9th in the afternoon, to re- move your garbage. Kindly have it ready. -A silver collection will be taken. Everybody welcome. Dr. Robt. Morton of Pi'tsburg is holidaying with his parents on the Centre Line and visited friends in town. \. •^<~:•^-c«<-^♦<-^-M-c^K•^HX•<->:•^x-><-><<-^^ .9-^»*«4-0-9-5-8->-><-s-*-'-*"*^ Tuesday afternoon. Mr.?. 4. Harpel and daughter, Ruth, of Toron'o are vi.<!iting with the former's sister, Mrs. E. Trcmpe. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. White of Waiihan-i shene mr'-ored over and snent th° hr^'i-' dav with the letter's father, Mr. W.j J. Henderson. T'ne induction service.s of R-'v. W.' J. Scott are to be held this Thu idav' aftp'-'non nt 2.00 o'clock p. m. in St. John's United Church. i I y-. LaurV Fisher and Miss F-\v "McGcp of Torc-^to wej-o the gu<»s' â-  of, Mr. an>l Mr'?. .Ales. McEachnie over the week end. i Sfr. Jack Cairns. MacTier, and Mrs.] Alex. McDcnnld of Weston spent the n^st '"'eek with their ps -ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns. Tn the reror' of the Fleshe to- rmbli? school i" last i'tue we omitted the name of Geor<?c Boyd as having' passing into the Fourth class. \ Misscj Dosothy and Gwyeneth Cockburn of Toronto were visiters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Free- man for the past week. \ Messrs. Fred Hughes and Goi-don McVeen, accompanied by Miss Rose, of Toronto, .spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman. j I Ran Over By Wagon Jimmie Conn, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn. lO'h line. Osproy. had a rarrow escape from serious inju-y on Tuesday of last week. Ho wsn at- tempting to block the hind wheels o- >) wagor> loaded with gravel c- it w"\- being taken up the eanewav at the barn, and his feet slipped throwing him against 'he wheel as t*ie wagor was backing downward. The wheel passed over both legs, bruising tho"^j considerably, but fortunately little lad escaped further injury. essrs J. â-  <• ik-i * .A. I'rQuhart of Regica. Sas'.:.. M- ;. (Rev.) F. G. Stevens of Koostarak, Ifin.. and daughters. Mrs. Sweacy ol Brantford Mr. and Mrs. Causland and daughter of Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto. Her two daughters accompanied 'he remains East. One more pioneer of this part of Ontario has passed on to her reward. The pall bearers were Thihaudeau. C. .Arm.strong. J. Ersk- ; ^ en. Thos. Clayton. W. Trimble. Jas. ] •> L. McMuUen. The floral offerings **â-  of sympathv of wreaths and sprays were as follows: pillow, the family nillcw. Julia F -ank and firls, spray. ! Mfrgaret ar 1 John, wreath brother:- Alf and Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. Cair- '"'"lland. st.nff office of factory Kitchen- thel __ „ n r^.^ c„v Save Money! PUBL'C MEETING .A meeting is to be heM in the vlp^h'^-'tcn township b<<!l on Thursday •Tuiy 4'h at 8 p.m. Mr. Longshaw of To"onto. the government egg gr»der will be there to discuss the egg grad- ing system, and ether spe^Vei - will be present to speak along that line Everj-body is cordially invited tr 8'tend. â€" Mrs. .\. Stewart, Sec. Traffic on the nrcvincial highway over the week end was g -eater th'in ever before, and on Mond<»v wts .«t«11 Mp-^^d Mro O. G. Svne^ nnd Mi- heavier with those attending the hlg' I*o"p''"«' «'"' Master John Svmes of U.F.O. picn'c. - V Toronto wdre the guests of Mrs. H. M J »» .r. »T T.- 1. J Radlev recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson e.i- joyed n pleasant week end camping Mr. and- Mrs. W. H. Thurstrn spent near Gravenhurst. in comranv with '^^ '"'"^'' '^"^^^ ^'J'h their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and ^'"s- K- S:h.w. at Lions Head. Thoy daughter of Islington. •'*lso enjoyed a trip to Tobermory a: rv » nr ni 1 ii ^.i. ^ i **"* hf^!\.A of the Brucc Peninsula. Dr. A. W. Blackwell. the noted eye- j,;., Winnetta Shaw of Lions er Overall Co.. Schubert Cheir. c- '"iccrs and directors of Kitehener Ov- erall Co., HeRr>^ family. Duckett family. Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Smart. {?. Cook and Millie, Marnret -Arm- -trong. W.C.T.r. QuAprelle district W.C.T.L'.. Carmichaels Ladies' .Aid. $ ; ♦ 'I Have Your Bread Delivered Buy Eleven Tickets for One Dollar Pinder's Puritv Bread is Best I (y ^.M>><K><><<'><><><><~>^<->->4'4><*<><><><><><><><><~^^ •>.>.{-«->->♦•><*♦>«->♦♦♦♦<-»* S! !X sight specialist of Toronto, will be a: the Park Hotel. Tuesdav, Scientific fitted. Julv E>'h. eye examination; glasses Head rf'-'med with tern for a fortnight's wit. Master Frank .Andersen of Oshawn is spendiny a week with his aunt. Mrs. H. Freeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mr. Alf. Harrison motored to Sheri- dan, N. Y.. last wee'.; r.nd visited rel- atives, t'nere. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Beaupre of Kitchener, a bride and groom las: veek. visited over the Week end with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rusntadler. Prior to his departure for the West on Tuesday Mr. Sheldon Myers was presented with a club bag and onyx ring by the citizens of Flesherton. as a token of their esteem. Best wish- es were extended to him for a safe trip. >^â„¢g^Miâ€" i^» At the mission circle me'tin? on *. * » * ! Tuesday afternoon. Mr«. (Rev. j In Our Men's _ Saunder.i was the re?ipient of a beautiful silver sake dish. Mrs. (D'- ) Ottcwell nade the presentation, and Mrs. Saunders replied in a vary fitt!rr:ly manner. | ".:-'. Bessie Sincl-'ir of Owen Sound was the guest of Mrs. C. .Mwns of Snringhill over the hol'dnv •'nd rteliirhted the congregation of the Un- ited Church at the morning service with a hoautiful soprano solo. | Cfd of Thanps T.OT.. No. 2SS5, Flesherton. will hold thei- annual church parade on S«n<'av evening next, when Rev. J. Scott will oreach to the Or"»nge wen in the I'niteii Ch»«rch. Members ©f ladies' lodges and all Orangemen are invited to meet at the Lodge room at 6.30 p.m. and join in the )i«rvic«. on " > w. I ge- ^ Wear Department Fine Straw Hats, special at $1.50 Men's Caps, up to date at $1.3S A $!.$• Peabody Overhauls, heavy black, blue $2.25 Cambray Shirts for 95cts. Kncy Check- Shirts from $1.25 to $165 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Stor«vCIos«d Tuesday and Friday at 6 pjn. j .. I WASH DRESSES Ladies, Misses and Children Xew Snappy Styles in fast color prints, muslins, batishes etc., in a big^ range diti«rreiit colors and pointed designs. All this season's productions. ot Special low prices. Ladies' sizes SI. 4') Misses' sizes. 13 to li Children's sizes 8 to 14 years for $1.39 vears > lor $1.39. SPECIAL OFFERING IN CREPES AND RAYONS A large assortment of Fancy Printed Crepes and Rayons in floral designs, spot:^ and small patterns. Just the thing for to $1.35. Specially Triced 89c. per yd. MEN'S SHIRT SPECIAL - $1.39 suinnier dresses. Regular vahies- SEE WINDOW DISPLAY! -SI 1^ Clearance of a number of popular lines, coat style, mostly neat striped patterns. Regtilar $1.75. $2.00. $2.25 and $2.50, values are included and the sizes represent- ed are 14. 15. IS'X and 16. SPECIAL $1.39. some with separate collars. All are perfect goods and negligee unsoiled. •«^ SUMMER SPECIALTIES Hatchway Underwear â€" $1.25 to $1.75 Balbriggan Combinations â€" $1. to $1.75 Men's Cotton Bathing Surts â€" from 75c. to $1.25 Wool Bathing Suits â€" from $2.25 to $2w5 Men's Coatless Braces â€" 50c. New Straw Hatsâ€" ^l.OO to $2.?5 Men's Holeproof Hosiervâ€" 50c. to $1.00 Mens Leather Beltsâ€" 75c. to $1.00 Men's New .\ec4cwear â€" 50c. to $1.50 Mens Cloth Capsâ€" $1.00 to $2.50 , F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Xi ->â- >->

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